
Chapter 60.1: Nekomata Case 12

At this Lain interrupted the Chief who was once again getting angry and shouting, who was confused and asked him what he was going to do according to Lain, who, between doubts and fear, commented that...

『Don't kill her...please...』

Who Lain was very worried about this, and even at the moment he said it, he quickly moved to bow that his head touched the ground again. Where at this the Boss was left confused, since....

『Eh? Kill? no no no no no, of course I don't do that 』


『Why would I kill someone for such a situation? Of course it bothered me a lot but, it only remained as a momentary anger, I will not let myself be carried away by a momentary feeling and therefore define a bad answer, many people do not know how to control themselves, but, is it so difficult not to do something crazy? 』-『We do not kill anyone for situations like that Lain, more than anything we avoid taking innocent lives, of course there are exceptions, when they attempt with our lives, or are you going to let yourself be killed without fighting first? Of course not, also when in small situations and circumstances, we take the decision to end the life of someone, as it is to endanger the happiness of thousands of people, it does not sound good at all, it is not after all, and even more when you realize that the life we have, is easy to take away 』.

To this the Boss commented on their way of acting, where Lain to this was confused and tried to understand how these operate in their shady business they are in, but at least he can understand something, that they are expert people in what they do, since he understands that this business is family....

『So don't worry, we're not going to end anyone's life *smiles* although it's a bad saying after telling you that we killed Ron's parents, but well』-『So you know Lain, I trust you just like you trust me, as long as there is that all good *smiles* And if you jeopardize everything I care about, maybe what happened in that Nekomata home, will happen again, you don't want to be next, do you Lain? 』


『So I hope the next one you make better decisions that will help us all have a happy ending, don't disappoint me 』.

At that moment Lain happened to stand up, where the Boss seems to finish what he had to talk to him, he was passing to say goodbye and wish him a nice Christmas, where Lain to this was confused, he waved his hand but.... with the last conversation they just had, he really just got scared and was seriously thinking about the world he got himself into...he has to make a better decision to make everyone happy...where the Boss is happy...To this Lain clenched his fists and didn't know what he had to do at that moment.....

『Sorry I'm late, I'm here, how's everything going here? 』


At that moment when he was entering the upper cabin of the cargo ship, he was quickly received by a blow all over his face that again left him lying on the floor, if that does not have much resistance in this type. Quickly to this history was going to repeat itself, he managed to see something fuzzy, but when he realized, he ended up getting 2 hard stomps all over his stomach, which made the Chief scream in pain, it was Ema who was beating him up.

『Well done Ema!!! While we for our part!!』

『Hhahaha you want to keep playing kids? Fine! Let's see if you can get your friend off my arms!!!! 』

At this was Towa who was holding Ron in his arms, who quickly Jun was running to give him a strong kick, but he quickly noticed that this did nothing to the Oni who surpassed her in size and strength, who like playing with children, only pushed them slightly to make them aside, he quickly noticed that Giji was coming for him with a huge jump, and went to give him a low kick with his harpy legs, but quickly Towa.


¿? Giji was confused, his goal was to attack Towa, but Towa took the opportunity to collide his palm with Giji's paw, even heard how they gave each other the shock as if it was a greeting.

『Let's say it again birdie, that didn't sound good 』.

At that Giji felt another pain in him, where it was Kyto who plucked a few feathers from his friend, and Towa just stayed in his place without doing anything, arms somewhat raised to create like a basket to cover Ron, this Kyto took advantage of it by pointing his armpits and....

『Haber si resist this!!! 』

『Tickles?...Tickles!!! *smiles* It's the first time I've ever been tickled!!!! Con that's what it feels like!!! 』

『Eh? If I'm tickling you, then why aren't you laughing!!!』

『Right, I have to raise my hands too don't I, it's supposed to be something you can't stand 』

『Eh? well...technically with what I'm doing to you you should be rolling on the floor with laughter...』

『Ohh!!!...I get it, sorry , this is new to me, this is how I do it right? 』

This was strange, despite Kyto's plan was to tickle him to make him helpless and release Ron, it seems that the Oni Towa did not quite understand this, rather it was like he did not feel the tickling, and being something new that he experienced, he wanted to learn more of this, he started to spin around as if imitating not holding in laughter, who Kyto to this was confused and....

『I also pretend to pee, don't I? ahh!! no more!!! stop it!!! I pee!! pee!! pee!!! I pee!!!! *Happy*』

『I'm already uncomfortable with this guy...』

At that Jun managed to take Ron in her arms, where upon seeing her that yes it was her and she was completely safe and sound, this quickly made Jun very happy, that she was about to shed tears, where without delay she commented that it's time to leave now that they have Jun. Where as the Chief was lying on the floor, they ran over her all the kids, why every time they physically abuse the chief, it's like he's a cartoon? At this point they ran from the cargo ship to get off at once, but Ema, who was first, noticed something, that the view of the port was getting farther and farther away?

To this it could be noticed that slowed down the speed of what was escaping, where the others did not understand what was happening, to this Giji also managed to see and shocked stayed in place, Kyto and Jun were still running but seeing that his friend and Ema were left behind, this was to go back to see what was happening.

『Eh? Hey!!! Why is it stopping!!! We must escape from here!!! Before ------』

At that moment he could see it as they reached the edge of the cargo ship, he hadn't realized that with the time they came to find Ron, the time they were trying to free her from that Oni, that all the cargo was already loaded on the ship...and as they have to do their job as usual, whether it was because the Chief was here, the ship left without further ado since a few minutes ago. Jun watched as it moved farther and farther away from the mainland and could only see the cold winter sea enveloping them. At this she could see her concern, she had Ron asleep in her arms...she wanted to get her safe and sound at any cost, she had to do the impossible for her friend.

She was getting nervous as the seconds passed, as they were getting farther and farther away from the port, from the coast, from the mainland, after all she was sure and that same concern, doubt, fear that she had from the beginning was because it was true, and that they were hiding it shamelessly with lies? At this Jun was annoyed in her fists and expression, and quickly went backwards with all the weight of hatred on her, the Chief who was recovering and dizzy was coming out of the upper cabin of the ship, she was about to see what those children were going to do, but as soon as he came out of the cabin, they quickly kicked him in his stomach.


At this because of how weakened he was it didn't take long for him to fall to the ground completely defeated for once again, where at this he wouldn't stay like this, as quickly with Jun's foot, he was squeezing and stepping heavily on his chest while angrily telling him.

『Give us back to the Port!!! Let us go you fucking wimp!!! 』

『More like you let me go you bully girl!!!! You've done nothing but hit me ever since you saw me!!!! 』


At this Jun got more annoyed and stomped on him hard so that he can't resist anymore, where again he was wanting to send him to send them back to the port once and for all, moreover he was seriously telling him that....

『Let us go back to our homes, you don't know what awaits you now that we found out everything!!!! I was right from the start!!! This is a center of operations that is dedicated to kidnapping people!!!! You kidnapped my idiot friend! Now you're going to pay dearly, you skinny bastard!!! Get us back to the port right now! Or I'll keep on bullying you.

『It's okay, it's okay! Just stop hitting me!!!』

『You're lying!!! You're just telling lies!!!』

『AHHH!!! That I have no word or voice when I'm with you or what a crazy girl!!!! I'm telling you that it's ok!!!』


In that again in that the Boss was wanting to defend himself, or rather if he was going to abide by the words of Jun, this one did not believe anything of what this guy said, so again he was stepping on her again and again more forcefully, where everyone to this were watching and did not know what to do at this time, Towa to go out to see what was happening, this was happy to continue playing with the children, but seeing that Jun was as such physically abusing his Boss, the Oni said....

『Also joined the game Little Boy? 』

『Do I look like I'm playing!!! And I've already told you not to call me little boy!!!! *annoyed* 』 

At this the Boss already felt very annoyed by how he was being treated lately, it seems that he hadn't felt so humiliated for a long time, this one took strength that he didn't even know he had, so he proposed to stand up, who Jun to this was surprised by the moment, and with a powerful shout the Boss would say.

『I am Retro!!! 』

He was able to stand up with his legs bent and his arms bent, he looked like someone who made a great effort to push Jun away, who, like a cartoon villain, finally showed himself, although his face was covered, he could imagine one who would be showing his teeth and moving them to show his anger, everything about him seems too funny to be the one who is in charge of everything. Retro would look around and see that everyone had finally calmed down, he would finally be able to speak.


Jun would not be intimidated and would quickly give another kick in Retro's stomach, who did not see it coming again and fell defeated without being able to move any part of his body to the ground. At this everyone was confused, even Towa at this was saying that he just lost the game Retro.

『It looks like I'm going to have to keep hitting him to make him let us go 』.

『No nonon no enough Jun!!! That you can kill him!!! 』

『Well you better!!! This guy is someone bad!!! 』

『But if you kill him, how will we get back to our homes!!!! 』

To this that Jun wanted to continue hitting him, they had no choice but Kyto and Giji to stop her to stop with this massacre, by giving her a good reason why she should not kill him, to this Jun kind of process her thinking a little, so upset and because her friends told her, she better stop wanting to continue hitting Retro, this was a sigh of relief, but Kyto looking to his front, realized that Ema was next to a defeated Retro and managed to see how she raised her fist to manage to finish him off, where Kyto.

