
Chapter 151: SuperHero

Somehow I find myself at this moment, I first appeared on a distant and even peculiar planet, thanks to the fact that I was able to meet certain people, the president of a music agency, and especially the group I heard when I arrived, they proposed me to play an instrument, because of a past experience I chose the piano, at first I was nervous and my first attempt was a failure, but the second if I could show what I was made of, that they even even asked me to join.

『M, wouldn't you like to join my agency?』

The president offered me his hand, I was confused and too thoughtful, the Plasmagica gang was also curious about my answer. If I join, can I play with them? but I understand that there are other bands too, or even send me to be a soloist. It would be fun, to be able to play for others and have them enjoy what you do, I already took advantage of my drawing ability before, what if now I do it with music.

The president was with a smile offering me all the help, while the others also looked happy, it will be that after a long time someone new is going to join BRR.

『I don't want to』




Right now I was walking around the city, it is too flashy, the buildings are big and there are lots of lights. Looking up....was to be expected, you can't see the stars, it's as if this city is shining brighter than space itself. But this city is everything, it has everything.

Going back to what I said before, my answer was no, I was calm and sincerely answered the president, the reasons are more than clear, I do not plan to stay here to play music all my life, if I join your agency and if I succeed, it will be more difficult to leave because I would have a profession and progress. I still don't forget my goal and what I said, "I will take a walk". The bands that play put their heart into it and that's why people enjoy their music, I don't have that right now, what I want now is to be able to return as soon as possible. It would be an offense to enter their world, play, become known and then disappear, to say that all this was just a walk and play, I would be belittling those who really love music.

Hahahahaha the president's reaction before I left was funny.


『But I already bought the piano...now what do I do with this?!!』Σ(๛д๛)『I thought it would join, plus I don't even have the money to pay for it..... I took it up front !!!! How frustrating!!!』 Σ(;・益・;;;;)!!!!

『That's what you get for getting ahead of the facts』-His secretary Angelica came over to lecture him-.

『Sure! How about I give it back, so maybe it will save me from the loss I have, right!!!! Stand back, it's time to do business!!!』

Without further ado the president disassembled the piano keyboard again and was ready to take it away and maybe fix his mistake. Quickly a voice stopped his walk, it was Cyan who would give his reasons.

『Wait president, how about we keep it, maybe now no one can use it, but maybe in the future someone will come who can play it, I would be very sorry if you return it to if without more.....』

The president stood thinking for a few seconds. Quickly her friend also came out to support her.

『Additionally the boy said that maybe he would come back, I have to admit it, but I could feel how the boy at the moment of playing, he was understanding music, although of course, he still lacks a lot and he doesn't have the most essential 』.

Retoree stood next to her friend, also giving other reasons why not to return it. The president thought about it for a few minutes, giving his final conclusion.

『I understand, okay, we'll keep it and see if anyone joins in who can play it, even though it won't benefit us at all at the moment...So!!!! One of you is going to have to learn how to play it!!!! Or else! I'll start playing that piano myself!!!! 』-╭( ・ㅂ・)و )))-『Don't worry, leave it to me, in my youth I did everything』


Yes, I said I might come back , and it's no lie, when I go back to my world maybe I'll come back to this one and yes I'll stay for a good while, but right now first is to be able to come back, of course I will. Although....

『(How long have I been here already? Since I arrived it's always at night, I don't know if it's daytime or what time we are!!!! This is very confusing!!! I have to sleep? I have to have breakfast? I don't know what I have to do? *sigh* This city seems to be active 24/7)』

I was wandering around the city, the stalls and stores, the main street, everything was going on with total normality, the lights were the order of the day, while I was walking I could see the advertisements of different bands, yes there are many and of different types, but what caught my attention the most of these was that.....

