
World 4: Ova 2: Different Events 2

Everything below is Canon, even if it looks silly xd.


͇ ͇ ͇ ͇͇͇e͇͇͇ ͇I͇n͇i͇c͇i͇o͇ ͇d͇͇l͇ ͇R͇e͇e͇n͇c͇u͇e͇n͇t͇r͇o͇

Despite the fact that a long time had passed about the Demon King's treachery and that this threat was finally eliminated. The world was enveloped in a peace that became more normal to see, people were no longer afraid to go out and it was even forgotten for generations that before there was such chaos in the world, now about this Demon King it was considered a myth and a simple tale.

Obviously as expected everyone was happy and living better, but there is a specific Family that is as if they have lost everything in those stories, which are not stories at all, it is a sacrifice that everyone had to accept but in the end they all refused.

Although so much time passed, the Anomenos Family did not age at all, actually, even the Emperor of Death of his time, Toffe has already died, and the current Emperor of Death, Damocles, his son, is already an old man and has an old daughter named Tohru. The Family was still keeping young...but why is this?

Going back to the past, at the moment when Sora was trapped forever in that crystal, the Family mourned their loss and mourned that they could not have done anything to prevent it. A tragic moment for a group of people who wanted a change and got it, Lami lost her emotions becoming an expressionless being, her mother Queen died to save her daughter, while Dux and Arnna committed a murder that if or if it had to happen, but the latter doesn't matter much to them, killing someone out of pure evil was okay. While King would regret for life of being impotent.

In their possession they had the Soul Stone of the dragon that Dux and Arnna killed, they learned that this dragon was of the First Generation and that they had great energy, but this didn't really catch their attention at the time, so time passed.

Dux would not give up and searched the world for a way to bring back Sora, it took him many years but he finally succeeded, to his family he revealed his information, that if they gather a large amount and that this is absorbed by the crystal, it will break bringing back Sora. The information was not so reliable since it was extremely absurd the energy that must be collected, but there was no other way, the Family would take the option, for a long but long time, millennia, eras and eons, they collected energy, more specifically from the Dragons of the Harmony and Chaos Faction.

They always asked for help in the kindest and most humble way possible, but they always refused and ended up facing each other to death, although they were cautious and did not destroy, measures were taken but they were useless. Also in these times is where they got their titles of the dragons they are, keeping the Anomenos Family group, they were named, 4 Brother, Lami, Darkness Aqua; 3 Sister, Arnna, Blooming Blaze; 2 Brother, Dux, Unlimited Sword, and finally; 1 Sister, Mira, Pitny Emptiness.

When the siblings realized that the world gave them these nicknames, they took them in stride, and decided to keep those. As they were in the process of the plan, they knew that at some point Sora would awaken, but ....his dragon life would not be enough..... and if they achieved it in a distant future, they would already be old people compared to a young Sora, here is where the Soul Stone of the dragon they killed comes into action, in its power they could live much more years and they would stay young, they decided, but one did not agree, King refused to be part of it, the reason is not known, but the cause must be that he wants to be as he is, to live and become one with life. Without further discussion they split the Soul Stone into equal fragments, each of the brothers took them and absorbed them, now they would have all the time in the world to recover Sora.

King was happy, because even if he dies, his children will continue with the work of recovering Sora, he saw that he did enough in this world and he will wait calmly for his death.

And so it was as time passed, the Emperor of Death Toffe died, Kasper was already showing his old age, Damocles became the current Emperor of Death, everything followed a calm and stable course for the world, the geography of the world changed. Kasper died without telling his youngest son Mikael everything about the position he will inherit, and at the same time the Daughter of the Emperor of Death was on her way, the generations were advancing steadily with the foundations of the Anomenos Family.

When the brothers brought back the collected energy they noticed that King was already an old man, you could see his skin dry and wrinkled, he finally looked like a father, or rather like a loving grandfather, he was weak and only walked in the castle. There was also someone who was losing strength, it was Mira who was exhausted and you could see how she wanted to close her eyes, whenever she is like that she goes to sleep for 100 years, and when she woke up she found herself with all her energy to the maximum, it seems that it was time for her to rest.

