
Chapter 153: Day by Day

Before I could leave this world, a small spark led me to meet an inhabitant of this place, she is too stubborn, serious, with a strong character, totally different from how she is aesthetically, it seems that she is being manipulated by a parasite of this world.... to say so would not be right, both are controlling each other to get their way, an obligatory bond that is hard to break.

But still, I could see through her, it was little but I understood, I promised to save her and make her see reason *sigh* It was supposed to be a simple pass.....now I have a goal that I don't know how long it will last....

I also met Hiro, a little boy who happens to be a God of Destruction, he has the mentality of being a Hero all the time, but despite what he does for people, what he gets is more than evil. I have more experience in this kind of things and how to handle them, I'm older and all, I'd practically be like his Senpai and the my Kouhai. *sigh* I don't know since when I feel like I should help smaller than me.....or at least give them a hand.

『Master?! Right!!! Every good Hero has a mentor!!!! Then if I accept, you'll be my disciple from now on!!!』

I promised to train this boy so he can control his powers, maybe this way he will cause less havoc and receive people's support. With that attitude he showed again made me a little upset.

『First let's correct that bratty attitude you have, if they tell you something for your own good you have to accept it, listen to people to the end and not dismiss it!!』 Σ(-`Д'-ノ;)ノ

『Andando my disciple!!! You have a long way to go if you want to be like me!!!! Being a hero is the best!!! Helping others is the best!!! The rest doesn't matter!!!』

That vigorous boy pointing to the sky was walking off to who knows where, I didn't avoid hitting my head for again ignoring my words, now I understand why people hate him, I'm starting to hate him too. (҂⌣̀_⌣́)

『Don't fall behind!!! We must walk together for a tomorrow!!!』

As I again opened my eyes, Hiro grabbed my hand and dragged me with him towards who knows, he has too much strength for a mere child, although I'm not strong either, I think in my base state I don't even fall into the category of weak, I'd be a low level.... It is already normal for me to be beaten in strength, being dragged by a greater force of pure good reminds me of the days I spent with Syl, I could not compete with her and always came out winning, I think she played innocent to take advantage of me....huh....( ̄^ ̄) Ha....every little action makes me remember her, yes that really marked my heart very deep.


We went to the outskirts of the city, I guided him again, thank goodness he fell into my trap again. It was a desolate place like a desert always at night.

『.....There's no one here to save!!!! You fooled me again!!! You are a liar!...that's how villains are formed.....villain』

『Don't look at me like that....I told you I was going to train you, here we can make if we want a mess and no one will get hurt』.

First Hiro doubted whether it was really bad or not, ptm, this kid is very easy to persuade, it still amazes me how he is still not controlled by the parasite....Again Hiro kept thinking.

『.....AH!!!! I see!!! Good thinking disciple! You earned 5 points!!!』-『5 points?! I think that's a lot...better 555 points!!!』

I don't know if he's doing it on purpose or if he's really like that.....well, first I have to make him see reason that I'm the one who's going to train him and not him me. I moved my hands from one place to another, I repeated it thousands of times so that he would listen to me! Like this for at least 1 hour I think, but the effort was worth it, he finally understood.

『EH???!!!! You're a sky fish too?!』- Hiro's surprise didn't wait long-.

『Mora Cat...I mean, that's right , I'm a God of Destruction too, I'm still surprised that we're the same *sigh* it seems like they even did it on purpose, EH!!!!! You just figured it out!!! You didn't understand when I told you everything before!!!』

『I thought you were a fortune teller or a drugged, to me I was surprised that you knew a little bit about what happened to me』-『Entones if you're like me, show me!!!』

It was as if his eyes were shining, I could tell that at this moment he looked like a child, a simple child waiting for something excited and surprised. It seemed like he was going to explode if I made him wait any longer.

『Well, if I have no choice, you are going to witness my most powerful state!』

With a little show I passed into my God Form, little by little my body was changing and started to emanate a purple aura, a roar of air was in the place, Hiro was surprised and fascinated with what he was seeing.

『Wuuuuaaaaaaa!!!! Incredible disciple!!! You really are a purple cat!!!』-『Well! I won't be left behind!!!! I must always be in front of everyone!!!』

I was struck by what he said, he put on his headphones and together great force, a loud rumble was in place, he caused a crater with the simple expulsion of power. I could clearly see how his aura was fluttering all over his body, as if he was crazy and there was no management of it. I thought his power wouldn't be that much, but he's almost at my height.

『This is the power of a Super Hero!!!! With it I will finish off the villains!!!』

After a few minutes we calmed down, but even though I showed him my God Form, he still insisted that I had to be his disciple, and besides what a stubborn boy in his own way, he won't listen until you show him everything in detail. If in power perhaps you have not convinced him, then with experience he has to fall.

『You leave me no choice, if you won't accept my power, you will accept my deeds』.

