
Chapter 183: I Promise You I Will

The situation could not be the best of all, while Hiro was fighting against -A alone, all of us who left us behind, felt that we could not let him do it alone and we just believe, trust him to win, maybe it was because we did not trust him at all, we doubted that he could really win that fight, we felt from the bottom of our heart that if we do not do something it could end in something worse, although we knew that we are no match for that being and the only one who is able to finish him is Hiro. ...that also made our blood boil and our chest feel tighter than ever.

We decided instantly that even if it bothers him and he would surely throw a tantrum, we would go to help even if it was just by contributing the smallest thing, we wanted to unleash all this strength that made us cling to do nothing, there were many insecurities that made us unable to trust that little Hero.

『What does that little boy think he can solve everything by himself, stop pushing aside the desire of others who care about you, listen!!!! We'll go to that fight and help how to be!!!! Even if we are useless!!! Even if we are in the way!!!! Even if we have to destroy ourselves!!!! I don't intend to let the only one fighting for my life and the lives of others be an overrated fool!!!! Let's fight for no regrets!!!! I will not stay behind!!!』

Ailane shouted without further ado to all of us in the place, she didn't hold back with her words, I could feel every force with which she said every word, her face was of pure decision, pure anger, pure annoyance, pure helplessness and release like a burst, everyone who managed to hear her also smiled in the same way, they also felt the same as her, the same feelings and moments, each one, although they are different now have the same goal, not to let themselves be pushed aside and go forward to show what they are capable of.

I who was sitting in my Human Form looked at Ailane who had just given her speech, maybe I was the only one who looked at her differently, it was like a strange feeling, somehow I felt calm and serene to be next to my partner, I knew from that moment that I can always rely on her, that she will be the first to step forward.




It didn't go as we all thought, our plan that while I heal Hiro and the others distract -A wasn't quite working, plus "The Hero" not helping at all, who was throwing a tantrum further hurting the plan. Seeing that -A was approaching, Hiro made force and threw me and Orion to the side, the little Hero went straight to collide fists against his biggest enemy, but it was in vain, there was a roar in the place, they collided their fists abruptly without any plan but to hit each other, the difference was obvious who would win this encounter.

Hiro was launched flying again towards our position who I could take my God Shape and attack him in a way, I could notice him tired and I was complaining for having spent the little I managed to heal him in an attack like that, while in front of us a few meters away he was calmly walking -A, it was a strange feeling, I faced beings like him, parasites who only sought a common goal, always gave that vibe of being monsters, to act without caring about others, that feeling that I can not trust them, that they are only here to make others suffer, but with him. .... with him...it was as if he was surrounded by a white background, a feeling of calm, of well being, a place so white and pure that is able to receive others no matter who they are, he will give them his friendship and greet them with a nice smile, a color as white and pure as the birth of a new life that despite all the bad that happens still recognizes with more weight the good with the little he lived.

-A who we have to finish at all costs because he is still a danger, he started to address me , the more he talked and was serene the more confused I became.

『You're M-kun, right?』『Short and long』『You have different paths』『Your life turned out to be a roller coaster of events』『You're strong. ...You are weak』『There will come a time when you break and crack』『In this one you seem to have a good life』『That's you? You look like another person』『What's weird, you don't cry anymore, you can't cry anymore, you turned into a....』『I see you cause more wreckage than us』『I know that in many parallel worlds things are different, but in your case it's very extreme, for you to have so many infinite paths...you must have met someone with the same ideology』『¿? It seems that someone very close to you, someone you consider important, ended up destroying you slowly and painfully』『What was once a friendly smile, now she wants you only for herself』『I hear sounds inside you, like something breaking, like something shaking inside you, is the most curious of all since I'm sure the one that will bring the most trouble, you decided to disappear so that this new being will appear, you already lost everything for what you wanted so much』『I see, with that she is ̷¿̷'̷$̷%̷"̷6̷¿̷5̷t̷h̷d̷&̷2̷s̷y̷2̷$̷s̷4̷%̷Y̷ your traveling companion, someone like me, but. ...』『Both of you can't escape what awaits you』『I finally get it...some have the misfortune of not being free』-『With her being Xerzene's splinter....』

It was like a rain of words, events, things that I still did not process, I wanted to understand what he wanted to say but the more he spoke the more I did not understand what he said and that was that moment, in the instant when I think he was going to mention who he was it sounded like something distorted, I do not think I am the only one, but it is as if someone had prevented his name to be heard and distorted it even the words, is that perhaps that being can not even be mentioned his name or has no name....would like to be erased, the same reality is rejecting it.

