
Chapter 57: Nekomata Case 9

31 October from ****

I'm really excited, I know how to describe it as I've always been interested in the subject!!!! Did you ever end up being interested in someone?!!!! Or rather, did you ever end up falling in love with someone? Don't be so nitpicky about it, and don't ask for perfection and impossible, because in the first place if you ask too much for something, you'll end up getting nothing, I don't like very talkative and shouty people too, although coming from someone like me, I'm sure my friends do see me that way *laughs* Do I seem annoying to them? Uhmm... It's not that I'm really like that, it just comes out when I see that I can express myself that way, because before when I was alone with Ema, I didn't know that I had such a personality to be calling attention to my friends *laughs* It's just that they don't help too!!!! I can't believe they're such idiots and walk around in their own thoughts!!!! Although lately as I knew them at the beginning, that image clearly hasn't changed, they still look like the idiots of the beginning, but it doesn't only stay there, at the beginning when I met Kyto, he was a mysterious guy who always spoke calmly and with fundamentals, you know, the typical guy who is cute, looks perfect and can solve any problem, plus he appreciates his friendships for the times he always supports Giji, but in addition to everything I said, he is also an idiot... !!!!!! When he starts joking around or bringing out his perverted side!!!!! Ahhh!!!! It really makes me want to punch him!!!!! I don't understand how Ema ended up falling in love with this guy!!!!! Was that first glimpse we had of him a trap? When you really get to know him, he's a guy you might meet on the street, and knowing that he wasn't as perfect as he looked at first, it made me feel like I could be great friends with him *smiles*. 

While on the other hand we have Giji, making friends with a Species is not something rare, already in Primary school I shared a classroom with many more Species, I don't care how different they were, if they had horns or a tail, if they have legs or are covered with hair, a single eye, if they are bigger or smaller or if they have no more human features, what does that have to do with getting to know someone? You are also picky about making friends? ohh...that must be really sad, just when you connect with someone you do it, no doubt about it, that's how I met Ema, although at that time...awwww I remember! She was so cute, when she was also smaller than me, who would have thought that little cutie would turn into a sassy *smiles* It's also a part I didn't know about her, she brought it out when she started hanging out with the boys...eh? geez, remembering something came to my mind, I'm going to tell Ema-chan directly about it, why would she have stopped dressing like that...

Ahh! I ended up talking about Ema and leaving Giji behind, sorry, when it comes to my friend I want the best for her, although that has nothing to do with it...No!!!! Yes it has a lot to do with it!!!! No punk will be with my Ema-chan!!!!! Except Kyto, that pervert brings me confidence, you have my approval. d(>_・ )

But Giji...at the beginning I saw him as a bit of a coward, he was always by Kyto's side, he didn't really move away from him, if he had to do something, it was always with him by his side, they even went to the bathroom together...and the way he acted, although you didn't see it, he did look a bit effeminate at times, it even made me think that maybe he was on the other side, which was wrong since we found out that he liked Ron and that he made an effort to show his bravery in front of her, bravery? *sigh* I think like every man the first thing that came to his mind was to impress Ron as long as he can, impress or get her his way, let me think...Giji, mate, if you really want a breakthrough with a girl, it's best not to overthink it too much, that was your mistake from the start, if you had asked me for help from the start, those first few months you would have had a breakthrough, but no, their little heads did everything they could. What's more, if it hadn't been for my plan, you wouldn't have been able to get close to Ron *proud* Ay Jun, always helping others in their love affairs, and by the way, when do they help me?

But it's true, Giji is shy, he's easily embarrassed, he's direct but slow at the same time, he doesn't know how to express himself when he should, he's also not able to move forward if he's not with one of us, he thinks too much about many things, I could even say he's a coward? Nonono, I'm already putting things too much, but seriously, with that attitude of wanting to move forward but not achieving anything, it doesn't seem strange to me that even though Ron knows that he likes you, he's not going to take it seriously. You're just implying that you're not sure about it, and it's really awkward when there's doubt about something. Buuu!!!!!! As a man you have 0 rating!!!!!! (๑-̆૩-̆)

But...*smiles* like lately in this time, I noticed you a lot more calm and relaxed, determined...I'm not taking anything away from before, just adding a lot more things to what you already are. And that does make you a much higher grade for me. 


