
Capitulo 119: Isekai (Dux)

-------------------------------------TIEMPO ATRÁS----------------------------------------

In the Demon King's castle, King was having a talk with Arnna.

『Well, we should rest too』-King with a friendly tone was-『Especially you Arnna, you have an important mission to do』^_^.

Arnna was confused, she looked at King (๑-́ω-̀) innocently.

『Tomorrow you will go for the human who has the curse, I recently felt that she is in our world, and the absorption speed increased a little, do you think you could go?』-King suggested to the dragon-?

『Me go for the human? I don't know.....maybe she's afraid to see me.....after all we are dragons....(○'-`)ゞ』

『Quiet, she seems to be very familiar with us, she came accompanied by several other beings, they must be dragons too』-『Don't you think it's a chance to make a new friendship?』(^^)

『A new friendship? (〃ω〃) Yes....I would be lying if I said I don't want to meet her, besides I really want to help her because of our mistake we made, a human from the other world who is not afraid of us....(/ω\) I already want to meet her』 (*'∀`*)

Arnna was blushing and happy, she was touching her face in order to hide her happiness to no avail.

『Well, then it's decided, besides you're the only one who's available hahaha (・∀・)』

『Well, you're right about that』^_^;

King went on to tell her of what the human looked like, that the easiest way to recognize her, would be if her chest came out energy particles, as well as giving her the location of where she would be by tomorrow. Arnna was worried, as surely the human wouldn't be alone, that if she showed up like that alone, the dragons would attack her without hesitation.

『Then I'll give you some time』>^_^<<<

King would send a small horde of undead, of the weakest ones out there to the place where she would be, knowing the dragons, and their fighting spirit, they wouldn't hesitate to jump in.

『But would the human run in danger』 ('д`)-Arnna was concerned.

『Don't worry, leave it to me, Lami and Dux will bring by tomorrow the Ex-Phoenix , and you will bring the human, we will do it as quickly and discreetly as they will thank us, you'll see』. (^▽^)

With the security that King was transmitting , Arnna was sure that everything will be fine, that night she would rest to be able to do her mission, dream which could not be done, she was so excited and happy that she could not sleep.

『You are the most indicated Arnna, but at the same time no, I will give you enough time, please do it fast』-King was worried, there could have been better options, but they were not the best-.

Mira was still sleeping, and if she were to get into this, it would surely end badly, and he can't leave the castle, the lives of those he loves, would also be in danger. King looked for the last time this day before going to sleep, at that being inside the crystal, it was like seeing himself in the mirror, of course, with slight differences, King clenched his Mythic Claws.

『We will, I swear we will, this is what we all want, right ------?』

As her daily routine, she caressed the crystal before retiring to her quarters. Morning came, Arnna was ready to go, her spirits were on edge, she already wanted to meet and talk to that human, King gave her the location.

『Do you want me to take you? or are you going to go yourself?』-King asked the dragon.

『I like to feel the air while flying, it's also been a long time since I've been there, it will also be a reminder to far away, see you King』>^_^<<

Arnna took out her little wings and set off on her journey in order to save the human. On that same day, Lami and Dux already had the Ex-Phoenix, and was returning to the Demon King's Castle.

『¡¡!』-Dux stopped his flight, his expression was one of concern-.

『Something's wrong Onii-chan.....?』-Lami cheerlessly, she was heading to her brother-.

『Take the Ex-Phoenix Bird home Lami-chan, I'll be back later』-Dux handed him the bird that was inside a sphere of dark water- 』.

Quickly, Doge flew out of the place, heading towards the direction of the Chaos Faction. Lami at this only bowed his head in confusion, and without further ado did as his brother asked.


Arnna was engulfed in flames, launching her powerful fire flower attack against the dragons, Lucoa, Elma and Fafnir also launched their best attacks, but before they hit, a few slashes destroyed everything, causing a strong wind.

『Dragon Technique, Class 5, Thousand Stabs!』

It was Doge who had come to help his sister. The brother shakes hands with his sister. They would both come out of this with their goal, the other dragons wouldn't stop them, they were all fighting for the same reason.