As despite forcing myself to understand I did not understand anything, I decided to completely ignore him and concentrate on what we were doing. -A violently rushed towards me who was waiting to confront him, I was insecure that I could fight him, I'm not the right guy to fight him, or maybe Hiro and me... that would be the weirdest thing if it happened.

『If I get out of this I definitely want to be alone with a loli!!!!』

『Easy M-kun!!! What you said will come true!!!!』

A voice echoed through the place as did the earth, I could feel the ground shaking from what would be extremely large and heavy footsteps, when I looked up I was already in total shadow of this pendejada. I was shocked wtf by what I was seeing, the Pope appeared piloting a Mecha with the same shape.

『I won't let you destroy the music!!!!』

The potato was ecstatic more than us and put more strength than each of us, he was with his huge fist of the mecha ready to attack -A, who this one is extremely happy to be able to see this in person and not just stay as a stolen memory, happy and with red cheeks, -A was throwing himself determined to clash fists with this giant.

『Thanks!!! Thank you very much!!!! I can scratch this off my list of what to do that I'll never get to do!!!! *smiles*』

He was really happy and represented it with a nice smile of a pure child. POMMMM!!!!! As the Potato shouted -A was happy where without further at the slightest shock, the huge Mecha flew out of the place falling fiercely to the ground, the huge Mecha seems to have been severely damaged, its circuits were broken, power was leaking out and it had dents, the Potato who was driving it was shocked, shocked by what just happened.

『.....It can't be Щ(º̩̩̩́Дº̩̩̀щ) I didn't last a minute with it!!!!』-『How can you beat a Mecha in one hit if they're the coolest thing ever!!!! No one beats a Mecha!!!! I can't just believe it!!!』щ(゚д゚щ)

The Pope's expression was one of extreme sadness, while I who managed to get a close look at this unexpected entry simply thought that out of nowhere this character appeared because it seems that someone forgot he existed. The one who wrote this: Me!!! xd.

『*sigh* Well, I didn't expect anything』 either.

M just turned around as if ignoring what just happened, and prove that he can do something, although he doesn't expect much from himself either to be clear. M again took a stance but his body from how stiff it was became much more relaxed and released, at least what happened made him have a good time and the tension went away.

Before I even launched into a fight, an outstretched hand interrupted me, who was Orion who stopped me.

『You keep healing that idiot, I'll try to give you as much time as possible』.

With those simple words the boy launched himself to fight against -A, Orion's Melodisian glowed and he was enveloped in a purple aura and was ready to fight against -A, he wrapped not only his fists, but every part of his body with which he would manage to attack, finally he would have his expected fight alone against -A, at least he wants me to recognize that he was a nuisance and insistent as a mosquito wanting to suck blood.

Without wasting any more time I went to look for Hiro who was lying next to me, this time I would put to work the technique I said a while ago, to heal him while I am also in my God Form, but when I wanted to put him on my lap, the boy attacked me again in a childish way. PIMM!!!!!! Without holding back he stuck his fingers in, poking my eyes, they started to burn, and he just rubbed it without further ado.

『I told you to stay out of it..... this is my fight, this is my fight, I won't let anyone else do it!!!!』

He was staggering but looking straight ahead, Hiro would go again to fight -A directly, but something stopped him, a hand grabbed the back collar of his clothes thus preventing him from leaving, who was M who had one hand covering his eyes and with the other holding him, his arm was not big enough to cover his M's eyes who were red from the sting.

『Stop being an arrogant brat for once in your life!!!!!』

There was no reason for him to be treated gently anymore, I threw Hiro hard against the ground and grabbed him by the collar of his clothes, our gazes were close, but in my case, I was looking at him with anger and rage to no more power because of his way of being that really makes me fed up many times.

