
World 4: Ova 5: Different Events 5

Everything below is Canon, even if it looks silly xd.



The Nun would not give up, she may not have caught the friend, but with the Hero she still has a chance, the rest of the days passed and every time she had the opportunity the friend met with the nun to teach him all the teachings of the Lord, although she refused she could not refuse the friend, it must be because of her kind attitude or because of that, she was so kind that it was scary to refuse. While the Hero mostly spent time with his friends and certain times he prayed to the Lord and of course , to these children he also taught them the word of the Lord and the Demon King.

『The word of the Demon King? Isn't that supposed to be an evil lord?』

A child in the gathering they were in the grass addressed the Hero.

『I thought that too, but then I understood everything, The Demon King is the savior of the Ancient World, I won't be left behind either, even if we live peacefully, still in many places there is darkness, whether it is corruption, mistreatment, rape, political and legal things, wars there are, etc etc, adult things, all those places I have to go to solve them, the example is this, this town is abandoned, I promise I will change it and it will be alive again 』

The Hero got along too well with the children, and the children also loved the Hero, as the stories showed that he was just a serious guy who only mercilessly killed bad guys, and you could rarely talk to him, who didn't show his face and reflected an aura of pride.

『But all that was a lie, you take off your helmet when you are calm and you are too good, and they also said that you didn't show your face because it was that your face was too rough and scared anyone, but you are even cuter than the girls I know』.

Another boy said as he thought about the stories about the Hero.

『Hahahahaha (My dark past I want to eliminate it.....) Well, this afternoon let's continue our journey, I had a lot of fun with you, ah! And don't forget to tell others of the truth of the Demon King's Story, okay?』-The Hero wanted to make sure-『Stake the moment, if you have a problem you can tell me, I'll try to help you as much as I can』.

It would be the last favor he would do for the children before retiring to continue his adventure, a boy blushing and rubbing his hands appeared in front of him, he was so embarrassed that his body began to sweat, at the boy's request, they both went a little away from that group of children, as he doesn't want more children to hear what he is about to say.

『Young Hero...(*'_ゝ`) There's someone I like, he's one of my friends.....』

『Oh, I see, what's that topic with, I also knew someone I really liked at that age』.

The Hero showed confidence, the boy was confused by this and lowered his head in sorrow.

『I still remember, I liked Cristo Rey of course! and today much more! He's the best man who ever walked the earth, loved by many, and never hated』 (・`ω'・ ●)

『Seriously? How nice! Then if I can tell him, I'm undecided in my feelings, he's been getting along with one person for a while now and I feel like I'm falling behind...if I don't tell him I feel like he'll no longer be within my reach, but I think that would push our friendship much further apart.... what should I do Young Hero, tell him how I feel or keep it to myself.....』 (*'I`*)

『You're just a little boy, but everyone has their own problems, and like I said, I'll help you, what do you want my opinion with huh..... *smile* just tell her, you have to go win if you really care so much, I have a partner and I love her very much, believe it or not I was the one who fell in love first, and I said what I felt at that time, don't be afraid, and even if she rejects you, her friendship will not change, and if you really like her very much, don't give up and go on with it, you can get to break the impossible of it, Christ and I give you our blessing and good luck, ah! Of course, and no more doing things before marriage, eh? the bible is clear here』.

The Hero took out of nowhere his bible to teach him specifically the part where it says everything about marriage, the boy now with the approval and opinion of the Hero was more confident and secure, he showed a smile and immeasurable joy.

"Thank you, thank you very much indeed, tonight I'm going to tell him』.

『And by the way, since we are in confidence, who is the one you are going to confess to?』 ꒰ ੭ु・ω ・꒱ ੭ु⁾⁾

The boy before retreating turned to look at the Hero who acted like a small child, he was curious like any other.

『For sure it's Karla, or maybe Marta, yes, they are both cute and they are too respectful and funny, or maybe Diana, she is very attentive and helps with many things』 o(^-^)o

The Hero was trying to guess who the boy liked, where he with a smile and embarrassed said.

『It's Mateo, he's really cute isn't he?』

The boy embarrassed but full of pride said, the Hero was confused to hear what the boy just said, his friendly gesture changed to a confused and sweaty one.

