
Chapter 226: Pastime 4

P͇a͇s͇a͇t͇i͇e͇m͇p͇o͇ ͇4͇

After the Rottweiler got away from us, he was chasing that aggressive dog with all his might, where the latter remembering how he was totally outclassed in brute force and having nothing to do, could only escape with his tail between his legs, I think that was the phrase I don't remember very well xd. Toy mensito, anyway. This aggressive and crazy dog has a very interesting history, since he was a puppy his life was totally different, he used plans, tactics, strategies to get his way. For a while because of his cunning he managed to live comfortably.

『(My tail..... is hurting me a lot, between this burning I feel cold at the tip, it must have torn my fur)』

The dog in wanting to confirm in his escape journey what was happening to him, and indeed, his flesh was visible on the tip of his tail, plus there were also pieces of fur ball by his body and in others also gave signs of falling off, this dog by his way of living and not taking care of himself, ended up having a very unhealthy state.

『(He keeps chasing me, this reminds me of when I was a puppy on the streets, but it was necessary....yo also wanted to have a life like the other dogs at home!!!! Even if it meant taking it away from one)』

The crazy aggressive dog saw that he could turn a corner and did not hesitate, but that was not lacking, quickly to his maneuver this one climbed the walls, walked between the houses, to make a complete turn to the street, when he finally came out where he always walks, he noticed that the Rottweiler was still running without stopping, he had somehow outwitted him, the look of the crazy aggressive dog was of annoyance and remembering.

『(I think I was wrong, the dog I played the game on had a tail, this one just doesn't)』

He commented in his mind as he saw the Rottweiler from behind, it seems like this is where the chase of these dogs ended, but then this same dog, he remembered that boy, Kenzo, dogs have a way of being able to sense other beings, like they smell our emotions and how we are. At that moment the aggressive dog was not in his right mind, and attacked Kenzo even though Kenzo was showing signs of being a good person and had a pet before.

『(That boy, I could tell he was a good human, surely the dog with him will have a good life, and I..... did it because of the same thought, but in the end that person I thought was good threw me away as if I wasn't worth anything.... .how much I tried so hard that one threw me away....this human must be the same, I will find him, and he will pay.....he will pay for everything that happened to me....it is true...I am not in my senses, besides he reminds me of that one....)』

Without further ado, the crazy aggressive dog started to walk in the opposite direction slowly, sniffing the floor to find the smell of the boy, but his sense of smell was not like the other dogs, just by looking at his appearance you can tell that it was bad, his sense of smell was not the best. You could tell as the dog growled in annoyance, but he would continue his sniffing quest.

While the Rottweiler kept running, without stopping, it was like his eyes were looking straight ahead, but not thinking about what was there, pom!!!! Without him noticing, he ran over an adult who was walking by, the adult fell to the ground complaining about the pain he suffered. The adult was on the ground, but it was not serious, he was going to get up but he noticed a shadow that covered him, when he saw it was the Rottweiler that came towards him, with blood on his forehead and because it was that breed, it scared the adult a lot.

The adult closed his eyes, but then in his hand he felt something soft, it was the pads of the paws of the dogs, the Rottweiler touched the hand of the adult with his paw giving to understand that he was apologizing. After this small apology, it no longer ran violently again, but this time if it was going to do what it had to do.

『(I'm ruining the humans' lives this day....I have to find a good place again so that when those humans run into me....they have fun and I have fun too.....My owner.....were very fun those days)』

I walked with a not so steady course, the Rottweiler has a lot more things to tell us later.


On the other hand, Kenzo and M's conshesumare joputo, xd insults him to the prota. The lover of ##### were following up with the maps, there are 8 dogs in total and 8 parts, they recovered 2 and already met 2. 6 are missing and they are very curious about how these dogs will be, although the excitement is something measured, since previously when they agreed all this maps, they had already seen the dogs together. Maybe what gives them excitement is to see what each dog will do, knowing something unknown about something you are supposed to know must be exciting.

『Don't you find all this very exciting! Onii-san Blue! I think I'm slowly getting back to the way I used to be, I was very discouraged before because of the loss of my friend, but everyone must go on, no? They really are what one needs when going through something bad』.

Kenzo was thrilled to note that his insecurities, though not insecurities, but that he is getting back to what he was before, a cheerful boy who trusts what he had closest to him, the dogs. When I heard his words, I was curious, from before he implied that he had a pet, so I asked him if he ever had a dog.

