
Chapter 81: Descending (Part 9)

Karma stretched his arms, the small portal began to suck in a weak form as it rose, but it became bigger and bigger as well as its power of absorption. All the walls, debris, were being sucked in by the portal which reached its largest size which was about 3.00 m.

『We by being so close to the radiation became powerful Pokemons, instead of being normal like most, this, in turn gave us more power than others, a power that is capable of achieving extreme things, with the portal, to an Empty World I'm going to send you all. ....』-Karma began to pant and sweat-『Ah, I haven't said it yet, the explosion that day that changed everyone, everyone called it .... "Awakening of the Metamorphosis"』

Kilar was already out of the portal, putting the orb in care, he was straining to hold the psychic cube, where Latios,Latias,Karma and I were. The portal was getting higher and higher


The cube ended up cracking and breaking from the power of the portal, freeing us all.

『Ahh....the portal is stronger than my friend.....now I'm more worried....』-Karma gasped-『Kilar! Please go far away from here』.

Kilar was confused and worried.

『....I'll do my best not to get sucked in, I'll go the opposite direction you take and-----』-Something stopped Karma's words-.

He noticed that a ball of energy was going towards him, it was close to hit him in the face, the ball of energy was absorbed by the force of the portal.

『.....I'll have to go attack him melee』-M was the one who launched the attack-.

Karma was with his head down, he didn't say any words, until.


With all his anger, the scientist shouted at M.

『Don't mess with the person I love the most in this life』-Karma said with a serious and hateful look-.

『.....』-Latios realized-.

『That's right Latios, you never disappoint, this portal is linked to me, every time I am losing strength and life to maintain this portal, when the portal disappears, I will also die, but....if I get to die before the portal, there will no longer be anything to keep it in check, this one will not disappear and will keep absorbing everything, first the city, then the continent, then the world, then the solar system, then the galaxy, then the universe. ...And it will keep absorbing everything, even the very darkness itself』-Karma was telling us the reason-『So before the portal disappears, I will absorb you and go to different cities and see how the people who turned their backs on me and hate me scream』.

The situation became extreme from one moment to the next.

『If you want to kill me, do it, I'm with my arms up, if you want to see how everything disappears, do it, although I don't want that either....』-Karma turned to look at Latios-『After all, I'll die too』 -Smiled the scientist.

I created an aura field around the portal, but it was easily absorbed, I switched to my God Form and created an energy field around the portal again. But again it was absorbed.

『.....Not even in my God Form can I stop the portal, I can't let it kill innocent people...』-I was tense, I didn't know what to do-.

I quickly went for Karma, I appeared at his side, he walked over to see me and looked at me coldly, as if he would hate me to death for what I would do.

I put my fist away, I regretted it. I moved back to Latios' side and started sending attacks from afar at the portal, energy balls, energy waves. But this one just absorbed them.

『Yes you really are dumb, you were still going to attack me even if I told you that, at least I know you have a brain cell since you stopped at the last second』-『Come on! try to stop me! What's wrong? COME ON! DO SOMETHING!!! you're going to let thousands of people die...it's better than everything we know disappearing』.

Latios looked at Karma as he spoke. Karma was starting to pant and breathe faster than before.

『You have such power and you can't handle this...how pathetic, change my mind, the way to break someone completely and beyond repair, is to destroy their mind and consciousness. I'll go to the cities and start killing people, I wonder.... how you'll squirm until you get to die because you can't save all those people? I'd be happy to see it....』

Karma was looking at us, he was determined to take all those people with him.It started to rise along with the portal, the ceiling started to be absorbed by the power of the portal.

"I won't let you do it!

I said forcefully, I created an energy field more powerful than ever, it was working. The portal couldn't absorb it.

『I'll hold you here for as long as it takes until you die on your own』-My hand was raised up making force with the field-.

Latios looked seriously at Karma.

『"Do it"』-I remembered Karma's words-『"I don't want that either..."』-『"After all, I'll die too"』.


『What?....』-I was worried-?

The energy field was destroyed and completely absorbed by the portal.

『JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA, you can't do anything! just stand by and watch me destroy half the world』-Karma laughed at my failure.

I was tense and sweating, I didn't know what to do to make it all go right.


I felt someone tap my shoulder.

『Can you stop being worried, I know the way to make everything go well』-It was Latios who was talking to me-.

"Really?!? How! I'll do anything you tell me』-Like a child talking to a grown-up was-『Latios-『You need to stop worrying!

『We need a large amount of energy to counteract the portal, an explosion. The portal works like a black hole, these are created from an explosion of a star, but instead of exploding outward, they explode inward and begin to absorb even the same light』-Latios explained-『If we generate another explosion that has a force equal to or greater than this portal, they will end up canceling each other out. This would be thanks to the particle-antiparticle pairs that appear out of nowhere, these would destroy each other almost immediately, but we can't wait that long, so we will create them with the explosion, if these fall near a black hole and it absorbs them, the particle could escape, these have negative energy, it would be like this:Negative energy, negative mass: our black hole is evaporating. It would make the mass of the black hole decrease and the black hole could disappear』.

