
Chapter 101: "A".




『(◎'〇`◎) \('O`)/ .....I'm already recovered....(*-ω-)』

Stretching his arms he walked out of Kobayashi-san's room. With a yawn he implied that he had just woken up.

『It's nighttime?.....I don't see anywhere of the others』

Using my sensors, I was able to locate where the others were.


『How nice it is to see the stars』-Kanna had her eyes raised-『How long will it take to count each of them』.

They were gathered on the rooftop of the building.

『What did you bring us Kobayashi-san for?』-Tohru was addressing the human-』.

『I won some fireworks in the shopping district, I think it's a good idea to end the day like this』.

『Owww』(∩╹□╹∩)-Both dragons were excited-.

The little box put it on the ground, lit the fuse and they waited for the show to happen, they were on guard both dragons in case something happened.

The door was opened.

『Good evening』'・ᴗ・`-It was M who in her human form greeted-.

『It's you M-san, sorry for not calling you, you were so peacefully asleep that I didn't dare to wake you up』-Kobayashi commented-.

『Don't worry about it』.


The firework had already ignited, splashing and giving small explosions in a small range. The firework was a volcano, and in less time than I thought it was over.

『But how disappointing』-('エ`;) But how ugly it is to end the day like this-('エ`;) But how ugly it is to end the day like this-('エ`;).

『Is this all Kobayashi-san?』-The green dragoness asked-?

『Yes it is』.

"And to think that I was fascinated by this as a child...』- He commented dejectedly.

『It can't be...』-Kanna also felt the same as us-.

"I can create something so much better!

She inhaled as much as she could, watching her cheeks puff out became curious to me. He raised his head and began to spit a sea of fire towards the sky. Small fragments of his attack dissipated and expanded, they put on a much better show than that box.

『Owwww』(∩╹□╹∩)We all reacted in the same way-.

『This is much more impressive Tohru-sama』-Kanna was jumping up and down showing her joy-.


『You know you're not being understood at all』-Kobayashi commented-.

『I can even improve it』.

I switched to my Lucario Form and stood next to Tohru, I also opened my mouth and started to gather aura , aimed the lower part of the flames and launched my attack. Our attack combined and now the fireworks were enhanced, now I had added a blue color that expanded my aura all over.

『Incredible too M』-Kanna started running across the rooftop.

『It looks amazing, but I think we should stop』-Kobayashi suggested-.

『I want to do it too』.

『Eh? espe...』

Kanna stood next to Tohru too, opened her mouth and started gathering electricity, just like me, she threw it at the bottom, now our 3 attacks combined, adding lastly to the firework, sparks and small fragments of electricity to the starry sky.

Turning my gaze, I noticed Kanna making a small scream.


Then I also decided to do the same.


We were both starting to raise our voices saying "a". Tohru was confused, but decided to play along anyway.


Now all 3 of us, we would say "a" when launching our attacks.


『What is this, now they have become opera singers? 』-(;^ω^)Kobayashi didn't understand what this became-.

In addition to the beautiful firework that bathed the sky, we were also gifting them with our "A" song to the world.


The next day received a short sermon from Kobayashi-san. Number one, for unconcealed use of our powers last night. Number 2, for having overdone it with the time in our combat. Kobayashi-san were shouting that time was up a while ago, but we didn't pay attention to it because we were having fun.('∀`;)

『Hey, guys! Time's up!(;゚Д゚) Stop fighting!....You can't hear me....(-"-;A』

While they were lecturing the 3 of us, yes 3, Kanna is also here.

『Well, and you Kanna...Be more careful for the next '・ᴗ・`』

『It's okay Kobayashi-san』

He walked and got out of the sermon so quickly and simply. Well, I think I would also do the same thing, but anyway, both Tohru and I were dumbfounded ; ̄ロ ̄)( ̄□ ̄;)

『Can I eat the pudding that's in the refrigerator?』

『Of course, it's M-san's, but I think this little punishment will teach him』


I watched from the sofa as Kanna ate my pudding sitting on the chair.


『My pudding』╥﹏╥




『Owwww! This sure brings back a lot of memories』(・w・)-I was in nostalgic mode-.

『But what the hell is going on here!』⁀⊙﹏☉⁀-Tohru was confused and shocked by such a scene-.