『Ah?....¿¿?? Mateo? The lively, sporty, always energetic kid...the one who radiates confidence and acts like a real man?.... that's Mateo we're talking about?(;^ω^)』

『Yes, that same one, I won't let Karla beat me, after all, I'm from the other side hahaha』. (*'∀`*)

The boy was blushing and with a confidence because of what the Hero told him before, the Hero was confused, sweaty and above all nervous, he quickly caught the boy so that the boy won't say anything.

『I thought you were talking about a girl! Not your friend Mateo! Sorry for what I said. but you better shut up, Karla will be the one to stay with your friend (;'∀`) Think it through! I think Diana wants something with you, come on, you can't do this to me!!!(゚A゚;)』

The Hero was holding the boy back to reflect on what he was thinking all this time, while the boy wanted to let go.

『Eh? But you told me not to give up! No matter how impossible it is! I want to be with my friend Matthew! So let go of me, I thought better of it! I'll tell you right now!!!!』

『I said no!!! It's forbidden in the bible!!!! There are only 2 sexes!!!! I will not allow you to commit more sins than you already are!!!! We will have to pray to Christ a thousand times, don't worry, I will be with you even if it takes me much more days!!!』

The Hero was preventing the child from running away from him and telling everything he really felt, it was like a childish fight of an adult and a small child.

『I didn't know that religion restricted that kind of thing! I thought better of it!!! I will no longer follow the way of Christ!!!』

Hearing those words, The Hero was shocked (@Д@;and the conflict lasted longer than planned, minutes passed and after half an hour both again calmed down and sitting looking at each other they would think things over.

『Don't worry』-The Hero took the boy's shoulder-『I'll find a cure for your illness, no matter how long it takes me , count on me, Christ anyway accepts you』( ̄ー ̄)b

『Now I feel like you're talking to me like you're not my friend.....but what's wrong with that, if you're like me?』

The boy pulled out a quick question, the Hero was confused and quickly refused.

『Eh?( -᷄ὤ-᷅)? No no no no , I if I'm healthy, it's not like I have your case either, I love my friend very much, we've known each other since childhood, but more I consider him as a brother』 (^^)b

『I'm not talking about your friend, but about Christ, you always go around saying that you love Christ, and Christ is man, that makes you like me, that's why I wanted to say it to you and no one else』.

The little boy drew a quick but consistent conclusion in this short time, the Hero was anyway denying it.

『I'm not like you, if I say I love Christ, long live Christ the King!!! but it's not that kind of love』 (」・ω・)」

『But you love him, don't you?』 (-_-)ゞ゛-The boy quickly lashed out-.

『Eh?....』 (・・)

『You love him, don't you?』 (-_-)ゞ゛

The Hero began to sweat and hesitate, he clenched his fists and his nerves went through the roof ◉ ∧ ◉ : ╏ he suddenly began to tremble, and not knowing what to respond to this, he fell limp to the floor_| ̄|○ the boy looked at the Hero and sneered at him.

『Ha, Hero Joto』

After that we do not know what happened, but we confirm one thing, all those who love Christ with all their heart, especially if they are men faithful to the Lord, they are all Jotos. I said, case closed xd. I better say it here so you already understand, I gave the Hero a personality very faithfully to Christianity and Religion, and well, things like this and many others he will not be afraid to give his against what is considered bad for these, so is religion and in many ways, not everything is good, of course, they will treat you well if you comply with what they consider good , and bad with what they do not. Wow, it looks like You Tube regulations xd. Here's another somewhat obscure example.

The Hero after what happened with that boy with different tastes, still wanted to help other children in their problems, in all those problems he ran into Mateo, and after a nice talk he warned him that.

『Take care of your friend Marcos, he's a good Joto..... and treat him well please (-,-)』

The Hero whispered to him before the boy left, after all this, a colored boy appeared. The Hero at the end received him like any other, as he knew him since he arrived and he was a good and dedicated boy.

『Do you think that one day he will become like you? I too would like to have fights, save mankind and get everyone to get along』 -The child with joy was-

『Of course, if you try hard you can do it, although in my case, I got my strength by loving Cri too much...by being very devoted to him hahahaha, the bible is the way to success, I always carry it with me, although it's not the first one I had, the first one was burned in a fight』.