Unfortunately for the family, some humans passing through the forest found their castle, those humans seem to be sunk in alcohol without hesitation entered the castle, they did not know it was this place or that it existed. When they peeked into the main hall to look at what's there and make mischief, they noticed that there was a group of people, first they were going to enter to drink all together, but then they saw that everyone was looking at that crystal, the drunks made rice eyes and saw that there was someone inside.

『...QEee esSHHH ESoyy Pacoh...??』

『HuhHHH...???PaRREECte there's some Denthro Peppéee.....』

One of the friends took a good look and remembered looking at him closely, he remembered that when he was a child his grandmother told him a story that was passed down from generation to generation, the story of how the world was formed and the treachery of the Demon King, there was no doubt, the whole description matched the guy who was trapped, quickly the drunk came to consciousness and became frightened.

『Hey Pepe...isn't that the one in the crystal the Demon King? The one who betrayed the world and made a massacre?.....And the ones there must be the Anomenos Family, the brothers...and ..... the old man who is he?...』

『Qhuee? Dicesger????? We have to go in so that Th0m3n with me...』

『But something doesn't add up...he's missing something important...where are the Garr------』

At that moment Lami appeared in front of them, scaring the humans, the dragon was looking at them eerily and expressionlessly. Although they were humans they could see that this guy was dangerous and their faces reflected it.

『You?.....Who are you....』-Lami held out his hand-『You are drunk and dirty....let me...help you...』

The humans upon hearing him say those words gave a loud shout and without further ado ran out of the castle. Lami bowed his head in confusion as he didn't know what happened.

『...Did I do something wrong?.....I even smiled for them.....』

The Family didn't chase them, they just accepted the fact that they were finally discovered, even if they were caught they wouldn't forget what they saw and experienced, and none of them had the ability to erase the memory, it would give a worse impression to capture them.....

A few days later the rumor that the Demon King was still alive spread throughout the world. The Family had already prepared for this and just waited for them to come to them, Mikael was leading with the dragons of his Faction and so was the Emperor of Death with his side, they wanted to confirm for themselves if indeed the Demon King was still alive, if she was trapped in a crystal it would be easy to kill her and put an end to all this. A few Gods were also coming, again the 3 sides came together to defeat the Demon King now that there is a chance.

But quickly they were all stopped by the gigantic power they felt. That appearance, that power, the Mythic Claws, the one who was flying over the skies was the Demon King.

『Late, very late.....seriously did they think I would die in that battle? Who do you think I am.....I AM THE DEMON KING!!!!!! Mind your own business if you don't want to die....anyone who gets in our way, we will end your pathetic life without hesitation!!!! Stay away from my castle!!!!』

The Demon King gave a loud shout and his Mythic Claws activated, they showed a terrifying power like no other, he only extended the cloak so that a great gust hit and pushed everyone back, the brothers were also present and each one showed their powers and abilities. If it cost them a lot to defeat the Demon King alone, it will be a total defeat to do it with the Complete Family, both the Factions and the Gods withdrew from the place without being able to do anything today or in the future. No longer noticing anything ,the Demon King who was King heaved a sigh.

『Fiuuuu.....I hope that will buy us a little more time』.

Hours before, to take a measure, King decided again to be the Demon King, but with his old man appearance no one would believe him that he is the Demon King, so he did, he still kept the Mythic Claws, the dragon forced them so that again he would be accepted by these, the Claws were molded to the appearance that this had when King was the Demon King, in the process he also rejuvenated.

The world would believe that with this everything was already accomplished, the reason why the brothers stole energy was to bring back the Demon King that by his relaxation was done. But this also brought some consequences for King, as forcing the Mythic Claws to be the owner again would consume his life, and when he takes them off his life would quickly end, all would be well if he has them on and if he doesn't move away from the crystal, the Claws have their link to the current Demon King, Sora, if they are too far away, the Claws would lose power and King would die, so again he is confined to be in the Castle for much longer.

