
World 5: Ova 1: Different Events 1

L͇o͇ ͇D͇e͇s͇c͇o͇n͇o͇c͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇1͇

It was a normal, ordinary life, there was nothing remarkable about what was going on, that was what she thought of herself. Looking around her it seemed all ordinary and she felt disgusted, ashamed to hide from that normality that where everyone could be.

It was the elementary classroom, the little girl was in her seat paying attention and writing down everything that was said to her. She was the most attentive to the class, it wasn't because she wanted to learn or be smarter, it's just that she can't help but to listen to others when she tells them something, she was docile in her own way. She was always there, all shy and embarrassed doing her things, she handed in her homework well, despite being the last one she was the one who did the best work, most of the things she did well behind those bangs that covered her eyes, she half looked at the world to be able to do her daily life, because she felt she could not even be within the reach of the middle of the world.

The recess bell rang, she was all red at this moment, as if holding her breath, it's always like this the last moments of starting recess, she breathed a sigh of relief as she touched her chest and fearfully stepped to take out her obento.

『This time if we go with her』『I hope she's not afraid of us anymore』『I feel a little sorry to see her always like that....I'd like her to be closer』.

Those were the opinions of her classmates who had been watching her for a long time and worried about her, the 3 girls of her age approached the little girl with bangs and greeted her kindly. The moment she heard their voice, the little girl who was eating calmly began to tremble, her chopsticks and her food that were in it began to tremble delicately.

She moved her mouth tremblingly, she wanted to say something but could not say it, she was afraid and shy of what would come out of her mouth, even if it was a good answer. This always happened, when she was addressed, the little girl with the bangs would remain static and tremble shyly, if it were up to her she would stay like this for hours, and every minute that passed her cheeks would get even redder and her mouth would tremble even more, the classmates who wanted to spend time with her apologized to her.

『I'm sorry, it was too much our daring』.

And without further ado they withdrew, minutes passed and the food she had been grasping with chopsticks fell to her plate, she was really so embarrassed that she just hid her face on the table sinking it. At this moment she had tears in her eyes, avoiding tears, and not because they spoke to her, but because again she could not say a word to them, she could not answer them. That shy girl who blushed and was easily embarrassed was called Kiara, the little girl who could not relate to her class, always in every classroom there are people like that who need their time to open up to others and lose their fear.

But that was not like that forever, she knew she could not go on like that forever, one day when it was recess after holding her breath and breathing a sigh of relief, she quickly and clumsily took out her obento and without further embarrassment she left the classroom and ran away, This simple action was like running through hell in her own flesh, for her imagination it was like passing a road where the edges were all flames that if you fell down you could not get up, she ran and ran with tears in her eyes where she saw a light at the end of everything where she ran with more desire.

He ate quietly in the schoolyard, on some benches that were there, that was his goal, the biggest goal he set for himself, to eat in the schoolyard! ..... It's not a big deal, but each person has their own limits and it's okay to respect them. Even though she has bangs the sun's rays reached her eyes, where she raised them looking up at the sky, there was still no one passing by so she could quietly hear the wind passing by, some birds singing, the cicadas among other things, the simple fact of seeing this made her heart smile.

After struggling to open his obento and place it on his legs he would set out to eat and enjoy this new experience, he thought that if he achieved this achievement maybe he could go to the next step, the biggest step is to leave his shyness aside, that was what he really wanted to achieve. About to take his first small bite, it seems that because of the tranquility he felt he did not notice that someone was in front of him.

"You're the girl who always stops alone, aren't you?

A voice she hadn't heard before came forward, the fright was so much that she dropped her food on her plate, her mouth was frozen and trembling, the little girl with the bangs, she really wanted to move but the surprise of someone appearing in front of her out of nowhere left her in shock, her eyes were spinning.

『Small stature, no!!! We measure the same!!! The obento box with little flowers, a big ponytail, very big.....es too big!!!!! I knew it! We little guys like big!!!! I see you are just like me』 (-‿◦☀)『Stays like a statue....a vibrant statue? oh!!!!! Plus it gets nice and red, and most of all what gives you away is the bangs covering your eyes!!!! Aha!!!!! I found you!!!!!』

The little boy was wearing clothes that his mother forced him to wear to make him more of a good boy so to speak, but this boy liked simple clothes that let him move as he wanted without any restrictions. He was a normal looking boy, his pupils were brown, his hair was short, and he had between 1 or 2 band-aids all over his body, which increased as he got older, oh, and he was tanned.

