
Chapter 255: Visit from Nowhere

V͇i͇s͇i͇t͇a͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇l͇a͇a͇ ͇N͇a͇d͇a͇

It was quiet, there was nothing to worry about, even though we were not the best, there was nothing to worry about, even though we were not the smartest either, there was nothing to worry about, even though we sometimes lacked food, there was nothing to worry about, even though we were giving our best but without the rewards we expected, there was nothing to worry about, even though I saw how he struggled every day, he was older than me by only a year, but this one put so much on paper so as not to fall lower, there was nothing to worry about, our parents, simply one day left us alone in the house without any explanation, I still do not understand why, if we were so close and they gave us so much affection, that was all I needed, they left us the house with lots of supplies and money, they left us abandoned but with resources for us to take advantage of it.

I did not understand, but he who was next to me, I could feel how he clenched his fists and teeth, while he also clenched his chest hard, he had been very hurt by this fact, I heard something in his hands, I think he crushed hard a sheet of paper he had just read, I still remember what he said "How can they give up, not that we were going to be together through thick and thin".

My brother before all this happened, when we were all the family together, he had a cheerful expression, at least he smiled in the bad times and laughed in the good times, but now he shows an expression totally like resentment, He looked haggard in appearance, but that did not stop him from continuing to act like the best brother he had, I could notice that his voice was more muffled, but he felt warm when he spoke to me, and he always prioritized me before him.

At home, he never missed to watch our Mahou Shoujo together, I could notice how at the beginning he didn't like it, he even criticized me before, but now he watches it without complaining, I think he came to like it, I was very happy about that, and always when it was time to sleep, he would sing me a song, the dango song, it was relaxing with a touch of sadness and hope, I really liked how his voice was not good for singing, but he did it every night anyway. He didn't take care in the way he dressed, he always wore the same clothes that also had dull colors, I even complained about the way he looked, but I emphasized that it also matched, since the dark tones went so well with our dull gray hair.

That even, one day, recycling objects that I had in my hand, I could make a Mahou Shoujo dress, that even though he could tell with his gesture that he didn't want it, anyway he wore it, that day I won't forget it since it fulfilled one of my dreams, to see a Mahou Shoujo in real life, it looked very epic because of the contrast, while he would be the Mahou Shoujo all chaotic, I would be the one shining and giving joy, the brothers would support everyone, that was what I wanted, to be most of the time with him, I miss you so much, I miss your denial behavior, I miss your rejection, I miss your muffled voice, I miss how good you were to me, I miss your curious way of talking, brother, Hara Anzu, truly, I miss you.

Hara Raku was now in a hospital that she frequented many times with her brother Anzu, she always entered with hope that the reason that her family had been separated, would disappear once and for all, that was who left little Raku, alone in this hospital, without any family member that was close to her.


I feel that everything is going from bad to worse, and not only since now with some problems that luckily we are already solving, I am still paying some installments of purchases that I have made over time, the work situations are stressing me out, they are not as nice as the other people make them out to be, We were hit very hard by the death of my brother Yashiro, it was a very low blow for everyone, but it was more for me, really everything is going from bad to worse, but in my case life was already taking away my soul mate for a long time.

It has become a daily routine, I would come every day if my work allows me of course, take the same train, get off at the same stop, walk the same streets, see the hospital from afar, wait for permission to visit, and all the way, I even think I would do it with my eyes closed, it has become something very normal for me, but without a doubt, it is something that I have come to hate, because every time I enter the room, no matter if she is sad, or if she has her moment of anger, or simply does not want to talk, seeing my friend, who is in this room another day, made me a crack more and more in my heart.

This started when I was in high school, I remember it perfectly, what good times when I was young, I thought I was capable of everything and I did everything, how ironic in what we put more effort, is where we are not so sure how everything will end, nerves do play a trick sometimes, leaving everything else behind, my friend hospitalized for years now, Karen, I see she is feeling better now, at least we can have a conversation like we used to have before.

『I'm here Gordis, how are you feeling? better? or do you want me to call the doctor for a check up』.

