
Chapter 72: Blue Kidnapping

B͇e͇g͇i͇n͇n͇i͇n͇g͇ ͇o͇f͇ ͇t͇h͇e͇ ͇A͇r͇c͇:͇ ͇K͇a͇r͇m͇a͇

It has been about 2 months since I woke up and 3 months since the defeat of God, the big building, in some apartments the sisters live in, they decided to never separate again, as the news of God was spread, the sisters and I were easily recognized by people, at first I was a little surprised and at the same time afraid, but people acted as if they were in my shoes at those times and did not end up suffocating me with the topic nor the others, it made me think that considered are the people of this world.

I was one day in the outskirts of the city, in a forest, training in my God form, I had to make an effort and recover all my power that I lost, while I was training I got curious, I returned to my human form, I closed my eyes, I imagined a being, a being with whom I spent a lot, when I opened my eyes again my body was illuminated with a blue color, returning to my Pokemon form, to my Lucario form.

It seems that I can also transform into Lucario, now I have 2 transformations for the different situations that life will put me in. Well, 3 transformations if we count Mega Evolution.

It was just an ordinary day, a relaxing day with nothing new, it was like going back to those quiet days when I lived together with Syl.

I was in the living room, having my breakfast there quietly. I finished, passed to clean it, I stood on the balcony looking at the city, the day to day life of the city.

『The children playing and full of life, the young people running around with less worries, the adults always in a hurry and with no time at all, and the old people with all the time in the world and can't do anything...』-『*sigh* Nothing of the outside world changed, that makes me glad, but I have changed, and so have my classmates』.

I looked back at those people I said before and in that same order.

『The stage of life, being born and dying.....since I was little I was always afraid of maturity, of growing up, for the first time I feel bad, for being glad Syl did that for me. Thank you again』


A voice called out to me, I looked up.It was Glace waving her hand from her balcony above mine.

『Glace, good morning』^ω^.

Glace kept waving her hand with a smile on her face, she moved to the end of the balcony railings, she held on to the end of the balcony, she was hanging and moved to swing. I was surprised and confused by the action she was doing. She swung even more and more, let go of her hands and with the momentum she went to where I was.

I stepped back a few steps so I could hold her, it was sudden for her to do that, she fell on my balcony, she fell on top of me, the 2 of us were at the entrance of my balcony, my face was between her legs.

『Hyaaa....』-(・'ェ`・)-『Thanks for catching me M...』

I was lying on my back between her legs, I raised my hand with my thumb up.

『Easy, this was my plan after all』(●⌒∇⌒●)b-My voice didn't come out quite right because I was tight-


『You are very active these past few days Glace』.

『Well...I wanted her to be the first one you saw every day』.

『Yeah...I noticed, these mornings were very entertaining and fun』-『You know, how about tonight we have a sleepover』

『It sounds good to me, we'll all be together, talking and laughing, telling secrets like.....who is the person you love or who you'd like to be your partner』-Glace imagined a cute and cuddly sleepover all together-(๑-́ω-̀)

『We can invite the lolis from the 55th floor (@ ̄¬ ̄@) yeah yeah yeah yeah, if you're going to have a sleepover, make it a big one with lots of lolis, also the lolis from the 142nd floor we can invite, yeah yeah yeah, the more lolis the better』-She was fantasizing and imagining the sleepover too-(@¬ ̄@).

『That's why you proposed the sleepover-....』('∀`;)

『And if I'm excluded because I'm a male.....Then let Mina make her appearance again!』(`・ω・')9

『So fond of lolis....』('ж`;)


Someone called the department.

"Who could it be?』-Glace asked in confusion.

『Ah, maybe it's a loli who also wants to attend the sleepover』( ̄ω ̄).

『I don't think that's it』.

I was on my way to open the door.

『Of course you are invited my loli』꒰✩'ω`ૢ✩꒱.

Joyfully I was going to open the door, I saw a boy of the same height as me at the entrance,or well, he was a little bigger than me, he had a blue oriental dress ,a small oriental hat also on one side and blue with white. His hair was white, but blue in his bangs that covered his right eye.

『(She is not a loli...)』-(ノ﹏ヽ)-『(But her presence....is like....of a mystical, legendary being)』

『You're M, right?』-The blue boy asked me bluntly-『(But his presenceis likeof a mystical, legendary being)』.

『Ah... yes, I'm M』-I answered a little confused to his question-.

『I need you to lend me your help』-The blue boy said calmly but serious at the same time- 』.


『Nice to meet you, I introduce myself, I'm Latios』.

