
Chapter 251: And what should I do?

Y͇ ͇q͇u͇e͇ ͇e͇s͇ ͇l͇o͇ ͇q͇u͇e͇ ͇d͇e͇b͇o͇ ͇h͇a͇c͇e͇r͇?͇

Cliston since he had his encounter with the Secret Organization, he was very nervous and worried, nervous because he does not know what he should even do now, even if he has perfectly heard the words that Tomeo told him, he did not know how to execute it or even how to initiate such acts so that the world would not consider him as someone dangerous. In the first few nights he thought to himself that surely many people are already thinking about him, of which so many are already looking at him with bad eyes and branding him that we must be careful with young Cliston. They distrust him for the same reason that they do not know him, while Cliston thought of a way to see what he has to do, never came to his mind something concrete, he killed himself every night on what he should do, maybe doing this or that, but he does not want to devote all his time to it, he just wants to have his daily life and that no one but his friends interfere in his little life said by his own words, he took his sheet and hid in it, while already after a few minutes, he gave up because there is nothing he can do.

『This is very difficult, I don't even know how I should start, maybe, I should open up with every person in the world? that's the only thing that comes to my mind, but, that would be very harassing, I'm not up to something as big as getting along with everyone, besides what a laziness to have to get along with everyone』.

Since tomorrow there were classes and on top of that homework due, Cliston had to rest early so he could go to his classes that he really likes and thus become someone he knows he can achieve, not someone who others expect of him.

But only at 3 am in the morning, Cliston was sleeping peacefully in his room, but suddenly he heard pebbles being thrown at his window, he was still half asleep, but he could hear that they were shouting outside, he doesn't know if it was from joy, excitement, confusion or maybe anger, they were just shouting and doing what they thought was best.

『Come on oh!!! God of Destruction!!! Come out at once!!!! Don't the Gods need to sleep!!!! EHH!!!! Come on show yourself!!!!』『And if now we paint the walls of his house to make it clear that we were the first ones????』『Nahh, this kid doesn't go out, maybe he's shy? And I didn't go home to see him, I hope I can take a picture and sell it to the news』.

There was a group of young people outside his house, who is not known but they were late at night outside Cliston's house, this more than to say that the only thing they were doing was bothering him, they wanted the attention of the being they had seen on the internet, Cliston was listening as they kept throwing pebbles at his window, but instead of telling them something or showing up, this one kept sleeping, since he simply thought that at some point they would get tired and leave.

『Eh, he keeps ignoring us this fat cat this one』『I'm not planning to come all the way out here late at night so this guy won't come out, when one makes a call, the other has to show up』.

Cliston was still sleeping or so he wanted to, since with more intensity they started to throw pebbles at him, that even his parents were starting to wake up, Cliston upset trying not to let go of his sheet, he didn't want to get up at all, but he already noticed that his strategy of ignoring doesn't work against someone who is persistent, so not wanting to and his face showed it that he already got to sting them a little patience, this would get up from his bed to be able to show himself.

『(Nah, but what annoying people the truth, they don't see what time it is, and on top of that by the voices they are teenagers, better go home and don't worry their parents, I guess I'll just go out and if I feel like it I'll just say a hello, I hope I don't get hit hard by the cold when I open the window)』●﹏●●.

But going towards the window to open and giving what they want to these chinchosos for words from him, I certainly didn't expect this to happen. POMMM!!!! One of the young men was so tired of walking from one place to another in order to see this strange being with his own eyes and see that he did not come out, he was also tired that he did not think things through, he just wanted to go away, so he took a good sized stone and with his strength he threw it against Cliston's window. Which was very exact timing, that the stone managed to break Cliston's window hitting Cliston's arm hard, Cliston quickly felt a great pain numbing his arm, as the glass shards fell.

"That's it! Now he will come out to see us』.

