
Chapter 59: Celestial Confession

Whoever commits something impure, whoever does horrible things, whoever loses his humanity, whoever makes others suffer in an unforgivable way and does not feel the slightest rancor.... must pay the same.

It's night, we camped on the outskirts of the cave, it was still forest, but from afar we could see another city, through which we would pass tomorrow. I have been wondering something, how the other sisters took it when Syl died, did they react in an upset way, like Maya, did they react in a calm and acceptable way like Lea, or did they react in frustration and agony like Flar... but also....

Jolteon was on one side, sleeping in a hammock Lea made for all of us, made of branches and leaves, I listened as he sozollaba discreetly.


Others only entered the melancholy and sadness, I heard how he cried, all this time he must not have thought about it when he found out, to distract himself, Jolteon entered the cave , he didn't want to know that, but in the end, he had to accept the reality of the present time.


It is already morning, we all woke up, the sun was bathing us with its rays, it was time to be able to help these children who now had no parents.

『Are you okay Jolteon?』

I approached the electric yellow being. She just didn't wait for me to talk to her.

『In the night..... you were crying..... it's because of Syl right?』

She was surprised, and finally gives me the face.

『.....That....ahh....you listened to me.....those big ears are at least good for something』(◕︿◕✿).

I wanted to talk to her to make her feel better, but I didn't know how to have a talk with her, there was like a barrier separating us, since on previous occasions, she just ignored me completely.

『....It hurts...the pain is unbearable.....it's as if my heart was freezing and shattered into little pieces, I didn't want to cry.....I didn't want to cry.....Onee-chan, please come back』

She let out tears again, she didn't even want to hide it anymore, she cried in front of me, while wiping her tears, she fell on her knees from helplessness and weakness while wiping her eyes.

『Don't worry Jolteon』- I couldn't watch this anymore, so I went to hug her, resting her head on my chest, being careful with my spike-『Your sisters are going to bring Syl back, whatever happens, they're going to make it, I won't stay behind, I too feel like crying thinking that Syl gave me her life, I'll get to God And we'll bring your Onee-chan back! I swear to you, so....no more crying....I'll make your sadness disappear and make your heart beat again Jolt』

These words I said, made a strong positive on Jolteon's emotions, she was moved, and went on to hug me she too, she cried again, but I let it pass, as it was tears of joy, she was with a smile.

『We'll bring her back』-Jolteon spoke into my chest-.

『Yes, just wait』-『(I still don't forget our commandments, brothers)』.

First Commandment:

-If you are going to make someone cry, let it be out of joy, we will not tolerate you making someone suffer to the extent of crying out of sadness. Penalty: Buy juice for everyone.

『Did you call me Jolt?』

We were walking in the direction of the city.

『Huh? Yes, so I said.....sorry.... won't call you that again』- (^◇^;)I turned to answer her-.

『No, it's fine like this, I like it, thank you for giving me a name』(=^_^=).

She bowed her head a little, and gave me a beautiful smile on the way. The barrier that separated us, was broken.

『....(-.-;) (Must get more creative with names.....)』

Maya watched the conversation from behind.


After a hike, we finally reached the city, here we would replenish our supplies and among other things to be able to continue our journey.It's a far city, farther than I thought, the cave really was more than a shortcut, it got us here in just one day.....how big was that cave and how far we have walked. The kids, we left them with some policemen and caretakers, they told them what happened, luckily, their grandmother lives in this town, he was called by the police, he came as fast as he could, now they would stay and live with their grandmother, that was not the only thing I understood. Now we are saying goodbye to the children.

"Thank you very much!

"We'll never forget them』

『Come on children, let's go home』.

The children waved goodbye waving their arms, the 2 of them went clutching their grandmother's hands.

『Everything turned out all right in the end』-Lea watched calmly as they left.

『I hope those children don't suffer anymore』-Flar was also calmer.

『Well, since they're fine, we should start with our own, we have to get supplies so we can continue with the journey』-Jolt wanted to continue with the tour-.

『You're going too, I'm not surprised at all by your decision, rather I'm glad』-Maya was feeling cheerful-.

