
Chapter 61: Doubtful

When you tell a story, it's mostly about you, what happens to you and what happens around you, who was with you and the events that cause you to get involved whether you want to or not. It is a way of being able to tell a story since we are all living our own story, it can't be like the one we imagine and many times because of how boring it is, we wish something incredible would happen that would make us stand out more or make us evolve. Well in this case I feel that I am doing the opposite of what I have been advancing, recently with the time that has passed, I feel like I am returning to the stage I was before. You could not see it, could you? From when I was in elementary school or my way of being when I am getting to know someone, it's not that I get to know them all at once, I try not to attract too much attention, to be a little more refined and talk as little as possible... Yes... Believe it or not it's been a month since I moved into this home, I had this mentality that I can be that extravagant and dynamic guy! But the truth is that when I wanted to do something, many times if not all, my voice became weaker and I took a posture as they have been repeating all the time...That of a small child...

Do I really look like a little kid? For your information and I tell you again, I am 15 years old, I am no longer a child, I am no longer in elementary school! If I had followed my studies as they should be, I would be about to enter High School or even be already in it! They can't keep telling me that I'm a kid!!!! Maybe it's because of my size, I think I'm a little small for a 15 year old, but that's normal, isn't it? I say this because even if you don't want to see it, you always end up seeing the noticeable difference with your surroundings, and the truth is that every time I stand next to someone or I'm with someone, I feel like a flea. The inhabitants of this home are too big, and also the house is very spacious!!! I think the only one I'm on my level with is Papi, although I feel deep inside me, that she beats me in size by just a little bit, and that makes me see her as someone taller than me....

AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to prove to you that I'm not the little boy you've been telling me about!!!!! Starting from the beginning!!!!! Since if we pick up where we left off, after Mero gave me a huge syringe that I really don't know why he has it, the thing is that he was trying to give me a fever, well, one would say that before such a tremendous medicine I would have been cured.

Boo! It wasn't like that, it was quite the opposite, I ended up staying sick in bed for a whole week, which one might say, you didn't have such a good time during your first days. Which was a bit peculiar, you could even say that it was the opposite, because when I was sick all the inhabitants of this home tried to take care of me very well. It was not the best treatment I could have received, but it felt very homey in many ways. First because of the kindness of Kimihito Kurusu, or as I call him, Aniki. He is too attentive now that he has seen it first hand, if he really tries hard for those who has full responsibility, all this time we have been going he made me stay in his room, in his bed to recover, which already for me is a lot, the truth I think I would not be so formal and kind to someone I know, even with my situation....

『Wait...wa? wawi?...I think there is a confusion in all of this, I think they have an even weirder idea than I think, I even got to a point that I think they feel more sorry for me』

『Or it can also be mercy, but I recommend Ya-kun to take that kindness with open arms 』.

Leaving that aside, Aniki really is a great person, he cared above all to treat me and cure me as much as possible, his attention is really impeccable, the first days when I could not even get out of bed, he controlled well the time to change the wet handkerchief on my forehead, also as I could not go down to the table to eat with everyone, besides that I could infect someone, Aniki brought me the food himself to my room, or well, to his room, but it is where I am staying, but it is also his room and we sleep together, not in the same bed. Just that....

『You can have the whole bed M-san, don't worry about me, I'll sleep on the futon I have, besides this way we'll avoid you also getting me *smiles*』

That he sleeps on the floor and I sleep in his bed...yes it made me feel ungrateful, although I also feel that he was more relaxed, I understand that it is a habit that they always want to assault him in his bed, so now I a sick share bed with Aniki, and besides that I am a child, if they have left him alone these days. That I could notice, because even though he slept on the futon on the floor, he woke up with a lot of energy and like a person ready for more.

Aniki's care was so attentive and so homey, he even spoiled me a lot, since whenever I was going out to do the shopping, he would ask me if I wanted something from the Commercial District, I of course refused to ask him for anything, I think I am already getting too much for being sick, but even though I refused, Aniki was always willing and open to accept any demand I had....

Of course, this is what I have most present in this month that I ended up spending, since most of the time I was with his company, either taking care of me and of course, chatting to make the meetings more dynamic. But although Aniki was very present, she wasn't the only thing on my mind during the whole month, do you remember that adult named Kuroko Smith? yes? The one who brought me to this house and of course, she seems to be the one who suspects me the most?

『I wouldn't be wrong to say that it was her who distorted everyone's thinking about you Ya-kun 』.

『Do you think so too Rino? Because every time she intervenes, she always puts me in a predicament that I don't know but .... makes me feel insecure ....』

The next day after I ended up getting sick, the first thing I saw when I woke up was that woman drinking a coffee. That already gave me a bad feeling that I think at that moment ended up worsening my fever, she always walks around with a coffee in her hand or what? And it goes without saying that she prefers Aniki's coffee a lot. To this was funny the first encounter I had of the day, since I could tell how Aniki wanted to protect me since she knows her friend as she always has something going on.

『Good morning M-chan!!!! I heard yesterday that you got sick, as well as you are also my priority right now, it's my job to keep an eye on you *smiles*』-『You must have low defenses, I can imagine after everything you went through, it must have been very difficult, but don't worry, we will see to it that you can have a better life from scratch, okay? *happy*』

『(But what are you talking about...tell me directly, what am I to you or what do you think of me...don't act like we all know what you think....) Aniki....*sad*』

『Smith-san, please don't bother him, especially that he's sick』-『And don't forget to put on your mouth cover 』

『Right, the mask, and I won't disturb him, I just want to settle some matters from a few days ago 』

At that moment I could really feel that she was looking for more things from me, I really felt very invaded by her way of being, I was looking scared at Aniki waiting for her to help me, which didn't take long, after she put on the mask. To this I kept looking at Aniki, I couldn't speak very well and I was just telling her in my mind not to leave me alone with this crazy woman, I am pretty sure she will say different things to me than when she is surrounded by people!!!!! I was shedding tears and where at that.

『I see, but if I see that you want to do something bad to the child, I won't make you any more coffee 』.

『(Wha...that...that's not a threat...)』

『Don't worry, I would never do something that would jeopardize something so important, you can retire peacefully, I just want a deeper talk with M-chan』.

At this Aniki was looking at Smith who was smiling all the time, where clearly I'm very afraid of him leaving me with a broad like this, I'm very sure his personality will change when he leaves us alone!!!! I was asking Aniki not to leave me for anything in the world!!! of course through my mind, but seeing that her friend Smith confirmed that she wasn't going to do anything wrong, he confidently left us alone in his room. Which for me if I could wallow, right now I would be totally scared and shaking with fear, I repeat...this broad gives me very little confidence.

『So now that we're alone, let's talk seriously M-chan 』

I think I exaggerated a lot, I thought that between his calm and relaxed attitude, he would become much more serious when doing his job, many people have that split personality in this type of situations where their work requires a lot of professionalism. What was Smith in charge of? I think she is the Manager, also leader of a group, something like that, but what I do have well in mind is that when it comes to Species or with maintaining so to speak, the tranquility between Species and Humans, she has a very high and fixed place in the hierarchy.

『Our conversation days ago, I'm really glad that you decided to stay and live here and receive our help, I remember it very well, you even said: Help me get back on my way』-『It was very shocking and funny, it seems like out of a manga *laughs*』


『But that only gave me to understand that you really want to move forward at all costs and that it's not a game for you, and before someone who takes things serious, my duty is to respect him until the end 』-『That's why I came to better adjust our conversation, you know many things and I need to know them, why would you wonder? Well, so that more children and families won't suffer what you suffered M-chan 』-『I don't plan to involve you deeply in all this, it's an adult thing, it's my duty to solve it! While you M-chan, you can concentrate on leading a quiet life, go to school, have friends and have fun day by day without worry, auque you don't believe it you are already part of this family, if you don't see it like this, someday you will take a lot of importance to all these people, they will be happy that you are happy and you will be happy that they are happy. That's how things work, one needs to be with others, to learn from others in order to find oneself 』

『I get it Ya-kun, Miss Smith wants to be a part of a family too 』

『That's why again, it must have been a big decision to accept our help, I promise I will do my best in my work so that this family living in this house, will always be together *smiles* 』 

....It was too weird at this moment, his attitude as I repeat, did not change so much, or maybe it did, if I see him as much more intimate and personal. This is how he really is? A person who is more capable of others, who fights and does everything possible so that we all live well as much as possible? In that case she is someone to admire in many ways. I would think she's just a random girl who wants to have a home to call a family, but what came next made me wonder if she's really into shady things....

『That's exactly why I'm trying my best! So please M-chan, I want you to sign this contract with me that you're going to accept our possible help, receiving all the benefits as well as the negative things 』

『(What?...like what contract?)』

At this I felt weird, again weird? Don't be weirded out, I always say that whenever I feel weird. He showed me a contract right in my face, which ....what is this for? Do you really need this kind of formality? Well I guess he wants to make it legal somehow, he works for the government, right? So... Wait? So the government or the organization you work for already knows of my existence and what I am capable of doing? At this, as if I felt thousands of eyes watching me, I quickly moved to look behind me, especially I managed to gather my strength out of fear to look at the window, who Smith was calmly smiling that...

