
Chapter 177: Preview

A city park is being destroyed by a confused boy who is not able to understand everything that was happening. He was having a great time with some brothers whose names were Balt and Nickel, let's say they were his first friends that he made where he can believe that if on his part and theirs, in these few minutes that he spent with them he discovered what it is to play with others, receive, thank, feel another kind of affection that is compassion and empathy, he would have liked to spend more time with them, but by unfortunate events it all ended in an instant.

How out of nowhere a good moment can disappear in seconds, it is a logic that he will never understand -A, all the gangs he met have come here looking for him and with a clear purpose, without further ado the older brother Titan rushed to protect his brothers giving frantic kicks to -A who flew away because of how weak he felt.

If it hadn't been for the alteration, the nerves of not knowing what to do, the fear of why they are looking for him, the fear that now they want to attack him, he did it again, without further ado the wanderer who was going to desecrate his friends product by the force of the Unique Melodies that held him, was cut in half, his corpse and brains fell to the ground, where a pool of blood quickly formed, although Titan reacted quickly to cover his younger brothers, it was too late, they witnessed in the worst way visually that event that would surely mark them forever.

Where the Melodies of -A came down quietly to become one with the guy he just killed, taking everything from him as a way that he is now the one who will carry his evil with him. -A before this fact was confused and afraid, at that moment he understood that these Unique Melodies that he possesses, are part of him, they are like his thought and reason of justice of himself made power, although he wanted to stop with this, anyway these Melodies ended up killing him, because it was the right thing to do, before subjects like this you should not hesitate, with the villains whose balance is plummeting you should not hesitate even if they ask for forgiveness and help. But he was still crying, -A was suffering for this....he really wanted this?.....this is what he really thinks about the scales?

『I'm still....not able to control it 100%...I'm afraid....I'm afraid....I don't know what to do...I already told them I'll just do it....because they are looking for me.....because they want to attack me.....I understand that too....but...is this really necessary?....I don't want to hear it....I just want to be able to live and enjoy a little more.....I want to live without being clinging to anything....』

He was in himself thinking and saying everything he wanted to express, while he again made himself into a ball, he had to force himself not to panic, as it will bring serious consequence for everyone, he kept repeating to himself the same word.

『I am miedo』『Tengo miedo』『Tengo miedo』『Tengo miedo』『Tengo miedo』『Tengo miedo』『Tengo miedo』『Tengo miedo』『Tengo miedo』『Tengo miedo』『Tengo miedo』『Tengo miedo』『Tengo afraid』

It was the worst emotion that overwhelmed him of all he knew, being afraid is so confusing and can come at a moment's notice that it really is terribly scary. -A looked up and noticed that he was not the only one, he was surprised of what he was seeing and it was to be expected, he would not be the only one, both the brothers Balt and Nickel their faces were of a fear that they could not hide it, they wanted to cry because of what he was going through. And he knew that it was his fault, with his jaw trembling he took saliva and got courage, little by little, with small steps he approached the brothers with a smile, his face was friendly even with those tears, but if we expand more with everything he did that smile only meant that he was wrong.

There was a scream that flooded the whole park, the brothers were crying until they were voiceless, -A because of his actions gave a result that he avoided and made it worse, he also got upset and began to cry and scream, the scales fell more and the Unique Melodies were launched to attack everything that was there, and the lightning came out without further ado. The same thing was about to happen again for the third time, but it was too obvious what was happening in that place with all that chaos, that a group of people were going to that place to help because of the danger they also felt.

It was a free track with no people at all where they rode through without any danger or problem, the wheels were spinning at full power with the force of both groups approaching.

『But what is going on there, whatever it is we must be there and find out for ourselves』.

Rom who was in front accelerated moving his legs like never before in order to get there as soon as possible.

『It's a good thing that all the people of MidiCity are in the dome and that captures their attention more than those lightning bolts』.

Yasu who was in front accelerated moving his legs over and over again to reach more speed and arrive earlier than ever.

"Yeah, I think so too...you?....eh?』

『Eh? You're.....』

Rom and Yasu exchanged glances as they noticed that they were in the same situation, both leaders of their corresponding gangs were somewhat confused by the way they have been reunited, and it was not only them who are their leaders, but also the other members who were also making efforts to speed up as fast as possible.