『That's right, I called him Maylo, he was a....the truth is I don't know what breed he is, he looked so unique and funny, maybe he's even a street dog, since that's how I found him. I found... I just opened my eyes and he was already with me, with him I spent most of my life, I am 8 years old so you can get an idea, he was playful, rough, kind, robust, he was black fur, he had many characteristics, he even looked like a human, doing things that I didn't even imagine could be done』

『He must have been a great friend to you, I had pets too, the first one died from an illness when I was little, I still remember that with my mother we went to the vet and nothing more could be done』-『For a while I didn't have another dog, I didn't want a pet, but then my sister a few years later brought a small female puppy, it really was a very small puppy, as it will be now, it will have grown or remained small, if I hadn't left, I would have spent time with that new member of the family』

I got a very nostalgic feeling remembering my pets I had in my childhood, I also had a lot of fun with them and they were so to speak, my only friends back then, wait? Is that year I had my first pet, was it before I met Menhera and Rino? I think so!!!! I remember, it was when I was still living with our uncles and cousins....si....ya I start to remember clearly, I think from there I started to hide from others. But how did he get sick? He just got sick out of nowhere.

Kenzo listening to what I was saying, he was giving me his condolences for what happened with my first pet, where I commented that thank you and at the same time it was not necessary, it's been a while, but I really appreciate that it is so, people are more open with you if I passed the same experience to them.

『If you hadn't left? Where did you go Onii-san blue?』

Without further Kenzo asked about what was the reason for my separation with the canine, where I happened to see him to then look elsewhere, the truth is that I do not plan to tell him much, maybe he does not understand this kind of thing, I scratched my cheek while thinking about what I could say.

『Well *she clicks her fingers* I went far away, abroad because I was chosen, that's right! I was chosen, I had no choice but to do it and leave what I had here, but I tried so hard that I could finally come back which is the most important thing, Ahhhh *sigh* I already want my friends to come back to be together again *smiles*』

I modified what happened so that it didn't sound so weird, although the desire to tell the truth was not lacking, when I turned to see the boy I was doubtful if he would really believe it, but then Kenzo let out a comment saying that I must be very smart to go abroad and spend a few years there. When I heard that I just let out fake laughter why don't I....

『Yeah...sure....intelligent.....ja-ja-ja-ja-ja-ja (I don't even know the table of 7)』(;^◇^;)ゝ

We were walking through the streets, we had no idea where we could look or where another canine would be, in there Kenzo looked by a house which we passed, I was walking quietly where I felt someone grab my clothes.

『There he is』

Kenzo commented pointing inside a house, as if we were thieves about to commit their misdeed, we looked from the bars of the door of the house at the courtyard, where a part of the Map was on the grass, and in it a dog sleeping peacefully. This dog was a strange one, since it has no fur at all, it was as if it was totally naked, I was wondering if it was really a dog or another animal, because if it was a dog it was worse than the one we saw before.

『It is a Viringo, also known as Perro sin Pelos, Perro Calato, Perro Chimu or simply also called Peruvian Dog, they are dog originating from that country, and in what they stand out the most is that they are companion breeds, they are perfect dogs to have by your side, they are mostly quiet for quiet people, these dogs are even from ancient times, in the culture of Peru, there are ceramics of these dogs, implying that they were important, they may not have hair, but that does not prevent them from being cold, Peruvian Dogs genetically have a syndrome of ectodermal hypoplasia, which means that they have warm skin that when in contact with human skin can warm it, but it is still advisable in cold weather to put clothes on these breeds, better in all』.

Again Kenzo gave us a great datazo about the different breeds of dogs that there are, again I repeat, he is only 8 years old and seems to know everything about dogs or maybe animals in general, when he grows up maybe he will dedicate himself to a profession that has to do with them. But even though Kenzo was excited and happy to be the first time you see a dog in person of this kind, M only thought one thing about these.

『Hahahahaha you can see his <pilin>』 (。 >艸<).