『All of us are here because we want to help you, just as you ignore others, we also ignore your words!!!! You reap what you sow idiot!!!!! We are putting our lives on the line for our lives!!!! What more do we have to tell you to be here!!!! We fight because there is a danger and it needs everyone's support!!!! Don't try to cover the sun with a finger!!!!! You've already been burned too much!!!!! If you think that by doing that makes you the coolest Hero ever, then let me tell you some truths, even the strongest takes the hand of others, he is not a Hero because he saves people, he is not a Hero because he did something good, he is not a Hero because he finished the villain, he is a Hero because he is human!!!!! Because he gives a hand, because he thinks of others, because he recognizes their strengths and weaknesses, he recognizes what he did wrong, because he makes the day of someone who had a bad time, because he gives hope, because he brings smiles to someone who needs it, he does not let go just like that like you !!!! It's someone who's with you till the end!!!! A Hero is someone who doesn't abandon you, a Hero is a simple person like you and me, simple and common people who never ignore someone, that we have these abilities doesn't make us better than others, neither does it give us the right to carry the responsibility of taking care of others, I want a normal life!!!! And I got it already a long time ago, that person who was always until the end with me, is my biggest Hero...but I understood that this is like a curse, you can't escape from the responsibilities you have, even if you want a normal life, you just can't anymore, you can't be someone normal anymore, the agony of thinking that you could have avoided this and ignore it is just torturous.....ya we won't be normal outside, but we follow it inside, so Hiro, let yourself help, yes?』

M gave a long speech to the little hero who could not escape from it and much less ignore it, giving his point of view and ending with a few words that after all are the main objective. Hiro remained silent and moved his mouth shakily, where he finally gave his answer.

『....I didn't understand you for shit』.

To his simple answer and after everything I said until I think my throat ran dry, I first got angry, then tried to calm down by breathing, where I finally ended up accepting that he is like that.

『In short, just stay still until you're better』.

There were a few silences where I became alert on my face in case he comes to give me those surprises he always does, where to my biggest surprise was the boy's response.

『It's okay, but just a little bit.....(You didn't have to scold me....)』

He stayed in his place looking at the sky for sure to distract himself while he has to wait, I'm not going to lie to him, I was dumbfounded to see him give in, without further ado I went to his side and started to heal him with what I said before.


While in the fight of -A and Orion who the latter was fighting with everything to give as much time as possible to the others, -A seems to have been playing with him and only dodged the attacks.

『My father was scolded hahahaha *smiles* I think it's about time』.

Just a touch of his fingers on Orion's cheek was enough to push him aside and send him flying away from the place. And he was going straight towards the 2 boy Gods he has to finish. POOMMMM!!!!!! There was an explosion in the middle of his path that collided with -A, where Selen, Argon and Orion appeared, the latter was tackled by his companions and they went straight using all their strength to collide against -A. Their Melodisian glowed like never before while holding -A, the ground began to glow a pink color as in their previous fight with -A where there was a great illumination that blinded the place for seconds, after the flash none of them were in that place.

These 4 unexpectedly appeared again in that place where they fought previously against -A, the glow of the ground disappeared making it known who used that.

『I'm glad I planted it in that place too, they did a good job Onii-sans for activating it together with the』.

It was Rosia who had made that plan before, she left 2 places marked with her pink light on the ground, these marked places have 2 purposes, 1 which is to illuminate the place and 2 which is by releasing energy and charging it to be able to transport from one place to another to each one who is inside the light, this technique is called: Idoll Transport

But it also has side effects, it uses a lot of energy if you want to transport a single person, plus they 3 used too much energy to also transport -A, they could only transport -A, but although tired they knew they could contribute even if it was small.

Out of nowhere without wasting time came out fiercely thick branches that wrapped and kept growing to hold -A, while other branches put the 3 boys to safety, there was a thin cut quickly, -A using his Unique Melodies, as if it was a sharp sword cut the branches without further ado, at that moment there was a glow, Rosia again was making use of her technique, where -A seemed to be already tired decided to absorb it.

『If it's made by the power of your Melodisian, then I can do it』.

He placed his Unique Melodisian on the ground and as if he was swallowing it like a sucking machine, he ended up absorbing the entire place marked with light, which witnessing it Rosia felt that something like that should be impossible.

『It can't be, even if destroyed is the earth, my light mark must still be there.....are you able to eat the glow of others.... you're no different from Dagger』

Rosia who said in fear was perfectly heard by -A, who made a pitiful face looking at the depressed ground, where it seems she blurted out some words that could hardly be heard.