『Wuuaaa, amazing! You know a lot Latios』-I was impressed by how smart he is-.

『Ahahaha....I must thank my sister, if it wasn't for that day....we would be in danger right now...』-Latios looked at his sister-『I will create another black hole to create faster the negative energy and these will cancel each other out』.

Karma kept rising higher and higher, absorbing everything, it was about to reach the surface.

『Wait..... will we do it inside or outside the black hole?』-I asked.

『Inside has to be』-He answered me kindly-.

『Then..... one of us is going to-----』-My words were stopped-.

Latios looked at me serenely, his peace was unique, they were the eyes of someone who smiles heartily at death.

『Wait.....-let me be the one to do it, you have to go home to your sister, you freed him from her clutches, you have to be with her!』-I was opposing me-.

『You can bring me closer to my sister』-Latios told me without further ado-.

Without opposing I released her from the field, with my powers I made her float and put her next to her brother.

『I promised you that I would free you, and that I did, but I couldn't keep the promise to come back together』-Latios touches his forehead with his sister's-『All this I do for you, I would have liked, to see you smile for one last time....』

Latios shed a few tears on his sister's face.

『M』-Latios turned to me-『Someone who is poisoned, whole body shattered, bones broken, who has a big wound on his chest, should just die....』-Latios walked over to me-『Let me take my last breath for the sake of the world』-Latios's eyes shone and M's too-『-』-Latios's eyes shone and M's too-』-『Latios's eyes shone and M's eyes shone too.

M clenched his fists, he was well tense and worried.

『You know that since you cured me that I had no salvation, thanks to that you gave me some strength and I will be able with it to give.....』-Latios stared at the sky-『All of me!』

Latios took flight in his Released Form heading full force at Karma.

『Latios!』- I shouted in despair.

M appeared in front of Latios ,I was going to hit him so that he would be knocked unconscious and M would make the explosion.But....

Latios calmly, agilely, and as if in slow motion, read M's movements and passed him,in the process he said to him.

『Thank you for your help M....please..... take care of Latios..... I charge you』.

Latios was still flying upwards with all his might.

『But what are you saying.....*sniff* I didn't do anything....*sniff* I didn't do anything....*sniff』-M couldn't hold back his tears and cried, in his mind he heard something-

『(Create around us an energy field and send it into space, the radiation must be powerful)』-Latios was talking to M from the mind-.

『...Yes!』-M wiped away his tears-』.

Rumbling could be heard, Karma was already on the surface, looking at the city happily.

『Ohh.....in the end they couldn't----』-Karma's words he couldn't finish-.

Karma was being pushed and pulled by Latios, Latios started to fly harder around the portal.

『In the end you did come』-Karma was looking happily at Latios-.

『How could I not come, if all the time you were addressing only me』-Latytios started to glow a blue color- 『Karma looked happily at Latios.

『HA, I would have liked to be your friend』-Karma didn't object.

『This.... is for me...isn't it?』-Latios stared at Karma-.

The scientist was saying his last words while smiling.

『I finally understood.....It's my fault.....I couldn't let you die alone, really.....I'd love to be your friend』.

『*smile*If you hadn't attacked my sister, I would have loved to be your friend too』-Latios glowed more blue-『(I'm going to die.....I'm really going to die....)』

Latios' smile changed to a worried one, he gritted his teeth from the sudden fear that invaded his body. His gesture was one of complete terror.

『You're afraid too』

『I'm going to die....*he clenched his teeth and fists*....For the mornings that Latias will be able to live, I have to suppress this terror, and just go as she sees me, as her brother who gives his all!』-Latios was screaming from his chest-.

The 2 were flying at high speed around the portal, it was absorbing part of the forest. Like a paintbrush drawing around the portal, Latios went into the portal taking Karma with him. Latios exploded. Quickly an energy field enclosed the portal. The negative energy appeared and as Latios said, the portal began to behave strangely, it became smaller and smaller, ending in an explosion outside, the portal was gone. The radiation was inside the cube, it rose up and was thrown far out into space.

『I will give everything of myself, I will protect my sister, I do everything for you, I will always love you sister....siempre』

Those were the last words of Latios before he exploded, he searched for his sister, he would fight for his sister, he would leave his pride behind for his sister, he would be cheered for his sister, he would cry for his sister, he would rescue her and hold his sister in his arms.....lastly, he would sacrifice himself for his sister.

M looked up to the sky, in his arms was Latias.

『Your brother should be a hero,no...he's a hero....』

Hero is not someone who fights against villains, Hero is the one who the fights for others just to see those people they saved happy.

『Karma...』-Kilar looked up at the sky-』.