October is here, and do you know what this means? That's right, as soon as October arrived, even at the end of September they started to decorate the streets and so on with Halloween theme, not that we follow the same traditions as in the west, but we are very happy to have another holiday where we can have a good time, you may have noticed that here we are a lot of celebrating Festivals and so on, so we were not going to miss the opportunity to spend time together as friends that we are. Eh?...friends?...*smiles* I feel much more relaxed lately since I'm seeing Ron in a different way, we're getting closer, at least I can look her in the face without any shame or nerves getting the better of me, I even let out a few smiles that escape me, but I do it because I feel at ease. Ron also feels calmer, she doesn't run away from me so much and ...ahh! First Ron prefers to spend all his time with Jun, he's like her number one, he used to look for her to spend all his time with her, but now when Jun can't be with us for something, quickly without noticing it Ron was already by my side, it's something I could notice without even caring first, and...it really made me very happy.

Every time they saw this kind of behaviour with me and Ron, Kyto would quickly tell me the joke that I'm finally making progress with Ron.

『You guys are getting closer and closer than usual, I see something is finally coming together *smiles*』

『Yeah, I'm glad I'm getting along better with Ron too』-『Nor let's forget about you Kyto, the ones who are more attached are you guys』.

At that Kyto didn't know it, but at his back Ema was coming so she could surprise him by seeing him again. The friend gave her friend a slight scare while not removing her smile from her face, but clearly her intentions didn't stay that way, for upon seeing Kyto's free arm, Ema jumped in to grab it with both hands, and when we really say attached....

『Buaaa!!! *smiles* Hi Kyto 』

『Ahh!!!!! Ema-chan!!!! You didn't scare me!!!! I already knew you were coming, I was just taking pity on you.....』

And at that moment that Kyto was holding back the urge to be scared and look brave, his brain was slow to react to what was happening, Ema was taking his arm with both hands, and attaching it more and more to her own breasts to make him feel them even more, maybe he wanted to see it as an accident taking advantage of the innocence that Ema has and the way he is, but Kyto....

『Ahhhh!!!!!!!! But what are you doing Ema-chan!!!!! I know we're close and all!!!! But one has to keep things for someone else too!!!!! *nervous* *red*』

Kyto quickly pulled his arm out from between Ema's breasts that she had put it there herself, now Kyto was looking away so that he could hide his face, as he really couldn't see his friend like that, but it seems that Ema wasn't going to stay like that.

『Eh?....The Kyto I know would have seized the opportunity, even drooling out of his mouth, even thanking the Gods of Perversion *smiles*』

『I don't know who you're talking about !!!! There is only one Kyto here who respects women and would never do that kind of thing like disrespect them!!!! Not even in jokes!!!!! *Nervous*』-『(Again he did it on purpose to annoy me, he's been doing this to me more and more, of course it makes me happy, but I still can't get the doubt out of my head...)I don't know which Kyto you're referring to』 (-゚д゚-)

And in that as Kyto kept avoiding looking at Ema even when he was referring to her, Ema had no better idea than to always go straight, it was quick that even Kyto couldn't detect it, but both of them were staring at each other, Ema as always with that calm and innocent smile she has, where Kyto was really blushing for the moment, where he again wanted to turn his gaze away, but in that Ema took his hand saying.

『I'm talking about you, Kyto *happy*』.

As if holding his hand was the only way to stop him from running away, Kyto could only be by Ema's side when she was like this, and to tell the truth, it made him happy that she did this kind of thing. But now that he thinks about it more.

『But, that means I'm accepting that it's all true, right?....』-『*sigh* I really wonder how you noticed someone like me Ema-chan』

To Kyto's doubts, Ema only answered as usual with her smile that was totally sincere. In all this with what just happened, unlike the way they act we could even say lovebirds, the way of being with Giji and Ron was not at all like them, although of course Ron knew what his friend feels for her, but since a while she no longer perceives it that way, she does not know if that feeling is still there or is changing somehow, but the way Giji has been acting lately, she can only say that she feels safer with him than before.

『Goodbye!!!! Friends!!!! Ahhhh!!!『I took a little run to get here, it was a good warm up! Although...』

It should be noted that what is happening in this part is not precisely the date set out above, it happened at any other time of the year. As Jun could observe better since the August Festival, the friendship of all his friends became much more evident, one could even say friendships? just like friends? For anyone could mistake them for something more formal. To this they all greeted Jun, but the gesture he gave in return was?