The young people were outside waiting with excitement for Cliston to come out, but they only saw at the window the young man who only wanted to sleep, touching with his other hand his other arm that could not move it, all was silence, Cliston was holding the pain since he did not want to cause a scandal, but a bad movement in his arm caused him a great pain that this would end up screaming, his parents abruptly entered their son's room and found Cliston fallen surrendered to the ground crying of why they did this.

The young people who were outside did not know what had happened, everything was laughter and enjoyment until they heard how a scream frightened them, with fear they took steps back, where after they heard the father out the window to yell at them, he was claiming why they did this, where the young people by nerves and see that Cliston was hurt, they became the victims.

『We just wanted to see him!!!!.... ahhh. ee.h.h....That's what you get for not giving us what we wanted!!!!!』

The young men ran out of the neighborhood, where Cliston was still crying because his arm hurt so much, Mother Lucha showed up and everything was for her to get upset and aggressive, but Grandma took it calmly thinking of the first thing to do, she would tell her son to carry Cliston and take him carefully to the car, then Mother Nimura would drive to the hospital.

『Don't worry anymore Cliston, your family is with you』.

I didn't expect that with that bad experience, it would start everything that was to come. Cliston in the end was left with his arm in a cast, since the stone that came with force, ended up breaking a bone and now we just have to wait for him to get better on his own, in his stay in the hospital which is his first time in his life that this one, he knew that at some point he would have to go, but he did not like to think what would be the reason. Cliston was rather relieved, as it was more like a fracture that with rest and time would heal, just imagining an operation, it was to faint.

『I'm glad it was only this, I was afraid that I would be hospitalized for cancer or that they would operate or remove something, no doubt I would not resist that in my hands depended the life of another person and vice versa, just imagining to fail already gives me things, but if it goes well, it would let me know that I am capable』-『Ya but, I see that they have something with my arm, they like that it is unusable, maybe? *laughs* It's not funny』 ( ̄□ ̄).

Many things he learned while he was hospitalized for a couple of weeks, first is that the hospital food is undoubtedly one of the worst he tasted, when he took the first bite he felt like spitting it out, but as the nurse was there and excited to see that she was taking care of the same boy from the internet, she was excited to help him, Cliston looked at her with a second eye to gather strength and swallow the food.

『(Oh, it gave me tingles) (¤﹏¤) This food here is very tasty, I even think I'll order a repeat』 ('∀`).

『You don't have to be nice Nimura-san, if you don't like something just say so, it's nice of you not to want to make the one you're treating feel bad, but it's better to be sincere』 -『You can ask your family to bring you some obentos if you prefer』. -『I also tasted the food here and it's a bit disgusting, don't you think?

Cliston wanted not to make people feel bad with what he really thought, but quickly the nurse who was attending him, from his own experience he knew that many of the patients said the same as him, hiding what they really felt at the moment, when Cliston heard this from the nurse, he realized that he is crystal clear, that he doesn't know why he sometimes tries to hide things when he really can't.

『Maybe saying disgusting is too much, but yes, it's disgusting ('w`*) then I'll be sorry to take what she told me, I already want it to be tomorrow just so I can eat my grandmother's food』.

Accepting the nurse's suggestion, the nurse took the tray and left the room, it was still a few hours before his parents and grandmother come for the visit, the only thing Cliston can do in this situation, is to watch TV or stop on his cell phone, just having one hand served him to find out what was going on in the world and when he realized while scrolling down the social networks, the news of that time became more relevant, intrigued this would sting him to find out more, it seems that many interviewers and people very followed, looked for the young people of that night, also these apart made statements about what happened, but of course, modifying a few things, they did not want to look like the bad guys.