Maya had brought a lot of things in a big bag, it seems that she plans to do a lot of things even though that is forbidden in the hospital. Karen's appearance, it will still be unknown, she went through a lot that at the slightest thing they tell her something is wrong, she could burst, but this day it seems that she is stable again. Karen only commented that she really feels good today, that she is able to eat 10 apples by herself, and that she doesn't want to see any doctor or nurse, like she came to have a little rejection to them.

『I'm so glad, hey, this week they released a new music video our favorite band! I've got it downloaded, we can listen to it together』

Maya was offering her headphones so we could listen together, but at that, Karen, made the gesture of stopping with her hand while commenting that this is an epic moment, that she doesn't plan to listen to a song that surely is with simple headphones, Karen was telling Maya all animated to connect it to the TV and put it on full volume, Maya thought quickly and said that it would be better to listen to it with headphones, but Karen would give a negative answer, refusing now to listen to it with headphones, there was nothing else to do, she is a very stubborn girl, saying that she doesn't want it anymore and that she ruined the moment.

Maya lowered her head and they would better move on to another matter, she would comment on things like complaining about her job and some other case, since her friend, Karen, is one of those who likes gossip even if she is not very aware of these, but she always got excited to know things about more since she feels that this way the moments will be more spicy and fun.

『Again this week the lady came back wanting to denounce her husband, *sigh* how it really makes me want to throw her out on the street, she goes on and on without any proof, that my husband hit me, made me such, there is nothing!!!!! She even came in once with an injury that she obviously did to herself, and what do you think, they are taking her case!!!!! Her husband also gave his version, but of course, even if he did nothing wrong, the one who will be right will be the woman, because, because the law says so, and when I saw the documents that the lady gave me testifying the facts, it is obvious that the lady is more idiot, she does not even know how to write well, AYY!!!!! But since her theatrics work, she will not stop until she gets all the poor man's money, I tell her husband that if he brings us true proof, nothing will happen to him and the law will not save the lady, if he records her lying I tell him, he will catch her in the act, and that lady will go straight to the ground, but as I see things, I can already see the lady with a car in the next few weeks』.

Maya was telling what happens to her in some cases she takes as internal police, she always tells her what happens to her in her work, as Karen listens to them attentively and with shining eyes, really to gossip she is the first one to point, even if she didn't understand much, she takes advantage of what she heard, saying things like she will do the same in the future, tremendous rats xd.

Maya also brought some clothes that were on sale to try on with her friend Karen, where at the beginning they were very happy, normally Karen does not have much strength or desire to get out of bed, but seeing the variety of clothes, she did not hesitate to get out of bed and take strength from nothing. Her joy was also Maya's joy, when Maya was helping Karen to put on a dress, they noticed that the back zipper did not close, this was curious and strange to both of them, but the desire for Karen to try on the dress, told Maya to demand it until it closed completely, In the end, with a lot of effort for both of them, they managed to get her to put the dress on, both of them were happy and were saying that the dress looked great, but Karen stopped looking down for a few seconds, she must have seen it, and then she smiled and said "This looks really cool on me".

They literally did a catwalk section inside the room where they stayed, they modeled and did quite a few poses that made them gain confidence, this for Maya, seeing her friend act like she was before, made her very happy, and to finish, Maya took her cell phone, and with a single tac she accomplished what she didn't do before.

!!!!!!!!!!!🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵!!!!!!!!! The volume of the TV was so loud that when some nurses came into the room, they noticed that everything was a mess, but in the middle were both friends singing the song and dancing like never before. At the end Maya was thrown out by the nurses saying that visiting hours were over for her, Maya shouting told her that next time she would bring some Doramas to watch together, where Karen shouted and raised her hand to bring some candy and drinks, it was a very funny visit, after days of Karen being emotionally depressed.


Jomei was telling Cliston about the patient Karen and Maya, they were watching the beginning of the conversation, but in that moment Raku appeared to them, after some talks about how they should better make some transactions to her account, this girl does not waste time, she quickly noticed something strange in both boys, but she would not say anything to see if they continued to behave that way.

『I was the one who got punished, why are they with those faces』-『I got a little thirsty and hungry, I'll go to the hospital cafeteria to get some food』.