『¡¡!! Look!』

King screamed when he saw his daughter as she fell to the ground, destroying part of the castle, the brothers were worried and quickly went to help her, when they noticed that Mira was sleeping like a log, they could even see how she inflated a bubble in her nose.

This would be the beginning of the last 100 years of the Anomenos Family and the end would be another reboot.




M͇o͇d͇o͇o͇ ͇P͇e͇n͇s͇a͇n͇t͇e͇

After defeating the Anomenos Family, Sora waking up and telling us the true Story and Kanna defeating her father, we are finally back to our peaceful and routine world. I was waking up, noticing that I was lying on a bed where I didn't avoid yawning ヽ( 'O`)ゞ.

『.... ('〜`*) zzz '٩(๑'3`๑)۶ How I missed a soft little bed with a warm blanket....pera¡!!!....(﹡ꑓ ︿ ꑓ`﹡) Where am I? This is Kobayashi-san's house, right? Huh yeah, it's Tohru's room..... how did I get here?(。'-д-) The last thing I remember is snow....and ya....One of two!!!! ٩(。-ω-。)و ...I can't think of anything.....('~`) Snow? Wait...yeah, now I remember something...I remember a little dragon that was like Kanna, she looked so squishy and huggable ( ⓥωⓥ)....AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! ヾ( ̄0 ̄; )ノRight! That little thing was Kanna's mother!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!(。v_v。) well.....but in something if I'm really outraged, I'm really outraged of how life is honestly, first! How a guy like that, Emo who looks ptm, this with a little thing as tender and pure as her! AAAAAAAAA!!!! Just thinking about it makes my blood boil!!!! ヾ(* ̄O ̄)ツ=====θ☆(o_ _)o)).o0○ I'm not upset or anything...well yes I am, but I'm happy for the guy really, but the real question is.....Why is he and I'm not?!!!!! All my life I've wanted a loli in my life!!!!! To be her partner, to be her husband and start a family!!!!! AAAAAAAAAA Look at me God, yes, to you I say and you too expectant! Why?! WHY?!!!!! Is it because I'm a lolicon? Ehh?!!!!╰(⇀⌂↼‶)╯ Is it because I like nekos?!!!! Is it because I have a chingo of H from ****** on my pc?!!!! Eh?!!!!! Answer me!!! *tsch* life gives good legs to the one who jerks off.....(xd????)But listen carefully everyone!!!! Someday! Someday I'll have a loli as a partner and everyone is going to peel it for me! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YES! well.....there are many things to take into account, first, the loli must be legal to not have problems in the future, second, it must be Neko, third, it must be loli or one of its variants, fourth, milf's don't bother me, and what does that have to do with it? nothing, just wanted to say it hahahaha』-『ー(*゚ロ゚)-C<*_ _)。o○ Now that I think about it many girls, especially those from a certain continent like drug addicts looking for fights and no future...who have depressing looks.... and have an attitude of the ortho. ...and Kanna's father fulfills all that....maybe that's it, maybe I should also become something like that...HUH Hey guachi pass me the joint that in the dark I'll listen to reggaeton at full volume looking to wick the wuebones maricas Ohhhhyeeaaaa!!٩(ˊᗜˋ*)*. ...Nooo pass.....I didn't fall that low...(︶。︶✽).....I was already embarrassed.....just pretend this never happened, erase it from your mind...But seriously....what do I need to conquer a loli, nor that, in order to have normal partner....huh...(ᴗ˳ᴗ)』

While I was thinking I heard a rustling in the room, when I looked at the door I noticed that there were people who were looking at me, Tohru was with a confused face, like she wanted to laugh, die of embarrassment , disappointment and sorrow, while Iruru seemed to be smiling, you know, the typical one who hears everything but knows nothing, and at the end was Kanna who was looking at me without taking her eyes off me.

『Eh?.....please don't tell anyone about this....sometimes I get silly hahahaha.....』(*'-`*)

Faced with no answer I became more nervous, I wanted to hide in the blanket.

『Este.....since when are they here?』 (*'I`*)

『Since the beginning!』 -Iruru quickly replied.

