
Chapter 214: Memories of Pequeños Part 8

All the first part of the Sports Festival was taken by Tutti Frutti Athletics, the truth is that we wanted to win this one, first to have a good start and second to be more confident that we are capable of all this. But in the end things happened, many things that disconcerted us, maybe we were not so prepared and we lacked experience, and that we have been preparing for a long time and we did not manage to win. And in the parts where we were going to win, our classmates decided to give the victory to others, the truth if it hurt us but surely they have their reasons, from Uncle Potter we know it very well, but listening to Lys' answer made us feel discouraged.

The Headmaster announced lunch time, quickly my classmates were looking for their families who could come to the event. Brayan was looking through the crowd for his family, he was shaking his head back and forth and even jumping up and down to find them.


A childish voice was calling Brayan who was his 2 year old little sister, she was on top of her mother so she could have a better view. Brayan in a quick way was running together with his family, where before greeting his mother, he quickly received a straight hand blow on his head.

『AHH!!! And now what did the punch come to old lady????』('・д・`)

『It's because you didn't do your part well in the competition, but I also noticed that you tried harder than in previous years, well done son 』.

Quickly Brayan's mother from the soft blow she gave him, she went on to caress his head, where Brayan was embarrassed and quickly withdrew with his hands, his mother's hand from him. Everything was already put together, with the sheets on and Brayan opened the Obentos and was surprised by the tasty food that was there.

『WHOOOAAAAAA!!!! This time you were really good old lady!!!! I wish you could cook like that every day!!! Bon appetit!』(๑˃̶͈̀o˂̶͈́๑)

Brayan is from a big family, he has an older sister who is already in college, he has another sister who has already entered elementary school and his last little sister who is only 2 years old. He is the only male child in his family, but this is not a bother, although the truth is that he would be lying xd. Since the older sister takes advantage of the younger ones to do favors for her by boasting that she is in college and that she is about to finish it.

『I go to Uni and you don't, I am pro your one-armed, I have money you don't, I will take the family forward and you also have to do it, you are still small and I say it for height, but when you grow up you will also have to make an effort, although I doubt that you will surpass me but if you reach me, when I leave the house you will be the oldest and you will have to fulfill my role, remember that you are the only man in the house, just get ready for the moment』.

It was the words of Brayan's Big Sister when she was on her day off from all the chaotic and hectic of being in a University. But Brayan at that moment shushed his sister as he was paying much more attention to the TV.

『SHHHHHHHH!!!! Quiet, I'm watching the animated Granola Saga for the fifth time, so be quiet!!!!! UFF!!! But how great the vegeta in this Saga, quite an idol the frenton this, and the animation God!!!』 ₍₍ ◝(●˙꒳˙●)◜ ₎₎₎

Quickly Brayan received a hard smack on the head for not paying attention to his Big Sister and as has become customary for them, he sent her to get him some drinks from the store. Although Big Sister can be tough, she also pampers her family on several occasions and treats them with affection, although this family is not very direct in terms of affection so in the end it all ends in a blow to the head xd.

Her sister couldn't come this time because of the University and her sister who is in Primary school couldn't come either, the only ones who managed to come were her mother and also the little baby. But even though not everyone was there, Brayan was very happy. He is sharing funny events with his mother and also Brayan spoils his little sister very much.


Cliston on the other hand is an only child, he was reunited with his family who managed to come were his father, his mother and his grandmother. Who grandma is the one who loves her grandson the most, even more than his own parents, and it's not that Cliston's parents don't love him, you love him very much, but grandma is the one who takes the top prize.

『Good job on the competition, did you have a lot of fun?』 『That's my Cliston, he's a big boy, no one can beat him 』.

Cliston's parents are loving as I said before, they were congratulating their son who Cliston was very happy, he was smiling and with red cheeks. Without further ado the grandmother stood up and had a big pile of Obento boxes, she wanted to play the strong one but quickly the Obentos below started to fall where Cliston acted fast throwing himself so they wouldn't fall. Grandma couldn't take it anymore and all the Obento boxes ended up falling on top of Cliston, again and again until he was buried. Before the parents could help their son, Cliston raised his voice saying that he was fine and that they had nothing to worry about, the grandmother knelt down in front of Cliston and removed the Obento from his face.