Before she leaves alone, Jomei still felt bad for what she did, who offered that he can carry him, what if he prefers to become even side to sit both of them in the wheelchair or what if he prefers to use it as a skateboard, Raku upon hearing Jomei's proposal, did not avoid making a gesture of disgust saying why would she have to do it, if she is not about taking advantage of others, contradictory thing with her actions :v. Raku expected a too obvious answer under normal circumstances, but Jomei again told her that if she doesn't accept it, then he himself will take her where he wants already this time without any hesitation at all.

『Hey kid, you too stop acting like that if you don't want to do it, if you touch me I'll ------------!!!!!!!』

Without hesitation, in the middle of Raku's conversation, Jomei had accelerated his wheelchair, seating Raku on top of him while he took him to the cafeteria/dining room of the hospital, where they would not make it to the end. Jomei despite currently not liking speed, this one was going at full speed without stopping, his face was worried because he doesn't know if he is doing the right thing or not, he just does what he thinks Raku would do, while Raku avoided being surprised by the emotion and again blurted out his words.

『And look what you did, you fucking precocious kids, aren't you able to think before you act...stop it, I'm telling you to stop it, don't you see that this is only hurting you?』

Raku was hitting Jomei's head again and again, and seeing that he didn't react, she became angrier and grabbed him by his clothes and shook him back and forth.

『Look at you kidnapping a Mahou Shoujo like me, if I had a wand right now I'd shove it all over your ##########』

But Jomei kept moving forward without worrying about anything else, even for the commotion they made, which was noticeable that in many turns these were about to tip over, Raku was no longer sure if he will come out of all this unscathed, but looking back, he can see how the nurses and some doctors, were chasing them to stop their act of mischief, Raku would only just give a sigh commenting that this would end very badly.

On the other hand, Cliston was following trotting where the children passed, and he could see how they left a mess where they passed, seeing how the doctors and nurses complained, made with their words made them look bad, but there was no other option, they are the ones who do more mischief in this health facility, even some sick people who can move and visitors, went out to see what was going on, Cliston did not expect to meet one of his companions.

『I wonder, if all this was done by the kids you told me about 』

Rino had come out of a room to look at what was going on, but he also managed to see how a hand was grabbing his arm, which when both boys noticed the other, they did not hesitate to greet each other by waving their hand each, but in that in the middle of the greeting, Rino noticed that the hand that was grabbing him, quickly let go of him to enter the room.

『Eh? I see *laughs* That's why I say you're like a little girl』.

It couldn't be heard well, but Cliston could see as if Rino was joking and chatting with someone, normally Rino has a calm and serene face, but at Cliston's words, it's like now if he shows a truly happy face, to finish, he managed to see as Rino was stroking that person's head, to subsequently close the door of that room. Cliston had doubts about this, but quickly after greeting each other this one would ask him whose that person may be, from the words Rino said earlier and from the games he was playing with him, he guessed that it must be one of his little sisters.

『I didn't expect to meet you here, since we met, how about we talk for a while? I want to know what's been going on outside 』.

『It's fine with me, I guess I have a little free time, in her words, she doesn't like to keep me around all the time *smiles* yeah she's funny 』

Cliston realized this, quickly as they walked, this one kept thinking that they were his sisters, since in many occasions it showed and he himself saw that they prefer not to let go of their brother, but they also want to do things by themselves, Cliston would ask him that if the person he visited was someone important to him, he didn't tell him clear if it could be his sister, where Rino replied.

『It's the person who follows my nonsense *smiles* 』.

He didn't expect that answer, but Cliston was right that for sure it was one of his sisters, where with not very direct words about the situation, he would just tell him that hopefully she will recover and everything will be fine, as it is common and normal for Rino, Rino would nod his head cheerfully. But in that Rino now showed concern for the Fatty, as he is worried about the subject of all this, since perhaps he does not know, but Cliston's family, still intensified harassment by several people and know more about it.

I was commenting to him that there are several people who have been writing and scratching the neighborhood around where he lived, on the subject of the school, several students from different high schools came to make clear their ideas and protest against you, even many say that we are the favorites of the Gods and stuff because 2 of our classmates went through the same thing.

『Favoritism they say, I really hate that people don't understand the situation until he himself goes through it in the flesh, but what can you expect, the world is full of little people and their thoughts』.