On your forehead pass to my Lucario Form ready for what I am about to do.

『You have more transformations!!! That's awesome but also crap!!!! The best thing to do is to have just one and expel all your power!!!! No!! Even that is not necessary!!! It's better to have all your power in your normal state. Transformations can be flashy and epic!!!! But they're garbage in effectiveness!!!』-『Do you really think I'll give you a chance to get stronger?!!!』

I just showed him my Forma Lucario, and with that little detail he gave his very strong opinion regarding this topic and what he thinks, this kid is not afraid of anything. I approached this one to grab him by the head.

『Eh?! What are you doing?! You're going to crush my head? I won't allow it!!!』

"Are you still doubting me?

『I must always doubt the elders!!!! They are the worst beings ever!!! Everything that happened in the world, they are to blame!!!! If it weren't for them there wouldn't be so much evil in the world or so many catastrophes!!!!! They are no longer children!!!』

...You're playing with me, it's as if you decide to be smart and others to be ignorant. You may be right, no, you are right, most adults changed the world as we know and for sure they will do it in the future, for a good and for a bad, always hand in hand, I can't refuse, the mistake of a child doesn't compare to the mistake of an adult, the change of the world is so abrupt that it scares many of us.

『If you agree with that, then why do you save all people? Including the adults』

『For me all people are good until they prove me otherwise!!! If it is in danger someone! I don't have to doubt them at that time!!! I just have to save them!!! That's what a Hero does!!!』

Understanding this guy must be one of the hardest things in the world, the only thing he listens to is himself and his sense of good.

『You're a problem child, we're getting away from the subject, well, I'm going to get inside your mind』.

"You're going to get inside me?! You're going to violate my privacy?! Besides you dirty villain!!! I'm doubting you more and more!!!』

『Just shut up and let me show them to you!!!』ヽ(`Д')ノ

He objected at first, but he was able to sneak me into his mind, already inside I showed him everything I went through since I was swallowed by the portal and see I went through a lot, more than him, I gave him a quick summary of what happened to me, Hiro was excited about this new experience and kept asking questions.

『Can you travel through worlds?!!』『You are over 100 years old?!!』『You saved many people!!!』『You were controlled by the parasite?!!!! HA!!! Rookie disciple!!!』『Woooaaa!!!! You fought another god!!!』『AH!!!Rag trash!!!』『Lolicon trash!!!』『Dragons?!!!! This is not a fantasy game!!!』『.....』

I finally showed him everything, as I came out of his mind I noticed he was lying on the ground, Hiro was making me a key holding me back, he could move despite me entering his mind? He has more willpower than The Hero. My stomach roared, we made an improvised fire with what we found, Hiro was quiet since we got out of his mind. This time if it's not like before, I came prepared, before I left for another world I made some takeout.

『Take some Hiro』

I offered him what I had where he just grabbed it without further ado. Maybe I was having fun, it's like we were on a journey by ourselves to seek our goal.

『Disciple, you saw people die and not only that, you also killed』-『You are not a Hero』.

He talked to me about a topic out of nowhere, but for this I had a quick and easy answer, I quickly wiped my mouth so I could tell him.

『Of course, I never said I'm a Hero, these are things that at the beginning disturbed me, but as I kept growing, these are things I had to accept on this journey, sometimes I think, if this goes on like this, I'm afraid to get used to death, what kind of person would one become』-『And why do you ask? When you fight you don't hesitate to kill your opponents, you said a Hero shouldn't hesitate』.

『.....Never....I never saw someone die or killed someone, a Hero should always keep going no matter what....I don't know what to do if something like that happened to me....』

Taking a good look at him, it was the first time I saw him like that, he finally took off that smile and was like in a vacuum, he didn't move any muscles, only his mouth .

『You're confusing me boy, you kill monsters everyday, then why.....』

『That's right, they're monsters, monsters, what does a Hero do if his eyes see losing a life...I...I.....Do.....』

He's just a kid out of a penchant for being a Hero, he thinks life is like those stories he saw, someone comes along, plots their plans, along comes the Hero and saves the day, he thinks it's that simple, I don't know what he was reading but I just dig the above, someone who is a Hero must be prepared to see the worst of humanity, to experience emotions that no one else will be able to, extreme responsibilities, situations that will make you think "why...." This boy is lucky to have fallen into a world like this, if it had been more like true Hero stories, he would have been traumatized and disappointed.

Seeing him so thoughtful and still he looked like a statue, I took him by the head and started petting him, he made a reaction, he just stared at me for a few minutes. Now if I would start the training, finally with all this I could make him accept me as his master or at least a little bit.

『Disciple!!! Quick, there are people to save!!!』

He still calls me disciple but that's the least of it, first I would teach him to control his energy, when he releases it you can tell he has no control of it, when he gives his blows he accumulates a large amount of energy in a single point, thus causing great damage but at the same time it spreads everywhere.