Dux took a good look at Arnna, how she was full of blood, her body full of cuts, but still, she was with a quality and tender smile. Compared to the others, they were without any damage.

『Don't you think it's unfair?』-Dux was addressing his opponents-『Attacking someone who doesn't want to fight, I thought they were respectful dragons, Elma-sama, Lucoa-sama, and...(・・;)』-Dux looked at Fafnir in confusion-『Emo-sama?.....sorry, what's your name?』

Fafnir simply kept quiet, but inside he couldn't stand being called emo. Arnna whispered in Dux's ear.

『Be careful with that guy, he's very strong apparently』.

『I see, well, everyone here are very strong dragons, and as a scout myself, seeing a challenge like this, makes me a bit excited actually』.

Dux's words were cold and even imposing with that young voice he had, quickly his calm expression changed to a totally serious one, as the shadow hid his face and his eyes shone, the way he wielded his sword made frightening.

『Dragon Technique, Class 2, Ser Corte.....』

It was as if time had stopped, Dux lunged at a great speed, pulling out his wings, tail and horns, he swooped down on the dragons, making quick cuts at each of them in less than seconds. Dux returned to his place where he was, from his sword ran the blood he made from his cuts.

Elma was surprised, she could notice it before, she put a water shield all over her body, which made the attacks not to hurt her so much. But still her body was full of cuts, she did not avoid being pierced.

Lucoa simply defended himself with his arms, and even with his eyes he could follow everywhere that Dux passed, in those little seconds, he tried to hit him, where Dux was surprised that he was able to follow him.

While Fafnir tried to protect himself with his shadows, managing to deflect a few attacks, but without avoiding being attacked by Dux's sword.

『Wow..... I didn't think you would resist that attack, you must have fallen fainted, as expected from such great ones as you, Elma-sama, Lucoa-sama and of course, Emo-sama』. -Dux was swinging his sword to clean it from the blood-.

『...THAT YOU DON'T CALL ME EMO-SAMA!!!』 ('益')-Fafnir could no longer resist being called like that-.

『With this being this guy's power....he's definitely someone strong...』 -Elma was worried-

『It looks like it's evenly balanced fight....if this is this guy's power, I'll have no choice but to.....』 -Lucoa was thinking whether to do it or not-.

The 3 dragons suffered damage lower than Arnna's, the cuts were there, Arnna was shocked to see what Dux did in such a short time.

『Belonging to the Anomenos Family, Second Brother, Unlimited Blade, Dux』-Drawing a second sword in his left hand, this one was presenting himself, giving an imposing skill with these same and intimidating power-『*sigh* Yep, definitely enough, this being in Serious Mode is not my thing』. ^_^

Dux went on to put away the second sword he drew, his serious look changing to a friendly one in a matter of seconds.

『How long will it last this time? I think 15 seconds in Serious Mode....But well, that's it, with those cuts they already had enough, we can say we're even』 (^^)-Dux was calm even though he looked angry before-.

『Wait Dux-nii-chan, aren't you going to continue? You even pulled out your second sword...』 (*'_ゝ`)-Arnna was confused-.

『Ah, that was just to make my presentation look better ('∀`) It's not much cooler』 ヽ(^o^)丿-The brother was calm-『You already got what you deserve, that's enough』. -Dux looked at Kobayashi from afar-『She's the human...she sure knows how to control herself in this situation, my compliments 』(^.^).

Dux flew calmly to where Kobayashi is, Kobayashi held out his hand.

"Could you come with us? I swear we'll save you from our mistake』(^^).

Kobayashi was calm, but she didn't know what decision to make, since both of them are looking for her good, and it seems that the brothers are determined to take her away if or if. Kobayashi didn't know what to respond to this situation, whichever one she takes, it will lead to a fight.

『Dux-nii-chan! Watch out』-Arnna alerted her brother.

