
World 4: Ova 7: New Lives

The world was in total harmony and perfect chaos, everything was in a balance that had never been seen before, but it is not like that in the whole world, you will always see in one part something horrible that is happening at this very moment, but nothing can be done, or tell me you, can you do something to avoid the terrible thing that is happening now? Of course not, but there is a person who decided to try to solve these problems, although it seems difficult and even impossible, we already have one who is doing it at this very moment, a human blessed with the power of God and the world is still waiting for that other person of the perfect balance.

In a small town inside a forest, there lived humans who did not harm anyone, they had their crops, their farms and all their healthy community that many other places would envy them for how perfect and peaceful it is to live here.

Inside the forest , bushes could be heard and seen moving, quick footsteps on the ground could also be heard nearby, as someone was swinging through the branches of the trees, just as some laughter could be heard.

『Siii!!!!!! This time I'm the first one!』

A little boy with black hair and white had reached the top of a waterfall in the forest, his smile and joy of victory were not long in coming, while another boy with bluish hair was the second to arrive.

『Suck on that Dux! You may have always been first, but after so much failure and error, techniques and thinking I thought I'd blow my head off, I beat you!!! the name King comes to me perfectly hahahaha』<( ̄︶ ̄)>.

『Yeah, you may have beaten me, but look closely down here』( ̄︶ ̄;).

Dux pointed his finger down.

『¿¿?? What thing? Ah!!! Are you saying that you have a bigger one than me?! Although I never really noticed that.....』(。-ˇ‸ˇ-。).

Quickly Dux blushed and quickly this one refused.

『Of course you don't! Or well maybe yes, we'll see about that one day.....you look under the waterfall! That's what I mean』 (˵¯͒〰¯͒˵)

King dubiously and out of curiosity walked to the edge of the waterfall, searched well with his eyes and noticed that there was a large opening, large enough for a small person, a child to fit in, he made little rice eyes and noticed.

『...( ̄^ ̄) Haber....o , there is a hole behind the casc-----what is Lami doing there!!!!!!!』 ('⊙o⊙`;)

He took a good look, and his friend Lami without any explanation was behind the waterfall, he was sleeping, it seems he arrived from much earlier first and had no better idea than to wait there sleeping.

『Ehh.....y I thought I was the crazy one, how does he plan to get out of there?』

King was returning to a safe place, where suddenly he heard a scream from far away that was quickly approaching, both Dux and King were puzzled by this, they looked around the places and looked up in the sky, a small girl with long red hair was falling from the sky.

『Shi shi shi shi, here coming for more who cried!!EH?!?!!! They've already arrived before me?』

Mira was falling from the skies, quickly Dux and Lami were alerted of this, they analyzed where it might fall, but still being still children they were running around trying to guess.

『Quick King, stand at the edge of the waterfall!』

Dux gave the order, both kids stood on the edge of the waterfall, Mira was falling with speed, while she was laughing because of how funny it felt. Pom! Mira finally descended falling into the arms of her friends, they made force so they wouldn't be knocked down and fall.

『That was fun! Thank you guys for the catch』

Mira was showing a smile, but King was on the edge and ended up slipping, he grabbed onto Dux who was also being carried, so Dux grabbed onto Mira, somehow and another way they kept a balance where at the fair they didn't fall, King was in tears as he was hanging on the waterfall.

"Hey, this isn't funny! Let go of me at once!"』Σ(・口・)-Mira turned angrily to look at her friend.

『If I do that we'll end up falling!!!』 ∑(;°Д°)-Dux lashed out at this one-.

Mira was trying to help her friends, each doing their part to keep them from falling into the waterfall, while King all he could do was stand there crying.

『Quickly! That's also making me want to pee!』 !!(⊃ Д)⊃≡゚ ゚ ゚

『It's impossible, if only we need someone else to help us!』-Mira was using all the possible strength she had-.

Without them noticing, Dux stepped wrong and ended up slipping, this one would also end up hanging and Mira wouldn't be able to support the full weight of both of them together.

『I'll help too!』 (>̯-̮<̯)

A little girl with tender blonde hair has just arrived, as usual she is the last to arrive in all the games this group of children play. With a blushing face and her arms pulled Mira to help her friends.