The little girl with the bangs was trembling, her little mouth wouldn't stop vibrating and she just stayed still in the same position she was in. And every minute that passed she was getting redder and redder that she looked like you could fry an egg if you laid one on her. If the boy's appearance alone left her in shock, hearing the "I found you" made her more scared, she was thinking in her mind "Why me?" "What do you want" "I didn't do anything so don't do anything to me" "Why did he appear out of nowhere if I have never seen you" "Why is he so energetic when talking to a stranger" "Please, someone help me, I can't stand such hyperactive people."

In all this time he didn't say a single word, instead the boy was talking non-stop making strange movements, he thought that by cheering up the atmosphere also those around him would cheer up. In the courtyard were passing the 3 classmates who had always wanted the friendship of the little girl with bangs, they were walking chatting in the quietest way until by the noise they noticed and saw their classmate all embarrassed and unable to speak in front of a boy who did not stop.

『Eh? Isn't that Ishigami? I think it was Ishigami Hiro from 1-D, and he's talking to ....Izumi!!!!』

Quickly the trio of classmates hid so they couldn't be seen by these 2 and to observe what was going on, they both looked out and saw how this boy who seems to have a reputation in the school, or rather he is already well known, was talking with his classmate Izumi Kiara, who would be the counterpart of this one.

『That unruly boy who calls himself Hero..... is not that he is bad, you could even say that he is good and like any other kid his age, but I think it is not a good idea that these 2 get together 』

『You're right, barely speaking softly to Izumi-san she can't take it anymore, it must be a nightmare that words are raining down on her with such a high mood as Ishigami-san has, look at the poor thing, she can't take anymore』

Both classmates were commenting on how bad this was, and if they were right, they were really opposite poles, but both of them wondered why this guy would notice her, since it was more than clear that the one who looked for her was Ishigami, it would be really a miracle that Izumi looked for someone on her own and talked to him, it would be a real reason to celebrate for her classmates. Izumi's shyness was disappearing, she felt that her space was being swallowed up by Ishigami, when he took full control she would be really lost, she could not cope with the joy and confidence that the boy was giving off. Her concerned classmates decided they would go to help her, but one got in the way.

『Wait, let's wait a little longer, if they really are polar opposites then.....』

She stretched out her arm to stop her companions, she wanted to know if anything could change if this went on, since not everything can be bad in the end, especially for a little helpless girl like Izumi is. The little girl had her eyes closed and really scared, she couldn't stand this suffocating environment for her anymore, she had tears in her eyes, she really wanted to cry and she was about to do it but from the nothing...¡¡!!!.... She was surprised, everything had returned to normal, to how it was before, the tranquility that was there before finally returned, something she thought would not happen, you could hear the sound of cicadas, the wind, the fluttering of birds, she was really surprised and amazed, she opened her eyes to raise them and what she saw was no longer the sky, what she saw she still could not describe it yet.

『At last you looked at me *smiles* 』.

Hiro without further in a gentle way smiled at the little girl, where she stood like that for moments, she wondered that how this boy, who was once brimming with mischief, joy, like a storm of energetic emotions, had stopped to show a calm and serene attitude. That was the doubts that came to his mind, where the little boy would begin to explain more with a calmer and softer tone.

『I heard a lot about you, about a girl who couldn't talk and couldn't do anything, they said you were my counterpart because of our way of being, and when I heard all about you the truth is that...I couldn't leave you alone *smiles* A Hero doesn't leave anyone, like you're weak, that's not true, like you can't do anything, that's not true, like you can't talk, that's not true. You yourself are your strength, and I know you try so hard with every goal you want to do, just wanting it, for now is more than enough *smiles* You did well』

Ishigami's soft and calm words were indeed very soothing, he even looked like another person, like putting aside his Hero mask to show how he really is, or something like that...Izumi was still standing still, if it wasn't for her bangs covering her eyes, she would have already averted her gaze from that boy.