『Speed up faster!!!! Can't you see it's a mess out there? We have to get there fast!!!! But don't worry, you've got me, leave it all to Crow-sama!!!! Although it would be better to say legs』

Crow who was also but in the second seat was moving his legs wildly and forcefully, just as his mood was at its peak, he turned his gaze to his side and his reaction was as surprising as possible.

『Eh?.....Eh?...EHHHH????!!!!! But what are you guys doing here?!!!!! I'm never in the mood to see you guys!!!!』

The a.k.a. little Crow was more annoyed than amazed to run into this group again with whom they don't get along so well. They were on top of a too big and too long Scooter where Yasu who was riding in front and in front, where were also riding Joe, Hacchin and in the last one was Sojun.

『Don't come to yell at us every time you don't!!!!! Don't you have any manners?!!!!』

Hacchin also became upset when he heard Crow's shouts that could be heard all over the course even louder than the wind they generated.

『You're screaming too!!!! Hey Crow?!!!!!』


These 2 looked at each other gritting their teeth, they looked like angry dogs at the slightest sight, as well as they are upset, there were also others who took it more calmly.

『Enseriously every time we run into you guys it must start and end with an argument, calm down, being upset is bad for the salfafakfnffafafgg---...』

Joe who was trying to calm the situation ended up spitting blood in front of him, fortunately he was able to cover his mouth before he stained his companions.

"I think you're the one in the wrong』.

Yaiba looked sideways who made a comment for what was happening, everyone here was going towards the same destination, if the gang commanded by Yasu were on a Scooter, Rom's were on a big bicycle where where where all of them were riding supporting and forcing with their legs.

『I don't know what's going on but since we seem to be going to the same place, how about if we make a race, the last one to arrive will become the other's lackey for a whole day』.

Again by Crow's words and initiative, they're going to have another kind of competition where it's so they can show off how much better they are than each other. Before Hacchin responds, a laughter could be heard in the background where his self-centeredness and high ego could be noticed.

『Perfect, you practically gave us the victory without realizing it, the fools who bet without knowing the danger they face are the dumbest!!!! We will win because I am here!!! 』

Sojun who was in the background without further ado accepted for everyone that they would enter the competition, he doesn't care about the opinion of his other teammates, but if he is able to prove that they are better than others then he won't miss this opportunity even if it is stupidity. Crow at this smiled and without further ado gave the countdown.

『Perfect, I already want to see your face sunk into the ground, to the count of 0!!!! 5 4 Ya la chingada wea $%"@ % % %*$"# accelerate everything you can gakdakjdajdajdnjanjda vamo a ganar!!!! que con CROW-SAMA no se juega!!!!!!』

????xd Without further alteration and excitement, Crow began to accelerate as fast as possible and only with his contribution could notice the improvement in the speed they were taking. Who Sojun seeing this got angry and without further ado shouted to his companions to pick up the pace.

『That's cheating!!!! Hoygan you!!! Move those legs, you have them for a reason!!!! You have to lead me to victory!!!』

Whether it was to please him or because it's becoming typical when these 2 gangs get together, but his teammates also accelerated like never before in order to catch up with them.

『JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA that's what they get for trusting Crow-sama, I told them I'm not to be trifled with』.

『But that's what we're doing....(*sigh* This wouldn't have happened if Aion had come earlier, but I don't blame him, reconciling with his sister is more important, I'm sure they were late too for some reason)』

Yaiba did not avoid making that comment as he looked at his partner who was accelerating moving his legs in a bestial way, they had also been informed to be present in the plan that everyone was forming, but they were late since their partner Aion was still not with them, and they knew why, he was fixing his problems with his little Sister Ailane, where they finally got to be well with each other, although they would have easily gone without him, but because of their great friendship they could not leave him and preferred to wait for him to go all together.

Aion who was at the back looked back with his hand on his face, they could see how the other gang aboard their Scooter was approaching faster and faster.