『Thank you so much Mama Lucha, as always I'll be here to receive all your love *smiles* But one day I wish I could resist it, one day, maybe? 』 ✧⁺⸜(●′▾‵●)⸝⁺✧

Cliston was smiling laughing in order to calm the situation, so we all say to Cliston's grandmother, Mama Lucha, who she seeing her grandson's smile, happened to stroke his head.

『Well, let's start eating, we're all hungry for sure *smiles*』.

Mom Lucha commented where they all helped Cliston and in removing the various Obentos that were there, but when they opened them all the Nimura Family noticed that all the food was scrambled and without any presentation. But that didn't matter, they all took their chopsticks and asked for permission to eat, and as if nothing had happened, they all ate while talking about their things and anecdotes, all with laughter and good vibes.


All my other classmates had also looked for their families so they could eat together and spend time together. Omar is also an only child and only his father could come, the dog was very happy because he did not expect this, because finally his family took the time to come at least one of them and be with him.

『Hahahahahahaha how could you fall? hahahjjajajajaja you looked like that little dog and his ball falling on his back hhajajajajajaja』

"『Don't make fun of me, Jefecito, I'm sure I got that defect from you, but you'll see that the next time I'll fuck all of you!

Quickly Omar opened his obento and came across a somewhat peculiar food, as it seemed to be burnt and was not very well decorated or tidy. The dog didn't hide his expression of disgust and passed to look at his father, who surely was the one who prepared it.

『Well, it looks ugly, but with the taste, maybe that's where you'll surprise me, Bosscito』.

The Dog took a bite of his father's Obento and quickly moved to take it out of his mouth and place it on a piece of toilet paper. His father quickly reacted in surprise by complaining that it might be ugly looking, but it's not that big of a deal either. The father also took a taste of his food and just like his son, went on to take it out of his mouth and wrap it in toilet paper.

『Let's go get some potato chips, instant ramen and some cola? 』 ('へ')

『I really agree with you Little Boss, you should practice your cooking more if you're going to do this often....』 ( ̄⊿ ̄)

The Father and son went to buy some quick snacks at the nearby stores around the school. Meanwhile the Potter and Rojito's Family as they are so close took the opportunity to be able to eat together, in between the meal both friends were teasing each other and making jokes with each other, where the Potter started laughing like a horse for some reason.

『Uncle? Are you all right, Uncle? What's with the laugh? JAJAJAJAJHAHAHAHA Please stop, I already want the others to hear this』(ಡ艸ಡ).

Everyone seemed to be getting along well at this time, having your family around you is a nice thing to have, and unfortunately my family couldn't come and neither could Albert's, even though Albert had told me before that for sure my family would come, but of course, he is not the owner of the truth nor his words can become real, I wonder if Albert is a guy who still believes in miracles or he lost them a long time ago.

That must be why for sure, he must feel bad for telling me a lie he tried to calm me down by giving me a smile and inviting me some food, but there's nothing to be sorry about, we're both going through something hard and difficult.

『Hey guys!!!! Come on over!!!! With me you will always find comfort, for this time I will be your mommy my kids hahahahahaha』.

Lys raised her voice loudly calling us, she was calling us as if she was our family, as if she was our mother accompanying us at this moment, and even she herself was called mom. Lys was with a little person next to her, but we could not see an adult together, could it be that they were out for a while or that they were about to come? Now that I think about it, I'm curious to see Lys' parents, since I haven't seen them so far.

Lys had grabbed the best spot there was, next to a big shady tree, where her sheet was laid out and the various Obentos that were there. We had no other choice as we would feel bad not to accept Lys' offer who just wanted to cheer us up.

