
Chapter 170: Conversation of the Self

Hiro knocked on the door of Rikao's house, even though he knocked again and again Rikao didn't answer, as there was no answer and it was normal, he is a very busy man, the little Hero thought that Rikao was a much busier man than him and with bigger problems.

『Dammit, what have you been doing all this time? you should take care of yourself, I'm always telling you, look, you even have blades stuck in your body *sigh* come, come in, yes you really are hopeless, do you want a sweet? yes?』

Rikao who was returning home met Hiro at the door, where he did not avoid worrying about him. Even if the time is already over, even if there is no chance of anything anymore, even if the day has already come, Hiro anyway went to introduce himself to the adult even if he doesn't have the answer to the question, he had too much time, it was an easy question but it is not so for everyone.

The sound of the door opening was heard where Rikao invited Hiro to come in, it wasn't the first time that Hiro entered this house, and previous times he had the opportunity to be here, and in those times this home that although it has an owner it seems that nobody lives here, when Hiro came it was full of life, either by his curiosity, Hiro's words and attitude, he always fluttered around the place, in those moments the house came to life.

But now even though he is here, this home still seemed to be dead, Hiro just sat down on the couch where he would wait for Rikao, even though there is silence, in Hiro's mind it was all chaos for trying to want everything to go well and go back to the way it was before.

『(I'm here..... finally the day is here and I still don't have the answer..... but does it matter? I still have a chance, I must try my best until the last second, I can still find the answer, the answer.... what have I been doing all this time? Since I decided to look for it, there were only deaths and people losing everything...this is very difficult....I don't want it anymore.....I want it all to end.....what am I....what does it mean to be a Hero.....I want to know....please...)』.

Hiro although he seemed to be calm on the outside, inside he was asking the same question over and over again, he was getting more and more desperate, multiple times he had the idea to ask for help from others, but he couldn't, even if he was desperate, could he even ask for help?

While Hiro was in his mind, outside Rikao had already returned, the adult saw Hiro and noticed that in Hiro's hands was still the candy that he gave him at the door, without further ado Rikao unwrapped it and put it in Hiro's mouth.

『By the way you finally reacted, yes』

Rikao said seeing that Hiro was finally able to come back, the little boy savored the candy but was strange to see Rikao with tape and bandages on his hands, where the little Hero didn't avoid asking who is that for or who is hurt.

『Eh? Bandages? Are you hurt Rikao or does someone need help?

"Don't you feel it? Don't tell me you didn't notice』.

Hiro tilted his head in confusion at this, where without further ado Rikao pointed his finger at the blades Hiro had stuck in his arm and legs, where it seems Hiro hadn't noticed that he was attacked in this way. Rikao thought better of it and better decided to treat Hiro here, taking him to a hospital might be the worst idea, the officers might be waiting for him or he himself would refuse to go.

『I'm sorry but you will have to endure it, it's going to hurt a lot』.

Rikao without lying to him would go on to remove the blades, where Hiro without further ado bowed his head, Rikao quickly began to remove the blades and put bandages on him to make Hiro better, even though he acted as fast as he could, he is surprised that Hiro didn't scream in pain or even twisted a little, it's just as if he had stayed still without feeling anything.

『Ready, you're a strong boy Hiro, yeah!』

Rikao was congratulating Hiro for having endured something that even an adult would have cried at the first second, after that there was a deep silence in the room, the sound of the clock was more present than the breathing or heartbeat of both of them, where Hiro without further ado after being already annoyed turned to Rikao.

『I give up...』

Those were Hiro's words, Rikao remained silent before these words, where the little Hero gave his reasons why he decided to stop fighting.

『I can't do it anymore, I don't know, it's the first time that happens to me that I don't know how to do things, looking for the answer of what is a Hero or what am I just left me more confused, doing what I did didn't give me results and what I've done these last days didn't give me results either... there are moments when my body doesn't want to move anymore but I still did it to get it, besides that my head that before didn't think about anything now is full of discussions, it's all pure talk with no direction to anything.... I don't want this anymore..... so that's why I give up.....I always thought that if I would have to lose it would be in a fight against someone strong and unknown, but losing for not knowing a question.....is frustrating.....』

Hiro clenched his fists and wanted to cry, he touched his head so many times that it seemed that at any moment he would lose the reason of himself, Rikao at this had still remained silent where he gave a sigh so he could speak.

『The truth I never thought I would hear you talk like that, even if you are silly, even if you act quickly but always for the good of everyone and that at the end of the chaos you cause you get everything right I thought "This boy who calls himself a Hero, maybe he can become a Hero after all" I was always since I met you watching you, to see how you were growing and also since you were my client it was normal for me, when you helped people and most of them booed you, a few others recognized your effort and smiled, they saw the truth of what you were, you are a good person after all, and that was what I saw back then, a good boy』

At Rikao's words, the little Hero turned to see him clearly to better hear the words of this adult whom he admires so much.

