
Chapter 267: Attack of the Words

A͇t͇e͇n͇t͇a͇d͇o͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇l͇a͇s͇͇ ͇P͇a͇l͇a͇b͇r͇a͇s͇

It was about to happen, the plan of the people who were already fed up with living in a country like theirs, they feel that it is not what it appears to be, actually most of the world who do not know the country, think it is one more of the First World, that already for having more technology than the others, for being supposedly respectful, doing things in order and in group, they already catalog it as they call it nowadays, a good country. But it is not like that, history has already shown many times the true face of its people, before they were not like that, they were patriotic people, who committed impure acts, their own culture described it, murderers and masters of hunting, empires that were governed by rulers that yes, not all of them will have been bad, but their acts are remembered, what is most talked about, those who really know it. It is that they did not want to stop, they were willing to condemn their people and people, just to have the glory, the other nations had no choice, but to stop their violence and think, from there will have been the change...besides the above I said, they consider their country, a quiet and peaceful place and loving animations, having family and children...they are no longer important for young people today, a strong nation of millions of people, now it was a quiet and peaceful place with a low birth rate never seen before.

『If light is born in the darkness, why no one thinks, that among all that peace, there is someone who wants the darkness to resurface, someone different will always be born in the wrong place, among the weeds, a flower will be born, that little by little will turn the horrendous landscape into a field of flowers, just like among the field of flowers, vines will be born, that if you don't act, they will end up destroying and turning chaos』-『Doesn't it bother you, that there is too much order? 』

Na had spoken, giving reasons and a speech to his special people, it was clear to him when his true self came out, he knows that his country of origin has potential to be one of the worst cases ever seen, they just need a push, a chain reaction, if someone else does it, another and another and another will appear, it may start being a small crime, a theft, a robbery, but if it goes on like this, the influence will reach who is really bad in the head and just like them, gets tired of showing himself as society needs him. To return to the origins would be too much, even for him it is cruel, Na only wants, a spark, a small darkness, that is always and never can be erased from history.

His special men, motivated by the words of their boss, had placed even more red lights in different areas of the Midori no Happa Mall, were they just simple flashing lights? or was it something even more special as they prepared it. Only the last piece was missing, that when he gave the notice that he had already implanted it, he would start his first attack on peace.

Cliston and Yushi were having a good time, to see how in the seat, the little sister was playing moving her legs for the fun of the conversation, was something entertaining and comforting for the Frenton, the only thing that had him worried, is that he ended up sweating more than he thought, especially for what recently, all this led him to an action that he was forbidden before coming here and it was.

『(Chuta, I felt like scratching my balls)』.

Seeing her worried face trying to resist the itch, it was funny, although if she was as a male she wouldn't do it either, since, who in the middle of so many people, is going to start scratching her parts, and what's scary, is that if there are people who do it, we just have to be lucky not to run into those kind of people. Tomeo and Jiro watched from the second floor of the mall, he was finally able to calm his son who wouldn't stop crying, when he managed to look that they were still together, he decided better to make his son not to watch, as he would start crying more.

『Where is turtle....I want to look at her....maybe I will get well if I see my girlfriend....turtle ....afksjfjsksf Dad ajkjfsjkhgrs I want to see turtle』

『I think they already left, we'd better come back another day (my son doesn't know how to treat women)』.

I'm sure he'll be thirsty, Tomeo thought when he noticed that his son's voice was already getting hoarse from crying so much, so before continuing with his tour, he would go buy him a soda and it was from Jiro's favorite super hero, when he heard this, he quickly stopped crying and smiled enthusiastically, this kid really forgets things quickly, well, it will serve him well when he gets older.

『What's wrong with you? Why are you making that face? Oh, don't tell me you got Andres? 』

Yushi was asking deducing what was going on, since Cliston did not avoid moving his legs trying to calm his agony, Yushi saw this as his day came, but what day is he talking about? if Cliston is a boy, whatever, Yushi quickly suggested him to go to the bathroom as soon as possible, but Cliston refused to accept the offer, maybe with time he will disappear by himself.

『If you leave him alone he will get even worse, you have what it takes right? no? this idiot, I'll be right back bringing him, wait here』('・ω・`).