<Translator: The word Pilin for many places in Latam, is to refer to the male member, ie the penis but in a much funnier way can it be? I don't know, a lot of countries refer to things with weird words xd>

I wanted to laugh because you could see the pilin very clearly, where Kenzo did not avoid to see me disappointed, yes, I know that all dogs can see the pilin whether they have hair or not, but this one is much more visible. Why am I talking about a dog's limb? Then they don't call me furro out of the blue, I'm not furro AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

We were looking at how we would do to take the map that is inside the house, in the courtyard, but quickly instinctively took Kenzo to hide us, the thing was that there was a person who passed inside the house, must be the owner and he would be suspicious if he sees us at his door.

『That was close, if he had seen us he would have thought we were suspicious』(-。-;

『I think hiding is more suspicious Onii-san blue.....』 (ーー;)

I quickly peeked out to look, where it seems the Hairless Dog woke up, it was yawning showing us its teeth. We quickly saw that the owner came out to where the dog is, and noticed that it was a granny who was the owner of the pet. The hairless dog was wagging his tail because he was very happy, the grandma was feeding him kibble, petting him and congratulating him for being a good boy. Granny was holding the door open telling him to come in, but this dog was just holding up his paw giving her to understand that not yet.

『I'll leave the backyard door open for you to come in, ah, right! My grandchildren are coming today! Let's get to spend some time with them *smiles*』.

Granny seems to be a nice person, when this heard the hairless dog, it started jumping up and down with joy and wagging its tail. Granny finally closed her door to the house, where the hairless canine became more normal. In this time while granny was talking to her pet, Kenzo and I planned a way on how to retrieve the part of the map.

『What if we just ask Granny to let us in? She seems like a nice person』.

Kenzo would come up with the easy answer, M was thinking that it is the best option and they would accept in Kenzo's plan, M seemed to want to confirm something, he walked to the gate and noticed that it was locked, you could tell how he forced it a little bit. To then go back to Kenzo saying that if he would accept his plan.

『Did you want to infiltrate and retrieve the map as a spy?』

『I was noticed that much? It's just...ahhh it looks very easy to do it that way you say, I want to get to have a little bit of fun and exert myself maybe...yeah? Please, in risky situations I do it without thinking, but in this which is for fun, let me be a little naughty』 (/..\).

M out of nowhere went into a mode like that indirectly and directly in his words? While with his hands he hid his eyes to imply that he wanted to but at the same time not. When Kenzo saw this again, he did not avoid a gesture of disappointment. In the end the boy denied me that we do not do anything weird and say things as such, I sighed for at least having tried, but anyway I was left with the desire to do so, so I leaned on the wall to peek out from above it.

Pomm!!!!I fell straight to the ground because of something that scared and alarmed me, Kenzo quickly went to help me, where after and looked up at the wall, we noticed that the hairless dog was on top of it, without wasting any time it was communicating with its tail.

『Spy is wrong, you shouldn't take advantage when people are careless』.

Kenzo commented by translating what the dog was saying, where at the end he added that the dog is also right, seeing that it was a 2 against 1, I ended up giving in not trying to spy. Quickly the hairless dog commented to us that he would have liked to go somewhere else much more open and dynamic, but he felt that this person needed him so he came back.

『I'm going to hide the map anywhere in the house, you will have to find it without being caught by granny, if you succeed you win and if you are caught in the act, you will be thrown away like rats, with strangers granny can become somewhat different, she doesn't like surprises, those she makes one, she gives them a special treatment *smiles*』.

It was very simple the way this dog was playing, but I was wondering one thing, again that since he is upstairs and I am downstairs, I could see his pilin in its splendor, and secondly that I thought that all of the pack were ownerless, that is they are stray dogs, but maybe if some of them do have a home.

The hairless dog jumped into his house to hide the piece of paper, either inside the house or outside, he also told us that in a few minutes grandma will take her nap and that means we lost. We have to wait for the hairless dog to hide it and when he barks it means we can act.

GUAU!!!! Granny was surprised that out of nowhere the dog barked, but nothing more than a mild surprise happened, when we heard it, Kenzo and I knew what we had to do.

『In the end if we have to infiltrate as spies.....it's going to be fun』

Kenzo commented that what M wanted was fulfilled, although in the end it seems that he also wanted this kind of fun. Compared to the other games or challenges, where we had to move, run as fast as possible, in this one we have to be quiet and slow, sneak into other people's property.

"It really looks like we're going to steal...』

I commented whispering excitedly, quickly over the top of the walls, I entered first with stealth, although it cost me a lot to be honest, then I managed to get Kenzo down and now we were really in a place they could stop us from.

