
Chapter 53: My Moment is at Hand

Hello, hello, hello, gosh, it's been a long time, this time if I'm not exaggerating, uffffffff, how time flies, ahhhhh, remember when Syl and I went to live in the country? Let's say it's been a long time since that day, although for me to say day is not what I have to say, it would be more like years, a very good decades, since now I'm like a guy who lived his life, an ancestor, a mythical, a relic, a preservation, a 95 year old .... I'm wrinkled, my strength is not like before, I have gray hair, and everything you can expect from someone at that age. But with my willpower I still have not lost some things about me, my teeth are still there, I can still walk, but with the help of a cane, I remember things as they were clear, it would be a problem to forget things, as well as my ears, I hear perfectly, I do not want to go through those moments when I am talking to someone and I can not hear him and I have to shout or even forget what day it is, I could imagine that it is summer when instead it is snowing, things that I will not go through, or so I hope..... And my health is fine, thanks to Syl who always takes care of me and keeps me company, I don't have to worry about that, she's kept me well so far, speaking of Syl.... She is an angel, unlike normal people like me who grow old, I haven't seen her grow up, I haven't seen the years go by, she is just as I met her more than 70 years ago, when I started to grow old I was afraid, afraid that Syl would go away and leave me alone, that I would be a nuisance for her, that she would see that I could no longer do what I did before, like something you have, it gets worse, you see it rusty and you decide to throw it away because it is no longer useful to you. But no, she reached out her hand, hugged me and told me that I am a fool, a fool for thinking that, that how could I forget the promise we made that time, that we will always be together. Hearing her say that, the tears came out by themselves, "Hahahahaha, you are right, I am a fool" The joy I felt were so big that it would be hard to imagine.

As I am no longer as I was before, Syl now she who was in charge of the house, gave me a bad feeling as always, entrusting such an important thing to a person who is still careless and childish even if years go by, it was not a good idea. And what do you think! -----------You were right, I had to instruct her so that she can do it right, by force she learned how to do things, obviously I didn't mistreat her (ー ー;). If not that he would say things to her, kind of like this:

『If you don't do it right.....I'll stop loving you』٩(๑`н'๑)۶

With a childish tone, more of a toddler's voice, practically the way a 5 or 6 year old would threaten.

Incredibly she didn't like this, it hurt (◯Δ◯∥) It was like the beginning of armageddon for her. So she gave her all to keep loving him.

『All right ,all right *nervous* I'll do my best *red* So don't stop loving me』.

༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

She eventually managed to do what I was doing, she was a fast learner and if she put her mind to it, she would manage to do anything. I'm not going to lie to you, she looked cute in that apron and taking care of the house now, she would make a great wife someday.

『Is something wrong?』-Syl stopped her chores and came up to me- 『Syl said to me.

『Huh? No, nothing, I just thought you look pretty and would make a great wife』-I was sitting in an armchair- 『-Syl came over to me.

She started to get hot, smoke was coming out of her head, her eyes were rolling and she was very red, she fell slumped on the floor.

『A great *red* wife.....gran....linda...』-(๑♡⌓♡๑)She whispered-.

『(I'm all gallant)』-I was worried about her-.


Like every night, I took the telescope outside, Syl helped me by pulling out a chair, finished setting it up and ready again to see the sky.

『How I wish I could use this to spy on lolis, it would be amazing hahahahaha *drool*』-My drool was falling on the floor-『Pity there isn't one here, I wish I could see a lolis back』 (;_;).

『When you talk like that, if you sound like an old pervert』 -(;'∀`) Syl put the chair-.

We both started to look at the stars as we always did, I learned a lot from this, she talked about the subject of astronomy, stars, meteorites, constellations ,everything about it, Syl also knew since she always listened to me, when it was windy she hugged me so I don't feel cold. It felt comfortable.

『(I guess big breasts have their comforts.....)』 (;一ω一||)

I kept talking while with my hands I showed and explained all the wonders of space.


I squeezed my chest tightly, my face was of suffering and fright, my heart gave strong beats, it started to hurt, I fell collapsed in Syl's arms, I listened as Syl said my name worriedly. Until I finally closed my eyes.


I woke up after 2 days, doctors came all the way from the city to here. I still remember the difficulty with which I woke up Syl was with her face lying on the bed, she looked at me, her eyes were red and watery.

『What a relief *sniff* I thought I was losing you』.

The doctors said that I was starting to have problems with my heart because of old age, that this condition can get worse as time goes by. But I after I started to wake up I already felt fine, but I can't ignore the doctors' words.

『For your health and well being, we recommend you to go back to the city, you will be safer there and if this happens again, we will act faster』-『We are waiting for your answer』.