『What happened that night? ah, well simple, we as simple fans of Cliston, the God Destroyer, oh, what a good nickname, also report that I believe it, uhm uhm, continued, we wanted to see him and to be able to talk to him, but he was annoyed, annoyed for a reason, that he started to harass us with bad words and there was even a point where he wanted to use brute force, before he could transform, we defended ourselves by throwing stones at his body and a bigger one at his arm that from what I see if it did much effect, we are only innocent, he is the one who did not pay attention to us! !!』 -『Additionally, how do you know we were there that night, where did you hear about it? The press is really scary』

That was one of the many answers the young people gave about what happened that night, there were several comments about the situation, many categorizing Cliston as a danger and that if that is his temperament, there won't be much time left for him to start destroying the world, Cliston was going down and down, he only saw comments from people saying things that did not really happen and that in reality it is not so, this discouraged Cliston how for a simple event that he did nothing, now there are more people against him, Cliston looked out the window towards the Hospital's patio, he saw many children in wheelchairs with their nurses, old people who still had strength and others just taking the fresh air.

『It's very quiet here, but, now I have more problems that I don't know how to solve, for now I'll concentrate on recovering, I'll see the rest later』.

The nurse came back to clean Cliston's arm, but she also brought a simple apple for him to at least have something to snack on, Cliston didn't expect this, the apple was already chopped into pieces on a plate, with toothpicks it was much easier to eat it for him. Cliston was happy for the treatment he was getting, or better the nurse who was making him, who offered him that he can also eat from the apples, but the nurse refused, that she prepared it only for him, where Cliston's response was.

『Come on, it makes me uncomfortable to be the only one eating, even if it's just a piece, I would be quite relieved if someone would do the same as me』.

Although Cliston was being kind by his simple nature, the nurse refused with a smile and laughter, Cliston had no choice but to eat the apple slices himself, but while he was eating and looking out the window, he saw the press outside the hospital, there was a large crowd at the gate blocking the way. When Cliston saw this, he was so frightened that he swallowed a piece of apple in one gulp, he was beating his chest to keep from choking.

When the press managed to visualize Cliston's room, the press became more intense and at the slightest carelessness of the guard, they entered the hospital with everything, they wanted to be the first to testify the version of the young man, Cliston was scared, since the tranquility that he thought he had, in the end he would not see it again. But he also realized, someone was passing by the hospital courtyard, someone he knows but was not so familiar with.

『Isn't that Maya? Yashiro's sister?』

Cliston didn't know why Maya was here, he didn't care to know either, but it was a curiosity to know that she was in the same place as him, she was leaving already, Maya was as a civilian since it was her day off, also Maya was confused why there were so many press at the door rushing in, she wanted to know the reason for this, so with the look of the press people who were looking at Cliston's room, she realized that the target was her younger brother's friend.

『I see, no doubt people don't know how to respect, they all seek their own benefit without caring how bad they can leave the other person, when I see that kind of people in day by day, I can't do anything since the law says so, but now I'm out of my job, I can let off steam at last』.

Yashiro's sister for some reason was wanting to vent all her annoyance and helplessness, it was coming to her more than perfect that this press that they are doing what they want, she will also do what she wants, for the simple fact that her lack of them is much bigger and with reasons to blame them. The press was running around the courtyard without much care for the patients who were quiet, Maya without hesitation took the lead, but the question would be, how would she stop them, the answer is easy, her very job.

『STOP!!!! if you don't want to get into legal trouble with what you just did』.

Maya showed her police ID proving that she works for the police, those in the press didn't care so much about this, but it was noticeable that they were affected by seeing an officer, as many slowed down to what they were running.

『Illegal violation and infringing the rules of a Public Medical Sector, if they wanted, the people who they have ignored for their silly scoop, they can report them for their lack of, not even kindness, for their lack of respect against the weak, we have more than enough evidence to win the complaint, you will not want to imagine how much money you will lose, so better retire, I want to leave my work aside when I come to the hospital, have more dignity at least』.

Maya because of her stay in the police, came to have a very drastic and rapid change of temperament, even this was very present of her even years ago, Yashiro remembers it perfectly, of how his sister Maya from the happy and soft tone she had, passed from one moment to another to be more serious and raise her voice, making herself respected and engulfing everyone in her words. Being on the police force only reinforced that scary part in her little brother's eyes. Several of the press stopped as they listened to Maya, they couldn't help it, if they are involved in something and may lose out, of course they are going to be vigilant.