『It's the line to enter the Comiket』-Kobayashi answered her.

The Comiket, is a dōjinshi market that takes place every year, in the months of August and December in the city of Tokyo. The Comiket is currently held at the Tokyo Big Sight convention center near Odaiba. It is supposed to start at 10:00 am but due to long queues, it is very likely that the time will be delayed. And the Dojinshi if you do not know, are amateur works, either drawings of popular series or short manga, telling parodies or original stories of that world, although currently what most dominate it is the Hentai , as a child I avoided it, yes, when I went with my friends, Menhera-chan always covered my eyes.

『Don't watch it! This is stuff for grown-ups!』Σ(・口・).

『Get out of the way .....additionally, I can tell you haven't taken your eyes off them, look, you're all red....』

『It's another thing to see it, and another thing to buy it』(-゚д゚-).

『Then what does he do?』

I pointed my finger at a boy with glasses.

『Please, could I have 2?』-Our friend Rino was shopping quietly, feeling no hint of embarrassment and even less guilt-『Thank you very much』-『I'm back, did something happen?』('ω` )

『Rino!!! (-゚д゚-)...*sigh*I can't take my eyes off both of them』'・ᴗ・`-Menhera calmed down several times-『So let's get on with our visit』

Rhino approached my side.

『Ten』-He handed me one of the 2 manga he bought-『*smile*Have a look at it when you're alone , I think you might be interested』(-‿◦).

Taking a good look at the sleeve that was in my arms, no te that it was one of "H", I quickly blushed and from the first impression that I expected it anyway, I let go of the sleeve.

『Oh, you dropped it, here it is back』-Without hesitation, he picked it up from the ground and again handed it to me-.

『...Thank you...』-(。・・・。) I was trying to hide my nerves by ducking my head and looking at the ground-.

For on the other hand Rhino, this one looked cheerful and calm as always, his look and smile was something that reassured me in several times.

『(Ŏ艸Ŏ)...'・ᴗ・` (These guys) Now yes, let's continue』(^▽^).

He took Rino and me by the hands, where Menhera was the one who encouraged and was the smile of our little group, the joy that even if we didn't want to, we followed her anyway, well, sometimes....Y Rino, who was the one who made the best decisions in every issue we came across, and solved it as if he made it look easy. That tranquility that he transmitted, made us feel that everything was fine, and I....good....good....simply decided to be with them, my best friends.

『But how nostalgic this place brings me』。^‿^。.

『First you told what Comiket is and ended up telling us about your life』-(ー∀ー;) Tohru turned to me-.

『Hahaha sorry, I guess I got carried away』(^▽^;).

Didn't it ever happen to you that when someone wants to tell you something, they end it with something different that has nothing to do with the beginning? It happened to me many times with my teachers, they gave us the classes, everything normal, but from one moment to another they told us a small fragment of their life, yes yes, you will have experienced it too.

『In the end, I think Menhera-chan took away the manga that Rino gave me, but now.....I can buy all the "H "s I want!』 ╭( ・ㅂ・)و

『We have a little girl at home, I recommend you not to do it』-Kobayashi was addressing me-.

『Although, honestly, I'd rather have stayed home with Kanna-chan』-(●≧ω≦)9-『We would have done a lot of things by ourselves』.

『That's exactly why I brought you along, I don't want to imagine what you would do to Kanna-chan under these circumstances』-『Plus you could also help us with the Takiya issue』.

『We have to cover for Takiya for the whole day, right?』-Tohru asks innocently.

『As I said, we're going to help him, so M-san, Tohru, I'm counting on you』.

『Yes!』\\٩( 'ω' )و ///We both raise our hands full of energy-.

Let's go help Takiya since 2 of his assistants fainted and he asked Kobayashi-san for help, in first it would only be Kobayashi and Tohru, Kanna couldn't go since as I said before, there are things that little kids can't see, and also as he said before, he brought me to protect Kanna from the hands of this lolicon, ('・ε・̥ˋ๑) all I wanted was to hug her and that's it. ..They judge me without even knowing me.

『Yes you saw really, I thank you very much, you saved me from a big one』.

We were at Takiya's stall.