『If you are lagging behind, please let me give you my hand and let's go side by side, step by step, slowly but surely, until you can see that light at the end of the road, let go of me and finally run without any fear, seeing you cross that door will be what I will be really happy about』-『I wouldn't mind stepping back if it's for your sake, your name was Kiara, right? Izumi Kiara? hahahaha sounds like a kitten's name』

Hiro at the end of his words laughed softly and calmly, the words he said to Kiara really were from his heart for her sake, he wanted to support her even long time it takes, he just wanted that person who many consider alone, this full of confidence and with friends, are 2 simple but very important things to continue with this journey called life.

Kiara finally looked down and was extremely red and unable to speak, where Hiro was smiling calmly and agreeing to go at the same speed as her now future friend. Hiro was about to speak to her where Kiara without further ado covered her face with her hands the only thing going through her head was.

『(He said kitty.....he called me kitty....that's if that's too much)(●ฅ́дฅ̀●)』

Where Hiro at this time found himself confused, why he was covering his eyes Kiara, he was worried, as he did not know why this was happening, where he was surprised by the following, the little hero did not expect an answer, not such a prompt answer. Kiara put aside her hands and looked at Hiro, the little girl was crying, but she was also smiling where she was finally able to take the first small step, but so big at the same time.

『Thank you』

Where Hiro's response was to smile this time with more confidence, all this was seen by her 3 classmates who were celebrating what they just saw, truly they seemed that more lived it than Kiara herself, where they heard some footsteps that were other students from another class and it was very predictable that they would walk through the courtyard. Quickly the 3 classmates suddenly stopped these students.

『You can't go through here!!!』 『You'd better go the other way, it's better!!!』 『We won't let you ruin this moment!!!』

They wanted to defend the moment those 2 people were spending, so they were for all the rest of the recess, avoiding the students to pass by the courtyard where the 2 of them were. So was the first meeting of Hiro and Kiara, where more than being polar opposites, they had much more in common than they appeared, but that was more than just a memory of the past that Kiara was reliving at that moment. When she opened her eyes she realized that everything she knew, had disappeared, she was again alone in an unknown world, she felt again that insecurity that was disappearing, but it was not entirely, all this time spent with Hiro, she touched her heart and prayed that he would lend her a little of that confidence that now she needed it more than ever.




E͇l͇ ͇T͇r͇a͇b͇a͇j͇o͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇u͇n͇n͇ ͇P͇a͇d͇r͇e͇

Rikao by himself already had a lot of work to do, he was having a coffee at the bar where he mostly stops, he had to be totally focused and he couldn't let anything slip away, especially now that Hiro doesn't seem to be the same. For days now the news that Hiro is taking actions by his own measure with the pretext of finding an answer to what it is to be a Hero, leaves even more problems to Rikao, who likes to take them as the work of what a father has to do.

He was about to finish his highly charged coffee, his dark circles under his eyes which in itself he already had were becoming little and increasingly baggy.

"Oh, what a miracle we were able to meet, Rikao-senpai』

A co-worker from work and member of Rikao's Gang had appeared at the bar, he gave the same vibe as Rikao only this co-worker was younger and seemed to have just entered this world. He sat down next to the adult and ordered a few drinks to take advantage of the break time he had, he also ordered one for Rikao, but Rikao quickly and politely declined.

『I'm sorry, but I can't this time, but when it's all over I'll be the one to invite you, yes!』

『You're taking Hiro-chan's case, aren't you? You really do a lot for him, you take on your back every problem the boy does and try to help him, even now that literally the whole town considers him a danger for his actions he does, but in my opinion, in this short time he has accomplished what many didn't do for years, at least he deserves a round of applause』

『I'm doing it because I want to so there's no problem, Hiro considers me his father, and a father should look out for the good of his son, we carry a lot of things that they wouldn't like to hear, it's better not to say anything in many situations, worrying them more about the problems we get into is something they have nothing to do with, hiding them from the reality is also a way to protect him』

『But in this case little Hiro-chan does have a lot to do, I'm sure he is very aware of all the work you do for him, I know what excuse you are going to tell me "He is a child and has to live his life as such" that he doesn't have to get into these things, that he better study and enjoy his life to the fullest, and you are right, youth and all his experiences only happens once in life.... but if he decided to sacrifice it for others..... we can't tell him that he did something wrong 』 either.

