
Chapter 110: Change of Location

People were happy for the beginning of the new year, you could feel it all over the place, I'm sure it's also in many places in the world, and in different worlds. Everyone is celebrating a new year, full of hope that something good could come, I hope...that my journey will come to an end.

Some of us, the wind and the cold was starting to affect us, that's where Tohru suggested that we all stay at Kobayashi's house, there was no problem, the adult accepted, we called Saikawa and Shouta's parents to let them know. As soon as we arrived, the most tired were the children and Saikawa's maid, where they fell asleep.

We could still go on, so we ate some food. Everyone in the Kotatsu was so we could be more comfortable.

『Ahh!!!(*'∀`*) It's the same mochi that M brought me』-Elma was excited to eat it again-.

『M, Kanna and Tohru made the mochi, so that's what you took some for』-Kobayashi commented-.

『Made by Tohru!?(⊙_⊙) How can it taste as rich made by a dragon like you?』 -Elma was confused.

『If you don't want to eat it, then don't』(・∧-)ゞ-The dragoness was answering Elma-.

『No no no, I'll eat it (゚ω゚;)always jumping to conclusions...』

The blue dragoness protected her plate as if it were the most valuable treasure, as she ate it again her face changed abruptly. (⺣◡⺣)♡*

At the pleasant conversation, Kobayashi saw on his plate and his attitude changed, what he found was Tohru's tail meat. They had a little chat, where again Kobayashi objected to eating the tail, the dragoness felt sad and expressed it with a childish cry. She passed to look at me dejected, at that I remembered that we swore that we would manage to make her eat her tail one day, with so many things I ended up forgetting.

『These days I'm finally going to be able to rest since I came, I was able to save a little...but the bad thing is that...the money is running out』(つ﹏<.)

Elma commented that she was in a bad predicament, that night I had a talk with her, where everyone listened and also gave their opinion, Kobayashi and Tohru were the ones who were slow to give theirs, where Kobayashi also ended up giving her opinion, and that it was fine, while Tohru also accepted it.

『It's your decision, not that it's a bad thing either』.

I could tell that on her face, she felt a little sad, maybe she already got used to me being here. While Elma again didn't believe what this boy was doing.


After so long, it's been a long time since I woke up like this, the others were sleeping in the Kotatsu, the TV was on, where it was already a dark dragon and a blue boy playing until the sun rose. I had to drink coffee to keep up with him, I could tell it was normal for him to stay up early. A light mowed me down for a few seconds, as I looked out the window, rays of sunlight were coming through small slits in the curtain.

We were all on the rooftop, some were still sleepy, others were in perfect condition, all waiting for the first sunrise of the year. While Saikawa was happy to welcome it next to Kanna's side, others took it as a hollow sense, well, the only one was Kuro-san (^▽^;).

『I hope, it will be a good year』.

I was saying in a light voice, while just like everyone else, we were watching this sunrise.




It was January 2. To change the routine of being like cats in our house, relaxed and warm like Wilson, I decided that since I am here, where I live next to a powerful dragon, he could teach me a little of what he knows.

『Hey Tohru-chan...(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞShow me your tricks』

After he objected the first few times, after I insisted on him so much.

『Tohru-chan...(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ』『Tohru-chan...(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ』『Tohru-chan...(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ』

In the end he decided to do it. It's annoying to have this happen, if it ever happened to you, you'll know what I mean.

『Okay it's fine, it feels weird for you to say my name several times』 ('-'*)

After picking up the orange peel that Kobayashi couldn't ace in the garbage can, and throwing it away, Tohru would open a portal in front of us, where she transported us back to this coarse place where we came to play several times.

"So, what do you want me to show you?

『I want you to teach me how to use your spells, incantations!!! Especially those abilities of becoming invisible and like this portal, having a portal that transports you from place to place would be a great help』(⊙ꇴ⊙).

『.....I thought you would ask me to teach you fighting styles, but I'm not good at that, besides, that would be impossible for you』.

I kept my mouth shut at what he said, but quickly my confusion went away.

