
Chapter 263: Enemy of Words

D͇e͇c͇l͇a͇r͇a͇c͇i͇ó͇n͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇l͇a͇s͇͇ ͇P͇a͇l͇a͇b͇r͇a͇s͇

Today he was due for a check up on his fracture in Cliston's arm, he was planning on taking advantage of being in passing to spend some time with the kids, at least to take his mind off everything that is going on. To get back to that little time when he knew nothing and took it all in his stride, something that I doubt he will return to for a long time. But due to the mischief of both Raku and Jomei, these two children had to receive their lesson, they would receive a lecture from the nurse who was taking care of Cliston. Which by the young man's thinking, he took it as a waste to miss this opportunity, with nothing else to do he would have to go straight back home, even if he still had some free time until the time his mother told him. He didn't feel like going back home so soon, as things simply weren't like they used to be.

Cliston as he walked through the hospital corridors, while checking his cell phone, for days now and he feels it will be from now forever, on the top, he had an alarm or else set what time he has to come back, he doesn't want to worry his mother, so he will have no choice but to be a good boy.

『I have to start doing something to stop things from going on like this, I should help my mother to be confident to the world again, but even if I am there for my mother, if I don't make the world change, they will be attacking us anyway..... a problem I didn't see reappeared....but how many things are still waiting for me...』

While walking dejected, he did not expect it, but he would end up meeting Konomi, who seems to be visiting the hospital, normally this sister, does not like to meet people who know her, especially when she is doing her things, she notices them more as a nuisance, she prefers to avoid them if she can, but when it is already evident the encounter, she simply accepts it and let things go as they should.

『Oh, hello <frenton>』

<Translator: frenton means to have a big forehead>

Konomi was the first to greet her, which Cliston would greet her back, they stayed for a few seconds without saying a peep, as they were both walking around with their cell phones in hand, you could only hear the little notification sounds from them.

『¿? It ends here? perfect, I didn't feel like talking anyway, bye bye 』.

Konomi was retreating from the site, leaving Cliston's mouth shut, due to the fact that he was shocked by what he just saw. His shock was so strong that his eyes widened in an instant, but he would soon regain his composure, standing in front of Konomi blocking his way, and as if he was a small child, he would bombard him with questions.

『¡¡¡?????? But what are you doing here Konomi-san??』-『Are you hurt??? You can't be????』-『???? So even someone like you can suffer, uhmm.... for some reason it scares me』-『Or someone you know is hospitalized????? Don't tell me that!!!! I can't think of anyone who might be hospitalized xdxdxd』

He was like a little kid asking about nonsense, that's how Konomi saw him at this moment, that quickly she was already feeling uncomfortable because of all the questions her friend was asking her.

『I see if you felt like talking anyway....But I'm kind of busy, we'll leave it for another day your questions (I don't plan to say anything to her)』.

Konomi wanted to leave the hospital as fast as possible so she wouldn't have to put up with Cliston anymore, she would try to dodge the Fatty, but he would quickly get in front of her, again Konomi would try to pass on the other side, but she would be blocked again by the boy, you could already feel the annoyance Konomi was feeling for being involved in her friend's actions. It really seemed like they were playing something, as they were doing it for at least a minute.

『Hey greaseball, we're not playing anything for your information』.

『Seriously? I thought you were humoring me xdxdxd』

『(I certainly can't handle these idiots)』.

So in a moment of carelessness, Konomi could see a free gap, which she took advantage of it to be able to get away with it, she managed to retake her free path overtaking Cliston, who she was glad because she will finally be able to leave the Hospital. While Fatty was happy and satisfied that at least he could have a little fun, although he knows that what he did annoyed her a little, but he hopes that this has also amused Konomi a little, since it is difficult to interact with her and get along well.

『Yeah, I still want to do more things before I go back』-『Rino will be in the hospital? oh!!!! I know, how about I look for the girl who was with him that time, even though he said she was his little sister, although now that I think about it, she was wearing a weird outfit like out of this world, yeah, it's enough for me to talk to someone to distract me, so』.

But so quickly he finished his words, now the one in front of him was Konomi, and with a look of not wanting to do it but having to do it anyway, Konomi forced a smile that even any fool would notice, while with her hand she would point to him how about they sit down and talk about anything, really, Konomi felt very obliged.