『(...But how eye-catching)』(; ̄ー ̄A

Seeing them in those ads and then getting to look at the inhabitants of this city, you can quickly notice who are the important characters with those who are only secondary and tertiary, look at nothing else this!!!! This one here is someone common and normal!!! A furr....a tiny and quiet person, and then we have those who are relevant in the story, with their colorful clothes and hair, too colored appearance!!! And flashy!!! It's not that I don't like it, on the contrary, I like it, but sometimes you say..... "hey, I think they went too far" it's like Yu-Gi-Oh, after a few seconds you know who the main character is....It's good that they want to make their characters different and flashy, but, put some real sense into it...I can't imagine walking down the street and out of nowhere I run into a colorful guy, you know what I mean, right? or he has something flashy, a diamond on his forehead, right? I see him and bam! I do Thanos. The old days were scary, I'm glad they look so much more normal now. Normal?.....o maybe...too simple..... simple.... ╭⚈¬⚈╮Ultra-powerful peeling..... *sigh* I'll miss that time where you easily recognized prota. But, quite a big one Yugi, that's a man, talking only about the first one, after that everything went downhill. Ah, sorry, I got sidetracked.

『And here I am with my little red scarf....I feel like I don't fit in this world, maybe I'll paint my hair too, huh...( ̄^ ̄)』-『Well, let's forget about everything before and this time let's focus on what matters』-『I should go to a desolate place』

POMMM!!!!!! While I was looking for a place where no one can see me, quickly in the distance I saw an explosion, people around me started to murmur.

『It must be him』『Let's hope he doesn't destroy anything this time...I'm being too optimistic』『This is already the tenth time in a week, when will it stop...』『Only that guy knows how to destroy, and since that threat appeared he is much more active』

People were talking about what happened, it seems that they are already used to these things, I still didn't know what was going on, I guess it doesn't matter that I use my other forms in this world, after all, let's say that I have a lot in common.

In my Lucario Form I was jumping from building to building in order to get to the place. Although I have something to be thankful for in this city, the way it's built makes it much easier for me to move around, POMM!!!! Again I could see another explosion, when I looked I noticed that a monster was attacking the city. People were running away in panic in order to save themselves.

『I didn't know there were monsters in this city, well, since I'm here, I should help before I leave』.

¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!! I felt it again, it was an energy I shared. That music monster was still ferociously attacking the city, there was no stopping him. Until he arrived, a glow could be seen falling from the night sky.

『Here I come!』-『You surprised me with what you did before, I attacked you directly and it didn't work, therefore, I will attack you directly but with more strength!!!!』

A boy was falling from the sky with great speed, while his body was wrapped in a purple aura that fluttered as if he was crazy, all his power was concentrated in his fist while he did not remove his smile from his face. That monster saw him and without hesitation it too launched its best attack, a beam of powerful energy was shot into the sky.

『Super Attack!!! Uncontrolled Spinning Kick!!!!! 』

That boy began to spin his body in mid-fall, with his spinning kick he managed with little effort to break through that monster's attack.

『Squeeze the Teeth!!!! Clench your fist!!!! And finish off the villain!!!! Super Attack!!!!! Glorious Fist!!!!!』

With an incredible power, that child, gave his blow to that gigantic monster, the pressure was so much and the force that the monster ended up being pierced and falling with great force to the floor. The shockwave of that crash was so strong that it also ended up destroying the surroundings, the buildings resounded and the glass was destroyed, the streets, the tracks were totally broken and destroyed.

The people in the area were standing up in what was the place of the combat, they were getting up from the rubble and what they saw was the boy on top of the monster with his fist raised.

『You don't have to be afraid anymore!!!! The Heroes won again!!!!!』

That boy was happy, he never took his smile off that face. He was taking off his headphones, earphones, whatever you want to call it, where he quickly felt a pain. Pom! People quickly started throwing stones at him and calling him names, all in a way that they hated him.

『You again?』『Stop destroying the city every time you appear!!』『Now my house has been destroyed!!!! You're going to pay you bastard!!!』『Can't you do anything right!!!』『A monster causes less damage than you』『We had enough with the monsters, now you and on top of that with the threat of the Queen of Darkness!!!!! AAAHH!!! Since when did we stop having the peace of mind we had!!!』『Go away!!!』『Get lost!!!』『Disappear!!!』『Get lost!!!』

People kept throwing stones at him, while he only stared at these people, always with a smile on his face, he didn't mind receiving the stones directly, it was as if they didn't hurt, it was as if he didn't feel them.

A few minutes later the police arrived, where they quickly went to this child, it seems that this also happens a lot and also the officers are used to, that every time a catastrophe appears, this child has to be present.

『Officer, tell me if there is a casualty in the city!』-Without fear that child went to this one-.

『Let's see, we have many wounded, again the city is in shambles, but as usual, there is no death』.


That boy was walking away without further ado from the officer, where the latter caught his attention.