『Oh! I don't think I've ever been so happy to see you Arnna ヾ(Ő∀ŐŐ๑)ノ...But .... you're so weak! Щ(º̩̩̩́Дº̩̩̩̀щ)』

Mira screamed without further ado, even though Arnna had arrived and was using all her strength, they were still being dragged, by this point King had already passed out, Dux was holding his friend so he wouldn't fall, Mira had a wtf face and Arnna pulled strength out of nowhere and with one arm grabs the edge so no one would fall, that's right, they were all hanging.

『....I would have been more useful if your adrenaline had come out before they were hanging!!』 щ(▼ロ▼щ)-Mira lashed out at her friend-.

『I'm sorry!』(>囗<o)-Arnna was apologizing even in this situation-.

While everyone was discussing among themselves and trying to see how to get out, Lami was waking up and the first thing he saw is his friends were hanging, making a human ladder, this one was still half asleep and smiled.

『Yes they are good (m*'∀`)m Excuse me』.

As the ladder was close to Lami, Lami without further ado thought it was to be helped up, stepping on King's face who already seemed to be dead, and as if he was a monkey he climbed up with the help of his friends' bodies, Lami was safely at the edge of the waterfall.

『Please Lami, could you help us? I don't think I can take it any longer』(ό‿ὸ)ノ

Arnna was asking nicely to her friend Lami, but he gave a yawn and started to exercise on his forehead, Arnna couldn't stand it anymore because of the surprise .((;^◇^;)ゝ Lami continued with his warm up, it's good to stretch after giving a rest or being without movement after a good while.

『Now is it? Guys?』

As Lami looked around Lami saw that no one was there, he was still half asleep, he looked down the waterfall and after thinking about it he finally found out what was going on.

『¡¡¡!!! (⊙_◎) I think ..... was already worth.....or worth....』


Lami desperate and worried went down to the stream formed by the waterfall, as he went down he was looking from side to side, shouting the name of each of his friends. Before long he could not find them, this made him very sad.

『It can't be...King.....Dux.....Arnna and Mira....you were fighting and because of my clumsiness you...Friends, I must go your ways, right now I will also be punished』(☍﹏⁰)。

Lami stared at the water current and after lamenting, he waited for the perfect opportunity, he watched and watched until it finally appeared, this one would jump into the water to fulfill his punishment. Suddenly he felt a touch on his back, Lami turned and saw his friends, they were fine, only with wet clothes.

『Don't do it Lami, I won't let you die 』

Dux went to his friend, where his friend was calm and unsurprised he reacted.

『Die? No no no no, not at all, I was planning to catch a fish and then fast for 2 days, it's the punishment I deserve after dropping them』(;へ:).

All the friends were safe and sound, returning to their village inside the forest, all at Lami's excusion, they squeezed the water out of their clothes.

『I already knew they were fine, I saw them from afar, but I still felt I needed punishment for the way I reacted 』.

The Lami boy quietly commented to his friends, where the first one to want answers was Mira.

『So why were you crying?』

『Anyone would be sad, I didn't avoid thinking that they might have died.... days would no longer be the same』.

With an easy answer, Lami was responding to her introverted friend's doubts, but she wasn't spared from being judged for her actions either.

『In the first place, what the heck were you doing flying in the skies! If you hadn't come out of nowhere, this wouldn't have happened! I even got a little bit out of it.... 』 (つ﹏⊂)-King hid his embarrassment-.

『Shi shi shi shi, it was my trump card, I created a catapult and launched myself without fear of success! Although it would have been better to run like anyone else..... I took too long to do it.....』 (┳Д┳)-Mira realized how foolish her idea was-.

"Well, everything ended well, so there is nothing to worry about』-Dux was trying to calm the situation, suddenly he heard a tender sneeze, it was Arnna who was shivering from the cold-『Or not?

Arnna was walking shivering and trying to get warm, quickly Dux asked for Lami's dry shirt, he proceeded to give it to his friend.

『I hope this helps you, we got you into this so we'll all take care of you』.

By this one's action, Arnna was blushing and cheerfully smiled at her friend, where both Mira and Lami agreed in helping their friend.

『Nah, how heavy it must be, Mira is to blame for always wanting to play to the extreme, let her alone do it』ε-('ヘ'○)┓.

King refused and childishly put all the blame on Mira, whereupon the little girl quickly looked ominously at the boy.