『You guys sure are very obedient, I see you learned a lot Yashiro-chan, you have both development and involution and I really like it, I liked you a lot jijiji』 (=ↀωↀ=)

There goes Lys again with his weird words, I was already used to it, but Albert hearing the word "like" this one blushed a lot and it seems that he wouldn't forget it from his head. Lys was not alone, it seems that she is accompanied by a little person, now that I see her closer, she is the person who let Lys win.

"Ah, this little one here! For she is my adorable, tender, dangerous! beloved! and deadly little sister! Come on, come on! Do what we rehearsed!!!』 (=①ω①=)

Quickly Lys became very happy and cheerful for some reason, quickly with the little person who is her little sister, they did a little choreography of 2 simple steps, they only did the pose with their hands imitating the little hands of a cat and saying the words "Nyan".

『Well done Yushi! Ah!!!! Who is the cutest little sister in the world? Who is it!!! Agugugu agugugug Shi, it's you』◥(ฅº₩ºฅ)◤.

Quickly Lys happened to hug and give much affection to Yushi, his little sister who seemed with all that love to leave him breathless, although very funny and affectionate looks Lys, his sister Yushi is quite the opposite, she seemed to have a hostile aura and a shadow covered her eyes product of her hair, only her left eye was visible, Yushi seemed to always have a bad look as if he was annoyed with you for something you did to him.

『She looks like she needs more affection, Yushi is not much of a talker, the most you will hear from her will be a prayer, but very hard to have a conversation with her rhythmic hahahahahaha』.

Yushi for some strange reason had been staring at me with that annoying look he has, it was very weird since Lys was giving him a hug that seemed to have no end, but somehow I was intimidated by Yushi only noticing me.

『Oh! Nice to meet you Yushi-san, whuaaa!!! Yeah that's awesome, may I have something...don't go bothering 』.

Albert quickly passed to greet Yushi, where without any fear he passed to be in front of the little girl since it seems that he wants to check something, without any fear Albert was the first one immediately to see Yushi's face completely, which unfortunately I couldn't see it because I was covering his back.

『It's just me but.....Yushi and Mori-san don't look much alike???? It's like they're long lost siblings 』

That was what Albert said after he managed to see Yushi's full face, I was confused and doubtful because of Albert's words, where I from now on was the one who looked Yushi in the face and analyzed if he was right, but even if more I think it would be difficult for me, because I couldn't see the little girl's full face.

Quickly, Yushi moved to hide by leaning on Lys.

『How mean are you Yashiro-chan, bullying helpless girls with your eyes???? EH?! Careful if you imagined dirty things with my little sister!!!!! Eh!!! Even I'm not that sick of such a thing!!! hahahaha』

Quickly he was denying Lys' words for what he said, where again Albert stayed in his mind those words, where quickly this one blushed for the puerile things he did in his mind. Quickly without anyone expecting it, Albert moved to apologize by putting his forehead to the ground.

『I'M SORRY!!!!!!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE SUCH A PIG!!!! I'M SORRY!!!! There's god..... I can't believe I imagined such a thing in my mind..... what kind of man am I if he does that to a woman without her consent...』

Both Lys and I were left confused by what just happened, but even if more I look at Yushi, I don't think he has resemblance in me, from that if I am very clear that he looks a lot like Lys in several things, but in things about me? I used to be shy, and well, I still am, but seeing Yushi reminds me of my me back then, plus I don't make a bad face all the time, which is something that is always present in Yushi, but.....and if I make a bad face?

『JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA but what are you doing Yashiro-chan??? Playing macho with me again????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can't I can't I can't hahahahahaha』

Lys was laughing at the gesture I was making, I tried to make a bad face but it didn't seem to work, it only served to get teased by Lys. I was embarrassed while in my mind I was telling myself that maybe I am not made to make such an expression.

All calmer now, the Obento boxes were opened where I as well as Albert were surprised by how nice and tidy it looked, just by the smell alone you could tell this was going to be tasty.

『JIJIJIJIjaja praise me mortals, because this kitchen comes from a God! Isn't it tasty????』

Albert took a bite and was quickly surprised at how good it tasted and was congratulating Lys for such a maneuver and skill in the kitchen.