『Stop you too Ema!!!』


『No...don't stain your pretty hands, yes?...』

At this that Ema stopped at the last instant from giving Retro the final blow, Kyto managed to convince her also not to go through with it, where Ema happened to look at her friend, and whether by the words she used, Ema accepted and left the defeated Retro alone as well. 

It took a few seconds for Retro to get up, but you could feel the annoyance growing in Jun, as they were getting farther and farther away and he doesn't know where this cargo ship will take them, as soon as Retro regained consciousness, Jun quickly passed Ron to Giji's wings, and went to Retro to hold him by the collar of the garment to tell him.

『Get us back to the port right now! 』

『You finally got yourself under control? you're not going to hit me anymore are you? you must be called a gorilla by your own friends with that attitude』-『I know you're in a hurry and very worried, I have every reason to get angry and do whatever I want with you, of that there's no doubt but...I want you to keep in mind and trust what I'm going to say』-『I'm going to make you go back home at all costs』.

To this Retro did not object to Jun's words, rather Jun was clear about it, he said it calmly and confidently while Jun grabbed his garment very tightly, he did not say anything Jun nor was he going to hit him, only that he accepted just like that a bad person, this left him with many more doubts.

『That's not true! If you return us home! We are going to tell everyone!!! To the police and other organizations that they do bad things here!!!! That you are their boss and that you are aware of everything that happens here!!!! I don't care if in that Port there are innocent and humble people...if they are involved in this and they know it perfectly well, then they are also bad!!!! It's an operational base in broad daylight!!! I am going to accuse them!!!』

『Yeah yeah yeah, you can say all that and accuse us again, no problem 』


『That there is no problem, tell everyone that we do bad things here, there is always a way to avoid a problem, don't you think so crazy girl?』

Retro to this was calm and serene, he answered with confidence to Jun that despite all the bad things that can happen to him if he releases them without further ado, if he himself returns them home, this would not be trouble for him? Wouldn't it end his reign of evil, so to speak? To this Jun could not trust him, where he would follow through with his threats.

『That's a lie!!! You're sure to keep an eye on us or you're going to silence us before you can tell it all!!!! You are going to threaten us not to tell anything!!!! But it's not going to be like that!!! We are not some people who ignore the problems!!!! 』

『In that you are right crazy girl, but you can say it better, it is not ignorance of people, but rather the reality of people, no one is willing to lose everything for a foolish decision, everyone knows that』.

To this of what Jun was trying to see in the problem that Retro was and could be, this confident and calm replied that nothing is going to happen despite saying something, because just as he said, you live stably and as a normal citizen, keeping your humanity above all things, you are a person who could be your friendly neighbor who greets you in the morning, everyone wants a quiet life in this world, if you do something bad, a little bad thing, you fix it or if it doesn't affect so much or if it affects a lot, you make a decision, which is not to say anything, because if you say it there is that small possibility of losing everything, it will end up destroying you. Clearly nobody wants that, so they're going to go on living their day to day, happy and content looking to be better people.

With this thought, Jun was confused and even afraid, she stopped squeezing and holding Retro, who was fixing his clothes as if it were a suit, and continued talking to make clear what she had in mind.

『If you forgot, I will say it clearly again: I am going to make them return home at all costs, I will do it myself, and after letting them free, I don't want them to think that we are going to watch us and we are going to threaten them or anything, firstly because they are children and it is bad that they get involved in all this, I say it since it ends badly in many occasions of which there were, secondly because it is the first time that this happens, it had never happened before that a group of children come to save their friend, that only gives to understand that they love her very much and they love her like a family, I can notice their confidence and hope that they are going to return home safe and sound, that's really something to admire and reward *smiles*』-『Sorry I can't do what you are asking right now, I can't make this cargo ship return to Port Kaizo, after all it already departed and has a destination to reach and fulfill, they are deals and tasks already previously given, one must fulfill their obligations at all costs, or at least that's the most important thing right now. But don't worry, when we get to our destination, I will send you either by plane or on a cruise back to Japan, I promise that nothing bad will happen to you, maybe it will be a few days of missing, it will be a good anecdote to tell at school, won't it? *smiles*』

『Why are you talking so calmly, aren't you afraid? 』

At this Giji was the one who spoke to Retro, who looked up and down at the Crone, who had his answer immediately.

『Fear? Well not really, because I know that somehow the problems will be solved, if there are unforeseen events, we also do our best to accomplish our goal *smiles*』- 『But I can tell that you don't like what I'm proposing, if you don't want my help, then there is only one more option, that you go back home now 』

At this Retro was speaking and his words seem to make sense in a way, where to the possible option that they themselves can return home, everyone quickly turned their attention to one who can easily make it. To this Giji was worried and nervous, as his friends happened to see him as the only option to return home right now, although the option that Retro offered them...They don't want to take it at all, they don't believe in his words.

『By the way, this ship has no boats, if not I would offer you to get on one, but if you are so reluctant not to believe me, you yourselves as everyone in life should make what you want come true, you Green Harpy, you are the only option to give your friends a happy ending 』.

At this they all happened to look at Giji, who this one felt the pressure that from one moment to another came to him, and he could understand it, he is the only one who has the ability to fly freely through the sky, it would be easy to cross the stretch of ocean they are traveling and with effort to arrive back to the coast of Japan from where they left, you can still see the city...Giji to this wanted to do it...must do it...but the thing is if he can do it.....

『I...I...don't know if I can do it...』

To this he was sincere with his words, he should have said that if he can do it, that they trust him and he will bring them all back home, but he can't get to lie to his friends just like that, he doesn't know if he can fly, and if he does, is he going to keep flying? Maybe he will end up crashing in the ocean, it's getting too cold, it could be dangerous for his friends... Giji was imagining the worst where...

At that moment when she was, she forgot that she was holding Ron all this time, and having her eyes down for all the bad things that can happen, she managed to see a look, a look that only saw him and nothing else, to this Ron had woken up and did not know why he was in the arms of his friend Giji, but she did not feel afraid or worried, to see that he was with his friend and that his color of emotion that mostly transmitted were those sparks of fireworks. ...passed to a green and black aura around her, noticing that her friend was sad and worried, Ron either because he just woke up, but....

She caressed Giji's cheek herself, so that she could tell him without speaking that she was cheering him up and that he would get better. To this Giji was like a push that he should look better and show that confidence in his friends, that he should fulfill those words of always supporting and being by Ron's side whenever he needs it.

To this seeing that Ron had already woken up, everyone approached her, where worried and happy happened to ask if she was well or if she was in pain, where Ron to be processing everything and see his friends who were also here, he was very happy, because besides being with his parents, it seems that his friends also came to spend Christmas with his family, which was seen in his smile how happy he was, but in that Jun who was more than happy, was crying and Ron did not understand, where....

『Dumb Neko...why are you making us worry so much...but I'm glad you're okay...』

At this Jun would go on to hug Ron with all her strength, who Ron didn't understand why her friend of this reaction, who Ron didn't mind and also hugged her friends with affection, it was a nice moment of reunion with Ron, that everyone forgot for a moment in the trouble they were in.

『Don't worry Ron, we're going home now 』

He told Ron, who moved his ears because of what he heard, where he could finally understand the situation he was in, he looked up and could find the sky falling snow, around him was the ocean, while behind him was some strangers watching, Ron did not understand this but when he looked back, his tail curled up because of the fear he felt at that moment.

『Don't worry, Ema, Kyto, Jun, Ron, I'll take you home, trust me!』

To this Giji was confident and sure to do it, who's wings were no longer trembling, rather they were sure that the time has come for what he was avoiding so much in his life and thought he couldn't do it. It is his important role right now to carry his friends back to their home, where to this he could think of only one way to carry his friends, his Harpy claws and legs will be key here, he could hold his friends with them and be able to fly across the ocean but....

『The weight doesn't? Harpies are not that they are the most resistant and possess great strength, they have it clear in the legs and claws, but in what is upper body is equal or inferior to that of an average human, and as you are still a child, although it is not that harpies as they mature their body does too, they stay as a young ones to maintain balance in their flight and Species, if you try to carry all your friends with your claws, they will only end up falling into the sea and could die from hypothermia』.

Retro commented on this detail, where Giji himself knew that this option is not viable, he could support the weight of 2 people and stand firm with effort, but to carry 4...To this he was thinking of a way to do it, where in that Ema was determined to do it, since with his help....

『You stop trying to be mysterious, you long-haired girl down to your feet, you're a Vampire Species, aren't you? 』

Retro didn't like things to be hidden and seeing her better she could realize it, where upon just saying it, both Giji, Jun and Ron were shocked by this, who happened to look at her friend to check if it's true, where Ema to this from how serious she was, happened to show a mischievous smile to her friends confessing it.

『You caught me *smile* 』

『EH!!! But !!! Like !!! Like you're a Vampire!!! I've been with you since elementary school! How come I could never figure this out!!!! 』

『That explains a lot of things』

At this the difference in Jun's reaction with Kyto was clear, where Ema to this gave apologies for having hidden them from him for all this time, where Jun to this was shocked, now that he sees her in the middle of the night and with the fringes of the moonlight touching him, yes...it was easy to notice that she was a vampire.

Seeing that they were still not entirely clear, Retro would give them some indications to give them the opportunity to return home, he seems to know about the various Species, as he commented on the skills that a modern Vampira had. One of her most representative powers is that she can float a certain distance from the ground or rather a solid and consistent surface. Floating is not the same as flying, also another is that she can influence people with her words, she can manage the degree reaching almost like a hypnosis in extreme cases. Although the most correct for Retro would be to say that it has the ability to Suggest people and other Species.