When the press turned to look at Maya, they also saw around the large courtyard of the Hospital, how they frightened and disturbed the patients here, their relatives recorded the facts, luckily it may only remain as bad news and bad performance on their part, but they are in the target of being denounced by all these people. Those in the press with their heads down went to each of the patients and apologized for their bad performance, although others did not care about this and wanted to sneak inside the Hospital.

『I am not afraid of their threats, I will get the premise because that is what a professional does, those of us in the press are rats』.

But at the moment of even entering the door, he was attacked by several people who came to visit, the press complained and let him pass, but these people quickly without making much noise took him away to later throw him away, most likely it was the Secret Agents who only threw away what was left of the garbage.

Maya after arresting these people, now she was retiring for the rest of the day, while Cliston was relieved at how things turned out, he didn't expect Maya to be here.

"『Pucha, how lucky I was, I didn't know that Yashiro's sister became a cop, I remember that Yashiro didn't talk so much about her when we asked him, did something happen?

At that came in the Nimura Family for their daily visit to their son, I think there was nothing else to highlight about what happened this day, as the days went by, Cliston was gaining more confidence that his arm would recover, although he was still afraid since because of the cast, he hardly feels his arm, it must be something normal he thought, but now he can walk and not be in bed all the time, Cliston is one of those people who like to move and be active in his day to day life.

『I think I'm going to take a walk around the patío, maybe, yes, that's what I'm going to do, besides this will also be a good anecdote to tell my friends 』.

Cliston walked with his arm in a cast through the corridors, where as he walked he heard a door open and out of it came a nurse with a child in a wheelchair, there was nothing unusual, but that it was a small child caught Cliston's attention and he decided to follow them instead of doing what he had planned.

He had not been around the Hospital much, so arriving to this area was very curious, when he arrived he realized that he was in the Rehabilitation area, there were not only children, but also adolescents, adults and also elderly people, who were struggling to return to their daily life. The rehabilitation area is for recovery, whether physical, mental or cognitive (thinking and learning), which may be lost due to illness or injury, or as a side effect of medical treatment.

Cliston got a strange feeling watching this, as he could see from being re-taught the basics of counting and the alphabet, to moving a limb that was almost lost.

『(I wonder if I will come here too)』

At that he saw the wheelchair boy he saw coming out of that room, Cliston to be more comfortable sat on a seat that was free, he will be able to see everything without any obstacle. But there was also an old man lying on a therapeutic bed, where his nurse was bending his leg, another old woman on a therapeutic ball, also with her nurse. And an adult learning to add simple numbers. They all had their caregiver, but you can see that a little girl with an eye patch was alone, where her caregiver may be, but it looks like she was learning how to say animals with the help of some flashcards.

『(I'm not good at dealing with children, maybe, it's wrong for her to be alone, I'll keep her company for the meantime)』 』.

Cliston approached the little girl with the eye patch, who she was sad for some reason, as the look had him down, at that the Fatty appeared, and decided to introduce himself to the little girl.

『Are you alone? Although that's obvious, why do we ask such things? *laughs* My name is Cliston, although my friends call me Fatty, it's nice to meet you』.

The girl wasn't surprised to see him, either because Cliston isn't scary or because you feel he's trustworthy. The girl first kept quiet, then again lowered her gaze and said his name.

『My ....name is Raku』

『Raku? That's a nice name, it's a much nicer name than mine, hey, can I take those cards...since I have nothing else to do, how about if I teach you *smile* 』

Raku was surprised by Cliston's words, she doesn't seem to realize what was going on around this guy, since the astonishment was not that she heard this guy from such a place, but that she was surprised that he decided to hang out with her. Cliston took the cards with his free hand and looked at them, he already had the perfect plan to amuse her, first he put the cards face down on the floor to make it easier to take them. While one at a time he would start the game.