『Then that's what I have to do! let's read the bible together, this will be my start to become like you Young Hero』.

The boy with an incredible eagerness and a bright smile went to the Hero, the Hero was so happy that he even felt like crying, and just as they said they started to read the bible, first from the beginning to where the Hero could accompany him and the boy would continue with the routine and life that the hero led. Time passed and they read the first part, but one thing I miss the Hero now that he read it again.

『(Ahhh, but how nice it is to remember again, we are already going to start the Moses Arc, but one thing...and that is what has to do with the previous part of the story.....if Adam and Eve were....then where did this child appear from?...)』

The Hero looked at the colored child and then remembered what Adam and Eve were like, and after much thought simply accepted the fact.

『(Well, Christ loves everyone equally)』

No bro, re murky is the bible and the whole belief of Religion xd. You see them there all nice and charitable Christians , there with their little clothes and giving off an aura of tranquility, but yes they have their cons like anyone else, especially the priests, you know what I mean by that, right? Church, children, a priest, although in this case it's a nun. Well, now you know what these kids do at night with the nun, the knees are made to "pray" of course they are!!!

In all this, the Nun has been determined and planning everything to tell the Hero what she really wanted to do all this time, since it's the last day she wouldn't miss the chance and if or if she would make the Hero give her blessing.

『(This one seems to be more of an idiot, I will tell him what I really want and he will feel like coming back like everyone who saw me does, look at him there all quiet eating at the table outside, but right now.... I will tell him to fo---- imagine if I fall pregnant, it will be a very big fish)』.

The nun walked determinedly and with full determination towards where the Hero was, but a voice of someone she heard a lot lately stopped her.

『Are you sure?』-The friend appeared-『He is a bit silly, but if you tell him things clearly he will understand perfectly, he already knew from the beginning what you were up to and what you were doing here, I tried to change your mind but I see that it didn't work, if you tell him what you are thinking, you may pay dearly, he is the Hero after all』.

『Is that a warning? What did it cost them to have slept with me and that's it! Damn Christians and their stupid religion, look how I'm going to trample on their faith, damn virgins! !!!!』

She kept walking all determined and now much more so because of what the friend told her.

『It's not my problem anymore, my friend will take care of it』.

The friend entered the church and looked for what he would need in a short time, first aid.....The nun appeared in front of the Hero who was calmly eating his meal.

『Thank you for the food. Amen』( ̄ω ̄).

The Hero was about to reach his dishes to wash them, where the nun appeared in front of him blocking his way, the Hero was in a good mood and smiled amicably at her, the nun clenched her fists and shouted at the top of her lungs.


She shouted at the top of her lungs, she was upset and red in the face, the Hero was confused, but then she replied.

『 Carnal act that is performed by joining the intimate parts of the woman and the man, if the climax is reached, the man fertilizes the woman and thus a new life is created』-No mamen, Hero Based :o-『But don't go around shouting that word, it is a normal act but somewhat shameful, ah! that you have to do it with your partner that you chose for life, here it says right in the bible that-----』

『Damn it Hero asshole!!!!! I want you to fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, chaka chaka here and now!!!! You shove your holy will deep into me!!!! And if you don't, I'll rape you myself and you won't be a fucking virgin anymore!!!!!!』

The nun did not resist any longer and ended up saying clearly what she wanted from the beginning, the friend was watching from the church with all the children.

『Don't watch this children, this will get ugly』.

The Hero dropped his plates and glass, they fell to the floor slowly, The Hero was confused by what he just heard, and from one moment to another his mind came up with many things, in a few seconds he discovered what this nun did and what she was dedicated to and what she did in the church, his face reflected it all, he put away the bible he was reading, he may have never been as shocked as he is now.





After that defeat, Minos was obsessed with Amelia, it was an obsession of tremendous hatred, what was this, it was the first time he felt it, he had never before been so fixated on someone that he only thought of her, in his mind only the image of Amelia came to him, how she defeated him again and again and again, He finally recovered from his wounds in that fight, but it was only in appearance, still the biggest wound left by that dragon was still there and it would not end until he had Amelia in his hands, the dragon that humiliated him like never before.