『I'm sorry.....』

Those words managed to distract him that he didn't realize that again those gangs made up of unruly but good-hearted boys were coming to hold him back, they summoned their weapons instruments and launched themselves to fight against -A, but unlike before that he even let them do their things but in the end it turned out that they surprised him, here seeing that they are the ones that would manage to delay him the most he decided to leave them out of combat at once.

『You guys are amazing, please keep surprising people more with that essence you have *smiles* 』 』

Again with use of his Unique Melodies he quickly hit without them being able to avoid it those 8 guys, he thought he had knocked them out and let them rest, but he noticed that a guy who was Rom took a stone from the ground and without further ado with his strength he threw it at -A, who as expected failed to do anything, but Rom anyway didn't feel bad, -A seeing this was impressed.

『They.... intend to fight to the end』.

Again that action by them puzzled -A who did not realize that in the air were Rarararin, Sumomone and Uiui who launched an energy attack directly to -A, there was an explosion, it was evident that that attack would not do anything to him, but something strange started to happen, that smoke screen did not disappear, it remained as a thick fog in the place, -A was going to clear it but he noticed that some lights, yellow, He stopped his movement, looked around and liked what he saw, it was like a beautiful light show, just to be able to witness it a little longer he left it, where he was alerted -A when he felt that someone was coming to attack him, he could feel his Melodisian and could see his balance, they were the disciples of Daru Dayu, A and Un who were stealthily launching through the fog and attacking with their swords.

But they were not the only ones, he felt how suddenly he saw different Melodisians, all of them were going towards him, he dodged nimbly while he was inside this light show, with seeing his scale he knew who they were, they were attacking him, Retoree, Chuchu, Moa, Himeko, Ruhuyu, who also carried swords and were attacking him, at first he wondered how they were fighting, if they do not have any knowledge of this, his answer was also quick, Daru Dayu is using his technique: Shogun Knowledge on them so he has all the knowledge of the nearby fights.

-A was amused enough with this, seeing the expressions they put on while those who had no experience in this fought, brought a smile to his face, he was ready to attack when he saw that another Melodisian was approaching, he was going to do just a touch of fingers to knock him out, but at the last instances he stopped his blow, his surprise was such that his single arm movement made the mist of lights disappear and reveal who he was going to attack.

Howan who had a sword in his hand, was trembling and afraid, who seemed to be unable to do this, his hand trembling as well as his tail that was spinning, -A he didn't know why he had stopped either, is it because he is someone special? No, he spent so little time with her to consider her so, but she was the first one who defended her and listen to sing....although -A now possessed more knowledge than before, he could not find an answer for this, Howan bluntly let go of his sword and bowed down asking.....

『I'm sorry!』

He asked for forgiveness and apologized for wanting to attack him, his other companions who were also exposed, some did not avoid hitting their heads for what Howan could not do despite the situation they are in.

-A upon hearing what that fox girl said, again he was bewildered, he stood motionless for seconds, he lowered his hand with the one who was going to make that little hit, he just stood he stood still, where it seemed he wanted to move his arms, just as she hugged him, he also wants to do it, and whispered.

『....You don't have to apologize....yo.....yo.....』

It was time!!! He was puzzled, while they kept him busy, again Cyan managed to charge his arrow, they would try again, but this time with the addition that it won't be power by the energy of the others, but it will be powered with Delmin's lightning, the little girl Delmin all this time has been striving to charge the arrow with her lightning, Cyan encouraged her with his words to continue more, this attack could hurt her, because Cyan's arrow attack is a pure attack, while Delmin's lightning does not come from her Melodisian, but it is her own, from her clan, the tip of the arrow scattered lightning, it seemed overloaded that little by little wrapped the lightning around Cyan's arrow.

Himeko grabbed her friend Howan and took him away, everyone moved away and without further ado Cyan launched the combined attack: Overloaded Arrow!!!

The lightning arrow was piercing the place with power that was destroying in its path, but -A still did not react. POMMMM!!!! There was a great electric explosion in the place, that even in the Dome could be seen traces of these, the sky was illuminated with lightning for a few moments, where everyone was waiting for the result, there was a silence from everyone, they could not believe they had succeeded, they thought it was impossible, that they would never achieve it, but it is possible, everything is possible if it is with everyone's help.