『Well it's obviously tasty, I learned from the best in my opinion, Yushi's dad sure had his touch』.

I was about to take a snack with the chopsticks, where for some strange reason, Lys was very attentive to me, I was also able to eat it where just like Albert, I was amazed at how good the food was. Where he was telling Lys that his father is a great person and with great skill for teaching him such a technique, Lys just laughed where he also happened to eat. Yushi also took a taste and for a moment his eyes sparkled.

『That's how it feels to eat as a family Yushi, you better take advantage of it because I don't think there will be another chance *smiles* 』.

Lys went over to her little sister, where Lys seriously and calmly began to eat a little at a time, surely to feel this feeling of eating as a family. While we were eating Lys told us that this year her little sister came to this school and that she is in C, she also told us that they did not have much contact in these years because of their family, but now they are very close and it is difficult to separate them both.

『Although maybe we are similar in some ways *smiles*』.

While eating I happened to comment that to Yushi, who she had finally finished eating and felt satisfied.

『Yashiro-chan, Albert-chan and Lys-chan, thank you for this moment』.

Out of nowhere Yushi said that prayer, who we were silent for being able to hear his voice that was very nice, quickly Albert was the first to thank and also to thank Yushi for being able to be here.

『There's still time left, I brought a board game, shall we play?』

Lys brought out one of those board games that has several games, where we accepted more than happy to be able to pass the time, we didn't think that something like this would happen, none of our parents managed to come with us, but somehow we managed to have fun and have a fun time.


Elsewhere, the Nanase Family was able to gather all together, even Taichi who is supposed to enter elementary school this year came, but he still managed to come to accompany his sisters at this time.

"Tai-chan, did you get permission from your school to come?

Menhera was going to her little brother who is 2 years younger than her, everyone was gathered, the mother Kyoko, had prepared the Obento, she had to get up early to prepare it, but she was not the only one, Menhera also got up early to be able to help her.

『No, I just missed this day, later I will apologize and ask for recovery, it is a special day for us, to be all together, of course I can't miss it, besides I have to be watching them so they don't make a mess』.

Taichi took some onigiri and ate them quietly while commenting that everything is fine when it is not, to annoy, Konomi happened to comment things to his younger brother to make that confidence go away.

『Seriously? Not everything is solved with an apology, you will be sent to do a lot of work on your own, besides, maybe this day you missed school, maybe something good is happening right now and you are not participating, I heard that you had teamwork, right? you were the one who had to carry the paperwork, right?

Konomi wanted to make his younger brother uncomfortable and insecure, Taichi quickly became a little sweaty and looked away.

『The slip of paper??¿¿¿¿ I gave it to a classmate first thing in the morning..... did I?.... did I????...or not?????』

Taichi was starting to get sweaty and already in distrust in what he did, at that Konomi wanted to tease his brother some more, Jersey came and out of nowhere shoved an onigiri in his mouth, this to make him leave his brother alone.

『This Onigiri is delicious, right Komi-chi? jsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjs Oh! Did you know that rice is the first most consumed food in the world? and the second is wheat? Incredible, isn't it? And it has been consumed for more than 5000 years, people have been consuming it long before I was born!!!! If people consume a lot in rice, then shouldn't the planet be called rice?? jsjsjsjsjsjsjs』 ~(=^・ω・^)ノ◎~

『What are you saying? The earth is called that because it's supposedly the most here, but if we follow your logic and we'd have to call it by what it has the most of, I'd call it a ball of assholes』 ('・ェ・`)

Both sisters were having a very interesting conversation perhaps, Taichi just kept his head down and that for that very reason, for that attitude is that he should keep an eye on his sisters. But still Taichi was unsure so with his cell phone he sent a message to his partner that if they have the paperwork, where after minutes he received his answer that yes, they have the paperwork from work.

