
Chapter 10: Castle (Part 3)

I managed to pass another level of this game that I managed to propose to the Demon, although now that I think about it I think that the way in which one sees the demons changed in many ways, in the old days they were considered great beings with horrible appearance, really powerful and with no trace of purity in their hearts, but nowadays that image was lost, or at least in my head and Carmis himself was confirming it to me, the demons are not the most terrifying thing in the world, or maybe if I had met a really bad one I would not think this but. ..people have the habit of turning everything they see into women...no matter if it's an inert object or not, I'm pretty sure it has a really cute flesh and blood version, why I say this, since I could see it with my own eyes, the internet if you know it as a child, your vision and image of the world can change suddenly.

『With me being the result of a child who got to know the internet at an early age...yes it is a wonderful place but at the same time horrible, because of me getting more and more into it without any restriction because my family seemed to be looking at something else, I managed to look at things that maybe I shouldn't at the time...』

While I was walking towards the next floor, I didn't avoid looking at my hand just thinking about what I did the other day, I still felt very bad for what I did and the worst of all is that I couldn't help it, that moment I just wanted to let off steam somehow after that day of High School Entrance Ceremony, it was supposed to be a day of happiness for me and my classmates, but it seems that girl was not going to let it happen....

『And the worst of all is what happened the next day...with this same hand I....』

I preferred not to remember that since it made me feel bad plus a lot of shame in my person, I was psychologically attacked and deeply that I didn't go to classes for a while, I know she wanted to support me...I know she just wanted to help me...to know that she is with me through thick and thin but...you shouldn't have touched my hand that day...not after what I did that night.....

Now with the previous topic of what happened with Rouge, every time I notice that it is normal at this age to start to feel certain things and interest in something that before I didn't pay much attention, besides I remember that I avoided it since I knew of its existence, but after having no way out and only wanting to feel good I ended up resorting to that...nobody else knows it right? only I know it right? I think that now I am not ready if they emphasize me this truth...I still have become weak and it's something that I don't like, I hope that one day I will be able to talk freely about this and not feel ashamed, but I know it will be difficult but at least I will have taken a weight off my shoulders. I was supposed to move forward with this adventure but it's still difficult for me to do it...which is pathetic since months ago I showed a positive attitude towards this life. I don't even know how to fight properly, my childish and novice fighting style is very noticeable, now that I remember when I was training with Amy, it was a big difference, with Zeta she was more friendly and even merciful with me, with Rouge it was more like a game for her and entertainment, for Blaze to spend time with me she also got rough in different situations, but I could see that she restrained herself in many situations with me, she lowered her level to be at the same level and fight evenly. 

But with Amy...she could be seen as harmless and understanding with others, at the beginning she seemed to be good with me, the treatment was even soft, but the more she progressed in what she was teaching me, the more she raised the level of training and her attitude gradually began to change, until she reached a point where she used all her strength in training against me. This was too much, she had an incredible brute force with her hammer, if I didn't dodge her blows I felt I was going to become pure. But she knew that, as she always stressed to me that .

『You are strong M, I saw it myself that day, that strength can reach more even easily overcome all of us in a single moment, taking into account that, we are weak before you, my blows will not make you any scratch, before a strong opponent I can not avoid putting all my person to not manage to overcome me, I don't want to be on a lower level, I don't want to be considered the weakest because I'm not, if someone has to surpass me it has to be someone strong, that's why I won't hold back from now on M, I'll show you how strong I am』-『And that's how I'll continue until the day you surpass me』.

I don't remember perfectly how was the personality of the Amy I know, but I see that the one I have in front of me just like all of them, she doesn't want to be overcome easily by who she has in front of her, it reminded me quite a lot of Blaze in the theme that she doesn't want to let herself win at any time, But I think Amy is afraid of losing in a simple way against others, she doesn't want to feel useless in front of the rest of the teammates who have skills in which they stand out, Amy only has brute strength and if they manage to overcome her in something as simple as she has, she will surely feel that she doesn't contribute anything to her group. 

『Fighting against Amy...I never had a direct fight with her since I always escaped from her attacks, having a 5 meter hammer above you that can crush you at any moment scares me, although not facing her directly must also be bad for her, she will think that there is no interest in fighting against her because I will beat her easily? But if it's the other way around, I think that if I fight against her, I will have lost in one blow....』

Without realizing I had a huge barrier in front of me, it won't stop attacking me even for a second, it won't let me breathe for a second, it will do everything to see me defeated, the only option I have to stop attacking me is to destroy it completely and continue my way to become even stronger. 

『I also get to have too much brutal strength if I concentrate on it, I concentrate on speed and I can launch energy attacks, now that I see it I only have the basics in attacks, I look a lot like the role that Amy has and that I can be much more useful than her, she doesn't want me to surpass her...I didn't expect her to show a childish attitude worthy of a brat, she is worse than Blaze in that matter 』

Although wanting not to be overcome with ease, reminded me of that person who also showed a tantrum and enormous displeasure every time someone beat him or was beaten easily, just thinking about it made me feel an anger in my being, because I remembered that any small thing that did not go as he wanted, he showed an attitude worse than that of a brat. At that moment I managed to hear again the roar throughout the castle, and it was not only one this time, but several repetitive rumbles that made the castle tremble, it seemed that it was going to collapse at any moment. 

I quickly went to where the place was while I didn't leave my God Form to not feel the exhaustion in my Base state, the last fight I had with Rouge I didn't manage to wear myself out too much so I feel with a little better endurance and resistance, if I continue with this rhythm I will manage to get in a good state until the final boss and as an expert in games I will manage to pass it easily. 