When I opened the window first I could feel the sun's rays, but quickly for some reason, I looked at a bush in the street, of course there was nothing but... Then I looked at the courtyard of the house on the side, but there was also something strange. I felt really confused, everything was quiet but...then I saw some people walking along the urban streets of the area, which was not strange either...but....

I don't know how I couldn't notice it at the beginning, but I could hear a slight sound of something flying above the house, this scared me, and I wanted to see what was that above, don't tell me it was a drone....A this in a quiet and subtle way, Smith covered my eyes with his hands, and gently closed the window and made me lie back on the bed, which to minimize what I just noticed is that....

『It was true of you, you have the senses and instincts more active and present than others, that's impressive M-chan, you could notice it before the other Species living in this home, you really are the evolution of the Species』.

When I let my eyes free again, I was really scared because it was clear what I could see. I don't think I would have been able to detect it by myself, Rino also has long felt that something is fishy these days, now you may wonder, if Rino is part of my imagination, how is it that he can sense that kind of thing? I don't know...maybe like Smith said, it's my senses? Besides, what species? I'm not a species, I'm a human like her and...ahh...maybe she's right. Smith was smiling and telling me everything clearly without hiding anything.

『I'm going to be honest with you M-chan, already the higher ups know about your existence, it's only been a few days? That's enough for them, I'm going to tell you the conclusion they gave you in the end』-『M is someone dangerous』-『That when I spoke to them directly about you and what you can do, when they saw the Pillar of Light and that you yourself provoked, I will say it with my words, they were scared shitless *laughs* Never before had something like that been seen in our modern era, things like that are a thing of the past, when the world was totally primordial and the fictitious things we believe today, *smiles* I will only tell you that in the past there was a time where the unimaginable could have existed. I mean just think about it, we live in an era where we live with Species? Species M-chan! Don't you think that's crazy? If something like that is possible, of course it is limited in some things, I would say nerfed, but in a world where there are species that can live without heads, floating and body changing beings, superhuman strength, super advanced instincts, are able to conjure, no...that sounds very magical, magic does not exist but...what if M-chan came to exist? I don't know much about the branch of science and magic, but currently there are many studies that want to confirm that magic existed at some point, is it still present? who knows, I say that it is already dead, but when I see various species with abilities that are fairy tale, it makes me think that I should be in charge of dealing with it all and be prepared to defeat them 』

To this Smith became a little more interested in the subject, she went on to talk to me a little more about what she thinks about the species and all that they are capable of, where now that I think about it, it makes some sense, and that the magic is not present in this modern world. Literally it is an ordinary world, only that they introduced species of mythologies from different cultures in it and that's it...But...everything has its why...and that's what worries Smith and other people who want to find out and expand more the world where they live and how they got here....

『So I ask you M-chan, just as you lived through an era where everything impossible was possible, are you able to go back to it nowadays? Or even better, is it capable of surpassing the impossible? For those old people who believe in the end of the world and so on, in chaos and ...ahh! They even believe that Ragnarok nonsense, can you believe it? But be that as it may, their thinking is like that and thanks to them we all lead a peaceful life, to see that someone who could be a danger to the modern world has appeared, is unacceptable. They do not plan to return to that era of humanity if it ever existed, they prefer a world where it is easier to understand and comprehend for everyone, instead of immersing us in the incomprehensible and therefore dangerous for everyone』-『In other words, they consider you dangerous and if possible they want to kill you』.


I...ahh...what....pero.... where did everything you told me come from!!!! I knew that something bad was going to happen if I got involved with this girl!!!! Already my mind was telling me that I had to hide my powers at all costs!!!!!! In a world where you are ruled by the everyday and normal, of course you will reject what is different!!!! It always happens like that!!! That's how humans are!!!! We are afraid that they will change what we know and that's why they will always prefer everything to be as we know it!!!! This is also the way humanity lived!!!! It lived peacefully until someone decided to think differently and affirm something that could be true!!!! It happened in all ages!!!! And now it's happening to me!!!! ahhh...now that I think about it, it would be a disaster if someone appears with powers in a world where it's clearly not normalized...

I remained speechless because...at this I looked at Smith who was calm and what's more, continued talking.

『They didn't hesitate to get rid of you. Just yesterday you could have been killed 』

I was still shocked at this because...how could I have died yesterday? This is escalating a lot!!!! Not that I was supposed to live a quiet, relaxing life from scratch!!!! There is nothing relaxing about this!!!! You promised me a better life and that I can do better, I won't deny, it made me want to quickly leave this world knowing everything I caused.

『But thanks to the fact that you decided to let us help you, that you asked for my help, I'm willing to do anything to keep my word M-chan』.

To this Smith told me that he fought against the High Command so that they would not eliminate me and hunt me down, that he always took my side, affirming only with his word that I am just a child who knows nothing and is only willing to have a normal life far from all the purpose that was instilled in me from the beginning. It is better to eliminate the root of the problem before it becomes a danger and it is too late for them to act, right now they consider me who can bring a great chaos in the world... But Smith did not stay there, I fight with cloak and shield to the orders of the High Command, all for my sake.

『You can calm down and relax old men, I understand the concern you have about everything being turned upside down, but do you really believe that only one child is enough to provoke what you say, the beginning of chaos? You are right in the head, I do not judge you nor criticize you all this time because thanks to you a peaceful life could have been led all over the world. Although I feel that anyway if I had not found out about the existence of M-chan before, if you had found out about him first, I feel that you would have done what you had to do and hidden it from the rest of the world, you would have also hidden it from those of us who are part of this Species organization *sigh* That already made me lower points to you old men, what other things would you have done in the rest of the world and we wouldn't have known about it 』-『But not this time, although you say you accept the Species and give them their place in humanity, in reality it is not so, if possible you would like that there is no such contact and that they never intrude with humans, or at best as they have done so far, force them to live under our customs and laws, and thus have between quotation marks a stability between Species and Humans, for something there are laws, for something there is my Squadron, for something there are regulations towards the Species above all』-『Because they are still considered as Monsters』- 『But it is not like that...they are not monsters as you say...after living with them I could realize that all the Species were forced long before to establish relations with the Human Species, they are not a danger nor much less to be feared, we should not move away nor reject them...The world itself is telling us that we should live together in harmony without discrepancy or discrimination, without fear of all equally. We can live without being subjected to their silly old ideas. The clearest proof is the new species that are being born. The Interspecies, Mutants or Hybrids as you want to call them, is the clear example that we can live breaking the barriers of difference. What if they become better than humans? What if they are a more evolved race? Hello? we have also evolved to the point where we are and where we are, you like the title of World Dominant Species don't you? Just because we are in the majority and occupy as much space as possible. And even that is not enough since the whole history of humans always seeks to expand. They don't mind to extinguish either animals or in this case Species...』

『But that's what the Species Exchange program is for!!!! We want to preserve as many species as possible!!!!』

『And do they want to preserve the species as such...or do they just want that with the union of a human, to gradually remove a danger, the monster they were originally before?』

『Not that....』

『All Species in the first place were Monsters, that if I don't stress it to you, it was their most primitive and most dangerous stage of all, but as history went on they needed humans, to unite with them in order to prosper in the future, that brought us to the present day. They are no longer monsters, if they are truly considered equals, they should have the same respect, rights, and treatment. You should not be afraid of them 』

Smith was giving his all in this meeting he had where they were deciding what to do with M, where he did not let any of the High Command speak, he was doing everything possible to defend M no matter what, giving a little review of the Species and Humans in the world. To this the old ones were worried and nervous, they were the ones who started all this, themselves? Most likely not, for sure it is a long time old organization that what they did is to try to transform the world into an advantage where the human is the most prosperous than other Species.

『Stop throwing all this nonsense at us!!!! You treat us like we're the bad guys!!!!! Us!!! All this time we have always seen for the good of all!!!! In seeking stability among all living beings on this planet!!!! And of course we want and have preference in our own Species!!!! That is something logical coming in a world where a hierarchy always existed!!!! 』

『Well, at least you recognize it, I think I was a little bit inspired by the truth, your work and mine is the same, to preserve peace between Humans and Species, so why don't we do that? Let's give the child a chance to live a peaceful life in the human world, far away from what you suppose will be a danger in the future, I already promised the child, he asked me for help, so I am willing to do everything so he can start from zero and have a happy life *would be*』.

At this the old men who were in suits and ties, were clenching their fists because of everything that just happened, while Smith calmly in his seat placed his hands and leaned his face on it. As if already knowing what he achieved, his own look said so.

『All right, we will make an exception for the child, just this once we will be true to our purpose of living together without differences between Species and Humans』-『You will be in charge of that child Kuroko Smith, whatever he does you are responsible for everything 』.

