
Chapter 137: Isekai ( Story Part 4 )

『In the end he had a child with Queen!!!! Unacceptable! Horrible! Abominable! Disgraceful! Horrendous! Disgusting! Rotten! Of shit! Our race was tainted by the being I hate the most!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!...they will die..... I swear for my mother and father.... they will die..... they want to take everything I have...hahahahahahahahahaha』

That young white man decided to switch to his most powerful form, all for the sake of killing the Demon King's son, the battle between sons was about to begin. Sora in his Dragonewt Form was in combat pose, ready to stop with blows this dragon who was slowly losing his sanity.

『Sora...(this is bad.....if a dragon in its Dragon Form fights seriously.....)』-Dux worriedly watched the start of the fight-.

The white dragon before even making a move, Sora appeared in front of him and with all possible force gave him a powerful blow POMM!!!! The blow shook the trees, the white dragon was sent to the skies where it recovered quickly, it prepared an energy attack in its mouth that launched it with full force against the earth, that attack was divided into spears of energy. Sora took flight and without hesitation decided to attack and destroy each attack, although his level had risen suddenly, he could not defend himself from all the attacks and they hit him directly.

Sora was in the skies face to face with the white dragon, who with a lunge this is launched against the girl, Sora just decided to dodge every attack that was sent to him, but each time it became more difficult to dodge, Every minute that passed became faster, the white dragon was not one of these wide and really huge dragons, it was one of these thin and thin, Sora reacted late and failed to dodge the onslaught of the dragon, the dragon pierced her, something that she was confused. ¡¡!! PPOMM!!! Sora placed her claws in front of her where she parried an invisible blow.

『TSCH! Really?! what a piece of crap!』

The white dragon exclaimed angrily as it was able to defend itself from her blow, it spread its wings where a few feathers came off, the feathers were bathed in white light and went straight for Sora. Who she again flies over the skies to dodge each one of them. One feather was heading straight for her so she decided to attack it with her fist, the feather was molded into a snake that quickly enveloped Sora.

Several feathers again became spears that were going to pierce Sora's body, with strength she was able to free herself from the binding, she flew towards the sky where she didn't see an elephant of light falling on her. POM! she was rammed by the huge elephant. POM! With its claws it made some cuts that destroyed the animal. She couldn't see it, but the white dragon was descending with its wings outstretched, wrapped in light. POM!! managed to hit Sora's whole body, with the help of his tail he pushed himself with the dragon's wings so that it wouldn't drag him.

Feathers appeared on Sora's back, POM! Receiving a headbutt from the white dragon, the white dragon teleported with the help of its feathers. Quickly Sora was surrounded by several feathers, where the white dragon disappeared quickly, Sora was being tormented by the various blows of this dragon.

『JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA this is what you deserve! You and your father are going to pay for it! *tsch* I still don't understand how he decided to help you....My father was always fair and savior, he made quick decisions for the good of everyone, he always saw for others than for himself, that's what I like about him, no, I still like him, he is my admiration, I won't allow someone as good as my father to have been cajoled by yours!!!! The Demon King is a shit! filthy! dirty! disgusting! If I kill him he'll surely see that he was wrong!!!』-The dragon was taking it out on the little girl-『Why don't you attack!!!! Stop defending yourself-!!!! It's a fight! Do you feel sorry for me, brat?! It's a disgrace if you don't fight!!!!』

"Do you want me to fight? Do you really want me to fight?』-Sora was covering herself with her wings-『Ah....and respect to your words earlier, I also admire my father.....so I won't let you insult someone as good as him! You don't really know him!!!』

Sora made a motion with his hands, a burst of dark energy appeared, quickly the feathers turned dark. POM!!!! the white dragon was hit hard in the face, Sora teleported with the help of the feathers. The dragon quickly recovered and was about to launch an attack from its mouth. POM!!!! A huge claw of darkness attacked the dragon's jaw. Sora quickly moved in front of it, where the energies of darkness and light took the form of huge claws and struck hard at the dragon's entire body.

『You won't beat me you bastard!!!』

It spread its wings causing a strong wind, it proceeded to give a loud roar, Sora quickly found herself dizzy, and her movements became sluggish, the white dragon began to gather light energy ready to throw it at Sora, and without further ado it threw it at him. POM!!!!! A huge explosion occurred in the sky, where particles of light flashed in the place.