They were both conversing in the most peaceful way, each one while drinking and finishing their drinks, these moments are the only ones where they can regain strength to continue with their day to day, which is to help of those that were granted to them. Rikao was giving thanks and was about to leave, where he was interrupted by his partner.

『Speaking of hiding, you still don't tell him that he will be able to play with us? Believe it or not I'm really excited to be on stage with him, I've already left everything ready to have a day off, just tell me and I'll be there, after all he is the Hero of our city, with his encouragement it will surely be a good performance』.

『No, not yet, I want it to still be a surprise for when he finally finds out the answer, I'm really impressed that it's so hard for him to do it..... quiet, we will give our presentation if or if, I trust Hiro will do it, yes!』

Rikao turned to look at his partner and found himself with a determined smile as he alone would do, where his partner accentuated his head because of the trust he has with the little boy.

『You if you don't use to hold things back, you always let them out without holding anything back since that's our job, tell the truth the faster, if you really like children, that's something very nice of you Rikao-senpai, I thought you would never have a child since you never showed interest in a woman...¡!!!!! Wait Rikao-senpai!!!! Are you!!!!』

『Whatever you're thinking, I can tell you're wrong, yes!』-『Besides kids like surprises, right?』

Where in a quick way the adult Rikao in one fell swoop undid the thoughts that his co-worker had, maybe it's that he didn't get a partner at his age is still because of his job, since he must always be looking out for him, his appearance is also not the most cared for and he doesn't care about that. But I didn't think it was more important to have one, since there are more important things to protect. But if you give me to think how would be the type of woman that Rikao....humm....( ̄ω ̄) would like it would be serious but kind like him, straight but charismatic, maybe with the same manners that the adult possesses.....ahh!!! It is very difficult to think about what type of woman Rikao!!!!! would like. But to put it more simply he would like an adult woman already more experienced in what would be the path of life, I think so.

Rikao was leaving where he had already said goodbye to his partner, but before leaving completely he would address this one without further ado.

『If something happens to me, please be the one to keep the promise, I charge you』.

And with nothing more to say Rikao left the bar, leaving his companion with much intrigue and worry. He kept wondering in his head what could happen, where Xerzene was also watching everything from the beginning and seemed to follow in his way of what Rikao would do.

Rikao, since the beginning of the Hiro's decontrol, has been after him, going to every corner and following him behind his back to have the veracity of each case that will come in the future, so that when the moment of truth arrives, he will tell everything that really happened. He was behind the falls of the corrupt companies, mafias, he was behind the case of the closing of the store, he was behind the Family that Hiro visited sometimes, he was behind each case analyzing in detail, where little by little he was learning the truth and he was doubting something? that there was someone behind all this, because in every case he checked, it was that the participants showed signs totally different from his, sudden actions, orders that do not go with them, and above all in every scene he was, there was always a trace of black ashes, in each and every one, Rikao knelt down to check it with his fingers, when he touched them each time he learned the truth of who was the cause of all this.

Rikao after drinking a coffee was running through the city quickly, the alarm that they are attacking a company was the call, Rikao ran and ran as he could to be able to arrive in time. When he arrived he hid behind the wall, when he looked out of the corner of his eye he found Hiro totally changed, with knives stuck in his arms and with an adult who was the father of the family about to die.

Rikao listened to every word of the conversation they were having while analyzing further. At that very moment he realized that Hiro was still the same and that he was not yet consumed by this being that was behind everything. He was crying for the father of the family who died without further ado, and without further ado the little hero retreated leaving the pile of corpses behind.

Rikao walked to the scene calling for an ambulance and the police, while he would analyze the scene, he searched the father's corpse and noticed that he had ashes, he also gave off but it was very little, but he had..... just like the big black ashes that Hiro left in every encounter since he started this.

"You are the cause of this, aren't you?

Rikao without further ado spoke, but there was no one, nothing at all, but he well knew he was addressing him, Xerzene appeared out of nowhere without still being able to show herself to Rikao, she just stared at him, the adult took a fistful of ashes and again he was close to the truth, where without further ado he gently dropped it.

