
World 5: Ova 5: Different Events 5

L͇o͇͇ ͇D͇e͇s͇c͇o͇n͇o͇c͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇3

Kiara not having been able to spend this day with Hiro as they usually do, like patrolling the city and helping people, she felt she had to make up for it somehow, she wanted as always to spend her time with Hiro, since this boy did a lot for her, with his dynamism and his way of being, is making that introverted girl little by little form her own path, and that in every decision she makes she will never lower her gaze and look determined to what she has in front of her.

It was already night and Kiara had dinner with her family, shortly after leaving, Kiara went straight to the living room where her mother is, taking advantage of the fact that her mother has the day off, she asked her for a favor, which is to teach her how to make some cookies. The mother at the request of her daughter was surprised that she did not even hide it.

『Eh? Really?! My Kiara-chan is asking me to teach her how to bake?!!!! ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ -̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) You're going to make me cry, you finally took action, hooo.... will it be for Hiro-chan, that you feel bad for leaving him alone and want to give him something in return?』 (≖ ‿ ≖)

Her mother was teasing not bothering her daughter, where Kiara on hearing her got very red and just looked down and played with her hands, again it looked like you could fry an egg on top of her, her mother smiled and from one moment to another she put an apron on her daughter, where the little girl was surprised and looked at her mother.

『Let's make an effort, there are many times where the quietest, has to be the most capable of all』.

With those words, Kiara smiled at her mother and her eyes shone like a shooting star, there was still plenty of time for the night to arrive, they both started to rehearse, as it seems that the mother also didn't know how to make cookies but anyway she couldn't deny her daughter who decided to move forward, Kiara hearing her mother that she also didn't know, laughed softly with red cheeks, to learn they had to search on the internet of how to make cookies. They had everything they needed so they got down to work, her mother was surprised, as she had rarely seen Kiara with that look, she really put effort because she really wanted to, as Kiara had always done all her other things by obligation.

The door sounded and a voice greeted, the father had arrived and heard in the kitchen some laughter and commotion that he had never heard before, when he entered the kitchen he heard a shout from his family.

『This is tasty!!!!!!!! We finally got it right Kiara-chan!!!』 ✌(๑˃̶͈̀◡˂̶͈́๑)✌

『 ˚✧₊⁎˓˓⁽̨̡ ˚͈́꒳˚͈̀*⁾̧̢˒˒⁎⁺˳✧༚』

The mother and Kiara were happy, they tasted the cookies they took out of the oven and they were tasty, the father watched this without saying anything, he saw on the table and noticed that there were other types of cookies, others burnt, others raw, others well hard, the father at this smiled because always when he returned, the home was silent, of course they talked quietly but there was nothing to highlight, returning home and expect there to be a commotion and smiles, made him feel good too.

『Oh! You're home love!!!! Look look look!!! We have prepared chocolate cookies, they are really good!!!!! You have to try them!!!!』 *⁂((⥎))⁂*

The mother offered a cookie to her husband, where he took the first bite and liked it very much, the father saw his wife and daughter and they were muddy from the mixture they made for the cookie, which seeing them like this brought out some laughter.

『This was made by you and Kiara-chan? Then let it be our dinner, I want to be able to feel this sensation more 』

The father without further answer, Kiara was with the trays where she had prepared her cookies and she was really very happy, where out of nowhere she felt a caress on her head, who was her father who was congratulating her, Kiara seeing her father's action gave her a smile. They ate a light dinner in the living room, the parents drank dark coffee with cookies, while Kiara accompanied them with milk, Kiara warned that she was coming back soon, that she would go to give them to Hiro, where her father and mother encouraged her to give them to him.

Kiara, the little girl with the fringe was running happily to Hiro's door, it was something strange for her, since it was always Hiro who came running to her door, now she was going to call him and she could even give him another gift from her.

Kiara ringing the doorbell is as if all her decision disappeared, she became nervous and shy again, she was no longer so sure of this decision she made, she thought it was very daring of her. Her head was smoking like you could fry an egg in it.


Hiro spoke without further ado, Kiara was surprised and turned to look behind, the little Hero seemed to be just coming back from his patrol, at that moment many questions came in Kiara's mind, why he is just coming back at this hour, why he is stained with dirt and has more wounds on his body, why he has that look of like looking at nothing, and above all, why he has his fist clenched as if he has something there.