They continued working together killing Ice Demons, they had never crossed words before, but this time it was different, they did not want to know anything about each other, they pretended they did not exist, the only times they stared at each other and had a little contact, were in their fights they had, Minos on several occasions out of nowhere attacked Amelia mercilessly, but she always ended up defeating her in quick and humiliating ways.

And so it was for a long time, fights against demons and fights among themselves, every time he fought with Amelia, she had no compassion for him, she humiliated him in such a way, even worse than how he treated his victims, he was always badly hurt in each of their encounters. But he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists and would try again.

Again time passed and he saw that this did not work, so he decided to investigate a little about her, it took too long because of the sparse network of information that reaches this place, but when he found the information, he discovered that there was nothing relevant about her, only that her name is Amelia and that she is of the same Faction as him, there was nothing of her past, nothing of her present, it was like an existence that appeared out of nowhere just to torment him after all his sins committed. He smashed the information and screamed at the top of his lungs, the electricity he was throwing out was gigantic, but for Amelia this was nothing, Minos felt frustrated, it was the first time he made an effort in something so that there were no results, he would go back to the old way.

He continued to fight against Amelia as many times as necessary to achieve his goal, which is to kill her, but something was different in him, even Amelia noticed it, Minos' eyes were empty, they had no life. All the fights that followed were disastrous and humiliating, Minos' movements were not like before, they went from abrupt and violent to slow and fragile. The laughter and chatter of this one, were only like a memory that no one wanted to remember, until at one point, Minos no longer fought against Amelia, he was like a corpse that moved only to do his job. We don't know if this was what Amelia wanted, but she achieved what no one had ever imagined, to take away his will to live.

Minos was lying in the snow, watching as it fell on top of him, Amelia appeared looking at him without expression.

『But look at you, you looked so energetic the first few times we fought』-『Now you're just a couple of bones moving to do your job, how sad』.

Amelio looked to the side and noticed that Minos' tail had regenerated, he was once again completely made of bones, while Minos again found himself lost somewhere in his mind. Footsteps and small rumblings rumbled the place.

『Hey, they're coming, get up and do your job』.

Previously Minos would refuse and insult the little girl, but now it's as if he listened to this one, he got up from the snow and unwillingly walked so he could face the Demons that were again trying to enter our world, while Amelia didn't have many things to do anymore, it wasn't fun, it wasn't like it used to be. Minos seems to have lost his whole being since he faced this girl, right now he doesn't have any thoughts anymore...or so it seemed.

At this point Amelia was no longer worried about the demons, since Minos took care of them when he saw them, as if he was already in his program, this dragon without fear and without thinking went inside the place where the Ice Demons came out, they became alert and attacked all together to the infiltrator.

Where Minos with a large electric net stopped the movements of these, noticing they saw that Minos had the same eyes as these demons, empty and in nothingness.

『Let's talk.....』

Minos would have a talk with the Demons that for a long time he has been killing, this one turned his hand into a claw, with strength and without hesitation he pierced his chest, blood started to splash, the demons were shocked by what this dragon did and what he was holding in his hands.

Returning to the Frozen Mountain, it only remained to put the pieces in place. Minos continued with his work as if nothing, killing the ice demons quickly and vaguely, but he never missed any of them. While Amelia was also doing her little part. BOMMMM!!!!!!!! There was a big explosion that blew up a big chunk of mountain, Amelia didn't miss this, seeing that Minos was taking care of the Ice Demons in this part, she would have to go to see what was happening on the other side of the Frozen Mountains.

Arriving at the place she saw that it was as she expected, a great horde of Ice Demons had appeared, Amelia without hesitation threw herself to fight against these, but the number was never seen before.

『It doesn't matter if they come a thousand, 100 thousand, or a million, I'll finish them off anyway』.

Amelia released her wings, tail and horns, it was the only thing she would need to be able to face this fight, at the beginning it looked too easy, she finished with the Ice Demons, but when she finished with them, another horde came again, much more numerous than the other, so time went by, she finished with another one and another much bigger one came, it was as if it had no end. In human time, Amelia was facing the demons non-stop for 31 days without rest, day and night.

