
Chapter 61: Abilities Discovered

Now, with all the sisters finally reunited, we continued our journey, Luna also decided to come on the journey, she also had the same goal, she also decided to go to God to ask for her wish, which was to bring Syl back, Luna fought with the Pope, Lugia, and followed the same path as us, that's why she appeared that night, helping and killing the leader of the "Green" side. She didn't have a name, but she ended up liking Luna, the villagers said that she looked like the Moon Goddess of her sculpture, but this one was so old that you couldn't even see it clearly, anyway.

We have traveled a lot since then, we went through several incredible places that were fantastic, the experience of having a trip is beautiful, it had never occurred to me before. Now we are in a snowy, passing some mountain ranges to get there faster, but since that night of the attack, no, even more so, when I started my journey, I am repeatedly turning over in my head, the fact that.

『I'm too weak!!!』(●Ω●;)

『Shut up』( 〇□〇).

Quickly, Jolt shut my mouth, she looked worried and scared. The snow that were high up, began to shake, dropping small pieces of snow, there was nothing else after that.

『We know you're weak, but don't go around shouting it here』(; ̄Д ̄).

Yellow didn't hold anything back, she liked to tell me I was weak.

『This is no place for you to shout, control yourself and be quiet, weak』-Maya, who was ahead, turned to look at me-ヾ( ̄o ̄;).

『You join too....』| ̄ω ̄A;

『No need to worry, if a huge snowball or an avalanche comes, I will protect them all』-┗(`・ω・')┛Luna, gave confidence when she spoke-『You can shout all you want weak』(・ω・ω・)v

『Luna...I didn't think you'd join in this too....』('ω`)-The one who is the oldest and most mature, also tends to join in her sisters' frolics-『You guys aren't cold? I'm dying to die (('д`))』

『We have a higher resistance in everything, we hardly feel cold being here』(^ω^)-Lea was giving me an answer-.

『It's true..... for Sira and Glace this must be like being at home for their types』(─‿─).

『Although mine is not much of an ice thing, but I am used to very low temperatures』-(∩_∩) Sira towards a cometary-.

I quickly attached myself to Flar, the snow here made it difficult to walk, so it took me a while until I reached her.

『Aww Flar, you are as warm as always, at times like this I would like to always stay with you』-( ̄ω ̄)I was very close to Flar, our bodies of attached-.

『(*゚∀゚*) I'm glad to hear you say that Onee-chan』.

She went on to stroke my head, as if I were her pet, she was leaving me without further ado, it felt good, the cold that flooded my body, gradually disappeared.

『You 2 look very affectionate, you look very tender in those moments』-Sira calmly and in a gentle way makes a comment-.

『And stormy when Flar hugs M.....』-(;^ω^)-Jolt finished saying the other side of the coin-.

『Hey sis』-Maya sped up to catch up with her-.

『Yes, what's up Maya?』-Luna replied with a smile.

『Continuing our conversation from before, how are those devastating attacks still going on in the cities』.

『That, for some time now someone has been destroying cities and large areas where several people live, I was lucky enough to witness one in the distance, a being covered in a black aura comes from the heavens, and proclaims his laws, turning those areas a Battle Royale, first he destroys with his incredible powers everything, he has no mercy, those who survive are the ones who participate, he forces them to fight all against all, at the end, the one who survives, can fulfill a wish and the one who disobeys and tries to escape from the city, The Pope comes and kills him』-Luna was telling the other way to fulfill a wish-.

『This is the second method of fulfilling a wish』-Maya was worried-

『Of the 2 is the most horrible without a doubt, many say that being is God, since The Pope accompanies him and makes them respect the rules, others say it is the Devil, since his method and presence are scary and horrible. For the method of the quest, you embark on a journey to meet God, but first you must give a test to see if you are fit or not, while on the way you test yourself. For the method of survival, you must give your best and be victorious, so God will reward you for your efforts, but the 2 have something in common, which is that they seek strong people, both spiritually and power. Little by little, with those 2 ways he has made the world on his feet, but what I don't understand..... why he would do this..... he is not a God, the search method appeared 100 years ago along with him and Lugia, while the survival method appeared 20 years ago....』-Luna said what he thought, it was like his theory-『When I have him in front of me, I will make him answer me a few questions and make him stop with this farce at once』.

『The boy and our sisters were lucky that God didn't come to their cities』-Maya turned to look with a pleasant smile at all of us-『And on the subject of the boy, what do you think?』

『The boy? mmmmm let's see.... he strikes me as someone weak, expressive, quiet at times, someone mediocre as a first impression, but at times he can act mature and be the first to put himself forward, and as Syl told us once by call, he before he got the transformation from God and was taken to another world, he was a guy with no talent at all, he wanted nothing and had no goals, he was content with what he had, a quiet and calm guy, an antisocial guy who only got to have 2 friends in his world』-『If we compare them, the one now is better than the one before, although he looks 17 he is over 110 years old, he has grown up since he lived the life of a human being and everything that goes with it, but it takes him more years than normal to become someone mature and respectable』-Luna gave her observation of the boy-

『I want to become strong...』

I whispered, they could all hear me and turned to look at me.