『But what are you talking about Yushi, I just want to scratch』(;'д`)ゞ.

When he realized, his friend was no longer with him, he still does not know what he means by the above said, but the urge to scratch his parts increased more, he is sweating, good thing his skirt serves as a ventilation, but this would not calm him down, earlier he already thought of going to the bathroom, but, which bathroom should he go to, he cannot enter the boys' one, and he would feel very sorry if he entered the girls' one, he would not feel comfortable, in this kind of situation, he does not know what to do. He had already returned Yushi, who found Cliston as already putting his hand on her belly.

『It's annoying you a lot, if you don't want to go to the bathroom alone, then I'll go with you』.

『Huh? What are you going to do?』

It was already clear to him, nor did it cost Yushi to think of taking Cliston's hand, if he didn't want to go to the toilet on his own, then he is going to accompany him, this made Fatty even more scared and alarmed, that he put weight so that he couldn't be moved, that he doesn't want to repeat the scene again. They were like that for a while, but it seems that Yushi took her patience to the limit and quickly became alert, like a warning lightning, she turned to look at Cliston with a look of being angry or would be, which Cliston was not surprised, she even found her friend's way of acting funny, she was going to tell her, but before she says something, Yushi told her to shut up, she concentrated especially on her ears and eyesight, pointing that there was something on the Tree, Cliston didn't look well, so she could only notice how there is something red appearing and disappearing on the trunk.

『Hey Yushi, what's that flashing on the tree...is it a decoration?』

『I doubt very much that it's a decoration, now that I look around, don't you think that the same people have passed by the same place?』

Both were left wondering what was going on, quickly the alarm sound would be heard all over the mall, this made all the people who were inside, already doing their shopping, attending to people, or just strolling or taking it as a quick shortcut, get caught up in the whole imbroglio. After seconds of the warning sound was heard very loud, static or banging sounds from the different speakers that were there.

『Can you hear me? ALV!!! There is a speaker nearby!!!! Yes it sounds loud, even better, this is our first attempt to change the country, if we achieve what we set out to do it will be a great change for the world, for those who still do not have it clear, we are going to take the Midori no Happa center, we are going to vandalize it, but you know the good news of all this? We won't be the only ones to do it! Tell me who else is tired of this life you lead? Wouldn't you like, for a moment, to do bad things?』

Someone was talking in the area of surveillance and security cameras, he had taken over the place on his own, you could see how the people working there were passed out, there was even an officer who was guarding him, but he was unconscious anyway, whoever this person was, he had no problem to infiltrate, his voice was of a young man, he seems to be using some kind of voice filter, so it is not known for sure, everyone became nervous and afraid, outside, the few officers who were guarding the place, were entering to find out what was going on, where quickly these were knocked out or intercepted by the special people.

『I do not know the bad things I want to do in the rest of my life, but I think, I will not live 3 years from now, life itself ended up destroying me completely, so now that I can do whatever I want without anyone watching me or intervene, start the chaos and destruction! I don't care what happens in the future, if with the little that I can live we can change the world, we have to do it! They have no choice, they have no way out』.

This person in the control area, maneuvered as if he already knew what he was doing, the mall has a security system so that all the doors leading to the outside, suddenly closed, metal doors appeared on them, preventing the passage and exit, the people who were nearby, quickly became alarmed, and the first thing they would try would be to hit hard these, asking to be rescued or helped, but it seems that here does not end everything, as the speakers were still transmitting the voice.

『At this very moment, in different locations you will see a few policemen tied up and with their mouths covered, who would have left them there??? ahh!!!! I don't know, well, it was us, the special people, tell me, what does our country do and teach you when someone is in danger, come on, tell me and do it』.

Just as the voice said, there were officers one by one spread out, these were the typical police officers of the country, they were skinny, weak, they were the law in this country full of peace, that being always like that for a long time, the safety of the people also didn't require that much, what there was most was free hand robbery, so a thin officer but with a good stamina and physique was enough, for years, there was never an officer who really did command respect.

People did not know what to do, there was the officer who moved from one side to another without getting anywhere, quickly by the words of the voice, people commented that they should help him, at first they hesitated, but their country, growth, manners and respect, taught them that you should always help those who need it. But before the people released the officers, a simple prayer stopped everything.