『How about we talk for a little while in that seat (I don't plan to let this guy interact with her, especially with all the stuff you're into, I don't want you to harm her)』.

Konomi was worried that a certain person knows Cliston, because if so, she too would be involved in the abuse and harassment, already these people proved that they don't even have respect for people who are hospitalized. Literally Konomi saw it as sacrificing herself to protect her friend.

『(I'm going to charge you for this....)』

Cliston at this got a sweat on his forehead, he already realized that if he was really bothered by what he did to her earlier, seeing Konomi's forced face of wanting to be nice, it was noticeable and even scary.

『Ahh....if you were bothered by what I did, I'm really sorry, no no, I think I'd better go now.. yeah....』('∀`;)

『Let's talk for a while, shall we?』( ; ಠ ಠ )

Because of Konomi's attitude and the discomfort she felt, Cliston had no choice but to accept, they were both sitting on the seat, in the end Cliston did get what he wanted, to talk to someone, but this one wanted it to end as soon as possible, after feeling forced, Konomi gave a sigh commenting that nothing else can be done, she felt like accepting the situation, being the one who initiated with the conversation.

『And tell me Frenton, huh? why are you shaking? I'm not going to do anything bad to you or anything, always when I talk to one of you, you feel like in danger, that's exactly why I didn't like talking to you, how are things going? although I guess bad, I don't even know why I say the most obvious thing』.

Cliston would be taking a breath to try to calm down, but seeing Konomi who was already calm, he decided to be calm too. He would go on to tell her things as they go, he was even a bit more specific on some topics and what personal he doesn't know what he has to do, where Konomi's response was.

『Yes, the truth does not surprise me』-『People and these movements, they just act as they please at the moment, their little brain is so small that they do the first thing that outrages them, it really bothers me a lot the people who first act and do not measure how much they harm others, stick your business up your ass you fucking idiots, who cares about your opinions, it is not you who is going through the problem, if you are not able to help, better not even get involved』.

Cliston reacted with mild surprise upon hearing this, as it seemed more like a personal opinion on a certain topic that Konomi seems to know a lot about, who sister apologized to the place for having to talk that way, only to lower her head again indignantly at the situation.

『Ten sure you are not the only one going through this Frenton, if you knew how many people, the world caused them so much damage, they are a minimal case and even I would take it unimportant, you know I am of if they do not mess with me, I do not care, but when they mess with what I care about, if I am willing to do many things』-『You were looking for the opinion of others regarding the issue? is what I would do if I didn't know what to do, well, is there anything else you want to talk about, I need to get to the mall before some random takes the job I'm thinking about taking』

Konomi was very direct as she always has been, who Cliston always found this Konomi way of being very cool, she doesn't hesitate to show that even insensitive side she has with other people and what she thinks. Sister Nanase had already got up from her seat, and taking advantage of the fact that there is a soda machine, she would buy one until she heard her friend's answer.

『Ah! yes, I'd better say it now, since later I know I'll pay more attention to a random question than what I find myself doing. Are you here for a visit, or do you have a problem?』

Konomi had already placed her coin, she was looking at the refreshments to know which one to choose, while she would be pressing the buttons, she was already clear about her answer, to Cliston's question.

『I thought I distracted you from that doubt, well, let's say that, it brings me so many problems to the one I visit, I would have preferred to come on a daily basis or every 2 days, but in the job I was previously, my schedule did not allow me to be able to be in visiting hours, nor when there were no classes, it was already too late, but well, I already completed a month in that job and I did not like it at all. You should already know that I am not going to give you a clear answer to how you want it』.

He had already left his drink ready to pick it up, but when he realized that the machine was still giving him the option to choose another drink, this seemed strange to Konomi, but then he became alarmed and put his hand in his black jacket pocket. Realizing he slipped in a coin of more value than he thought.

『.....Yes good things happen to you Frenton, come and choose which drink you want, I now if I have to go』.