『Besides having a strength superior to that of an average human, they are not weak to the sun or anything, it's not like they will turn to ashes if exposed, they can go about their day to day life normally, ah! it's more like taking care of their skin, since if they are not careful on a hot day, they will most likely get reddish skin, but nothing serious 』.

『That's why that day of hunting insects in summer, you were very protected Ema』

『Skin is very important for a woman』.

At this Giji had an idea and why Retro is so sure that they can get themselves out of this ship on their own, he said that vampires have the ability to float on any solid and consistent surface, can that also apply if it does on living beings? At this quickly Ema climbed on Kyto's back, and you can see how a faint red aura appeared around her and how she started to float little by little, rising some distance from above Kyto.

『Whoaa!!!! If it floats indeed!!! 』

To this was a good plan, but...it only looks like it can do it with her...it can float on top of Giji while he flies, it can hold steady and a moderate speed so that she floats on top of him without him being able to fall off...But that would only leave 3 having to hold on with his claws...which is a lot of weight anyway. At this Kyto was watching in amazement, at this Ema became cheerful, so she took him by the hand, who this would also start to float.

『Eh?? eh???!!!! Look!!! I'm floating too! It's amazing!!! It feels like I'm in space!!!! 』

To this Kyto was also floating as Ema was holding his hand, to this Retro commented that at night, Vampires have more range in their abilities already mentioned, where to this Jun also wanted to check if you can with 3 people at once, but Ema despite holding her friend's hand, she wasn't able to float.

『Sorry, I'm only able to do it with 1 other person besides me 』.

At this Jun was sad but...he quickly moved on to look at Giji as...a smile was framed to the Crone as if the 2 float above him as he flies, he won't feel the weight of them, and he would be alone carrying in his claws 2 people who this if he will be able to support!!!! He will be able to carry his friends without any problem with this plan!!!!

To this he looked happy, very happy, where Jun was also happy and they were able to do it, it was no longer impossible for them to get home with all this ocean in front of them. To this Retro was also smiling because they were able to find the same solution that he had seen long before, so they were going to put it to the test, there was not going to be time to train, it was going to be just a take-off race to fly.

Good thing it's a moderately long cargo ship, there's a lot of running to do. They were going to go back to the other end of the ship but first....

『Hey, take this 』

Retro stopped them and was throwing them what would come to be a small box, to this Jun was taking it and didn't know what this was,why he gave it to them, but Retro was saying.

『You'd better get it from someone you love 』

Jun was confused where she managed to see that the small box came with a note, and this one either because she doesn't know what happened, it was with a little blood stained....

To this by what she imagined she read the note and....

『Jun? Come quick, don't hang back, those guys might do something bad to you!!!! 』

『That I'm not going to do anything!!! 』

『They see you as the bad little boy, you're doing very well*laugh* 』

『What do I look like? Do you see me wanting to be bad?! 』 

At this Jun was standing still in her single place so after reading what the note contained, she went to wait for him in her pocket while still holding the box in her hand, at this they all finally managed to meet at the other end of the ship, Giji at this saw and had a good route to be able to prepare himself before taking flight, he had never flown before, but he already had experience similar to this, besides as he knows, he has the Harpy instinct on his side, if he wants to fly, if he is determined in doing so, then he can do it.

『But Giji, are you going to be able to do it? The hold us all down? 』

『Don't worry Kyto, I already have better endurance in withstanding people, plus you guys will be floating above me so it will be easy, I'll go slow so you can keep up with me, don't worry』.

『Yes true, but...how are the 4 of us going to fly? I understand that me and Ema are going to be on top of you, and Jun and the Cat you are going to hold them with your claws, but how...are you going to hold them now...that won't be a problem...how are you going to run if you hold them? Also if you hold them first, you have to rise up to make it stable and then how do we perch all the way up?』

『Oh, I didn't think of that, right...that's a problem...I don't think I'll rise by just flapping my wings...』

It seems that there was a problem at the last minute that they didn't know how to solve, but while they were thinking of a solution, Ron was on the side and wanted to be next to Giji, but then Jun appeared calling her name, which made Ron happy, he smiled at his friend Jun, who quickly knelt down in front of him and...

Without saying anything she would show him a small box in it, where she would open it in front of Ron where the cat what she could see was...a necklace with a bell...To this Ron didn't understand, but it seems that Jun decided to speak alfin.

『This is a great gift from the people who love you most in the world, so Ron...cherish it always』.

At this Jun turned to look at Ron as he put the collar with the bell on it, and as he did so and even finished, you could tell Jun was holding back tears because he already realized the news and who this gift came from. She really held back crying so as not to worry Ron, where the cat could see her emotions, and if she was telling the truth, but she couldn't help that she was also invading a sad tone at the moment.

『Giji, Kyto, don't worry about that problem, there is a way to do it perfectly, we just have to run defrente to the end and take a big jump with all our strength 』

At this Jun pointed his finger at the end of the path, where at this Giji happened to look and at first he didn't catch it, but then he could tell what he was referring to that they should just run to the end. Giji became serious and said that it was time to leave. At this the plan began, Giji hunched over but straight upright putting his legs firm, where later Kyto with Ema's help, they managed to float on top of Giji, where Ema was saying to him.

『You don't have to hold back, you run and fly with all your strength, we are not going to fall 』.

At this Giji was trusting and took the words of his friend, now he was not the only one who was ready to run with all his strength, on the right side was Jun, while on the left side was Ron, who as the Species that they are, in their own way were getting in pose to start this escape race. 

Ron transformed his limbs into cat's paws and posed in 4, while Jun also did the same, preparing himself like a great Athletics race, while Giji firmly placed his wings backwards ready to start running.

『Just run like we always have, Giji, Ron, in the end we always finish together!!!! 』

At this at that signal, they all quickly started running from the starting point, you could tell they were picking up more and more speed even reaching superhuman limits, Ron and Giji happened to turn to their friend Jun in case she has difficulties, but it was amazing what they saw, the how their human friend despite not having the advantages of the Species, could keep up with them and match up to a Harpy and a Neko. At this they were running as fast as they could, where Kyto and Ema could only feel the strong wind as it hit them and wanted to push them off the top of Giji, but they were also trying hard not to, they were going to do it, they were all running like never before, it was not going to be a failure this time!!!

At this Retro and Towa saw, who the Oni was excited and was even encouraging them to make it, but Retro....

『I already gave them the chance I told him, now it's my turn to avoid him 』-『Pass me a...there's nothing...』

『Do you want anything? The only thing I have right now is...ah!!!』

At this Towa came up with an idea, from the sleeve he was wearing, he stuck his hand in as if looking for something, and even heard how he broke something, where at the end with a smile he handed an object to his boss, which was....

『Eh? Don't you want it, little boy?』

『Uhm...this is very dangerous...I wouldn't want to hit them with it...』

『Ah!!! they passed us already!!!! Many congratulations, successes and Merry Christmas!!!! 』

『Eh?!!!! Well since!!! I'll point you in another direction!!! 』

What Towa gave to his boss to throw at the kids, was a piece of blade that he broke himself, since the ones he uses are big and specially created for him, what he gave to Retro was a piece of broken blade so he can hold it with his hand, he wanted to throw something innocent at them, but....

At this he swung his arm holding the blade, where he prepared his final attack. At this Giji, Jun and Ron reached the end of the path, where all of them synchronized with a shout, they jumped into the sea!

At this was a moment of suspense that they still hadn't quite made it, Jun and Ron could feel how they were going to fall into the sea by themselves but....


Giji was able to hold them with his right and left paws, but best of all, he was flying!!! To this Jun and Ron, Kyto and Ema, were happy about this that they were congratulating him at that moment!!! It was a moment of joy, but at that Jun could notice something, that an attack had been launched on them at that moment. It seems not to be direct and rather it was going to another direction with the intention of not hitting them, but Jun noticing that it could hit Ron, instinctively the first thing he did was to hug her so that she would not get the attack. But...


Retro and Towa managed to see what happened at that moment, Retro threw the blade with the intention of not hitting them, he threw it wrongly, but... at that moment nobody expected it, that from the same frozen waters of winter, what seems to be a giant green monster shot out, which attacked giving them a lunge to all the children in mid-air, which the blade that was first thrown with the intention of failing, because of this what happened...


Retro looked confused at the scene, which this did not end, as he managed to see how the monster attacked everyone with his huge arms falling with everyone into the ocean, to seconds later propel back into the sky falling on the ship in front of Retro and Towa, who Retro was confused as the monster was a Lizardman, and was Lain....

『I did it Boss!!! I...I redeemed myself!!! 』

『!!!!.....!!!....!!!!.....But...but...what have you done idiot!!!! 』


『Why did you get involved!!! Why!!! Who called you to come or what!!!! 』

『...I just wanted to be useful to you...to make you happy Boss...I did something right...』

『You idiot no!!! Why just now!!! Why ahh!!!!!-------』

At that moment Retro stopped in his complaint, as he could see clearly at that moment, how all the children were tired and resisting the impact they received, they were all wet enduring the cold and what just happened, but worst of all is that someone was injured by this action. Jun was lying on the ground with a blade embedded in his body....Retro to this he was worried and nervous, as blood was slowly starting to spill out.

