
Chapter 65: Survival

Hours ago.

『You learn fast, you've got it mastered』-Mewtwo was congratulating me-.

『Yes (-‿◦) Now I have a beam up my sleeve when I have trouble』.

『One last time, just to be safe』-Mewtwo wanted to be sure-.

Lux just watched from the cave.

『Eh....but if I already know....(ꉺᗜꉺ)if I do, then you do too, I want to see you in your mega』 form.

『Fair enough, after an effort comes the reward right Lux?』ɷ◡ɷ

Lux just smiled at her friend.

I proceeded to megaevolve, I stretched my feet a little, and concentrated, my chest glowed a blue color, I strained even more, the megaevolution rays roamed my body. I was enveloped by the colors to finally come out with the megaevolution. I already had it mastered thanks to Mewtwo.

『I have nothing to worry about anymore』(─‿─).

『jijiji』(^ω^)-I was back to my normal form-.

『Pay attention』

Mewtwo touched his chest with both hands while closing his eyes, his whole body began to glow, and in no time he had mega-evolved. His appearance was different, now he was smaller, his short hair became long , his tail had disappeared, his clothes were curious, the sleeves looked like they were the megaevolution's fingers. And it appeared as a...diadem on her head?..... You could feel its great power, and it looked menacing, but to me it was.....

『A loli!』(♥ω♥*)

I quickly went to hug her.

『It's a loli, I haven't seen let alone touched one (灬♥ω♥♥灬)』-『You should stay like this, you look more tender in this form』♡(ŐωŐ人).

I was rubbing his little body with mine, my head was shaking him on his little chest.

Lux was looking at me in a puzzled ('∀` ) way.

『Well, he'll figure it out sooner or later』-Said lux-.

As I moved I felt something with my leg, my leg touched something, as if there was a lump down there.

『.....Eh?.....what is this』-I bent down-『Mewtwo, you're bringing something down there』( 'ー`).

『Ah, yes, I thought you noticed it before』(・-・).

I didn't think much about it to already know the answer, I was a little nervous at first, but then.

『(I still enter it, as many say, with dick is richer, I was already saying that a rag was missing in the story)』(-∀-).

『I'm a futa』('へ').

Hearing what Mewtwo said it was like I was breaking inside.=( ̄□ ̄;)⇒ My body started shaking and being afraid for some reason.

『.....Futa.....then you mean you have a clam and a sausage.....』; ̄ロ ̄).

『Exactly, you're not that dumb, although I thought you knew that from the start』( ̄^ ̄).

『But how am I supposed to figure it out!』(;Ⅲ□Ⅲ;)『With futas do exist....』

『I didn't have sex at first, but after I became human I got what I have below, is it wrong to be a futa?』( ̄へ ̄)

『No no no not at all, it's totally...unique? well, you have the best of 2 worlds. or will it be 3? this is confusing...』('Å`).

Mewtwo returned to his normal form, I saw her skirt , but it was no longer like the other times, from now on I would avoid looking at her skirt.

『(They say futas are gifted in that part...I don't know why.....being a futa I feel I should be careful, I would have liked her to be a rag.....although, wouldn't they be equal in that sense?)(^~^)』-『(Rag is rag, futa is futa, there are no such thing as old ladies with dicks, only weys with boobs, but now I doubt that sentence.....)』

『I'll take you to the nearest town, okay?』-Mewtwo spoke to me-.

『Yes, it would be very helpful』.

We said goodbye to Lux, Mewtwo used his psychic for the 2 of us to fly, I looked for one last time at her skirt, how this one was blowing in the wind.

『(*'-`*).....(Ah, why am I blushing...)』

『It's also a relief that you were able to absorb the stone, I did it a long time ago too, that's why I have the ability to mega evolve without having a trainer』-Mewtwo started the conversation-.

『It's amazing to me that you can absorb the megastone....』

『Now there are 2 of us who can do it』(^v^)『Even though you almost died doing it.....it's very dangerous, if it wasn't for Lux, I would never have taught you this』



It was already dark, Glace and Maya took me to the motel where they were staying. The others showed up in a few moments.

They opened the door to the room.

『Hello』@^▽^@-Salute quietly-.

The sisters were silent and expressionless.

『...Eh?...are they the property of the explore or what?』(^~^).

『¡M!』-The sisters shouted my name-(>﹏<).

Flar and Lea lunged toward me, I fell on the floor with them.

『You're right M, I knew my Onee-chan wouldn't die』(⋟﹏⋞)-Flar's head touched my chest-.

『We were worried about you M』(ノ﹏ヽ)-Lea grabbed my fur-.

『Jajajajaja.....as you can see I'm assaulted』-I was getting up as they retreated-.

『Look at him, you impress me every time kid』-Luna had a defiant smile-

『Good thing it all turned out well in the end』-Sira was also smiling- 『Luna had a defiant smile.

『Of course it did, I can't die until I bring Syl back』(-‿◦).

Someone was heard in the background sozollaring. We looked at who it was.

『M....(;へ:)I'm so glad..... you're well (T▽▽T)』

Jolt was dropping a tear on the floor, I approached her.