『An eminent danger is approaching..... it may not be seconds before we're in trouble.....*tsch* looks like we need more power..... is it time for me to unleash my true power?.....no....it's too dangerous to unleash it in a child's game....ahh!!!! There is no other way, it is for the victory of you and the God of Darkness!!!! Here goes my contribution!!!』

Aion without further ado extended his hand and his face seemed to be forcing himself to throw something, who Crow turned around and realized that the other gang was approaching them in a hurry.

『AAH!!!!!! Damn!!!! How can it catch up to us? EHH?????!!!! But what are you doing Aion?!!!』

Crow again was surprised and when he turned around he saw his partner Aion who was with his hand outstretched not doing anything at all, he was just sitting there with a pose in the middle of the race. At last the gang managed to catch up with them where after seconds Aion lowered his hand and as if shocked by a horrible event, he hunched over what had happened.

『¡¡!!!!.....It looks like they sealed my powers....』

『What powers or anything!!!!! They're already passing us!!! Better get pedaling and contribute something!!!!』

『Since you insist, I can't refuse a request from a good people like you mere mortal』.

While there were difficulties in the band we led by Rom, in the other we led by Yasu was more than enjoying their small advantage they had.

『JAJAJAJAJAJAJA fuaa!!! That's what they get for thinking they are cheaters! We on the other hand are different, everyone gives their best to come out on top even how silly they are....』

Hacchin was laughing while moving his legs to accelerate the Scooter, where at its peak he received a comment from his partner Joe.

"And then what does he do?』

Joe and Hacchin turned to look at the end where they could observe Sojun who was just standing there with his arms crossed, talking about his ego and self-centeredness.

『A by the way....I forgot about him....and I just told a big lie....』

『Jjjajajajajajaja ya see? Not even with your tricks you can't stop us, hoygan ustedes!!!! Keep up the good work! Do you think you can get the achievement on your own? If you don't do your part, you're just a bunch of bastards that no one will love you!

Sojun was giving orders as if he was the leader pointing his finger to the front as if guiding the others who were really giving their all in this stupid race.

『But look who's talking!!!! At least help us too, don't just stand there like a bossy idiot doing nothing!!!!』

Hacchin couldn't take it anymore and was annoyingly turning to his companion who had been doing nothing but thinking he was the big deal for a while now. The look on Sojun's face when he heard this seemed to shock him, he frowned looking determinedly at his partner.

『Do you want me to do something? Then I'll do it....Then don't regret asking me for help!!!』

Without further ado Sojun grabbed his partner Haccchin and like a spear started to want to bring the others down regardless of the danger it would cause. They could feel on their bike the disturbances of Sojun with his sudden attacks towards them, they were starting to lose their way on the wheels.

『Eh?!!!! Watch out you idiot!!! Do you want to cause an accident?』

Crow complained about Sojun's low acts in front of the competition, while dodging Sojun's attacks so as not to fly away.

"What are you saying? I don't want such a thing, what I want is to win no matter what!!!』

『Seriously you are not capable of thinking about others!』

Crow got upset shouting in the face of him who with his laughter continued to mercilessly attack the bicycle who because of Crow's maneuvers were not yet defeated. Seeing that there were no results, Sojun saw his partner Joe who was calmly maneuvering, he noticed that he was about to spit where his evil smile was framed, he grabbed his other friend and he spat blood without more where he managed to stain the others.

『JAJAJAJAJAJAJA come, this is real teamwork!!!』

『Wuaaa, this if I didn't expect it, if you're going to use your friends like this, it seems I should teach you a lesson!!!』

Yaiba seems that his flame has been ignited, he was also starting to take the race seriously, where as Aion seeing this also had to win the race no matter what.

『I'm not a fan of blood....plus it looks like it got a little stained on my clothes....I can't stand it anymore....I think I'm going to get dizzy....we must end this quickly for the name of the God of Darkness!!!! I may go down in defeat tonight....』

Aion got nauseous just seeing the blood and a terrible dizziness was getting to him, he claims to call himself God of Darkness but he can't stand to see a speck of blood, he was also speeding up so he could be more comfortable. The that Joe who was still coughing needed his pills to calm down, he took out his water bottle where by the actions of Sojun who kept using Hacchin as a spear ended up losing them.

『It doesn't matter....I still have my pills, pure saliva will do』.