Hiro came back recently, first he put his bike in his backyard, he just realized that Kiara was in front of him when he was about to enter his house. Kiara didn't know the first thing she had to do, seeing her friend just like that just like that left her surprised and still.

"What's that you're holding in your hand? Cookies?』

Hiro said without further ado when he saw his friend with a bag of homemade cookies, but quickly Kiara dropped her cookie and went to help Hiro, she was cleaning his dirt stains, and as there was a tap in the path, she quickly took him to clean his bruises with water, While she was treating him she felt strange, normally when Hiro gets even a small scratch, the little hero would start to cry, he couldn't resist the pain, but now it was as if he was still, Kiara finished cleaning him with water and put some band aids she was carrying. All this happened without both of them saying a single word.

At that moment Kiara thought of a way to make her friend feel better, normally when she feels bad, Hiro pats her head gently or says encouraging words, but she doesn't think she is able to do that. Then she remembered her cookies, she turned and noticed that they were lying on the floor, she quickly picked them up and offered them to Hiro, the little Hero seemed to look at nothing and not react to anything.

Hiro looked in front of him and Kiara was bending down offering him and giving him some cookies, the little girl was with her eyes closed but when she saw that Hiro was delaying she decided to look up. When Hiro was about to grab the bag, he was going to grab it with his closed fist, but she quickly stopped him and hid it, receiving the cookies with her other free hand. Kiara managed to witness this.

『Oh!!! Did you make these cookies!!!?!! They look like they're going to be delicious! Thank you!!! I will eat them in one bite!!!!! And it's ok if you couldn't join me, it was a nice experience!!!! Next time I hope we get back to the routine!!!! Bye Kiara-chan!!!...』

Hiro finally spoke and he was as he always was, he was talking dynamically, maybe too much, he was looking with his eyes from side to side, he was hiding a hand behind his back, and above all Hiro is not the type to say goodbye to a friend, especially Kiara.

Hiro entered his home where Kiara had all those doubts, especially what Hiro had in his fist, because when he entered his home, he put his fist on his forehead. That night, in tears Hiro ate the cookies at his friend calmly and slowly, as he repented and accepted the fact.

『They are very tasty...』


It was about to be exam day, where all the students or most of them were preparing to give a good exam and come out with good grades, Kiara for a fact everyone would already know that she would get a good grades, but she was not surprised by this, as she took it as something normal, after all it is her obligation and she has to fulfill it, it was not because her parents forced her to get good grades, it is for the simple fact that she has to be good at this, she can't refuse what she has to do.

The students got down to work, since they had been warned ahead of time, Kiara also had to review so that she would not make any mistakes. Her 3 classmates joined her at recess to have lunch together in the classroom, while talking about the exams.

『I hope I can at least pass the midterm, with that I can be satisfied』 『I've been good with homework and assignments, I hope that counts more than the exam....but I think not』 『Please Izumi-chan!!!! Give us lessons so that we can pass the exam!!!! 』

The 3 girls were not very well because of the news, they quickly asked Izumi for help to give them some practice and make the exam easier for them. When she saw that they asked her for help, at first she doubted if she could do this, to guide people and be in charge of them, with doubts, nerves, embarrassment and shyness, in the end she accepted the request of her classmates. The 3 classmates cried with joy and were happy for this, that they clapped their hands together.(✌゚∀゚)☞

But it seems he was not the only one who would ask Kiara for help, a commotion could be heard as a commotion reached Kiara's living room where a worried voice calling for help was heard.

『Kiara-chan!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!』

It was Hiro who appeared running until he was in front of Kiara, he was the most serious of all, since if it comes to studies, Hiro would come to be the worst.