『Jolt.....●︿● So worried about me? ( ̄ω ̄)』

『Of course not (︶︹︺) from the start I knew you'd be fine.....Welcome back M (=^_^=)』

Jolt dried her face to give me a beautiful smile, I grabbed her head to hug her.

『Come on, unburden yourself, it's the best thing for you right now, I missed you too Jolt....』'・ᴗ・`.

Jolt understood, and just like M said, she cried on his shoulder, and wouldn't let go since she hugged him, Jolt has trouble making her feelings known, instead of repressing them and hoarding it like Maya does, Jolt just has a hard time showing it to other people and ends up doing something else she shouldn't.

As in the case when she cried at night, she did not want them to see that from her, the next day I talked to her, she did not try to hide that she cried when she knew that she knew, at first she did not take it important, but she could not stand it anymore and said what she thought, here the same thing happened, she showed a little what she felt by telling her that it was okay , because she could not stand that feeling anymore , when she released it a little she decided to hide.

『Girls , I'm sorry m(__)m sorry for worrying you all this time.... how long was it? more than a month I think..... it won't happen again, from now on I won't worry you again』

I was apologizing for everything I caused my friends, they just smiled.

『This is good though.....now I know how fond they all are of me』-(^○^)-『Now I have no doubt that Jolt』^ω^ cares about me.

『Eh?(*'ェ`*) But what are you saying.....You care about me as much as Goku cares about his children.....Nothing』-( ̄へ ̄)Jolt replies to the boy-.

『Eh?.....that's low ( 'ー`) I don't have anything to answer that with-.....』(-,-)

『Hahaha 。^‿^。』-Jolt laughed-.


After that reunion we had, we continued our journey. I told them what happened to me, how I survived, and how I now know how to fight and defend myself, although I still don't tell them about the mega evolution, I want it to be a secret until the time to use it, after days we ran into something strange in the distance.

『What is this?』-I looked at what this was-.

『It's like a wind dome....』-Sira made a comment-

『This is.....』-Luna knew what this was-.

『Then let's cross over, I'm curious to see what's inside』-As I decided that I entered without further ado-.

The others also accompanied me, Luna was the only one who knew about the danger, but she still decided to enter without telling us anything.

We entered the wind dome, from the sky Lugia was watching us carefully.


Inside the dome there was a city, but the city was flooded in catastrophe and hell, everything was destroyed, as if here was a fight of all against all.

『Don't tell me this is.....A Battle Royale....』-It was the first thing that came to my mind-.

Some guys showed up, started attacking us with weapons, I created a field with my aura to protect us.

『You guys are idiots! You dug your own graves when you came in, you must be masochists...or maybe you did it on purpose to fulfill your wish』Quickly, shoot without holding back』.


The guy who was talking was shot in the head. There were more guys who took advantage to kill the people who were shooting at us.

『Seriously, they're killing each other.....well, it's a Battle Royale after all....』-She said as she removed the field-『Hurry up, we have to knock them out before they keep killing each other』.

All of us rushed between them , each of us knocked them out with our skills, we didn't want there to be any more deaths.

『Uff, but now...what do we do with them』-Jolt looked at the place where we had gathered all the men and women-.

『We'll have to take them away and hide them somewhere, going out with them would be dangerous....』-Jolt was determined-

『Watch out!』-I shouted as I rushed at the people-』.

A tremor was felt in the place, in a quick way I made an aura sphere to protect the people, but I reacted late, a drill was inside that entered from the ground, the drill split them and killed in a grotesque way all the people.

『Thank you, I got rid of an amount in a second, now it's your turn』- An Excadrill was the cause of this, it was big, it had a husky and thick voice, it was as if it was an old man-.

『....How dare you...How dare you damn you...』(◣_◢).

I threw myself very angry at Excadrill, my fist began to glow a blue aura. The pokemon attacked with his drill and came towards me, the two of us collided, our attacks resounded, his drill broke and hit him hard in his face, he flew towards a building, where he crashed with great force, he was spurting blood from his mouth, he was unconscious.

『We will stop this once and for all』.

The girls were shocked, they didn't believe what a huge increase in power I had. I am now someone strong.

As we walked around the city again, Lugia from the skies was watching us, apparently he wouldn't stand in our way.

We ran into more people along the way, we nimbly and skillfully knocked them out, with my force field I protected the unconscious men, while Maya levitated them so we could continue on our way. Although we were doing our best, we couldn't prevent more people and pokémons from dying.

『*tsch* This is hell....』-I said frustrated-.

Lugia kept looking down at us from the skies, his expressionless eyes were what gave the most intrigue.


In a building.

It was a building damaged from the constant battles here and all over the city. We hid the people and pokémons we were able to save under the ground, there was a hole and so that the same thing wouldn't happen, I protected them with an aura sphere. Maya with her psychic covered them with the piece of concrete.

『Ready, with this they will be asleep for a few hours』-Maya just used one of her powers-.

『Okay, let's get on with it then.....』

We were leaving the room.

We all get together and I'll tell you what's going on here.

『What's going on here...why are people killing each other....』-Flar said sadly-.

"The people in this town are crazy』-Jolt was also worried.