『Eh? What's wrong Jun? Are you feeling bad?

『Maybe she ran a lot and she's tired, that's why she's making that weird face, I can go buy a drink right now 』.

『What do you mean, weird face Kyto? *sigh* It just made me a little jealous seeing you guys...』-『You guys are getting closer and closer, and of course I'm happy for you, but...I also want to get to experience more moments like these...』

Jun was direct on the subject, and this was obvious that it was going to be noticed sooner or later, since initially they were all a group of strangers, then they became friends, and now that in the same group they formed such love relationships in short words, you can tell that the atmosphere is different, and the difference was noticeable if you can imagine it. Everyone has a person by their side whom they love very much, but Jun in this picture...she was all alone.

『Jun...is not what -----』

『Ahhh!!! hahahahahaha I'm talking like I'm giving you grief *smiles* Sorry sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything, it's just something I had to say *laughs*』-『Besides it's not like -----』

『Jun...you're in love with someone, aren't you?』

At this it was Ema who interrupted Jun, who could read her friend clearly, where Jun at this quickly told her friend, her face turned red and embarrassed at the moment, and even wanting to cover her face confirmed it.

『Yes...I like someone *smiles*』

At this when Jun clearly said it, her friend Ema quickly went to Jun so she could congratulate her and give her support for this event, although I don't know if we can say support....

『I'm really happy for you Jun!!!! It's the first step to what you always wanted as a child!!!!! You see guys, since Primary school Jun was interested in all this love stuff, she tried to look as feminine as possible to attract men, but her straightforward and feisty attitude made her look more like a boy, even many in our class came to admire her more than love her *smiles*』

『Hey Ema!!!! You don't have to tell this!!!! Also kind of feisty!!!!!! 』

『Why not Jun? It's a nice part of your life, plus you've always had that leadership character in you, haven't you guys? *smiles*』

『Yeah, it's really intimidating when he's leading the meetings』. 

『Well, I really like that bossy attitude he has』. 


『See Jun, everyone loves you *smiles*』. 

『...intimidating? Boss? Meow?....』 (oT-T)尸~~

『And feisty *smiles*』 

By the time Jun was totally wiped out by her friends' interventions, she couldn't seem to take it anymore and ended up falling to the ground as her soul seemed to be coming out of her mouth. The shock of all her friends calling her everything but a pretty woman really got to her. Kyto went to buy her a drink, Ema helped to lift her up and lay her down, while Ron, like a faithful cat companion, kept looking at her and even rubbing himself on her arms to get her to react. While the other one who was left in shock was Giji, who...

『(Almost all of this makes it go unnoticed, but...who is the person Jun fell in love with?)』 

This made Giji think a lot, who's first memory took him right back to the August Festival, where Jun was looking at her mobile phone and looked like she was looking for someone, even said she had things to do before meeting everyone, and at the end the how she was saying goodbye to someone and how she was really happy about what happened. Giji couldn't think of many options, on the contrary, the only thing that came to her mind was...


And before he could take his answer Giji, the first explosion in the sky brought him back to the present day. There were a lot of people around him, he looked and looked around and he could only see a lot of humans and species that were having a good time on this other day, but there was something else to say to this, they were not dressed casually, but as tradition says, as it is the 31st of Halloween, you have to dress in what you like the most to enjoy the day even more, it is said that if you comply with it, the experience gets 1000 times better! Giji looked at his clothes and it looks like he is dressed...now that he thinks about it, he is dressed as he normally would on any other normal day, so what's so weird about that? 

Looking at his other friends who were with him, I think you can get an idea of what each of them were dressed in. Ema was dressed as a Zombie Nurse, which is impressive how she did it, even the pale skin came out really well. 

『Don't worry, if you need my help, don't ask me since I'm not very good at poking people *smiles* But if it's another favour I can do, I'll gladly do it』. 

While Kyto was also dressed in something extravagant this time, he had a cape over him and dressed formally like we've never seen him before, and even for his introduction, to match Ema, he knelt down formally to tell her.

『Well you see, I for one, if I'm good at poking people *seriously*』. 

In that he was taking Ema's hand, he was bringing it close to his mouth, is he going to give the typical kiss on the hand in an elegant way? Could it be? But at this Kyto stood still and confused, as....