『Well, oh! We start with something difficult, but I'll make you understand it easily, well what animal is this』.

He would show the card with the animal, where Cliston was smiling in order to sympathize more, the girl was afraid that she didn't want to look at the card, it's like she was afraid or distrustful of the place, Cliston seems that she already realized what was going on, so she would decide to do more dynamics to get her into the mood.

『Pay attention Raku-san, this animal mostly lives in lakes, rivers, or very wet places, which are their natural home, the most remarkable thing about them is that they have, pacman's face!!!! :V 』-『When they open their jaw they look like this!』

Cliston started with his hand to try to make the animal's mouth, but since he could only move one hand, it only looked like he was shaking it for no other purpose. Cliston didn't help but feel like he did something wrong for taking that action, Raku was still looking down without paying much attention to him.

『Do you like coconut? Well, that's how its name starts, simple isn't it? although coconut is also what I called a creature that lives under your bed 』.

With that last part, it made Raku slouch more and even turn his back to Cliston, the young man worried that he didn't know what to say and was going wrong with what he had in mind. This one also felt he shouldn't have gotten into things he doesn't know how to handle.

『(But what am I doing, why am I doing things I'm not good at, I think I'm making her more uncomfortable, I'll try to keep going until her caretaker comes, yeah, that'll be best *sigh*)』

At that moment a scream was heard near the place, what happened was that a boy had fallen while walking with the help of the support bars he was holding on to, it seems that he was going well at the beginning, but half way through he lost his strength and ended up falling. The boy is embarrassed and frustrated, as you could see him hitting the mattress where he fell. His nurse helped him to stand up where the boy said he should try one more time.

But only the first step he tried to take, he fell to the mattress, making worse progress than his first attempt. He became more frustrated and without making his nurse wait, he wanted to crawl away from the place where the nurse would try to lift him, but the boy pushed his hand at the slightest touch.

『Let me go!!!!』

The nurse was surprised by this action of the boy, where the boy would keep trying to escape from the place. Cliston seeing this didn't help but think that he is a brat, and he definitely wouldn't know how to deal with children like this, if he can't handle one who ignores him silently, it will be worse with someone who ignores him forcefully. Cliston wouldn't try to stop him if that's what they thought, it's not his duty, in the end the child's nurse took him by the arms and would try to rejoin the program.

『DEJAME!!! If I can't the first time!!! Maybe the second time!!! But at the third one already no!!!! What's the point of getting it wrong if I can't get it right the first couple of times!!!! If this were a game! We would have lost by now because of my mistakes!!!! Let me go!!!! I don't want to see this place any more!!!』

The boy was throwing a tantrum waving his arms back and forth, his caregiver sure has a lot of patience for having to put up with a child like this. Seeing that he was making a fuss, you could even hear how the adults and elders were commenting that always, ever since he came here, this child at the first attempts gives up if he doesn't get what he wants, the nurse in order not to make more fuss, decided to take the child to his room.

『That brat is really irritating』.

Cliston commented without thinking about it before, it was very natural his comment, in that the boy heard perfectly, where he left his tantrum to turn to look at Cliston, the boy seemed to be angry for that comment, that he decided to shout to make one thing clear.

『YOU WHAT DO YOU KNOW!!!! It's okay!!!! I'll stay and show you that I can do it!!!! *tsch* What does that wanker think he's doing』

The boy commented to his caregiver to again take him to the bars to try walking again, Cliston didn't wait for the boy to respond, but it seems that now the boy is obsessed with Cliston who was telling him to keep an eye on him.

『Look good!!! So that next time you don't go around talking shit!!!』

The boy became more serious than in his first attempts, Cliston was staring at how the boy's progress would be, the boy started to take his first shaky steps, they will be slow and he was holding on tightly to the bars not to fall, seeing the boy's perseverance made Cliston encourage him.