『You plan to help murderers? 』

The people who were already extending their hand, stopped, the officers were left confused, but since they couldn't speak or move, you could only hear them rolling around and trying to say something that couldn't be understood, so it would still speak even more voice.

『Don't you know...before we started our plan, we have studied everything, even the officers who were working today guarding the place, there are 4 officers in total, the one at the main entrance, next to the gadgets and decorations store, Koyama Masako, 28 years old, a policewoman who has served for 6 years, you will see her and say, poor thing, she is tiny and looks helpless, how can someone so adorable work for the police? Isn't the answer obvious? Scam, defamation, Koyama Masako, knew that being a policeman nowadays is a simple thing, she knew that both her superiors and bosses let their guard down easily, she would take advantage of the blindness of peace, to seduce and cajole them to live a comfortable life, doing nothing or doing little, and whoever does not dare to help her, she will denounce him for harassment, thus ruining the life of anyone, she takes advantage of the dumb police and the law for the protection of women? You thought you were so smart, didn't you? I told you they were all murderers, remember? listen to this』

After bringing to light the things that this officer was doing, you could notice how from the beginning, people began to doubt about who was lying on the floor, it was easy to think that the voice was lying, but when looking at the police, she looked well cared for and without any damage, a good body, a good face, she even had her own hair style, with what they judged for themselves and the words that the voice said, and now with the audio that was showing. You could hear how a female voice, who for sure was the female officer, was trying to seduce his commander, who at first refused, even told him to cover his chest, seeing that it did not work his actions and already annoyed because he wanted things simple, She had no better than to take a picture and threaten him that she would denounce him if he did not promote him, the officer by the audios, looked fair since he refused and even made him face that if he denounces him, he would not stand idly by, so POM! ! A gunshot was heard and how someone was stealing the officer's body saying "Yay, easy money, next week I'll play with some rookie officer."

『WUAU!!!! HAHAHA that's what a dirty rat you are, what's wrong? you're going to cry because you were found out what you were doing? you know very well who has the truth, you better go do everything you can to be believed』

After listening to the audio, the people who were close to her, the people who surrounded her to help her, she quickly felt the heavy look of everyone, they didn't want to help her, they didn't want to rescue her, not even others directed a look or word to her, but those who did, They began to accuse her of being a slut, of being a whore, of being a shitty person, while the officer was crying on the floor, with her head shaking she wanted to speak to defend herself, she wanted to deny that all this never happened and that she really wanted this job because she appreciated it very much. She begged from her being, her soul screamed that she was not like people think, but what she ended up doing battle was "murderer"...When she heard this, everything fell apart, looking at people, now it scared her, that distrust and that they see you as the worst they have ever seen, it will be something she will not be able to forget.

『Now let's move to the second floor, in the area of games and machines, Okada Tara, 58 years old, incredible, among all he is the one who was serving his job and country the most years, anyone would think that this is a good guy for his age, right? In all his life, he could only become a commander, what a high position don't you think? but then, why a guy like him was guarding a center like this? isn't it a job for idiots and useless people? right? Okada Tara? It's simple!!! When he became commander, he abused his authority to the rookies and inferiors!!!! He never gave them rest, he gave them more working hours, he sent them difficult tasks, you remember when you sent a rookie officer to patrol the outskirts of the city? in the middle of a storm? do you know what happened? the boy ended up dying from a landslide, and instead of accepting the blame, you tried to cover it up and blamed someone else for his bad actions, physical abuse, verbal abuse, you practiced shooting alone, and the targets were your rookies, right? who else knows if they are still alive because of your bad behavior, besides, he is a pedophile』.