"Where are you going?! You have to go to the judge!!!』

Quickly, the boy stopped and slowly turned to look at the officer.

『Stop that!!! My mother told me don't force people to do things they don't want to do, and I don't want to!!!! There are more important things!!! It's not necessary!!! I have to be alert if another monster shows up!!!! Goodbye!!!』

The boy was walking away from the place, he didn't mind having to evade the police.

『He's never going to change, I'll have to call him』.

While I had been confused, shocked, maybe it's because of what I just saw, or maybe it's because of much more before, the little boy walked in a calm manner, always with that hero's smile on his face. Pom, the little boy had bumped into me, but this one was still trying to walk.

『Eh? Why don't I go forward! My legs are walking! Why don't I walk!!!』

"Are you stupid or what?

I looked down to see this kid, where at last the kid stopped walking and looked up without further ado, before I could speak, the kid ended up pointing at me.

『Get out of my way!!! I have to keep prowling around the city!!!! People may be in danger!!! The path of a Hero never stops!!!』

"I've just stopped you』 (-,-)

!!!....The boy was shocked, it was as if he was frozen, I stepped aside, and it was as I suspected, the boy was frozen for a few seconds, where he finally responded.

『Of course not!!! A Hero, a Hero, a Hero, a Hero, a Hero』-She sounded like a robot, she kept repeating the same thing for several seconds-『A Hero also stops to defend the weak!!!! I just defended you from the air current!!!! Thank me!!』

『You kept thinking all this time just to say that!!』∑('゚ω゚`*-My surprise wasn't long in coming, again the boy froze-.

『....Thank me!!!』

With these few exchanges of words, I noticed that this boy was not so smart, it was as if in his mind he only had one thing that overshadowed the rest. Without further ado I managed to take this child, although I must say it was too difficult, I knew he was going to refuse, and repeated the same thing all the time, I needed to resolve my doubts, that power that he showed before, that purple aura is not something common here, I understand that the power of this world is music and it manifests itself in another way. I managed to take it to an abandoned building far from the city.

『.....Liar!!! There is no one here!!! And therefore!!! I can't save anyone!!!』

『I'll say it straight out, you are also, a successor of God of Destruction? 』

The boy turned to look at me slowly, he turned to stare at me, I clenched my fists, his haunting way of looking at me, I wanted to know, I was 100% sure that if he is.

『I am not that!!!! I am a Hero!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!』

In front of me I had a little boy, he was not taller than me, he was rather a small one, he was tanned, he wore both a shirt and shorts, his hair was long black, so that it did not bother him, he simply held it in a ponytail, the tip ended with brown locks, He wore headphones that were on his neck, and above all, what is more disturbing when you look at him, his eyes, they were not normal, he had no pupils or irises, in his eyes there was only an explosion, as if a glow had occurred inside his eyes, he was completely gray. He also has a band-aid or bandage on his cheek, as well as on his arms and legs.

『Of course you are!!! No one has great strength and power!!! Plus you have fins instead of ears!!! Some parts of your body have scales!!!! Your purple aura!!! If I am not mistaken! You are the successor of the God of Destruction of the Universe 12!!!』

I had to get straight to the point, since this kid wouldn't understand otherwise, but it seems I said too much, the boy again froze, he must be thinking about what to answer me, I have to tell him much more specific things for him to understand.

『Tell me child, you were swallowed by a portal where you met a light figure in it? And after that you got your powers?』

Again I explained to him with tweezers so that he would understand, every single thing and every single word, it was like dealing with a baby, but this child after being frozen for several minutes, finally moved.

『I remember!!! 』


That boy was walking calmly down the street, he was returning from school where after a long time he was able to return, it seems that he suffered an accident so he had to leave for a while. He was for many months in the hospital, it must have been the only time where he could not move, move as he wanted of course, but he was not alone, he was returning with a classmate of his, both walked quietly, it seems that the girl wants to talk to him, but seeing only his friend, he did not dare to say anything.

『Ah!』-The boy seems to have seen something that caught his attention, where he didn't hesitate to bend down-『Look, 15 yen!!! this is my lucky day!!! Now I have to give it to its owner!!!』

The boy without further ado ran out of the place automatically, his companion raised her hand, trying to talk to him but couldn't, quickly the boy was running back. Without further ado he took his companion by the hand and took her with him.