『Kurumi-nee-chan, is something wrong? I can see that you are worried』

Taichi didn't avoid asking his sister when he saw that she was restless looking from side to side, that's when Menhera tells him that she can't manage to see Yashiro's parents anywhere and that she thinks they didn't manage to come.

『Yashi-kun must be alone right now, I'm sorry, I'll go look for him, he won't mind if I bring him to be with us, right? 』

Menhera was worried that her friend is alone at this time and this does not let her be calm, where her mother replied that yes, there is no problem and she can eat without any worry. Menhera quickly thanked her mother and went to look for her friend. Taichi was already in the same doubt for a long time.

『Why did Kurumi-nee-chan take a liking to Yashiro? It's not like the boy is a big deal, he's nice and shy, and he grew up a lot this time, but, I don't understand why he's looking after him, is there something you're hiding from us, sister? Is it something that has to do with our family?』

Taichi watched his sister running around looking for his friend, while he was thinking what could be the problem that his sister has, since he knows, he is her brother after all, but his thoughts went away when he saw that both Konomi and Jersey were still arguing over something that seemed silly.

『But it's true!!!!!! The sun will explode in 5000000000000000000 years!!!doesn't that scare you?I'm pissing myself with fear!!!!』

"What's that got to do with it?! We will already be buried underground!!!! Not even that, there won't be a trace of us left by then or anything!!!』

『Eh? Are you saying that one day we will be forgotten and if we don't do something memorable our name will one day be uttered for the last time and no one will know that we once existed anymore? How scary!!!!! You say some really scary things!!!!! Komi-chi!!!』

『Neven I didn't think about that but yeah...it's scary if you say it that way.....』

Both sisters from their discussion went to sitting together and even sharing food for thinking something very dark and ugly. Taichi still can't get used to this but he sees more and more that his sister Konomi has a childish side for getting into this kind of stuff with his sister.


Menhera was looking all around for Yashiro where he might be to take him to his family, where as he looked to the side, he saw that tree where both his friend Yashiro was standing along with other classmates.

『There was an occasion where I made a big sphere fall and everything went to hell jijijijijjijjiji!!!!! It was a lot of fun then, with explosions here and explosions there!!!!! Also once by carelessness I almost ended up with someone important, I think if I did it at the end, they blamed me for everything but, eh!!!!! It was necessary to continue hehehehehehehehehe』.

Lys was happy where she did not stop laughing because of the way she was telling it, Albert and I were laughing but the truth is that we did not understand anything of what our friend was saying.

『(Lys has much more imagination than I do)』 『(I don't even know why I'm laughing anymore)』

At that out of nowhere Lys made everyone stop, she was looking from side to side telling us to come closer to her, everyone even Yushi came closer to show us what Lys has to show us, at that Lys showed us her thumb, more specifically the nail. Albert didn't understand until he praised her that she had a nice nail.

『Look at it!!! look at it!!! look at it!!!!! look at it!!!!! a Among us!!!! ඞ Hahahaajajajaja』

He said that word showing us his finger and wagging it, out of nowhere I started laughing like never before for some strange reason, either because of Lys' way of talking which is very dynamic or because of his fingernail, even Yushi also got a few laughs out of it, the only one who didn't understand was Albert why we were all laughing at Lys' fingernail.

『Eh? What are you laughing at? I don't get it, please, I don't get it!!!! AAAA!!!!!』

Here we were having such a good time that we had forgotten that we were playing a ludo between the 4 of us, is that Lys started to talk and we did not avoid to be interested in her words whether they were lies or truths. At that we noticed that Menehra came, she was finally able to find Yashiro.


Was the only thing Menhera said when she saw me, I quickly turned to see her where I could notice Menhera a worried face, I quickly got worried too but for her, I was about to tell her what happened where she blurted out.

『I see you're having fun, I'm so glad, I'm sorry I worried myself silly 』.

Menhera happened to smile at me with red cheeks, I to this also happened to return the affection with a smile, that's where Albert stepped in.