Konomi withdrew while opening his drink, who Cliston after listening to Konomi's way of talking, this was like he came back to himself, and bowed to ask for thanks, while he laughed and smiled for the luck he had, but was it really luck or did Konomi do it on purpose? Of what doubt, it was obviously a mistake on Konomi's part to give a coin of more value, she is not so good or charitable as to pay for the needs of others. While Cliston was thinking about what drink to take, he got a notification to the general chat that his family has, which made him smile because of how entertaining it can be.

While Konomi was already walking out of the hospital building, she realized that the crowd was still outside protesting like apes, which discouraged the sister, who prefers to leave through the hospital's borders, which also have an exit, rather than directly through the main exit. She felt that if she went through all those people, she would end up being pushed or even trampled by them. This is not at all what happened to Maya.

『Look at them, screaming like monkeys, it even makes me want to throw a banana at them, I would if I had one』( ̄ω ̄).

But before her thought, she managed to hear as Cliston called her name, who this one was coming running with his cell phone lifting it, as fast as this one appeared, the crowd made even more fuss, it was like her mere presence of Cliston, made the blood boil of all those people who were against her. Konomi worried about this, they went from being mindless monkeys to mindless gorillas. The officers who were guarding the place quickly felt the force of the people, who wanted to force their way into the hospital.

『Eh? Why are they scanning-----』

Quickly, Konomi carried Fatty on his shoulder to hide him inside the hospital, already inside, Konomi would be complaining him how can he be so careless to show himself like that to those foolish people, who Cliston didn't understand what was going on, and being very direct, with a look of disappointment, he would tell him what he thinks of him.

『You are really ignorant』.

Where after a while Cliston would explain that he was only planning to accompany Konomi to the mall, since in the notification that came to him. There was talk that Mama Lucha was around, who went to buy some things for the home with the money she had saved, she thought to contribute to the family, but in the end she bought other things that now she has no way of how to take them home. Father Nimura commented that he was still at work, that he will ask for permission to pick her up with the car from the house, but this would take about 2 hours. The one who is free is Mother Nimura, but in her case, she was more begging for forgiveness because she knows that she would not be able to go to pick her up, especially in a place where there are many people.

『Don't worry, I can go for Mother Lucha』.

Cliston commented in the family chat at home, who obviously he was saying it with all the good intentions of going to help his grandmother, but this the family did not take it well, since, well it's him. If this was the reaction of the people at the hospital, and that was only shown for a moment, how will the mall be, it would surely become a not very pleasant place for everyone who is there. The Nimura Family did not agree, both the father and the mother, they did not like the idea of their son being put in such danger, although good was their intention, this would not bring anything good.

『Ahh.... I see that they are not going to let me go to the mall, I was glad too early....』

Cliston finished reading the messages from his family, so quickly his smile and joy to go running to catch up with his friend, disappeared when he finished reading. Konomi who was present, who already listened, put herself in the context of the situation, and because she is already directly linked to it, she would decide to help our friend, thus simply accepting the situation.

『Well it's easy, the problem is that people recognize you very easily, then you just have to go in disguise』.

『Disguised? like a stuffed animal or a toy? 』

『That would just make things even more suspicious, besides we don't have any here, it's okay, I'll be back in a moment, what I'm about to do, if that would make Kurumi very happy *smiles*』

Konomi already had a way for him to get his way in this situation, he went inside the hospital as if he already knew it very well, while telling Cliston not to move from that place, Cliston still didn't understand what he intended, it was clear that he needs to go in disguise, but he thinks that would already be too excessive, he doesn't think the situation will get so out of hand if he goes as is. But in that he wanted to look at the crowd again, that when he peeked his head out a bit, he managed to quickly see how a stone was going straight at him, which luckily he managed to dodge it, hiding inside again, luckily the stone didn't hit anyone, but just as quickly he forgot things, he quickly remembered how ugly people can be.

『.....I think I'd better go in disguise』

Which within minutes, he would regret saying the last thing, Konomi had already returned and they were both in the same room where Cliston was checked for his arm, at first when Konomi came back, she brought feminine clothes with her, when Cliston was going to greet her, he flinched when he saw what she brought.

『Where did you get this? .....』

『You don't need to know, go find a room and put it on』.