『Shi?.....ゞ(ↂ ω ↂ)ゞWith what extreme? Now I'll show you what it's like to be extreme for real? Be prepared for when I get out of control..... (◦△☆)~~!!!』

In a disturbing and even a little crazy way he was approaching to intimidate King, where King was backing away in fear.

『You'll make me ask you to stop!!!』 (o≧▽゚)o

Without fear, Mira threw herself against her friend, cries were heard and tears were seen, but what was more, what was seen more, well, King's apologies were seen, but what was seen more, was the laughter that the boy let out, Mira was giving this one a tickle attack.

『You brought out my inner demon! If you want me to stop you'll have to play with me all day tomorrow!』 (*°∀°)

『Jjjajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaj stop, please stop, really stop! Jjajajajajajajajajaja besides! We don't do that anymore! We'll always be there to play all together』

King was begging and kept laughing, while Mira had a smile of pure joy, until out of nowhere, something started to smell, it was a somewhat strange smell.

『.....I told you...I told you to stop.....you're bad Mira.....』 ╥﹏╥

King had peed himself, with the tickling he couldn't take it anymore and ended up spilling everything he's been resisting all this time.

『...I'm sorry』 ƪ(-̃͡-̃͡-̃͡ ƪ

Mira finished patting King on the head, such were the days of these ordinary and normal children, they had mothers and fathers like any other, they were born in a peaceful place where they could grow up, and if they tried hard, they could be the people they wanted, this was their new life, their new restart, formerly they were known as the brothers of the Anomenos Family, powerful dragons that were feared by many in the world, after different events, they could be reborn as humans, and enjoy what they always wanted to be and have.

When they arrived to their town they continued with their games, they were the ones that brought more damage to the town but they were also the ones that gave life to the town since they were born, it is a coincidence too big for the parents, since their children were born on the same date, it was already night and as it always happens, it was time to listen to the stories and tales that the second in command of the town always told. Most of the people of the village gathered around a large bonfire, where only the creaking of the logs and the voice of this woman sitting in her armchair.

『This time all tell the story of a being that since he was born has been looking for power, always believed to be the strongest, but did not have what it takes, so he decided regardless of the means, get that strength, but why did he get the idea to this? By a simple fortune teller who said that this child had to be strong, that young human traveled the world, training and getting powerful weapons and objects that would give him the strength and would let the world know that he was the strongest, in his journey he fought with many, he did great feats but there was no one to witness them, his strength and magic were powerful but they were useless if there was no one to witness it, so people called him a fake and crazy, then he simply had to give a demonstration, but he had such bad luck, that there was never a chance, in his search for the most powerful weapon, in all this time he had heard whispers, whispers of the objects he collected, and without realizing it, he had been possessed by what he was looking for and without further ado he disappeared from the world, many say he went to hell, but the truth is unknown, this would be the little story of tonight』.

The storyteller finished her story for today, people were clapping for this one, while the one who always clapped until the last and energetically was Mira.

『Fighting, being a warrior, being able to use magic! Obtaining weapons and gaining strength by yourself! That's the someone admirable!』

『Pity the guy didn't get the recognition he deserved, but nobody knows, what you tell us are intriguing, you can't know if they're true or not』 -Dux was addressing the Storyteller 』

『Ha! He's a great guy, but he doesn't compare to what I'll be when I grow up! I will be so strong! That the world will know me as King! The strongest of all!』

That boy was full of energy as always, some footsteps could be heard, Arnna went out for a while to bring some coat and some water to the Storyteller.

『Thank you so much Arnna, always so attentive』.

『Are you sure you have to do this? It's better if you rest, after it's born it may be safer to keep telling us about it』

Arnna was kindly addressing the adult, she was pregnant and her belly was as big as possible, soon a new member of this village would be born.

『Don't worry, it's just sitting and counting, nothing bad can happen to me, what's more I want you to do me a favor, when he is born I would like you to help me raise him, you are always good to the people of the village and help them each in your own way, I know they do a lot of mischief and several times they have been punished, but when they do well they can do incredible things, be friends with my son too please』.

The mother-to-be opened up with the group of children, where everyone was happy.

"But, with what you said, we seem more like a bad influence, are you sure about your decision? -Lami asked without hesitation.

『Of course I am, children should be naughty, play and have fun, laugh and enjoy the best time of their life, I am too busy as well as my husband, I don't think I can take care of him as I should, but with you by his side, I feel he will grow up to be a man』.