『Don't say that, no worry is a silly thing, you were worried about whether your friend was okay, weren't you? That's a nice thing, I wish I could feel that affection too, ah! no, ahh!!!....again it came out.....』

Albert wanted to make Menhera feel better and he succeeded, but at the same time he blurted out too many words that it seems that the one who is pitiful now is him. Albert became very nervous and the lack of himself he had quickly left, where Menhera to thank him, he happened to pat his head and dedicate a few words to him.

『Be calm, of course there are people who care about you, your parents are trying hard for you to have a better chance in the future, it's not bad to ask for support if you feel bad, that's what friends are for, right? to help each other』.

Albert listened attentively to the words of Menhera, who Kurumi looked like a mother and a girl of pure affection, Albert at this did not avoid blushing and look away down, but then all his shyness went away when he learned that among his words he said parents. It was there where Menhera explained to him that she had known for a long time that he was not well with his family, so to speak, and that he was not usually so bad. Albert stopped by to see me where I told him I didn't tell him anything, I was a tomb all this time, that's where Menhera explains to him that Albert on many occasions doesn't know how to measure his words that he ends up saying things too much out of pure nature.

『I see, I'm not good at hiding what I feel hahahaha, I hope our deal won't change, please』.

Albert was asking to please keep treating him as usual, without pity or anything special, like just another boy who is his friend, but Menhera would quickly refuse where Albert was surprised by this from her, telling him why.

『Are you telling me to ignore your problem? Of course I can't do that, I know you have your own pride, that you don't want to give pity and even not get help, we can't give great support and you would even refuse until never, but, seriously, you would refuse a good deed, if we can help in something we will, even if it's small, why, that's what friends do, right? they support each other』.

Menhera passed again to dedicate a few words to Albert who listened attentively to each of the prayers, Albert does not want to depend on others to get ahead, that's the least he wants in his life, he would never forgive himself, he wants with his pure effort and support from others to get ahead, he wants to give an effort more than necessary.

『If you keep on like this without saying anything and denying it, one day you won't be able to do it anymore, so in the meantime, for now, accept our little help *smile*』.

Menhera was offering Albert her hand for him to take it, taking it would mean that he can finally tell the truth to his friends, although for sure they already know it too, have a much stronger support but not make it depend on us, the much less we want is to hurt Albert internally, we will give him that support and push in several things, we will be his partner. That's all we want. Albert hesitantly stood, his eyes lowered and he slowly but hesitantly raised his hand. It would have been much more dramatic, but out of nowhere, Lys and Yushi made Albert take Menhera's hand in one.

『Why do you think so much of her child???? Take advantage of the opportunity! That's what they're there for!!! Besides I don't like slow things, it made me anxious hehehehehe』

『You have to be happy while you can, no one knows what might happen later on 』

Lys and Yushi dedicated a few words to Albert, who instead of getting upset, he went on to accept that he was very stubborn and with the time that passed, that he formed at least a base, his friends can understand his problems, Albert was already more confident and accepting in the situation he is in.

『You said you wanted to learn sewing, right? Well I'll teach you, so when you're older you can put it to the test and succeed at many more things besides being a mangaka *smiles*』

Menhera was quickly giving her sincere support to Albert, who after listening to everyone, where also Lys and Yushi would try to help him, I was a little confused, because instead of making him tell the truth, I decided to hide it because I thought it was the best thing to do. If I had hidden it maybe it wouldn't have changed anything, but out of nowhere Albert seeing that I was doubtful, tapped my shoulder.

『Thank you for not saying anything in this time, you gave me enough time to be able to give me strength, now I'm ready to face the reality I wanted to escape from, thank you very much Yashiro-san, really thank you very much, if I hadn't told you.....if I hadn't told you....creo....that this moment would never have happened, thank you....』

Albert without further ado began to shed tears, my friend who always seemed to be calm, now he was crying like a baby in front of us, the truth was that he didn't want to know anything about what happens to him, school was his only time where he can have a calm and normal life like the others, away from the problems, without accepting it. But now maybe he won't be so depressed about his reality, because we will try to help him many more people who want our friend to be well.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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