A tear fell from Kilar's eye, just one.

『So that leaves you, Kilar』-Me turned to the Deoxys-.

Kilar looked at me calmly.I switched to my Normal Form.

『You don't feel like fighting, so I won't fight either』-I said calmly-『With regards to the orb---』.

My words were interrupted.

『I will, I will finish your work friend, I will make this orb fully develop and fulfill your words』-Kilar said determined-』.

『That's what I was going to tell you, I won't do anything to you or the orb, I want it to finish developing』-I said cheerfully-.

Kilar was confused.

『I will also respect Karma's work』-I looked determinedly at Kilar-.

『.....But....'m going to go after you to kill you...it's going to be chaos all over the world.You're okay with that?』-Kilar turned confused to me- 『Si_300F↩-Kilar was confused.

『Yes, I'm fine with that, but instead of taking Karma's path, I'll make her make the other decision, that the scientist was taken away from her』-M spoke amicably-『I'll make her see how beautiful it is to live peacefully, and coexist with everyone, instead of being a simple being that only thinks about destroying like other cliché villains, I'll make her my friend and take care of her, like I'll take care of Latias, although I don't know if she's going to be a woman. ..ahaha....』

『Don't get any funny ideas, I'll do my best to fulfill Karma's job, my friend』-Kilar hugged the orb-.

『And I will do my best to fulfill the promise of Latios, my hero』.

The 2 of us looked at each other seriously, turned around and each walked off to fulfill our friends' promises.

"There he is! 』-Shizuna said when she saw me from afar.

They were all running towards where she was.

『Hello....』-With a tired smile I greeted them-.

"She's Latias』-Luna came over to look at her.

"We see she's fine』-Flareon said as he looked at her.

"We saw Latios flying upwards, he was going to the Necrozma and the portal, where is he?

『.....This is needed, talk more calmly, when we're home, I'll tell you about a legend』-I said with a smile-.

『So they finished off all the bad guys?』-Sira looked at the background-.

『Yes, they won't do anything for a long time, everything went well, let's go home quickly so Latias will be better』-I said calmly-.

『You should have seen it, Shizuna had her arms broken, a blue light rushed past us and magically healed Shizuna, that must have been Latios』-Glace was heading towards me-.

"Yeah, look, I'm not in pain anymore』-Shizuna was making movements with her arms.

『(Even after death, you still bring happiness)』-Was what M- was thinking.

At the moment Nihilego wanted to possess Latios, it started to run through the whole labyrinth at high speed to free itself, at that it passed by where Glace and Shizuna were and healed her with Pulse Cure.

『Latios, thank you for your encouragement』-Lea whispered with a smile-.

We walked through the maze until we could find Jolt.

"Ah! You took so long, I thought they left without me』-Jolt was still lying on the floor without being able to move a muscle.

『Sorry sorry yes yes yes, I could never forget the person.....』-M was talking quietly, Jolt was happy because he thought he would say other words-『Who was attacking me when I was in my Ghost Form, but what a jerk』( ̄ω ̄)

『You're a』-(ʘдʘ╬) Jolt was annoyed-.

『As promised, I'll carry you like a princess』-M step to your God Form-(ʘдʘ╬).

They were all walking towards the exit through the maze, everyone was normal, but one wasn't quite right.

『....I didn't expect this honestly』(--;

Jolt was commenting, she was being carried on M's back.

『I feel like I'm a burden.....』-Jolt was not happy-.

『Sorry sorry, but the important one here the Latias, her I should carry with my arms』-M was giving his reasons-『Also it's not comfortable to go this way....』

M was walking hunched over, he was doing it so Jolt couldn't fall and he had his arms down almost touching the ground carrying Latias.

『Ehhhehehehehe you look like a pack mule, come on, keep carrying me my burrito』-Jolt was teasing M-.

『Ohhh...I have to go through this just because you want me to carry you』-M was complaining-.

『What's wrong with you? You have to keep your promise』-Jolt said cheerfully-.

『...Right, I have to keep my promise』.

They were all walking back home.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

Author's Note: I don't know if it's me but.....is the first time I feel sadness for a character in my novel. The characters Latios and Latias were not there when I thought of the story 5 years ago, originally it was that a scientist, yes, also originally it was one, Karma,will capture one of the Eeveelutions, and that everyone was going to save her , in the end it would end up that Karma makes a portal, M hits it and presto, magically the portal disappears and all happy, yes, what I imagined as a little kid really is from someone little.

I'm glad I introduced these characters, especially Latios and Kilar, as I honestly wanted to create characters like that.

Kilar is to give logic to how the Orb ends up developing, that he was working on it, since originally, that being comes out of nowhere and goes after M, yes, not even a fucking logic, it really was someone small. Also Kilar was very important in this arc and having more roles.

As for Latios, what can I say, even I admire him a lot, great Latios!

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