『Please Kiara-chan!!! I need your help!!!! I don't understand anything but nothing!!!! They tell me to find X on an operation, but when I point out that here is the X on the little sheet, they end up rejecting me!!!!! But what did I do wrong!!!! There is the X!!!! Kiara-chan....a little help』 ╥﹏╥

The companions stared at her and sighed seeing that there is someone worse than them who doesn't even understand these things, Kiara's hands were shaking and she didn't know what to say, she was always the one who asked Hiro for help, but this time she has the opportunity to help Hiro in something very important, she thinks to return the favor he has done so much for her, Kiara patted her face softly and clenched her fists on her forehead. She looked at Hiro where the little Hero also happened to look at her, Kiara nodded her head where Hiro teared up more.

『Thank you Kiara-chan!!! But I think the teachers reject me since I'm so smart, but what fools, anyone would know where the X is located, they don't even bother to hide it hahahahha』 (.≖ˇ∀ˇ≖.)

『The fool is you.....』.

A classmate commented on seeing Hiro so confident, Kiara watched all this and smiled, she doesn't remember when was the last time she was alone and missing out on such fun things as spending time with your friends. She was glad that Hiro had decided to show up in front of her that day, who would have thought that this meeting would change her life little by little.

They all agreed to go to Kiara's house on weekends to learn all together, but Kiara at that moment realized something, which is how Hiro will do now to study, since he always took more importance to save others than his own obligations, maybe in the end Hiro will end up denying everything and will go to save and help people like any other day.

Kiara was thinking about that in her room, she already had everything prepared so that everyone could learn, the doorbell rang where her mother warned Kiara, the little girl was with doubts that when she reached her mother she reacted, she would have liked to be able to spend daily and normal times as it is to study together and play in a room, but that Hiro does those things in his free time is difficult for her not to say impossible.

She was already at the door and was surprised by who it was, it was Hiro who was present first as he always does, he was with his things in order to learn, but Kiara was confused, where without further ado she told him why she came here.

『Eh? But you said you would help me study, that's why I'm here!!!! Please treat me nicely!!!』

Hiro smiled and bowed his head tightly, Kiara still couldn't process of what was going on, it was all true of what they had to study together, being able to spend time on a daily basis with Hiro is something....at this time they should or should do their patrols in the city, but he preferred to spend his time this way with her, Kiara was glad that without further ado she leaned in front of Hiro, where she didn't realize that Hiro was still leaning and they ended up bumping heads.

『Ayy!!! That really hurt, I didn't know you could be bold Kiara-chan, I like it!!!!』

Kiara was so red that it looked like you could fry an egg in it. Hiro entered Kiara's room where he was surprised and looked at every corner of her friend's room, this is when Kiara realized something.

『(¡¡¡¡!!!!! It's the first time a boy enters my room!!!!! Hiro has been the first!!!!.....please be gentle.....)』 -ू(ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ωᵒ̴̶̷᷅*-ू) )੭ु⁾⁾

Kiara was standing still blowing smoke out of her head, this is where she heard a surprise from Hiro, it was only a matter of seconds before the little boy realized the truth.

『It can't be!!!! You read manga too!!!! No....has a lot of letters....ah!!!!! They are light novels right!!!! Unbelievable!!!!!』 -『Ohh!!!! You also have anime around here!!!! all this is amazing!!!! I like your room very much Kiara-chan!!!!!』

Hiro noticed a bookcase there where there was a pile and collections of Light Novels and anime, Hiro's eyes were shining like never before, Kiara at this remembered that Hiro reads manga and has watched a lot of anime, movies, things concerning Heroes in all this time. She approached softly to Hiro's side and explained him what the stories of each one of them were about, this is how these first times passed, where in spite of Kiara's shyness, she could somehow tell him about these light novels, where Hiro was very attentive to this.

Some whispers were heard behind the door, where without further ado this one opened, and the 3 companions fell to the floor without further ado, they arrived later than usual as they agreed that they would leave most of the time Hiro and Kiara alone.

『I didn't know you could talk like that Izumi-chan, taming the beast , keep it up』. (b~_^)b

At this Kiara's head boomed, she was so red that she simply kept quiet, Hiro at this complained to them about why they were late, in the end the 5 of them could study together without any problem. And so it was during the other days, at the end of this first day, Hiro proposed not only on weekends, but every day to come here to study, obviously the 3 companions could not, so Hiro asked Kiara if he could come daily to study or spend time with her in this way, where Kiara was doubtful, but her friends said yes with all their lungs, Kiara finally ended up accepting Hiro's proposal, where the little Hero gave a cry of happiness at this, but she did not. ....ella does not know if this is an advance or if it is a setback.....