『Ah!!! no no no no no no!!! I didn't go!!! I didn't hit him!!! It was this stupid guy who did it! Ahh! The blood is coming out... was it my fault?! No!! AHHH!!! Stupid lizard! 』

At this Retro looked worried not knowing what to do, who Lain seeing what he did, of course he was scared, but it seems that what he was more scared of was letting his Boss down and everything he is involved in.

『I have to do something!!! I have to do something but now!!! But there are no doctors or nurses here!!!! Go back to the port? take her to a hospital? I can't either! Ahhh! I know! On the cruise ship we are going to board later!!! There are expert doctors and their own small hospital!!! They can treat the girl there! Yes! That's it! That's the most I can do!!! 』-『Quickly, Towa!!! Take the attacked girl with you. And also ah...uhm...(they were all hit by the attack, after all they were rammed by a Lizardman....) take all the children to a safe place Towa』

『On command!!! 』

『But be more careful with the crazy girl!!!! 』

At this Towa was taking the children who were knocked unconscious by this Lizardman attack, where Lain was confused and asking if he did right or what else should he do to help his boss, where they were left alone at the end of the ship, where Retro was turning his back to him as his concern was the children above all, but....

『What did you do right? Do you think you did something right? You endangered the life of a dear person!!!! Didn't you think all this time that there are those who love people?!!!! You spent time with those children and their parents, and you even changed your decision at the end and wanted to no longer continue with this, and now you come and throw that concern at the end wanting to kill innocent people...what do you have in your head!!!!! Answer!!! 』


At that you could tell Retro was upset, who Lain thought it was a good idea, he had been watching to be of help to his boss, he followed them through the sea, where he didn't think this was really what his boss wanted, he must always win, there is always a way to solve things, he thought he should stop them so he wouldn't have problems in the future....

『Don't be quiet!!! That you are a fearful child!!! That you don't know what you want in life!!!! Stop doubting and changing decisions just like that!!! Life is something that can be easily taken away!!!! 』-『Ahh!!! 』

At this Retro was still upset and did not know what to do with Lain, who like a little boy who does not know what he wants, remained silent in front of his boss without responding, who Retro seeing that he was not going to answer if he was upset, tried to calm down and tell him one thing.

『Tell me the reason why you decided to have this life Lain, I just want to hear that 』.

Retro calmed down and didn't want to bully his lizard friend anymore, who Lain to this was very afraid but....

『Because...out of spite...because the Lizardman he loved...stayed with a human...』

『For spite eh...you made this decision because of what you felt at that moment...you're pathetic Lain, but I'm no one to define someone's life, if you wanted to get into this is by your own decision, I just accepted you...now you have to continue on that path that you yourself chose Lain...I'm not going to scold you or punish you...just...you already did a lot for this year, you can continue with your life until the next job...』

To this Retro did not want to continue with this matter, he forgave Lain for the mistakes he made, where Retro was walking towards the cabin where Towa took the children, where Lain was confused, he did not know what he did wrong, he was very doubtful...but he could see it at that moment. He could see Retro's face at that moment, he was very upset and conveyed fear, and again he was overcome with what this man would really be capable of doing if he gets angry, after their conversation earlier....


At this he had a request to ask his Retro Boss, who this one stopped and ready to listen to him. 


December 24, ****

Time: 23:00

Giji was waking up at last, the only thing he could see is the sea with the night sky of the day, snow was falling on his front and around, he feels tired and exhausted, as if he had been pushed hard. He was also wet for some reason, his wings were soaked and...


He quickly got up and regained consciousness, quickly looked around and shouted the names of his friends, he was fine, they managed to reach the port from where they had left, it seems that all the workers had already left to celebrate Christmas.

『Jun!!! Ron!!! Where are they!!! Ema!!! Kyto! Come in!!!』


At this to what he shouted, quickly his friend Kyto answered his call, who Giji happened to look behind him and there was Kyto, who was also wet and had scratches as if he had been hit, Giji was also like that, but he didn't realize in what state he was in.

『Kyto!!! We arrived at the port! We're back on land! We made it!!! *happy* Where...where are the others? 』 

Giji was asking his friend happy that they made it, that the plan they have made worked, but he also wonders what was that last moment when it seems that everything was turned off...To this Kyto who woke up before, he looked worried and very scared, it seems that he doesn't want to say anything...While they were not the only ones, since there was also someone who was with them, Lain was where he also looked worried in his face and....

『Giji....fri---.....your other friends...are not coming back....』 

Lain's comment left Giji speechless and frozen, who at the moment he heard it, stood still with his wings without strength to hold them, he was wet and with snow falling on the place. He did not say anything, he took Lain's words to heart, since they were the truth, then he looked towards the ocean and...he could not see the cargo ship where they were...His face was in nothing...he would be like this since he thinks that at the end of it all...he could not help those he loves at all.

Kyto was also emotionally devastated by what had just happened, he had not been told yet, but in his head for now he was going through the same reality that they had just lived, in everything that had happened tonight, he was not shaking at all, he did not feel afraid at all, somehow or another he had the thought that like every day, he would be able to return home with all his friends safe and sound, who kidnapped Ron? At first he didn't believe it after arriving at the Kaizo Port, you could notice his lack of seriousness when looking for his friend, but after they managed to find Ron, of course he was happy, since that little problem could be fixed, also when they were away from the port, from the mainland, He felt calm because he could trust his friend to take them back to land, he didn't seriously think about the level he was getting into or what kind of people he was getting into, for the one who stayed behind, he only saw how a guy covered his face, with that funny voice and the way it is easy to hit him, how can you take the situation seriously like that? 

But now with the last thing that happened it is clear, what made them fall down in full successful flight, was that the Lizardman Lain who he trusted, intervened strongly to all, not only prevented them from escaping, but also threw them against the cold sea and then threw them into the air... It was scarce but he managed to see something before being the last one to fall down fainted...when he finally managed to wake up being in the port...he also reacted suddenly to shout for his other friends, but the only thing he found was Lain who was in his Lizardman form, he was going to ask him what happened. But he quickly saw him in a different way, or maybe he saw him as he always should have been, Lain is a Lizardman that easily exceeds 2 meters tall, either because he was soaked and with the garment all shredded, Kyto happened to see his scales and...really is even think that it is sharp in a sense, something so hard with force ended up hitting them all that left them unconscious.

I look at the tail that must also have a great power of strength, he knows that even a Lizardman if he tries, can bring down large animals of greater weight...I look at his claws that now become very dangerous...how can he do his day to day life without being able to destroy something with the strength he has.... His face, his long jaw, his sharp fangs, how he failed to see all that before from the beginning...now it is clear to him at that moment, Kyto was trembling with fear for what he had in front of him, he was never a friend that he should be close to or give trust to, he was just...a monster that no one should approach him....

『Kyto, you woke up, how nice! Ah...how are you? Did you get hurt? I can-----』 

『No! Don't come closer!!! *fear* I...I don't want you to come near us...』 

To this Lain with good intentions to help Kyto in case he got hurt, Kyto quickly backed off and was negative to Lain's support, who did not hide it from him, clearly told him not to approach them at all, to this Lain could clearly understand that way of reacting, since like all the humans he met before the children, everyone always labeled him as not being someone to be with...

『Kyto...I want to help you...I want you to be okay! I want my friends to be okay!!! Come on, now I'm going to go get some ----------』 

『Friends? Did you just say friends...that you want us to be fine...*fear* But what fools we were to treat you as equals...what a fool I was to believe that I can count on you...you only approached us with bad intentions...no wonder every person you approached her stayed away from you...you are not a good person as you appear to be...you are just someone who seeks his own benefit...』 

『...What are you saying Kyto...I'm not like that...please don't say such things to me...I only want the best for you! That my friends!!----------』 


When Lain wanted to make his thoughts clear, Kyto quickly gave a loud shout to make it clear that thing, Lain was confused and worried, his face was scared too, his mouth was open because of the impact that had just been said, his face ... really looked like someone who had been destroyed. While Kyto after the shout, still with all the fear, but with more anger, he would turn to glaring at him to shout at him.

『A friend doesn't lie to our face!!!! A friend does not cheat us!!! A friend doesn't walk in bad footsteps!!! A friend does not spoil our happiness!!! A friend doesn't!!!....no!!!...doesn't create a false friendship...*cry* Lain...I...we...trusted you...especially Jun and Giji...Ema and Ron had their doubts but...Jun and Giji!!!! Yo!!!we believed in our friend...but as you showed us in the beginning...you just wanted to be someone who is accepted by everyone, being someone else...』 

『....(No!....no....it's not like you say Kyto...I...I....)』 

『You're a fake face lizard...』 

At that moment when Kyto kept on talking, reproaching Lain that all this time he was never a real friend, who the Lizardman was getting more worried and afraid, since everything Kyto was telling him was affecting him internally, Lain thinks he knows what he thinks is right, but what others think of him...he also takes them very important...After his last words...Lain who had his claw extended. ...it was a direct blow to his being, he felt weakened and as if he had been given a last sentence after everything Retro told him before...that Lain was not going to try anymore...he failed his friends...he did not join with intentions of forming a friendship...he was just doing his job because from the moment he was heartbroken...he vowed to make all the people who reject and fail him unhappy.

At that moment Lain stood still without doing anything, Kyto was weakened, but he knew that it was dangerous to be close to this guy, so he would go to pick up his friend who was still asleep, but at the moment he wanted to do it, he quickly noticed how a giant shadow was placed in front of him, and when he looked up with fear, he realized that it was Lain, who...