『But I knew that if you continued on that path, sooner or later you would run into the reality of what you want to be, answer me something Hiro, wouldn't you have liked to attend a school...go to classes, make friends with who have similar tastes, go to clubs, or even have had your first love there, when I see you I think you would be the lively kid in class who does the things he wants and without hesitation, wouldn't you have liked to be a normal kid?』

Rikao's tone of voice changed to a warm one, like a father addressing his son for his sake, where Hiro hearing it from long before already had his answer.

『I've already attended all of elementary school, that's enough, I don't need middle school and I don't even plan to go to high school, I always thought that studying is useless, it takes away my time, with those hours there are people who are in danger, I have to help them, that's what a Hero does, what's the use of worrying and sitting for hours learning things!!! Even I know that school only tests us on how much we can remember of what we learned, I already forgot everything I learned there over time.... there's no use studying!!!』

『You're wrong』

At the abrupt change of words from both of them, Rikao did not hesitate to respond quickly to Hiro's words in an authoritative manner, Hiro at this was annoyed that he clenched his fist in anger.

『Then what is the study for!!!! Tell me!!!』

At Hiro's outburst, Rikao decided to get serious and stared determinedly and fixedly at Hiro. What the boy would hear would leave him speechless.

『You study so that people acquire knowledge to avoid making mistakes in life』-『And I see that you already made a lot of mistakes』.

Rikao without further ado told him his sincere words, Hiro at this was silent not knowing how to respond, he stopped clenching his fist and it was noticed how his body became weaker. The screams and commotion of the little Hero finally stopped, where Rikao would add more.

『What you deny, is the most wonderful part that a person can experience in their whole life, being in a school, being in a high school, being in a classroom and sitting all those years there learning new things, I don't deny that we end up forgetting a lot of things, but in the end we end up remembering what marked us the most there, a course that you like, a friendly teacher who gets along with the whole class, the recess where you have lunch and talk with friends, friends, school is the only place where you can make friends easily, after that it will be difficult for you to relate to others. ... the silly things you used to do with them, the eternal wars of boys vs. girls and also of different classes, maybe love, the events, the festivals, the ceremonies and closings, the food from your mother, coming home and being welcomed, the activities of the clubs, you only have to worry about getting good grades and doing your homework, compared to when you grow up you won't have much time for yourself, that age is the most precious thing we have that we wish to go back there, that those who didn't know how to understand it are the ones who wish they could have lived it better』-『Now tell me Hiro, what do you remember the most when you were studying? 』

Rikao was addressing with a smile to Hiro, where Hiro after hearing everything was amazed by the adult's words and thought things better. At the question to Hiro was like a bombshell, various memories of when he was little came to his mind.

『Remember...remember..... *smile* There was a teacher who was very good and his way of teaching was fun, I didn't get bored when he showed up, when the bell rang I would start running to be the first to arrive so I could buy my lunch, I had friends who were fun to hang out with and we did many things, I didn't understand much of the classes so I didn't get good grades, but even though they were few, when I got a high grade I was very happy to know that I could, the games, the hours of class, coming home and seeing my mother there, now that you said it, I remember fondly those moments that I didn't know how to value, going to study, coming home and changing to help people, although it was difficult at the beginning it made me happy, although I had no strength it made me happy, although I cried for a small wound it made me happy, because I did it for others. ....¡¡¡!!!!』

At that moment something quickly came to Hiro's mind, a person who accompanied him since long before, someone who was always with him, the person Hiro dragged with her to do her activities either at school or in the city.

『Kiara....I remember the moments I spent with Kiara.....we always went to school together, she helped me study when I was close to exams, she supported me and was worried about me when I suffered an injury, I had to be with her so she could get along with others, but it didn't bother me, it made me happy to be together with her, the last time we saw each other was when that portal and beings separated us, everything was because of that. ...if that hadn't happened, I wonder how our future would have been.....』

Hiro did not avoid remembering his childhood friend, Kiara, who Hiro was very fond of as the great friend she is, Hiro started to imagine how their life would have been if that carrier had not absorbed them, they would have surely entered the same middle school, they would have spent more time together studying and playing, maybe they would have joined a club, although Hiro would have surely created his own, they would have gone around the city to see who to help, in high school they would have been older, for sure Hiro received a strict training from Kiara so he could pass the exam and enter, his days would have been better, and with all those years for sure his friend Kiara would have lost her shyness and at last she could relate with others without any fear, at last her bangs would stop covering her eyes, which would make Hiro very happy. Surely the 2 of them would have been great people.