『Wuoo, it's even a better attempt than before, come on, keep it up kid!』

『Don't tell me kid!!! My name is Jomei!!!』

『Sorry sorry!!! come on Jomei!!! you're about to get halfway there!!!』

Cliston was the only one who was supporting him, the others continued with their daily routine, Jomei wanted to show Cliston that his words were wrong, but if he is an irritating child, at least he will be an irritating child who gets what he wants. It seemed to be going well, but the trembling in Jomei's body became more noticeable, he was losing his strength so fast that at any moment he would end up falling to the ground and having another failure in his list. Jomei would again hit the mattress and look at Cliston, where Cliston would simply wave his hands and say that there was no other way.

Cliston would go back to Raku to continue with the card thing, but it didn't matter what method he used to get Raku to participate, it was just like he didn't want to or didn't draw much attention, Cliston would eventually give up and decide to leave already without waiting for the caretaker, but when he would turn his gaze he would meet Jomei.

『Yes, what's offered to you kid, ah no!!! right, Jomei I forget xd』

『You didn't expect anything from me, did you? You only felt obligated because I said so』

『Well, yes, maybe, but in that last attempt you made you really tried hard, you should keep trying 』

『No, that's enough for today, I have no strength left and I'll just clown around, and I'm not up for that, you're new aren't you? Look at your arm, too much straw hurts』.

Jomei was with his wheelchair conversing with Cliston, where upon hearing straw, for some reason Raku who was also here, started laughing at the comment. Cliston was struck by the fact that indeed Jomei was already going to leave, everything seems to notice that what Cliston thought at first was the reason.

"『So Jomei-san, you only make a few attempts and that's it?

『Of course, didn't you hear? It's no good if I don't make it to the first and second, it's obvious that the others I can't even if I try hard 』.

Jomei was so sure of his words that he even put his hands on his hips, Cliston looked disappointedly at the little boy, as did Raku who was listening to the subject. Jomei started to protest why those looks, where Cliston again wouldn't try to get more into the topic.

『All right, do what you want, but if you keep this up, you're only making your stay here longer, these kids now who want everything the first time』.

『Get into your own things』

『(....This kid sure is very responsive)』.

The cards were still lying on the floor, where Jomei seeing it didn't avoid taking a few and in saying what these animals are called, this one without stopping started to say absolutely everything.

『This one is a crocodile, and this one a dog, this one a duck, this one a rabbit and this one』.

『I think you'd better stop, the one who is learning is Raku-san, so please stop』.

Jomei happened to turn to Raku who was sitting to the side, she still kept her gaze down where Jomei would comment that she has always been like that, that she avoids her caretakers and doesn't pay attention to what they tell her, that she prefers to do whatever she feels like, although she doesn't really do anything special, she just laughs when she finds something funny and gets depressed when she doesn't like something silently. Although he also told and repeated it many times that he likes to make fun of others as long as he can get a few laughs out of them, he practically has fun talking good or bad things about the other.

『Really? I see her very quiet, she reminds me of my friend who was also quiet』.

At that Jomei went on to complain to Raku about why he wasn't at least putting effort into what he's learning. He put the cards in his face so that he wouldn't lose sight of them, where Raku seems to have been tolerant all this time that in the end he would bring out a bit of what Jomei said a little while ago.

『It is not necessary for a genius like me to learn the basics, unlike you I no longer wet the bed like you do, if you like to give work to your nurse, I take pity on her, learn from me, I am so good that I give free hours to mine 』╭( ・ㅂ・)و.

『Surely he left because he can't stand you anymore, look who's talking, besides I don't wet my bed anymore!!!』

『Pu pu pu, well the sheet that is lying on the ceiling says otherwise, or was it the dog's? no, at least the dog can lift its paw, you better tell me if I'm going far because humiliating you is not my goal either, because you already do that on your own, what a good nailed by my mother 』(b^_^)b

Jomei was really annoyed by Raku's way of talking and being, who started to run him all over the Rehabilitation area, although it can be noticed how Raku was having fun using Jomei, since he was in a wheelchair, just by making a quick turn or going back and forth, it was enough for him to never manage to catch up with him.