『Understood *smiles*』

『If you can get him to live a quiet life away from his initial purpose as a trained and evolved Interspecies, we'll promote you 』

『Seriously?!!! Wuahh!!!( Sorry M-chan, but I'm also going to use you as a stepping stone to move up positions!!!)』

『But if in the end you turn out to be a danger and be the first step to bring chaos to the world....』

『If it all goes wrong, they will end up declaring you an enemy of humanity and won't hold back in killing you M-chan, and for me if it all goes wrong, I think I heard that they were going to kill me too...or give me life sentence? Although I don't think so, I have a good performance in my job taking care of Japan, they know I'm good at what I do, so they're just going to give me a little wake-up call *smile*』

Smith was sticking his tongue out as if minimizing what just happened or in this case what I just heard...Ahh....at that moment I was still speechless, especially from everything he just told me in short, I won't deny it, it made me want to leave this world that much more now that I see the danger I can put myself in, like what enemy of humanity? Does that title even exist? How do you get to that degree or what do you have to do to be declared as such? Are they really so afraid of me? But I'm not going to cause anything... I guess I'm just another victim of the fear of others...

『That's why I want this to be formal M-chan, this contract in short says what I just told you, if you sign it you will be agreeing to be under human laws and you will be considered and treated as one, if you violate some of our restrictions, such as being a danger to the world! Then we will be well within our rights to hunt you down. Even I'm in there so please live a normal life, don't make me shoot you in the head 』.

He literally just told me that he can kill me anytime!!!! Like he wants me to be calm, how can I relax having a life from scratch if I am with terrible weight carrying!!!! And like I should just have a peaceful life? What does it say in the fine print!!!! I'm sick and I don't know what it says!!!! Make it bigger, assholes!!!! Well...and in the restrictions that I must avoid...What?!!!! It only says that if I violate the norms of humanity, I will be considered an enemy of humanity? But not that in the contracts are more specific!!! Like what standards of humanity!!!! What do you mean by that!!! What do I have to do or what do I have to avoid doing!!!!! Tell me damn it !!!! I was quickly showing it to Smith to tell me what to do, but his answer....

『Ah, those old men, they left it so simple like that to speculation so they can act as they see fit, this is a problem, so what I can recommend you M-chan, don't do anything out of the ordinary *grin*』.

To this literally it's like I died in bed....ahhh...I want to cry...I'm getting nervous....ya knew everything was going to bring bad news if this woman showed up, although I think she just did her job of informing me, I also support me in not being given direct chase...But what do you really mean nothing out of the ordinary, besides what do you consider me? Human right? but internally they know that I am not a human, for them I am...

『An Interspecies, you are special even in that category that is slowly starting to emerge in the world. It's not that all the InterSpecies are being watched, they live their day to day lives normally, it was exaggerated to say don't do something out of the ordinary, more correct would be to say, don't do bad things with your skills that will endanger everyone. Be responsible and even, I think I would appreciate it if you did good things with your skills, the members of my group called MON . Monster Ops: Neutralization, they are all Species and it helps a lot if you use all your unique skills in order to bring peace to the country. I'm not asking you to be a hero, that's something you don't want to be when you realize it *smiles* Just have a good think about what things you can do, if you are able to help, then do it. I trust that you can lead a great and good life M-chan *smiles*』

To this Smith spoke to me with tranquility and affection, I could tell he wanted to make me calm down after all the pressure that came to me, either because he saw me nervous, he took me by the shoulder to be able to tell me that I can live a quiet life but without obviating what I can do for others....To this I was still with doubts, I could get to talk and what I told him worried was....

『If I am not able to do anything...if I am doing something wrong...what...should I do?...』

『That's easy, don't worry, all of us who love you will do our best to get you on the right track *smiles*』.

Those last words in the face of my concern, if made me feel happy internally, I even blushed as it made me very happy indeed. At that moment if I could notice that she is an adult, or rather a normal and any girl who seeks to be of help in everything she is capable of as she said herself. To this there was still the contract to sign...what would happen if I don't accept? if I don't sign? The safest thing is that they still consider me a danger and could act at any time, if I sign I can live quietly of course with limitations but ... that depends entirely on my effort.

『I don't think I'm ready to sign yet Smith-san...can you give me a little more time? 』

『¿? Well, okay, but I recommend you to sign at once, if what you want is to stay and live here, to have a full and peaceful life in this world, you shouldn't hesitate』

『Stay here? Yes, that's what we talked about the other day, but...let me think about it some more Smith-san, I...I have to think about it...』

『¿? Okay, but you won't be able to wait forever, the longest time I can give you is a month of waiting, meanwhile you'll be being watched to see that you don't do anything weird, also if you sign those people in the High Command will trust you that you won't do anything wrong, you know the phrase』-『Paper sends *laughs* See you another day M-chan』

When Smith left, I was able to feel much more relaxed, of course I still felt that they were watching me, which was very uncomfortable. But the fact that they want to control me just because it's me...it makes me think a lot. I thought it was going to be easier, in the stories I always saw, someone different and strange lived peacefully in a peaceful world, nothing happened to them and they didn't care about doing something different from the rest and they had no consequences...But for me everything was the opposite, I showed to be different and they already consider me a latent danger...To live like this is really right? Just by signing I will be able to live in peace?...I don't know...I really prefer to go to another world where I can do what I want without hiding and nothing happens to me.... At that moment I threw myself on the bed and raised my arm, I got a little serious at that moment so...

『I must try 』


And with that we are only one day away from the month that Smith told me, and the truth is that I said I was going to try, but I think it's easier said than done, you said? Well all you have to do is act normal, don't you think? Yes! That's exactly what I thought, no big deal, I'm causing myself to see something so difficult when it's actually much simpler!!!!

『It always ends up happening! The pressure invades us and for little things we get that cold fear!!!!! You must have felt it too, right Rino? 』

『Well yes, little actions and words end up distorting our thinking, after all that's where common conflicts are generated, talking is something very simple and it's a weapon that everyone can use at any time 』

『So powerful is talking? I hadn't seen it that way 』

『Well, Miss Smith defended you just by using her words, little do they take it for granted, but when the time comes, when someone raises and gives voice for you, it really is a valuable gesture *smiles*』

『....You're right, it's such a simple thing that it's easy to forget』

『That's why we always have to speak up and show our faces, it's always been the only way for no one to forget us』.

At that moment, I don't know why, but Rino started to caress my head, and at that moment I started to look at him as if he was doing that, where in his face I could only see that he was smiling. I'm not going to deny it, talking of course is important, but this kind of gesture, which is also a way to make yourself known, is much more direct and sincere. 

『With this receiving your little sisters on a daily basis, what an envy the truth』.

『The job of a Big Brother is to spoil his Little Sisters!!! That's where pride in oneself comes from!!!! Besides you have a Big Sister too, hasn't she been good to you all this time? 』

『Yes...well...let's just say that...she does her best to be respected...』

That made me remember my Big Sister, she is 10 years older than me, I still have clear the stages she has lived and how she has behaved, it's very curious the truth, since I was little she always transmitted me that feeling that she can do everything she proposes, but the last years I managed to see her, before being swallowed by the portal...I just hope that things have improved for my sister.

It was getting late in the afternoon, the sun was setting and even though it's been a month, you'd think I would have recovered from the beginning fever, right? I don't even remember if I mentioned it before, but it just implies that I'm still sick, whatever. Yes, I'm still sick and you may wonder why! I don't have the slightest idea either, when I have days off, I can't have a very good time, because even though I'm protected and everything, I always end up getting sick of something! It already happened many times, especially there are no days when I get sick in the Summer or Winter Holidays, it's like a tradition for my body or I don't know what, even my own friends already know that at some point of those days I will get sick, they are already prepared to take care of me, is that really...I am very healthy in study stage, and when I have day off!!!!! 

『Just thinking about how my body works makes me angry *annoyed*』.

I was clenching my fist while it was still noticeable that I was in bed and with a wet handkerchief on my forehead, but it seems that I was very distracted that Aniki had already returned to the room, and this time as always, bringing me food so I could recover as much as possible. To this he was by my side, homely as always, but when I realized that he was already here, I quickly felt very shy and blushing, I hope he didn't hear that I started talking to myself, or well, it's not that I talk to myself, but for them I guess it must be like that.

I went on to eat what she brought me in the tray, now if I am able to eat by myself and nothing to give it in my mouth, but really almost all month I took advantage of Aniki's kindness, this only makes me feel that I owe her more and I don't have a way of how to pay her back, moreover...I don't even know if I can pay her back.

『Hey M-san 』


『We're almost a month since you've been staying with us, and well, I was wondering if you felt comfortable 』


『*sigh*I'm just asking why the girls are worried about you, they told me that they noticed you were repressed and uncomfortable, like you feel bad and you do your best to limit yourself in many occasions. For example, many of them say that you became more quiet, like in the first day, we thought you would be more dynamic and extroverted』-『I also noticed that you are more refusing gestures from us, when I want to invite you something or bring something, you mostly refuse and then.... To Papi's words: When I want to play with M-nii-chan or give her something, she always ends up rejecting me and prefers to go to her room and stay alone, and when I can be with M-nii-chan at home, she limits herself a lot and I even notice she's very stiff, she refuses to leave the house and...maybe she hates me?』-『That's what *nervous*』 

To what Aniki told me, at that moment I felt very nervous and confused by what he just told me, like I hate him? No no no no no no!!! Not at all!!! I don't hate Papi! It's the opposite, I feel that I want something special with her!!!! But....ahh!!!!! At that moment when I was internally muffling myself, Rino was floating next to me and was listening to the whole conversation.