"『I think I understand your hatred towards us』-Sora's voice could be heard-『You lost someone you love, didn't you? Your anger shows it, you want revenge, but I won't allow it!

The white energy particles were beginning to coalesce, rather to be absorbed by Sora, as it all dissipated we saw Sora changed again, no longer felt the dark energy in her, now everything was light, her Dragonewt Form changed to pure white.

『Revenge is never good, it kills the soul and poisons it, so many think, we both fought for the same reason, our parents want the best for the world just like us, but we are taking different paths, you think killing each other will bring peace, but I tell you the very obvious! Just because we are the bad guys, doesn't mean we are the bad guys!』-Sora forcefully said-『I say so because to the world, if something doesn't agree with the right thing, it is considered bad, it is true and it is a fact that our Faction caused a lot of havoc in the world, but all that can be changed, we want to change! we are not bad because we are! we do what we do because that is our duty! The Harmony Faction exists to bring life and harmony, and the Chaos Faction exists to bring destruction and chaos, we bring balance to the world and even if you don't want it, it is necessary! We both do good to our world! But in the end it became distorted and concluded that we are enemies.... at the beginning of it all for sure we worked together, for the world to grow in a good way, for sure we were all friends. Let's stop straying from our path and take it up again, let's all get along as well as the beginning』.

A big silence followed Sora's words.

『Hahaha.....but what a good joke.....do you really believe that?...that one day we all got along? the light and dark working together?...If so....if we all got along.....why did we start the war? at what point did we start killing each other and killing everyone.....』-The dragon started crying-『Because they killed my mother.....so the war started because the dark started to look like evil? That's what the world wants to tell us? Yes....that must be the reason, but how silly hahahahahaha, if it had been another one like they want to conquer the world, something cliché I would have understood it...or destroy just because, but simply because it's dark it's already related to evil. ....What is frowned upon by everyone is considered evil...but the current world we live in is like that, and I plan to follow their logic.....』-The dragon stared at Sora-『....I'm going to kill you for the sake of this world...』

『I see.....I respect the way you are....but at least let me try to change the way you think.....what I just told you is very confusing, because yes there are bad things that really are bad, but there are bad things that really are good, hahahaha I think I just contradicted myself. ...how silly I am...an example, killing is bad, but sometimes, killing is good, but killing for the sake of it, really is very bad, it's something that I ended up questioning myself lately and in the end I came up with today's thing that is necessary』.

Sora switched to his hybrid Dragonewt Form, while the white dragon smiled, but his look was kind of weird, he seemed not to be present, his eyes were blank, hearing Sora's words after all he always believed in ended up shocking him and short circuiting, because he knew they made a bit of sense.

『By the way, what's your name?』-The dragon asked-

『*smile*Belonging to the Anomenos Family, Son of the Demon King, Sora』.

『Sora? I won't forget it...you don't forget it either, Kasper, that's my name』-『Ability Activated...Frenzy Dream.....』

The white dragon's body began to glow a faint white light, within a few seconds its body was completely surrounded by glowing feathers. POMM!!!! Without further ado it lunged at Sora with a quick claw, where the little girl managed to parry, before even giving a blow, the dragon was gone and gave a strong claw leaving Sora's back badly wounded. The little girl although trying to hit the white dragon, her movements were difficult to predict, rather could not be predicted, her body moved by pure reflex.

The dragon began to slaughter Sora without hesitation, it seems that the above was a form of farewell. The dragon in this form was really powerful, in the sky below the forest was being totally ravaged by its combat, the trees were torn from the earth, the earth itself was slaughtered and the sky wrapped in powerful winds that cleared everything. Although Sora tried to use his power he could not against the state in which Kasper was, the ability Frenzy Dream, allows your body to react by itself to danger, and at the same time unlocks all your strength unleashing it without concern, for what you are wondering, yes, it is a very low level of this technique.... in this state Kasper has no consciousness and is only limited to attack what is in front of him.