Towards him came a swirl of water with potent power, he brandished his back and made a fine cut, cutting only the water, Elma who was inside, took advantage and attacked him with her trident, where a clash of sword and trident was heard around the place.

Some shadows went through the floor towards Kobayashi, again Fafnir would go to save her, Arnna appeared in front of the human, where with a hand movement, she sprinkled ashes to the shadow, where flowers quickly emerged in all the darkness. Arnna quickly grabbed Kobayashi's arms, the sword that armored Dux went into her hand, where another sword quickly comes out, at the tip was a thick fog.

『Mist Technique, Class 4, Thick Screen』

Where this one quickly starts to cut through the air, suddenly the whole place was filled with a thick fog that you couldn't see anything. In the distance, Arnna was flying into the forest, escaping from the place, where Dux joined her sister.

『This will buy us some time』-Dux was calm and confident-.

From that thick fog, a strong wind dispelled everything, it was Lucoa, who was gushing a colorful light, she opens her eyes and quickly discovers the location of the siblings, and with a strong impulse she heads towards them with a blow.

Dux found out about this, before he hit her, with his Misty Sword, he cut her forehead, where a hard screen of mist stopped the blow, Arnna appeared, who on her back was Kobayashi, she touched Lucoa's forehead, from this began to sprout a flower, and with a kick from Dux, Lucoa was sent to the ground. Branches of fire bound her to the ground, she could not escape.

『Your energy will be absorbed by the forest, you'll just faint, don't worry, until then, you'll be just another flower』-Arnna explained her technique.

Quickly, some water slash attacks release Lucoa, she goes to attack Dux, while Fafnir appeared to attack Arnna.

A clash of weapons between Elma and Dux took place, they were evenly matched, pirouetting and attacking being careful with their surroundings, Fafnir attacked with his shadows, while Arnna created blades of fire that cut the darkness, Fafnir could no longer bear to fight from afar, he himself would attack up close, with his fists charged with darkness they went to Arnna, around him he created spheres of darkness, while Arnna with his flames avoided being hit while protecting Kobayashi.

Elma summoned a great wave and went straight to Dux, Dux changed his Mist Sword to an Ice Sword, with his slashes he managed to freeze the great wave. Appearing ahead of Elma.

『Ice Technique, Class 3, Hurtful Blizzard』

Performing light pirouettes, Dux passed his sword close to Elma's body, Elma's body quickly turned cold, it was as if her body at the moment of touching the blizzard could not react, it cut off all her nerves, she was practically frozen without being frozen. Elma fell to the ground without being able to do anything.

Arnna who was fighting with Fafnir, moved quickly, as she did this, the flower ashes threw Fafnir off, before he knew it, he was trapped in a cage of fire sunflowers, in the center above, an even larger sunflower appeared, and prepared his attack, the sunflowers attacked with flames, to Fafnir's surprise, they did not do him any harm, rather they made the place hot, it was like being in an oven, he invoked his shadows and with spikes pierced the plants, freeing himself quickly. The spheres of darkness he summoned were on Arnna's back, who with force managed to pierce Arnna's wings, she was already weak, some shadows were coming for Kobayashi, where they caught her.

"『You won't take...my friend!

Arnna with her claws grabbed the shadow, heating her claws incinerating the shadow and putting the human on her back again.

『I'm done with her!』-Lucoa was in the heavens, she gathered a great amount of energy all this time-』.

Lucoa launched this attack against the brothers. Doge quickly pulled out his Darkness Sword, and fearlessly went straight for Lucoa's one.

『Darkness Technique, Class 1, Death!』

Dux's sword became even bigger, embulling with darkness, and with a single slash, he was able to destroy Lucoa's attack, an explosion of colors fell to the ground.

The dragons were on the ground, each on his side.

『It looks like they won't let us go free』-Dux was worried.

"I've tried before, to escape, but these guys are persistent』-Arnna was on guard.

『It's normal, if one of my people is in danger, I would do everything to save him』-Dux was changing his Darkness Sword to his Dragon Sword-.

On the other side, Lucoa, Elma and Fafnir didn't think the fight was level with Dux's arrival.