『Eh? But if I've cast several spells before, these I'm sure I'll manage to cast them too』.

『The spells you cast before, were either by the power of the book, or you used your physical strength to achieve them, the spells I use, and the spells from the book, are completely different, you need magic to be able to use them, and you don't have that』.

The spells I used so far from the book, were a product of my physical strength or the same magic from the book. The only spells I used so far from the book were these, the Seikatsu Basho, which is used to search for people in a certain range, depending on the power of the user, I felt a slight tiredness after using it, so it uses my strength, the spell I used in World 2, to rebuild the whole destroyed city, there it was by the magic of the book, the portal spell, it consumes my strength. ..ah, how could I forget about you, the Light, I gather pure energy at a specific point, that too is more than clear that I use my physical strength to achieve it, more specifically my power.

『Then I don't have magic?』

『Of course not, remember that you are a simple human, neither in your Lucario Form nor in your God Form, you possess magic, you have other types of power in both forms that yes, and they are very useful from what I've seen』.

In my God Form I will possess Ki and even maybe divine Ki, like Hakai energy, well, that I have, I have them, the thing is that I can't use them at the level I am at, let alone control them, in my Lucario Form, I possess the aura, and I have realized, that I am about to unlock in that form, the Ki.

『Well, then at least teach me the paces, phrases, poses, what it takes besides magic to achieve the spell』.

The dragoness was a bit impressed, maybe she didn't expect that the boy still wanted to learn.

『Maybe, somewhere in my journey, I will get magic?....jajajaja may sound crazy, but it's a possibility, after a portal sucked me in, I think anything is possible, even if it doesn't happen, I would like to know them』('∀`).

The dragoness hearing the boy's words, smiled.

『All right, as you say, it's going to be a waste of time for you, but I can't deny that attitude of wanting to learn, pay attention to Tohru-sensei』(^-^*)ノ.

Those encouragements, that face with which she addressed me, that attitude of a friend, would make me try even harder.

『I'm counting on you, Tohru-sensei』.

After bowing, we went on to laugh at the whole scene we just made. (^▽^)

He taught me the basics of each spell, he wanted to teach me many more, but the only ones I was interested in were invisibility and portal. Wait...that wouldn't hurt...I would have to name these portals, one takes me to different worlds, while another serves as a transporter portal?....Uhm....let's see...got it, the portal that takes me to other worlds I will call, Portal Isekai, and the other I will call Portal Kuikku (Fast) pos, makes it fast, doesn't it? (─‿─)

『You're not good at naming names...』( ̄⊿ ̄).

If Maya were here, she would for sure say that....


『They're back already, ah!( ̄■ ̄ ), they're all dirty』-Kobayashi saw all our dirty clothes-.

We were touching our heads while laughing Tohru and I, before going back, we had a little "game" this serves me well, as I can upgrade and unlock even more power. It also doesn't hurt for the dragon to have a little one on one fight, I've never seen her use her full power.

It's January 3, just like yesterday, I also got to practice spells, and noticed something regarding this.

『It's easy....』

『Of course it's easy, don't compare the training of a dragon with that of a human, we are different in those matters too, you are privileged that a dragon like me has taught you』 (ง `ω')۶

『Haha it may also be that you are a good teacher Tohru-chan』(^▽^).

Tohru was surprised by the unexpectedness of my words.

『Yes yes , continue to flatter me』 ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ.


While the 2 of them were at theirs, at Kobayashi's home there was also talk.

『I've had this ring since Christmas? I guess it happened at the party』

『That ring, Tohru gave it to you on Christmas, he gave it to you saying things like "Kobayashi-san, this action says more than a thousand words, please accept it"』-The little dragon related-『. And you replied "Yes sisisi sda....whatever you say"』

『Did that really happen?....』-( ̄ー ̄;-『It's Tohru's thing, so it's okay, plus I said it drunk so it doesn't count』

『But the ring already gave it to you』-Kanna looked at the ring on Kobayashi's finger-.