Sora couldn't do anything against Kasper in this state, but he wouldn't hesitate much either, he can only maintain this state for less than 5 minutes. Sora decided to fight seriously expelling all her power, while they were flying through the sky an incredible fight was happening, Sora saw Kasper with a powerful energy attack in his mouth that he was going to unleash against her. Sora was going to dodge it, but quickly heard the screams of frightened people, when she looked down she saw that her fight was now in a town. Sora had no other choice but to attack and take the powerful attack.

POMM!!!!!! The attack of light was launched, Sora wrapped her claw of dark and white energy to destroy it, absorbing it would not be possible, since if she did it would surely end up destroying her. BOMM!!!! An explosion occurred in the center of town, where Sora was struggling to shrink the power and make it disappear. But he received heavy damage anyway.Kasper didn't care about the town and went down, Sora could no longer move so Kasper still had power before his status was over, so he again prepared a powerful attack.

『Serious Mode 100% ,Dragon Technique, Class 2 ,Semi-Death Claws.....』

Quickly it's like time had stopped for seconds, Kasper's Soul stone was pierced but without taking any damage. Dux kept his sword absorbing it in his hand, later falling to the ground helping himself with his hands.

『....I could.....I could...do...it...save Sora-chan...』

Kasper felt an unbelievable strong pain, this pain stirred his whole body. Returning to his Human Form for no more resisting. Dux still had strength, this one in the whole fight healed himself using his Healing Sword, weakly he walked to stand beside Sora who could no longer do anything but just be breathing.

『Now I heal you....Sora-chan.....』

While Dux with what little strength he had healed Sora, Kasper in pain and regaining consciousness began to speak.

『I don't believe it...some 400 so many years old and 600 so many years old kids just beat me...what kind of joke is this!!!! DUELE!!!!! AH!!!! KILL ME!!! but what is this pain! it's unbearable!!!! I trained hard and still lost...I'm still not strong.....I was right....I should have killed you when I could....』-Kasper was staring at Dux who was healing Sora-

That's how the encounter of these dragons ended, all in their worst possible conditions, a few hours passed, Sora and Dux were already recovered from the healing, while Kasper was still in severe pain, he was placed lying on a tree that Sora and Dux took him.

In these hours they could not ignore the disaster they caused, especially what they did to the small town. Sora and Dux helped with the repairs, by their strength and speed they finished repairing everything they destroyed, all while Kasper watched everything. A few footsteps could be heard, Sora and Dux was in front of Kasper.

『Now what are you going to tell me? *tsch* Okay, at least I'll listen to you because you won ....』-Kasper was acting more calm-

『I'm just asking you for a favor, you're the son of the Sovereign of Life, right?"』-Sora was addressing Kasper-.

『That's right, you're not going to ask me to support you guys, that's never! I'm someone influential in my faction, I don't plan on helping you in any way!』-With anger this one was addressing the little children- 』-Sora was turning to Kasper- 『Sora.

『Help your father *smiles* that's all I ask of you』.

Kasper was surprised and stared at Sora.

『As children we are and because of the admiration we have for our parents, you follow the example of yours, and I will follow mine, we will take different paths, but for sure we will get to see each other again at the end of the goal *smiles*』.

『I can't..... have a fight with my father..... just showing up in front of him like that is unforgivable』-Kasper lowered his head-』.

『Well then just make up, it's not that hard』-Sora calmly said-.

『.....You say it like it's easy...』

『Uhm....ah! then tell me what he's like』.

『My father?...Uhm, he is very brave, fair and courageous, he always sees for others and is a great leader, ah! plus he is imposing and makes quick decisions』-When he talked about him you could see how fondly he said it-『He always treated me with affection and love, he taught me the good and our duty, when he had free time we spent it playing, he was really a happy child back then. ...now that I remember my past self...yes I changed too much.....it would be impossible for me to smile so naturally again....』

『Uhm uhm, I see, ah! So your father is like mine, although mine is more childish than it seems, after analyzing it I'm definitely sure! Just do it, I'm sure your father will listen to you, a relationship as strong as his can't be destroyed by a fight』-In a friendly and energetic way Sora spoke-『By the way, what did you guys fight about?』

Kasper after thinking about it decided to tell her.

『I see』COPY00I understand now...apologize calmly and you'll see that everything will be fine, then you'll tell us how everything went and maybe we can even go out for a walk with our parents』.