『This reminds me of an event when some kids broke into someone else's house looking for a pokemon because of that little game』 ๑ΘдΘ๑

『You talk about that app? And what happened to those young men, blue Onii-san?』

『The house belonged to a grandpa, who had a gun ha-ha-ha』 ('∀`;)

(・・;)Literally Kenzo was cold after I told him what happened with that event, he quickly claimed to me why I had to tell him something like that at this time, where I couldn't help it, it seems that I really like to give others a hard time, although I wonder how Rino will do it so people won't hate him and look at him like they look at me. Kenzo looked at me again with disappointment.

We were in the front yard, where there were few things, it was more clear that the paper would no longer be there, we didn't know if it was better to separate or go together, but quickly Kenzo separated from me walking crouched down through the bushes in the yard. And I thought this child would be more fearful in this situation.

We both searched our sides, we came across many things along our paths, but there was no trace of the paper, we also didn't believe that the paper was buried, since we couldn't see the battered earth either, when we reached the backyard, we managed to find each other, here there were many more things, like dog toys and small children's toys more than anything else.

『Did you find it?』

『No...and you?』

Seeing that neither of them had the paper, it only implied that it is in the worst place for this situation, although it was more than obvious. The hairless dog was on the couch trying to get some sleep while lying on top of the paper.

『Ahhh....!!.....pilin of the chorizo...although I would have done that too since it's safer...but anyway...ahhh....』 (;~〓~)

I was whispering implying my dissatisfaction with this, the only way in was through the back door, the glass door leading to the patío is open, but when we go in what will we do...if we get discovered by granny what will she do to us, the hairless dog said she will give us special treatment..... And on top of that with what I remembered about grandpa and pokemon....

『Snotty....I think I regret eavesdropping....』 (;'д`)

『And you're saying that now...』

I didn't make the best possible decision, we were hiding, the house has 2 levels, we'll have to wait for grandma to go to the second floor to be safer. Kenzo could feel the grass on his knee where he had the wound, I could hear him complaining about the pain and again I asked if he was ok. Without saying anything to me, he fearlessly went into the house.

『(But what is that brat doing!!!!! Do you want them to put lead in you???!?!!!)』(@Д@;

I was in my mind totally freaking out, while Kenzo turning to see me, only saw an M making weird gestures, opening his mouth without sound, moving his hands, he really looked like a mute, no offense of course. Kenzo gave me to understand that the grandmother is on the second floor and that we should take advantage of it, with fear but what can I do, I also entered the house.

Quickly each one searched the kitchen, the passageway, the places where he was, of course, without making any noise that would bring grandma's attention, I quickly entered the living room squatting and saw that the hairless dog yawning, he just woke up. Again the dog communicated with his tail, I don't know what he says, but I think he said he didn't expect them to actually do it.

This one got up from the couch taking with him the piece of paper, this dog was leaving, but I also wanted to take speed, but if I do it I will make noise and it is not the best thing either. This dog doesn't make noise when he walks, what a desire to have pads on the sole of his foot.

Quickly the hairless dog that wanted to escape but ran into Kenzo on the way, we tried to catch him while he had the piece of paper in his jaw, even if there were 2 of us we couldn't catch him, the dog ran through the house without making any noise, he took advantage of knowing the place to have an advantage, while we had to think twice before acting.

At that moment the hairless dog didn't seem to see well and crashed against a shelf, there was a slight movement where a vase was about to fall, quickly the hairless dog stopped to try to fix it, but he saw that M managed to catch the vase before it could fall.

『You go on Brat, I'll put and arrange the shelf so it won't fall, better be sure』.

I was telling him to continue chasing the dog, where the latter seeing that everything is fine and will be fine, went up the stairs to the second floor, Kenzo without further ado chased the dog, but I could notice how he stopped to help. The dog entered the only room that was open and without further ado got into the clothes garbage can that was there, all without making any noise. When Kenzo entered, he remained static, since it was obvious that the only open door on the second floor was where the grandmother would be, she was arranging the clothes that were there, Kenzo did not know what to do, he saw that there was a clothes rack with a door, so he did not think more, he slowly walked this way and could lock himself in without any problem.