The right arm of -A who used it to defend himself, ended up with several bruises on that arm, where this also surprised -A who was shocked, but then returned to his calm face.

『They really are amazing *smiles*』.

They gave him some bruises, they managed to hurt him, all together they achieved the impossible, instead of being downcast that they didn't finish -A and that the result is mediocre and won't change anything, they were happy that....

『We Can Do, We Can Win』

Their desire for victory grew as they saw that they have a chance, they threw themselves again each with their own strategy and use that strategy for another and that for another and another and another and another and another, so on and so forth until at last that impossible goal falls. They for the first time since this started, they were launching out with a defiant smile confident that they can win this fight.


M and Hiro were recovering, where they could also witness that big electric explosion in the place, I already knew, I already knew that Hiro was holding back not to run away as usual, but seeing that explosion it was like he could not do it anymore, he ended up escaping and going quickly to that place, the only thing I imagined I could say was that.

『You did well』.

Hiro when he arrived at the place he noticed that it was not as he expected, or maybe he did expect it, the only one standing was -A and all the others who have fought to hold him were down without being able to move anything, as if it was a no man's land and the strongest one finished the others without hesitation. This was how Hiro felt it who was clenching his fist tightly and full of anger was, this is why he doesn't want the others to interfere, because they are the ones who get hurt the most.


Hiro without further ado launched himself to fight against -A that in an instant appeared in front of him and with a strong blow sent him away from the place, sending him flying, when I arrived and saw this I was surprised but it was evident, without further ado I went to my Lucario Form and summoned many clones to heal them all at once and quickly, maybe I would go to fight with Hiro, but I doubt that he would let me do it.

The fight of Hiro vs -A resumed, Hiro was full of anger, he didn't seem to be in himself after what he saw, in his mind came those recent memories of how the people who wanted to help him ended that way, every hit he gave, that feeling of staying still while he retained his strength, everything is releasing it with every direct hit to -A, who this last one was only protecting himself with his Unique Melodies.

It was the first time that happens to him, never Hiro burst of anger like that, he was hitting without thinking about anything else than defeating his enemy after what he did, Hiro's look was of anger that wouldn't go away, while -A's was of sadness and sorrow again. POMMMMMMM!!!!!! He didn't see it coming, -A hit Hiro's face, but the little Hero put force surprising -A who countered it with his direct hit to -A's face POMMMMM!!!! The second punch product of his energy came hitting -A again, a shower of fists was at this moment, it is normal for Hiro to say the name of his attacks when fighting, but because of anger he didn't even bother anymore.

『Father, I wanted....wanted.....wanted to leave without being able to see that side of you, anger without a doubt is the worst feeling of all』.

-A released a percentage of his Counter Power directly to Hiro, who tried to face it but it was impossible, he ended up being devastated by the impossible to counterattack attack of -A, the land of the place was totally destroyed, it's as if in this part there was never a city and there is only a desert with rest in the eternal night. Hiro was breathing heavily, he was hunched over, he was full of bruises and blood all over his body, it was obvious that he was tired, even if he was healed, it didn't work, because he spent it foolishly and didn't know how to take advantage of it, Hiro wiped the blood from his mouth and again clenched his fists.

『Father.... didn't want it to end this way.....』

-A could see him again but in a different way, his father, Hiro would keep fighting him alone until he finished it anyway, -A was depressed but there was no other way, he would start walking but the silence there was interrupted by something again huge and boisterous approaching.

『I could already fix it!!!!! I simply can't believe it that they beat a Mecha in one hit!!!!! It's impossible!!!!! Besides I didn't come alone!!!!』

It was the potato who was able to get his Mecha working again and was launching at full thrust against -A, but he said he's not coming alone, who's accompanying him? He released his Rocket Fist the Mecha, where he was getting feel just by looking at the gesture of satisfaction the Pope of such an achievement, but you could see something that was above that fist, a short man and negr.....si black , I'm not afraid of anything xd, do not chinguen me. Who was supposed to be in charge of protecting the city if something bad happened, was the musician King who was riding on top of the rocket fist, with his arms crossed, smile and guitar made an appearance, but he doesn't seem to be the only one either, there are like 3 lights also approaching.