『What's wrong with Little M? I want to do a thousand things with him, but he always ends up rejecting me and locks himself in your room, he's a little boy and I want him to have fun as such, I'm willing to help but!!!! If he doesn't want to I can't do much...』

!!!!!!! Mia too!!!!...I know she was also interested in me to do many things, she reminds me a lot, or at least brings me the feeling of being a new mother, she really wants to treat me like a child, she wants to spoil me as much as possible, she wants to be by my side as much as possible, I even thought that she wants to have a greater attachment to Papi's, which I didn't expect it. But I can feel his enthusiasm and it doesn't really bother me but... I feel that he is overwhelming me with the fact that he wants to take care of me to death! Unlike Papi who is always looking for me to leave the house, with Mia it's different, if I'm going to leave the house, either you have to be accompanied by her or Kurusu!!!! Or it's more!!! She wants us to have a free and quiet walk the 3 of us together!!!! As a family who have their child!!!! That I'm not a toddler and much less a baby!!!!

And he is also aware of who I hang out with, like he has to know if I'm going to take a good influence or not, with all of them is fine, the only one who avoids me at all costs is with Rachnera, which is too much to say why.

『I've never seen Mia-san act like that before, it's cute to see her worrying and wanting to be very attentive to you M-san, I feel like as a Mother she would be not the best of all, but she would try very hard for her son 』-『That's why worrying a lot about you and not noticing a closeness, it's also starting to feel bad this month』.

『(.... Really? but...ahh...and it's my fault? )』

Well, let's make a review of Lamia Mia, in the first instance I already have something very clear, that the idea of forming a family with Kimihito Kurusu was always in her mind, not to say that she was the first to feel unconditional love for my brother, I understand that she was the first to live with Aniki and the first to fall in love with him, she is an ordinary girl if you take away that she has half of her body that of a snake, she is funny, she has insecurities, she is trustworthy, and she is both good and bad at different things, but you can tell that everything she does is more for the good of those she cares about than for herself, which I could tell. When Aniki was not able to attend me or take care of me, Mia was always the one who was present to take care of me, and I could notice her nervousness at the beginning, even putting a handkerchief on my forehead, measuring my temperature, giving me medicines and so on, more than meticulous, she was afraid of spoiling it at any moment. And she would always ask me if I needed anything or if I want to do anything, that she would take care of it. When I saw her and noticed her attitude with me, she became a nice girl, I feel that if she knew how to do everything she is about to do, she would be an excellent person, but in her clumsiness there is also charm, and that makes her cute in her own way.

But with my bad reception to her, I think I caused her stress and insecurity, I also feel that her mood was much lower than it was at the beginning. Uhm...I think this one really made me feel bad....

『M-dono? Yes, I could tell he prefers to have his space and avoids us if possible, which is weird since it's the opposite of what he told us that day we met him. I have tried to spend time with him, he wanted to play the console on many occasions, but there were only a few times when we played. He's really bad at games M-dono...』

I'm not bad at games, it's just that I got nervous and I'm not able to react as I should, but seriously Centorea-san, I'm so good at games that they even call me an nurse....

My relationship with Centorea has not advanced much, I feel that she took my words literally to be our first closeness, the only reason she calls me is to play, and at first she did it very friendly, but little by little she started to take a much more formal attitude and I think I know why. She even appeared to me at the front of the room when I wanted to go to the bathroom, I found her bent over with her head touching the floor, my reaction to this was to freeze and why was she doing this...but....

『I formally request that we can have a fun and playful time. Where our abilities, both physical and mental will be in harmony and can socialize agreeing moves where the results will be satisfying and others not so comforting. There are many themes to explore and I made some sacrifices to be able to have a variety of stories and gameplay, I hope this is enough to be able to be at your level and show me your true abilities. M-dono!』

I still remember his words perfectly, but seriously he was too formal!!!! Before he only told me to go and play games! But now he tells me that he made sacrifices and what about mental abilities and other things!!!! But what things do you mean!!!!! To this I think there was a misunderstanding, Centorea when she took to heart what I said, literally was like that, although I always lose in the few games we have played, she remembers and has in mind my words that day, that I am very good and that no one can beat me, which she wants me to prove it at all costs!!! I don't know if it's centaur pride more than anything else, her instinct or I don't know what, but I feel that instead of liking her, I'm minimizing her or not recognizing Centorea's skills, she got the idea that I'm so good that there's no point in showing it to someone who is so bad!!!! But!!!!! That just makes me look like an idiot!!!!!

In the same bed I wanted to fall on my head, but Aniki was able to avoid this, really all this happened only because of my actions? But it's no big deal either, why make up a thousand things if that's not exactly what I want!!!! Ahhhh!!!!! 

『And also-----』

『(There are more?...)』༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

『I want to ask you something my love, I feel that Young M doesn't like me, although I think it's his right, I feel that because of my actions instead of curing him I ended up making his condition worse and now he is sick, although he is recovering I feel that this bad moment made our friendship distant. I do not want it to end like this! A friendship cannot begin if it is not fulfilled! Every time I want to talk to him about what I want to help him, he avoids me at all costs, throws me a sidelong glance and then leaves ignoring me...That makes me feel very bad, I think I hold a grudge...』-『But it's not like that! I didn't do it with malice! I just wanted to help him! And I also want to help him in what he feels now! He is a little boy and I feel that it is a subject that he must know very well to have a happy ending! But if there is no intention to do so, you can't start a love story, will this be the way my story with young M?』 

Mero also end up being affected by my acting all this month, and again I repeat, that is not it!!!! I'm not avoiding you or anything!!!!! It's just that...it's just that...of course I am interested in you helping me on that subject, I am confused and I think an expert like you can help me, but I can't forget it...The cold water...the sound of danger...and that out of nowhere comes out the most terrible thing in the world of water, I was already traumatized as a child with a syringe and now you made me repeat it!!!!! Triple! no! quintuple that trauma!!! !!!! My butt still hurts from that injection! Besides, what did you inject me with? Was it medicine? Then why did I get sick! But it's not that I'm avoiding Mero, it's just that every time I see you, my mind still holds that bad moment, and when I realize it I end up running away to avoid repeating the tragedy.

『The thing about Mero-san...tell him that...nothing...don't tell him anything...*nervous*』


At that moment I found myself at a crossroads, I hope no one has realized what I have in mind until now. While my relationship with the others, with Rachnera wasn't the best of things either, I hardly ever got any attention, there's no...that sounds bad. Let's just say my interest was much lower.

『Fear of spiders』

So, I don't rule out that she's a very nice girl, and I think she's the most willing to do other kinds of questionable things for her friends.

『Fear of spiders』

I'm sure if I ask her for help she'll gladly do it, she's charming in her own way, plus I think she's more refined and demure to be who likewise is willing to offer all of herself to Kurusu and likewise, you know what I mean, if she gets the chance to...you know...with Aniki...of course she's going to do it. 

『Fear of spiders』

I feel that I can have a much more serious conversation with her than with all of them, she gives me those vibes, I think she is the oldest of them all? Or at least that's what she gives me to understand, she always has in mind what actions will happen in the future if we do this, she is more cautious but also adventurous in many situations if she wants to be the first in something. She's one of those people that you'd rather be her friend than her enemy, and that's why....

『Fear of spiders』

That I'd rather stay in a neutral moment with her....

There was nothing else to say, also one of the reasons is because I'm very afraid of spiders, and seeing one that is much bigger than me, its legs alone are bigger than me...Knowing that with its webs I can easily become its toy, the truth if terrifies me a lot....

While with Suu and Lala, well it's fine, I feel that she is one of the ones who took it normal that I start living here, it's like the other girls who put their attention to me because I am a boy, and besides that I am someone special to say the least. Lala treats me like a normal boy, if I don't want to talk to her it's fine, if I want to talk to her about something, it's fine. If I have to ask her for a favor or get something from her, well that's fine, just like she talks to me calmly. She is the only one that I feel that she doesn't treat me like a child, she treats me like one on one. Which I am very grateful for.

On the other hand, Suu, I think she is the one with whom I have formed a friendship with the most, I don't know why, but being a Slime and...well just that, being a Slime, I don't know why. But just seeing her brings me a lot of confidence, makes me want to be her friend all at once. The time she appeared in my room, I stared at her as if judging her, and she was quiet, I moved my head sideways and she did it too, I lifted my arm, she did it too. I would stand up, do any other movement, and she would also replicate it, and that her only form of communication is saying her name.