As in the middle she started to use her dragon form to be able to cope with this, she is not a goddess, like any mortal she would reach her limit and little by little she would start to get tired and run out of strength. But she thought to herself why Minos did not appear to help her, it would be because on the other side the same thing is happening and Minos is also fighting without stopping. It was what Amelia wanted to think in the middle of this fight, but the best reason is why he abandoned her, because he would help someone who treated him in such a way to make him forget his existence.

『If that's what you're thinking, then that's fine with me, after I get rid of all this!!!! I'll scream in your face why you didn't show up!!!!』

Amelia was still fighting non-stop and the only thing that moved her was her own goals and strength. Minos watched from afar from the top of a mountain as Amelia fought endlessly, she was bloodied and her movements were slow, Minos kept watching with his eyes rolled back in his head.

So much time passed that a huge hole formed in the battlefield, Amelia only noticed it at the last moment, the walls were thick ice, Minos after so long finally made his presence known, Amelia was still fighting and it seems she was glad to see him.

『At last you show up!!! Come and do your job here too!!!』

Amelia was still fighting with the demons that did not stop appearing, Amelia by the light of something saw that something was falling, when she looked she noticed that several pieces of Soul Stones were falling, they were from the beings that Minos killed in his time, the dragon enclosed the battlefield with an electric dome, trapping Amelia.

『Oye!!!! But what are you doing idiot!!!!』

Amelia screamed at the top of her lungs, as she turned to look she noticed a Bone Ice Demon rising from the snow, and showed that in its hand it possessed a Soul Stone, ready to be used. Amelia was alerted to this and knew what was going to happen, it was the last remaining demon, electric nets caught Amelia immobilizing her.

『Nooooo!!!!!NOOOO!!!!!!!! DETENTEEE!!!!!!!』

The skeleton Ice Demon embedded his Soul Stone in his chest, an electric current splashing all around was happening, the Soul Stone in this skeleton's possession was a piece of Minos' Soul Stone, that time he visited them, he himself pierced his chest and broke a part of his Soul Stone, and would hand it over to the Demons.

『Please ..... get rid of it.....mátenla.....』

Right now Minos having lost a part of his Soul Stone, he had no thought and reason of himself, a living corpse to all law that would watch unaware that the death of his rival would be near.

All the pieces of Soul Stones and corpses of the Demons gathered in the only surviving skeleton that existed, they were becoming one, they were merging, the skeleton began to grow tissues, veins, a skin and a body, eyes, hair, it began to have the characteristics of the owners of these Soul Stones, parts of its body were ice, an appearance never seen before, a humanoid.

The fusion ended, a Soul Stone was created with different Fragments of beings that took a step in these Frozen Mountains. Amelia was frightened by what was in front of her, her face could finally reflect fear, but Minos looked emotionless instead of laughing and mocking.

Amelia knew she was in danger and could die, so she released her wings and flew to the top, with her electric and ice forces, she tried to undo Minos' electric dome.

Where the new Demon threw a breeze of ice pushing Amelia, the dome of electricity disappeared, now she was trapped in a deep dome, with a thin crystal so that Minos could witness the humiliation and death of Amelia, Amelia could see Minos face to face, and he was no longer the same.

The demon took a step, a strong breeze hit Amelia making her go down quickly with a great roar, later the demon launched a few gusts of wind, where Amelia created a barrier of ice to protect herself, but it was in vain.

The demon's hands were wrapped in blue flames, and without further attack the dragon, the flames enveloped the whole place, the demon created a bow and arrow of ice, threw them up where this was divided into an attack where there is no escape.

POMMMM!!!!! Amelia flew off with more damage than she already had, she was spitting blood with no more power.

『It has all the abilities of the beings that Minos killed.....I think that if I'm in trouble....』-Amelia looked up-『I see that if you hate me so much that you put aside your existence....and that annoys me a lot!!!!!!!!』

Amelia brought out a large aura in her small body, she was trying so hard, in her face she reflected it, she couldn't become a dragon anymore, so she would opt for something else, her tail became bigger as well as her wings, her cheeks were wrapped in white feathers, her hands and feet became claws, and to all this she added the electricity and ice she wields.