『If anyone disturbs the peace of the future, we will be there to prevent it!!!』

It was the Ninjinriot group who appeared, those 3 guys who appeared from the future to warn of the coming threat, they are also those guys who fought against Hiro and stop his misdeeds, those were coming to also contribute. POMMM!!!! The huge Rocket Fist hit -A's target, but he didn't even move.

"Hey, are you a monster? Show at least one expression』

King climbed down from the Rocket Fist and was preparing to melee with it, as well as the Ninjinriot group who would use their futuristic techniques to finish this off. In all this Hiro could witness this, he was shocked that his eyes were open like never before, he wanted to raise his hand, he wanted to go, he wanted to stop them, but his body did not respond as he wanted, those who came were fighting in front of Hiro and he could not do anything, it was a psychological torture for the little Hero.

Where to top it off, next to him he saw how M in his God Form was also going straight to fight against -A, everyone was fighting, everyone was fighting, everyone would not give up, he also did not give up yet, but he could not fight, he could only watch how others do their job.

Even though the Potato fought with its Mecha, it couldn't do anything, Hiro just with a touch of his Unique Melodies, it was like a virus, it spread and destroyed from inside the huge Mecha, where the Potato had no choice but to escape and released its seat flying to the skies.

King who was the guardian of the city for the moment could do nothing, he had no knowledge that attacks produced by the Melodisian did not harm him, so he also fell out of combat. While the 3 Ninjinriot guys fought and managed to do something, they didn't do much, they just made -A know what the future was like that he would never see through them.

Maybe an interesting fight was about to happen, M in his God Form lunged at -A where his fist was stopped by -A, M was worried and without further ado he would give it all he has and see if he can stop him. His speed and M's reflexes would give him a small advantage, but it was useless against -A, as he didn't even bother to dodge or defend himself, he went on to throw energy blasts at himself while thinking of a way to defeat him.

『(A God of Destruction is capable of defeating anyone who puts his universe at risk, he doesn't necessarily have to be the strongest of the strong, with good Hakai energy management the most dangerous enemy is easily defeated)』

With that in mind was the only thing I thought, I remembered how unconsciously I used the Hakai energy and I could destroy everything no matter how difficult it is, if I do that technique to -A we finish with the problem, now is how I do it. Without having much more, and it seems that -A already knows what stretch, he threw himself against me, where I used my strength and fought like never before against him, the sky was dyed of my color while in my hand I gathered energy to launch the Hakai, a purple sphere was gathered, but still the energy was not of the Hakai, it was just any energy. I had no time, my strength was running out, so without further ado I threw it against -A who countered my attack by releasing a percentage of his Powered Counter.

There was a clash of energies, I was forcing my attack to win, but from the first moment I knew it, if I had successfully performed the attack, there would not be this clash. A's Powered Counter managed to hit me hard sending him to the ground and with no more power to give.

Hiro was still standing there unable to move, he was getting frustrated, there were many more victims because he is not able to keep fighting, it was making him angry, so much so that he is starting to curse himself.


Hiro was screaming uncontrollably, while in the heavens was -A looking down, again with sorrow and sadness at his father who fell to his knees at last. -A knew it, that he could no longer continue Hiro fighting, he finally achieved that even being conscious he can't do anything, and with nothing to hold him back he is finally free, he turned around and would leave.


🎵♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫🎵 A music started to play, which made -A stop to listen to it, as he looked back he noticed that those he saw fallen, were back on their feet, each of them. The one who was playing music was Howan who was calm and was using her last strength to play with what she loves the most.

Next to him appeared M who took him by the shoulder, but it was weird, he was never seen with that appearance to this boy of why if it is already weird, he was in his Human Form, but with parts of his God Form in different places of his body, he also doesn't plan to give up and he will look for a way to keep fighting.

『I already talked to everyone, we have a plan, so we need your help』.

I offered my hand to Hiro who was kneeling on the ground, his response I could already see coming.


He doesn't intend to accept others to help, others to be on the battlefield, he refused and didn't even look me in the face, my answer was also obvious, I pulled my hand away and looked determinedly at -A who still hadn't left.

『All right, then we'll do it』-『Thanks for not leaving and giving us another chance, I hope this one works 』.