The truth...yes it made me smile with joy at that moment. Like I was back to being a little kid stuck in his head, the dynamics I do when I'm alone, I don't feel embarrassed to do it when Suu is with me, it's funny how he plays along with me according to his thinking, plus I'm amazed at the things he can do! It's amazing to be a Slime, you can stretch and mold yourself into any shape or being!!!! The other time we were playing at throwing things at each other!!!! Of course this happened at the part where I had already recovered, but it was fun!!!! She would throw Slime balls at me from her body, where I had to dodge them, but at the same time I would take those same Slime balls with my hands, and throw them directly at her, it was like playing a shooting game!!!!

Or the time he made a swing!!! Or the other time when we swung like Spiderman himself!!!! We also did a dynamic, Suu went back to his Slime form and I stuck different papers on his forehead that contained different words, the game consisted of me trying to imitate or give him to understand the meaning of those words and Suu had to find the answer. It was a lot of fun! Seeing how Suu molded her body according to my indications and many times getting it right! It also worked the other way around! Only it was very easy in my position as Suu literally transformed herself into what was written on the paper, and winning was easy.

And when the days were over, it was really fun! I still remember how Aniki entered her room that day, oh and yes, we did all this in Kurusu's room, when she entered and saw that everything was stained by parts of Suu's Slime all over her room, seeing me also covered in Slime slime, or her fluids I don't know what. Suu was also happy, I thought that nothing bad had happened but....

At that very moment I ended up sneezing and .... again I got sick again from the few days that I was supposed to be recovered. It happened to me like everyone else at any time, there is always residual sickness after you feel better, that's why you can't neglect it and continue with the treatment for a while longer to eliminate all the sickness. And that's how I went back to being sick for the rest of the month.

『He didn't do anything bad to you Suu did he? Don't...don't...』

『Didn't do what to me Aniki?』

『It looks like everything is fine, but Suu...I'm sorry but I think you should avoid getting together until you get better M-san』.

And since that day I haven't gotten back together with Suu for fear of my illness getting worse, although I think it was also because of something else. I guess I was lucky? Or is it because she thinks of me as a child too?

But going back to where we had stayed, Aniki was giving me a review of how the Species were worried about me and that they asked Kurusu a favor to talk to me in order to avoid misunderstandings and to know if I really don't want to know anything about them.

『It's not that Aniki, it's just that...even though I was decided, I'm still not sure about my decision, they are all nice and the short time I met them, they are much more than the idea I had at the beginning, I would like to stay a little longer...』

『Stay? Are you going somewhere M-san?』

『!!!!!!.....Yes...I'm not going to stay forever and at some point I'll have to leave...it was a lot of fun the little bit I lived here, I would have liked it to have been better but...I guess it's a decision I have to make yes or yes』.

At that moment I blurted out something I shouldn't say, hiding it from her would only make her more suspicious of me and doubt what I will do. So I was honest with Aniki and told her clearly what I think and what I will do at any time. I thought at that moment that she would take the position of that day, where she wants me to stay with them for much longer, but....

『I see, with that being the decision you made, I too would have liked you to have stayed much longer, it was a month that went by very fast, and it was a new experience for all of us, we are all determined to continue with this decision that we also made M-san, to take care of you as much as possible. Only one month passed, then comes another and then another, and then the years will have passed, of course you have to leave and make a decision at any time, we are very happy to have been there for that moment when you leave and go your way again M-san*smile*』

Eh? But...that's not what I meant, why did you take it that way? I thought he was going to give me a hard time, that I should stay longer, but he accepts and it was clear from the beginning that at some point even though I was welcomed into his home, I'm going to have to leave. Kurusu was smiling at that moment, accepting my decision that I have to leave, and he is also happy that when that happens, that first interaction and relationship that we have with everyone, will change with the passing of time until it happens, but... I don't know if it will be enough time for me to care about everyone in this home, because when it gets dark... I...

『We will always be here for you whenever you need anything M-san, we are no strangers or at least we don't want to stay in it. When you have to leave here, I hope you'll still be yourself and have learned something from this home and us, just like you will have changed us *smiles* 』-『Until that day comes, let's get along M-san *happy*』

.....A Kurusu's words, I really didn't know how to feel at that moment...I feel like he hit me straight in the chest, a counter to my decision I had made...He was right, that he was going to oppose in some way or another in my decision which for sure is the wrong one. At this I still hadn't finished the food, it had gone cold, no matter, so I'm going to eat it anyway. Where Kurusu would stop by to say goodbye to me since he has other business to do which since I found out left me amazed.

『You study? Do you study, Aniki?』

『Why does it seem so strange to you? But yes, I've resumed my studies after a long time, I'm ashamed to say it, but there was a time where I didn't know what to do with my life and the only thing I did was exist in this house when I was the only one living in it 』-『Then Smith-san came with Mia, because of the Species Exchange program, even though it was a mistake and ended up falling the Lamia to my house, that mistake for me was my salvation *smiles* Although that was a lot of exaggeration hahaha. ..』-『For someone who had left everything and did not know what to do with his life, Lamia's arrival was particularly interesting, I had to take care of someone else besides me, it was not very difficult, at first I only thought of the basics, but I realized that was not enough, the bathroom before was too small, a large species like Mia would not fit, so I remodeled it and made it more spacious, also that not just any food is for the Lamias, they had their requirements, I also informed myself about it, since Mia arrived I started to inform myself about things I didn't know, about her species, her habits, the times they change their skin, for example that she is cold blooded, I have to regulate the bathtub correctly so that it is pleasant for Mia. At the beginning I think I was too hospitable, but if I was going to take care of someone, then I was going to do it right! I think that's why Mia ended up liking me, but I can't help it, I don't want to disappoint the one who is in my care. Then Papi, Centorea, Suu, Rachnera, Mero, Lala arrived. All of them without realizing it, I made sure that this home is as comfortable as possible for them and to be attentive to all their needs. And now the attention and affection that I have for all of them, I will also give it to you M-san, I want everyone in this home to be a family *smiles*』

.... I just kept quiet after what I heard. I could only imagine one thing, anyone else who doesn't know what to do in their life, I think they would have first focused on their own self and get ahead somehow, if you are alone, you only have yourself and no one else...of course you are open to receive friendships..... But Aniki is another level, she doesn't reject anyone who ends up falling into her care, but she makes an effort like never before so that all of them don't lack anything and live happily in this home...Surely everyone's life has changed for the better since they came here...me...me...can the same thing happen to me too?

『That's why I have a very clear purpose in life now, I want to take care of you all and help you as much as possible. So for some time now I have taken up my studies again, I am still young, I have strength to spare, and I want to use it to ensure a good future for all of them. I have entered a remedial program, my level has dropped a lot and I want to level up, because my current goal is to enter the Species Medicine Program, I want to enter the University of Tokyo』.

!!!!!!!!!! When I heard Kimihito Kurusu say that, I was really shocked, like, at the University of Tokyo, do you know what he aspires to, son? It is the most prestigious university in the country, which very few vacancies you can enter! I can't even in my wildest dreams imagine myself in a place like that, but that Aniki has a clear goal to be there and study Species Medicine...she wants to do it to make her friends happy and help them as much as possible as she says...Which now that I think about it, it's not so crazy that she aspires to it.

『E started to resume my studies since last year, this year I also plan to continue studying until the end, and next year to be able to take the entrance exam and hope to get in. I know it's a dream but if it's for all of them I feel I can do it *smiles*』.

To see him so determined in something like this, and to have his goal so full of himself, it really became so incredible to me, that I couldn't hide it and told Aniki, who modestly replied to me.

『Unbelievable? I guess so, but I still feel it's the least I can do, after all the joy and fun times I was given *smiles*』

...I looked at Kurusu who still seems little to this great achievement...which I couldn't help but keep quiet since....

『No, you are amazing Aniki, and I'm sure that in the future, you will make them happier than they are now, because you are a person capable of doing the impossible 』.

I didn't want him to be a guess, I didn't want him to doubt his capabilities, all of us who know Kimihito Kurusu, know that he is capable of many more things. I want him to always keep that in mind. Where Aniki after what I said, he accepted my words and answered me.

『Thank you, I will do my best』.

I really believe that we are all capable of striving and reaching high if we do it for other people than for ourselves....

It was already getting dark, Aniki has to go to study, her shift is in the evenings and she always comes back very late on the days she has to study, although that may explain why we met late at night that first day I fell into this world. He said goodbye where I also said goodbye to him, he brought me a previous dinner because he will not be able to be at dinner time, and who is in charge of household things is Kurusu, although they must be used to it. The Species are the ones in charge these days, in making dinner for everyone. Which I can say by my own mouth....I'd better leave a table of who's food is good and who is not.







The X is that they cook badly and the O is that they cook well, although it also has discrepancies and it is better not to be guided at all in what I have just done. Although I gave Centorea an O, in reality her dinner is always vegetables, either raw or boiled... It's what she and her species like to eat, I can eat it, but I think the same as the others, it's not enough...

Papi is very cute and all, but she doesn't get involved in the kitchen, and neither does Rachnera, she literally makes you purple soup, although it makes sense that a spider would make poison. Mero is fine, but for some reason her meals always taste like medicine...While Lala, as she works in a restaurant, it seems that the owner and cook himself teaches her how to cook, so her meals are fine, they are the best when Aniki is not there, but of course, she has work and the times she stays up late at night...It's happened many times that her own friends wanted to keep her from going to work, because they know that at dinner time they are going to suffer.