『AAHHH!!! I don't like you and your mouth since I got here!!!! Come on I'm going to give you one that's going to hurt!!!!!』

『Kya!!! That was a good reaction, have another time, kya! And that kids proves that being a paraplegic doesn't stop you from being crafty, so always go all out like Maradona』 (o^-')b

『Don't go around making people think wrong again!!!! Come here you little shit!!!』(#ಠQಠ#)

These 2 children were running around the area and their nurses had to come, because they were taking so long to stop them so as not to make a fuss. When they were separated, it was noticeable how the little lively that the place was, quickly returned to the silence that was before. The children were leaving with their respective nurses where Cliston was saying goodbye to the children.

『So long, Jomei-san, Raku-san』

But there was no answer at all, Jomei just turned to look at him but not to say goodbye, while Raku didn't even pay attention to him, Cliston gave a sigh because all the tension of thinking what she should have done with these 2 children is gone, Raku ignores her and Jomei seems to be an annoying child.

『This is really bad, this is what I get for believing that I could do it, right now my friends would be calling me a believer』.

But then he heard laughter from the adults and elders who were in the place, Cliston was struck by this, since they have been serious all the time, where the elders commented that at least these 2 children, with the little interaction they have, amuses them and brings out some smiles for the pranks they do.

『(Those kids, at least I'm glad that their conditions don't stop them from being who they really are)』.

It was already night, you can see how in different rooms they left the light off to let the patients rest, as much as Jomei and Raku were already sleeping, Cliston was also sleeping peacefully, but maybe it is because he heard them talking about urinating to both children, that to him in the middle of the night, he felt like going to the bathroom.

『Pucha, I'll go to the bathroom because I don't want to wet my bed』.

Cliston turned on the light in his room, although he had to get his eyes used to the darkness first to be able to see better, but at the same time a very motivated old man had also gotten up, he was happy the old man, since he could move his legs more agilely, we could simply say that he could no longer bear not walking for a while. So he decided to take a night walk around the hospital, the old man was walking happily.

『(What a joy, I thought I would never move again, but look at me I am here walking quietly, although it is not as I would like, but it is an advance, although since I woke up, I felt like going to the bathroom)』.

The old man was walking calmly and happily through the corridors, while Cliston met a nurse who was pouring laundry down the hospital's laundry chute, taking advantage of it he would ask her to guide him to the bathrooms where she would gladly take him.

『(Awwww, grateful to have pilin)』(*'I`*).

Cliston was just finishing urinating when he heard someone else enter the men's room, and found it was Jomei along with the nurse who led him here. Cliston greeted him, a good early morning so to speak, where Jomei again ignored him and this time didn't even look at him, where Cliston decided not to be ignored 2 times anymore.

『Lucky you Jomei-san, you won't be peeing the bed again』.

『And they're still at it!!!!! This time it's not peeing!!! It's something....you know.....where I can't just....』

『I found young Jomei coming for the toilets by himself with his wheelchair, come on kid, I already told you if you need help with anything just call me, that's what we're for, even though that means you managed to sit in your wheelchair on your own, well done』

『That's that, when you do it the first time and without help, everyone congratulates you, keep congratulating me 』v(・∀・*).

The nurse would stay in the bathrooms helping Jomei to do what she has to do, while Cliston would have to go back to his room alone, the bad thing is that the hospital is still not memorized, no doubt it is a big place. The old man who had gone for a walk also seems to be lost, he was looking from side to side even went so far as to bump into the walls but in a preemptive way.

『Oh! I think I've found the bathroom, I'm getting an urge but ufff (although I think I should have called my nurse instead)』.

The old man opened the bathroom door, where this one is simply as if he vanished, there was no trace of him, it seems that tragedy was still haunting everywhere Cliston goes.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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