The adult, already entering the final stretch of his life, was also tied with his mouth closed, the people, seeing that he was already an elderly man, released him as soon as they saw him, but when the voice began to speak, the people quickly gagged him again and immobilized him without the opportunity to oppose. When they finished what the voice said, one of the people commented that there were photos on the floor with the officer, when they reviewed them well, they saw that they were of him with his misdeeds and misdeeds, people were frightened by the evidence they had, while others destroyed the photos, since it was true that he was a pedophile. Listening to all of the above and watching how, out of desperation, his appearance was distorted, he appeared to be a deranged and crazy guy. People looked at him badly, they accused him of being a bad commander, not because you have power you can abuse those who do not, the reproach and rejection, the adult made him lose hope, he saw how a little boy was also in the crowd, but quickly people covered his eyes while saying "Stop looking at the children, you fucking Pedophile" "You are a monster" "You deserve to die for your actions" He could do nothing, unable to speak, unable to look, unable to move a muscle in his body, only to hear how people hated him like never before, to see an adult cry, is something that is not supposed to be enjoyed.

『AH! Sorry! shouldn't I have said pedophile...or left the evidence nearby...I think I should have kept that secret from you, but anyway, you deserve for playing nice. On the third floor, you can find a new father, Tanaka Kenji, 35 years old, how nice, he had his son a month ago, congratulations! It's nice to have your first son! of course, if it were true what I said, this officer you see here, he has been living 2 lives for a long time, he couldn't resist the temptation, he is one of those who think that one is not enough, how about your first son? he should be 15 years old right? tell me? when was the last time you saw him? and the mother? do you know how she is? ah! you don't want to see her because she became fat and irritating attitude! true!!!! she was not the same!!!! Doesn't together forever not work for you right? !!!! This guy ran away from his first family because things weren't what they used to be, a fat woman who doesn't listen to me or cook? Better a submissive, who has big tits and a lot of ass!!!! A woman who does listen to me and does what I say!!!! TRUTH!!!! TANAKA KENJI!!!! Don't you remember the screams of your first wife? how you beat her and abused her? EH!!! And your son, not even respect for the youngest, that you also beat him when you saw that he did not turn out as you expected!!!!! You already paid the child support? when was the last time? 5 years ago right? oh! it was just when you met the bitch that will do your stuff right? TELL ME HOW IT FEELS TO BE RATTED OUT BY SOMEONE ELSE!!!』

The voice spoke with force and truth, the officer father could do nothing, he tried to free himself but simply could not, you could see how he moved his mouth, but quickly received the rejection of all, especially by women and mothers who were nearby. While the young people who were nearby, looked at him as the worst example and the person they would not like to become one day. He was very angry, as this with the movement of his head, denied everything he just said, but it was useless, even if he could speak, he was already in the minds of people, forgetting bad things is one of the worst defects we have. But the voice would not end here, he would continue talking.

『Do you know why he didn't fulfill the pension? Because he doesn't see it as necessary! What's the use of feeding someone who by his own decision is no longer among us! Help me please, give the people the papers that confirm it』.

An unknown man, for sure he was one of the special people, had a bunch of papers in hand and was handing them to different people who were in the place, what were the papers, they were reports of mistreatment and abuse, alimony, accompanied by more cases in which he was involved, people seeing this and having it in hand, more believed in the real ones that showed the voice.

The young people who were in the area of games and machines had it clear, the decision made by the boy of the story, was evident, these with fear grabbed their heads saying to themselves that they will be able to resist thanks to the fact that they have a good family. The other people also understood, they began to throw whatever they had at hand, whether food, sticks, the same garbage cans, some took off their shoes to throw it at him, in the end, the man would be reproached by everyone, he was no longer upset, he was just thinking, to see his family and baby, to forget this moment, if he can.

『Last, fourth floor! Fourth? there was a fourth level? it turned out to be bigger than I thought, I think it has a lower floor too, if only we had a fifth cop *sigh* Maeda Kosei, 20 years old, the youngest of them all, this one just became a cop just this very year, what do you think he's been doing all this time? NOTHING! absolutely nothing! I wish it was like that. As the police do not need high studies to be able to work, it was the only option he had if he wanted to live here, he had already been arrested before for petty theft and robbery, even a firearm was found on one occasion, when they finally caught him, he was just a minor, so they took him to a prison of the same, there you know what he did? If he could not do anything outside, then inside he would have everything, he was not like the others, he had more strength and a great character without shame, he was not afraid to walk, a personality that does not flinch, this led him to be the most important and feared in the prison. For his entertainment, he himself organized fights where he can have fun, because he knew that no one could beat him, boasting that he came from a much more dangerous place than them』.

