
World 3: Ova 3: Latios and Latias

The sun embraced the earth, the leaves, the rivers and lakes, the flowers and the great trees, the birds singing could be heard on another peaceful day in the forest.

In a beautifully crafted tree house, two people slept quietly and peacefully in separate hammocks, two beings that are considered legendary, having great strength and even greater strength because of the "Awakening of the Metamorphosis". Feared and admired by many, their very presence intimidated by their ways. They were serious and highly mature, it was difficult to meet them as they are not very sociable, or so they say.....

『Come on Onee-chan (。'-д-) It's morning already, we have to prepare breakfast....』

Latios squinted and staggered in front of his sister's hammock, who was still sleeping.

『5 more minutes....I'm still sleepy('~`)』-Latias refused to wake up-.

『I'm still sleepy too(◎'〇`◎).....*sigh*I told you to go to sleep early, but you kept staring at the hat I gave you....』

『It's just that it's very pretty Onii-san (。v_v。)』

At such a reply, Latios smiled for a few seconds.

『If you don't wake up now, I'll take off your hat and the whole breakfast will be just for me』( ̄▼ ̄).

Latias quickly opened his eyes and stood up in a few seconds.

『That's not it!』(゜ロ゜)

『¿? (・∀-d) Late, I'll do it anyway』

『I won't let you eat all your breakfast!』(>Д<)ゝ"

『(Not that he liked my gift so much?)』(;・∀・).

Another entertaining and energetic day was beginning for the brothers Latios and Latias.

They went to a nearby river, the current was gentle, so they started fishing with their hands, swiftly winnowing the fish ashore. They made a campfire where they cooked the fish.

『( ̄w ̄)Ψ Delicious, be careful of the bones Onee-chan』.

『Don't worry Onii-san, one doesn't make the same mistake twice』.

Latios continued to eat quietly.

『I mean it for you Onii-san』(^ω^).

Latios bit down on something, a pang could be heard.

『Maybe it's 3 times.....』-(; ̄ー ̄川-『We won't eat fish again for a while....』


The brothers were flying through the skies with their wings, going again to a village near the forest where they are staying to live temporarily.

*tap* *tap*

『Look at nothing else! It's their first time being late, so I forgive them』-(●・ω・)b- A restaurant owner cheerfully greets them-.

『Thank you very much again for allowing us to work here with you sir』-(^v^)- Latios kindly greeted him-.

Latios on the other hand was behind his brother, she was nervous and very shy.

『Nothing to see young man, rather again thanks to you, since you started working here , the clientele in more frequent and the atmosphere in more fun, yes , I think so, I'm going to raise your salary! 』(*ゝ∀・)v

『Enseriously (ꉺᗜꉺ). Thank you very much, well Onee-chan, today we also have to give our best』(`・ω・')9.


The brothers started working some time ago in a restaurant, they did it to get money to buy several things this way, this is how he bought his hat for Latias, second for Latias to lose a bit of his shyness with strangers, of course this was Latios idea.

The 2 were already ready with their uniforms, they were waiters ready to serve their customers, their uniforms was black and white, typical, Latios looked totally formable and all gentlemanly, while Latias looked cute in his uniform with skirt he had.

『Let's strive Onee-chan』-Latios looked at his sister-.

『I'll try to get better』●﹏●.

Customers came and came, Latios like a gentleman but with his boyish touch attended to the women who came specifically just to see him.

『Here's your Omurice』~旦_(^O^ ).

『You could write with Ketchup on the Omurice』-Your customer asked you for a favor-♡^▽^♡.

『Of course, with pleasure, what would you like me to write?』

After I told her, Latios as the pot, I first draw a heart then write the word LOVE.

『Delicious! This is delicious, thank God for working here』ƪ(♥ﻬ♥)ʃ.

『Jajaja(^ω^)( Why are they all asking me the same thing?)』(;~〓~).

Latios was not the best at these love issues. Latios was helpful and attentive to his clientele, while Latios was somewhat shy and even clumsy we could say.

『Here is your glass of water.....』(。・・。・。)

By his Latias trembling, he made the water fall down to his client.

『Sorry, sorry, sorry (¤﹏¤) I'm so sorry, now I bring you another one (☍﹏⁰)』-Latias apologized many times-.

『Don't worry, I come every day to get wet』('∀`)♡-His client forgave him without hesitation-.

Latias quickly went and came back.