Rino also commented that he must have had a harder time, he heard it from the words of Fatty about his story, but he can't compare imagining or thinking about what it must have been like, to actually living it.

『Having to be surrounded by darkness, having nothing but a being in front of you who takes advantage of your powerlessness, committing indelible criminal acts, just thinking that it will be like this all your life is sad, falling to the bottom from one moment to the next would shock anyone, but your friend Cliston, you managed to overcome what it is to be alone and what to do, be proud, and I'm glad you are still going on with your life』.

Rino started to throw all those words, that even Cliston avoided looking at him closely, as he used even more sophisticated and weird words in his language, he was always about saying easy to understand words, but now it's like his way of expressing himself became more complex, not to make him feel bad or make him notice that he acted weird, Cliston preferred not to say anything.

『This fuss was made by those kids right? the one with the eye patch and the one in the wheelchair』.

"Raku and Jomei? Yeah, right now they must be running away from all the adults』.

This caught Rino's attention, that Cliston already knows the children's names, as he blurted out a comment saying that he wished he had that facility to get along with others. Cliston quickly denied him this, that he doesn't even know how he does it, while telling him how those children were, ones that at the minimum that they lose interest in you, they leave, he doesn't have much respect for others by blurting out strong words.

『The kids nowadays if they are completely different from the ones before, I wish I could be the Cliston you say and become his friends, I want to get back my years I lost 』

『Your years you lost? You want to have fun? uhm, then I can help you, but I told you a while ago, I don't think my intervention is necessary』.

Rino's way of talking, between some words that are doubtful to the situation, this to Cliston becomes complicated to understand Rino when he acts and talks like this, very different from when he sees him in school, in simple terms, he noticed it a little different.

『Eh? I don't quite understand, so do you want to help me yes or no?』( ?'_ゝ`).

From the quiet, they were both walking, Rino stopped and this Cliston quickly realized what was going on, there was no exchange of words for a few seconds, it was like the atmosphere just for the 2 of them, it had become quiet, very quiet, that you even feel a bit of loneliness, before El Gordito could ask what was going on, Rino would raise his hand slowly, he would clench his fist gently then open it and touch his chest where his heart was, his gesture how to say, was of someone who even though he seems very relaxed in what he does and how he acts, he will be supporting you in everything.

『I would never stop helping my friends』-『I'd rather be the one to come out of it all wrong, than to see someone else's future ruined』(=^_^=)『What I mean, is that I do want to help you』.

Rino's words suddenly felt with a great weight that felt sudden and out of context, or at least that was how it felt to Cliston, who didn't know what face to make when he witnessed all this, he didn't know whether to look left or right, even sweat formed on his forehead.

『Thank you very much compita, I'm counting on you』(*'▽`*)『(Wtf, that was really weird to see, I always get to see this side of people, even from elementary school, this will influence me? maybe)』(*'ー`).

POMMM CHANNNNNN BUUUUUUUUUU could be heard besides crashes, things falling down and all the commotion made by the children, Raku and Jomei all over the hospital, still more and more patients who were stable were coming out to see what was going on, the curiosity of all this mess was more than some diseases that for joy, it allowed them to discover that curiosity. Quickly Cliston in his mind said these little devils and was going to run towards them to stop them, while telling Rino to hurry.

The young man was soon going to go to his friend, but he realized that someone had been following him behind his back, it was obvious who that little person was, he knew it, besides at the moment he turned to see her, he could see how she was hiding awkwardly, Rino just a little smile.

『(With that you also came out of your room, if you are hopeless...)』


Raku and Jomei made it to the green area of the hospital, it was like a small park that the hospital had, it was well kept and even had little paths and even a small pond with fish swimming in them. It might impress those who have never seen it, but for the residents and especially those who live here, it is something they have become accustomed to.

『Good! The nurses don't follow us anymore, but....pero.... at what cost, my arms hurt!!!』(;'Д`)

Jomei couldn't anymore for accelerating the wheels of his wheelchair so much with his arms, his arms fell down like noodles, but Raku was still on top of the tired child, even if he heard from Jomei that they weren't being followed anymore, Raku wanted to confirm it by herself, who turned and stepped on the child's legs while standing up, and indeed, no adults were following them anymore, but the complaints of tiredness were now a nuisance.