『Come on, there's no time to waste』.

And now Jolt was the one in the lead, we went to buy everything we needed, the money we got from exchanging those electric stones for money, it was a lot, so we had nothing to worry about.We split up and agreed to meet at the square, so it would be much faster and go on with the journey.

『Incredible, in this city if I can see more variety and as it should be』.

The pokémons and humans walked calmly through the city, without any problem, but of course, the pokémons acted like humans and all could talk, while the humans who was originally pokémons got used to and adapted to the life of a human, after all, these always lived together for many years.

『In the city where I lived there were no pokémon, this impresses me, it's unbelievable (now I got a doubt .... of the pokeballs, now that everything is reversed, a human who is now a pokémon will be able to feel what it's like to be inside a pokeball, I guess that topic will not have changed, as much as the battles and etc)』-I was thinking how the world was now-『(If so, and there are still trainers who catch humans in their pokeballs.... I hope I won't be caught by any of them.... I don't like the idea of being locked up and following that guy for my whole life.....practically I would be his slave and I would have to obey him in everything whether I want to or not...plus I think they drug you, since before they caught you you were...as I say, disobedient,but after they caught you you love your trainer. ..seeing pokémon like that is not at all fun anymore if you think from the bottom.....)』('ヘ`;)『I'd better not get into that subject, it's too complicated for me, I shouldn't think about it too much, I should concentrate on finding supplies』

Walking through the streets, watching pokémons and humans talk I came to stand in front of an ice cream stand.

『An ice cream shop』-'・ᴗ・`-『I don't think they would be mad, let alone find out I bought ice cream, I miss the taste and texture of ice cream, I decided』

I approached the ice cream stand so I could enjoy one.

『Give me one please』.

『Yes, sure, please choose what flavor you want』.

Seeing there were so many flavors, it was hard for me to choose, and taking advantage, I was the only human in my world who ate the fruits from the Pokémon world, and I tell you what, they are no different from those in my world, the flavors are similar and even the same. They are no big deal, just their peculiar shape and colors.

I picked my ice cream, she kindly was about to give it to me, it felt nice and warm to talk to the attendant, when I heard a voice near me.

『Can I know what you do with the money, M』.

Maya was beside me, talking in an annoyed manner.

『What don't you see? An ice cream I'm buying myself』(─‿─).

『I thought you'd at least hide it....』(;^_^A

『Ten, I'll buy another one』( ̄ω ̄)

I gave him my ice cream, before offering it , tasted some of it, asked for another one in the meantime.

『Ehhh.....*red*(-゚д゚-)....este....(it's already in my hands) (he already tasted it, if I eat where he ate, it would be a (*'ω`*)....Indirect kiss! (-゚д゚-)』-『(What do I do, what do I do, I want to but I don't want to.....(/ε\*)....What do I do in this situation, besides....why am I getting nervous about this (Ŏ艸Ŏ)』

I already had another ice cream in my hands, I saw that Maya didn't eat hers, so I did the following. I took a bite of her ice cream childishly, she was shocked (゜Д゜;), I took many bites and ended up eating her cone ice cream.

『Since you didn't want to eat it, I decided to finish it, that taste is yummy』( ̄ω ̄).

She was left without any words to say, the shock of the moment remained.

『I wanted to eat it!"』(๑-̆૩-̆)-She started to moan in a cute way-.

『Then I'll give you this one, ten』.

I gave him the halado I just finished buying.

『....This one is untouched....(_ _||||) (huh? why do I feel like this?...)』

We were leaving the ice cream shop, I said goodbye to the manager, the manager, kindly said goodbye too,I felt that warm feeling again, as we were leaving, Maya stood still.

『That voice.....』

"『Is something wrong, Maya?

Maya returned to the stall, stared at the attendant.

『So here you have been, sister』.

『You just realized』(^ω^).

The one who was attending to me, was one of Syl's sisters, Glaceon, what stood out the most about her, was her light blue hair, it was like seeing ice crystals radiating.