『You need to be calm, nah, forget that, just concentrate on managing your energy, concentrate all your power in a single point and do not let it escape, when you give your blows continue with that mentality, forget the rumbles and explosions, fix your target even after hitting』.

I passed to my God Form and pointed to my bare palm, I was telling him that this is where he has to hit, I would measure and know myself how strong he is and thus teach him better. I was waiting for him, Hiro put on the headphones, again he could see the energy getting out of control of his body, he was concentrating it in one point, but this made it even worse, gathering so much energy in one point was making it get more out of control.

Without further ado Hiro lunged towards me with his fist, I could see how he was destroying the ground breaking it. POOMMMM!!!!!! When he hit my palm a loud rumble resounded in the place, he managed to hit me hard, but most of it scattered when he hit me.

『I see, listen kid, you can't go on like this, one of these days in your fight you could destroy the whole city, you must control your strength in a single target, you must make sure that all the power you accumulate, is received by the receiver, don't involve third parties in this, a Hero never gets an innocent in his problems』-『Then you're going to be like in the fight of goku and bills, colliding blows makes the universe resonate? Ha, so let's focus on that, yeah?』

We were training for a while, Hiro kept concentrating his energy on specific points of his body, I just realized that he only fights with fists, when I asked him in the middle of training he said.

『Well of course!!! A true Hero fist fights bare fist!!! Using advantages is not for men!!! The fist....must always be on top!!』

I told him how well he would be able to throw energy blasts and create powerful techniques, but he didn't want any of this, he wants all his fights, the talking heads to be fists and nothing more than that. This is going to take a lot, there is no progress, he keeps getting out of control of his power and running away from it. Hiro looked tired but still wanted to keep going, I hit him on the head for how stubborn he was.

『If a Hero is not in his best shape, who is he going to be able to save? Let's rest』

I had to force him to rest, ptm, this world is driving me crazy, or rather this city, even though we're far away it's still night! I don't know if it's been days or just a few hours!

『Do you have a watch? or a phone? 』-I looked at Hiro who bowed his head-『Sorry for asking a silly question』.

I saw that he had band-aids or bandages all over different parts of his body, and since this guy has energy for everything then I think he would be indignant if I didn't heal him. This one took off the bandages and again reacted in surprise.

『Can you heal?!!!!! Why didn't you do it before!!! What an outrage!!!』

『(As I guessed) Huh....( ̄^ ̄)You look better like that, although that ponytail doesn't end up fitting, you look like you have no dress sense....sorry for saying that, do you want me to cut it off? You'd look better like that』


Quickly refused shouting, this one again was able to calm down to tell me the reason.

『I left it like that for my friend to have more confidence in her』-I was more curious about what she was going to say-『When going to school she was always behind everything, she would exclude herself by herself for fear of not being able to be liked by others, she had very little confidence, so I decided to show her that it was wrong!!!! I let my hair grow out and made a ponytail like her!!!! To show her to be more confident!!! No one is left behind me! She must always go by my side!!!! Although people first made fun of her, I still don't understand why, but not only that, I also took her with me everywhere possible!!!! I couldn't stand to see her alone!!!! I wanted her bangs not to cover her eyes!!!!! I wanted to see a smile on her face!!!!』

『It must have been hell for that girl..... I understand you friend』

『But she never refused!!!! So it was okay what she was doing!!!』

『(For sure if she did talk to him only he ignored it....)』

『This hair represents everything about her and my memories!!!!! And I'm taking it!!!I'll make all the people accept it!!!Just like my achievements as a Hero from the beginning.....this league and having it long, it's the only emotional thing I have.....』

With what he said I already understood better, I don't know who that girl is, but she must be the only one who really cares about Hiro in all this, I also have clothes on that give me strength and don't make me lose hope. When I heard him I quickly discarded the option of cutting his hair, but anyway he looks so ugly in that ponytail that I couldn't stand it anymore. I caught Hiro off guard and made a small modification, the base was now much lower, thus forming a thinner subject hair.

『Ready, how's it going?』

『Ohhhhh!!!! OOWWWWW!!!!!!! Feels cool!!! My head doesn't hurt anymore!!!! And I still keep my hair long!!!!! Well done my disciple!!! I now give you 5555 points!!!』

He looked happy with the little modification, we would continue with the training, and I also want to know more about Hiro, especially why he is like that and why his eyes are like that, he said he suffered an accident, but....what kind of accident leaves you with eyes like that? It's like he's blind but he can see perfectly. POMMM!!!!!! We heard a loud bang in the city, when I looked and turned around I noticed that Hiro was no longer here, he was going straight to the city, this guy doesn't skimp on seconds. Well, the training will have to wait, because stopping him when he is in this state is impossible.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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