I clenched my human fist where I would start the plan we have thought of, I took flight and launched myself to fight again against -A, but I was not alone, the others, the bands summoned their instruments and were starting to play on the spot, they played and played like never done before, it was just the sound of the instruments, but no singing, while I was fighting giving it all with what I had, I could feel it, -A was holding back against me, I should feel sorry for him, which bothers me, but in my fist little by little it started to glow, that's right, I was gathering the energy of all of them, I will concentrate it and make it mine to give an attack so powerful that would end this once and for all.

He was fighting against -A while Hiro looked on kneeling, he was being restrained by himself, he wanted to fight but he could not.

『Stop....stop....stop....stop....stop....stop....please....I beg you.....stop....』

Hiro was begging me to stop, as he could feel that he was the one in the most danger at this moment, the light was getting bigger in my fist, I have to do what he asked me.....was what he kept repeating to me.....I have to do everything....because I have to be the one to end most situations.....I was thinking as I kept fighting, while fighting it seems he realized what we were up to -A, he launched some small energy attacks against those who were touching.

POMMM!!!!! They were repelled by Rosia who one attack was coming to attack Cyan, while another beam was coming to attack Rom's band, who appeared to prevent it was Shu☆Zo avoid it, likewise the other members were defending themselves and continued with the original plan of playing to gather energy. I was already ready apparently, I couldn't process everything well, seeing -A that I also wouldn't give up to the end and continue no matter what, before I launched my light attack, I felt a crunch below me, it was an instant strong pain that I suddenly didn't feel it anymore.

『I'm sorry...』

I whispered in my ear -A who with one blow threw me to the ground without being able to give him the light attack we tried so hard to gather. I was on the ground without reacting, I could no longer move, where Hiro was dumbfounded by this, the other gangs seeing that it was a failure, were preparing to launch themselves to attack -A, but the most frustrated was Hiro who screamed and with strength was able to raise his fist and launch his attack.


Hiro's Invisible Fist hit every gang in the place in the chest, he didn't want them to stand up anymore, they don't have to, the only one who should go forward and fight is only him. Again he felt a touch Hiro in the shoulder, who turned to see, it was M in even worse state, he was still in his Human Form with traces of his God Form in parts of his body, more....he was missing one, he saw and noticed that his arm with which he was gathering the light attack was torn, he could not get out of his body completely, his arm was hanging from his body. Blood was dripping down and he forced himself not to let out a scream of extreme pain.

『We are not going to give up』.

M started talking to Hiro, where Hiro was listening perfectly, the gangs that were beaten by Hiro, were slowly getting up, no matter they can't anymore, they would keep fighting because they still don't give up.

『You see, how many times do I have to tell you, we won't give up either....dime....even in this state do you plan to refuse their hands? If you do you're definitely a monster.....accept it once and for all kid, you can't win this fight alone, I don't care about you right now, I don't care about your morals, I just want you to do your part and that's it, swallow your pride and ask for help!!!!』-『If you want to cry, hate us, detach us, get angry, unleash your annoyance, but do it after finishing all this!!!!! or are you afraid?』

He looked annoyed at Hiro seriously, and the last was to annoy him, where he gave a glance at everyone and saw how they took their instruments to continue playing.

『Yes...I'm afraid....』

A footsteps could be heard, someone was approaching who somehow has a rare and kind of friendship with that little Hero, Ailane approached Hiro's side to claim him and get his attention.

『In the end you're just a little brat who cries when not achieving his goals, you're just like everyone else, stop playing hard to get, if one is in trouble, then shout for help, recognize that you're weak too』.

Ailane's words said them with all her way and intention to encourage him, seeing him to see in a simple way that he should not believe what he is, and accept that like everyone else, we must accept the hand of others. Hiro to this came as a surprise, perhaps it is because of hearing it from someone who previously considered the worst existence itself, in this Hiro ducked his head, looked at his surroundings again and also at -A, he let out a smile and laugh deflated by fatigue and step look ahead determined.

『Same thing, right now I am someone weak, and in order to save everyone, I need your help, so please .... help me!!!!』

The hand I extended to him finally answered me, just as he took Ailane's hand and thanked her, we shook hands and I smiled and helped Hiro to get up. We all at this moment have only one goal at last, which is to end the evil of all this, although it is not bad at all. -A who was watching all this at last, finally his look of sorrow and sadness disappeared and he showed a smile of "congratulations father".