After returning to our meeting place which was in the square, we told them that Glaceon was in this city, with everyone gathered we went to see her.

『It's true, here she is』-Jolt was surprised.

『But I didn't imagine she would become a refrigerator』〔'∇`〕-Flar was saying a comment-.

『It's her way of making a living, it's not something to belittle』-Lea defended her sister-.

『You're right Lea, her ice creams are very tasty, and her work is respected.Even if she's just a manager』-I was also defending Glaceon-.

『The truth is that』 (*'ω`*)-Glaceon wanted to say a few words-.

『Hey, why did you say it with that tone?』 -Jolt was addressing me.

"What tone? I spoke in a normal tone』. -I thought that question from the yellow one was weird-?

"That tone? -I was approached by Jolt-

"That's my normal tone, are you okay, Jolt? -To be sure, I touched the yellow one's forehead.

After that we started arguing because of the tone I made my comment, I don't know why he was complaining, this was always my normal tone. But I'm glad to be able to talk to Jotl like this.

When we finished, Glaceon invites us to spend the night at his house, he said he wanted all of us to go, since after a long time we were reunited, the sisters saw it well, so I stayed too, it was a reunion with most of the sisters after all. I wouldn't say no to the way Glaceon asked either, she looked so tender and kind, like the perfect woman, attentive, the perfect wife for any man. She would be the ideal housewife. She left her post as if nothing happened and another one came, that surprised me, but I didn't give her too much of a hard time. When I arrived at her house the first thing I felt was.

『It's so cold!』 ゞ◎Д◎◎ヾ

They were all also shivering from the cold that was their home, Glaceon was walking normally, I was the one who felt cold the most, they were not affected as much.

『Por---fa----vor-----podrian----prender----el---aire----acondicionado----ya------』 :('◦ω◦`):

『But it's already on and at maximum temperature』. -Glaceon said sheepishly (〃ω〃)-.

『( ̄■ ̄;).....Yes....ya see.....(With this cold I feel like my bones will break at any instant)』

I quickly went to hug Flar.

『I hadn't noticed, but Flar is very warm and it feels good』. (ᇴ‿ฺᇴ)

『Ah! ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ Onee-chan!』

Flar seeing that I went to hug her, she became happy and went on to hug me too.

『It's a warm pain』(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

Flar hugged me with all his might, my bones could be heard creaking, I didn't care about that, I just wanted to be warm for now.

『You're going to die if you keep that up!』 -(゜Д゜;)Maya got upset, my soul was coming out of my mouth-.


I was in an armchair, lying on Flar's lap while she caresses my head.

『It feels good』 ( ̄个 ̄)

『And that's what we're doing』 -Lea informed Glaceon of the situation.

『I see』 -『That's the boy Onee-chan spent all this time with』 (^^ゞ『Always , when we were together, I wanted Onee-chan to smile in a real way, I tried many things, but they never worked out』 -『Thank you M』

『(*'ω`*)...You're welcome...(/≧ω\)』

The aura that Glaceon transmitted was radiant, she was helpful and kind, compared to Syl, she if what Syl was looking for, to be the perfect wife, the perfect housewife, not to make a mistake in anything and to be mature.

『(Godsss, she's a goddess, she's perfect, I'll ask her to be my wife)(♥ω♥*)』

Before my eyes I had, the one who could easily thaw and make even the toughest guy in the world kind, sorry folks, but I'm going to be the one to stay with her.

She also said that she would accompany us on our journey for the wish, that no matter what obstacle she would help us in every way possible.

"I'll go too!』 (๑'ㅂ`๑)

I couldn't get enough of looking at her, with this is feeling attraction to another person, wanting to love another.

『By the way...( ・ὢ・ ) I am the owner of Glaciar』

We were surprised and shocked, we didn't imagine that she would become the owner, the queen, the goddess of a big company that dominates the entire globe in ice cream.

『I just sometimes like interacting directly with people』 ꒰✩'ω`ૢ✩꒱


After dinner, we cooked me and Glaceon, something I was proud of, something I would give my soul and my 100% of me, was defeated by Glaceon's hands, his food was a thousand times better than mine. I didn't feel bad, every time I thought she was the one I should be with. The perfect woman. It was tonight if or if, I don't mind the cold, it's like I didn't feel it anymore because of the warmth in my heart that warmed me all over.

