
Chapter 63: Lucarionite

God is not what I think? Careful? Fights all over the world? Disappearances?

There we go again, something that is not what it is. But still, whether it is a mere rumor or a lie, I will go and have face to face with that God, I still have hope that I can get my wish, hope to see Syl's smile again.


I've been here for a while now training with Lux, that's what I call her, creactive isn't it?(-∀-)------...no?...okay.....(-,-) My increase in power has been incredible, I went from knowing almost nothing to being what I was before, a guy with strength and skills, although it doesn't compare to my God transformation, at least I'm already someone decent.

『You're still training, do you still want to be stronger?』-Lux looked at me from the cave.

『That's right, I've had an even more superior form than this, a stronger one, where I was already strong without even releasing its full potential, I must at least reach the power I had before, that's my goal, the truth is I'm not interested in fights at all, but in the situation I'm in, I need to be strong to come out victorious, for a long time now. The feeling of fighting makes my heart beat』ɷ◡ɷ.

I was talking while doing my workouts, I went from doing various moves and punches to just standing there looking down.

『.....¿? Is something wrong M?』(・∧-)ゞ

I began to clench my fists and teeth, anger entered me accompanied with sadness.

『....What's wrong!!! I haven't seen even a loli for years!!! .....What a loli (┳Д┳).....Syl's sisters....none of them is a loli.... since I came into this world I haven't had a loli near me!!!!! (┼д┼;) Being here a long time, in this desolate ,sad place, alone training and having as my only companion someone who is not a loli (ಥ﹏ಥ). ....Hahaha...jajajajaj....ajajajajajajajja...( ̄∇ ̄) When I get down from here I will abduct a loli and have her always with me jajajajajaja (;・∀・)』

『.....(; ̄ー ̄񝷝 I somehow affected him being here...he's going crazy (-"-;A』-『Less now I know he's a damn lolicon *sigh*』



『Here, let's see if this calms you down』

Lux gives me a handheld console.

『...Uooooooo!!!』-(☼Д☼)-『Why didn't you give me this before!!!? (-゚д゚-)This is unbelievable....now if I feel like I can hold out a little longer(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ』

What I had in my hands was a game where you could interact with a little loli, I guessed her friend, boyfriend, or even get married, it was what I needed to not go crazy.

『I'm lonely.....(*'I`*)』

『Be calm, I'm here for you always, I'll give you all the love and affection you need M-kun...@^▽^@...But I'll only do it if you say you love me』(♡'艸`).

『I love you!!!I love you!!!I love you!!!Please stay with me always!!!』(灬♥ω♥灬)

『I love you too』♡^▽^♡.

『Is this the feeling of love('∀`)♡It is too much for human beings, if you excuse me Lux, I want to be alone, let's go on a date』( ̄ω ̄).

『....(-.-;) Does he like those games that much? It's disgusting when he behaves like that...damn otaku』(・・;).

I was going to another room with the console in my hands while Lux was looking at me like I was the most horrible, cringe-worthy thing in the world.


That night I didn't sleep, I spent the whole time playing, before I even realized it was dawn. I washed up and walked to get water from the kitchen, stretching my arms and legs to feel better.

『\('O`)/Uffff. That was amazing, I even got to the most intimate degree with her (*-ω-) How nice to have a partner. Seeing her dressed as Maid was the best, I won't forget it, although the neko one wasn't bad either...But...I had the option to do "that" with her.....but I felt I would become impure, my lolicon instinct wouldn't let me. I wouldn't be able to do something like that to a little girl, no sir. Unless she wanted too of course.....(●'艸`)ヾ』

I had already poured water in a glass and was returning to my room to rest for a few hours. I saw a glow in the place, it caught my attention before I left.


I went closer to see it, it was a marble, or a jewel, I couldn't take my eyes off it, it was as if it was calling me, when I touched it I felt a connection, that I would become stronger if I got it.

『A Megastone...』

『A lucarionite to be exact』.

Lux appeared behind me. I removed my palm from the megastone.

『I found it when I first came to this cave, I was going to throw it down the boulder since it was of no use to me』(^~^).

『Hey! 』( ̄⊿ ̄)

『I'm glad I didn't make that decision, now at last, it may be of much use to a certain person』(*^-^).

She looked at me and smiled, it was more than clear what she meant.

"Really? Can I have it? Thank you, ,thank you, thank you very much, this will be very helpful』(☆▽☆).