『...Kyto...sorry for everything I caused you...I won't do it anymore...from now on like you said...I will become who I already decided at that moment...someone who can't trust anyone...』 

At that moment in the middle of his words, this Kyto got really scared at that moment, and as Lain was clenching the huge claws he has, at that moment no other idea came to him but that he will surely attack him at that moment, huh?...what is this..... .he wants to move but he can't...his body stayed still at that moment...eh?...what is this feeling in his crotch...he wants to pee on himself?...Kyto could not do anything because at that moment he felt the real fear that would never go away....

At that moment Giji woke up and what happened before, who again was looking at the immense sea in front of him, his face reflected nothing else but failure to those he considers important... While Kyto noticing that Lain was distracted, quickly worried was going to his friend Giji to tell him.

『Quickly!!! We have to get out of here!!! We must tell everything that happened to the police!!! Quick Giji! Don't just stand there! We have to leave before that lizard does something to us. 』 

At that moment Kyto went to his friend and took him by the wings to leave, at that moment he felt much more weight than normal, it was as if he was trying to carry the triple or quintuple weight of his friend, at this moment he noticed how the water gathered in his wings was falling in its own place, This only worried him more so he had no choice but to carry his friend in his arms to leave this place as soon as possible, but at that moment Giji changed his expression and stretched his wing to the side, which caused him to splash water on his friend Kyto who fell on his face.

『Ahh!!! Now what!!! Why are you giving me a flap while getting me wet at the same time!!! But I see that you can move now, let's get out of here! 』 

At that Kyto was telling Giji that they should leave as soon as possible, all the time turning to see Lain so that he does not do anything wrong, where the concern was swallowing Kyto alive, he repeated over and over again to get out of here, but at that moment he heard a loud bang on the ground. At this he panicked to see what happened, and managed to see something interesting.

Giji was not saying anything at that moment, and was rather forcefully stretching his wings hard towards the ground, again and again he was doing it, and with each movement, the water gathered in his wings also hit the ground hard, at this Kyto could realize something, and then seeing his friend who was totally determined, more worried he said to him....

『Hey hey hey hey!!! What do you want to do!!! Are you planning to go back? 』 

But Giji to this was still not answering his friend's questions, like why state the obvious to a silly question, to this Kyto was trembling and more afraid he was telling him to stop.

『Don't go crazy!!! We were able to get back to dry land!!! The most we can do is to let the police know about this and tell them everything!!!! They are going to take care of these bad guys and get that lizard out of jail!!!! We have enough information to offer them, surely with a lot of hope they will solve this problem!!!! Ahhh!!!! Stop flapping your wings. Can't you see it's crazy!!!』 

To this Kyto while he was talking, you could only hear how Giji was cleaning as much as possible the water absorbed from his wings, where also every hit to the ground product of the force of the water, to this Kyto was getting even more nervous, that quickly without hesitation to see that nothing works, happened to embrace his friend to stop him with force, where he could see how his friend Giji wanted anyway to continue drying as much as he could, where Kyto would shout to his proximity that....

『Enough Giji!!! I don't want to lose you too!!! 』 

To this he said it sincerely his worries and thinking, Giji stopped making movement with his wings and just stood still letting all the weight fall on his wings, to this there was silence, Kyto thought it was all over, he even had his eyes closed, but what made them open....

『And I don't want to lose my friends』. -『I don't want it to end like this...Ema, Jun, Ron and you Kyto...I want us to stay together and remain friends for a long time more...I want to see what we will do tomorrow for Christmas, or if we will meet for New Year's at some Shrine. ..there are many plans I want to make with you...I want to see you grow up and what you will become...I am clear on how I see you all and no one is going to change that...Kyto you were my first friend and for that...I love you very much my friend *smiles*』 


『You helped me a lot and made me grow in a thousand ways...and as time went by I knew I was going to meet a lot of people that I would cherish deep inside me...I want to tell Ema, Jun , Ron...that I...*decided* I love you guys very much!!!! 』 


『I can't let it end like this, I don't like it...I have a chance to help them and I have to do it, otherwise I would regret it very much all my life if I just do nothing or leave it to others my problems...They are important to me!!!! What more do I have to say to help them!!!! 』 

At that moment he gave a loud scream, Kyto stopped holding his friend at that moment and stepped back because he didn't agree, he was afraid of what could happen if Giji decided to go alone to rescue his friends...but at the same time he understood...because if he could also do something...he would do it...but fear ended up winning this time, unlike his friend Giji who was always afraid, now in the most important moment he is the one who is more determined to give everything.

『I'm going to bring them back Kyto, I promise, and when we are all reunited again』. -He turned to look at his friend-『Let's go for a walk together *smiles*』. 

At this Kyto was about to cry, his face tightened because he couldn't control his crying anymore, that silently this one wanted to stop it at all costs, but he knows that would be wrong...so he just told him with the worst most pathetic smile but at the same time confidence that....

『Yes, here I wait for you *smiles*』. 

Kyto was no longer going to stop Giji, who would continue to dry his wings in this winter that continues to fall snow, it seems that Kyto has every intention to stay and wait in the port until Giji returns, who was adjusting all his sight as much as he could, his wings...his claws...everything of him was putting it in that instant, while he continued to dry his wings without stopping. At that moment Lain, seeing the decision that was made, decided to support them both, although it seemed more like he was talking to the air.

He first blurted out the information that it was thanks to him that they were the only ones who were able to return to Port Kaizo, as he asked his Boss Retro to do him a favor, to let him himself return home to the children, where his Boss asked him.

『All right, if that's what you want, besides it's a great help, though with the girl stabbed.... 』 

『But only to the male children...』 



『I will accept the decision you make Lain, so say again what you want, do you want to take all the children back to the coast or do you only want to take the male children? 』 

『*smacks his lips* Only the male children...the others...I don't care about them...』 

『Okay, so be it, but seriously Lain the decisions you make, they're the worst thing there can be 』 

At that moment he happened to pick up Giji and Kyto, he placed them on his back while swimming on the surface to keep them with air so they wouldn't get so wet from the trip, to this as he counted, Kyto happened to look with hatred why the possibility existed, it was in his hands that everyone could return home...but he...to this Lain could feel his anger from Kyto, but he continued to explain a little more.

『Continue straight to where I am pointing, at a certain point you will see a small area where the transition will occur, you heard Retro say that they will get on a cruiser, well, if you didn't know I already told you, it will take a while before they mobilize again, hence what follows...I can't help you anymore』. 

To this Lain said the necessary not to speak more in detail, where Giji seems to finally stopped flapping, he gave his last beat to the ground with his wings, and the appearance he had at this moment, how to say...his wings and feathers were ruffled, as if detecting danger at any moment and on guard, his claws were noticed with more power, and his expression changed slightly, his eyes were more fixed and looked more like that of a beast than a human, where Giji to this smiled to say to him.

『Thank you very much Lain, and when I come back...let's try it again *smiles* friend 』. 

At this he quickly took flight where with a big flap to the ground, a strong expansion of wind and strength was felt, Kyto managed to look up while he was covered from the strong breeze, and managed to see how his friend in an instant rose many meters from the ground, this left him impressed and with that little show of strength that he has...he was dumbfounded, he did not know that his friend could do that kind of things. Giji happened to fix his gaze and when he did, it quickly flapped its wings once again and was moving away like a strong shot or missile, to this Lain was impressed and commented...

『(I can't believe it...I also knew about this phenomenon, that all Species have that even greater possibility of reaching that Metamorphosis, to return to what we were in the beginning...The Pure Instinct Form)』. 

At this Giji was in the middle of the skies while every time he flew, it gave off a strong breeze wherever he passed, no matter if it is snowing or it is getting very cold, his wings showed no signs of having been wet, while Giji at this did not understand what was going on, all he wanted at that moment was....

『(I'm coming to your aid now, Ema, Jun, Ron, please wait for me)』 


December 24, ****

Time: 23:30 

To this the cargo ship where Retro, Towa, and the other children who were left, were following their way in the sea with total normality, of course they were not the only ones who were there, who managed the ship was clearly a humble and honest worker of the Kaizo Port, where also in a rest room that has the ship, there was also someone who thanks to his ears and perception realized everything that was happening outside his room.

They finally managed to see their destination in the sea, or at least for this tour, they arrived at what seems to be an island, no... They are like piles of volcanic rocks that form an island around them, of course it is not as one imagines it when hearing the word island, they are just stones that rose in the middle of the ocean, creating its own surface and stable place where nothing happens, it is free of reefs and is more an area that is not habitable, it is not on any map and geographically located, is like an invisible area in the sea of the many places that either do not deign to put or do not know of its existence.

To this the ship ended up arriving at this place, it was curious, it was like the volcanized stone was in the shape of a wave, the right side bigger and thicker, while the left side from this perspective was smaller but just as strong.

To this as soon as they arrived, they realized that they were not the only ships that took here, they found others, whether they are legal or not but there they were, the ones that are super illegal are the small yachts that were also there, there were not many, to together they formed 5 maritime vehicles in total, and with that...

『The cruiser is still not coming?! We are with 2 wounded and I want them attended to quickly!!!! 』 

At this Retro was on top of the ship, where it quickly looks like one of the people from the small yachts was waving his hand and calling him for something. At this Retro remembered that he needs another Elf to help his friend Lynn, so this one was going down towards that yacht to see what's going on.