『Should I bite his hand or give him a kiss? If I bite his hand, won't it hurt? these fangs that I put in my mouth hurt? Haber.... *bites down* No, it doesn't hurt at all...*』

『If you give me a choice, I prefer the option where we both win *smiles*』

Ema was enjoying the moment and wanted to make the kiss on the hand while we're at it, where Kyto hearing this clearly removed his doubts, so he stood up without further ado and ended up grabbing Ema's hand, who at first felt surprised, while Kyto could feel at ease.

『Uff, this is much better, what do you say Ema-chan?』

But to this that Kyto was happy, Ema seems to be not so, as she was silent unable to say anything, which is strange that she doesn't have a response to this.

『Is something wrong Ema-chan? Shouldn't I have held your hand? Since you always hold my hand, I thought that's what I should do, ahhh...so should I bite you?

『*smile* No, I'm very happy *happy*』

To this Ema finally reacted and was really glad that it was Kyto who held her hand, it was purely on his initiative, which was a breakthrough for her. Where Kyto just told her that such simple things that she doesn't understand made her feel happy. Oh by the way, Kyto's costume is Dracula, because if it wasn't for this, he would never dress up in anything fancy, words said by Giji.

But there were more costumes to see, where Ron would once again make his masterful entrance, he ended up making a huge jump on top of Giji, who simply got ready for this again, he put his paws and the rest of his body hard to help his friend. Who looked like he was bringing more stuff than before, and with a perfect landing on the Harpy's head, with the explosions of the fireworks, Ron presented himself as a Kyubi, a Nine-Tailed Fox.

『 (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)✧』

『 Woooaa! It's really like seeing a Deity, you went from being a cat to a Fox---』

At that moment both Giji and Ema looked at Kyto so that he wouldn't finish saying the word, I know there's nothing wrong with saying it in these circumstances, but it's better to avoid than to regret it. The way Ron was dressed was very country, if before having 2 tails was incredible, now having 9 fox tails is even more so. His ears were also dressed up this time to be more pointed like those of a fox, let's thank Fuu and Yume, who took almost a month to finish this costume for their daughter.

『Hey!!!! I'm here!!!! Sorry I'm late!!!』

Jun was coming to meet everyone, where as soon as he saw her cheerful and waving her hand, you could see her costume from here. As soon as she arrived she greeted everyone with blushes on her face hoping that they would compliment what she was dressed up as. 

『You're dressed as an officer, it was among my choices.』

『I told her to dress up as a bunny but she refused.』

『Bunny of course!!! But you wanted one of those bunnies that come out in the magazines those !!!!』-『First you Ron, wuuuaaa!!!! You really look like a Goddess in that costume, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes very divine *smiles* 』

『Oh, well used that word 』

Jun was caressing Ron's head and she let him do it, seeing his happy face was really cute. While on the other hand Giji...being the one who was supporting Ron and Jun who was petting him...When Jun finished petting Ron, when he saw Giji he simply....

『Ah! Yes!!!...You look very good in that costume Jun, very...very...very... adult...*red*』

As she had to reach out to caress Jun, and well the police costume becomes different from the real attire...you could say that it's also a very well used word by Giji...To this Giji avoided having eye contact with Jun because of what happened, where her friend to this was asking her what he was dressed as, she wanted to praise his costume but the truth is she doesn't even know if he is dressed.

『Oh, let me finish it, could you come down for a moment Cat? 』

At this Ron came down and stood with the others to see Giji's finished costume, who Kyto had the last piece of it which was the mask, and!!!!!!!

『Eh? Why are you all silent, say something, what am I dressed as?』




Everyone was really left speechless when they saw Giji's dress, as it was something they all expected but at the same time did not expect. Everyone could see that the Crone was dressed up as an ostrich. At that Kyto didn't miss the opportunity to take a picture of this, where quickly at once, Giji took off his mask to take his friend's phone to see, his reaction was....

『Why did you accept this...』

『We had a Samurai costume, but by accident we sent it to Colombia...』

『Colombia? How did that happen?』

『The costumes we ordered them online, but ended up dropping Giji's package at my house, and mine at his, so I said to have it sent to Giji at his house, but it seems that everything got mixed up and they sent it to Colombia...』

『I did keep his package and delivered it to him myself, but seriously Kyto, you're such an idiot 』

As if to minimize Kyto's mistake, he put his ostrich mask back on Giji.