The friends each after having a small meeting, discussed and gave their reasons for this, after a few minutes each one was affirming in accepting the boy, he would be like their new friend and above all he would be like their new brother.

『You heard him Look, no extreme stuff, I guess you at least know how to treat a baby, don't you? 』-King was addressing this one-.

『How you don't! Extreme is best, though of course, I'll always see to it that he's okay, even if I'm the one who has to get hurt』.

The two guys started to have a little argument, although I also think he better think about it xd. This day they almost died falling down a waterfall and by miracle they came out unharmed, the adult was happy, where in her hand was taken by Arnna.

『Be calm, I know we are not trustworthy and we are always in trouble, but we will give everything to take good care of your child *smiles* 』.

You have to have a lot of trust in someone to entrust your child to this group of children xd, but well, they are the purest, they are the joy and heart of this town, despite everything they have gone through, always end up with a smile and new teachings every day.


The days passed and the children continued with their games, but in their schedule they added a new topic, in trying to take care of the new child, many things were raised, they accepted that there were also denials, they would have to improve in order to meet the new goal they set, the first thing that came to their minds is a great welcome, that's right, you have to start really well from the beginning, and better if since you are born, as the Storyteller was already about to give birth, it is the last month, the group of children went into the forest to look for something like to be able to give something to the child, such as a wreath, or even go to the nearest town and buy a gift.

『¡¡!! And if we buy him a cloak, I can't wait to have one』-King was thinking about the gift.

"It's a gift for the baby, not for you』-Dux quickly corrected him.

『OH!!!I know, how about we pool all our savings, and buy a music box! 』-Mira gave an idea-『You know, that square thing that you have to turn a lever and you can listen to music』.

Everyone quickly agreed because of the idea Mira had, where everyone quickly agreed.

『Until I finally agree with you 』.

Lami was heading to her friend, after thinking it through, go back to their town and see the money they had, they didn't know how much one cost, but whenever something they do together, they end up winning, no matter what the situation is, with all the money in a small bag, the group of friends were on their way to the city.

『But.... getting to the city takes about 5 hours.....we would be late getting back and our parents would be worried....』-King saw the situation-.

But quickly someone had the solution for this problem, a laughter that used to be a symbol of grace, for the first time was the symbol of hope.

『Shi shi shi shi That's if we walk, but if we ride in my carriage! We'll be there in no time!』

Mira led them to a secret place in the forest, where he revealed his ultimate creation, a half-built carriage, it only had the base, roof? steering wheel? who needs that? to get from one place to another you only need wheels and enough space for people to fit!

『Oye.....but if it's still half-built (●__●)』-King didn't avoid asking himself the question.

『Is it finished』 (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)✧-Mira approached King- with her huge eyes.


『It's finished』 (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)✧

Without further ado, with fear, with insecurity, but 100% extreme! the brothers got into this carriage, but there were no horses or anything else with which it can move.

『What do you mean, no? where we are right now!』

Before they knew it, the carriage was on top of a catapult, this would be what would provide the power for the carriage to move.

FIIIIIIIIUMMMMMMM!!!!! Without further ado, the branches that held the catapult were cut, the carriage and the children flew through the air, screams were heard, others cried, others laughed and others fainted. Quickly Mira maneuvered, pressed a button on the base, it seems that some kind of gliders came out, now this thing can fly?

『It works! It's the first time I've used it but it works!』 =^∇^*=-Mira was pleased-.

『We're flyingㅇㅅㅇ.... want to get off』 (☍﹏⁰)。-Arnna didn't avoid looking down at the ground and seeing that they are at a great height-.

『We said you wouldn't do extreme things anymore! When we get to the ground I'll give you one so hard that I'll disappear too! You'll die from the impact and I'll die from the shockwaveaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Mom!!!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!』 (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)

King was crying without further pleading from time immemorial for help to his mother, they felt that they were gradually going down, and descended to be safer. Mira was a little disappointed but she was proud just the same.

『This is the most extreme thing so far, I'm surprised Dux has held out this long』 -Lami was about to throw up, where did she see her friend-『Ehhhh?!!!!! Dux!!!』

Dux was in Arnna's lap, since long before, since they were launched from the catapult, he had fallen faint.

『We're about to touch the ground.....huh.....it wasn't as I expected but I'm satisfied, look! From here you can see the city』

Mira made little rice eyes and cheerfully her spirits were up, King was struggling to maintain composure.