『Put it on? really? ahhh.... I think....no....if you look around you won't find any male clothes by------』

『I'm being too generous to you!!!! You better shut up, we're already going together to the room to put on your clothes, with me you won't be in doubt』.

Konomi is one of those people who likes things to be done quickly and in one go, she's not one for hesitation or putting up with people giving a delayed response, so the first time she heard that Cliston was refusing, by force she would have to dress him. They found a room, and without further ado, without any fear or any kind of embarrassment, Konomi would start taking off his clothes to put on what she brought him, while Cliston was very embarrassed about things, he looked like a damsel in distress, trying to cover his body, Konomi was more like a bully to set an example.

『But stop shrieking! That this for sure is not going to be the first time they do this to you, since I have a younger brother, doing these things come very easy to me, but don't blush they'll think I'm doing something else to you!!!! Stop moving! Not even how good you are! Now cooperate! Before I don't want to help you any more!

Against his will, Cliston suffered his first abuse for the first time in his life, with the person he least expected it. When she finally finished putting Cliston's clothes on, Konomi was glad for the job she did, she really looked like a different person.

『I did it in a forced way, but it did look good anyway *smiles*』.

Konomi looked at his work with joy, while Cliston really didn't want to be dressed this way at all, he was in a long little skirt, and a feminine garment, even Konomi managed to get a wig for him to wear, he really looked like a woman Cliston, who the still discouraged was, as a help, Konomi would show him his phone off, as a means of mirror for him to observe himself. Who Cliston by looking at himself for a moment with even dislike, kind of already starting to like him.

『I guess I don't look too bad, but I don't think I'll ever get used to being dressed like this 』

『And that still lacks makeup, but as you have a neat face, it always looked nicer natural to me, because that's how you are without fooling anyone, I even think that if I keep looking you'll make me envious, but then I remember that you're dressing up and it goes away』

『But you said I look prettier than you xdxdxdxdxd』

『Don't get cocky Frenton 』

While Cliston was getting used to his costume, Cliston kept looking at his lower half, of he said that wearing a skirt feels weird, while Konomi replied that he was thankful he had a long skirt, because with the short one it would have been worse.

『So I thank that person』.

『Hey, look this way Frentón』

Flash!!! Looking over to where Konomi told him, she would quickly take the opportunity to take a picture of him, while you could tell from her giggling that she was enjoying this fact, while Cliston was worried about what might happen.

『I'm going to sell it to Kurumi, she likes this kind of thing, I remember she used to dress the skeleton and Rino in this same way』ω・)و ̑̑༉⑩.

She always saw a way for her to come out gaining financially, while Cliston accepted the situation, while thinking that if the photo doesn't reach her friends, then all well and good. As Konomi said, only a few touch-ups were needed for Cliston to be ready and be able to go pick up Mama Lucha, Konomi knew the basics of makeup, so she would take care of absolutely everything. Now that the costume was complete, no one on this earth would know that the most hated being by the people was this pretty girl with long black hair and feminine clothes. Even Cliston got used to it so quickly that he no longer felt any shame in wearing it.

『Okay! Here I come Mama Lucha』

『I'll just tell you not to touch your balls if you feel uncomfortable, okay?』( ・ὢ・・ )

『I'll try not to...』(○'-`)ゞ.

The first part was to be able to get out of the hospital without anyone noticing it's him, if they succeeded, then it would be a piece of cake from now on. As if they were lifelong friends, both Konomi and Cliston in disguise, were leaving the building, already in sight of the people, these were still protesting and looking for the boy with their eyes, Konomi recommended that they better skirt the exit to avoid these people, but Cliston commented that this way they would only waste time, and also that it would be the best way to know if this will be a success.

Both friends were approaching the main exit, where the officer behind the gates was indicating where they should exit, while commenting that they should please let the visitors out. The officers guarding outside the gates felt oppressed by the people's protest, but since they were now doing their job, they were no longer just watching from a distance, it seems that Maya's words had an impact on them.

『(Well, it seems that no one noticed)』.

Konomi was walking behind Cliston as if watching his back, and just as Cliston said, no one in the crowd had noticed his trick, they were still making their protest against him without them knowing that he was right in their eyes, when they were about to leave the large crowd, the officer had given them free passage. Cliston in disguise thanked them but the officer commented that they should watch out for the pothole, which his warning was too late, as Cliston also hurried to get out.