When he looked in his pocket and saw the cartridge of pills, he noticed that everyone had already taken it, his impressed face was evident, he was also beginning to take it seriously to get there as soon as possible and buy some pills.

Each one of them had their own goals to get to the final where they could feel comfortable and satisfied. But they were not the only ones who felt this way, 2 people who were in front could no longer stand them because of the attitude their friends took every time they bumped into each other. They had their eyes lowered where by raising their voices they would stop all of this.

『Are you guys infants!!!!』-Rom raised his voice-『Do you really think we have time to be competing!!!! They forgot why we're going to that place?』

"Maybe there are people in danger, and we're behaving like brats-..... aren't you ashamed of yourselves?!

Yasu also raised his voice at the same time as Rom, both of them looked annoyed, but more than annoyed or annoyed they were serious and determined.

『Leave your things aside and let's focus on one!!!! Which is to look out for the happiness of others!!!!! Because that's what we do!!!! Maybe if it was on another kind of occasion I would let it go and even join you....but on the serious issues, we need to be on the same level!!!!』

Rom gave a loud shout that everyone managed to hear and they finally stopped, where Yasu with an already calmer tone would finish the words.

『We have always given our all in every adversity to get our way, I don't know what awaits us in the end, the only thing I know, is that we should also do the same there!!!! I don't know if I'm the only one but as we get closer I feel a pain in my chest that is growing..... so stop clowning around and try harder!!!』

Yasu ended up shouting, his voice was heard throughout this tour, where Rom looked at him proudly and also happened to look proudly at his other companions, who they were crying again and recognizing again that they were wrong, on the other side, Yasu looked at his companions who were also recognizing their mistake.

『Eh? What are you doing!!! Look to the front!!!』

Crow pointed shouting towards the front, where Rom and Yasu paid attention but it was too late, they didn't see but they were already in the park and collided heavily with the sidewalk that they were all shot out flying without further ado. Their screams could be heard because of the fall they would suffer, Crow was screaming where he stopped when he looked at what was happening, the park was being destroyed without further ado, and he remembered Rom's recent words that in serious moments you have to be up to the task, Crow smiled and was about to give his presentation.




But in all this disturbance someone was also coming on his way, he is always alert when someone is in danger, it is like a nature he has long had, in the city it could be seen that someone was kicking up dust, his single run caused small damage, someone was running at a high speed, his hood already shredded by the pressure was coming out of his body, the ashes he had were slowly disappearing until they left no trace. His gray eyes where before there were crazy scribbles, also disappeared leaving him clean, that boy felt that he had to be in that place and fight against the one who disturbed the peace of others.

『I get it, I really did take my time.....it's frustrating, very frustrating.....I will never let those thoughts flood my head anymore, that's not my nature, my nature is to always save people, help them and have a good day, wish them the best in my silly way of being...I should have never, accepted the facts as if they didn't matter to me, I shouldn't have ignored them as I always do, I shouldn't have just accepted them. ...Grandfather, that father.....aquel officer...Rikao.....I should not have accepted their deaths, not in the way I did, from now on I will go back to the way I was before.....no.....no.....I will become someone better who knows how to accept the why of when, the why of why, and the why of why not, I will accept what I have to accept in my own way!!!!! With me I will take all of my actions and all of yours and turn it into an acceptance that you will be proud of!!!! I will never forget who I am and what I am anymore!!!』

POMMMM!!!!! Without more a powerful fist stopped the imminent attack of some rays that were going to attack the brothers Balt and Nickel, they opened their eyes and without more they felt that they were already safe, it is something very perspective when it happens, it is too obvious who it is when it makes that type of presentation, it was heard some ego screams for later some of pain, it was Crow who had arrived with the others to the stage, but nobody would overshadow when this Hero is present.

-A, who was crying and balled up, slowly looked up and among all the smoke that disappeared he could see a figure that was totally different from him in everything. The little brothers were celebrating with joy for his appearance that they wanted to cry, where at last this one appears.

『Don't worry anymore, I'll finish off the villains!!!!! I won't let anyone die!!!!!』-『Hiro, get into action』

With a smile of victory and confidence, Hero Hiro finally takes action. But with his appearance he wasn't saying that this would end in one, the lightning and Melodies were running amok destroying the surroundings. They joined forces and managed to resist the other bands, who with their instruments managed to avoid being hit or to avoid destroying the park even more.