『Yes, it means a lot to her, somehow, I feel closer to Tohru with this on』.

『He also gave a necklace to M and she put on a bracelet, they are all silver, so you are also close to M.....』

The little dragon said lightly, as if she was sad.

『It's not fair, I also want something to unite me with you.....』-The dragoness looked at the ground dejectedly-.

『You don't need it, you're the one who united us, not just the 3 of us, but all of us』-Kobayashi stroked the little dragon's head-『Ten, it's a bracelet』.

The dragoness felt surprised, while putting on the bracelet made of cloth, Kobayashi was telling her what happened.

『M-kun felt bad, that you would surely feel left out, so the day after Christmas, he started to weave this bracelet, using the colors pink, green and blue, I was about to finish it, but he asked me to finish it, and here it is』.

The bracelet , with those colors that maybe don't match, were on Kanna's little wrist.

『We're not the best at baking, but we did our best』.

『That's nice, thank you, thank you very much』.

Before a pleasant smile, I end their conversation, the Kuikku Portal appeared, where with our return we continued this last day.




Kobayashi was getting ready to go back to work, he gave us a New Year's gift, that detail slipped my mind, which the adult did not. Faced with a pleasant farewell from Kobayashi, it was my turn to do so as well.

『Well』-I stretched my arms towards the sky-『It's time to go Tohru-chan, Kanna-chan』.

I stroked Kanna's head, Tohru nodded her head with a yes.

『Where are you going to go?』-Kanna was worried.

"I have to go to work too』.

『Then in the afternoon we can play a little』

『In the afternoon I'm going to go to Elma-san's house to prepare food for her』.

『....Then in the evening we can be together, I'll have coffee so I can stay awake』-She clenched her fists, her look was one of being determined the loli-.

『Oh, I see you're willing to do anything (^▽^) but it won't be possible either, not for now』.

Kanna felt confused, as to why my words, maybe she would sleep in another home like that time, but the other words confused her more.

『Kanna, listen』

Tohru went on to tell him about the decision that M made that New Year's morning, seeing the situation that Elma was going through, M decided to help her, she was already preparing food for her, but now she took a step forward, she decided to go live with Elma to support her, with M's work and Elma's, they would reach a stability, Elma would no longer have to worry about. Having already seen Elma's home many times, M saw that she rented an apartment for 2 people and that was very detrimental to the blue dragon. The boy will have a place to live better, both of them would help each other.

『That's what happened Kanna』.

Tohru looked at the little dragon, who had her gaze lowered. It's the first time this has happened to me, why didn't I tell you before...was I afraid? I didn't want Kanna to be sad to hear it.

"I don't want to, M has to stay here, I brought him here...I said I'd take care of him...』

As expected, the dragoness refused, also saying words that I had forgotten.

『Come on Kanna-chan, you may not understand, but it's to help someone, here, even if I leave, there will be Tohru to help Kobayashi and you, I feel I should help Elma-san』 '・ᴗ・`.

Kanna's gaze was downcast, she clenched her fists.

『You already did a lot for me, really, I appreciate it, when I came, I didn't think it was you who would help me, you gave me a place to sleep, now I have a chance to help someone, I'm just doing the same as you』-『I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, but I couldn't do it to someone like you, I still have a lot to learn』

『Okay, I understand....』-Kanna said in a light voice, she lifted her face-『You can't be all your life with me, right?』

Her eyes were about to let out some tears, I could see them forming in her eyes.

『Not for now, but one day, we'll be together all the time, right?』

Kanna suddenly moved to hug me, she hid her tears by leaning on my clothes.

『You were still picking me up from school, we'll still play, we'll still eat together, you'll still give me love....』

『Of course I will, I promised I'd be a father to you, even if it's impossible, I'll keep at it, it's not like I'm going far away either, I'll come for several days and we'll do everything you said』-I also went over to hug her-『Save those tears for later...』

Despite being a little ni��a, she tries to understand the situation of others, putting aside her own desires, which every child has. I saw that she was wearing the bracelet, I felt that even though we no longer live together, I would still feel her close to me.

