
Chapter 104: Fresh

And well, I find myself walking around town now, seeing a way to be able to do more of what I was doing, holding a newspaper in my hand and flipping through it.

『One hour of anime equals one cocaine shock.....?』-That's what it said in one section-『Haha, that's why I like to keep up with the news, sometimes you can find these little gems among them』 -(^ц^ )-『(Ah, right, I guess you want to know what happened to Elma after that night, though many will already know.... Elma can't go back to her World, and the only one capable of reopening it is Tohru, which she's never going to do.....So she decided to live in this world as one of us, she's working in the same place as Kobayashi-san, I'm glad, she's going to have help from an expert)Ah, this could be it』-Something from the newspaper caught my attention-.

I got to work and picked up the pace.。。゛(ノ><)ノ


In the big world that time I was for a day, an owl was hunting in a forest in order to regain energy, then continue its long and back from its journey. Few wings fell off on his take-off, where by the breeze of the wind they ended up entering a crevice.




『Hay....but how tired I am, I'm hungry so let's hurry back』-Kobayashi was leaving his work-.

『Good job Kobayashi-san』-Takiya was respectfully addressing his partner- 『San』.

『Yes, likewise Takiya-kun』.

『Ah! Good job Kobayashi-senpai and Takiya-senpai』-Elma was also leaving work-『Since there are the 3 of us, why don't we go for dinner, there's a restaurant nearby (≧▽≦)』

『Oh, that's not a bad idea, although I'd rather drink to relax, there's a place where we go from time to time, no Kobayashi-san?』-Takiya suggested-?

『Tomar?....And at that place you can eat too?』

『Of course, we can order to go with the drink』.

『Then yes I'm in!(≧▽≦) What do you say Kobayashi-senpai?』

『Ah?,what?,yeah.....it's true that I'm hungry, but I'd rather be home first to rest』-『Sorry guys, another day, see you tomorrow』(^-^)ゝ.

Kobayashi was walking away, while her co-workers and friends at work watched her as she walked away.

『We can postpone it, it's more fun if there are more people, don't you think so Elma-san』-Takiya was giving a comment-.

『I agree with you, many say that food tastes better if it's in company』(^ω^).

『We'd better hurry back home too, there are people waiting for our arrival』.


Kobayashi walked quietly and slowly, this was more because she was tired from her work, it was night and the wind was blowing.

『(Eh? That's not M-san?)』

Kobayashi noticed that M was also walking around the city, the 2 of them met.

『What's strange to find you here at this hour, were you drawing or walking around?』 -The adult was addressing the young man.

『None of that, I just think it was time to act grateful again, yes time flies, when you grow up you see it differently』.

『When I was little, I remember an hour was like an eternity, after having fun like any little kid, I notice that I only spend 15 min』 -'・ᴗ・`-『That's how I felt it, at least』

『Hahaha, but what memories, ah! and also when I was in class, if there is a clock in your classroom, all your attention goes to that, watching the hands move so that it points to recess or dismissal time, just doing that was like doubling the hours of class (^▽^)』 -『Although that I think that only applies to elementary schoolers, although it's just in my case...』-『I don't understand why I thought that the more things I did and the faster way , the time would too, but what idiots we were (─‿─) 』

『Primary school? Sure, you didn't even complete junior high school let alone high school』

『Within 2 months of entering middle school, I was swallowed by the portal, and in the third world I didn't want to resume my studies, so we could say that I am officially brainless and bad in our society』 。^‿^。-With a smile I finished those words-.

『But it wasn't your fault, it was something you couldn't avoid』.

『But I could have on that occasion and I didn't do it because of my mood』.

『And how about finishing your studies, they say it's never too late to learn』.

『May be, you tempt me you tempt me, but I think I'll pass for now, I know that someday, I'll be a student again』-『(A student....if everything had gone on as normal, I would have finished my junior high school with my friends, and we would have entered high school together..... I wonder, how would that experience have been)』-My look and expression gently changed to a downcast-

『You don't cum for that, it was inevitable if that was your destiny, you could have been a normal or a good student, graduate from junior high and high school, take the exam to enter a university, spend a few long years on that campus, so that at the end of it all, you are an employee of any company』-Kobayashi spoke sincerely-『I think that what happened to you, is something that I would have liked to live, what can you do, this is us now and everyone must accept it, whether good or bad』.