『Who is that guy, can he summon several swords, what's more, how many does he possess?』-Elma was confused-.

『That I can answer』-Dux raised his voice to be heard-『Always, since I was a child I liked exploration, seeing and discovering new things fascinated me a lot, I traveled the world to learn about everything, in all those trips, I noticed that there are always valuable treasures, those are the swords, powerful weapons that to its bearer give great power, I came across all kinds, but I didn't know how to wield them, King taught me and with the last trip, I could discover my own skill and techniques, swords are the first thing I came across, and I decided to always wield them in order to bring a better world』-Dux quickly recounted-『And with the number of swords. ...the truth is there are so many that I lost count (^▽^) I only use a few of them』.

『This guy may be a gifted one....』-Lucoa was excited-

『And since we are talking quietly, please listen to me, we just came to save your friend, we recognize our mistake and we want to solve it, please, could you allow us?』-Dux was speaking sincerely-.

『Do you think that after what happened, we will fall again? We listened to your words before and believed in you, only to have you stab us in the back in the end』-Elma was annoyed-『I'm sorry, but your words to those of this world, are worthless』.

Dux at this did not know what to reply, he remained silent in silence, because for them it is the truth, no matter how much they say otherwise, they will never be heard, they will always be ignored and attacked by others simply because of their past. Maybe it's a price for a near peace they achieved, not everything can go right for everyone.

『I see.... no matter what I do, if I bow or beg to death, they will never listen to us.... it's something we've lived for a long time, that even if it seems like it doesn't affect us, the truth, it still hurts us....』-Dux had his eyes lowered-『But we still want to make things right, we will take the human-chan home, save her and deliver her back to you!!!』

Doge summoned his double Dragon Sword, this one had a lowered gaze.

『*sigh*Serious Mode 100%, Dragon Technique, Class 2, Semi-Death Claws....』

Space seemed to invert, colors, scenery and all, from one moment to the next, Dux stabbed and located where the dragons' Soul Stones were, penetrating them without further their Stones.

Elma and Fafnir quickly fell to the ground, he was writhing in pain, his Soul Stone was pierced this was like feeling death close, a pain that you can't imagine, but it doesn't quite kill you, it's more like a feeling of the worst death of all without being it.

『Even if we have to take extreme measures....』-Dux put away his swords-『Easy, you will be fine in no time, now we will save your friend』.

I think there was no other way, Dux hates this technique, as it makes you see pain in flesh, bone, spirit and being to those who are affected, that it makes you want to die every millisecond, he couldn't see Arnna like this anymore, she was weak and her blood wouldn't stop flowing, he might lose her if this goes on, he did it for her too.

『Wait a minute, what did you do to my friends!』-Elma was the only one standing-.

Dux was surprised to see Elma standing as if nothing after her technique.

『I see.....(Elma-sama received the blessing from the Sovereign of Life and the Emperor of Death)』.

These are blessings that can make you immune to spiritual techniques, if you receive from one, it gives you 50% resistance, and the 2 at 100%. These are obtained if you are felicitated or if you get to have a kind of relationship with these.

『My body is hurting me, much more than before.....I feel like dying to stop this pain...』-Elma was straining her body-.

Elma lunges at Dux, he didn't react, and receives the strong blow of Elma's trident all over his stomach. Dux was bleeding but did not manage to pierce him, Elma was weakened.

『Doing that technique consumes most of my strength...I can only fly.....』-Dux was spitting blood, while in Arnna's arms-『Let's do it Arnna-chan, Elma-sama is equally tired, and Lucoa-sama and Emo-sama are about to react..... will not kill them, but will leave them in a state that will allow us to escape, besides, I see that Elma-sama does not intend to give up until giving everything.....』

Arnna after thinking it over, saw that it was the best thing to do, if they get to react Lucoa and Fafnir, it would be the end for them.