Gee, well, what things happen in life. In short, as Giji had no costume, they improvised one quickly and homemade, so to make up for their mistake, Kyto made the Ostrich mask for his friend so that he could enjoy the day, which for his first time doing handicrafts looked great.

But anyway, they were all gathered, we didn't say where they were, but they were at an amusement park so they could spend Halloween, eh? Why didn't they go to the urban areas to trick-or-treat? Because they can't! Otherwise they would have done it from the beginning!!!! Kyto and Ema were in the mood for candy!!!!!

『Ah! But before we start, I want to introduce you to someone, I'm sure you already know him because we've met him before, he's a friend I've been spending a lot of time with lately.』

To this Jun called everyone for a wait, this was to announce something tonight, it seems that this time he invited a friend with whom he has been sharing moments before. Where with a smile and red cheeks, Jun introduced his friend who....

『*happy* Nice to see you all together again! When Jun told me that they were all going out together to enjoy Halloween, I was going to ask her if she could invite me, but I was surprised that she herself did it first *smile* 』 

It was a bit confusing, as the guy in front of us was weird to look at, he had human parts in his body, but also crocodile parts in some, it's like an incomplete metamorphosis? This really confused a lot of people, because of how unusual it was, if it is a costume, it really is unbelievable. At this Ron was watching closely to see who it could be.

『Oh, I'm sure you don't remember me, I'll introduce myself again, my name is Lain and I'm a Lizardman, we met on the beach a few months ago, nice to meet you guys *smiles*』

『Lain? Ah! are you really that Lain?!!!』

『!!! That ostrich disguise, you must be Giji!!!! What's up buddy!!! *smiles*』

『Yeah, it's good to see you again Lain (So the guy she's been dating lately Jun...is it Lain?)』

It was unbelievable what was being seen, normally Lain is a Lizardman, that's a fact, but since the last time they saw each other which was when he had the date with Jun, it was clearly what you would expect from a Lizardman, but now that he looks like a human in half, yeah it's weird, or is that even ....At that Giji remembered the first time they met, the how Lain by exerting himself could turn his lizard finger into a human one, then the one he looks like now.

『What a great costume you made for yourself Lain!!!! What website did you buy it from!!!!』

『Disguise? Ahh, no no no, this is, yes a disguise *smiles*』

At this Kyto was the first to check Lain's costume, actually touching all his parts, the lizard parts and scales that were there. Also the human skin, it wasn't as such half human half lizard, but as if it was somehow blending in, as it really looked so to speak, incomplete.

『Don't touch me too much guys, you're tickling me *laughs*』

『The only one who's been touching you is Kyto, don't worry, he's that weird 』

『Guuuaaa!!!! He looks very real!!!!! Ahhh!!!! Wait!!! That's the thing from that time right?!!!!!! What you showed us on the beach!!!』

『!! I see you do remember Kyto, yes, I've been improving 』 

At that Kyto kept touching Lain's body, so Lain, seeing that he wouldn't stop, decided to tell him, he really looked like a little kid who was pecking at everything. At all this Kyto was telling Lain directly that he can always ask him for help if he has any problems, as friends always have to help each other!!!!

『I'll take that into consideration, thank you Kyto *smiles*』

As there was no problem with Lain joining the group, now that they were all reunited, it was time to enjoy this day at the Amusement Park in the evening!!!! To this as always our leader has to raise her voice!!!!

『There's a lot of fun to be had tonight!!!!!』


At this everyone raised their fists to start the fun, but there was one who did not participate in this, Giji happened to look at Ron who did not take his eyes off Lain, staring at him as if he wanted to say something or watching him so that he would not do anything. At this Lain, without wasting any time, approached Jun's side, who was happy with a smile, and without wasting any time, he asked for Jun's hand to go together through the park, which made Jun even happier, and with a red smile he took Lain's hand.

At this Giji had been left behind by watching this, but he wasn't the only one, Ron as if he was annoyed or protecting something, all his 9 tails as if they had a life of their own, started to bristle, Ron wanted to show his claws and teeth, he really didn't like seeing Jun get together with Lain.

『Does it bother you that Jun is with someone else Ron? Although I understand your annoyance, I want to spend time with her too...』

Ron was getting more impatient at this, maybe he's resisting to see his friend happy and that it's something serious, but he can't help but feel that all his instinct tells him that if he keeps hanging out with that Lizardman, things could end badly, he was about to jump in to save his friend, but Giji stops her by blocking her way with his wing.