『Retro! Until you finally arrived! You won't believe what I've got for you tonight!!! It's a beautiful Species, have you ever had a zombie brought to you...most likely yes, but this one is different!!!! I was in China on a trip with my family, it's a very beautiful country, and with that the creatures that live there are also beautiful 』 

To this seems to be an adult guy, they are bearded and that shows someone humble in many ways, it seems that they have been with this for a long time, or rather this guy already knows how this business works, he showed this year's Species, where upon entering the Yacht could see him sitting quietly without opposing or anything, and just by seeing her he could realize what it was about.

『A Jiang Shi』 

『Exactly, although I exaggerated with what I told you before, I already brought him a few when your father ran the business, but it must be the first time for you to see one of these, it's very pretty don't you think? I'm sure you'll win a lot in tonight's auction *smiles* By the way, I've already applied the quality measures, she's of age, she's already drugged and she hasn't received any physical or psychological abuse. By the way, the drug is a mild one, it's the one they always offered us to make them submissive and happy 』 

『Yes, I see, good job, you are the one my father always congratulates and holds in high esteem, I already reminded you, well, I will pay you in the next few days and don't be surprised if you receive more than agreed, a good job is paid as it should 』 

『Thank you very much Retro, with that money my family will have a better future, although they have had it *happy* for years now. 』

It seems that grown man with hair on his face is trustworthy, Retro knows it, he is a guy who already has a history with his father for years, he has a family and his daughter is about to become a mother, so he will become a grandfather, Retro was happy to be able to help who really deserves it. At this it seems that another yacht was calling him, unlike that adult man, this guy seems not to be over 30 years old, he looked like he was very well groomed for tonight, but Retro with just one look could tell that even if you dress well, you can't hide how you really are.

『Hey!!! You're Retro aren't you? You must be, because you are dressed as a worker? Well that doesn't matter, I also did a good job this year, although it's my first time I hope you accept it with a lot of desire, when you told me and explained the quality methods and how they operate here, well I decided to raise that quality a little bit *smiles*』. 

To this Retro by habit went to enter the Yacht in the cabin to see where the Species was, but he could not see anything, in that this other worker told him to accompany him, they went to the back of the Yacht where the first thing he saw is how a huge black blanket seemed to be covering what looked like a package, it was too big and Retro was already making the idea of what he was going to see. When this worker removed the blanket, it was possible to see what one imagined, it was a huge prison, iron cell of homemade form, where inside was a girl with pointed ears, she had brown hair, in the state and it seems to be that she was dressed in her casual clothes, but she was battered and damaged. And it was also noticeable that she had bruises on her body.....

『I was suspicious when she told me that I should treat her well and not do anything to her, but that's not how things work, she should be instilled with the fear that she is no longer a species with rights, but simply that she will become the object and property of someone with more power, if I had treated her well I think she would not have understood the fate that awaits her, what do you think Retro, it's a good job right? 』 

To this he spoke with confidence and a smile on his face, while Retro just looked at him and the girl who was an Elf also looked at him with fear and did not dare to say anything...He found what he wanted, but not in the best way...and whoever avoided his gaze and did not want to approach him...should not trust him...To this Retro quickly took out what seemed to be a pile of paper, and with it he also took out a pencil to write something, he did it so fast that he handed it to the subject

『Eh? what is this? A check?!!! What!!! But look how many zeros it has!!! It's in dollars, isn't it? That's great! Now I can live peacefully! 』 

『I hope it's enough for you, I'm paying you for your work and buying this girl at the same time』. 

『Eh? really? That's how it works? well since *happy*』 

『And you'd better do something else, you're sick in the head, go to a psychologist, those guys charge a lot...I don't want you to work for me again』 

『Eh? why? Again with your little jokes no Retro? I did the right thing no? I already knew what he told me was pure false face, no one can be like that if he is into this life, what it takes is pain and suffering!!!! Thanks Retro, next year I will get him something better, this time I will bring him one of..ah!!!! United Kingdom!!!! With the money you gave me I can live--------』 

『I told you to get the hell out of here!!!! I don't want to see you anymore!!! I don't want to see you anymore! Let it be to make you better as a person you sick fuck!!!! 』 

To this the dealer acted confused, to this he didn't know how to feel, of course he wants to answer him, but with the pay he received...to this Retro released the Elf with the keys he was given and at that moment when he told her not to be afraid and that now she will be fine, quickly the first thing the Elf did was...to withdraw her hand that he was offering her, to this action that happened to him, Retro was not discouraged and....

『Nothing bad is going to happen to you *smiles* I promise you, I know you went through very difficult things but, I need your help right now, please could you do it? 』

Retro was being gentle at that moment, where the Elf who was afraid and cold, it seems that before everything that happened until this moment, maybe even though she is very afraid...she can trust what this guy says.

Retro went on to review the other maritime vehicles that were here, where thank God many of them complied with his words and quality methods, all of them received a good pay and hope to work properly next year. At this everyone was happy, Retro also got good species for tonight, where the only one that seems that did not end well was that young worker who decided to get involved to see that it is easy to make money here, to see that Retro treated well to other workers and species, his thought was....

『But what's wrong with that guy...why does he want to pretend to be good at something he is not...』

At this finally finished and took the opportunity to review the species and have them already in possession, at this finally a loud beep was heard, where when everyone realized, they managed to see that the cruise ship finally arrived, it was a huge one and all those who were small, could only raise their eyes because of the imposing that was this great cruise ship that had just arrived at the Island of Volcanic Rock.

At this, they stopped and lowered the cruise ship's anchors. And as if they already had a protocol, they went down the stairs and prepared and smart men, also humble and honest workers, began to do their work. To this some did not recognize him well, but quickly realized Retro was here, they would greet him and he would return the greeting, while telling all the Species to treat them well and to take them to their area of stay.

『Especially the Elf, I want you to treat her better, give her food and all the comforts possible, then we will take her to the medical center of the cruise to be treated and rule out or find if she has any disease, but before...Better go do what you have to do, I don't want to tell you everything I have in mind *smiles*』.

To this the workers were taking as the quality methods say, with security and treatment to all the Species of this night, who did without opposing while they were smiling for what is happening, to this those who already knew that it would happen, the passengers of the cruise looked at this and were happy, here too the same thinking works, everyone trusts each other, everyone trusts Retro, so nothing bad is going to come out of here, but it could not be helped that some of those who were going to be at the "event" looked with desire and domination at one of the Species.

『Ohh!!! a Chinese zombie!!!! 』-『Also that one with wings, is it a Gargoyle? How cool!!! 』-『A Lamia with dragon wings, I like it when they turn slimy 』-『There's also an Elf!!!! She's not blonde...but she's cute all the same!!! She looks battered, but that's how I like them!!!! 』

To this they were taking the Species up to the cruise ship, where mostly the males were happy about this, to this Retro who was passing by to watch over the Species, could hear it clearly, where if you could see his face, he would put a gesture of total rejection and disgust for this kind of people, good thing he already spoke before so that they are more careful when transporting the girls, if these guys find out and think they will also be in the auction, it would cause many problems....

『(Sick people...)』

At this time they were boarding all the Species, where the cruise is not going to leave yet, first it has to make a small stop to verify that everything is in order, it is like a review that has to be done temporarily on the trip. 

When they were finally waking up, Ron was the first one to wake up, and for some reason he felt his whole body aching. The first thing he saw was that he was in a very expensive room, it was too spacious for one person, he was in a single bed, while looking next to him, he could find his friend Ema, who was also sleeping with no signs of waking up, to this Ron was confused, what is this place, where he was, his tails and ears were moving from one side to another. Where...

『You're awake』

To this a voice was heard at that moment, where quickly Ron instinctively was going to give a strong slap with his claws to that person who was sitting waiting for them to wake up, to this Ron at the last moment to hit the blow, he ended up stopping since....

『...eh? how? I thought you were going to hit me...uy...lucky me, I thought you were like the crazy girl, your name is Ron isn't it? I'm sorry for everything we put you through, nothing will happen to you, we're going to return all your friends back to their homes *smiles*』

At this Retro was talking, and at last he was no longer in a working man's suit or covering his face, he was dressed as he should be for the occasion, with his typical white suit, his shirt and jacket, well groomed and shoes to show someone mature. To this Retro commented to Ron that nothing bad is going to happen to them, but Ron to this remained without doing anything, he was...surprised for some reason.

『Eh? what's wrong? Did something bite you? hey? 』 

At this Retro snapped her fingers to get Ron's attention, who she confused and still processing what's in front of her, looked in all directions, while for every snap, instinctively backed away.

『Yes you act like a cat, although I can see that you are a different Neko Species, the fact that you can mutate your limbs, can you do just that? You can't mutate your whole body to that of a feline? That would be interesting *smiles* Though also weird for sick tastes...better not, you're fine like this 』-『Why won't you stop staring at me? do I have something weird? a spot? something? 』

Ron was still looking at this trying to process everything that happens, but at least this pleases Retro, he is not seeing that Ron is afraid of him, but that he is getting to know him at first sight, this made Retro very happy.