『School...it's not so bad after all *smiles*』.

Hiro was happy, the ashes on his feet that were rising gradually decayed and stopped moving, at this Rikao was happy and they saw the clock where in a few hours the Festival would start, the happy adult again would ask the boy.

『Now I tell you again, who is a Hero, who are you, Hiro』.

Hiro hearing this, he knew that this is his last chance to give the answer to Rikao, the adult was looking determined but calm to the little Hero, where Hiro after all this was thinking a little bit to give a final answer.

『(What am I....with what Rikao just said and with the last thing that happened, I'm sure it left me a clue to discover, school, studying, spending it with friends, having a childhood friend, that moment of life that everyone would like to spend and I'm in it...I'm someone small, finally I've realized, I like to be congratulated and to be pampered by adults, if I hadn't been swallowed by the portal, if I hadn't received these powers, I would have been.....I am....¡!!!! *smiles* Gee, I think I have the answer, how could I have been so blind, it's normal, I was always told I'm clueless hahahaha)』-『(Now what is being a Hero, here I don't have much clue and with the last Rikao didn't tell me anything, what is being a Hero....what is being a Hero.....AAAAA it's still difficult.... I don't have to think about what I did now, I have to think about what I did before, when I was little, before I had the accident, when I was weak and cried for everything, when I was depressed when I didn't get what I wanted, when I was happy,.....I was....I was...I am am.....¡!!!!...I got it, I finally got it) I found the answers Rikao!!!*smile* 』

Hiro stood up with all the will he had, his smile finally looked so natural, it was the smile he showed before, no, even better, it was lively and warm, Rikao at this smiled too.

『I'm so glad, there are still many hours left for the festival, just as I promised you, I will join your band to play your original song, we will rehearse, we will perform if or if at the Band Festival, and one more thing Hiro, good job son, you can be at ease now *smile*』.

Rikao caressed Hiro's head where without further ado the boy was smiling and crying at last, he was unburdening himself of everything that just happened, the tears had a great meaning for him, because at last he can lean on someone and show the weakness he never wanted to show, at last he accepted what he really is and what he denied so much. Hiro raised his gaze to look at the face of the adult who was waiting for Hiro's answer and finally for everything to start going better.

『I am.....I am.....I am.....I am!!----.....』

He was already going to give his answer, the ashes were disappearing more and more, the squiggles twisting in Hiro's eyes were disappearing and showing a smile, but before he gave the answer, out of nowhere there was an explosion of blood accompanied by a black mass inside Rikao's body, Rikao's body fell to the ground in the middle of the puddle that was just originating.

Hiro could not believe his eyes, he saw Rikao's body lying there, blood coming out of his ear, nose, eyes and mouth, and that black stain again. There was no sign that Rikao was moving, Hiro seeing this quickly came to his mind that rainy day, how the officer ended up in the same way. Hiro couldn't react.

『Hiro..... are you okay?』

It was the voice of Rikao who was still alive, Hiro hearing it quickly became alert and went to Rikao's aid in desperation.

『Rikao!!! Quick, I have to take you to a hospital, please hold on!』

『It's useless.....he's here, I'm seeing him...he's now controlling my life.....I don't have much time left Hiro so listen carefully』

Rikao spitting blood looked at Hiro who the little Hero was shedding tears in front of the adult, Rikao who was in the arms of the little Hero went on to tell him his last words.

『Whatever they say, you are you and no one will deny it, do what you think is right, don't make any more mistakes in your life that you will regret in the end, save more lives with that attitude of yours that you have, even if you don't believe, you saved my life, I am not referring to that day, but to the fact that you filled my days with life, thank you very much Hiro, you could be unruly, ignorant, funny in your own way, funny and dynamic, you have virtues and defects, what I want to say is that even with all that, I always loved you son. ....never give up and accept those who give you a hand...』

The life in Rikao's eyes went out, his hand with which he was caressing Hiro's cheek fell limply to the ground without strength, Rikao's body was getting cold, his life up to here came, Hiro seeing this was shocked, his body was not reacting, again the ashes and scribbles in his eyes were present, just like that being that was always and was behind everything.

『You did a good job, in your new life I promise I will reward you, thank you for having collaborated, young Rikao』.

A null voice without more was heard in the room, a mass, a smoke, a scribble, what will be that thing that still has no shape, but it was talking, some 2 eyes appeared in that thing where without more it placed itself beside Hiro.