Before I could take it with my hands, a quick hand movement from Lux made her take it first. Look puzzled.

『You thought it would be easy didn't you? I'm sorry, but to get a reward, you have to make an effort first』(∩_∩).

『Huh? Give me back my spirits that I had a few seconds ago』ヾ( ̄o ̄;)-『Strive hard? You want me to become stronger? That's all I can do here....』

『*tch tch*』-Lux moved his fingers waving them back and forth-『It's simple, if you want to get the stone, you'll have to defeat me first, it's going to be your challenge,simple right?』| ̄ω ̄A;

『Fight you.....Ha, rest assured ┗(`・∀・'●) I will defeat you and turn me into a Megalucarius Come on Lux! let's go out and have our fight』

『Ehhhhhhhh? I don't want to, how boring('へ')』

.....I was confused, I didn't understand that change of mood.

『.....But you said that I have to defeat you.....』( ̄⊿ ̄)

『Yep, but I don't feel like fighting. How about...you encourage me ^ω^ If you encourage me, and I feel like it, then I can fight with you.What do you say?』

『¿?.....('∀`)All right, whatever you say, it's not like I need to hurry either, since sooner or later that stone will be mine』( ̄∇ ̄).

That's how I started the first of the challenges, encouraging Lux to fight with me. Maybe he doesn't like fights, then what I have to do is obvious, make him start liking fights.


『Hey Lux! look at these videos aren't you excited about the fact that they fight with all their might?』▼ω▼

Lux was lying quietly in her bed, where I suddenly appeared and put a cell phone on her face where I played a Pokémon fighting video.

『Yes yes yes yes, very nice, get off you're interrupting me』( ̄⊿ ̄).

『(.....This is going to be more difficult than I thought)』( ̄︶ ̄;)


『Hey Lux! Let's prove who wins in overdue』⊙▽⊙.

『Okay, that's what I'm interested in』.

The 2 of us on a table started to strain, we were evenly matched, but she was the one who had more advantage, in my desperation I felt a tingling in my waist.


It made me lose.I bent down to see what it was.

『But what was that? Hm』

There was a tail with a star on the tip, it was Lux's tail.

『Did you have a tail?....That's no.....Don't cheat when it comes to playing』٩(๑`н'๑)۶

『It's just that you were resisting that I was already getting tired, just go ahead the inevitable』( ̄ー ̄).


『Hey Lux! Do you feel like knowing who's the fastest one?』

『 Hey Lux! How about we see who can hold their breath the longest』

『 Hey Lux! Let's see who holds out the longest without eating』

『 Hey Lux! I challenge you in this DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3』 video game.

"Hey Lux!』

"Hey Lux!』

"Hey Lux!』

"Hey Lux!』

"Hey Lux!』

Time passed and everything she proposed, she just wasn't interested in, if she has no interest in challenging things, then how am I going to encourage her to fight with me....I don't get it.... What he said and how he acts contradict each other, so I can never get the stone. ( ゚o゚) Or maybe it's...I'll forget everything before and start from scratch.


『Hey Lux!』d(^^*)

『...(*'ー`) Now what do you want.....』

『Did you listen to this music? It's very good, the lyrics, timing and instruments, everything pleases me.Would you like to listen to it?』^ω^

Lux felt weird, since normally M would come and ask her to compete, but this time she just came to talk and hang out.

『Haber, shove it down my hole』( ̄∇ ̄).

『.....Hole? jijijijiji (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ』

『No!(-゚д゚-) I mean put the earphone through my ear hole (^◇^;)Don't think of perversions, pervert (。・・・。)』

『Yeah yeah yeah, now I'll stick it in you, don't worry, I'll make sure it's so deep so you can feel it better (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ』

『(Ŏ艸Ŏ) (-゚д゚-) Stop that already!』


『Hey Lux! Let's talk about something』-『What if anything funny ever happened to you』-『I once got arrested for hitting a friend's breasts hahahahaha』v(^∀^*).

『That's supposed to be funny...』( ̄^ ̄).

『Well, the way one looks at it』('∀`;)

『All right, I once wanted to mega evolve, I was so dumb, I was scammed buying a supposed Luxraynite, I spent months trying to mega evolve like a fool, I even did poses and spoke weird languages to get it』.


『Huh?('∀`-) Is that so funny?』

『I can't imagine you doing poses let alone being scammed, I wonder what weird language must have come out of your mouth hahahahahahaha (^艸^)』

『(*゚ー゚)ゞ(*'∀`*) Now tell me one you, which is the dumbest and most embarrassing』.