『Kobayashi-san, hold on tight....』

Arnna asked Kobayashi who was on his back to hold him with all his strength. Dux leaning on Arnna flew up to the skies, from Dux's body thousands of swords came out these gathered together forming a huge sword. Arnna instead threw ashes on the swords, where they quickly bloomed and covered all the swords in a field of beautiful fire flowers. The attack was going straight for Lucoa and Fafnir.

『With this we'll have enough time..... sorry, this is going to hurt....』-Dux stretched his arm shakily-『(I'm exhausted....but my swords still have power...)』

Elma hears about this, and quickly goes to protect her friends.

『Say it with me Arnna-chan....』-Dux was addressing her sister-.

『『Combined Technique! Class 1! FLOURISHING SLASH!』』』

The thousands of swords with fields of fire went straight to attack Lucoa and Fafnir, Elma quickly went in the direction of her friends and switched to her Dragon Form, creating a screen of water to prevent the attack. The attacks collided with each other, the energies were going crazy, the more they both tried, they all bled from forcing their bodies to the limits, the brothers made even more power to be able to get out of this one. Elma couldn't take it anymore she switched to her Human Form, blood was pouring out of her arms and legs in droves, her arms already flailing.

『.....(Maybe ...we did......Elma-sama may die.....)』-Dux didn't think it through, this one started to worry-.

『Elma-san!!』-Kobayashi shouted at the top of his lungs-』.

The brothers were confused, a power was gushing out of Kobayashi, the seal that Lucoa put on him was being broken, the energy that gushed out Kobayashi, was going straight to Elma, Kobayashi was still screaming at the top of his lungs.

『(.....¿¿??Eh?...what is this?....siento....siento....the power of all....)』-

Elma's appearance was beginning to change, her scales taking on shades of her friends' colors. She made more strength that her water screen turned into a powerful water attack.

『.....(I see....With this being the power that the human has.....)』-Dux was with a calm smile-『(I can rest for today....)』

Elma switched to her Dragon Form, this one just the same had shades of her friends colors, she gave the last effort and her attack beat the brothers, impacting against the brothers in a strong explosion, it was so much that she forgot that Kobayashi was with them, thanks to Dux, with her swords she could create a wall that reduced the impact, but they no longer had strength for anything, they were falling to the ground from a great height.

Kobayashi was just falling down to the ground, everyone was exhausted, Elma after that attack, she exhausted all her strength that she couldn't even stand up, Lucoa and Fafnir were still on the ground, it's going to be a free fall death for Kobayashi.


A scream was heard in the distance, it was Tohru who came flying quickly, the dragon was descending as fast as she could, Kobayashi stretched out her hand to be caught by her friend, by the explosion the bandage on her arm flew off, revealing the blood and cut she suffered. Tohru seeing this was shocked, and screamed louder.


On the other hand, Doge was falling to the ground as well as Arnna, they no longer had the strength to anything....the swords he released, again all returned to his body.

『I see that we have lost.....』-Dux was looking at Tohru through the air-『.....Or maybe not.....』

Dux seemed to notice something in the sky, Tohru desperately and even with tears in her eyes, stretched out her hand to be able to grab Kobayashi. The human was also making her own effort. She was close to grabbing his hand, but she suddenly disappeared, she was swallowed by a portal that was slowly being swallowed, Tohru just couldn't see it from her perspective. A few millimeters away from taking Kobayashi's hand, it was snatched from her hands.

Dux looked down, he saw that there were portals waiting for them.

『You took too long King.....(Or maybe it was....)』-Dux turned to look at Arnna, who was asleep because of everything that happened-『We did it Arnna-chan....we're going to be able to save her....』

The siblings by the fall, were swallowed by the portal, these quickly disappeared from the place. On the stage were left Elma with serious injuries fallen on the ground, Lucoa and Fafnir still writhing on the ground. And Tohru flying in the sky, watching the person she loves most in the world, in both worlds, being snatched away in front of her eyes.



While in the Demon King's Castle, a little girl was returning to her room so that she could continue sleeping, on her face could be seen a smile that to many would be devilish. That little girl continued to sleep after getting something that will bring her fun, a black slimy thing was what was brought....

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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