『But it's not for you to get upset like that either Ron, Jun always wanted it, to find love and enjoy it with who she cherishes, Lain may look a bit dangerous at first, but I'm sure he's not, he's a guy who's trying to get on with his life with what he can, just like everyone else. So Ron, enjoy that happiness you were able to find, yeah? *smiles*』

At Giji's words, it still made Ron furious to see Jun with Lain, but little by little to really see her enjoying herself by his side, if ....la made her realise that maybe she might be wrong and if Lain really is a good guy. Her tails lowered and even her own ears. He wants to protect her, but maybe it's best not to meddle in what's happy for her friend.

『Let's enjoy the Fun Park with everyone Ron, I won't be Jun, but I'll do my best *smiles*』

At this Giji was giving Ron the wing so that they could go together with the others, but at that Ron did something else, in one leap he ended up taking off that ugly Ostrich mask, where Giji was calmly smiling, where Ron at this also had to try his best in this decision.

The amusement park with everyone was being really fun, they got on all kinds of rides, in order to satisfy Kyto, he first recommended the spinning saucer ride, the one where everyone gets on it and it starts spinning over and over again, while it goes up and down. Everyone here was having fun, or well at first, because Giji felt like throwing up at that moment, while to impress even more and the reason why he wanted to play this game, Kyto got up from his seat and stood in the middle to show that he doesn't give a damn about centrifugal force and gravity.

『Hehehehehehehe!!!! Look!!! This is very easy!!! That's how they did it in those videos!!!』

We don't know how, but Kyto was really doing it very well by standing firm in the middle, to this Giji who was holding back the urge to vomit, where Ron noticed this where he was trying to cover his mouth with his cat's paw.

『Gua! It's like it's floating!!!』

At this Ron's paw seemed to help, as he was able to calm Giji down and control himself so as not to cause a mess. At this Giji looked around, to see if the others were having the same time as him, where he found Jun and Lain were having a good time, and in order to hold on, Jun did so by hugging Lain for some reason.

『That was fun!!! I thought I could do anything on that....!!!!!!!!! I was recorded?!!!! Someone filmed me?!!!!! I want to be in those videos too!!!!』

『Easy, I filmed you Kyto』

『Thanks a lot Ema, we're really connected *laughs*』

At this Ron was helping Giji down from the game, where Lain seeing that his friend was unwell, quickly went to help him to see if he was feeling better.

『Sit down here buddy, is something wrong with you? it was a lot for you 』

『How are you feeling Giji? Ahh, sorry for the trouble, Giji despite being a Harpy is not able to fly, maybe she doesn't have a great endurance 』.

『No need to apologize Jun, but you shouldn't have overexerted yourself my friend, but I didn't know you couldn't fly 』

『Sorry for worrying you, I'm getting better now, I'm just a little dizzy, I can continue....』

At that Giji tried to stand up, but his mind was still spinning, so he quickly almost fell to the ground, where Jun was the one who prevented this from happening. Lain quickly commented that she was going to go get some medicine and water to make Giji feel better, who despite the Crone commented that it would be too much, if she was hooked on doing so.

『Let me help you please, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you』.

『*smile* Alright, but don't take too long 』

To this Giji agreed, who Lain was running off to get medicine and water, to this Jun watched as Lain left, and the attitude he just had, really made him look even more good to him.

『So it's him, who you were spending time with lately 』.

『Yeah, sorry for just saying it now, I was just embarrassed *smiles*』

『Don't worry, he's a good guy, I know, but seriously...just...』-『There's a lot of things that go on without you noticing 』

『*smile* Yeah... I've been thinking about it too, with you, with Kyto, with Ema, with Ron, I'm really glad I met you guys 』-『You're people I can always trust, you're my best friends after all』-『But with Lain, since I met him on the beach that day, I really didn't think there was that much importance to it, I thought he was just another person who wasn't a part of me, but when we met again right on our date, everything from there. ..』

That day of the date, where Ron showed up and also Lain, everything was nice and perfect even when they came, but I won't deny that there were things that were wrong, all the time Ron was protecting Jun from Lain, as if he could do something bad to him, he really looked like a dog growling non-stop at the Lizardman, who behaved nicely, he wanted to spend time with us since he found us, but if he is going to be uncomfortable it's better that he leaves. But at that Jun interrupted, why can we spend time together if that's what he wants, better all of us than just one, at this Ron's expression changed to one of surprise, but Jun reassured him that he wasn't a bad guy and that he was just here to enjoy himself with everyone.