I wouldn't try to do challenges or competitions with her anymore, I would just hang out with Lux like any guy would with his friends. Talking, playing games, telling secrets, making jokes, etc.

『(^^ゞ (All this stuff he does is just to get the stone, before I proposed that, we were just estranged, all we did was teaching and training, he just does it out of obligation)( 〃...)』

『You are wrong Lux』(^○^).

Lux looked up, and looked straight into my eyes.

『It's true that at first I only wanted to get the stone and nothing else, I was doing it for that goal, so I just got rid of everything, I would start from scratch, my goal was no longer the stone, if not to spend time with you and strengthen our friendship, you've been alone here for a long time, you had no one to talk to or hang out with, you saved me and brought me here so I can be your friend and be by your side, but I just set my mind to train leaving you aside, I want to talk to you, I want to hang out with you, I want to play with you, I want to be your friend Lux』(^ω^)

『But.... how did you know...that.....』

『I'm a Lucario, with my sensors I can tell how people feel, everything else I deduced, and it seems I'm right』.

She made a smile, it was so beautiful, it was no longer a slight or a defiant smile, it was a quality and beautiful, I could finally pass the gap that from the beginning was free for me.

『It's okay '・ᴗ・` You made it, let's go outside, right now, you will have the fight for the Megastone』(-‿◦).


The 2 of us were outside, it was gloomy day, it was going to rain any moment, or even something else, in this location you don't know.

『You're ready M』

『We're all ready here』

We were doing stretching and a few warm-ups. To move into combat pose and alert.

『Lux listen, I'm not doing this for the stone anymore, I'm doing this to show you that I'm stronger than you, to show you that I'm your friend, don't hold back and go all out』.

『'・ᴗ・` I'm glad you said that, I will defeat you for our friendship』

Luxray was the first to make her move, she started to use Quick Attack, but it wasn't a normal one, I could see how lightning particles she left in her path, she had locked me in, she sneaked up behind me and lunged to attack me.


I ducked before she hit me with her fist, with a kick I send her away, she pulls herself together on the way.

『You've improved a lot, so it wouldn't be fun』.

I put my fists together to pull them apart again, from there I pulled out a Bō of energy.

『Let's continue Lux』

Lux used Double Team, a large number of them came to attack me, only me with my weapon I defended myself, destroying the rest of them, when I gave them strong blows, those went up in smoke and disappeared, they kept coming, with some agile movements I eliminated them, I didn't notice, but Lux was with a ball of blue energy in her hand, she was coming from the sky, quickly before it hit me, I hit her with my Bō in her face, she smiled and disappeared, it was a clone, the real one was coming down with the same attack, this one hit me full.

An explosion resounded the place, she jumped to retreat, in that small area electricity was circulating.

『I knew that wouldn't be enough』.

Lux watched me as I stood up.

『That I didn't see coming, a feint, your attacks do a lot of damage, what do they hurt like that when you get serious』.

I started gathering energy in my feet, they were emanating a blue aura.

『Extreme Speed』.

I was running in a very fast way through places, leaving some slight aura trails along my path. I was about to attack Lux, but she calmly takes a leap dodging my attack.

『*breathe*Storm Speed!』

She also started to move faster, it wasn't the same as her Quick Attack, this one was stronger, it no longer just left lightning lightning trails, now it was as if the lightning itself had life, we fought quickly around the place, interspersing blows and colliding to cause damage, lightning and aura was what was most distinguishable, it was an art like no other what they left a trail.

『I knew my teacher wouldn't let me down』

『The same goes for you student, you've improved a lot, but you still need even more』.

I was going all out, I was preparing my fist with all my might, Lux was doing the same, our powers clashed, it was seen how the lightning and aura touched, we gave each other some strong punches in the face.

『This ends here』.

I used Double Team , in the air where we were a bunch of my clones appeared. They all prepared a Vacuum Wave in order to attack it, Lux grabbed me and jumped from my shoulders to dodge them.

My clones in full fall were all preparing in their hands an Aural Sphere to send it to her, I was doing it too.

"I see you didn't notice M』-『The sky is angry』.

I was confused, but I only just realized it.

A storm had been generated in the sky, a swirl of dark clouds was descending. The thunder was so loud it was deafening.