The next day Hiro got up from his bed, changed, did his normal things but with something different, in his mind he asked himself the same question since that day. "Maybe everything happens because of something and there is nothing else to do but to accept it, the why of this is more than clear, if it happens it is because of something, and he has to accept it without objecting to anything, even if he does not want it, even if he fights so that this why does not happen, it is said, he has to learn and live with that fact, that there are things, there are "why" that there is nothing else to do but to look at and accept it.

Just as Hiro said, he was at Kiara's door, this day he would not go to help people either, the little girl was happy, but she also did not like this, they started to study together and also have fun together, Hiro was looking out the window at a butterfly that was flying, the little boy was happy about this, he could fly and be somehow free, but out of nowhere in a simple blink of an eye, the butterfly was eaten by a bird that flew by. Hiro looked down and continued to spend his day together with Kiara.

Another day he was listening to Kiara, a Light Novel she was telling him, Hiro was so concentrated that he raised his hand to ask a question.

"Why did that happen? Why didn't that person ever come back? 』

Hiro was so concentrated that it seemed that he was looking at nothing, where Kiara would explain again the whole plot and why he came to that conclusion at the end, but it seems that Hiro had other ideas in his mind.

『Maybe it happened because he wanted it that way, they think they live their life, but they don't realize that they are controlled by him, who decides what happens to them, if they live happily or unhappily, do the others in this story have to accept why he never came back? When the truth is uncertain for them』-『They will draw their own conclusions and accept the final result, but we who know the truth...really...do we have to accept like them why?.....It's very frustrating』-『I don't.....I don't.....I don't want to accept it....not that way.....Kiara-chan...do you agree with how things happened and have to accept it?』

Hiro's way of speaking was very abstract we could say it, what does he mean by "he"? Maybe he means the one who wrote the story, who for the characters of that story, is someone unknown but he is the one who decides what will happen to them, they are practically at the mercy of their creator, Hiro as well as those characters, does he also have to accept the fact that "he" did. Kiara was with doubts that in the end she could not give any answer to her friend. Hiro also since time thinks that he has to accept the facts that happen and if he can't do it, he simply can't do it.

Another day, it was only one week before the beginning of exams, where Hiro could learn from Kiara, but he also learned other things in this time. Both were coming back together from school, they decided to pass by a stream, together they crossed the bridge, Hiro was with a smile, maybe too much....Kiara had even more doubts about what was going on with his friend, he wanted to know what happened for him to have changed, the bridge of the stream had bars to make it safer, Hiro played with his fingers walking over these bars, it was silent for some reason, neither of them spoke, they were just walking towards the same destination.

They heard some splashing nearby, it was a small cat that had fallen into the creek, this creek had a good bottom for an adult to have problems, to smaller beings it could be their doom, they also heard some meowing nearby, they kept walking in a hurry to find out what was going on, a cat on the fences was meowing, it seems to be the mother of the small cat that fell.

Kiara saw this and quickly moved from her walk to run, she was worried about the cat that fell into the stream, she did not know what to do, she had to jump, she had to ask for help, she did not know, this was what her nerves and shyness did not like, in moments like these she should leave them aside, but she simply could not. Kiara and the mother cat were watching from above the little kitten that was still fighting not to sink, Kiara looked to her side and was relieved, it was like a sigh of salvation, Hiro was walking by in a hurry, surely to help the kitten, or so Kiara thought, maybe he had not done what Hiro always does which is to help others, but this time there is someone who really needs help, he knows that Hiro will help him, that is what Kiara thought.

.... But her surprise was shocking when she saw how Hiro continued on his way without flinching. Kiara did not know what to do, she thought that her friend would come to the aid as he always does, but this time he simply passed by ignoring the problem. She turned to see Hiro, where the little Hero was sweating, he was also worried, he was looking down and around.