On that final friend's outing, it was the first connection of Jun and Lain, who to get to know each other better and to enhance the experience of this day, met another day, and then another, and then another and then another, and without realising it, they were getting close in a short period of time. Seeing how attentive Lain was, how he handled his words, how cautious he was, how he was determined in many ways, but also clumsy at times, how he wasn't afraid to say what he felt, this made Jun start to feel things for the Lizardman, because....

『He looked at me like a woman...*smiles*』

At this, what Jun said very happily, Giji was shocked by this, because...why did he think that way? didn't he see himself as a woman? I know they're friends and all, it's jokes that they make most of the time, but of course they all think of her as a woman, so....

『And little by little I started to feel things for him, although I still have doubts, that's why I want to keep spending time with Lain and get to know him better, to see if these feelings...are reciprocated *happy* I'm in love with him *smiles*』

To this Jun commented with joy on her face, she was really happy, this Giji kind of shocked her a little bit, a little bit? Really a little?...But the one who had no doubt was Ron, who was once again upset and expressed it, showing his claws and teeth as if he was about to make a massacre. To hear that her best friend was talking so positively about Lain and that she was in love with him...it was like....

At that moment Ron couldn't help himself, he started screaming like a cat, he wanted to go after Lain and attack him, but he knew that Jun wouldn't allow it, so he decided to let off steam by screaming and getting out of control little by little. 

『Ron, what's wrong?』

『Ah!!!! You really got to this extent Ron!!!』

Quickly Giji moved to hug to try to hold Ron, even though he was showing his claws and wanted to break free, she was careful not to hurt her friend, who Ron was still in his way of opposing Jun being with Lain, this left her confused, did he....

『Ron...don't you...want her to be happy?』

That's what Jun said without further ado, where Ron stood still for seconds, where he looked at Jun first and then looked at Giji first...and just looking at Giji's face....La made him unleash more that he wanted to get free at all costs, quickly Giji had to do something, so he got up to calm Ron down, he went to leave the place leaving Jun behind.

『I'll be right back, I'll call them and we'll all get back together!!!』

At this Giji was leaving, leaving Jun in even more doubt. Giji at this was running around trying to calm Ron down, who was still upset and showing her protest, and she understands him, she understands his anger, Ron appreciates Jun very much, he appreciates others very much, he wants the best for everyone, whoever loves the one who doesn't belong to him, who could make her unhappy...that....

『Fuu!!!! Yume!!!!! Could you help me!!!!』

At this Giji shouted tiredly but he made it, there were 2 adults in front of him who were also enjoying the amusement park, Yume was dressed as a ghost and Fuu was dressed as a writer from the past. Seeing that Giji was looking for them and worried on his face, seeing his daughter wanting to get out of control. They kind of reacted naturally as they did.

『Something doesn't like me, does it? He always does this』

『Her tantrums become tender after a while, now daughter everything will be alright meow!』

At this they took Ron in their arms, who was comforting her and taking care of her to calm her down, and it's amazing how the affection she received from her parents made her feel less upset, just seeing this made Giji marvel at what parents Fuu and Yume were.

It's lucky that Ron's parents were also at the amusement park, although of course, it could be said that they came to take care of her especially because they are a bit overprotective, especially with Yume's feelings about her instinct.

『Oh, and it happened again, I hope she wakes up soon』.

『When she falls asleep, you can touch the little furry stuffing in her ears, see! she doesn't bother meow!』

It seems that every time she gets cuddles from her parents, she ends up falling asleep on them, she must feel very safe to do so even if she is in the street. At this Giji explained to them the reason for Ron's anger, where by understanding everything, they kind of got the idea, especially father Fuu.

『Nekos appreciate friendship very much, I told you that it's hard to trust them, right? When they really love, love a person, they will wish them the best, and with that also comes the fact that they are jealous, depending on each one, but it doesn't mean that they are much more jealous than a normal human』.

『That's right!!! There is nothing else in the world!!! I love my husband and my daughter more than anything else in life!!!!! If I see him with another woman...meow, he already knows what I'll do *smiles*』

『I really don't understand how we ended up only having one daughter...』

To this conversation, they were going to take Ron back to his friends, although come to think of it, they already spent time as a couple the 2 of them, watching the minors would be fine, they'd act like real responsible adults!!!! Plus it would also be a way for them to have fun. They were walking in the park, and the father made an interesting comment.