『*sigh* See----』-I was going to tell them but was interrupted-

『You see, since years ago , God makes a whole population fight each other, as you saw, it's a horror, and the winner of this, will be rewarded to make a wish』-Luna was explaining to her sisters-.

『Luna..... did you know about this.....』-She spoke worriedly to Luna-『Then why didn't you tell us, I only found out when I entered....』

『Wait, if this is going on all over the world, why doesn't anyone talk about this and alert the other people, it's common sense, it's a threat to everyone』-Jolt started to give his opinion-『Wait, if this is going on all over the world, why doesn't anyone talk about this and alert the other people, it's common sense, it's a threat to everyone

『Because if they did it, people would be afraid, and there would be a collapse all over the world, this was discovered that it started to happen 20 years ago, first it happened in not very well known populations, where now there is nothing, there are few people who know about it, but they are threatened not to interrupt, while some cities are in full catastrophe, others live as normal, not knowing that someday the same thing will happen to them』-Luna told-.

『And how do you know this if it's supposed to be a secret...』-Jolt was puzzled-(`へ′).

『What do you think I did all these years, I was behind everything that was going on in the world, behind God, and this is a good chance to finally get him in front of me』

『I guess I should accept that fact.....』('へ')-Jolt was left unsatisfied....-『The creator must have forgotten how to explain in this part....』-『Well, it's been years since I imagined this』

『Let's get this over with once and for all, let's save as many people as we can, in the end it'll be just us』-Luna was cheerful-』.

『But for God to show up there must still be a winner』-Lea made a comment-.

『Lugia is watching, she is the one who verifies before God makes his appearance ....』-He made a comment-

『You noticed it too』-Moon turned to me-『Lugia's eyes are closed-『Lugia's eyes are closed.

『The weirdest thing was, I couldn't feel any emotion in her』-『It was as if .....was that same feeling as from that time....』

『And say it, how are we going to do it』-Maya spoke to her sister-.

『Isn't it more than obvious...participating us too, fighting to the death』-Luna was serious-(  ̄︶ ̄).


We were coming back from outside, we were bringing in more people than we could save. I moved my sensors.

『There's someone here....』

The others became alert.

『...Calm down.....she's not going to fight』(^~^).

I confirmed that there was no danger. We walked into the building, the person here could be heard moving. I decided to follow him.

He was moving through the stairs and passages of the place, until he stumbled down a dead end passage. I could feel her fear and worry, she sat down and covered her face with her legs. I walked and walked slowly towards her, her fear growing bigger, until I appeared in front of her.

『Hello』-(^ω^)-『Don't worry, I won't do anything to you----』

Her tail started choking me, she jumped up and we went around a few times, I took the impact while she kept choking me.

『Wait---as-fafsa----dafafafaf---I'm your friend---afarr--』

As I made an effort to lift my body and hand, she squeezed my neck even tighter as she saw me lift my arm, she thought I was going to hit her.


I was stroking her head, she reacted to this, and started to squeeze my neck less.

『I'm your friend.....si....』〔'∇`〕

She stopped choking me, the others appeared in the dead-end passage, the one who choked me was confused. The others reacted in alertness. They were about to go for the one who hung me, but they were stopped by the next move I made. My neck was so limp that my head fell face first into the girl's breasts. I was passed out from lack of air. She so see this, her eyes shined and she put her arms on my back and hugged me, while sticking her face to my face.

『Ahhhh.... What's going on here?.....』-Flar was confused-(・∧-)ゞ


『I introduce myself, my name is Shizuna(^v^)I'm a Dragonair, sorry to attack you out of the blue』(︶︹︺).

『No no , if I were in your situation I would have done the same thing too』-I calmed him down-('∀`).

『You are one of the inhabitants of this city』-Luna spoke to him-.

『That's right, this city used to be beautiful , pokémons and humans got along well, even when I was a pokémon to a human they still treated me well and taught me the life of a human, but God appeared and proclaimed his laws, at first no one wanted to, so Lugia started to kill people, saying that if they don't fight , at this very moment everyone will die, hopelessly we all heeded out of fear』-『I survived these 3 days by escaping and hiding, in all this time I haven't eaten』(*'_ゝ`).

Shizuna's guts have rattled all over the room we were in.

『You can eat as much of our food as you want』(*^_^*).

I kindly offered and gave her our food. After we were already satisfied we continued our conversation.

『I'm not capable of doing such a heinous thing as killing to achieve a goal』-Shizuna lowered her head-.

『Then just don't do it, since you'll still achieve your goal』-Muna suddenly spoke-.

We all stared at her in confusion.

"Tell me, would you like to make your wish come true』-Luna approached Shizuna.

"What do you intend to do? ....』-I said in a low voice.

『I would like everyone who died, to revive, that's my wish in the face of this tragedy, if it's like you said, that without killing I can achieve it, then I want to do it, I hadn't thought of a wish before, if you give me that chance, I will do it』.

『You heard it everyone, let's help her grant her wish』-Luna turned to us-.

In my mind I still didn't understand what Luna was thinking, but she was so confident and sure.

『I said it before, it's time to kill us』.

Luna said with a smile to all of us.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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