『Perfect, we go in, buy the gift, come out, and destroy this thing, no one makes me puke!!!』 ~(๑ñ﹏ ⊙☆)ノ

They hit the ground and thanks to God or for the luck they had, they fell in a nearby forest free of trees and with the path clear, quickly already everyone calmed down, Dux woke up and the first thing he saw was Arnna.

『Who are you? you look so pretty .... Are you an Angel? 』

Quickly Arnna hearing him turned around totally blushing that her head was boiling smoke.

『(After all if it brought any good this....)』

Everyone already active and accustomed, they continued with the route, where they noticed that in front something strange was happening, like smoke was coming out of the ground and like a small crater was coming out. POOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!

The small crater made a small explosion, the children quickly acted and jumped out of the carriage, Mira's creation was destroyed and the parts flew out, all the friends were confused, where they saw that someone came out of this crater, they saw how a hand came out of hell itself.

『But what's going on here! Why do strange things always happen to us!!』-King didn't hide his surprise.

At last it was revealed what just came out of the crater, a human with an appearance of an old man just came out, it was depressing his appearance and down to his bones, he had many rings where these began to glow, quickly in flames this one rejuvenated and now if he gave the appearance of being someone powerful.

『At last ..... I got out of that stupid hell, how long has it been? Kids? One question, did you guys just see me?

The guy asked the group, where scared no one wanted to give his answer, the only one who could do it was Dux, since he was the best at dealing with these issues. He judged him just by looking at him, he had too many things but at the same time no, the only thing that came to his mind was what he heard that time.

『(It's him, the guy that the mother told us about, he came out of hell itself, according to the story, the guy had that fate since no one could see his exploits...)』

『Answer me children, did you see how I came out? did you see how I was engulfed in flames? did you see how I demonstrated my power? 』

Doubtful Doge and in sweat, he would be the one to solve this.

『Yes, we saw it all, your flames, your power and your existence, we saw you』.

The guy was surprised, he looked confused at the children and even excited, his hands started to shake, where he quickly clenched his fists.

『NOOOO!!!!!I don't like to be seen! Die! I will kill you! No one else must know about me!!!』

The guy got so angry that flames began to burst out of the ground with great force, the children were scared and more confused by this, they already knew the reason why nobody talked about this guy and nobody recognized him, it was because he himself finished off the people who witnessed his strength. For his evil deeds he was sent to hell where he was finally able to escape, right now he is trying to kill the group of children.

『So the story was true!!!! Quick! we must escape!!!』

King gave the warning, something that was by instinct he was the last to notice, everyone else had already run away leaving him last. First he complained and cursed his friends, on his forehead he already had that man from the stories, King was totally scared, quickly, before he makes a move, Mira returned with the others, in his hands he had a capsule that was a piece of his carriage.

She threw it at him without further ado, the capsule opened where inside were some mushrooms where they threw out their spores.

"Quick King, do what you've been learning!

Mira gave the order, scared King decided to do it, with his eyes closed he aimed at the spores, where from his hands came out some small flames that hit the target. Quickly upon contact with the mushrooms, there was an explosion of smoke, as this fungus caused such a reaction with fire xd, this is weird, do not look for logic as to why that happened xd. Lami took King and they were all escaping quickly.

『Dress....that's the power of the great King.....I won't give you another one just because I'm already scared!!!!』⊂(©෴©)つ

The guy was a bit dazed by the smoke, where he quickly spotted the kids as they were running away, he aimed with his hand to launch his attack.POMM!!!!Dux quickly gave him a lunge, the guy's attack deflected saving the others from the impact.

Quickly the guy landed a heavy blow on Dux.POM!!!! But still Dux was trying to grab him and keep him from moving from his place, the guy started punching and punching , but Dux anyway wouldn't let go of him.

『I will stop you!!!! I'll stop you!!! You won't do any harm to my friends!!!』

Pom!!! The guy couldn't take it anymore and hit him hard, piece of flesh from Dux's face had fallen to the ground, Dux gave a loud scream of pain, practically half of his face had just been torn off in one blow. The pain was unbearable, blood was falling and Dux was crying, the guy again tried to aim.

『You give up now!!! Because I won't!!!』

Dux shouted with all his might, where after so much insistence and seeing that he wouldn't stop, the guy turned to see the guy, Dux was standing, with a gesture of effort, gritting his teeth hard, blood dripping and all this time crying, and still, Dux clenched his fists, ready to face this guy, the guy seeing this started laughing, like a child with a split face wants to fight fist to fist with someone powerful, he's too dumb.