Hiro is missing a leg and I am missing an arm, we are in the best condition for any fight, Ailane let go of my hand and was resolutely backing away, while M and Hiro didn't let go of our hands at any time, we were squeezing tightly.

『Okay, let's all go together!!!!』

🎵♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫🎵!!!! Ailane shouted loudly, the music became present again and playing with more energy, I flew through the sky grabbing Hiro by the hand, we went to attack -A melee with what we had, -A at this I smiled with joy and accepted for the last time, while the music played, the Melodisians shone and all their power and energy went straight to my hand and I also recovered the previous one that I couldn't hit, we walked away so I could tell Hiro the plan.

"『Listen, all the energy I'm gathering I'll pass it to you, you just have to give an attack so strong that it destroys everything, easy, right?

『Yes, very easy,』 』

We threw ourselves again to fight against -A, he didn't even hit us, he only dodged and repelled the blows, but at no time, at no time I felt, that he was really a threat as such this guy. I had already charged to the top, I passed it to Hiro who was enveloped by a white energy all over his body, we were still flying since -A did not stop ascending.

『Ready Hiro!!!! Now finish it yourself!!!!!』

With my strength I held Hiro and threw him in full return with all my strength, but it was strange to me since I was also propelled by something, noticing it, Hiro with his arm grabbed my clothes so I wouldn't be the only one to be thrown.

『No, everyone, we'll finish it off』

Those were Hiro's words, which I smiled warmly saying "you are selfish" Without further ado we approached to give the final blow to -A who seeing that we were giving our all, it would be wrong to keep holding back.

『In response to your wishes, let me also give you all of me!!!! Counter Empowered Liberated!!!!!!』

-A launched all his Unique Melodies against us, they took a pure bright yellow color, he unleashed all his Counter in that attack, he had nothing left over, it was gigantic that attack that is impossible to dodge it let alone block it, where at that moment I got in front of Hiro, with my torn arm I lifted him up feeling great pain.

『Now if I can feel it....si..... I want to destroy everything..... I want to end this once and for all...take it with my will, let my efforts destroy everything that I don't like!!!!! HAKAI!!!!!!!!!』

A purple glow was in the sky, -A's Counter technique that he has been saving all this time has been simply destroyed by M's Hakai, it vanished as if there was nothing, it left no trace of anything, nothing at all.

『Now it's your turn!!!!』

I threw Hiro with all my might as I returned to my full Human Form and fell without further ado to the ground, Hiro became one and made it his all their energy and mine that I passed on to him in the transition.


As if it was a drill to pierce the universe and still continue on its way, Hiro put all the attack in his biggest and spectacular hit ever, his eyes shined for a few moments, he was piercing the skies as he said, no, we were piercing the skies. -A made a mean face and laughed as he prevented everyone's attack from ending up beating him, while Hiro screamed with all his might that even tears came out of his eyes. POMMM!!!!!! Hiro's fist was able to penetrate, pierce -A's chest without further ado, there was no blood dripping, the inside of -A was as pure and warm as he always was. -A could see it as he was defeated, he saw how Hiro stood with his fist held high above the sky, he took if he was touching the stars.

『I won't forget you -A, you were a good villain, but more than that, you were a great friend, don't worry, I'll carry your wishes, if what you wanted was to live, I'll live twice as long!!!!!I'll enjoy twice as much!!!!! I'll smile twice as much!!!! I'll be grateful, ask for forgiveness twice as much!!!!! I'm sorry for not holding your hand, but that doesn't mean I'm not by your side, you'll never feel lonely even after you're gone, our bond is much stronger than that, I'll always hold you in my heart』-『I promise I will』.

Those were Hiro's words to -A who this one was disappearing little by little, you could already see the Melodisian Almaz where it seems that a part of the huge crystal disappeared, it magically appeared in front of Hiro and sinking into his chest.

『(How could the sky not be beautiful, if that's where Kaori is) Now if....now if I can cry, right?....for if I had done it before, you wouldn't have had the decision to do it, it was very short, but I'm glad I was born and lived, no doubt you are my SuperHero, Hiro , please, keep breaking the laws that I couldn't do.....』

-A disappeared at last, those were his last words in this fight, where Hiro in response to that touched his chest and nodded his head, the end of all this is finally over.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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