The Melodies went straight to Hiro who was protecting the little brothers, and only with his body pressure he managed to deflect, clear and even destroy the Melodies that were going to attack him.

Orion seemed to be really determined to stop this, again he launched himself to stop -A and charged his instrument with energy and without further ado he threw it against -A, who his Melodies dispersed it without suffering any damage. Orion was fed up of not achieving anything in the face of the pressure he was putting on his instrument and without further ado he charged his energy in his fists, because of the adrenaline he was suffering and -A's attempt to calm down, he managed to appear in front of him ready to give him a strong blow.

『This is over↪Po!!!!』

Without any more Orion gave his punch that managed to hit him squarely, but he was surprised, even though he got his punch right, -A didn't seem to feel it, he was still in a ball and crying uncontrollably.

『I already told you..... to save your power please!!!!』

The scream alone was like a strong blow to Orion's chest, who upon impact spat blood and flew away where his other companions managed to tackle him. He was weak as if his strength had left him with that blow alone, it wasn't even a blow, it was the impact of receiving the crying cry of -A, if he had received a fist blow from him he would have died for sure.

『Hoygan.... is that guy really that strong? Even if we all team up and use all our power we won't be able to stop him』.

Rararin looked at the situation and thought that there was no solution to this, while Daru Dayu's disciples, A and Un were defending them with what little energy they still had left. She too would fight, but her weapon that she always fights with, her Daruma is destroyed, there was little I could do this one, but although most were worried, she was calm and even smiling.

『Not us, from the beginning we couldn't do anything, but he is able to do it』.

Daru Dayu was sure that when she saw the situation, she was not the only one who noticed it, Shu☆Zo also decided to relax, she sat down on the floor to rest and commented the following.

『That's right, we would never be able to stop -A, just as he told us, we better save our strength, and I think it's because the worst is coming, have you noticed? We couldn't do any kind of damage to him, any energy attack simply dissipated him, but with physical attacks is another thing, he is capable of receiving damage, I discovered it with our first encounter, but it was useless, we are not capable of damaging him in that way, he is not our forte, no, -A is not from this world .... he is not our opponent ..... but he doesn't only stay here, we can't hurt him maybe because we have a Melodisian, have you forgotten that? He is the Melodisian Almaz right now, it makes sense to me that we can't hurt him.... in short what I want to say...is that we don't do anything and just leave him in the hands of someone else who is capable of overcoming him, and finally the right one has arrived for the job』.

Number 1 Shu☆Zo looked calmly at the front who was Hiro walking calmly towards -A. I was sure that he is the only one able to stop all this, I thought to he is very little in MidiCity, he is too informed about what is going on in the city, he doesn't miss what he investigates thoroughly, he decided for all his acts of destruction to investigate Hiro who was called to be a Hero and saved people. He could be a danger or just a good boy, but in his eyes he was simply a child with the desire to be a Hero, his investigation led him to the fact that he is not from here, he has no identification, he is not listed anywhere in the world, only little information is found of the times he has been on trial, he has no parents, no family, no home, it is as if he had appeared out of nowhere in this world. And what I suspect that he is not from this world is that he does not have a Melodisian like everyone else, this is achieved by the simple fact of being born in this world, sooner or later you will end up with one, whether you love music or not. Others accelerate the process by loving music and putting effort into it. A boy like Hiro is should already have one, there were many questions and few answers when he set his eyes on Hiro, and he doesn't seem to be the only one.

『Eh??...What???....What is this??....why can't I see your scale?....what are you??....who are you...??g---sd-f. why can't I see?...I'm afraid....I'm afraid.....it's very confusing....why are you coming near me?.....no....no.....』

-A was balled up on the floor while looking at Hiro who was slowly approaching, he has always been able to observe everyone's scales, but he feels confused and afraid not being able to see anything, not being able to know anything about the person in front of him.

The gang ShinganCrimsonZ and DOKONJOFINGER seems that they were already informed of what is happening, and they knew what it was and who was that boy who is crying uncontrollably.