Tap....Cliston stumbled over the small unevenness that was there, at that he didn't know what he had to do, by reaction he would put his hands so as not to fall....but....

『(My hand is bandaged...)』

He was going to fall on his arm who was in front of him, if that happened, his fracture would worsen and he would have to rest even longer for it to get better. At that Cliston had closed his eyes, as if accepting better to let himself fall before transforming and throwing the plan away. !!!!!!TAP!!!!!!

『You're just getting discharged, you should be more careful you beggar idiot』.

Thanks to Konomi who had a good reaction and good agility, she managed to load Cliston on top of her before he fell, always being careful not to damage his recovering arm. The officer would also go to help, but seeing Konomi's gesture of effort, the officer quickly went on to apologize for not warning her in time. Cliston's eyes were shocked by what had just happened, both friends saw that the only thing that ended up falling and breaking were the glasses he was wearing. Well, to break your glasses than to break your arm again, I think I choose the first option. Cliston, frightened but relieved, thanked Konomi for stopping him.

But he had commented before that there are criminals camouflaged in these protests, there was a protester who was aware of them, who could be shamelessly noticed how he did not take his eyes off Konomi and Cliston, especially Cliston, because he thought he could take advantage of seeing under the skirt if this one fell down, he really did not take his eyes off the Fatty's butt, that Konomi noticed this.

『What? Do you like them with a surprise like that? Every time this kind of people have weird tastes, come on Tina, people are very perverse 』

As Konomi said that comment, quickly the officer who accompanied them. He set his eyes on the perverse dirty guy, who this one quickly turned around as if doing nothing wrong. Where after wishing our friends a good day, he would pass the offender to ask him some kind of questions to make sure he is not a bad guy.

『And so we got rid of one less, what a dumb dumb people *grin*』 (・◡ु' )

Konomi was pleased with herself for how smart she can be and her way of making the most of every little opportunity. Both friends had finally left the hospital, and it was more than confirmed that the costume was a success, although the way Cliston found out was not the best for Cliston, they would both go to the mall to do their things, they didn't expect to meet and do this kind of thing, it seems like a mission that Konomi was enjoying it, which seeing this side of Sister Nanase, has made Cliston see her in a different way than he had before. They just hope that things continue like this until the end of the day, or the time to return to Cliston.


But somewhere in the city, the delinquents and vandals would take advantage of all the fuss that people were making against Cliston, to commit their misdeeds, after a long time, a delinquent who would become known for these following years, would give his first robbery or attempt. He had it all planned out, it was time to cash in on all this.

『The majority of officers are busy arresting people who are making protests in different parts of the city, it is our time to commit our first act against this peaceful country』.

This Chief, we will call him Na, Na by his own words was secluded in a life that was taken away from him in the worst and least possible way to do, when he saw everything clearly, his mind had already been corrupted and he had only one purpose in this world from now on, let crime become more present in his country.

『Our country enjoys a peace that others would like, there are cases of theft and things like that, but they are simply low, but just as our society is calm, in the history of our place of origin, really horrible facts and cases occurred, disappearances that were never solved, murders that nobody knows how they happened, people sick in the head who did acts that disgust me just listening to them, I would never.....have something like that. I have researched and in less developed countries or at least not like ours, there is a level of daily and present crime in the lives of citizens, that....is what I want to convert this country to. THAT IS MY PURPOSE THAT I MUST FULFILL!!!!!』

Na was an adult, it is not known at what age yet, but he also wants to go down in history in some way, in that he changed the daily life of a country, he wants to destroy in a mild way the peace that exists. And his first act that he had his eye on is.

『THE MALL!!!! Let's commit a massive robbery in broad daylight!!!! We need to make ourselves known in a big way so they know we're here!!!!! And if necessary.....if the situation warrants it, we'll be able to do what I hate the most.....If that guy with powers doesn't do anything, then I can't make myself wait anymore, I'm going to change the world』.

Na was very sure that someday, if he continues to be productive, he will make it one day, he just recently just gave up everything to fulfill this purpose, he, from already years ago, that he is sick in the head.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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