『See ya』

I would pass by to say goodbye with a smile, where the door with a soft noise, the dragons and Kobayashi let me go. Kanna was touching her chest.

『Do you think, that's how my parents felt about letting me go...』

Kanna was asking a question to Tohru, who had seen the whole scene.

『Well, to be honest, I don't think so』




It was already evening, and Elma was coming home tired from work, she took off her shoes and undid the buttons of her coat, took off her sweater and tie

『Ahhh....why does it always feel heavy the first few days after a few days off...』-('Д`)ヾ-『I'm hungry.....』

Noises were heard in the kitchen, Elma was curious and went to check it out.

『Ah, you're here Elma-san, welcome, the food is ready, or do you want to take a bath first?』-It was M who was in the kitchen preparing dinner-『Or maybe you want me?....』('ω`*)

....AJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJJJ NEL NEL NEL Nel, I would never say something like that, ah, what did they think? that I never said that, that last sentence never happened, but it would be something weird to see the truth? M saying that...what does this guy think he is xdxdxxd nor that he was the most succulent, the most papi, en pappu, the admi, those things don't go with me, maybe if he was a waifu yes..... ( ̄^ ̄)The day they make me see things that really that don't go with me, I would surely die of shame, what is this for my mother, I'm just a skinny kid to the bone, with little strength and on the subject of that, I'm not beautiful, but I'm not disgusting either, I just tell myself that I'm normal, that's right, I'm normal, that your granny, your mom or your aunt tell you that you are the most beautiful thing.....that's not true! There was a time where I believed it, but when I knew the reality it was like... "I was fooled my first years of life"...Let's continue, I think I exploded a little bit.

『Food! The first thing is food!』

Quick was Elma's decision, on the table was all the food I made, seeing her happy made me happy too. She finished eating very quickly, I was just getting started.

『Thank you for the food』(≧▽≦).

『You can go take a bath, I'll take care of the dishes and everything』.

『You really did it M-san』-Elma started to speak-『Thank you for all the help you are giving me, I will also continue to try my best so that we can live peacefully』.

Elma was bowing, she was telling him not to worry, sooner or later he was still going to make this decision, moreover....

『Elma-san.....that looks kind of erotic, don't you think? 』

Tilting my head I said doubtfully, Elma was with her jacket hanging from her arms with her cleavage showing, as she took off her sweater and tie, you could see her shirt, which was also unfastened the buttons.

『Ahh!!! Sorry, it's habit, I promise not to do it anymore』(-゚д゚-).

『Nah, don't worry, those things don't work on me, tenderness will always win in the face of sexiness』. ( -̀ᄇ- ́)ﻭ✧

Elma was passing by to take a bath. A shout caught my attention.

『Wuuuaaaa, it's really ready , and it's hot, and very frothy hahaha』(≧▽≦).

Stop by to say thank you for the food, seeing how from even from afar, I can tell that she is happy, drew a smile on my face. Elma would pass by to dry off, passing by the kitchen, where M had already finished washing the dishes.

『Unbelievable, your wife wouldn't stand a chance with you』.

『Speaking of which, looking at it nicely, I look like the wife, and you look like the husband, coming in late, messing up coming in, eating like never before, yes, good evening Mr. Elma』(^ц^ )

『I'm going to change! It feels something when they tell you that you're a boy when you're a girl....(*'-`*) I can come to see myself as a wife too, when I have free time, you'll see what I'm capable of』v(・∀・*)

『Until that happens, I will be calling you Lord, do you agree?』 ( ̄个 ̄)

『Let's do it, even though I'm a dragon, I'm still a girl, and I'll prove it to you!』

Before, in Elma's apartment, it was all quiet , but, since M arrived, it seems like things are going to liven up around here. M was in his room, where he felt relieved and happy.

『At last...at last.....(⋟﹏⋞) A little bed』 (T▽T)

Since coming into this world, this was the first time he will be able to sleep in a little bed again. Back to sleep in a warm little bed, accomplishment completed.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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