『No one is left behind when I'm around!!! Together we will become Heroes!!!』

That boy wasn't doing anyone any harm, ever since he was little he had always loved stories of SuperHeroes, of how they fought against evil and helped the weak, of how no matter what obstacle they had, they always came out victorious. He was fascinated by these stories, how these people for their heroism, were wanted and loved by people, he also wanted to be one, for that reason, since he was a child he trained to achieve the necessary strength, and no matter how small or insignificant the help is, a hero must do it, if a granny needs to cross the track! he will help him! he needs to rescue cats! he will do it! He needs to pick up clothes in the rain! he will do it! Small and big go hand in hand, although he couldn't do the greatness of his favorite heroes after all.

While he was running to return the coin to its owner, although it was surely impossible, he would do it anyway, a portal appeared in his journey, along with his companion, both fell without further ado. Quickly, the boy hugged his friend.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you!

At the same instant of finishing his words, hands of light grabbed the neck of their clothes, they were beings of light that were next to each one of them, with force they pulled them both apart. That boy was in front of a being of light, anyone would be confused or afraid, but not this boy.

『Incredible!!! But what is this!!! It's like I've been drugged! YOU! Introduce yourself!!! Who are you and what do you want! You won't achieve your goals villain!!!

Although this being seemed and has more authority than the boy, the boy behaved as if he was superior. That being told him everything that was happening, the one in front of him was Geene, the God of Destruction of Universe 12, he told him that he will be his successor, that he chose him since he has a strong spirit and does not hesitate to do what he wants, he does not bow to anyone, as a Hero he wants to be, this one would not hesitate to finish with the bad guys, maybe he is a little clueless, but everything else convinced him of the boy, but the more the God talked, the less the boy understood, the only thing he understood is.

『Then can I be a Hero? No, I was already a Hero, then I'll be a Super Hero!』

The God smiled, he was sure, he wanted this boy to be his successor and to whom he would hand over his powers and duties, maybe he gets to be silly, but as each God has his respective Angel who would guide him, then he would make up for the lack of that he does to this boy. He was determined, but here he made him choose 2 things, first, that by merging with him, he would give him all the power already unlocked or.

『No!!! Every person should strive to want to get what they want! I don't like easy!!! I do things my way!!! I am the one who leads me!!! I must always be in front and guide others. I don't learn anything if I have it all for free. I will strive to unlock all the power for myself! And I can be the Super Hero I always wanted to be!

He said loud and clear, the God again smiled, it seemed that he was proud of the boy's answer, here comes the second thing to choose, by merging with him, you will have the option to transform into the God of Destruction, and only in this state you can use the power of this, or 2, unleash the power of a God in his human form, without the need to transform, thus removing many weaknesses. If before the boy's answer filled him with pride, this one offended him.

『Human of course!!! I don't want to smell like fish all the time!!!! Besides it would be inconvenient to have to transform to use your powers!!!! 』

On that one I give him a point in favor, but wait!!!! There were those options!!! To me why didn't he tell me them at my time?!!!!! AAAA!!!! Damn selfish cat!!!! I would have chosen to have already released all the power!!!! and I would have kept my human appearance when using them!!!! I wouldn't have the weakness of water?!!!! It doesn't make sense!!! PTM cat, if there was a way to contact you, I'd give you a big bad one!

Geene melted with him, now he would have with his own efforts to overcome the goal he had set, at the end of the portal new things would be waiting for him. Wait, all well and good with him, but what happened to his friend? If he was also swallowed by the portal and a being of light appeared at his side, that means she is also a successor, huh, I wonder which God's being .....


『He said that in the end I would appear at the house of a certain Zenno-sama and that there they would explain to me much more in detail, but in the end I ended up in this world...!!!!! He is a liar!!! but he is perfect for me!!! As soon as I showed up there were monsters attacking the city!!!!! It was time to become a Superhero! Ah! I don't understand why I got scales and fins』.

The boy finally finished explaining to me, I had already understood what had happened to him, and also about "certain" things that came along with the succession! Pinche gato morado, if you were here right now I'd send you some good pineapples!

『Ah, by the way, what is your name? Mine is M ,sorry for saying it late』.