Again I blushed like hell, I really wanted to hide in the blanket, I didn't think that one day I would think that I would want the earth to swallow me, the good thing is that at least they didn't take my picture or worse still recorded me, my friends in my world would already be laughing and making fun of me without hesitation.....

『You still don't get it?』 (。 >艸<)

Tohru asked me a question, but I didn't understand what he meant, that made me wonder many things, maybe they recorded me and that's why they are laughing, or maybe many more people saw me than I think .... I don't know what to think anymore! Faced with the embarrassment of not being able to, I finally covered myself with the blanket. I was so nervous that I took the blanket and threw it over me, while with my hands I grabbed the ends of the mattress. He looked like a ghost showing his arms.

『...They sure are making fun.... I didn't think again to show him another embarrassing side of me in front of Kanna, first it was Mina and now this.... how I wish this hadn't happened....』 (*'ェ`*)

Before my trembling, a hand tried to comfort me, at the moment I calmed down and wondered who it was, there were only 2 options, either it was Tohru, but I don't believe the truth, and if it is ,for sure it's to make fun, or the other which would be....

When I took off the blanket I noticed that the one who took my hand was Kanna, looking at her I felt calm and in a state of peace.

『You don't have to worry about that, I'm with you, I'll help you if that's what you want』.

Hearing her say that was like it touched my heart, I didn't even remember what I was embarrassed about or what I said anymore, but hearing her say that made me so happy that I couldn't help but get happy and smile. Kanna climbed onto the bed while touching my cheeks, and I noticed how she slowly approached my face.

『(EH? EHHHHHHH?!!!!! Wait wait wait pera!!!! What is Kanna going to do?! She's not going to do what I think right?! RIGHT?!!!! ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀)』

Slowly she was bringing her face closer to mine, seeing her so confident and without hesitation and me so nervous and blushing I didn't know how to react to this.

『(Wait Kanna....You won't do it right?! I know we went through a lot the 2 of us and that you are very fond of me.....but....pero.....it's something I always wanted.....and if you are the .....)』 Σ(-'╻'- ۶)۶

Quickly with my arms I took Kanna's hands that were on my cheek and lowered them, at the same time I stepped back a little, I was looking down, while Kanna was looking at me confused, I happened to lift my face.

『Is something wrong, Kanna?』 (=^_^=)

Kanna raised her hand where she showed a handkerchief.

『I was going to wipe your face』.

She began to wipe my face delicately and gently, without realizing it while I was sleeping, Tohru had drawn several things on my face, that must be why she was laughing, noticing that I didn't notice, and that's why Kanna herself when she saw it came closer to wipe my face, I must stop thinking silly things.

"It doesn't come out, I'll try with my tongue』

『You're a little animal or what Kanna-chan (Well, we could say it's something like that)』-I was confused by the little dragon's thinking action.

Seeing that with the handkerchief I couldn't clean myself, I first thanked Kanna for her help and went to the bathroom to clean myself with soap and water. As I passed by I noticed that Iruru had also come to this world and she kept looking at me with that smile that reminds me of someone.

"Tohru, did you hear what I was talking about?』-I asked the dragon.

『That thing about being lolicon, the guachi thing and that you want a loli as a girlfriend? Of course you do, it's no big deal, all that was already known about you, you really are hopeless and still weird』.

『Now I'm reassured, I don't know why....thanks Tohru』

『One more thing, what is H for *******?』

『¿...I see you are still a child, there are things you are better off not knowing, and it is also bad to inquire too much from someone』.

In the end I went to the washroom where I could see myself in the mirror, my face was all with drawings and childish phrases, with names and among various things, scribbles and stuff, it bothered me a little but then I laughed, in one part of the forehead I saw that it was written "Meco Child" in another it said "Tohru-sama" in another "Dragons are better than Furros" among other things, while cleaning I noticed that on one side it said "The green lizard is your----" is your what? I deleted it without even being able to read it, well, for sure it's some nonsense like "she's your mistress" "she's your goddess" "she's your master and you have to respect her" Bah...hahahahahaha yeah yeah, whatever you say I accept it.