『I can't believe you really want to face me』.

『...See my friends?』

『Of course not, they left you abandoned, now the one I want to kill is you』.

Painfully speaking, Doge was heading with all the bravery he had, Doge smiled and with a look of victory said to this one.

『Then I've already won』.

Although the situation was all against him, the victorious one was Doge, the guy gritted his teeth like never before, the flames of hell burst out of his body. Where at the same time the Storyteller had already given birth, she was safe and sound, but the baby was nowhere to be found.

Dux had already accepted his fate, he closed his eyes and would only wait for death. POMMM!!!!!!! An air screen or something invisible stopped the blow of this, but the shock was so strong that Dux flew away, where at the same time we saw a baby who was crawling in the forest, that baby ran into the catapult and saw the location from afar.

Dux on impact flew off, but was quickly tackled by his friends, everyone, Lami, King, Mira and Arnna, all had returned, where the first thing Dux thought of why they were here, they were supposed to run and save themselves.

『Enseriously do you think we would leave a friend, in serious times, we should all help each other, if we had left you later we wouldn't have forgiven each other, tell us fools, that's what we are after all, but, there is one thing that always happens, and that is that we always get our way, together! we will manage to save ourselves!』

Were the words of his friends, Dux hearing this, he was frustrated, frustrated because he will know that he will not get better friends than them, they would all give him a hand, that's how they are, the problem of one is the problem of all and together they will get out of this.

While the guy was unconscious due to the shock of the blow he made, the friends would prepare their best attack ever, every living being has its own energy, it was time to use it, they took position and each one concentrated on launching the strongest and most powerful attack ever, sparks flew, it was the beginning of their great attack. The flaming guy noticed and finally came out of the daze and also without hesitation launched his attack against the children.

『Together! We shall overcome!!!!』

They shouted each one with their strength, they knew that they would not do against this one, but anyway, just like Dux, they wanted to give everything so that they can come out victorious, all the friends closed their eyes at the moment of launching their attack, but they saw that nothing happened, everyone was stunned by what they were seeing, they really achieved victory, or at least victory in their expectations, their combined attack was giving fight and against the guy's flames.

"『Really... we can really win!

King shouted with all the joy he could muster, but he quickly noticed that something was wrong, the attack gave the vision that it was coming from the combination of the children, but in reality it was someone else's attack. A footsteps were heard, a boy in a black garment was walking calmly, he was holding what were Dragon Claws in his hands.

『You did well, then I will congratulate and reward you, now leave it to me 』.

He finished his transformation , the children saw in their walk of how this boy went from being a simple brat or a young teenager in less than seconds. That young man with short hair looked at Dux and saw that he had half of his face torn, the guy smiled where magically Dux was as good as new again, Dux couldn't believe it, he no longer felt any discomfort.

『And now, I won't forgive you for what you did to him.....』

The boy changed from a cheerful countenance to one of complete hatred, he quickly threw himself against the guy, thus starting a small fight between them, the children stared at how this stranger could give a fight to this being that was catalogued as the strongest.

"Who are you? But it doesn't matter, now you will see my true power!!!』

The guy shouted, around him appeared thousands of magical artifacts, making use of these he put the young stranger in a tight spot, cornering him in a great attack that could easily wipe out an entire continent.

『Surely you are wondering why this unknown guy is fighting hard for you, surely you don't feel anything towards me, you just met me in the last few minutes, but I have known you for a lifetime, and each one of you is very important to me』.

That mysterious young man was telling the boys, where it seems that he read their minds, the young man smiled and with a more confident tone this one addressed his opponent.

『Well, I think it was already too much show, disappear』.

At the end of his words, that man's attack magically disappeared, subsequently every one of his gadgets that he has been gathering in years were also destroyed without further ado in his presence. The guy was confused, and without realizing it, he had already been hit thousands and thousands of times in just one second.

He lay on the ground bloodied, with body parts made hollow, the last thing he saw was how that young man burst his face with a stomp, or maybe it was not the last thing.....The guy opened his eyes, he was completely as good as new, and before he speaks, his opponent said to him.

『If you're wondering, yes, you just died, but I resurrected you, so no problem』.