『(But what am I doing.....I was supposed to find my father's treasure....why am I getting into games of dogs who know how to communicate....there is no other.....than as it always was....trust them....)』

Granny was finally able to arrange the clothes that were there, now she would take the basket of clothes that was there to send it to the washing machine, but here Kenzo wondered many things, he knows that there for sure is the dog since there was no other place, the moment he lifts the basket he will know that the dog is there, nothing bad will happen, but he remembered that the hairless dog said that he does not like surprises and he gives them a special treatment. Maybe this could get worse. Kenzo was thinking what to do, but if he comes out it would also be a surprise, the little boy was in doubt.

『(No! If granny takes the basket....ella....)』-『(She....her waist won't hold up)』

Even the dog himself was worried, the dog was determined to go out in the quietest way, just like Kenzo, but quickly a rustling was heard in the lower part of the house, on the second floor. While those two were hiding, M knew that the shelf was going to fall completely and everything it contained, although it seemed that it was well but not really, he tried to arrange it so that it was well, everything went well in the end, but he did not look well, he put it in a protruding part of the floor and that's why the creaking or squeaking before.

It was too late, all the things were falling down and it was only seconds before the disaster was heard. The granny puzzled by this, was about to go downstairs to check, where she heard a bark behind her, it was the dog that came out.

『There you are *smiles* So what was that noise downstairs? What's this? A piece of paper?』

The grandmother saw that the hairless dog was holding the piece of paper between his mouth, they were going down the stairs to find out what was happening, meanwhile the hairless dog already had an idea, that surely the shelf ended up falling, but if so, why didn't they hear anything but a rustling sound.

When they reached the second floor, they found nothing strange, only a bird pecking around the yard. Granny took it for granted that it was the one who did the ruin. The hairless dog was confused, he knew by his hearing that everything would fall down, but ....por that did not happen, although he also remembers that he heard some strange things like at maximum speed.

Without further ado the grandmother got a call from her family that they would soon arrive home, where she would prepare the bath for them to be more relaxed. Kenzo went down the stairs without any noise and saw that in the courtyard was M hiding waiting for him.

『And do you have the paper?』

M was asking the boy but the answer was no, but then the hairless dog approached with the paper in his mouth, and with his tail he was saying he doesn't know what happened, but I think it was enough, please take the paper.

Kenzo accepted with kindness, but M tapped him on the shoulder, to let him know that grandma finally discovered us. Granny found something strange, a hairless dog and 2 boys in her yard, Kenzo quickly got scared of what he would do to us. But quickly granny calmed down.

『I understand, you came to get your dog? If so, I'm sorry for keeping him, I couldn't leave him alone』.

Granny was saying words we didn't expect it, when Kenzo said her dog, I ask her if this dog was not hers, we had a confusion all this time. We thought this hairless dog was granny's, but it seems it's not, he only comes from time to time, she gives him food and some cuddles, but it's not hers. So when she saw Kenzo with the dog nearby, she thought it was hers, but it's not like that either.

『I see, looks like we're kind of silly *smiles* This dog sure is playful and goes where he wants, things are fixed that's the most important thing』.

In the end it was not so serious, on the contrary it was like Kenzo said at the beginning, she was a good person, and when the hairless dog referred to her as she will do something special to them. it was that she will give us a special treatment, the granny for a few minutes, she insisted us to accompany her, eat with her, eat her sweets, have her knit us clothes, it was much simpler than I thought. At the end we were saying goodbye and leaving through the front door as it should have been.

『Hey blue Onii-san, what happened downstairs? I thought something ugly would happen』

『Ah, that, nothing, just a pigeon came and started pecking, but nothing else happened, maybe it was Eren uhmm Tatakae!』 ୧| ͡ᵔ ﹏ ͡ᵔ |୨

What really happened is that everything was falling down, but M happened to her God Form and with great speed was able to put everything back in order, but of course, who would suspect the little noises there were, so in a quick way, M took a pigeon from the heavens and put it in the house to be the culprit. Granny sat on the couch in the living room , where quickly the hairless dog stood on top of her, it was not so heavy, it was light.

"Who will be your owner, I would like to take care of you but I can't, you are very warm without even having hair, I wish I knew you when I was a little girl and the fur made me sneeze』.

The fact that he couldn't stay with the dog was because....to this the hairless dog happened to lick his face implying that he is happy, but in addition he also made gestures with his tail telling him that he will be by his side for the rest of the time.

『Yes you are a strange dog *smiles*』.

We have 3 pieces recovered, now we have 5 to go before we can finally finish the day.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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