『Please Lala-dono!!!! Don't go!!!! 』

『Your meals are the only good thing when my love is away!!!! Please stay!!! 』

『I don't want to have a tummy ache again!!!! I want meat!!! meat!!!! 』

『You better stay home Lala and make us dinner, I'm not willing to have another bad meal for the 3rd time in a row. Or else you're not going to sleep when you come back 』

To this they were all holding Lala back from leaving the house, where to this the Dullahan could care less, if she has a job to do, then she has to go!!!! 

『Ya leave me alone!!!!! Let's not repeat this!!! I have to go to work!!!! And be careful with my head that you can take it away from me!!!! 』

『Since when do you want to be so responsible!!!! I liked the Lala who stayed at home and just watched anime all day』 better.

『We won't tell you about your weird poses and the things you say!!!!! But please stay!!! 』

『Don't say such things!!!! One wants to get better and you guys are preventing it!!!! What kind of friends are you!!!! 』

『We just don't want to eat ugly food!!!』

At that they all stopped Lala from leaving, of course not all of them, the only ones who only watched from inside the house were Mia and Suu. And Suu eats anything she can digest, or rather disintegrate? Whatever, but Mia was very proud and with her head held high she said.

『Let Lala go to work, better learn from her who is doing something and is not just being a breadwinner like you! 』

At this quickly at the hard face of Mia's comment, as if this did impact her friends, who let Lala go, who she was running away while shouting to come back very night. Those who stayed to look at Mia, looked at her as if she wasn't in the same bag, even Papi noticed this.

『I'm no kept woman, since I'm in charge of taking care of all of you while Honey is not at home, that's right! I'm the housewife!!!! 』

『That's not a profession 』

『Easy, I'll take care of making dinner, later you can thank me *proudly*』.

It seems that they have no other choice. And here comes the XO that I put to Mia, since I was lucky enough to try her food, where it is very curious her case, sometimes her food is very good, even similar to Kurusu's food, but in others I don't know what happens to her, but she makes culinary aberrations that nobody knows how it got there but there it is. Literally when Mia gets to cooking, it's like a 50/50 that it either turns out good or it turns out bad. You can't expect anything else, either she cooks good or she cooks ugly, although many saw her cooking next door, they could see with their own eyes how she did every single step and came out with an excellent meal for everyone, but in others even though she kept repeating the same thing, somehow the same meal that came out good before, became the worst thing ever made in this world.

Mia's skills are so incredible that not even the kitchen itself is spared from the end result it will have. So when someone has to make dinner when neither Lala nor Kurusu is around, either Centorea makes it by eating vegetables or they take a gamble and Mia cooks by having a really good dinner or as Papi said, having a tummy ache.

Now that I'm in bed, I really hope that if Mia cooks...I put my hands together and pray that the food turns out well...!!!!! Even better though, well!!!! Now that I am alone I can start my plan!!!

I got out of bed and stood in front of it, I was concentrating and closing my eyes, clenching my fists and...I am already recovering from the Fever. All this time I've been thinking about it, especially because of the whole situation that Smith informed me about, and the truth is that I prefer to avoid all kinds of problems, it would have been nice to live without that issue, couldn't they have avoided it? Was it really necessary to make some sense to this story? Ahh!!!! Now I'm forced to leave before I can live something fun here!!!!!

I opened my eyes suddenly, where now I only stretched my left hand and it seems that I am forcing something...My arm and hand were trembling and nothing was happening, this frustrated me so I put more effort and strength...It was clear what I wanted to do. I ended up memorizing the spell, but I still have it saved and wrote it down on that little piece of paper. But even if I was forcing myself, nothing happened and ....

『.....Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why nothing happens!!!!!!! Now what happened!!!! 』

Is it the fever? the flu? Is it because I haven't fully recovered? Am I still sick? No!! That has to be separate. !!!! But since that time I created the Portal to leave, did it really use up all my power? Well, how much did it use up or what? Because even though it's been a month! I haven't recovered internally! I can't go to my God Form at all!!! Before, just by thinking and concentrating I could pass, but now I can't even force myself to do it!!!! There is no way! Not even a spark! But why?

It is a subject that before relieved me, I thought it would take me a few days to regain my power, but now that a whole month has passed...I worry a lot...I still do not show any sign of having regained my power...And don't you feel insecure because you know that at any moment your life is in danger? Well, that's exactly what is happening to me! Don't forget that I could have died at any moment this month! I would be calm and nothing would happen if I knew I could defend myself, but now I'm just a skinny kid who is good for nothing! That fear that maybe not only me, but also the other girls and Aniki, what if they had also intervened against them? How did he want me to act normal if they can shoot me in the head at any time!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! So this is internally stressing and worrying!!!!! 

『What happened!!! Why can't I switch to my God Form!!!! AHHH!!!』

I tried the thousand ways to take my God Form, but no matter how hard I tried, no matter how many times I tried, there was no case which would make me regain my powers. To this is not the first time that I vent this way, already days ago, especially in this week, I have tried many times, but as you can see there is no result at all.

『But what's wrong!!! More time? I need more time to recover?』

『I don't think more time is needed, maybe it's because of your own condition Ya-kun?』

『My own condition? You mean my physical condition? What? Because I've been sick most of this month, it prevents me from taking my God Form?』

『I don't mean that, I don't think it's because you've been sick or you're out of strength, although it's also not to be ruled out that mostly when you find yourself overexerting yourself and receive a lot of damage, all that negative stuff prevents you from being able to return to your God Form』-『You run out of energy apparently 』.

『What? I know it's easy to understand Rino what you are saying, but wait...let me analyze a little bit what you said...uhm...so I ask you the question friend, what do you think is the reason why I could pass to my God Form before and now I can't? 』

At this I calmed down for a moment so I could analyze it, with the worry in my mind, I had to put myself on pause to calm down. To this I always to things I don't know, I always turn to Rino to give me the answer, as if he is someone very capable, he mostly hits the questions and doubts that are difficult. At this Rhino walked to stand in front of me, for some reason I was afraid of what he might say, he is sincere so....

At this Rino stretched out his hand towards his forehead, which was what he was going to do, but then I could see a great explosion of energy bursting from his palm. This was incredible to me, although the flame looked and felt powerful, that doesn't take away that it's just part of my imagination, and it's not really capable of doing anything, but...

『Do you see this Ya-kun? Let's be honest, I'm part of your imagination right now ,I'm not really here with you. But I'm really glad that you take me into consideration and in an important role for you *smiles*. As you see all this power that I show, it's not really mine, let's say it's borrowed because you give it to me Ya-kun. In principle it is a huge and gigantic power, that if I don't know how to use what I was granted or unlocked, I can spend it in an abrupt and uncontrolled way, even if I think I'm limiting myself. Apart from the fact that this power I have is unlimited thanks to you, in your case it is not so Ya-kun. The power you were given of course you unlocked it and were able to ascend it little by little in the said years you lived before. But like all borrowed power, at some point you lose that gift 』.

To this the great power that gushed forth from Rhino's fist, while abrupt it was at first, as time went by it became more and still smaller. At this I think I know what he's getting at, it was making me nervous and even more so when that power became non-existent as time went by.

『All this time when fighting, you always used the power of your God Form, which to be honest although it is yours, it is still a borrowed power. For now it's not a power that can be said to be distinctly yours and comes to belong to you 』

『What do you mean Rino...』

『The same as you imagine Ya-kun, that power you were given, you've already exhausted it completely 』

At this the power ceased to exist, there was nothing in Rhino's palm, at this I became very nervous and worried. What do you mean it's gone? I completely exhausted it? Wait...how can you use up a power that was granted to me? It had a limit? But why? How come! Of course you get exhausted when you use all your strength, all the times I fought until the end and exhaustion, with a little rest and time I recovered my God Form, I even felt much stronger than before, like I exhausted it? what?

At this I was thinking very seriously about the subject, I didn't talk at all, but my face reflected that I might have screwed up at some point. At this Rino looked at me seriously, and then smiled at me warmly.

『But everything has its continuation Ya-kun, and it's our duty to take care of that task *smiles* If you exhausted all the power of your God Form, then it's clear what you must do, get it back at all costs my friend. It's not that it's completely gone, it's still there, inside you. As I said it is a power that was granted to you and you are its owner now, but you can't say that it belongs to you, you still didn't make it yours Ya-kun. Now that it's fallen asleep, you have to wake it up my friend 』

『 Asleep? Wake him up? How?』

I'm not going to deny it, the first thing that came to my mind is that maybe said being of light is inside me, and thanks to him I was borrowing his power. Although...? That's not very much of a blond boy in a village hidden among the leaves? At that moment I don't know why, but I imagined trying to reach inside me, find that being of light that I know is very sleepy, and wake him up with a slap in the face.

『Wake up you sluggard!!!! It's time to go!!!!! 』-『Something like that, right? 』

『I'd say the slacker here is you Ya-kun』.