『The one who will come out alive, it will be me!!!!!!』

The battle of these two began with a crossfire, Minos watched the fight calmly from outside, he only heard the cries of resistance, effort and pain of Amelia, although he used all his strength, he was able to face this demon, but it was clear which was the winner, Minos was lost and even lost interest to continue watching, after all he did not understand what was happening, he turned around and started walking away from the place.


The thin ice crystal dome was shattered, it was Amelia who broke it, shaken, breathing heavily, out of breath, tired, bleeding, in a state she never thought to look at it.

『But what the fuck are you doing!!!!!!!!』-Amelia lashed out loudly at Minos-『Not that it would be you who would kill me!!!! The one who would humiliate me until I can't fight anymore!!! the one who would mock me when I can't fight anymore!!!! I hate your attitude before, but I hate your attitude now even more!!!! You really went to the extreme of giving part of your Soul Stone to the demons to kill me, where is your pride, you damn dragon!!! I don't mind that you hate me, I don't mind that you want to kill me and watch me die.... what bothers me is that you gave up!!!!! A person who gives up easily, deserves to die!!!!!! I will kill you!!! I swear I will kill you!!!! with my last breath I, Amelia Kamus!!! I will kill you with my bare hands!!!! Even if I don't have the strength to fight!!! even if my hands can't do it anymore and my body asks for rest, even if I die!!!! I will kill you, no matter how!!!! I will kill you!!!!! In our first meeting I put some magic in your heart, if I die, your heart will be pierced by a spike of ice and you will die!!!!!! Minos Kamui! I will take you to hell with me!!!!!!』

With a bloody face and with all the possible anger and strength, Amelia pointed her finger at Minos, who heard everything, his face changed slightly, he seemed to find calm when he heard her, without further ado he raised his arm, Amelia had no more strength for anything, only to give a measly blow that would not kill anyone. She squeezed with the little strength she had and threw her fist. Pom, it did nothing, Minos would continue with his hand, Amelia closed her eyes for what he would do.

..... nothing happened, when she opened them slowly she noticed that Minos placed his hand on her head, she was confused by what he did, she looked at Minos and saw that his eyes came back to life again.

『I like you』

Amelia was surprised to hear him say this to Minos, he didn't say it with affection, he didn't say it with feeling, it was just those words and a simple touch, but why, why does it feel different, it feels like he recognized Amelia, the Demon appeared behind Amelia's back, this one was with small bumps and bruises, it would end Amelia's life.

『I was a fool.....*tsch* Now I hate my current self too, I should die for being so weak, let others do my goal, but what was I thinking!!!! I should be the one to finish off my prey!!!!』

The Demon's chest began to glow, Minos clenched his fist tightly, quickly, an electric current went through and made the Demon feel a strong pain, he was writhing in pain.

『My Soul Stone is the basis of your existence, just as I decided to create you, I also decided to kill you.....』

A small explosion occurred inside the demon, his Soul Stone split into several fragments, Minos took his in his hand and placed it on his chest, the fragment came together again and thus forming the Soul Stone of Minos.


With a blizzard and ice ridges, Minos easily defeated the skeleton demon, Amelia stared in amazement at Minos, where Minos turned to look at her.

『Listen clearly, I will be the one to kill you, I will not leave the task for others anymore, even if it takes me thousands of years, I will improve and train to defeat you, promise me that you will not die by the hands of another 』-『Additionally.....is fun to fight against you....』

Amelia was left confused by Minos' words, this one no longer showed the coldness and cruelty in his words, they were like as kind as this guy could get, well, at least he doesn't insult her anymore xd.

『...*buag*.....But how gross.....it feels weird and anticlimactic to see you like this I don't know how to answer you.....but well, you want to help me? I think I'm about to die』-Amelia threw herself in the cold snow-.

『Right, now you're out of strength, and I could easily kill you hahahaha But I'll pass, I want to do everything myself from 0, if I heal you would you fight with me?』

『Kill me? but how funny you are, okay, I'll fight you as many times as it takes, if it takes away your rebelliousness for me no problem』

Minos stared at Amelia without any expression, she was confused by the way he was looking at her, she was still not used to this Minos, he walked to the little girl, and without hesitation he carried her with his arms, she did not feel any danger, he was carrying her alone, Minos looked at Amelia, she was silent and even blushing a little bit.