『It's all right, first of all, I want to apologize for everything we did, and the way things ended, it's something that whatever I do, I won't be able to fix, that's an impossible problem.... 』-『But in the end I'm the one in charge of everything, it's my responsibility, so I promise you Ron and all your friends, they will never be put in a situation like this, their lives will never be in danger *smiles* I will try to make their lives better, if they want better studies, travel to other countries, buy one thing or anything else, I can give it to them without any problem, I know I'm trying to cover the wound but...*sad* I got it! You guys are very trusting friends with each other, that actually makes me very envious, I'm not going to say to include me in your circle, we have no right to it, but...if you keep showing me more of that trust, I'm going to be completely satisfied, do you think so Ron? *smiles*』

At that moment when Retro was talking to him, he was doing it in all good faith to support them after all the trouble they got into, where Ron was processing and could only listen, Retro's voice enveloped his whole feeling and being...We may have seen it that way, but for Ron who is able to see people's feelings...from the very first moment he stopped.... the only thing he could see was how a viscous stain was coming out of Retro's body, it was a white one that covered him the more and more he talked, it fell to the ground and also contaminated everything around him of a pure white...Ron could not do anything since it was the first time he saw something of this degree, and he knew it perfectly...this guy everything he said...everything...everything about him...was the most false thing he can see...

To this Ron could only curl his tails around himself, while he tried as much as he could to get as far away from Retro as he could, watching him slouch and not even want to look at him anymore, in his being Ron was very afraid...afraid of how someone could exist that could expand so much white just by existing...

『There's your Vampire friend Ema, while your friend Jun is at the medical center right now, she's being treated for being pierced by a blade, I'm sorry, but you can wait here, although you must be worried, if you promise not to do anything bad or weird, I can accompany you to her and see how things are going, do you think so Ron? 』

To this Ron was so afraid, she didn't seem to be herself or we hadn't seen that phase of her, of a girl who can't do anything because of fear, to this upon hearing that Jun is seriously injured, to this if she could react and was accepting what Retro proposed to her, to this she seemed fine in doing something good, so she was asking him to hold hands, but it seems that Ron doesn't want this.

『I understand, sorry, but anyway don't go away from me, there are many untrustworthy people here』.

At this they were leaving the room, where at this Retro looked towards her back and as Ron with tails covering herself as much as she can, she followed Retro to go to her friend, at this Retro made a phone call and seems to say that while she is away to please keep an eye on the girls' room.

『No one is to leave that room, do you understand? 』

To this they gave a small short but huge tour for Ron, who walked behind Retro's back who seems to know the people who approach him, it was time to talk, but at no time he stopped to talk, it was a slight greeting and already, while Ron was afraid, if he looked ahead he would find that pure white, and if he looked to the sides. ...She could only see other negative feelings and eyes that when she looked at Ron, this made her very uneasy, in that moment Retro forgot that he should be cautious so that no one would see Ron, a blanket to cover him? that would call more attention, but well, he already told her that he was going to take her to see her friend.

As Ron walked he found himself even more afraid, where at that many people who noticed could tell, that Ron had 2 tails and....


In that Retro felt a push on his back, and realized that Ron had become attached to him, this made him feel that if he trusts him, but to see that Ron was afraid and trembling, and to see that he was putting his tails around him again, he realized that a cheeky took his tails to caress him, where to see that he was with Retro told him.

『Will it be in the auction no Retro? It's a very cute species, I've never seen a Neko with 2 tails before, I'm willing to pay a lot for it, after all...it's been a while since you brought us a minor one 』

This scared Ron so much that he closed his eyes because of what he just heard, where he himself was scared in his look for realizing again what kind of world he is in too, where the only thing he could do is to hold Ron's hand and shout that she doesn't belong to this world.

And with the fear of being in fear of something like this happening again, Ron and Retro finally went down the cruise until they reached the medical center, where Retro entered and was calm, since here only those who really need it are allowed access. To this Retro spoke calling the doctor, who only answered him.

『I'm doing my job, don't interrupt 』

『It's me! Retro!!! 』

『(Retro!!!! The boy!!) 』

To this he quickly went to attend Retro leaving the cabin where he seems to be attending to someone, where he was greeting Retro with affection and respect, where Retro also returned the greeting, he commented on the reason for his arrival, that the girl who brought him still needs to recover, that he is in the middle of the operation. 

『I just came to see how things are going, besides this little girl is a friend of the girl you are taking care of, she cares a lot and wants to be as close as possible 』

『I understand, she is an important friend, worry is like a pain in the heart, you can wait here, when I finish the operation and treatment I invite you in *smiles*』

At this Retro sat in the waiting area while Ron also did the same, but quickly decided to give himself a space of a seat with Retro, the doctor was returning to the cabin where they operate, but when he turned around you could see his gesture of annoyance, as if he had just been interrupted something...

When he arrived he could notice that Jun was on his stretcher and was still asleep, the blade had already been extracted but only up to that point, he did not do more than what had been applied previously, he had no other choice, with Retro here he must continue with his work as any professional.

To this Retro was also worried, because here is also an important friend for him, he thought he would be the first to be treated, but Lynn himself was able to tell him that it was better to treat the girl first, that he could resist more.

To this Ron was still afraid and with doubts, since what he could slightly see of the doctor's emotions....

Ring! Ringg!!!

At this Retro's phone rang, who was answering since....

『I can't come now, I'm on something very important! Solve it right now!!! 』

『It's just that we can't Boss!!! Rumors are circulating that a Neko with 2 tails will be at the Auction!!! There's a huge crowd at the door of the event!!!! If we don't do something they may knock it down!!!! 』

『Knock down? And the guards?!』

『They can't cope with so many bosses! They are all euphoric and want the Species Auction to start at once!!!! 』

『You humans are such monsters...ah!!! It's okay!!!! Now I'm coming over there!!! (After all it's a problem that I caused...)』-『Don't go away from here, don't go out for anything in the world, everyone here is such monsters 』

To this Retro had to leave as he left Ron waiting at the Medical Center, who Ron to this as Retro left, kind of felt like he could come back to himself, the white went away, it was like coming back to having peace from all the fear he had. When the doctor heard that someone had just left, he looked out of the corner of his eye at the waiting room, and when he noticed that Retro was gone...he got a smile on his face.

To this Jun who was waking up little by little, first of all he could notice that his back hurt a lot, the pain was unbearable, and that was obvious, since he had just been stitched without any anesthesia previously, to this he was regaining consciousness, where the first thing he felt after this...


Quickly someone touched her leg and lifted up her pants, Jun wanted to scream but the doctor quickly covered her mouth so she wouldn't say anything, while he was telling her as if he was in control.

『You better not make any strong movements girl, I just stitched your wound, you need to be at rest if you want to recover and not die. You still need to be treated better so that it doesn't get infected and so on, put a patch on but...that can wait...』

At this that the doctor no longer went from touching the leg, he directly went to touch Jun's chest, who she out of fear, wanted to scream with all her might, but the doctor who put tissues in her mouth so that she wouldn't do anything, this one was hardened to continue.

『Yes...I can feel it...it's flat but I can feel the rise of a woman's breast...I don't see that when you become an adult your breast will grow...but that's better...I'm one of those people who likes that there is no change at all』. 

He kept touching his chest where Jun moved to shake his legs or at least that's what he wanted, since they were strapped, to this the Doctor approached his face little by little, as if enjoying the moment, the 2 were in a medical cabin, but of course, he was in his medical area, his small space where they treat him is a huge room, next to it there are also more stretchers where more people can be treated, the one they were using was covered by white cloths that...

The doctor, without saying anything, was about to give Jun a kiss on the cheek, who did not want any more, and quickly managed to spit out all the handkerchief he had in his mouth, and forcefully bit the guy's nose, who wanted to scream, while Jun, realizing that he could scream, was about to do so...The doctor quickly covered his mouth tightly so he would not say anything, while his nose was bloody and if he kept biting him, he would have ripped it off.

『I didn't want to do it but I'm going to do it...when I put this anesthesia on you when you wake up, you're going to have another hole open girl!』 

The doctor took out his syringe ready with the anesthesia, where Jun did not want this, he quickly did everything possible to free himself, but it was not only his legs, but also his arms were strapped down, he could not do anything...until...At that moment he could hear something lightly that was shot, and even the doctor looked at his cheek and realized that he had been shot a small dart...This made him feel strange, where he would quickly fall asleep, but that was not all. Since the curtain had been opened, and when he looked he realized that Ron had appeared, and with a strong kick transforming him at the last moment to a cat's paw, he could give him a strong headbutt that made him crash against the wall, the syringe fell to the ground without hitting anyone, to this Jun was happy that Ron had appeared to help her, where now that Retro is not there to stop her. Ron could act and released Jun with his claws. Quickly these wanted to leave but Jun when she wanted to take a step, she could feel the pain that ran through her whole body, she quickly fell to the ground trying to get up, to this Ron was concerned and helped her friend to get herself together.

『It's nothing...it's just a small injury...I can...』 

When Jun wanted to get up again, the movement and pain became stronger, he was hit in the hip, back of the waist, a place where walking is very present. At this Jun was worried and afraid, with this injury she would not be able to run away from wherever they were. Ron knew what he had to do, he had to rescue his friends from this place, he was going to take Jun with his back, he had too much strength, he was going to be able to take his friend, but...

At that moment he managed to see that something had fallen to the ground, what is it? a note? To this for some reason Ron took more importance, since he could feel it, perceive it. At this Jun could tell, and it was the same note that he kept in his pocket, the note that said....

『(No! If Ron reads it, he'll know that his parents!!!...)』 

To this Ron took with his human hands the note, he was going to read it but...having been in contact with the water, it was not clearly visible what the sheet said, rather when he touched it again, it was unraveling, to this Jun felt a relief, but he knows that sooner or later he will have to know his friend, in better situations. 