"Are you really tired already? Asshole doesn't last at all they should call you 』

"Could you get off of me? You're too heavy』('ж`;)

Those words of Jomei made Raku very annoyed, who all at once without hesitation, made more strength in his feet to squeeze Jomei's legs tightly.

『ಠ_ಠ I am a Mahou Shoujo and we are as light as a feather, no matter if we are skinny, normal or fat.... ( ・ὢ・・ ) or well maybe, but I'm a cute little girl, so don't repeat that again, meco boy who complains about everything』

『Just because I can't feel pain doesn't mean you can hurt me!!!!! Get off me already you fucking nut!!!!!!!』Σ(゚Д゚;

Meanwhile inside the hospital, were Cliston and Rino calming all the nurses and adults who were after the children, apologizing for all the inconveniences that the children have done, when they were notified that the children were in the green area of the hospital, they went as fast as they could to already control the situation, but what they found were again these 2 children fighting each other both verbally and physically, although they were only small blows by each other.

Cliston and Rino separated the little kids, one on each side were holding them, it was like separating 2 angry dogs, but it was noticeable that Raku was the most energetic, because as soon as he was stopped by Cliston, he quickly told him.

『If you touch more than the count you're fried fat chicken 』

『What a tease you are』 ('∀`).

Cliston let go of the girl, the girl no longer had any reason to continue their fight, she already saw it as something from the past, but on the other side, Rino looked like he had held a dead man, since Jomei didn't move at all, you could even see how his soul came out of his mouth, and as if it was some kind of caricature, Rino took the soul with his hands, and put it back in his mouth.

『AHH!!!!Σ(°Д°;≡;°д°) FAST!!!! DOGS AND CATS FIRST!!!!! EHHH?⁀⊙﹏☉⁀ what? eh? ALV!!!! since when am I so tall』 ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

Jomei's first reaction when he woke up was a slight fright, then he was surprised to see from higher up, but then he quickly realized, that it was Rino who had lifted him up with his arms, Jomei quickly out of his disappointment, lowered his head with the urge to cry, although this one avoided everything possible to do so. He really had been very excited that he had been cured, and as expected, Raku was the first to notice and do what he always does, mock.

『No mames! Hahahahahahaha this guy thought he was cured hahahahaha, you are really stupid, I already told you to get cured, I'll tell you again since you are really epileptic, if you want to get cured, you only have to accept my wish』

『What wish or what nothing, those things you think about don't exist------』

Quickly before Jomei could finish his sentence, Rino ended up covering his mouth, while telling him that it's wrong what he was going to say, and as Jomei was very sensitive because of everything that has happened, he felt very helpless, as he felt that they were more on Raku's side than on his. Again he was silent and this time obeying without complaining. Rino quickly and gently made him sit in his wheelchair, but now he feels responsible for the attitude that the boy now took.

"It always ends like this, either I end badly, or he ends badly, or we both end badly, I would really like this to stop once and for all』.

Raku finished with that sentence, as there was nothing more to do, he thought that things would go well because of Jomei's first act at the beginning, but everything led to the end of those 3 results, he was leaving the place as he felt that he should not be there. But at that Cliston makes a call to her, calling her by name.

"Wait Raku-san, wouldn't you like to take a little walk around the place? I didn't have the chance to see it since this place is on the far side of my room, but it's beautiful, it looks like a real park, you wouldn't want to leave things as they are, would you?

As if it had a good timing, the park started to welcome Raku, with a soft breeze passing by that made the grass move, the fishes swimming calmly in the lake, Raku was determined to leave since she really doesn't feel that anything good can come out of this, she looked at everyone who was here and judged them as she always does.

『(The one-armed man who now wants to befriend me and like me, what's wrong with him? Is that your goal? To make friends with everyone? What an imbecilic thought you have thinking about it, even if you don't listen to me I'm telling you, you just have to think, how will you come out standing in all this, you trying to make everyone like you, that's not the way)』-『(And the other guy who dick is he? is he your one-armed man's friend? he's a stranger of a stranger, yep! I better go to my room)』

And finally Raku was looking at Jomei as the latter was looking down on his wheelchair, where the little boy happened to look at Raku, their gazes met, maybe this is the real reason why both of them can again reconcile and get along better, only a clash of looks can change everything.....Ah no wait, already Raku is leaving the park, it seems that sentimentality doesn't go with her.