『I want to become strong, out of everyone, I am the weakest, I don't like it.... I feel inferior, I want to be someone able to protect the people I love, I lost a higher status, but still, I have another chance, I am a Lucario now, I will become strong and protect them all』.

I was determined not to lag behind, I reflected goals and strength with my words, with a defiant look, I would become someone strong in this way.

『(When you decide something, he will do it, he won't give up, his words are full of confidence and assurance, he makes me have to try hard too, he doesn't look like it, but he is the most determined boy in the world, it's one of the many things why I like M)』

Syl's voice could be heard in Luna's memories of a conversation they had over the phone.

『(I see....jajajaja....you're not just any boy....now I understand why my sister was talking that way about you, maybe.....you've grown up more than you think, you just don't realize it)』-Luna made a slight smile looking at the boy-『(Show me your ambitions to me too, M)』


We took shelter in a cave they made themselves, Flar melted the snow until they reached the stone, using their skills of all, they managed to pierce the material until they made a cave. I was amazed, it was an incredible feat.

『Incredible (☼Д☼) all of them together managed to drill through this hard material』-I was impressed by what they did- 『I was impressed by what they did.

『This is nothing, Syl with her ties could easily pierce through this material and make the cave in 10 seconds』-Lea was saying all calm-.

『Eh....si....i see (How strong was Syl?』('∀`;)

『Well, you've got it ready, we've made a big space, you can train here as much as you want』-Jolt was entering the cave and said cheerfully from inside-?

I was out in the snow, already trained, doing stretches first and then exercises.

『.....Why are we making a big space if you're going to train outside』( ̄ー ̄;-Yellow was looking out from inside the cave-.

『M, wouldn't it be better for you to train here, here you have a big space』-Glace was telling me, I was seeing what was best for me-.

『I want to get stamina too (although I should have it for being a Lucario....(-,-)), so I'll train better out here, my body will get used to it and I'll be fine, don't worry Glace』(o^^o).

Glace noticed herself worried, as it was safer to be in here in case something happened.

We would take a break, in the end they stayed resting while I was training in my own way, I was kicking and punching the air, I quickly realized how this body is, my attacks were not normal, they were already by nature these movements, the kicks and punches became more and more in a row and faster.

『It seems that M is giving it his all, quickly saw a breakthrough』-Sira was looking at me from the cave-.

『It's normal, it's the movements of a basic Lucario, it lacks a lot to be strong』-Luna was analyzing the young man-.

『(And if I try some Lucario attacks now)』.

A breeze I felt all over my body, the air was normal, I stopped and looked at my front, the place was high now that I realize. I took a breath,closed my eyes, struck a pose, prepared my fist. I opened my eyes and launched a Void Wave, at that very moment the breeze blew stronger in the opposite direction, taking my attack upwards. The wind was stronger than my attack, these 2 worked together and made a combined attack, the wind scattered my Void Wave hitting different parts of the top. It shook and dropped all the snow on top. I was struggling to stand firm in the face of this strong wind that I failed to hear the slide.

"A tremor? 』-Flar asked innocently.

『....It's an avalanche!』-Glace was the first to notice-

"Quick, the boy! Moon was the first to act!

I was resisting the wind and took steps forward, I wanted to get closer to the edge. That's when I felt it, the shaking and the sound of the avalanche, I turned to see resisting the wind, I looked up, a big pile of nine was falling at great speed, I just realized that I had to get out of there, the snow was so much, that my feet sank, because of the force of the wind I ended up collapsing facing the snow. I looked up and saw how the sisters were running towards me. The avalanche came and took me, I fell to the precipice along with all that snow. The snow covered the sisters' vision, it blocked their way out, but it wasn't a problem for them, what worried them now was whether M would be okay.


As they fell backwards, I was being carried with all the snow on my back, it was hard to breathe because of all the snow on my face.

『(Please...Be powerful this time!)』

I threw a Void Wave in front of me, I don't know if it was because I was in danger or because I trained a little, but the Void Wave was strong, clearing all the snow I had on my front. I could breathe again and my whole body was also free from the snow, I turned around, now I was falling in front of me, the snow was falling at great speed, on my sides was the avalanche, I would fall in a lower part of the mountain, there would still be snow but not enough to hold my fall, I started to gather energy in my fist, I was going to make a Vacuum Wave so strong that it would propel me and cancel all the power of my fall. My fist began to glow white, I was about to arrive, before I fell I launched my Vacuum Wave, the falling snow made a loud sound, I pushed up a little, I managed to cancel the fall, at the end I was lying on my face in the snow without any scratches, I was not sunk. The snow stopped, it started to snow.

『And now...what do I do.....』

I just limit myself to lying in the snow while it started snowing.


A whole day passed.

An explosion was heard in the snow, from there came an Empty Wave lifting the snow. From there, I came out, who was engulfed by the snowfall that began to fall.