『(Calm down.....things happen for a reason.....everything will be fine...I once tried to save someone and ended up....I didn't ..... I didn't...I have to accept the fact.....se someone will help.... I'm not the only Hero in the world, there are many better than me, I know that, for sure they will do a better job than me, I have to leave the job to them, that's why this time, it doesn't have to end with a sad ending, life, life has to have a happy ending....)』

An adult person was passing by Hiro, who was a mess in his mind, he seems to be in a hurry, he was with a shirt and a suitcase with many papers, the adult who was passing was with his phone receiving a call, the adult in spite of that could hear the meowing and splashing in the stream, he saw Kiara and a cat worried, in a quick way he found out what was happening, he was silent leaving his phone, he was thinking about what he had to do.

Hiro was still walking begging for the adult to go save the kitten, he was really begging like never before to save that life, the adult was unmoved without what to do, the cell phone was still answering and claiming to answer, Kiara realized and turned to see the adult, Kiara was in tears, she was crying where she was strong enough to ask him for something.

『Save him』.

What would be the adult's response, the phone was still answering the call, where the adult did the following...He answered the phone saying that he was soon, that it would not take long to arrive, where he proceeded to hang up, and without further ado he was walking away following his path saying.

『I'm sorry.....』

The adult happened to accelerate to go as fast as possible from that place, Kiara was shocked by the decision of this, still heard the splashing of the little kitten that was still struggling not to sink, as well as the meowing of the mother, where without further ado as she was worried, the mother cat climbed the bars and without further ado jumped into the creek to save her offspring. Where she was not the only one who jumped was the mother, Kiara also without further hesitation, also jumped into the creek hugging the mother cat on the way.

『(I will save them!!!!)』

Kiara was able to catch cat in the air and now she would go for the little kitten, she was stretching her hand out to be able to grab it, where for some strange reason, she couldn't catch it, it stayed close, but didn't fall into the creek. Hiro was grabbing Kiara's feet with his hands, while holding on to the bars with his legs. Kiara seeing Hiro was surprised and was happy that he finally decided to help.

『You're not that far from the water!!!! I'll lower myself a little so you can grab it!!!!』

Hiro without further shout, the mother cat seems to want to get out of Kiara's embrace, with her little paws she also stretched them to be able to go to her cub, just as she said, Hiro lowered a little more being at the limit, thus giving enough reach to Kiara from the water to be able to grab the cub, he held the mother with one arm and with the other the cub. Hiro without further ado used all his Hero strength so that he could get everyone up to the bridge.

Hiro was sighing like never before, he got over this day, Kiara was sitting on the bridge hugging the kittens, he didn't care if the cub was wetting him, since I threw him he doesn't care about this, the mother cat was licking her cub while this one was petting on this one, all in the arms of Kiara who was sitting.

『(Why....why....why this time I could.....I don't understand...why people left....why....why....why you threw yourself...Kiara-chan...you also don't want to accept it, right?.....What a relief....what a relief.....I could....could.....I can accept this way...we changed our why...)』

Hiro without further ado went to hug Kiara and the cats, this action made Kiara blush like never before, but her nerves went away as she noticed Hiro crying silently. This was the first time Hiro fought against the why of this story, making his own way and decisions, it would be the last time he let someone else have a job where he had to do it. No matter what obstacle is put in front of him, he has to do it without hesitation and whatever the outcome is...he has to accept it...he will not hesitate anymore.


Kiara opened her eyes, finally came the day of the final fight of the destiny of this world, she was in a meadow of flowers where the battle occurred, it seems that she became unconscious in the middle of the fight, where again she remembered another event that happened in her life, she got up and looked around, there was a trace of a fierce fight. Where a person was in front of him, it was an inhabitant of this world who was also chosen to protect him, he was giving the good news to Kiara, that they were victorious on the day of the final judgment. Kiara was happy about this, but she did not feel that she had the right to receive something, like the praise of all the inhabitants, she almost did nothing, at the beginning of the fight she hesitated to fight, she hesitated to attack, she felt that she did not fight seriously, in the end she was knocked out and she did not do anything else, even though she trained for a long time.

But it does not matter, everything went well and Kiara has to accept it, even though she did nothing, this world finally reached peace, surely Hiro would be proud of her, that was what he thought, they would return to their home in this world, but no one realized that a parasite had just arrived in this world and started to do his thing, since before Kiara felt insecure and that caused her black ashes to emerge.

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