『No thanks, but I don't plan to do that ever, besides, I understand that a brat like you is imperative and besides you have many things to say that you yourself enriedas, but you understand this kind of problems a lot, seeing you so mature being so small, I feel that the brat is me』.

『Really? Uhm uhm ah! Yes...then I'll try to change and be an easy person to understand *smiles*』.

After a few talks, these dragons in the end ended up parting ways, they didn't come to right terms, it's like they didn't come to anything. They withdrew but not before I tell you this.

『I will support my father in his goals, but I still hate you guys, I will go on with my own way of thinking, but maybe I will take a bit of your words, bad is bad and bad is not bad, it's a very hard logic to understand, but I will be there to do what I have to do』-Kasper spread his wings-『Goodbye brats』.

He ended up retreating straight back to his Faction, his eyes shining and it looked like he was going straight to his father to settle things. While the children also went home to rest, but they wouldn't talk about this so as not to worry their parents.

Also from that day Sora would understand what was the state he was using, he would study it to know everything about it, the fusion of energies was what he wanted to know, he taught them to his brothers who also ended up learning it. They also ended up mastering the Dragonewt state. But that would not be all, the goal of the children was to know more about this state.

While Kasper after working up the courage decided to confront his father.

『Uhm....ah...father? Are you free?』-Kasper approached his father- 『Son?

『Son? I haven't seen you for a long time, you were doing your work in your room, I see your responsibilities never left, you made it very easy for me actually, I thought you never showed up anymore』. -The Sovereign looked sideways at his son-.

『Father...regarding that occasion..... I'm sorry..... I didn't know how to control myself and ended up making a scene...I'm really sorry....』-I shake my head to show more regret-.

『Ah, that, don't worry, bygones are bygones, although what really bothered me is that you remember your mother that way, I prefer to remember her as the beautiful woman she once was...』

『Father....』-Kasper clenched his fists-『But I still can't forget it..... she should have died differently, without fear or suffering, maybe she could still be with us, not even her Soul Stone was saved.....』

『I think so too....it really would be beautiful, but life is like that, we can't deny our destiny, but I tell you something...she still lives in us, in our heart』

『Uhm....that's very abstract father.... I don't like it』

『That's all we have, but if you want something more concrete, how about taking our Faction, all this could be done thanks to your mother, she worked hard for each of us, and not only her, but also for the whole world, including the Chaos Faction, she tried to talk and convince to end the war, but the Demon King appeared and ended up killing her』

『Eh?』-Kasper looked at his father in confusion.

『You still don't remember? we went with her, when you were still a pure and cheerful child who always showed an angelic smile, you were so excited that you also supported your mother that we could come to an agreement』.

『I don't remember....I really did that...』-『(If the dragons from the beginning wanted to change....now that the Demon King is also different....then yes it is possible, the only thing that was missing, was that the most important chess piece decides to change his playing style.....if he hadn't changed everything would have continued as before, from the beginning torment was always salvation....) But what a crap.....our peace was decided on luck, on a percentage of whether the Demon King decides to be good or bad, it really is a complete garbage life, don't you think so father?』

『Careful with that mouth, but yes, life is garbage, but now we have the chance to change it』


In the Chaos Faction, everything seems to be more in order, there is not as much noise as before and the dragons were resting and no longer felt the need to destroy just because, they knew other things and the true reason for their reason for being. But there was someone, a dragon who disagreed with this, he wanted there to still be war and for the dragons to kill each other.

『I can't believe it, when this happened, peace? alliance? peaceful world?』-『This wasn't what was supposed to happen..... if only that day that brat hadn't stopped me.....』

Long ago, when everyone was celebrating and waiting for the birth of the Demon King, a dark dragon had his plans in hand, he was sneaking until he reached the birthplace, he could hear the screams of the dragoness who was about to give birth to the Demon King.

『What are you doing here?』-A small child's voice could be heard-.

『Ah! Master, rather, what are you doing here? This is no place for small children to prowl around』-That dragon was addressing in a calm manner.

『I was just passing by, this is the easiest way for me to bring some food to my father』-That little grey-haired boy spoke in a straightforward manner-.