I slipped out of my room, silently walked down the hallway, until I got to Glaceon's room, she was alone, it was tonight if or if. I slipped into her bed, I was next to her.

『(I feel nervous and shy, first time I feel this feeling, this warmth, I have to say it, I want to say it, I want to be with her...I've grown up a lot to this point. I'm no longer the little boy I was)』 -('へ')-『(Will she be awake?』

I felt that an action as easy as touching her was difficult and even impossible for me. Glaceon made movements on the bed, I became even more nervous.

『Are you M?』

I was taken by surprise that he said that.

『Huh? ..... (*ノωノ) Yes, yes it's me.

『I noticed you since you came into my room minutes ago do you want to sleep with me?』 |'∀`●)


『They told that you like to sleep together now, that reminded me a lot of Onee-chan hahaha』. (〃∀〃)ゞ『Take it easy, if that's what you want, you can gladly sleep over with me, I'm happy』 米^-^米

『 (Ŏ艸Ŏ) (It really is perfect, she couldn't hide what I feel here in my chest anymore, I have to say it)』 -『 Listen please Glaceon ( 〃..)』

Glaceon was turning his back to me, us nerves and shyness were getting the better of me.

『I like you very much! Please be my girlfriend!』 (〃艸〃)

At last I said it, for the first time in my whole life, in the more than 110 years I am alive, it is my first confession. Hearing no response for the next few seconds, Glaceon turned to look at me. She was red-cheeked and shy, I thought from her expressions she was going to say yes.

『I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have to turn you down』 (^^ゞ

Those words, for some strange reason I felt a crunch in my heart, I was left with nothing to reply to him.

『We hardly know each other...and besides I would feel bad for Syl, I'm sure and so would everyone else, Onee-chan would have loved to hear those words from you』 -『I would have made the purest and most joyful smile in the whole world』.

With that how it feels, it's as if the contents of my heart, disappeared without a trace, it was so fast that I don't even know how to react or what to say, it was my first confession and my first rejection at the same time.

『I'm sorry M』

『No, you're welcome (^◇^;) .....I just said it as a joke, how am I going to confess to a girl I barely know hahahahaha not that I was such an idiot and jerk hahahahahahaha...』|'∀`●)

For some strange reason, I let just one tear fall, a tear that signifies my effort and pain in this first romantic moment I suffer. I felt a warmth on my cheek, noticing, Glaceon was stroking my cheek. That made me think more, she was so pure and kind, perfect, it made me love her more, but I understand at first, I missed the chance to be with her, maybe if time had passed and we got to know each other better, maybe we would have ended up together, but still, I think I would still reject.

『My role model was my sister, I wanted to be like her, she is the reason for how I am now, in the end, I didn't get to be like her, I was missing something that Onee-chan always had, that was that she is unique, I didn't want to surpass her or be equal to her, I wanted to be her, we are all unique in this world, we can never be equal exactly to others, I admire and respect Syl a lot, she did things that I would have liked to do』-『I can't take her love away from her do you understand? 』

『Yes, I understand, I always understood, to tell you the truth, I knew for a long time that Syl had feelings for me, but I was afraid that our relationship would change, it was perfect, if I had the courage, I was in love with Syl, but I could never tell her, I waited like a fool for her to confess, this time I will, when she comes back, I will tell her that I like her and if she wants to be my girlfriend』.

Glaceon at my answer just smiled, to finally peek at my forehead and kiss it. I was tickled and amazed, I didn't expect that.

『I'm happy for you M』^ω^.

I suddenly started to tremble.

『:;(∩´﹏`∩);: Hace------mu----cho----frío----de---repente------』

I smiled at him too, I was already even clearer about my goal, tonight was my first confession, I was rejected, but in the end I didn't end up crying or flooded in sadness, it gave me more strength for the next statement I will make, wait for me Syl.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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