And that was how the little girl was leaving without even saying anything, Cliston was scratching his head while laughing embarrassedly, as if saying that at least he tried, to Rino this also came to a bad end, if someone is not willing to something, he would make him do it, that's why, his priority now is for Jomei to get better from his attitude.

『Excuse me for my boldness, but it is necessary 』.

Rino again lifted the boy from his wheelchair, and this time put him on top of him, sitting on his shoulders and neck, the boy at first was alarmed and scared by the sudden action, quickly Rino would start running on the grass while commenting to Jomei about what happened and thinks.

『I know I'm nobody now to you, and I don't know much about the topic at hand either, but I want to tell you something, if you really care about her, try to get along with her and both of you have fun, from what I've seen and have been told, you stop a lot of time together, you know what do you call that? friends? maybe, buddies, maybe, but the most correct thing to say would be, is your sidekick, because think about it, the 2 of you are always making commotion around here, someone like that, don't you think it's better to get along?』

Although Jomei was doubtful of all this, he quickly realized that they were not going as fast as he thought, Rino's running was calm and serene, he could see the lake more clearly, the fish as they swam inside it, and what he liked the most, was that he could rise even higher, he raised his arms and looked at the sky, and as the sun's rays hit his eyes, quickly by reaction, he covered the sun with his hands, but all this brought back memories, of when he was still a healthy child. He remembers that before when he looked at the sun, it would stare at him with determination and a smile, and then look ahead and see that he was about to give a running race, that excitement of running was unique, he thought of nothing but getting away with it the little boy Jomei, and since he is in the hospital, that similar excitement that can be compared to before, was being and hanging out with Raku, whether it was running away, running, chasing her, arguing and hitting, he gave of more for him to get away with it.

『Could you go faster Onii-san? please』

『Sure』 *smiles*

Rino accelerated his movements more, which was slowly starting to go faster, Jomei again remembered and imagined when he did a lot of running, as he grabbed more confidence and told Rino to run much more and more and faster, and as we know, this boy doesn't disappoint who he asks for help, Rino also didn't hold back and started to run like never before through the park.

『(This....this was what I felt before, the wind colliding with my face of joy, the light but forceful steps to the ground, running for only one thing, to get my way and feel satisfied, but since I got here, I've only been bothered by that girl who doesn't appreciate what I'm capable of, *smiles* You'll see Raku, one day I'll show you that I'll reach the goal and you'll finally stop bothering me)』 -『Just wait for me』

A white light was at the end, and when everything was back to normal, both children, Jomei and Rino, were looking at the lake in the park, but there was no longer the droopy Jomei from earlier, now he was smiling and clear-minded, while Rino had a candy in his pocket that he didn't hesitate to give it to Jomei, the happy child was thanking him, but a voice that he didn't expect was heard.

『*sigh* It takes a stranger to cheer you up, don't be so trusting with people, 9 out of 10 people lost their organs because of that, I guess you were that one exception, can you give me that candy? I'm kind of craving for something sweet 』

It was Raku who appeared in the lake, both children looked at each other without hesitation, it seems that Raku also had the intention that this will not end well, but this is weird, because of Raku's personality, when she decides something she, she doesn't change it, who could have influenced her so that she can come back.

Raku would raise her hand to be able to receive the candy, but to this Jomei would just stick her tongue out, telling her that she won't give her this candy, this is her time of change and even she won't stop him, Raku would quickly ask Rino to put Jomei down to his wheelchair so they can talk quietly, Rino would agree where as he looked away, he already had the answer why Raku was back.

『That smile of yours, you look really idiotic, but better that to your sad puppy dog look』-『Well, I'm already here as you wanted, I hope you don't waste my golden time, one-armed man』.

Raku turned to see Cliston who this one also arrived at the lagoon, where Cliston with a smile and scratching his head would say.

『The truth, I don't know xd』

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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