『Lastios!』-Glace and I were surprised to hear him-.

『Now that I see it better, it's more than clear just by looking at you』-『You're the third legendary I've seen.I'm so glad』-I was encouraged-『Y.... what do you need from me?』

『I heard that you and the human eeveelutions defeated God, I would have helped too.But I had something more important to do』-『You are someone powerful and formidable, I know that with your help and those of your companions, I will be able to save her』.

『Save her?...』-Glace said lightly.

『Save my sister』-『Normally I wouldn't do it, but I understood that I can't do it alone.... I want us to make an alliance to rescue Latias, please』.

The legendary prostrated before me with its head down.

A friendly legendary with those he trusts and serious, who would rather do things on his own, is asking for help from a stranger, all this to save his sister, blood ties, family, he doesn't hesitate to do everything possible in order to be able to see her again.

『All right, I'll help you in any way I can』-I answered in a gentle and calm way.

『Seriously? thank you, thank you very much』-Latios was so happy that he didn't hold back his smile.

『Tell me, what happened to your sister for us to have to save her』-I turned to him- 『Did I say, what happened to your sister for us to have to save her』.

『Let me show you what happened』.

Latios stood up, his eyes started to glow, the room we were in suddenly changed, it was as if the whole scenery changed.

『I'm using Shared Vision, so you guys can see it with your own eyes.... *tsch* the ones who caused what happened to my sister』.

It was as if we were floating on the stage Latios was showing us.

"I'm using my sister's memories, pay close attention』.

From the field of vision of Latias we were watching, he was calmly walking or strolling through the forest, as if waiting for someone. She noticed a presence, she was quickly hit in the stomach, Latias spat blood, a Necrozma was who attacked her, proceeded a Hyper Beam from a tentacular being, Deoxys was also who attacked her, the Necrozma kept attacking at close range, but it was as if it was suffering when attacking, it ended with a Shadow Ball that left Latias badly injured and knocked out, the 2 psychics took Latias away.

Latios proceeded to see us now when Latias woke up, she was trapped in a capsule, she couldn't do anything. There he saw Necrozma and Deoxys as in a laboratory, it was dark and terrifying.

『You will help me.... 』-Necrozma appeared in front of her, and as if he felt pain he said-.

We went back to the living room of my apartment.

『After that, I tried to save her many times, I know where they are, but some beings that I had never seen before protected and guarded, I couldn't alone with them, they are too strong, I tried several times to save her, she was inside her lair, Necrozma』 appeared.

Saying:『After all, I need you too』.

He rushed to attack me along with all those strange beings, I was determined to fight and confront them, even though I knew I could lose.


A voice I heard in my mind, it was my sister.

『Please run away, run away, onii-chan Onii-chan!』

His sister pleaded with him and even shouted at him in tears.

Latios in tears and sadly had to run away, he made himself invisible in order to escape.

『Forgive me Latios, I'll come back..... I'll come back and save you』-Amidst tears Latios was retreating-.

『That's all that happened』-Latios finished relating what happened-『Eh...what's wrong with you guys...?』

Glace and I were shedding some tears, wiping them away with tissues that were in front of us.

『That's being a good brother, Latios, just know that I admire you a lot』-Sone my nose at the end-╥﹏╥.

『Don't worry, my sisters and I are going to help you』-Glace wiped her tears with her handkerchief-╥╥.

『Of course we will, count on us』-Maya was behind the armchair where Glace and I were sitting-.

『We'll rescue your sister, rest assured』-Anxious and with traces of crying,Jolt was behind the couch too-『-『Cuisa was behind the couch.

"Count me in too』-Flar appeared behind Latios and stroked his head.

『We won't let you down boy』-Luna tapped him on the shoulder and said with a defiant look- 『Lolt-』.

『I can't ignore after hearing that story』-Sira sat in the middle of Glace and I-.

『Here you go, we are all willing to help you』-At the end I smiled at her-.

Latios was confused, he didn't expect this at all, he let shed some tears and made a smile, a beautiful smile, even a serious person, has to let show that side that every living being has.

『Thank you.....Thank you very much』-Latios said from the heart-.

『(By the way.....since when are they here....?)』-I said confused and sweating-.


We embarked to help one person, one Pokémon, we would give our all to make the brothers, see the sunrise together again.


『Here it is』-Latios said confidently-.

We were in the middle of a forest, Latios was looking at the ground, the grass. Using his Psychic powers he lifted an area of the ground, revealing a door in the ground, it was made of metal and was reinforced.