That's what one of the doctors said, they waited in the room, leaving Syl and I alone.

『You're feeling better now, aren't you? *sniff*』 -Syl was standing next to me.

『Yes, I feel better already, I could even run about 100 kilometers』 ┗(`・∀・'●).

I was caught off guard by her action, she hugged me in bed, she was holding back the urge to hug me since I woke up, and hoped I'm better, she rubbed her soft and cute cheek with mine which was wrinkled and dry.

We talked it over and decided that we would go back to the city, to the place where we met, it was the best thing for both of us, I wanted Syl not to feel so worried, she wanted me not to get worse, but thinking about it, one of these days, death will knock on my door and I will have to leave this world, leaving Syl alone.


『Yesiiiiiiiiiiii!!!』-≧ω≦ I looked excitedly from my balcony at the lolis passing by-.

Sitting in a wheelchair I contemplated the wonders of the small.

『Let my wish of being able to see lolis again was fulfilled hahaha』-『The lolis I met at the pool will be grown up and with family』-『Family.....would have been nice to form a family.....』

A sadness from my chest I felt, something that is a stage that any human does, I didn't do it,I can't even do something that all mankind did.

『Although having children at this age seems like a joke, I better forget that about family, no one wanted to be with someone who is one step away from their grave(wait..... young people from before and now are with rich old ladies or old men rotten in money, for when they die they inherit all their fortune, but as I'm not rich or well, I'm just a poor man with money, none of those millennials shitty assholes who want everything easy would be with me, rather, if I met one I wouldn't hesitate to beat them up and tell them to make an effort even and live off themselves)』-『Ah, right, I have Syl, she would do the impossible for me, she loves me very much,just like I love her very much too(I could tell Syl to beat up those rich ancestor seeking assholes and thus teach them a lesson)』

The sound of the door being opened is heard, Syl hadn't gone out so I don't know who came in, I went to see who it was and was met with the surprise of.

『Hello Honey!』

One of those flirty, easy-going girls was standing at my doorway.

『Don't you recognize me?』-『Did you forget that we are sweethearts?』-『Hey honey, your memory is already getting worse , Khyaaa *red*』

『(And this w#T@who is she? Makes me want to punch her)』(╬ಠ益ಠ).

Anger boiled from within me, I don't mind dying as long as I give her a few good blows.

『The building manager gave me a copy of your apartment, I told her I'm your girlfriend, she was surprised, you should have seen her face, you have a very big apartment, I knew my sweetheart is rich, too bad your health is serious, how about signing this paper that says you will give everything to me?』-『Come on ca-ri-boy *tehhe*』

『¡SYLLLLL!』-Furious shouted her name-(`Д').

Syl who was upstairs in her room managed to hear me and quickly heeded my call-.

『Syl, I choose you!』

Syl from the stairs took a big leap, she fell in front of the pinshe p#T@.

『Now Syl!!!』(#`皿')

Syl didn't understand what was going on,she got nervous and turned to look at me.

『Eh-h¿h¿h¿h¿h?h?ehheh? But I don't want to hit her』(☍﹏⁰).

My anger was becoming more and more, like a volcano that would soon erupt.

『Then I'll do it myself!』

I grabbed my cane and quickly went to her and started beating her.

"Get the fuck out of here you fucking cunt!

With blows, she finally retreated from my house, with the moment she dropped the copy of key she had.

『If I ever see another broad like that again, I swear I'll shoot her!』-(♯▼皿▼)I raised my cane sitting up from my wheelchair-.

『Ah,ah-h-aha*nervous*Your heart, your heart, calm down M *worried*』-⊂(゜Д゜⊂ She went to relax me-.


Syl I try to relax in any way, but the only way I could see to calm down was if we went to that place. I know it was dangerous to go with my condition, but I'm not so dying that I can't go either, so Syl took me pushing my wheelchair, I calmed down a bit and my heart was already more relaxed, as we went towards that place, we went through the city, through those streets and stalls, it was like having a date with Syl again, but of course, it was her now who was taking me and taking the lead, how are the twists and turns of life, right?

At last we arrived at the free field in the center of the city, the green grass and the breeze was just as I remember it, the memories of the several times we went there came to me. I begged Syl for us to go, as it might be the last chance I will ever have. She took me up the little hill with that cherry tree still there. This place doesn't change despite the years, what I love and they are a treasure to me, they haven't aged, but I have.

『It's not fair *sniff*』-Sigh with a deep regret in the background-.

I got up from the chair and sat on the grass, did they think I couldn't walk? I can walk, but I'm already using the wheelchair so I won't do it in the future.

Syl sat behind me, and the two of us looked again at the sunset that brought us so much peace and tranquility.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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