But Ron did not stop there, since the note transmitted a sensation, aroma, emotion, that when he followed the path of that trace...it guided him to a medical cabin near where they were. It was another room that was also covered by a blanket around it, and when Ron managed to open it, he ended up finding Lynn.

This one was on a stretcher with his jaw, with half of his face covered by white bandages, he was looking at Ron and he knew it perfectly, Ron also noticed that this sensation was being transmitted by this guy with pointed ears, he had never seen it before, but he felt he should never forget it.

To this Jun was trying to stand up, to go after his friend, while enduring the pain of the wound. While Lynn couldn't speak, Ron didn't say anything either, but as Towa said a little while ago, it was as if he could feel what he wanted to transmit...In that little by little Ron's eyes began to change, just as his human hands changed to claws that bristled with each passing second. No one knew what was happening, but Ron's pupils...became sharper as if looking at his prey in front of him. ....

『I was already able to fix it, but seriously, what's wrong with all those people, someone so sick and inhumane who doesn't appreciate the lives of others should better die 』 

Retro was returning to the medical center to see what's going on, where in the waiting room he found no one, this was weird to him and he even called the doctor, but he didn't answer either, this was weird to him so he decided to enter the medical booths see what's going on, where the first thing he saw was Jun who was able to stand up holding on to the walls, the same doctor asleep on the floor.

『Hey! But what happened here!!! 』 

He was about to help Jun, but at that moment when he looked around for a moment, all his attention went straight to what was going on. And what he managed to find was...the as Ron was on top of Lynn who this one still couldn't do anything at that moment, and as Ron was in pose to make his final move, he was looking hatefully at Lynn and at that moment Ron took out his claws and was going to slit Lynn's throat.

『No!!! Wait!!! Don't do it please!!! 』 

Retro, very worried, shouted at that moment. Ron was about to kill him for no apparent reason, he was about to give the final blow, but he felt a sting in his body, Retro took the syringe with the anesthesia on the ground and threw it without further ado, this made Ron's attack fail and only caused a scratch on Lynn's face. Where at this he wanted to attack him again to kill him, but Retro appeared to hold him by the paw.

『But what are you doing!!! Why do you want to kill my friend!!! WHY TELL ME!!!』 

At this Retro squeezed Ron's paw tightly, who she was no longer afraid at that moment, but Retro was furious at how again her friend's life is in danger.

『Tell me why...think carefully about your decision...THERE IS NO REASON TO KILL LYNN!!!!』 

At that Retro screamed, this annoyed Ron a lot who quickly instead of fixing Lynn, went to attack Retro who this was scratched all over his face and couldn't help but let go of Ron throwing her away from the 2. At this she was screaming in pain and was touching her face to be able to resist it. Where either because of what just happened or what she remembered earlier, it seems like....


Where Retro screamed in anger at that moment, where he was still expelling more white from his body that only Ron could see, at this Ron didn't think about it, so he took Jun on his back, and on all fours was passing to escape from the place, at this Retro was upset, very upset, the white was expanding...he saw his friend Lynn who seems to be fine but....


At that everyone in the cruise ship could see it, the as a Neko Species was running with all its strength having a girl on top of it, at this everyone was amazed as they were right that a neko with 2 tails was in the cruise ship, where many for wanting to take it at once, wanted to tackle it and take it, but Ron even though he has someone on top, he was jumping and pirouetting to manage to dodge everything. While Jun could only hold on as tightly as possible to her friend to avoid falling, Ron quickly had it fixed, they can not stay here any time, it's just as they said, here there are only monsters.

He managed to get to the area of the rooms, especially guided by the feeling of Ema, where he quickly managed to break down the door with a scratch, where he could observe that...

『You also come to play? That's perfect! 』 

At this they came across an Oni who...was floating? For some reason it was at the top of the room, it was Towa who was called earlier to be on guard so that no one leaves this room. To this Ema just waking up, wanted to leave, but she ended up finding Towa who forbid her to pass, Ema wanted to leave and just like Jun, she didn't hesitate to use her strength and abilities to escape, she used her head, she didn't have to fight, just raise it to a certain point until she let it go but....

『Hey!!! This girl uses magic!!! Ever since I held her I haven't stopped floating!!!! *laughs* 』- 『You're right, it feels like space!!!! 』

At this Ema was being held by the Oni's hand, who this seems not to let her go, quickly Ron, especially Jun was telling her that they are going to leave from here, where Ema upon just hearing this, it seems that Towa is enjoying it, he has his guard down, so well synchronized, Ema stopped floating the Oni, who this was confused by this. And he was falling backwards while laughing, but at that moment she could see him clearly, as Ron made a big jump and also with his paws and claws, he was going straight for her neck.

At this Retro was running all over the cruise with his hand on his face, and see how people got because of what Ron caused while escaping, this only made him more worried and nervous, he was heading to the room where he left Ema, for sure they will go for her to escape all together, but when he arrived at the room, he found that the door had been broken down and when he saw...

『Ah! You're back, Retro! Just like I said no one left this room, this girl managed to make him stay *smiles* 』 

He was holding Ema in his hand, where Ema was sitting comfortably on the bed, but Retro saw something different and horrible, even though Towa is smiling and happy, his expression and the way he was...The bed was stained with blood while his friend Oni.

『The cat appeared to attack me, it was going for my neck, but I managed to avoid it and instead neglected my eye, but there's nothing to worry about!!!! I have another eye that works!!! It's like the spare one, although mono-eyes don't have this advantage of having a spare eye』.

At this Towa's left eye was bleeding, it was closed but he was as if nothing, he managed to repel Ema's escape, while Jun and Ron, if they managed to escape without their friend, and the reason why Towa did not follow them, is because for him also applies that no one can leave this room.

『Towa...*annoyed* You tell them something and they don't follow through...I gave you my trust and this is how they repay me...They tried to kill my friends, they didn't hesitate...They...that cat...If you care so little about other people's lives...THEN YOURS TO ME IS NOTHING!!』-『FIND THAT CAT!!!! AND KILL IT!!! KILL IT!!! KILL IT!!!』

Retro gave a loud scream at that moment, which could be heard and echoed throughout the cruise, Ron and Jun were still escaping, they tried to take Ema with them but they couldn't, since they saw that their surprise attack did not end with Towa, they knew at that moment that they were not going to have another chance, they knew it perfectly, when that Oni said he would play seriously, a murderous aura surrounded him transforming him into the stories that are the Onis, some Demons.

To this Ron faltered at that moment that one of the men who was going to hold it was going to take advantage, but he quickly reacted and climbed to the top of the cruiser with his claws, he made big jumps but...Jun herself knew it, Ron herself knew it, that anesthesia was beginning to affect Ron. 

To this the top part they managed to reach and it seems that here if there are only people who are not interested in catching them, only by the commotion they were looking for shelter, to this they were looking for a place to go, but looking around and noticing that the yachts were already leaving and the only thing there is sea and rocks...escape where....

『Ron...you know...what's our only option....』

To this Jun spoke in pain, where Ron to this noticing that they were at the end of the crossing, and having the free pass...Ron also had it fixed, where he got ready in a four legged pose to start running, where a scream was quickly heard at that moment, it was Retro who all the while was saying.


To this were accompanying them their men carrying firearms, where Ron to this first closed his eyes, where in an instant he put all his strength in his limbs, his hairs stood up and!!!! He began to run with all the strength he had!

At this he was running and running all over the free path he had, where Jun was holding on tightly where he was fully confident that everything would be fine when they made the jump, he was holding on very tightly, where Retro finally reached the floor where they were. And he gave the order to his men to fire!

At this Ron managed to dodge while Jun was afraid and praying that no bullets would hit them, but seeing ahead that they are already at the end of the road.

『 JUMP!!! RON!!!』

Jun shouted with all his might amidst the hail of gunfire, where Ron took a big jump from the top, everyone present managed to see how the Neko Species took a perfect jump at that moment, where Retro to this did not understand the reason why they did this, since after all, there is no place to escape to.


At that moment both Jun and Ron again felt a strong grip holding them tightly, where everyone present couldn't believe what just happened and see, Retro who was confident, put the silliest expression and impossible to believe!!!!

『I got them!!!! Jun!!! Ron!!! 』

To this Giji had appeared to hold her friends in mid-air, where he managed to find her friends after flying for a while, where to this Jun and Ron, really could not believe that Giji had really come to save them, this really had no comparison, they were flying!!!! Flying! Jun repeated it to them several times where Giji could only reply.

『I'm flying for you guys *smiles*』.

Where Giji was confident and with a reassuring smile on his face, while Jun was really very happy with red cheeks, while Ron at that moment couldn't believe it either, he was so happy!!!! That he didn't hesitate to cuddle no matter the moment, he just knew that now that Giji is with them, everything is going to be fine.

『And that Harpy? AH!!! It's the kid that one!!! I shouldn't have helped them in the first place if they were going to betray me!!!! Don't stand still! Shoot them! Don't let them escape!!!』

Jun was worried about this, while Ron was still hugging Giji's paw, who was looking back with a single glance, his eye and eyesight could analyze everything and .....

With great speed and movements, he managed to dodge the bullets that were coming at them, he did it with a great maneuver that seemed not to be the same boy as before, to this all the shooters were surprised, they know that the harpies are experts in flight, but that degree that they are seeing now...surpasses by far what they have seen before....


note: Read on, maximum words surpassed.

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