It's amazing what this woman can do, just by seeing me in those little seconds, I calm my little, doubtful and even sad thought. And all with that calmness and tranquility that she transmits. That she says it that way, makes her words more realistic.

『.....*smile*I'm going to finish my studies, to see in that time what I became, although I don't think I'll change much from now until that day』.

The wind was blowing , Kobayashi ducked his head to not feel the cold.

『Let me do something』.

I took off my scarf and stretched it. I shared it to open up ,for that night, while we were going back to the house, I tied the red scarf on us.

『How warm....Thank you so much M-kun』

I just replied smilingly, I looked out of the corner of my eye, I noticed his cheeks were slightly red, I don't know if it was because of the cold or something else, well, let's go back home quickly.


『Good evening Kobayashi-san(≧▽≦).....EH?!』�(゚□゚*川-Tohru was the first one to greet us-.

『We're back』-Kobayashi was taking off his shoes.

『Because you two.....are back together.....and besides....joined by a scarf....』-Tohru was about to burst out in anger-.

『Eh? No! Wait, we didn't do anything wrong, we just got back together, I shared the scarf with her because of the cold, nothing else, listen to me Tohru-chan!』

『You betrayed me, you vile traitor, Die!』∑(ΦдΦlll-I was preparing a powerful attack from her mouth-.

『Now what treachery are you talking about!!!!! Fucking stupid jealous dragon motherfucker!!!!(ʘ言ʘ╬)』


That night, Tohru repaired the apartment with her powers, while I prepared dinner.

『Your food is always very tasty, and the coffee is a wonder』-Kobayashi quietly pleased.

『Gra....thank you hahahaha....(;'∀`)』

Tohru kept looking at me with a murderous aura, all her hatred focused solely on me.

『Buuu.....amargo.....』-Kanna took a sip of coffee-.

『You're still a little girl, when you grow up your power is going to increase, and you'll be able to drink coffee like me』(^-^)_日-Take a cup of coffee until you finish it in a single batch-

『Whoooo, you're really strong M, and so are you Kobayashi-san』.

『Adding milk and sugar maybe you can finish it, I'll catch up with you a little』.

『While you're at it, could you pour me some more coffee please?』-Kobayashi was asking for another round-』.

『Sure sure, no problem at all....』-I had Tohru in front of me, I don't think we had ever seen each other so closely before, her eyes really penetrated my being-『Or maybe yes?....』

That day, was the last time I could to be with Kobayashi alone, I always came like a bullet to accompany her or interrupt Tohru, besides I think my life was in extreme danger.

『(I hope I didn't regress in the relationship with Tohru-chan.....I hope...)』




Again, after hard work, Kobayashi couldn't take it anymore and threw himself limply on my bed, by bed I mean the couch in the living room.

『I'm sorry M-kun, but I can't take it anymore....can you touch me?』

『Oh, tonight too, yes, no problem at all, I'll make you feel very good』.

『¡¡!! Damn M!!! In the living room!!! And in front of Kanna!!! I can't leave them unattended for even a second!(╬ಠ益ಠ)』-Tohru was coming over all upset-『At last you show your true intentions, I...I...I...also want to do that with Kobayashi-san!』

『¿? Do what? Wait, you're going to attack me again without even listening to me again, you're to be feared my good Tohru-chan』.

『HUUmmmm, but how yummy! Keep it up M-kun, there right there, awww, I feel so relaxed』(*'ω`*).

Tohru stared at the scene, Kanna was also watching without saying a word.

『Ma.....mama....massage?』-『You know how to massage?』

M was massaging Kobayashi-san's back with her hands, the boy was making her feel good with the movement of his fingers, that sounds really bad xd.

『These days I discovered that I have potential, ah! you also want to do it Tohru-chan, come on, give it a try, let's see who gives Kobayashi-san』 more pleasure.