『Here's his glass of water again and a handkerchief for him to dry himself』. (^◇^;)

The guy was confused, happily accepted and even started to cry.

『Thank you, thank you very much (ಥ﹏ಥ) for working here, I will cherish this handkerchief all my life, Grateful to the one upstairs!』(T▽T).

He had another customer next to him, who asked him to write on his Omurice. Trembling he started to place the order, a misshapen heart and with the words LOVE also crooked was the plate.

『...Again I did it again』(>﹏<).

The guy started eating like there was no tomorrow , and in the blink of an eye he finished the plate.

『Now if I can get on with my pathetic life』-(T▽T)-『Thank you very much』.

Such was their brothers' working hours, with different customers coming for the same service these 2 gave. It was already lunch time and their working hour was over, the owner was cheerfully saying goodbye to the brothers. Latios was the first to leave the restaurant, where he found that some teenagers were teasing a little boy.

『You'd better stop, if you don't want to get hurt』.

Latios said with all the seriousness in the world.

『Ha? What's a part-time waiter going to do to us? serve us like those women? hahahahahahahahaha』

Latios passed in front of him quickly, the guy was shocked by his speed, he was hit all over his body in an instant. He fell to the ground defeated. His 2 friends were worried and confused.

『Don't come closer! Oh we'll kill this boy!』

One of the boys pulled out a knife and threatened to murder the little boy.

"Huh? What is this..... I can't move.....』

The remaining 2 couldn't move their bodies, he let go of the boy where he quickly went to Latios, behind Latios came walking Latias, he was using Psychic on them, his droopy look was even more noticeable.

『You'd better leave, if you don't want to get hurt like your friend』.

She looked at them as if they were trash in this world, the guys seeing her left....

"Oh my god, she's gorgeous! Sure sure, whatever you say, we'll leave this very instant, we won't bother children again』(⺣◡⺣)♡*.

They took their friend who was on the ground and left the place.

『Shall I follow them? Maybe they are still bothering, with humans you don't know if they will keep their word or not』-Latios wanted to be sure-.

『No need, you could tell they meant it, besides if we see them doing the same thing again, then we'll teach them a lesson』.

『Well, if you say so, I can't refuse my Onee-chan's word』.

『As for those of humans, whether Pokemons or animals, there is always going to see the dark side, good and bad people, I think the "Awakening of Metamorphosis" is for us to be in each other's shoes, how it feels to be a Human or a Pokemon, in the end to understand it and be able to get along better, now that we are 100% human, we can understand it,no? Onii-san』

『I guess you're right, understanding others is what you mean. Whether it's bad or good, you have to know what's wrong with him.....Well, then I'll be a little understanding of others from now on, but of course, without giving up being the way I am』

Latios the only one he paid attention to was his sister, now he wouldn't fight for himself and his sister, but also for others, whether they were bad or good.


Again another day at work at the restaurant.

Latios got to thinking about being understandable and thinking what others think, and asked his frequent customers.

『Excuse me, do you like me?』('◇').

Her client sputtered at the surprising question she said.

『That's right ('∀'●)♡ I'm glad you finally realized, I love you my waiter』-She just declared to our legendary-.

『Love? Love? What's that? I heard it many times but in the end I didn't understand its meaning』(・∧-)ゞ-Latios was confused-.

『To love is the feeling of loving a person very much, where you give her more attention, more affection, where you feel a special emotion towards that person, with which you feel more comfortable and calm by her side, that you could even give your life for her to have a tomorrow, that's love』-His clientele told him with all their love-.

『Amar.....I understand.....then I love my little sister』 -(^ω^)- Latios innocently said-.

Latios who heard the conversation approached his brother.

『I love you too Onii-san, after all you are a special person to me and my family』-Latias if he knows it's love, but he knew his brother so well, that he could tell him that with all sincerity and calmness-.

『That's right, we love each other very much』(^▽^).

The clienteles were confused at such words.

『We got northerners from these 2....』('ж`;)

Obviously, I think it goes without saying this, but I still think I have to say it, Latias refers to love as siblings and not something else, while Latios says that because of the explanation given to him by the client, which totally matches what Latios feels for his sister, which also comes being sibling love. So there's no Yosuga no Sora here >:v

The customers left early today, since there's a festival tonight.

『And now what do we do? We have nothing to do』-Latios looked at how empty the establishment is-.