"Ah! You also came M-san』

『Great to see you again, Takiya-san』-『I'll help too then』.

『Why didn't you ask Fafnir-san to help you?』-Tohru was addressing Takiya-.

『This....ha....is in a circle of creation』.

Kobayashi was surprised to hear what his friend said. I was surprised too, but in a different way.

『Seriously? That's the way to do it Kuro-san!』ω・)و ̑̑༉⑩

『What's that?』-Tohru wondered.

『I see you are still missing information friend ( ・ὢ・ ) is a group of people who sell things, which they have done to other fans to their favorite artists』-I answered her doubts-.

『You stole the words from my mouth M-san』-Takiya was addressing me-.

『I see that you are getting very interested in our culture, I feel proud for some strange reason』. (๑'ㅂ`๑)

『But why would Fafnir-san do something like that?』-Tohru was still in doubt-.

『I started recommending him, both anime, manga and games, and he started drawing the characters and I see he's having a good time』.

I see『I see』

『Okay, then Kobayashi-san you're in charge of collecting, Tohru-chan you of the line, and you M-san could help us with the boxes and packages, in case we come to need more』

『Of course』-Kobayashi agreed.

『You'll see how strong I am』(9`・ω・ω・)9.

『Well, all right』-Tohru also agreed-『(9`・ω・)9.

Everyone was in their positions, I was at the boxes, so I could open them and put the sleeves Takiya on the table.

『From now on, the third day of the Comic Market is open, thank you for your attendance』.

Tohru held the sign, her impression of how the floor shook from the footsteps was interesting.

A group, a lot, here a thing well together, like when everyone gets together to shop at your little school store, but multiplied by a thousand! People came running, well, they walked fast, but that's running! like a riot but organized, people were going to the stalls to buy their favorite things.

『(Yes....this brings me a lot of nostalgia...Hahahaha look at Tohru, looking confused at the whole scene)』(^ω^).

People came and shopped respectfully and without causing any disturbance.

『Here you go』-Takiya was selling his products-『Next』.

『Thank you very much for your purchase』-Kobayashi was also helping-『-Takiya was selling his products-『The next one』.


Noticing this Takiya saw that he had already finished the manga on the table.


『Here you go』.

A new pile, several piles he put on the table which was again full again.

『Thank you very much M-san』-She was addressing me-『Here you go』.

『I see you're sweeping this, then I'd better bring more packages, I'll be right back』.

I cheerfully leave to bring more boxes and packages that were still missing from the stall.


『(; ̄д ̄) (;'Д`) _ノフ○....Enseriously...am I that weak?』

He had once again stuffed the entire stall with piles of packages and boxes.

『It's time for a break, good job M-san』-Takiya thanked me-.

『Thank you....thank you.....saved by the bell....._| ̄|○』

『I'm going to warn Tohru』-Kobayashi was leaving the post-.

『I'm going to go like this Kuro-san, for sure he's ravaging it too 』.

Arriving at his stall, I saw that there was no line, there isn't, it doesn't exist, my dear friend were dead, he was turning to ashes with the passing of time.


『Don't say anything, or I'll kill you』.

『(Compared to Takiya-san's success, Kuro-san is the complete failure)』-『That's how everyone starts, you don't have to feel down, it's a normal thing, yes?...』.

He remained silent. Take one of his sleeves that is on his stand.

『"Anthology of Curses"』-It was the title of his work-『Sorry Kuro-san, this looks like curses....』

『It's because they are curses』.

『Eh?!!!! Seriously you're selling curses and at a low cost? But the drawing and inking if fine, but being straightforward I don't think anyone would be interested in this』.

『That's what I'm offering, whoever is interested will take it and whoever isn't .... can die』.

『Kuro-san, don't you have other works you've done, even if it's just drawings on a paper, I think you'd sell better with that this time』.

I wanted to somehow be able to see if I can help him, but that he will be silent for a few seconds I worry.

『I have some single character drawings on papers, but they're not quite finished, they need to be inked and one or two other things』-『I didn't bring it since----』

『Then they are in Takiya-san's apartment』-I interrupted him-『I could go and finish them, bring them and you can sell them, I can't assure that it will sell better than this, but at least it's having another chance, do you have the keys to the apartment?』

Fafnir was at a loss for words when he heard what M said.