I let him free pass to Kobayashi-san's back, for some reason I feel like I offered him a delicacy, that said Tohru's eyes.

『You are offering me that treasureCOPY00I can touch it....do whatever I want, give my all to make her feel good...it's something I always wanted to do (๑♡⌓♡๑)』

The dragoness threw herself at Kobayashi-san, and started touching his entire body without holding back for a second.

『AHH!!! Tohru!!!! What are you touching!!! Also you weigh a lot!!!!! Get off me!!!』

"Kobayashi-san! Kobayashi-san! Maybe I have a fetish of being seen, Kobayashi-san!(●♡∀♡)』

I stood beside Kanna, the loud breathing followed by Tohru and her passion of love, that Kobayashi is opposing me touching her body. It's like I'm watching a rape attempt....

『Now I understand what it's like to be in Tohru-chan's position a while ago(if I close my eyes it's going to be worse)』-(・・;)-『(;'∀`)Kanna-chan, you'd better not watch this, this didn't become funny anymore....』

Kanna tugged me by my clothes, she had something to tell me the little dragoness.


Kobayashi scolded Tohru, the green dragon had a huge bug on her little head. She really felt sorry, she was like a little girl right now.

『Sorry to interrupt, but Kanna-chan has something to tell you Kobayashi-san』.

『Tell me, I'll listen to you carefully』.

Kanna explained to her that the Sports Festival is coming, and she would be glad if Kobayashi-san goes, she is very excited loli, looking forward to the positive response from the adult.

『I'm sorry Kanna-chan, but I won't be able to go that day, I have work』.

Kobayashi's negative answer, left the loli in shock, first time I see her put such an expression. What I thought when I saw it was.

『(She even looks tender like this )('⌣` )』.

Kanna kept insisting Kobayashi to go to the Sports Festival of his school, seeing her asking him made a little piece of my heart break little by little.

『Come on Kobayashi-san, I know if you put your mind to it you can go that day』-I said a comment also asking her-.

『I'm sorry, but work is important』.

『Well, at least try, I know Kobayashi wants to go, but he can't neglect his work, adults mostly make this decision』.

『...Come on Kobayashi-san, I know you can, I'll do whatever you want, but you have to come』-Kanna kept asking him-.

『Here if I can't do any more』-Accept that I've come this far by helping Kanna-.

"And by the way, what's this Sports Festival thing?』-Tohru was curious.

『Every school, college , high school does it, students from all grades compete in different events, most of them are in teams, so you have to be very prepared, the winner of each event gets points, and at the end, the team that has the most accumulated points, wins, simple, isn't it?^ω^』

『If it's the strongest, then Kanna will win without any doubt』-Tohru was motivated-(●●>ω<●).

『I said that most events are done in teams, not only Kanna has to be strong, but also her teammates, too!!!! And why does it have to be Kobayashi-san, we can also go』

『It has to be Kobayashi-san, she's the most important』.

Since that day something changed inside M, something broke...M's heart, ended up being destroyed with those words from Kanna. Tears fell from her eyes as she followed with a smile the boy.أ‿أ

『Are you crying? I'm annoyed too, but ..... humans really are sentimental』-Tohru noticed my little scene-『Hey Kanna, why does it have to be Kobayashi-san』-ఠ ͟ಠTohru expressed her annoyance with the loli-『We're available, look, because of you M is turning to ashes』

『Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.....』

『All my classmates' moms and dads will come to see you, also Saikawa's parents will come, Tohru-sama you're like an older sister, Kobayashi-san is like my mom, and M is like my dad』

『DAD??!?!....』-Tohru stopped by to see me-『Explain to me what happened here M』(╬ಠ益ಠ).

『On the day Elma came, Kobayashi said a comment to M "you see Kanna-chan as a daughter"』-The loli counted-『That makes Kobayashi my mom and M my dad, they are like my family, and I want us all to go that day』.

『.....I understand.....but still like that, it bothers me...』-Tohru calmed down-

"That's the second time someone called me mother, do I look that old?』-Kobayashi was confused.