The man was doubtful, and was not afraid to deny it.

『That's impossible, to do such a thing you need a lot of magic! You can't bring someone back to life instantly! And if so right now you must not have any magic or power left!』

His shout was heard throughout the forest, where that young man was also in doubt and scratched his head.

『How do I explain it...let's say that for a long time I gathered a lot of magic, it was exaggerated the magic I had, but I thought, it would be amazing to have infinite magic, then wuala, I have infinite magic, playing with the universe and its laws for me would be easy at this moment.... I think *smiles*』

It was too simple, simple, simple, exaggeratedly simple explanation, the demon refused to this and again wanted to lunge at that young man, where he quickly felt a great weight on his body, all his organs, bones, skin, muscles, every being in his body had the weight of millions and millions of tons, where by the weight they were torn from his body violently.

『How do I put it.....say I went round and round, so on ad infinitum and now I have this, I want to prove what I am capable of, so, could you be my guinea pig? 』

Quickly the guy was transported into space, he didn't know where he was or what he was doing here, quickly without him noticing, his body was in pieces, but he was still alive, what happened next was as if you had smoked some good stuff, the guy could see the future and the past, his soul was split into thousands of fragments, his timelines were destroyed and new ones were created, a single touch was like millions of heartbeats, he died and died and revived and revived, impossible things he saw that they could be achieved, he traveled through dimensions, he met another me, while his chest was pierced, he shrank, he deformed, he saw how that young man treated existence itself as his playground. His mind was shattered thousands of times, this simple technique is called. Existential Pain.

They returned to normal, the guy was like someone new, he did not know who this guy was, but of one thing he was sure, that the one in front of him was the strongest being the world has ever seen, but still, the guy tried to fight, where quickly the young man without sweating gave him a big lesson and the following words hurt him so much and humiliated him so much.

『I'm sorry, but I'm a little bit strong *smiles*』

With those words the guy disappeared from the face of the earth, he saw everything, he knew everything in a single instant, the young man had already done his job, he looked at his Mythic Claws and how his flames disappeared, while that group of children looked in wonder and admiration at their savior, or savior? In their own eyes they saw how the young man's hair began to grow and realized that it was a girl, as if nothing had happened, the girl showed a smile and introduced herself.

『Hello, my name is Sora, I'm counting on you *smiles*』.

The little friends were impressed, dumbfounded by who they had in front of them, before they could even speak, Sora made a movement with her finger as if turning something, out of nowhere they felt that the ground was moving and shaking, the planet and whole world was responding to Sora's action, who the girl seemed to see something and showed it by touching her chin.

『I see, what did that happen』.

Maybe children couldn't see anything and didn't feel anything, but Sora was collecting all the information of the whole galaxy and own world from his very existence. For Sora was living the past, present and future in simple seconds, little by little the trembling they felt stopped and it was only like a second when they saw Sora, they could see the universe in small form around Sora who she manages it in simple form.

『What is this? A solar wave? and it's also kind of hot, so that's it *smiles*』

Sora fixed his soft to the sun that seemed to be casting ultra solar rays in a bestial way, Sora with a simple blow cleared the wave and made the heat and life span of the sun stable again, Sora saw to the side and with his sight noticed that there were several planets and many of them there was no trace of life and that it wouldn't even be possible this.

『Now we won't be alone, here goes』.

A small magic circle appeared on his finger, and with a simple touch to these small planets around him, Sora would bring life to them. It seemed like it was finally over, where Sora gave a sigh and turned to look at the children again.

『It would have been simple to fix everything, but if I had, I wouldn't have been able to spend time with you guys, I'd rather do it the old fashioned way, I won't use this true power again unless there is an extreme threat, although I don't think there will be any *smiles*, it's a nice place to live, but I don't like being the only ones, it seems like they did things behind our backs both Factions, the Gods, Humans and other races, and they are not very nice to say, they also went astray again and did what they thought was right, what one defines right and wrong and what one fights for is one's sense of justice, so I will just make them stop all this, and I would like you to join me *smiles* but that can be for later, I can finally be with you again. ...my family』

The tone at the end of Sora's words was as if they wanted to shed tears, where without further ado Sora went running to hug the people who mean a lot to her, a group hug by the Demon King towards her family who will no longer have to suffer anymore, Sora modified her self looking like the age of a little girl, she simply cried with happiness while being thankful for all of this.

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