When Tohru was writing on M's face, at first and mostly it was jokes and doodles, but then I notice that he needs some balance, he doesn't know , maybe it's because but this guy tried hard to make him accept him, so Tohru smiled and wrote on one side with small words "Green lizard is your partner".

『Now you don't have any complaints』 (∩_∩)




͇ ͇D͇e͇n͇t͇r͇o͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇m͇i͇?͇(-゚д゚-).

The Hero without knowing what the Hero will be was walking in his city with his girlfriend, at that time the Hero was about 14 years old. They passed together holding hands and went from stall to stall and from walk to walk. The Hero was from a humble family and above all with a great fondness, always every thing that happened to him was for his devotion and did not hesitate to thank the one above, even when he had to do his homework he opposed it. And his girlfriend was from a Family that little was known, one day the Hero found her on the streets all helpless, and without hesitation gave her a hand that would later turn into love.

"Love, do you really love me?

『Of course I love you, but I love Christ more, so instead of working I will go to Mass, do you want to join me?』

At this answer, his girlfriend was left confused and even worried, while the Hero was brimming with purity and joy. Although this may be a flaw, for the villagers it was a miracle, everyone knew this guy who helped with whatever he could although he becomes too dumb in certain cases and did not get the hint.

『Hey love, I think it's about time to do it and show it to you, you know, that big thing you always bring it, I already want it inside me』.

『I've been thinking about it too and I think the time has come, I think you're ready to receive it, but do you really want it to be me, wouldn't someone more experienced be better? 』

"No, it must be you, come with me』.

I take Hero by the hand and lead him to a manger, a small place that looks like there is no one and no animals, with piles of straw that made the place more comfortable.

『Ohhhhhhh, I see you do know him, as I expected from my girlfriend 』 -The Hero was happy.

His girlfriend quickly lay down on the straw in a flirtatious manner, and was about to undress.

『Wait! Let me be the one to take the initiative, I always wanted to do it with you since I saw you the first time and show you everything.....』 -The Hero was noticeably blushing-.

His girlfriend happily accepted, and sat properly ready to receive him and see him.

『You know, I always wondered of why we come to this world, what is our mission...while I was walking to buy wine and I saw you, so desperate, I know I made you wait so much that even I was in pain, it's something very human after all, but thanks to that I could understand, of why I was born and we were born, so long living.... what a fool I was, you asked me and I will give it to you! I just want to tell you that there is a man who loves you, who would give everything for you even die, although you haven't noticed it or maybe yes, he was always by your side helping you and helping everyone, a man who wants to be inside you and that you come without hesitation with him』.

Hero's words were sincere, and his girlfriend was very moved, she was extremely happy and blushing.

『Love....you make me very happy, my body already got hot and it's starting to rain.....tell me.....who is the man who wants to come with me?』

『Christ King Love, he wants to be inside you, and me and all of us』-The Hero showed a bible in his hands-『He wants you to come with him to his Heavenly Kingdom, his word is the best thing in the world, isn't it, that's why you asked me so much, right? we are even in the best place in the world to do it, a manger love, do you know what legend was born in a manger? come with me so that Christ is happy, besides this also makes you stronger, the bible is salvation, Christ is salvation! and on top of that for free! how more humble can you be, I'm sorry but I can't give it to you, but you know what they say, sharing is living!』

That day you read the bible and Christ little by little was getting inside you and everyone. Someday we will come with him.Amen.




L͇a͇ ͇M͇o͇n͇j͇a͇ ͇2͇?͇

(Sounds like a Movie title now that I think about it xd).

The Hero and his friend had arrived at a town, a church, a peculiar nun welcomed them, while the Hero was playing with the children, his friend found out something.

『Don't worry, you know...we nuns also have ..... other ways to help others...』-Her speech changed completely-『If you want to pay me...Wouldn't you like to receive the blessing now?...』

The friend was confused listening to her, and everything seemed to fit, the suspicion of this nun and why all the travelers come back to this church, yes, they all come for her.

"Oh, I get it, you mean that "Blessing", right? And how is it, could you explain it to me?』

The nun approached him in a mischievous way touching his chest.