『Giji, are you still interested in my daughter?』

To this question Giji was slow to answer, what do you mean, interested? I mean are you still in love with her? If that's the question then...but if it's another one....

『Yes, Ron is someone important to me』.

『I like your answer, well said Giji』

『I also have a question to ask, have you been paying attention to what I told you birdie? I might be heavy on the subject, but you shouldn't ignore your instinct, we have it for a reason and it helps us in many occasions, did you feel something that could cause problems in the future Giji?』

『Speaking of which....Ye------』

At that moment when Giji was about to speak, he didn't realise it, but he ended up bumping into someone, even dropping his bird mask to the ground that was holding him. He apologised and was going to take his mask, but it seems that someone else took it.

『A homemade mask, what is it? A pigeon? A duck?』

『It's shaped more like a pelican, or a seagull!!!』

『Your way of thinking will never cease to amaze me *smiles*』

『Excuse me, that mask is mine...you can give it back to me, ah! and again apologies for the push』.

『Yes, that was my intention, here you go kid, and I have to apologise too, I didn't see you because I was enjoying the park *smiles*』

Giji had encountered a duo of a Human and a Species, it was clear to tell them apart, the one who was his friend and they judged the mask was very large, and it didn't hide its horns, it has marks all over its face...is it an Oni?

『Well fixed boy, yes, he's an Oni Species, maybe it's strange to you, he's neither red nor blue, he has the same skin colour as us, and also above all he's someone capable even if he's not able to show it in many situations』.

Was he giving me an explanation? I suppose I should thank him, although he's right, I would have more doubts if he didn't tell me, he's not a normal Oni like the ones I have in mind, normally the ones I've seen are much bigger, they're red, blue or even brown skinned, but this one is clearly clear. In addition to its horns, they are also much thinner, I could say that they are well proportioned to its body. It's like I'm looking at a new evolution of the Oni species...

『Do you really think that about me? Thank you very much, I always try my best! Although there are also things that I don't even know how I do them but I do them, but anyway!!! A good job is a good job! *smiles*』

『You both look nice, are you here on a date o-----』


At that Giji was still talking, it seems that the Oni couldn't take it anymore he ended up laughing in everyone's face, he really couldn't stand it, Giji at this he didn't understand what he was laughing at, but quickly the Oni confirmed it.

『'Date? Did you hear what he said? A date, again they think you're a woman HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH』

『And what's wrong with that, originally there were only females of my Species, it's not strange that we still have such traits 』

At this Giji got a better look, he actually managed to see some pointed ears, this surprised him, the long greyish hair he had hid it a lot. At this who was in front of him was an Elf, it might be because of the hierarchy of the past or something, but Giji quickly took a lot of respect for him and even bowed to apologize if he offended him.

『You don't have to do that, ahh...that's why I don't like people knowing that I'm an Elf』-『I see we're wasting your time, that 9-tailed family is waiting for you』.

Eh? at this Giji looked back and the Nekomata Family was waiting for him, at this Giji knew he had wasted time, so the talk was about to end.

『That's a nice mask, maybe I'll buy some to enjoy the night better, oh! I just got inspired, I'll buy a Kyubi mask, yeah, it'll fit me well *smiles*』

『Ya...then bye Elf and Oni, enjoy your evening 』

『You also enjoy these days very much young man *smiles*』

『Bye bye!!!! Or rather, see you later!!!!! *smiles*』

It was weird, Giji was joining the Nekomata Family to rejoin the others, he happened to look back at the duo again, and it really was weird, they looked normal, like an odd couple, but at the same time they knew each other very well and got along just the same. Yeah...again there was nothing wrong, but when he looked back to the front.


!!!!!!!!!!!! At that moment Giji looked back, this worried him, because again he felt that someone was watching them, what...what do you want...who is .... But it wasn't only Giji, Yume also reacted by looking back, and he wasn't going to lie, his sharp pupils showed that he was protecting his family from whatever he was feeling these days. 

But quickly the sounds of Ron waking up changed the subject, Fuu was tending to his daughter, where Yume took a breath and seemed to return to who he always is, while Giji was really going to enjoy the best he could these days, as he felt that maybe those words he heard were right.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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