He used Dragon Claw, destroying the door, revealing stairs leading down.

『You are ready, from here, the truth begins』.

We accentuated our heads at Latios' serious words, he smiled at how determined we are.

『Come on』

We started walking down the stairs , in search of Latias.

『(I'll save you this time, sister)』.

We stumbled upon a lower floor, it was spacious and large. Some static sounds were heard. A screen with a metal arm appeared.

『Ahhhhh...you know how many times I've had to repair the door, money doesn't last forever you know?』-In an animated and playful way a person from the screen spoke-『Ow, I see you brought some little friends this time, the boy.....Good morning! and you too....good morning, eeveelutions』

『You're....』-Maya said worriedly.

『She was still alive.....』-Sira said worried-

"Do you guys know him』-I asked aloud.

『He's the scientist he experimented on us with.....』-Jolt said worriedly, I was surprised at that-『You're still alive.....Karma』

『Owww hahahahaha, nice to see you again my daughters, it's normal for you to go back to your father, ummmm....This makes me very happy!』-Karma from the screen cheerfully said-.

『How annoying, then I would be the mother, I don't like it』.

A voice faintly heard from the screen said.

『Ehhhh, come on, don't you like being the mother? ummmmmmm,....then how about we take turns』-Karma turned to look back, she was talking to a voice-.

『Enseriously?』-A light voice answered him-

『Then we're like this』-Karma raised his hand-『I choose to be the father to begin with!』-Animated Karma was-『Karma was-』-』-』-『Karma was looking back at him.

『-Fuck you』

『Is there another person there? I just hear him talking to a voice』-He was confused by what he saw on the screen-.

『It's my partner, he's kind of shy, come on, come here, the new visitors want to see you』-Karma was happy, very cheerful, very energetic-.

He ran out, he was going to bring his friend, a few seconds passed and on the screen Karma was seen flying out by an attack, he was a Psychic. He came back to the screen somewhat dirty.

『Jejejejejejje, he doesn't like to be the center of attention, excuse him, he fell on his head when he was little』.

『That's what I should say!』-The voice replied angrily.


『I thought this would be much more serious.....』-I was kind of bummed-』.

『It must be the Deoxys, I'm sure』-Latios said defiantly-『If that's Deoxys...where's Necrozma』-Latios clenched his fist-『If that's Deoxys...where's Necrozma』-』-『YYYou've got to be the Deoxys.

"And tell me, why did you come here?』-Karma asked.

『I came to save my sister----』-Latios was interrupted- 『Karma asked

『Yes sisi sisi, the usual...understood, I'm sorry, but I won't let your sister go, she's a fundamental piece, just like you, friend Latios』-『I have to thank you for bringing me some old guests, the reunions makes my blood boil!!! and thank you too, for bringing the boy』-Karma interchanged between cheerful, animated, serious, and intimidating-

『That's enough!!! I didn't come here to listen to you』-I said angrily.

"Wow!...did the boy get angry???』-Karma covered his mouth.

『We came to save your sister, I don't want to listen to a crazy clown like you』.

I happened to transform into my God form and rose up.

『EHHHHHHH!!!!???? What's that???.transformed into a fluffy cat???.amazing amazing, I applaud you boy』-With a smile and clapping his hands, Karma congratulated me-

I perched on the roof.

『If it's a descending building, then Latias must be deep inside, I'll go through everything at once and we'll get this over with quickly』.

『Ehhhh????? Hey, that wouldn't be fun, I want it to last a little longer, don't be mean. I'm barely having fun』-Karma was worried-.

『That's the idea』-I looked at Karma from the screen, with a defiant look-?

I launched myself from the ceiling to the floor, I was determined to break through. Karma made an evil grin.

Unexpectedly, a spike pierced my chest before I pierced the floor, everyone was surprised, a shock could be seen, it was a small but powerful shock. I fell fainted to the ground, eyes white and unable to react. A needle, a shot appeared from the floor where I was, it appeared legs and sucked my blood, a hole under it appeared, this one fell.

『Let's see let's see let's see let's see, here it is, I got it Hurray! Now I feel much better』-Karma caresses the injection with his cheek-『Apparently my little friend made his little friend sleep』.

The one who attacked without warning M was a Xurkitree. It was waving its tentacles, its wires wildly.

Lea went on to touch my neck.

『....No pulse.....』

『You mean ....that M.....is.....dead.....』-Jolt said in a worried and sad way-.

The beginning of a new Arc, M was knocked out of combat in such a short time, the appearance of the scientists and the Ultraents makes the situation even more worrying.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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