『Do whatever you want』.

I was happy to let him help him, he gave me the keys and I ran to the apartment.

I was running out of the huge building without having to stop with anything.

『Eh? Where are you going M-san?』

Tohru asked, who was meeting with Kobayashi.

"I'm sorry, but this is much more important now』.

I said as I kept running.

『(I have to get there as fast as possible, avoid all obstacles----)』


I had collided with something, I fell to the ground forcibly.

『I'm saying I have to avoid every obstacle.....』(; ̄д ̄)

『Are you all right M-kun?』

As I looked up, I saw that the one I bumped into was Lucoa, he was for some strange reason I don't know in a bathing suit.

『You look tired, can I help you with anything?』

I was too close, besides being slumped on the floor, PLUS, of her leaning over to help me, I couldn't help but see her huge, monstrous breasts.

『BUGHHGG(≧m≦)』-I quickly got up-『No thanks....I'm fine.....additionally...('A`) Someone get this exhibitionist out of here! 』

I shouted at the top of my lungs, one of the Comic Market security could hear me.

『Please come with me』.

The security lady was taking Lucoa to I don't know where, I didn't care much, I was going on with my destiny. I swallowed my vomit and wiped my mouth.

『(Now yes, no delays!)』

I was running through the city without rest, good thing I used my arms the most, my legs are starting to tire me out, I was never good physically, I would be much faster if I used my Forms, but I can't put myself at risk of someone seeing me. I have realized that I depend a lot on my Forms to be able to accomplish many things.

I arrived at Takiya's apartment, my legs were shaking but that shouldn't stop me from continuing. I entered her home and quickly searched for Kuro-san's work.

『Here it is!』-Pass to my Lucario Form-『Okay! Let's do it!』

I created several clones so that they could help me finish this in a much faster way.

Time was advancing and I was still finishing Kuro-san's work.

『Quickly, we don't have much time』.

『It would be better if there was more space』.

"『We're running out of ink!

"『Ah! Careful, you almost broke it!

"Hey, you almost dropped the pot!

The clones were all arguing with each other.

『Stop complaining and fighting among yourselves!』-『We don't have time for nonsense that's not even relevant, here's more ink, and you, the one in the kitchen, make sure it comes out rich, let's all continue, this isn't over yet』.

I take back what I said before, from carrying the boxes my arms were shaking as I finished Kuro-san's work, but I had to concentrate, anything to help my friend.

『SIGN UP!!!!』-We all finished with the jobs we were assigned-.

『This one was ready too!』-The one in the kitchen was raising his arm-』.

『Thank you very much to me』-『Thank you』-『Good job M』-『No problem M-sama』-『I'm counting on you for the next M』-『I'm also counting on you M』-『I'm also M』

All the clones were congratulating and thanking each other, I kept all the drawings in a paper folder, switch to my Human Form.

『Well, now comes the final challenge』.

Have to go back to the Comic Market before it's over, I don't know what time it is, but the sun is still not setting, the sky doesn't turn orange.

『(Good! I'm still on time, wait for me Kuro-san!』

I was running past a park, to cut way faster, that's when I hear a scream.

『AAAAAAAAAAaaaaa *pom* It hurts....』

Saikawa had fallen trying to climb a tree.

『Then no one can climb it』

Said a child who was with Saikawa. The children looked at the top of the tree.


A meow I could hear, the children were worried that the cat would fall and get hurt.

『...(AAAAAA!!!!! DAMN IT!!!)』

I approached where the group of children and Saikawa were.

『I'll put it down, hold this for me please Riko-chan』.

『It's M....(and he said my name again...(〃▽〃))』

I handed him the folder with all the finished drawings. I climbed the tree, it wasn't that big, but it was complicated for me to climb it as I was extremely tired.

『(ughhhh.....This would be a piece of cake if I had all my strength....)』

"What's this Saikawa?

One of the children was interested in the folder, he took it off to see what was inside.

『Wuuaaa, amazing, it's drawings of anime characters and games!』

He looked at each of the drawings, among themselves they divided the drawings to get a better look at them.

『I think you'd better give it back.....』-Saikawa shyly asked the boys-.