When Rino told me this, it kind of threw me off a bit in the environment I was in, I already knew it was direct but...I won't deny it, at this moment it reminds me a lot of Konomi-chan, although at least Rino tells you in a sincere and nice way, while our friend tells you but with all your truths...

『The only way I can think of that you didn't lose your God Form before at the moment you got it, is because you trained a lot, literally your first months you dedicated to discover and know more of that new power, including the fights you had and the demand, encouragement you gave you and your friends gave you so you won't be someone weak, or as you told yourself, you want to stop being a child 』

『You're right, they made me train myself to death, although it was fun for me too, I didn't know how to relate to all of them, and at least training was the only way that allowed me to become closer to all of them』.

『I can imagine, at the beginning you always keep space, it happened with us in elementary school, it happened again before the first world, and even now, despite you have new airs I remember, I'm so glad you still have that innocence of you Ya-kun』.

Rino was talking about how I acted with all the Species at home, and how I was distant or preferred to keep my space, mostly avoiding having contact and talking to them...Yes...it also reminded me of my past or well present self, because in situations like that it comes back.

『But that's what I was getting at, you always kept your God Form active, with the constant training and fights, it was like a battery, that every time you used it it would slowly deplete, and with the effort you gave it it would fill up completely again. 』

『But there was a whole year where I didn't use my God Form again, that's the year where I was a prisoner, in all that time, shouldn't my God Form have been exhausted and I shouldn't have switched to that Form anymore?』

『Yes, that's right, but as a device or object that fulfills its function. If you don't use it then it doesn't wear out, at that time you still retained the power of your God Form, and when fighting, you had no complications』

『So why!!! Why now!!! I really used up all the power of my God Form and I won't be able to access it anymore!!!!』

『The cause is clear, it's because you used the spell to travel between worlds. Carmis-kun told us, it must be used and have a lot of power from the one who performs it, you have to be very powerful or have strength to spare to do it repeatedly. That's why at the very beginning when you first accepted your friends' offer, it was the Demon himself who made the portal, the portal that brought you here was made by Miss Tatsumaki』

『Now that you say it, she was able to do it 2 times in a row....』

『I'm just going to say Ya-kun, that may make it clear what level everyone was at before 』.

That left me annoyed, since saying that everything from the first world, all of them actually are weak...If this was heard by Blaze I'm sure if would be an offense to her. But although Rino is right, if I try to compare myself to Carmis with that transformation she had at the last moment. Carmis Develot Arge and Tatsumaki highlighting all the power she has...I couldn't bring myself to compare to them....

『You're weak Ya-kun』

...This...this if I felt like something that the real Rhino would say, he tells you in your face without hiding anything, to this who was sitting on the bed, if it ended up affecting me a little, that my friend tells me that I am someone weak and that he knows it...yes it kind of leaves you a little distrust in yourself...To this Rhino also happened to sit next to me to again take from my head and tell me.

『As well as I know that you are weak, I know that you will become strong, after all that's what I expect from you, my friend *smiles*』.

『So you expect a lot from me, I don't think so-----』

『Yes you can, I don't expect you to do it alone, you have your friends who will support you, ask for help as many times as you want, it doesn't make you look cowardly or weak, you just recognize that you can't handle a problem and you want to overcome it at all costs, and that's asking for help』-『And there will come a time when asking for help will not be in your first choices, you will try to solve it by yourself and you will succeed a thousand times. You will become someone strong at that time, and when an even bigger problem comes up again, and you can't solve it by yourself, ask for help, together we will overcome it *smile*』

Rino then went on to pat me on the head in a friendly manner, while his words became cold and direct, but now they were warm and helped me to regain my confidence. This did bring me back the strength and hope that it has always been like this with Rino, his best teaching is: Ask for help and give help. And as if this was not enough, Rino's speech was still not over.

『We won't accomplish anything if we wait around now that we already know how we should retrieve your God Form Ya-kun. It should no longer be a borrowed power that you used it whenever you wanted, our goal from now on is going to be to make that power or the powers we'll get our own! We will find ourselves the way to make all power our own and mold it as we want! We will become stronger!!! 』-『You are now a child with a huge potential inside of you, and the only way to unlock it is!!!! 』

『It's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!』


On the second floor of the house, you could hear several stomping or banging noises coming from the second floor, more clearly from Kurusu's room. Who Mia to this was making dinner, and of course she could clearly hear all those noises, and it was not the first time she heard such knocks.

『Again she seems to be letting off steam, the banging now is much louder than before *decided* I can't take it anymore! I'm going to go talk to Little M and solve his problems he has!!!! 』

『I don't recommend it Mia 』-『He's not just any kid, I know you want to see him and treat him like a helpless child who should be taken care of, but we can't ignore what we know about him. At any moment he can get out of control and squander the Interspecies power he has, not for nothing Smith has him in his sights』

『Rachnera, don't talk about Little M like that!!! And how dangerous!!!! Smith? I know Smith is involved and, what else do you know Rachnera』

『I heard the conversations they had this month, and apparently the World High Commands, Smith's bosses, consider M a dangerous target and that it's better to kill him than wait for him to ---------------』

At that moment Mia moved quickly to go to Rachnera, leaving the kitchen behind, she moved with her snake body to surround her and with her hands to cover her mouth. At this Rachnera didn't understand what was going on and was complaining that I let her talk, but Mia was more concerned about the surroundings.

『Don't say such things just like that! We don't want to worry the others!!! 』

Mia didn't know about this, now that Rachnera told her, she did get a huge worry about the child, and her first reaction is for the others who didn't hear to avoid knowing about this. To this that Papi was in the living room playing with Suu, hearing a rumble nearby, he wondered what was going on, where he went to where her friends were, and found them lying on the floor.

『What are you two playing at?』

『A nothing Papi, you just know how Rachnera is, someone must stop her bad habits hahahaha....』-『You'd better go back to play with Suu before she sees this and comes up with something bad...』

『That's right!!!No bad little things in the house!!!! Be warned Rachnera-chan!!!』

Papi was leaving with a cheerful and playfulness to the living room. Who Rachnera was waiting to be released as she had understood that this kind of thing is better to talk about in private. Again there was shouting that was not very well understood, but it seems to be of annoyance or confusion. It has also been like this M this last week, with screams and blows in the room, although ....

『I see, then no wonder we were seeing him tense all this month...maybe he thought that if we join him, he would put us in danger 』.

『Tomorrow is the last day, if he accepts and signs Smith's contract, then we can calm down and rejoice, we won't be watched anymore 』

『Watching? 』

『They don't trust M, so all this month we have been watched carefully by undercover man to make everything go smoothly, and yes they came prepared 』-『You may also have noticed that this month was weird, right Mia?』

『Yes...the atmosphere in the urban area conveyed to me that we were in the crosshairs of dangerous people...』

『It's most likely that the others also noticed what was going on』-『It's a good thing we were all cautious and didn't do anything』

『And Papi?』

This is what Papi and Suu were playing with in the living room, they looked very curious after getting their hands on a device that has them intrigued. Where at this, it seems that they stopped hearing the banging and shouting from the second floor, where at this, Mia looked up and was determined.

『I want to take him away from all the danger that involved him, I want him to live a peaceful and happy life, because that's what every child deserves』.

『But he is an Interspecies』

『That doesn't take away that he deserves to have a family, that he is different from the rest of the world, that is no justification to treat him differently, if he wants to live like someone normal, then he can do it, I will help him!!!! 』

To this Mia was determined and it was noticeable nervous in her words, but she still showed strength of wanting to help as much as possible M to lead a calm and normal life. Though different he can...as well as all of them, live a relaxed and comfortable life together with his family. At this Rachnera was surprised and... she doesn't even remember when her friend Lamia was starting to change, before she behaved like this? Or is it because that child came to this home...She doesn't know, but what she does know clearly is that....

『Smells like burning 』

『Dinner!!!! 』

『And that I would stay by your side to supervise the meal....If we will be both (what to help the child with, I what I could offer to help him...)』

I looked up to the second floor, and imagined how things would be, if only M decided to open up a little more with everyone. Surely as each member of this household came, everything would become much more solid and little by little forming a family.

While in Kurusu's room, where M stayed, he was shouting and hitting everywhere since...although all the blows he gave were always to the bed, since the first time he hit the floor or the wall, he rather ended up hurting himself.

『Like I have to train!!!!!!!!!! 』

『That's right Ya-kun, you have to train to get your power back, and...this is already the tenth time I'm telling you, I'm not going to say anything else but that you should train buddy』. 

『But!!! Train? Me???? Myself???? In this body!!!!!』 

『Although the other method to regain your powers....』 

『Tell me!!! Tell me which one it is!!!! 』 

At this I happened to look at Rhino hoping for a hope that there is another way to get my powers back, but on it. I only saw Rhino smile playfully as if making a joke, he didn't say anything else, he just kept that smile that....