『What's wrong with you? your face is red, ah..... is it called fever? I'll have to find you a remedy....』

『.... You're doing it on purpose, aren't you?!!!!!(I've never had someone carry me like this before, not even my father did it.....I want to get out of this....but I don't have the strength.....HUH!!!! If you think I can get to like this guy, you're very wrong...he's just a troublemaker....)』

That day after what happened they had a lot of free time, the Demons spent a lot on this fight and they didn't have people to invade the world. Although Amelia said that she would not get to like this guy, time told her otherwise, the fights were fun, and Minos learned a lot from her, although he has changed, it is not that much either, although he left behind his way of mocking without holding back from others.

Time passed and in their possession they had a dragon egg, they did not know if it would be a boy or a girl, but they were sure that they would become parents. Amelia was happy taking care of her egg, her face showed a slight smile, it was a sign that she was overflowing with joy.

『Haber let me have it a little bit.....』 let me have it.....』

Minos appeared and took the egg in his arms, Amelia walked beside him.

『Kanna』-Amelia said suddenly, Minos was confused with what he heard-『Let Kanna be called our daughter』.

『....Huh...Kanna...daughter? Hey , why are you stating that it will be a girl, don't believe so much』

『Why not? It would be very cute if it was a girl, I say it'll be Kanna, ahuevo que si』

『...All right....if it's a girl, let her name be Kanna, and if it's a boy, let him be Chynkilon.....』no, better Minos, Minos Jr, Little Minos, Chiqui Minos, Minosito.....it would be nice-Minos stated seriously-.

『But what a taste you have, I'll cross my fingers for it to be a girl.....』

Amelia saw that Minos was turning the egg around and kind of looking at it from different angles.

『Hey!!! Treat your daughter with love!!!!』-Amelia lashed out at Minos-.

Minos suddenly stopped, with his hand he grabbed the egg and took a stance, Amelia didn't know what he was going to do. FIIUUUUUUU!!!!!!! Minos with all his strength threw the egg to infinity and beyond. It breathed and tried to look with its hands.


POM!!!! Amelia punched Minos' head hard.

『Why did you throw it! and also where did you send it?』

『That hurts, what's so weird about it? I'm just doing what they did to me....』

『You're one of those who follow that logic....』

Both parents-to-be began to argue giving each one their side of the coin.

『What do you have, it's a test you have to pass, that will depend on your life, if we want to visit you let's just go, for sure they will let us out even if it's for a few days while others take care of our work....』-Minos gave his conclusion-.

『....Visit him?....She's going to be a sweet little girl, you'll see, she'll be so cute that everyone is going to love her, and if not, I'll teach them myself how to hit.....』

Amelia clenched her fists, at their conversation, they noticed that someone was flying over and effortlessly entered the Frozen Mountains, this visitor perched on a small peak.

『Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but, could you help me? I just need some of your energy, please if it's not too much trouble』-Dux was kindly asking the dragon duo-『Ah! I also saw a dragon egg flying fast, is that okay? I think it's wrong, you're the parents?』

Minos was bouncing electricity, the current ran through trying to catch Dux, where Dux releases his wings dodging the attack.

『Give you my energy? And also.... Are you criticizing my way of treating my son?...now that I remember, there are dragons, I think they were the Brothers, Animaland Family right? 』-Minos was addressing this one-.

『Eh? Sorry I think you got confused.....I introduce myself, Belonging to Anomenos Family, 2 Brother, Unlimited Blade , Dux』-『Hahahaha yeah I really got used to it』.

Minos clenched his fists in anger, Amelia bounced a breeze of strong ice, both of them showed their true power.

『Perfect, then let's see.... who of the 2 is stronger』-Minos was showing a face of joy-.

『*sigh*Why does it always end up like this.....I just ask for power and help nicely.....No way, it's time to fight』.

Doge pulled out his Dragon sword ready for a fight, Kanna's parents were always busy and they themselves lived their own story.

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