"Hiro! Ishigami Hiro! Call me Hiro!』-『Didn't you see!!! Even my name tells me!!! Hero! Hiro! It's in my blood! It was my destiny to be a SuperHero!!!』-『So your name is M!!! Good SuperHero name too! ....NO! It sucks!!!』

Quickly after praising me she blew me off, I didn't know how to respond to how unexpected her words can be.

『M!! M for Wonderful!!! M for Merciful!!! M for Mysterious!!! M for Magnificent! M for Mr.Muscle!!!』

He started flattering me again, I was ready to correct this kid, but after he started flattering me in a way that he didn't even notice, I felt good, I started scratching my head and blushing.('ω`*)

『AH¡!!....M!!!...』-Again he froze, something seemed to come to his mind-『M for Shit!!!! M for Faggot!!! M for Melancholic!!! M for Miserable!!! M for Martian!!! M for Wednesday! M for Macaco! M for Masochist! M for .....de MIERDA!!!』

"You didn't have to repeat it again!!!』-Щ(º̩̩̩́Дº̩̩̀щ)-『Stop it brat!!!』

I was already annoyed, aren't you afraid to speak your mind? Siquiera.... is he thinking about what he's saying? he seems to stop to think of something witty, but he's just talking nonsense that is irrelevant!!! Seriously, this kid is what? 12, 13 years old, with a personality and attitude so hard to pin down is a God of Destruction?! Are you playing a joke on me world? I quickly decided to want to catch this kid for what he has been saying , and also to deal with his personality , correct him , he doesn't say it with intent to annoy , it's how he just says it and that's it.

『Upa!!! I see!!! You want to catch me!!! But you won't!!! I will! Come here villain! HAAA!!!』

"Huh? Wait!!! This wasn't supposed to happen!!!』

My plan was quickly turned around, it was me running away from this kid so he wouldn't catch me, besides.... what does he want to catch me for? What does he want to do to me?! Turning around I look at those exploding eyes and that Hero smile! He doesn't give much confidence for a Hero!!!!

I was running as fast as I could from this kid. But it looks like he already reached his limit.

『What are you resisting with, villain!!! Super Attack! Children's Onslaught!

Without further ado he managed to give me a strong onslaught, crack! Something cracking was heard, he was just lying on the floor, where Hiro was smiling and with his fist in the sky.

『Newly the Heroes win!!!』

『I think you broke my rib.....』

I was suffering, he didn't use his god power, it was his human power with which he knocked me down, I don't know since when he arrived, but since long before that the guy has been training, he must be very strong even being a human apparently. Quickly Hiro lifted me onto his back, although he is smaller than me, he could lift me up without a doubt.

『I'll take you to a hospital!!! A scratch is nothing!!! But if you broke a bone, then you need help!!!』

What the fuck, I don't understand this kid, first he hurts me and now he wants to help me...but well, it's ok, after I recover I'll spend some more time and go, oh! Maybe Hiro wants to go with me, I guess he'll want to go home too. Will I finally have a traveling companion with the same goal? Shi!!!!(*≧≧∀≦*)

POMMM!!!!! We saw an explosion in the city, Hiro stopped to look where I did too. Pom!!! Quickly Hiro let go of me where I fell sharply to the ground.

『AHH!!!!!!! PTM Hiro! How's the thing?! First you attack me, help me and then hurt me again!!!』(;≧皿≦)

『There are villains attacking!!!! I must go quickly!!! People are in danger!!! Compared to them and what may happen to them, you're okay!!!! Goodbye!!!』

Without further ado Hiro put on his headphones, his body began to emanate a purple aura, he quickly ran and jumped from building to building to reach the place of the attack.

『What's wrong with you, you're the hardest person I know to understand.....』

First what I did was heal my wound, it looks like he really did break a rib just with that lunge he gave me, the perfect comparison of someone who has a worked out body and someone who is down to the bare bones.

『No more!!! I will leave immediately!!! Besides you seem to like it here, I'm leaving!』

I swung my arm to my God Form ready to conjure the spell.¡¡¡¡!!!!! I could feel it, it's faint but I can feel it anyway, it's not like on the ship, what I felt that time was the energy of the God I now know it was Hiro, he was fighting for sure, what I felt now is a dark and too familiar energy.....

Somewhere in the city, Dagger Morse was together with what is the Queen of Darkness, a little girl named Ailane, her gang and together with this dark being plotted terrible things against this world.

『I can't seem to leave yet...』

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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