『Ahhh!!!!!!!!! I don't want to train!!!! Not with this body!!! I am very weak and get tired very fast!!!!! In my God Form it was a pleasure to train because I could do incredible things!!!!! I can't even finish a lap around a soccer field while jogging!!!!! Because!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!』 

『Most likely if there is another way to get your dormant powers back, but we don't know, and this is the only way we have for you to get your God Form back, so it's better to rejoice than for us to get sad Ya-kun』 

『Train...with what to train...right!!!! Then I'm going to start with the mythical training that everyone who likes anime should follow!!!』 -『100 push-ups! 100 sit-ups! 100 squats! and 10 kilometers of running daily!!!!! This way I will get much stronger!!!!! A darle!!!! 』 

I was very encouraged at that moment, that just by saying it you could imagine that it was very easy. Rino encouraged me that I would be able to do it, but since I saw his face he knew what the result would be. When I least expected it, I was already lying on the ground with no strength in my arms and legs, the bell rang that I had just lost and....

『I didn't even make it to 15 push-ups and I got tired...』 

『And on top of that you have to do it every day Ya-kun』 

『Daily...the way of the strongest is really hard...』 

『Let's go at our own pace, let's adapt to your Ya-kun method, when we reach a small percentage to move to God Form, then we will work from that and you gradually recover your energy in your God Form and you will have it back to full, do you agree? 』 

『Yes...that sounds like a better idea to me...』 

And until that day comes, I'm going to have to live here for sure for a long time. Which makes me feel bad, at first I was planning to stay for a while, but then Smith made me want to leave, what's more, if I had recovered my powers tonight, I would be leaving already...I would have left without accomplishing my goals I set out to achieve...to run away like that in a cowardly way just because it's not the way I expected, it's really humiliating....

『Run away...I shouldn't be conformist and make the decisions that suit me, I will always be in a situation where it won't be the best for me, but that doesn't mean I should leave as someone weak...I...better not promise anything. I'm just going to focus on moving forward and moving forward, until without me expecting it, the situation benefits me』. 

I was talking alone, my only companion was Rino, but just as I finished my words, I heard someone knocking on the door, the room was dark, it was already dark? so fast? Time does pass when you are in your mind. I could see how the light of the corridor reflected the shadow of my visitors, who were Papi and Suu. To this the Crone commented if I could enter the room, where to this I first got nervous but being in front one of the reasons why I want to continue staying....

『You may come in 』 

At this Papi and Suu were entering the room, and with the first thing he said....

『Hello M-nii-chan!!!! Why!!!? Why does this place look so lonely? 』 

To this I hadn't seen it like this, but of course...the room is dark and the only thing there is, is a boy who is sitting on the bed as if he had an argument with himself recently. To this I didn't know what to say to him...I could tell he wanted to talk, but it just wouldn't come out, what if he said something stupid or something that had nothing to do with anything. I preferred to stay quiet and play it safe.

『Papi! It's just...so...so I like to be....(Idiot!! Idiot!! Now he's going to think you're a goth or I don't know what!!!!)』 

Very bad response to this, where I was getting nervous and already getting on my nerves, Papi was in the room and didn't say anything for seconds. This awkward silence made me think that I wanted to leave for good. But to this Papi was cheerful and wanted to show me something, he didn't hesitate to come closer and show me what he had holding in his wings, which I just realized and....

『A drone? Where'd you get that drone Papi?』 

『For days I noticed a peculiar sound outside the house, and wanting to see what it was, I came across one of these things, it was circling the house and I especially think it was watching you M-nii-chan, so I didn't think about it and caught it as fast as I could!!!! It's really slow! It was very easy *smiles*』 

It was clear, this was a drone that was watching me so I wouldn't do anything weird, which makes me curious that Papi detected it, and stopped it thinking it might do something bad to me. It's a gesture that I won't take much notice of, but that he did it thinking of me makes me happy.

『So what do we do with this thing? Do we keep it or destroy it? 』

『I think it's better to keep it Papi (I don't want them to take it as a rebellion...) 』

『*It annoys me*』


『I'm not Papi!!!! I am your Onee-chan!!! Repeat after me!!! Onne-chan!!! 』

『Eh?...*shy* Onee-chan....Onee-chan? 』

『*happy* That's right, I'm your Onee-chan and you're my M-nii-chan, you have problems right? You keep yelling and banging around the room, even downstairs you can hear it *smiles*』


Pear pear...Wait....How do you hear it all the way downstairs? Eh? Doesn't it just stay here? Everything I do and talk is heard???? WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was overcome with a huge fear of nerves and worry, then all the times I yell or talk to myself, everyone heard it, it can't be!!!! Then everyone must think that!!!

『Mia, Mero, Rachnera, Centorea, Lala, they said you might be sick 』

『!!!!! No!!....ahh...uh...what....you'll see.....(I'm getting really nervous!!!)』

『I think so, too』


『Suu also believes it』

『 ('ж`;)』

But!!! Ya!!! Everyone in this house sure sees me as a sickly weirdo that they only care for and accept me out of pity!!!! Then I was right!!!! Ahhhh!!!!.. why is everyone being straight with me!!!! Can't they see that they are hurting me!!!! On top of that Papi and Suu thinking that about me...yeah it makes me want to cry. o(;△;)o

『And that's why we want to help you!!!! If something hurts you! If something bothers you or bothers you!!! Just tell me and I'll do my best to make you feel good M-nii-chan!!!! 』


『We wanted to do many things with you now that I met you, now that I have a Little Brother, like going to play, eating together, showing you of the things I'm good at. But you were acting weird and avoiding me all this time, remembering how I met you, I thought you would be a very funny kid, that's what you conveyed to me, but now....I still think you are a very energetic kid!』-『I'm not very good at several things! But I'll try my best if I can help you in anything!!! Like in cooking! Or in chores! ahh....taking care of you!!!! Although that didn't go very well!!! But!!! I want to do everything I can to make myself closer to you!!!! M-nii-chan!!! 』


『Just as I want to show you how I really am, I want you to also show me how you really are, only then will we become closer!!』-『I know that when you are with Suu alone, you are much more cheerful and smiling, more playful and have a lot of fun, I also want to see you like this M-nii-chan』-『Please let me be a part and be with you too』.

To this I couldn't say anything, and I was with my head down and bowed, as I didn't expect this. For Papi to come with this drone and make me talk out of nowhere, I just feel it's too much for someone who is introverted to begin with. And every time he talked more and more with that innocence he has...I don't want you to feel bad that I don't answer you, it's just that...right now I'm very red and shy because of you...Papi....

『No...you don't have to ask me for permission Papi...because I...I want to be with you too *smiles* 』 

AHHHH!!! This sounds like a confession!!! Why does it sound so much like that!!!! We are just getting closer in our own way!!!!! What I mean is that I want to be more friendly with Papi and everyone!!!!! Why do I say these kinds of things!!! I can't be another way or words!!!!! To this I was very nervous, where Rhino saw everything and seem to disappear for the rest of the day. To this I was with my eyes closed because of the embarrassment I said, but as soon as I opened them, what I found was Papi with a big and huge smile on his face, which was enough to take away all the doubts and worries I had.

『M-nii-chan!!!! M-nii-chan!!! I love you so much!!! M-nii-chan!!! 』

『Eh!!!!( What do you...what do you...like...love me ...love me....eh?....)』

Papi jumped up to hug me joyfully, like a little girl who wants to receive and give affection to her family. But....to this his words I really must be careful, if he continues to be like this, with such simple words I can easily fall into his affection. But it was not only this, because also as Papi jumped to hug me and was moving back and forth, I could also feel her small breasts that...I was getting redder and redder that...eh? At what point did the lights come on? At this I was very nervous but happy at the same time. Where...

『I'm going to become strong...Papi...*red* to protect what matters to me 』

I don't know why I said it, maybe I thought it would look good, but...I kept looking at Papi and she wouldn't take her gaze off me, which only made me more uncomfortable and...in that we were together with the hug, because of how she laid me on the bed and was rolling around. I think this made Suu feel something which...when I happened to look at her....

『Hey...hey hey hey hey!!! Calm those tentacles on your body!!!! Hey Suu!!!! 』

『Suu!!! Noo!!! Don't do those things!!! It's not what you think!!! It's just brotherly love!!!! 』

『Yes!!! It's Brot---eh love???????』

Like what Brotherly love, those things are.....I think my head exploded at that moment that...Suu was coming towards us with all her Slime tentacles and....After a loud scream was heard in the room and it wasn't mine, everyone quickly went to see what was going on, and what they managed to find was. Mia was very red because of what she had found, Rachnera didn't think that this child would advance so much, while Centorea couldn't even get a word together, and Mero was just smiling because there was a great advance.

They ended up finding Papi, Suu and me, both covered by Suu's slime, I don't know what happened, but I have vague memories, only that...the sensation of my body was weird...I wanted to see how Papi was and.... I saw a ray of light in something that I shouldn't see, because Suu was being playful with her friend, lifting her clothes, I couldn't see because Rino surely forbids it but...It's a scene that...I'd rather erase it from my mind.

『M!!!!! PAPI!!! SUU!!!!!! BUT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!! 』

Mia yelled at the 3 of us for how things ended, but I think I expected it at some point, getting to live a moment where you have to have this ending.....

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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