『I am 115 years old, so it would be normal if I also had grandchildren』(゜.゜)-She was saying a comment- ゜.

『But physically you don't look like it』-Kobayashi answered me-『Wait, many of my schoolmates already have children.....I feel like I'm in the ground』(-.-;).

『(Then I will be buried under the ground(^▽^;)Hahahaha....)』

『But well, I'm sorry Kanna-chan, but I won't be able to go after all』-『You'll have to go with your big sister and daddy』.

『Forget it, if you're not there, it wouldn't be the same』-Kanna was going to her room in annoyance-.

『Ah! Kanna-chan wait, daddy's going, he'll be cheering you up all the time』-I was following him to try to calm her down-.

『I love Kobayashi-san』-I shut the door of her room in my face-.

『(Call it clear who she wants more)』.

While in the living room, Kobayashi and Tohru were having a talk with each other.

『But I still don't understand, it's so important for the parents to go, I'm not her mother but for her it's important』.

『Kanna sees you as her mother figure and the event is important to her』-Tohru replied.

『I don't think so, I'm not very responsible in that matter and in many, my parents never went to a Sports Festival, they always put work above everything, I understood it since it was to bring up the family』.

『Kanna's parents left her to her own devices and abandoned her, with the reason that she will become stronger like this and keep the legacy of the name Kanna Kamui, she was always naughty and didn't take it seriously, in the end they exiled her to this world』

『Well it was something to be expected』-M appeared in the hall-『She is a little girl after all, even if she is from a powerful race like dragons, someone newborn and small, she needs the love and affection of people who care for her, I will give her everything she should have had from the beginning』.

『...Even if you say so.....I see that after all if you are more mature than I thought, taking those kinds of responsibility so easily, is something I envy about you M-kun』-Kobayashi was still hesitating and thinking it hard-.

『*tsch*-I still can't believe, that they would abandon such a pure being like Kanna-chan』-She squeezed her hand tightly-『I'd like to hold them in front of me and tell them what I think』.

『I'm going to sleep, there's work tomorrow too』-Kobayashi was retreating to his room-』.

My parents, they always supported me in every possible way, there was no request , favor or a "help" they denied, they gave everything for me, their affection and love, they were always at the Sports Festivals supporting me and accompanying me, my expression may be null, but deep down I thanked them for everything they did for me, my sister and I were blessed to have people like that who would watch over us, I will give Kanna, the love my parents passed on to me.




『All right children, we'll go out to the playground to train for the Sports Festival, everyone be ready』.

The children went to change, as they were leaving the classroom, Saikawa saw someone outside. A boy was loitering and hiding around the courtyard, his red scarf gave him away.

『¿? (What's M-san doing here?)』-『(Is .... coming to spy on us while we're changing!!!(-゚д゚-)』


『Everyone's ready, okay, first let's do an exercise routine to warm up』-The teacher was leading the elementary school children-.

A boy wearing a red scarf, sports clothes that he always wore , appeared in front of everyone in the courtyard.

『¿? Who are you? Can you please tell me』-The teacher asked.

The children were confused, looking why a young man appeared in front of them.

『(If it is M-san after all(*゚ー゚)ゞ)-Saikawa confirmed-『(What is he doing here?)』

『I am...Kanna-chan's Dad!!!』∠(`∪')-I said proudly, with a smile and my voice raised high.

The children were normal, not surprised by anything.

『(EEHHHHHHHHHH????!!!Dad?!?!!!』-(∂△∂;)Saikawa was more confused-.

『Wow, good morning Kanna-san's father, you look very young, no one would believe you that you are a father, and what's the reason for your visit?』-The teacher was happy and curious-.

『(Did he believe it????!!!!ΣΣ(゚Д゚;))』-Saikawa couldn't believe what he was seeing-.

『Until the day of the Sports Festival, I'll be your Personal Master』-M no doubt he said it-『Together we'll rise to victory』.

But what mothers? M is going to train a bunch of elementary school kids, nose we, but he looks fresh to the pana(`-ω-'๑).

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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