『Ah! Food for the Emperor of Death, you really love your father Master』-『Could you please leave? I need to do something urgent』

『¿¿?? Ah yes, you are one of the first dragons of the Chaos Faction, special for living more than the others, really much more.....』

『We early dragons lived longer than others, I was there since the beginning of the world, I still remember when we all got along, the whole world was beautiful, but I couldn't help but think that it still lacked something, it was too beautiful.... I wonder when it is that it changed so much that even I didn't realize it.....』-The old dragon spoke without hiding anything-『I am the only one left from my generation, don't you think it's weird,don't you? 』

『Yes, very rare』-The little boy who looked about 4 years old was looking at the old dragon in a disturbing way.

Yes, he is one of the first dragons who set foot in this world, currently he has an important rank in the Faction, but not so much, the rank of the dragons is defined depending on their power, he was the weakest of all his generation, he did not fulfill his role well like his companions, even now he is also considered weak even though he trained for all this time. He was alone at that time, excluded or rather he was excluded just for not being like the others, although he received in his youth the support of all races, he wanted to fulfill his role well, he wanted to destroy and that everyone congratulate him, but how? if he can not do it, then why not someone else to fulfill that role, yes, that's how the Demon King was born. He experimented to create the first Demon King, he gathered the best of the best in the world to create the body, he had incredible strength and magic, but it was not enough, with only that he will not be able to destroy as he should. He used the best and powerful affections and best materials from all over the world of his beginning and created his perfect weapon, the Mythic Claws, with it put exclusive of the Demon King would give them incredible abilities and would be invincible.

He presented it to the world, his power of destruction was incredible, rather scary, but that did not matter, he could finally fulfill his role, but it was not enough, he wanted to be the best in his faction, destroy and destroy was the only thing he thought, but how could he continue with this? his creation aged despite everything, create another every time one died would be a torture, so he also used ancient forbidden magic, the power of the Demon King, with the past lives of the previous ones would be born in new dragons that would follow the example of their predecessors, the destruction. Linked with the Mythic Claws these too would be reborn with the Demon King.

His companions thought that what he did was wrong, so they decided to finish him off, that's where the Demon King ended up killing each one of them, all the dragons of the first generation ended up dead, except for him, Sax. In each resurgence of the Demon King, Sax had to control it completely before the dragon in which he was reincarnated would have a conscience of its own. So again he would control the Demon King and bring destruction, he just needs to bond with the new hatchling before it's too late.

『Sir..... please could you step aside, they are already partying, shouldn't you also go for your father?』-Sax couldn't wait any longer-?

The screams got louder and you could hear tearing and how the dragoness's stomach just ripped open.

『Step aside Master!!!』

Sax pushed the little gray dragon and went straight for where the new Demon King was. POM! Sax was just stepped on by the little grey boy.

『You really think we're idiots? since a long time ago you looked anxious and worried about this day, you were up to something right? what did you want to do with the Demon King?』-The little grey boy was talking while not getting out of Sax's head-『Your way of talking and your worry, it seems like I interrupted something, right? you weren't even trying to disguise, what do you want?....』

『I don't know what you're talking about Master..... but please get off me.....(this is bad, he's already got the memories, I have to link up with him...)』-Sax was panicking.

Sax stood up and gave the gray boy a strong flap, he started to fly to catch up with the new Demon King. POM! A huge shadow claws ended up catching him without further ado.

『Wow you did it...ahahaha.....I was right, your target was the Demon King....my father will be very happy...my father told me our true story...we are descendants of the first generation and we know what happened...things won't be the same from now on, this is my revenge for killing my mother....』

The dragoness who ended up giving birth to the Demon King turned out to be the mother of the gray child and the wife of the Current Emperor of Death.

『We wanted to catch you red-handed to be sure』-She started stroking her son's head-『Well, done Damocles-chan, though you're very serious』-The Emperor of Death with his fingers made his son mark a smile-『Come on, show a smile, so come on. ...When you are an old man you will have a very serious face...*sigh*』-The blond Emperor narrating in a charismatic way said-』.

After that they locked Sax up for all he did, he doesn't know when he will be free, but when he does he is sure he will try, no, one way or another he will go back to everything being war and destruction again, Sax, one of the first dragons forgot his way, he was beyond repair.

------------------------------------------- → To be continued

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