The storm began to discharge, powerful lightning fell on the place where we were, my clones were easily destroyed, I was going to get one, so I gathered energy in my fist and threw a Vacuum Wave, with the momentum, I managed to dodge it, I had finally fallen to the ground, while Lux was still falling. The lightning bolts attacked sharply and uncontrollably, they destroyed the rock in their path, I had to dodge them , I couldn't do anything else.

『This is my greatest attack, Storm Speed! I go as fast as I can, generating lightning around the place where I am, I cause a big storm that I control, a devastating attack that wipes out a large crowd, if you get hit by lightning, you will have lost』.

The attacks did not stop, powerful lightning wanted to attack me, it was a powerful yellow color, I had to stop it, I ran towards a large stone that was there and jumped to reach it, I prepared my fist to attack it, I passed the lightning without being hit. The environment was flooded by small blue electric nets that hovered around.

"End this hell!

I was about to attack her with my fist all over her stomach, but it's as if in the blink of an eye, as if it was a lightning bolt, she moved her position before my blow hit her.

『I'm sorry』

Lux whispered in my ear, moved her tail, from there she generated an electric net, where she trapped me. And again that movement, as if it was a turquoise lightning, quickly she was standing on the surface.

A powerful lightning bolt fell on top of me, it enveloped my whole body and pierced the attack, leaving a large crack in the place, compared to the size of the attack, I looked small, the pain was unbearable. It's good that I recovered from everything, but don't attack me to the point that I die.

The electric net disappeared, I fell from a great height, my eyes turned white, I was scorched, burned, I fell sharply to the ground. I did not make any movement.

『*sigh*...In the end.You couldn't defeat me.....』

Lux felt sad, depressed, she wanted someone else to be the result.


I was getting up from the ground, my arms and legs were shaking, I still felt electricity coursing through my body, my eyes were rolling, I looked at the sky, looked at the storm and that whirlwind of dark cloud.

『Not yet-----termina--...』

『He is so determined to win that he lost consciousness, his body reacts by itself.....』-『The Stormy Speed is about to end, I won't hold back like you said M, I will give my all, you have to survive my friend』.

The gigantic cloud began to ring and electrify, it was gathering the greatest strength for its last attack.


Lux looked at me sadly, my body still staring at the sky with blank eyes and drooping arms. A lightning bolt fell heading towards me, it was the strongest and most powerful one.


Lux didn't expect what he was seeing. M had his arms up, protecting himself from the attack with an Aural Sphere. But that wasn't the only thing he was doing, he was gathering, holding back Lux's attack inside the sphere.

『I won't lose, I won't lose Lux!』

His pupils returned , he started to put more strength into his arms and legs, gathering Lux's attack even more in his sphere.


It ended, the lightning, Lux's attack disappeared, the storm was gone. As well as the atmosphere that was there, the small nets and lightning particles disappeared.

In my hands I held an Aural Sphere that had all of Lux's power, it was blue in color and sparkled yellow. I stared at Lux.

『Extreme Speed!』

I started to move quickly, my feet left traces of aura, while the right hand where I held the attack left particles of lightning and aura.

Lux was worried, she used Quick Attack, she became slower, her speed slowed down quite a bit, she could no longer move like lightning.

She knew I was finished with one more hit, so she put electricity in her fist to attack me. I spent all the energy I had left, the Extreme Speed disappeared, from her also disappeared her Fast Attack, at the moment of the collision, she was going to reach me with her blow, in the last instances I jumped, I was above her, but she was going to pass me, with my fist I made a Vacuum Wave, this pushed me and I was able to hit her with the Aural Sphere in the back.

The place was shaken by the attack, electricity and aura overflowed fiercely, the attack was so powerful that it would knock anyone unconscious.

There was Lux's body, lying there, a few seconds later she stood up again as if nothing had happened.

『.....I'm happy for you M....Ganas----te-.....』

Lux fell fainted to the ground,she couldn't resist anymore and ended up defeated,the winner is M.


『Here you go, your reward』.

Lux was giving me the Lucarionite in my hands.

『Uooooo(ФоФ) It's beautiful, thank you Lux』.

It's been days, first we had to recover from the battle, now fully recovered she was giving me delivery of the Megastone.

『Y....¿How do I Mega Evolve?』(°o°;)

『I knew you would ask that, that's why, since days ago I called her, and finally she's here』.

I heard some footsteps approaching, in the room where we were, a girl had entered, with purple clothes and short purple hair, but what caught my attention the most was her purple ,long tail she had.

『Meet Mewtwo, she's going to teach you how to Mega Evolve』.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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