『¿? I'm fine, I feel fine, I'm not cold (Will my body be cold-resistant by now?)』-My stomach started to growl-『But I'm hungry....』

I looked up at the top of the mountain.

『I wonder if they're still there waiting or looking for me』-『But what a fool, I said I'd become strong and I've been sleeping for a whole day...I'm going to join them, I survived an avalanche, going back up won't be a problem』.

Determined, I would go back together with them and tell them that I am alive, that nothing will stop me, mother nature is nothing against me.

With the snow I hardly felt cold, the weather was calm, the sun bathed the mountain range, I took steps to meet them again. I was encouraged by the fact that I had gained resistance to the cold, but here came my first obstacle. A mountain of snow blocked my way. The fastest way was blocked by a pile of snow. I decided to attack to make my way through, I threw a Void Wave at the mountain, but it failed to pierce it.

『....Because my attack was weak again...』('ヘ`;)

I was looking around, I don't know if it will be safe to go on other paths on this mountain, it might be dangerous, I don't know it.

『Of course (-∀-) I'm a Lucario, and that means I have all its abilities』-『These sensors I have in my head, it's time to train them』.

I sat on the snow, closed my eyes, and started to use my sensors, to be able to use the aura, my sensors wanted to rise, these were falling and rising, it was costing me a lot, that I started to make gestures of frustration, after 2 hours, I finally managed to do it.

『Well *sigh* this has been hard hahaha, to what I did this, let's put it to the test』.

I touched the snow and started to use my aura that I just discovered it, I closed my eyes, in my mind I could see the whole area in a large area, I saw all the surroundings, searching I found a safe path where I would be allowed to continue my way.

『Well, this was what I wanted, The Scan, the path was this way if I remember correctly』.

I just painstakingly unlocked The Scanning with the help of the aura I possess, this will come in handy in this situation and others.

『If I master the aura completely, I will be able to get all of Lucario's abilities at once, it's something simple, I must master the aura 100%』.

I was happy, since it was such a simple thing to get my skills, I don't know why it never occurred to me before, yes I am a fool. I continued on my way with The Scan, I had no problems, until now, here all the paths were blocked, I ran into a ravine, I was at the bottom of it and had to climb it, this was the best path of all.

『This one is easy, I just have to climb, or rather, jump from place to place that have the ravine and get this way to climb it』.

First I wanted to do the jumping thing, so I jumped, but I didn't get very far, it was just a random, normal jump. So I had no choice but to climb, I climbed through the holes and small openings that were in the wall, but when I grabbed onto one it ended up falling, I didn't get hurt since the snow was soft.

『The openings are weak in that part, after a second of touching them, these of splitting....』-I analyzed the situation-『If only I was fast( ̄へ ̄) this would be much better, when you are fast you can violate the law of gravity, because of my god-like speed, I could jump from wall to wall without fear of falling, but here. ..』-『Of course! I just have to become fast, it's easy, and most Pokémons have it』-『The Quick Attack』.

The Quick Attack, a move that's been around since the beginning, allows you to move at a faster speed, evading obstacles and doing great damage to your opponent with the knockdown.

『If I master the Quick Attack, climbing this will be a piece of cake』.

So I started practicing the move, I didn't know how to do it, so I just ran around the place like crazy at first.

『(^.^;)...This is no good....I'm getting tired.....('・`)』

I stopped to weigh for a moment, this was not a move by my aura, but one by your power that all Pokémons have, I have to concentrate that power and use it in this move. I stood still, I closed my eyes, I began to imagine to concentrate my power, I began to shine lightly all my body with a white light, I was not very clear how the movement was, I just want speed, I do not want to cause damage with the Quick Attack, I want to turn it into Quick Movement, all the power that I gathered, I sent it to my feet, the brightness disappeared from my body and it was only in my feet. I opened my eyes and it was time.

I ran quickly, through the snow, my speed did increase, yes a jump, it was a big jump, from stone to stone, opening by opening, taking big jumps I was climbing, I reached the part where the openings split, I was so fast that I could jump before they fell, so I made it up the complicated ravine.

『...I got it..... I made it...Yes!』

I had obtained a Quick Move, where you only concentrate on speed , sending all the energy to your feet instead of your whole body.

With those 2 moves, Scanning and Fast Movement, I got to continue my way, there was no obstacle for me, it became night, but it was no problem for me, but what did cause me problem is, the snowstorm that appeared suddenly, I'm not surprised, we are in a place where anything can happen. I covered my face by the strong wind, the snow quickly accumulated, this snowstorm was more brutal than any other. The stamina I had gained could not withstand this storm, I began to get tired and feel cold, I touched the snow to use The Scan, but it was hard to see. I had to be concentrated to see clearly, I was worried about the storm so it was impossible, I could not see anything, it was night, the strong breeze and snow did not let me see anything. My feet ran out of strength because I used too much Fast Movement, I didn't calculate my energy, I fell down, I was squinting my eyes, the wind was blowing even stronger, the snow was already covering me completely. I don't know if I was rising, but I saw a shadow in all this chaos. In the end I closed my eyes from exhaustion, letting the snow cover me completely.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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