『Oh, perfect, what I ordered has just arrived』-The owner was outside-.


There was a wooden shelf with many books inside the establishment.

『Perfect, so customers can be cultured while waiting for their food, reading is very important, then I will buy manga』.

『Books? Let's see』-Latios happened to look at all the books there, but I notice something strange-『Here are books of all kinds of genre, whether fantasy, action, educational, cooking, fashion, and everything is messed up』-Sections didn't exist on this shelf-』-『What's the difference?

『You can if you want to read for a while, until it's festival time, and you don't need to change, with your clothes you're wearing you're ready』-The owner suggested-.

『Festival...』('・ω・)...。oо○-Latias was excited about what a festival is like-.

『(^ω^) Okay, then I'll read a book in the meantime, this one, the Daily Life』.

Latios happened to sit down at one of the tables, before he opened his book, his sister sat next to him, she was holding an Astronomy book in her hand. Latios looked sideways and continued with his book.

『Shall we read it together?』-His sister said to him.

『Everyone has their own book, so I'm sorry sis (This is a test to see if I can refuse my sister)』-( ̄个 ̄)-『(Practically already won, since he only asks for a favor once)』

『Shall we read it together?』-His sister asked again.

Before this, Latios was shocked and confused, his face totally changed (゚Д゚;∬

『(Since when does he ask 2 times?...Maybe his shyness is wearing off.....( 〇□〇)I have to stay strong) I'm sorry little sister』-Latios refused again-.

『Shall we read it together?』-His sister asked again-.

『(BUT WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!ゞ◎Д◎ヾ Latias just reached a new level...I didn't think this job would really help him much.....(@O@;)I have to be strong, I have to be strong....) Okay, you win, let's read together '・ᴗ・` (Damn!!!) (#'O`)』

『Thank you very much Onii-san』-Latias was extremely happy-.

『(At last I can't say no to my sister....)』(πーπ)

They both read the Astronomy book together, where it touched on topics such as planets, constellations, comets , satellites, and also of black holes.

『I didn't know that's how black holes die, look, a new thing we learned, but, why Astronomy』-Latios asked his sister-.

『After so long living outdoors, looking at the stars made me want to learn what's outside us, especially the meteor shower, I'd like to see it one day』.

『Be calm, don't worry, one day we will watch a meteor shower, and we will also see a Boreal Aureole together as we were shown in this book』.

Time was passing until it got dark.

『The Festival has already started, you guys can go, I'll stay here to clean up』-The owner cheerfully said-.

"Ah! Right, the cleaning, we'll get to work right away-』.

Before he finished his words, an envelope was thrown to Latios, inside was money.

『Your pay, with that you can go to the Festival, don't worry, I'll take care of everything , so have fun』.

The owner was extremely kind, Latios didn't want to leave him alone while cleaning everything, he wanted to help him, but seeing his sister and how excited she was to go to the Festival, they ended up going.

『Thank you very much, I promise I'll make it up to you one day』<(_ _)>.

Like his sister, Latios was also very polite.

On a hill was the Festival, the lights, the food stalls and games were active, the people with their kimonos, everything looked fun.

Latios was happy, but even more so was Latias, who looked surprised and with a peculiar look showed his amazement.

『This is what a Festival looks like, how beautiful』.

They both entered, the time they were going to take advantage of, playing different kinds of games, be it catching a fish. Where they both swept that game.

Whether it was in the game of pulling a figure with a needle out of a candy mold. (I don't know what that game is called :v).

There you need precision and calmness, where speed may be good, but it's not everything, Latios would try and try, but he would get his molds broken.

『ಠ⌣ಠ One more』-Latios whether or not he wanted to get the figure out of the mold-.

『I succeeded』- 。^‿^。- Latias on the other hand if he could do it-.

Whether in the aiming game with a gun, where they won again, their prize was....a potato \\٩( 'ω' )و /// xd

『A potato?』-Latios looked at the potato in confusion-(゜.゜).

They were already getting hungry, so they went to a Yakisoba stall.

『Here you go, a big one for the couple』-The owner said-.

He had formed a heart on the food plate.

『No( ̄⊿ ̄) no no no, we are brothers, her-ma-nos』-Latios waved his hand-.

『Her-ma-nos ( ̄^ ̄)』-Latias was also putting on the same expression as his brother-.

They kept looking for what else they could have fun with. Walking while eating from the same plate of Yakisoba.