The voice was talking non-stop, while this 20 year old officer, he was the only one with his head covered by a black bag, he was moving like a worm, people wondered how he had so much strength not to stop for a moment. Hearing what he was saying about him, people were moving away because of how dangerous the guy was, because if you look at his body and build, he was much stronger than everyone present.

『Do you know what happened in one of those fights? He ended up killing a minor, even though he didn't want to fight and begged for his life, his strong character told him not to stop, his bloody fist again and again against his face, until his head simply stopped, they had no choice but to send him to a much more serious prison, here he could control himself, but he still ended up doing his thing in the prison, when he finally got out of his rehabilitation, what do you think he did? he played the good guy! out of nowhere! I WANT TO BE A POLICEMAN AND DO GOOD! Do good he says! He was just another guy who wanted to take advantage of others by force, he is a cop so he would be the perfect excuse to commit a crime and the law is on your side!!! What are you going to do to me? I'm strong, I have more character? you talk to me again and I'll smash your head, and look at my gun? I have the right to use it, I can even pretend that a stray bullet was dropped on me MY GOD!!!!! The sewer rat that infiltrated!!!』


Someone was heard shouting, the voice and everyone stopped because of how sudden it was, the officer with his face covered, was talking, all this time he has been trying to free himself from the duct tape he had in his mouth, he bit it off until he took it off. Quickly the young officer denied everything he had said, saying that they were pure lies and that things were never like that, that it is true that he was in a prison, but that he did not do bad things there, he was able to rehabilitate himself by leaving early and with the little he had, he made an effort to repair his mistake and finally became a policeman. When the officer spoke, his voice sounded strange, it was as if he had an accent rarely heard, and when he became more nervous, he would say words that no one understood.


『What am I saying lies? you know very well that if you were arrested for stealing with a gun right? tell me, what am I lying about? We are very patriotic people at heart!!!! Who is going to believe you if you can't even speak our language well!!! Being the only one who knows you, you want to make yourself strong so you can survive, but based on pure strength? and tell me what if there is an even superior force, let me tell you the answer, your life will end there, please someone take the bag away and judge for yourselves』.

The voice had proposed something that no one wanted to do, but the officer also said to take the bag from him, that way he could tell them the whole truth of what is happening, a single person walked to the front of everyone to take the bag from him, he was nervous and worried, he was dying of fear his hand was shaking, when he took the bag from him, everyone could see his face, yes, he was dark, with curly hair like sheep, the eyes and face, were not like theirs. Quickly the officer was angry, you could tell how his arms were about to break the ropes, he was just as the voice said, he was feisty and would not shut up at all.


POMMMMM!!!!! Quickly the officer felt a strong blow in the stomach, this left him without air and spitting saliva for a few minutes, he did not understand what was happening, he thought that if they uncovered his face, he could clarify things, but the only thing he found was people from Asia who looked at him as if they were throwing him out of his country, they did not look at him, they avoided making eye contact with him, as if they did not want to stain themselves with a guy like him, where the voice continued with his words.

『That's right, his real name is José Luis Gutiérrez de la Cruz, he invaded or better said, he is an illegal immigrant who arrived thanks to a ship from some country in America, he has a background since he was very young, he sold substances that are prohibited in many places in the world, when he arrived he did what made him survive in his country of origin, steal and steal to survive, you think you are a cop? you got your nationality for living more than 5 years? you want to rebuild your life now in a positive way that you were given a chance? Well, I have news for you! The past will always haunt you』.

When the voice finished speaking, you could hear how the blows against the immigrant continued, not all of them, but the few that did hit him, did it with force, he was complaining in his original language, he was very frustrated and angry, he did not cry to contain himself, but the words of the voice, the past always chases you, were echoing in his head, this man simply relaxed and let people do what they want with him, what's the use of complaining when you know the truth, but this is very frustrating.

If what the special people wanted was to destroy the reputation and lives of these people, they got it, if what they wanted was for people to be on their side and of the same mind, or even if they have shown a spark of what they are like, then they got it. Quickly from what the immigrant officer was crying, Tomeo had quickly arrived to stop them, he pushed the people away, he pushed them aside while checking that he did not have any lethal blow on the officer, he did not even have the strength to speak, he asked only in his original language that he wants to return home.