『(I don't think I can make it.....I'm running out of strength....additionally, it's amazing to me that I'm not afraid to climb, I've never done it before)』

The cat was on top of a branch. I had no choice, I jumped from the trunk to the branch, it was obvious that by wanting to hold on to the branch , it would break, I quickly grabbed the cat in the air and with my back cushioned its fall.

『You're fine from what I can see』

Bruised and tired, I watched the cat as I opened my arms.


One of the children said in surprise, as I turned to look, I saw leaves flying across the sky, I was shocked to see it, the force as it fell with the branches and leaves, created a blizzard that blew the leaves the children were holding.

Desperate I ran to chase the leaves, seeing that these were falling, since there was not much wind, I thought I could pick them all up, but when I got out of the bushes, I realized that the leaves were falling into a small pond that the park had.

『AAaaaaaaa!!!!....*sigh*Is it serious?』-I saw how the leaves with the drawings there were falling apart- 『I'm sorry Kuro-san....』

A footsteps I heard approaching, turning around I saw it was Saikawa.


As I lowered my gaze, I saw that in his hands he was holding a drawing.

『I managed only to get one.....lamento this, I shouldn't have let them take it away』.

I was silent for a couple of seconds.

『This....yo....really sorry.....』

In an instant, M was stroking Saikawa's head, despite being tired, he could always have the strength to do this action.

『Ehh?!?!?!?!? This .... aren't you angry?( 〃..)』

『Pissed off yes, but not angry, thanks Riko, if nothing else, I'll get this sold』.

Saikawa looked up, M was giving him a failure of a smile, all tired, sweaty and bruised.

『No way.....(ノ▽〃)(How could I say that to him!!! Besides.....he said my name again!)(*ノдノ)』


After all these events, I was finally able to return to the Comic Market.

『But what a way is this to deliver your work』

Fafnir said upon seeing me, I was totally tired , my breathing was heavy, sweat all over, legs and arms shaking.

『Hahahahahaha...(^◇^;) I'm here Kuro-san』.

I showed him why I ended up like this, why my bones can no longer support me and why I smell so good, all to give him only a drawing.

I sat next to Fafnir to rest, my limbs were like noodles that moved without strength, the drawing I delivered anyway ,Fafnir put it on the table, next to the pile of curses, which, as you guessed, could not sell anything in this time, added that now there is a guy who stinks of sweat in his stall, the percentage of sales, can not fall lower.


When I found out, I had already finished the event, I met with Kobayashi and Tohru.

『Ah! Where have you been M-san for you to end up like this?』-Kobayashi was surprised to see my state-『Ah!

"You're stinking really bad, you need a bath urgently』-Tohru suggested.

"Have you seen Kuro-san? He's nowhere to be found』

『He passed by here a little while ago, he looked down, poor thing』-Kobayashi answered me-.

Without hesitation I ran outside the Comiket, where a few meters away from the building, I managed to find Fafnir who was carrying in a small shopping cart his sleeves.

『There you are Kuro-san』-I greeted him waving my hand.

"I see that you really liked running this day』-『Now what do you want?』

『I'm sorry, it was my fault I couldn't bring all the finished drawings to your stall, many things happened, though I don't regret any of them, I'm sorry Kuro-san!』m(_ _)m

As I leaned over to apologize, I noticed that in his hand he carries the drawing I was able to give him.

A boy passing near us stared and commented upon seeing the drawing.

『Oh, it's a very well done drawing, besides this character is not very popular hahaha』.

『¡¡!! Are you interested in it? Then how about you buy it, even if you can pay us the lowest if you want』-I would take advantage of this situation-.

『Seriously? Then how about 15 yen? That's all I have left over』.


The young man passed to give me the 15 yen, Fafnir was confused, he didn't understand how this was happening from one moment to the next, he handed him the drawing he had in his hand.

『Thank you very much』

The young man who bought it was leaving, saying goodbye to us.

『Okay, here you go Kuro-san, the next time you do it again, please let me know, I will gladly help you』.

I handed him the money and went to join the others. Fafnir stared at the money in his hand.


Upon returning to their apartment, Takiya and Fafnir noticed that someone had left a small gift for both of them. In the kitchen someone had prepared food, they now had curry for at least 2 days

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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