『Eh? really? That child is the Melodisian Almaz?...I understand the threat involved in all this, but it still seems cruel』.

Rom looked not very at ease about all this, who his other companions also had doubts in this, Crow took a step forward and without further ado summoned his weapon instrument and wielded it tightly, he was gritting his teeth and his displeasure could be seen as he walked.

『We have no choice....there are many times that life makes us make decisions that we don't want to...』

Crow quickened his pace and without further ado was going to attack with his strength to -A gave a war cry while wielding his weapon. POOMM!!!!! Without further ado Crow ended up colliding with Hiro's arms who extended it upwards, Crow was on the ground rubbing his nose from the blow he suffered.

『But what are you doing Hiro....ahyyyayyy....if it hurts.....』

Crow was complaining as blood was coming out of his nose, he stood up so he could conserve with Hiro, before he could say the words to him, he was interrupted by the little boy.

『You won't be able to hurt him, you are not the one to fight, you are weak so you better rest, leave everything to me, don't you see that I am a Hero!!!!!*smile*』-『I don't want any of you to get into this!!!! As it has always been leave everything to me!!!! I will end this once and for all!!!! In the end you just have to thank me with a smile and I will too!!!! That's the Hero and Civilian routine!!!!!!』-『Because if you mess..... I'll tell your mommies you're bad kids!!!!!!』

He shouted for everyone to manage to hear him, everyone was aware of his words that don't have much context and are easy to understand, it's a child's mentality after all. Without further Hiro smiled and resumed his way to -A.

『(I can feel it..... I don't know who it is but it gives off the same vibe as that being who introduced himself to me and tricked me...., it's scary, it's scary this, I've never felt before that the life of a whole planet is in danger, I must save everyone, that's my duty, I'm not good with words and I don't think I'm equal to my disciple.... but I know that if someone is a mortal danger, my duty is to finish him off, I feel it too, those Melodies have taken lives....for a murderer who is going to kill a whole planet for no reason, first I must eliminate him!!!)』-『(Here if I don't think I accept the opposite that you show me!!!!)』-『(Whatever you are.....you must die...)』

Without further Hiro with a great speed threw himself against -A who was still crying for not understanding what was going on, the Melodies noticing that he was approaching went to attack Hiro directly, but only with his fist he managed to make his way and be in front, face to face with -A, this also took him by surprise, out of nowhere he had a fist that was about to hit him.

『Super Attack!!!! Fast Fist!!!!』

POMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! Hiro's punch was able to hit Hiro's face all over -A's face, who flew away and hit a tree in the park. It was as if he had not felt anything, he had calmed down, he was in shock for what just happened, his eyes were there in surprise for no reason.

『Eh?....What?.....He just hit me?....Eh?...AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!! It hurts!!!It hurts!!!!! It hurts so much!!!! Why did you do it?!!....It hurt!!!.....ahh.....it's burning!!!!』

As if it was a slow reaction, -A after a few seconds she ended up screaming because of the strong hit that Hiro just gave her, she was crying her eyes were watering and when she touched her cheek, she felt a strong pain when she wanted to caress it, her Melodies likewise disappeared.

『Eh? He didn't die from a single blow, it can't be!!!! I failed you my good baldy!!!so if you must be like him』

-A was still lying on the grass wanting to heal from the hit Hiro gave him, he was crying even more than ever, it's a pain he never thought he would experience, it's so painful to receive something like that, and for sure he will receive even much more.

『I don't want this anymore..... stop it please.....because everyone here wants to attack me!!!!...』

He was confused and a waterfall formed from all the crying he was suffering, a shadow formed that was covering him, who was Hiro standing in front of him.

『Because you need to die!!!!! Just like that!!!!! And stop crying, aren't you a little man?!!!!!』

Hiro without further ado said in his face to -A, he was pointing his finger at him while Hiro seemed to be determined to do this, for -A to hear this was like an instant shock, his tears no longer started to fall, they ended up drying up, it was a few seconds of silence where he finally reached the point of not understanding anything, someone who was born to be free, someone who wants to live more than anyone else, at the same instant the doors of why he was born closed, -A is the example of how cruel life can be especially if you are close to a God.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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