『Onii-san, why are we working? I never thought I'd see you working』-Latias asked him-.

『And that random question? Well, I did it for you, to be able to buy you whatever you want, that was the main intention, but after living as a human, I understood that money is essential, it's not everything, that's for sure, but it serves to calm your whims, for example now, without money we couldn't buy this and play the games, it's important but not the main thing』.

Little by little, Latios understood humans, it was understandable just as his sister said.


After working and saving to be able to rent a house in a city, the last day of their work came. They woke up and had breakfast as usual. Latias this time went to work first, as Latios had to do his cleaning.

A loud roar was heard, Latias noticed it quickly.

An Ursaring was attacking a scout, it attacked him with Metal Grab, the scout dodged the attack, but his backpack suffered the consequences, bills split in half were falling slowly. The scout was afraid.

Latias quickly appeared, with his speed he created several illusions surrounding the Ursaring and preceded to hit him all over his body, in the end he ended up escaping.

『I gave it soft blows so it will be fine』.

He turned to look at the scout who was still frightened, Latias's look of decay was present. He noticed and moved to apologize.

『I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't mean to look like that....I'm sorry<(_ _)>』

The scout was grateful and tried to calm Latias down. Latios appeared in the bushes.

『I saw an Ursaring running away, did something happen?』

『I'll go ahead..ミ●﹏☉ミ』-Latias was so nervous that he ended up leaving-.

The scout ended up telling him what happened, Latios ended up understanding the situation, the bills , the money that the scout had, were torn in half by the Pokemon's attack. Latios thought about it for a few minutes, took an envelope out of his hat and handed it to the scout.

『It won't be much, but at least you got something back』-Latios finished by giving his savings to the scout-.

Latios continued on his way, arriving at the door of the restaurant where his sister was waiting for him.

『Did you give him our savings?』-Latios said calmly.

『I'm sorry, I know it was for us, but he needed it more, besides it doesn't affect us that much, we can get it back』-Latios apologized-.

『No, it's okay, everything will go on as before』 。^‿^。.

Today they worked for the last time, they worked for a longer time to make up for the Festival, the next morning they would start their journey from early morning, their plan to go to another place would not change, while flying they talked.

『They say that in the city where we are going they prepare the best Crepes, with the money we earned yesterday we can buy it, what do you think?』 -Latios turned to his sister.

『Crepe? Sounds delicious』 (^▽^)

After a trip they arrived in the city, they stayed in the nearest forest.

『Okay, wait for me here Onee-chan, I'll be right back』.

Latias was left waiting sitting on a rock, she could start building the tree house, but the journey had her tired, plus she wanted to eat the Crepe first than start making the house.

Latias hummed while looking at the blue sky, playing with her legs and waiting quietly. A sound appeared, in the bush there was something , something was moving, Latias looked carefully and.....

『A rabbit?』-Latias said as the creature came into view.

He spent some time walking around Latias, where she couldn't help but hug him, after a few strokes the rabbit ran away.

『I wonder how the Crepe is, what it will taste like or how it will look like, the forest here is quiet and relaxing』-『The owner suggested us to come here, he says you can live here peacefully, besides it's the home of the guy he defeated God, what was his name? It was a guy I remember they said.....Well it doesn't matter』-『The only thing I remember about God was Lugia, it's a long time ago now we ran into her, we had a battle where she couldn't handle us, her look was....empty....』

Apparently a long time ago now, Latios and Latias fought with Lugia, where he was surely looking for his strength when he ran into them by accident.

『How is he..... will he have changed his expression..... I'll make it too?』

A few sounds could be heard in the bush, it was moving. Latias was happy, she thought it was the same rabbit or maybe another one, what happened next she didn't expect.

A Necrozma came out of the bush at high speed where it attacked Latias without holding back, a Deoxys also appeared attacking Latias without hesitation. She was caught by surprise she couldn't do anything.


Latios was returning to the forest with 2 Crepes in his hands.

『¡¡!! What is this? Latias is moving?』

It seemed strange to the legendary, he was in the place where Latias should be, he left the Crepes on the rock and went to look for her.

He took flight following his sister, this stopped on the ground, I use Psychic lifted the dirt that was there, where a metal door was found on the ground.

『What is this?....here is Onee-chan?.....』

Latios was starting to worry, he decided to use Shared Vision to see his sister's memories and find out what happened, his torment would start here.

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