『HOYGAN YOU GUYS!!!! What do you think you're doing! Hitting him will only make us look worse! It's obvious that everything that voice said is a lie』

Tomeo started to defend him from the people, but they were so annoyed that their eagerness to keep hitting him did not stop, they commented that this is what he deserves, that they don't want people like him in their peaceful country.

『But.... our country and people gave him another chance, I will not let you destroy the good works we do, I will defend him for my duty, for my people, for my family, and for my dream』.

Tomeo had planted himself on the site, this for his work and dreams, he could not allow this to continue to happen, this took off the coat he had, just as he took off his tie, there was only him, with his shirt, a little pansy, his mustache always combed, and the classic black pants of family fathers. He doesn't know if this will turn out well, but right now is not time to doubt, most people were against him for helping the immigrant, but the only one and who will always have his support is Jiro, who this proud looked at his father seeing how he acts a true Hero.

『My father is amazing!!! I can't just stand by and do nothing! Here I come!!!』

『If you want to get hurt then go ahead, I'll even cheer for you when you get killed 』.

Jiro stopped from how excited he was, hearing this young girl's voice, he quickly thought it through, and he doesn't want to receive any harm or feel pain, Jiro was saying to himself that for this time he will let his father do all the work, that he only acts when the real villain appears. But just thinking that he faltered, he felt like crying again, that he was running into the arms of this young girl.

『Hey brat don't come near me, I was asked to watch over you, not comfort you, though maybe if I do, I can ask your father for money』.

Jiro was stopped by Konomi's hand before he is hugged by him, she was just taking a walk on the fourth level when all this started, she saw in person how the immigrant's case was, she knew it, from the beginning that all this, is to make people think other things, but is Konomi obliged to do something? no, it is a lot of work, it would be a big problem, but before her simple look, Tomeo had appeared who asked her to watch his son while he was going to help the officer.

『There it is, it's always going to appear who does the good deed, I didn't have to be me this time, so I can consider that I won』.

Konomi saw that Jiro was on his side, this was the boy he had to watch, since he was asked to do so and because of the situation, he will have to do so, but he quickly got the urge to do so when he heard that the boy said to him.

『You're very pretty』

『¿? At least you have a good eye brat, but if you say that to me again, I'll throw you to the dogs』.

It was like help was coming, Cliston and Yushi had heard everything from the big tree, quickly Yushi was saying that we have to stop all this, Cliston was also saying to himself that he has to do something, but the thing is, he doesn't know what exactly he has to do.

『We have to help them, that's what we have to do』.

It was obvious, but since Cliston's head doesn't process when quick decisions are needed, he would quickly run to help the officers, but he noticed when he turned his gaze that Yushi had remained standing in place, he had no choice but to go back to her.

『You said we have to help them, are you afraid...me too...maybe, I think it's more doubts than fear....but will you be alright alone? 』

『Yes, I can defend myself very well, but what I need now, is for you to give me an order』.

Cliston was weirded out by Yushi's request, the word order is something he's been hearing a lot from her this day, since there was no time and he has to act, Cliston was asking with a friendly gesture that Yushi go help people.

『Understood Clistina』

『I wonder when you will stop calling me that way』.

When he looked ahead, he could no longer visualize Yushi, he had to search with his quick look and luckily he could find her, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing, Yushi was very agile, too agile, the style in which she ran and jumped higher than normal, had left the frenton surprised, he didn't know if he should consider her a little girl, or a little agile girl, but, isn't that the same thing? Cliston realized that he was wasting his time, if he was going to help, he would have no choice but to pass to his God Form, really? you start doubting everything in the most tense moments? BOOMM!!!! Before he knew it, several places in the Midori no Happa mall, had suffered red bursts, it was like a red dust or flour that flooded the places, quickly Cliston covered his mouth, and eyes...it doesn't seem to affect so much, but this made him have reduced vision, especially for the one who doesn't look very well from far away.

『Come on!!! Those who are with us!!! It's time to commit our sin!!!』

From all the red dust, men with respiratory masks came out, this so as not to be harmed by the environment, were there so many special men...for indeed many appeared all over the mall.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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