『It's useless, he already fulfilled his role in this life, it hurts you? it must hurt you, after all he was a father to you, don't worry, for sure in one of the infinite lines parallel worlds you are together as a family, but I felt like experimenting.....』

Out of nowhere in front of Hiro appeared a dimensional hole, the little Hero saw through it where quickly it's as if he was transported to this world. That place was deserted, there was a sandstorm, it was as if there had been a civilization here but that is already in ruins, Hiro did not understand what was happening nor did he want to understand, out of nowhere for sure by product of that being the sandstorm stopped where you could a person balled up clutching his head desperately, you could see his despair.

『Because why did this happen....Why did it end like this.....all the inhabitants of this world are dying...everything was supposed to be better...I have this power, I should have protected them....but why that black spot that possesses people appeared.....I don't want to....I don't want to.....I am afraid...help...help me...』

It was the voice of a female person, without further ado a beam of energy was shot towards her where to defend herself an energy barrier was created, while the girl was still crying enclosed in that sphere, while her attacker was annoyed and continued attacking the city that was about to be extinguished.

Hiro forced his eyes to know what was happening, to know who was the person who was desperate. When he found out he was shocked.

『¡¡¡!!! Kiara!!!!』

It was her friend who ended up in this world that is now all chaos, Hiro without further ado wanted to help her friend, but when he wanted to approach Kiara is like a barrier prevented him from passing and did not let him help her friend who was crying.

『It seems that the parasite that went after your friend possessed a Hero of this world and now it is destroying this world, it is waiting for Kiara to stop defending herself with the shield so it can possess her, and it wants to provoke or neglect her by killing and annihilating this world, the first time parasites if I don't like them...』


Hiro was hitting the barrier hard to get through, but it was useless, the barrier showed no signs of breaking. Why is this being showing him this, that being approached Hiro's side to tell him what is happening.

『Look closely, look closely, you can see it, right, the ashes, the ashes are the sign that a person is becoming more and more twisted and losing his true self, you can do a lot with those ashes, be swallowed by them to create a being opposite to yours that will replace your body, but I have other plans with those ashes that your friend Kiara has, let's see how it turns out』.

Hiro did not pay attention to the words of this being, or maybe....but what mattered most to him was to pass this barrier and be able to help his childhood friend who was crying and suffering.

『(I need to help her...she supported me and stood by me when I was the same way....I want to return the favor!!!! But how!!!! How can I help her!!!)』

Hiro without further in all this noticed how his headphones were moving back and forth because of his sudden movements, at that time Hiro remembered how Kiara's help and the music could slowly come back to have hope and regain happiness.

『I'll give it back to you!!!! Kiara!!! It's my turn to give you the hope!!!!You have to fight too!!!!!』

Before he could pick up his headphones and throw them to Kiara, Hiro and the being returned to Rikao's house without further ado. There was a silence in these seconds that flooded the place, Hiro without further ado lowered his arms clutching his headphones, in his gaze nothing could be seen, it seemed that there was no life.

"Do you want to know who was responsible for all this? When you find out you will find true happiness, when all this is over you will smile and everything will be all right 』.

The being was talking to Hiro who we didn't know if he was listening or not, Hiro started to remember since when was it that everything started to stir, since when it started to go from good to worse, this being filled him with words that if he goes with that person and ended it all would be solved, Hiro thought and thought and came to a conclusion.




In that abandoned building, that long awaited day of the Band Festival has finally arrived, and as it can't be more, all these days Ailane and I were rehearsing to be able to perform, how will we do it...who cares, we will just infiltrate with the help of this little girl and show them how much we have practiced.

『That was good, good job skeleton-chan』.

『Incredible, I didn't think I would reach this level of music, playing with you these days was the most fun, we will perform at the Festival!!!! Apoco no little-chan』

Ailane and I were exchanging words after an arduous practice again, we drank water and got to rest as the time for her to perform with him is approaching.

『Maybe even this day you will get your Melodisian, Ha! But even if you get it you won't be a match nor will you reach me in skill 』.

At this I smiled happily where Ailane also gave me a smile, we were putting away our instruments where the time was near.

『You should go now, for sure he's already waiting for you, I'll go ahead and prepare everything, tonight let's do that』.

『Everyone get down on their knees to our music *smiles*』.

I started to speak I first excited and happy where Ailane finished the sentence, with a fist bump we were agreeing to make this day which is the last one for me the best of all.

『Really they are here, I'm sorry, but that girl Ailane who is there, she won't leave, I won't allow it』.

Out of nowhere Hiro appeared in front of us, Ailane and I didn't notice him, since when is he there or did he just appeared, but I quickly noticed that he was not the same, his appearance is worse from the last time I saw him, he had a look like lost, his cloak shredded, there were squiggles squirming in Hiro's eyes just like ashes twisted.

I don't know what was going on here but I'm sure nothing good, Hiro was holding his headphones in his hands slowly placing them on his head, in his ears, looks like this day is going to be a bit unruly.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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