"I don't know what you're up to, but you won't get away with it, I won't let you continue to stain my son!!!』

The police arrived and without further ado everyone got down to work, also the ambulance arrived, when they entered the building they found something worse, in every corridor there was death and more death, bullets on the walls and blood spurting on the floor. Rikao was full of anger because he knew that Hiro was not someone like that, someone was trying to lead Hiro to take a path that he shouldn't, but it would benefit him a lot.

The days passed until the last day arrived, the day of the Band Festival, Rikao had been analyzing everything, every detail, every little clue, he didn't have the concrete answer of who could be the cause, but he was close to the truth, he was. He was on his way home as he felt tired since long before, he demanded a lot from his body these days that can only be recovered with rest, where he looked in the distance and found that Hiro was knocking on his door.

『(Acaso? Does he already have the answer? It's the last day so even if he doesn't have it anyway he showed up, he doesn't run away from people....perfect, I also have something to show you, I want you to see the being that caused all this, because I won't be able to)』

Rikao without further ado was on his way home and to be able to talk to Hiro, he knew what would happen next, that he was at his last minutes of life, he would not waste them to tell him what he discovered, Rikao is not like that, he prefers to spend these minutes like any other day when he runs into Hiro. Because when he leaves, he will be free to know everything.

Xerzene was watching all of this and was amazed at how someone could so quickly discover even a small part of what was really going on, it was said how impressive one can do with the life they are given.

『You don't need to be at a level like us to discover the truth, even a simple life is getting to discover the truth if you set your mind to it, and you already know too much, you would ruin my plan, sorry』.

Rikao would use his last moments to teach Hiro one last lesson and talk to him one on one, father and son and what this little boy really was. His last words were to wish his son the best and to give him fun times, and also to tell him the truth of what he discovered behind his words, because if he blurted it all out he would surely die instantly. Rikao's life ended because he was so close to the truth, his destiny was to die without saying anything.




D͇e͇t͇r͇á͇s͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇l͇a͇a͇ ͇B͇a͇t͇a͇l͇l͇a͇

Hiro watched helplessly as the others fought this fight they knew they had no chance. M in his God Form was giving his all to be able to stop -A who seemed to have no intention of losing.....parecía....The only thing that occurred to M was to use the Hakai that previous times if he could use it successfully, but the bad thing is that he did not know how to achieve it or where to start. He fought face to face with -A in the sky while thinking and remembering what was necessary to use the Hakai.

『(Destroy....destroy.....I just need to destroy....let myself be carried away by my negative emotions and just think about destroying.....the desire to see everything fall apart.....that's what I need.....When I used it against Mira I really wanted to destroy her and kill her, when I saw Kanna on the verge of death I just wanted her to die too..... When I fight against The Hero I couldn't do well the use of the Hakai, I could only release a small part because I really was in trouble and I wanted to destroy it...And in the fight against Ailane destroy her attack because I really wanted to destroy and undo everything bad that she had...I have to do the same here.....I have to let my most primitive emotions control me!!!!)』

My attack was enveloped in a purple energy, but it wasn't the Hakai's, I failed and without further ado I was hit by -A's Powered Counter that hit me full on. My plan had failed, POMMM!!!!!! I had impacted abruptly and fell inside an already destroyed house. My whole body ached, it was as if my bones were churning from the great attack of -A, without further ado I returned to my Human Form, I was breathing sharply from the pain I felt, while thinking that I was an idiot for thinking that I could perform the Hakai because I wanted to, it's not equal chance to want to and being able to do so.....

『I'd better..... start healing』

I was squinting my eyes and was preparing to move to my Lucario Form, where in these blinks a little girl appeared to me.

『You look so bad that it would be wrong to tease me, hey, are you okay?』

Ailane without further ado appeared next to me standing, she was looking at me hunched over seeing that I was lying on the ground unable to move a muscle. Seeing her made me happy at times as I see that my healing did take effect more quickly than I thought it would. Ailane explained to me that they had not given up yet and that they should form a plan to be able to stop this, while I was healing in my Lucario Form and listened and answered everything in my Ghost Form, when she saw me in this state the only thing that came to her mind was.

『I hope you don't use it for spying』.