『It's easy, we just have to go to the sacred place, I give it to you and if you like it you could return the favor, being more specific.....it's something that goes into your mouth something white.....if you feel more energetic then....』

『Seriously?! Thank you so much! It's been a while since I've done that! You won't mind if I bring certain things, will you? So, what day and time is it?』-The friend was so excited to hear her say it that he didn't even let her finish.

That day they both agreed on what they were going to do behind the back of the Hero and the children, the day was today in the evening, the friend was ready, with an easy to take off clothes, and a bag full of many things , you could hear how they sounded, the place was in the Church, the nun was waiting in the place.

『I'm sorry if it's too much, but if I'm going to do it it has to be with all this!』

『Wow, I see you brought your little toys, you're a very naughty boy from what I see, yes....even here I can feel your sins just like me』-The nun had a perverted look-』.

『Eh? you do it too? that makes me very happy, then let's enjoy tonight together to repent for our sins!』

The nun at the keyboard of the church pressed a few sticks, some stairs opened on the floor leading to a basement , already inside the place it was noticeable that if looked nice, there were roses on the floor, scented candles which the friend noticed them.

"I see, now I'm sure what kind of woman you are, I like it!

The nun sat on the bed which took most of the place, she stretched her arms towards the friend who was putting on the floor her things.

『Come..... I'll give you the Blessing』

『Don't worry, I'll do all the work, you being my company is enough, I'm sorry, but I don't have it white, I have it black, it seems like that's how I was born hahaha....』

The nun was surprised by this she covered her mouth then licked her fingers.

『(He's going to use me as a meat doll, and on top of that he has it black...this guy if I'm going to use him all night....)』

『Okay! open your mouth and close your eyes, I'm a little embarrassed to be looked at hahahaha...』

『jajajajajaja, you are a little shy but with initiative, it's ok, I like guys like that, give it to me I'll get it all 』.

Just as she said, the nun closed her eyes and the friend looked nervous and blushing, the nun waited with her mouth open and eyes closed for that black thing that she would put in her mouth and savor it , she would get as much juice out of it as possible.

『(Put it in me put it in me put it in me put it in me!!!)』

The friend without further ado shoved it in, it was strange the nun for the way it was, she had never before or few times felt this in her mouth like this, she moved her tongue and sucked it without further ado.

"『Oh, I see you like it, I like it too, it's good, isn't it?

『Yes....I like it.....it's really yummy...yummy.... what the fuck is it really yummy?! what is this?!』

When she opened her eyes she saw that the friend was in front of her, with a chocolate bar in his hands, what was in the nun's mouth was a piece of chocolate.

『Yes, it's really tasty, although I still don't understand why it's wrong to eat this, but well, enjoy』-The friend also ate his chocolate bar-.

The confused nun ended up swallowing the chocolate that the friend just gave her.

『(Well...this is not what I was expecting....I have to take the lead) Let me do all the rest, I don't think you understand what I meant』.

The friend was rummaging through his bag for everything he needed for tonight.

『Don't worry, you know, I want to be a great man in the future, so these things made me want to do it now that I saw you, could you give me your opinion of how I treat you, yes?』-At one point the friend from his bag, took out many gadgets that are used in the masses-『It's kind of small the place, but it's so as not to disturb others, besides if the Hero finds out for sure he would also want to join....』

The nun finally understood what this man wanted after all , he is a hopeless Christian who didn't understand anything he wanted to tell her.

『No no no, let me do it! I came up with the idea!』

『Are you okay or not girlfriend? When have you ever seen this done by a woman? There's El Papa and not La Mama, you understand?』-『So listen to me』

In the face of that logic the Nun could not cope. The friend showed a terrifying smile that scared the Nun out of one, that night they had a long mass the two of them alone in the basement, prayed like never before, read the bible and etc etc.

『Ah, I forgot, here's your white stuff, after all if I had』.

The friend gave him a hostia in the mouth and withdrew, looking much more accomplished and energetic than before.

『The next one will fall..... and it will be that Hero.....』

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