To this I said of course not in an annoying way, right? no? I don't know what you mean by spying either, well the truth is yes, but for not being so specific I'm going to refuse ('꒳`).

『And if you use that technique, the Light technique, if it's a parasite like the others, then it should be very effective against -A』.

It was what Ailane proposed to me in all this, seeing her that she was relaxed, no....eso would not be how to call it, taking the situation calmly and thinking let me know that she is more experienced to all this and grew up in these matters, if it had been earlier for sure she would have been upset and would quickly look for anything to end it with.

『It's a good idea but no, the Light technique only expels the negativity that each person has, it is only capable of destroying the parasites if the power that they are directly exposed to is greater than theirs, if you know from Dagger, the only time that a parasite was destroyed only with the technique of Light is in the Second World, when I was possessed and my friends managed to make a great technique of light, the power that they launched at that time surpassed mine and the parasite's, that's why at the minimum to be expelled the Light also took care of eliminating it. With -A being far superior to me and everyone else it wouldn't do anything to him, besides I don't think he is considered a parasite, he is definitely not like them so it wouldn't work』.

He was explaining to Ailane where she was paying attention to everything, I could see how her gesture changed with every word he said, she may be calm, but she really is very worried about how all this will end, where without further ado another idea came to the little girl.

『So!!! The Light technique mainly gathers energy right?

Where I started to remember what the principles of this technique were like.

『Uhmm....So let's say yes...yes....si!!!! The Light gathers pure energy from the user and from different beings!!!!! But it can also gather all kinds of energy and make it yours in any way you want!!!! Come to think of it, it's like a kind of genkidama』(; ̄︶ ̄).

I gave an answer to a plan that we just had to look further into, Ailane smiled at what we just came up with, where the cheerful and lively little girl was telling me to stand up and go with the rest to tell them the plan. Where I obviously couldn't move, I wasn't fully recovered and wouldn't be able to do much.

『Sorry Little-chan.....but I can't move....least I'll be cheering in my Ghost Form to you guys!』 (^~^)

I said so as not to make my companion feel bad, whereupon she just turned around and paced the place over and over again, I was confused at this and watched as my real body was slowly recovering from the injuries I suffered. I heard a sigh from Ailane, she seemed to be about to say something.

『*sigh* Seems like there's no other way...okay..... if everything ends well.... you can ask me any question and I'll answer you yes or yes』.

That was what she proposed pointing her finger at me, I bowed my head again because I didn't understand her proposal much, where she added.


¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Instantly when I finished saying that Ailane, it's like my strength came back from nowhere, my Ghost Form disappeared and my real body was expelling energy like never before, I was spending all my power so I could get a bigger one and be able to carry out the plan and accomplish what she told me!!!!! Although the truth is I don't know why I got excited if we have already passed and lived together by ourselves for a while, but still my whole being was telling me that I had to do it anyway!!!! I was struggling to get back to my God Form to return to the battlefield, Ailane was covering her eyes as she was giving off a strong wind, where there was a blue and purple light at the end.

Ailane lowered her arms from her eyes and looked from side to side, she felt that someone touched her shoulder where she instinctively reacted, she made a key impacting this guy against the ground. Where upon realizing she became confused.

『Eh? M? Why did you appear on my back, and why do you look like this?』

He saw that the one he pulled was an M who was standing up, but it was weird, he was in his Human Form but with traces of his God Form all over parts of his body.

『Perfect, at least this will work 』.

A voice was heard in the background, Ailane looking around realized that M was still lying in the same place, he was in his Human Form but with traces of his Lucario Form. The boy really couldn't regain his strength just like that, the only thing she could think of is that if he can't keep fighting, then let him keep fighting himself!!!! It doesn't sound so good....but what I mean is that he's going to leave it in the hands of a clone that is more recovered than he is!!!! But he's so tired that he can't fully take his other Forms, thus leaving an incomplete state of his Forms.

The M with traces of Lucario Form who was the original charged his clone with traces of his God Form in that he would finish all this, thus also giving the original some of his power to the clone and make it all a success.

『He trusted you』 『Leave it to me 』.

He's giving encouragement and luck to himself xd, how sad this guy is. And that's how they would start the plan of gathering energy and the clone that would fight on behalf of the original.

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