When I reached the third floor I was quickly surprised by something, it seemed that Carmis was not the only one who was in that place waiting for me, but Amy was also in that place giving me to understand that she will be the one who I will face now, but it seems that they are busy because....


It was all being destroyed and hit by huge fists that could be extirpated to great measures, Amy was that repel them all while Carmis the only thing he could do was dodge the blows but...he did not do it with his portals, this inexperienced dodged and ran around the room to avoid the blows, listening to his cry that he can get hurt you could tell he was afraid about the situation.

『This thing is still not in control of itself! Didn't you get a good education when you were little? For the love of the devil, I thought I could calm you down but I see it's not like that...』-『At least I limited the size of the portal so that its huge body doesn't come out but....the hands that managed to break through the portal are destroying everything....AY! You destroy it because it's not yours right!!!! I'm sure you're going to get a report for violating private property!!!!』

Carmis was trying to do something with this monster, minutes before this one wanted to try again with the portals, since it seemed that he had hidden somewhere a creature that was found at some point in his stay in this world, Carmis described him as aggressive and uncontrolled, that he attacked everyone he saw and it seems that he can't understand speech, for creatures like this the only way to defeat him is with superior strength but....

『(This pink animal is strong, I thought it could against this monster, but I see that it is easily overcome....)』

Amy was fighting against her hands to defend Carmis, the blows she gave only served to repel the huge fists, but clearly that was not her objective, no matter how much strength Amy used against the huge fists, she could not knock them out, much less damage them. You could see her annoyance on her face even when she was still possessed so she quickly lunged angrily with her arms outstretched to deliver a powerful blow against the giant fist. POOOMMM!!! There was a strong clash of force where it seems she was finally able to leave a fist hurt.

『Perfect!!! Quick!!! Throw that fist towards the portal!!!』

Amy annoyed with this on her face, she didn't want to throw the fist into the portal but she did it anyway, weakened the arm went back to the portal, but it was 2 fists in total, where the other....POOOMM!!!!!! I was looking at what was happening, I failed to notice that the fist that was stretched out reached me to give me a huge blow. I even spat blood from the impact, I really felt like I was going to break every bone in my body with that punch.

『EH???? M??? You made it this far? (Damn...I can't close the portal while there's matter in between...if or if everything that enters the portal must pass through, there must be nothing left in the middle of every body that enters, otherwise it's impossible to close the portal...)』

Carmis was thinking of a plan while he was protected by Amy who was protecting the missing fist, while I was really hurt by that blow leaving my resistance and endurance as nothing. Carmis seeing that I couldn't do anything either, this one had to do something so he quickly summoned his fist where he started apparently collecting pure energy in it. 

『(A superior force has to beat him...then...may my love end up overcoming him!!!!) AHHHH!!!!』

Carmis's fist was starting to shine a pure light and he was rushing against the giant fist that was going against him, quickly Amy came to support holding back the impact with her hammer, in that Carmis took advantage of the help and closing his eyes with fear he launched the attack against that huge fist, that attack of the Demon was too weak because of the fear he had, He was not as determined as he thought, but quickly something began to happen, that huge fist began to tremble for some reason, something was happening to him, so as a measure this on its own returned to the portal where Carmis did not hesitate to finally close the portal, and at the end of it all, Carmis fell sitting on the ground saying.

『Aja! You escape before the mighty Carmis! And don't appear again if you don't want to feel all my love in one blow again!!!!』

I feel that I wanted to say it while standing, but he decided to sit on the ground because his legs were really shaking with fear, I think he was also turning his back to me so I wouldn't see his gesture that he was really afraid and luckily he ended up moving away from the creature by his own will to the portal. Carmis was looking at the ground and again he could summon his dark portal below him.

When everything finally calmed down, I was trying to recover from the attack I received, just thinking about the strength of that huge fist...it really made me think how strong it was .....

『What was that thing....』

『I would also like to know Master M, but when I asked him he only answered with shouts and grunts, first I tried to communicate like him thinking it was his native language, not to brag but I learned all the languages of the demons, but he answered me "Chinga a tu puta madre".... how dare he say that about my mother...my mother might be a Sucubo but she is a lady, he doesn't have to be so direct.... how rude indeed....』

I couldn't help but laugh at this and Carmis quickly noticed it, but looking around me, I can see that this whole floor is a mess, Carmis commented that he thought he could defeat that creature but it seems that he will have to leave it for someone else who is really strong. He had very much in mind that this situation was too much for him, I guess that's why Amy is here, he thought that his strength would be superior to that beast but I see that it is not so. 

Carmis was addressing me to apologize, I did not understand this but he explained to me that he had ready to receive me with a glass of milk, but due to the circumstances that happened it ended up destroyed and smeared on the floor, looking a little I managed to see both the glass and the milk on the floor.

『I had the drinks ready in hand, I decided to see how the monster was doing and ended up causing all this mess....Ayy!!!.... that's too bad....』

『Eh? So it wasn't because you were determined to stand up to that monster? So you mean it was out of pure curiosity?』


What really happened in all this, was that Carmis was happy waiting for M with the glasses of milk, but between his joy and seeing that the young man was late, he started to look around the place, to play with his portal, he had an interesting ability, the portal summoned him under the objects that were within his reach and remember, he played with his portal everywhere, While he was curious about how that monster was doing, he summoned his portals below him and transported himself to where the creature was, but of the many times he did this, the monster was already waiting for him and as soon as he appeared, he attacked Carmis who managed to dodge for seconds, and when he least realized it, his fists were able to break through the portal.

『What are you talking about, Master M! I opened the portal because I was sure that I could defeat him in my current state, it wasn't because of an idiocy...no...(I'm lucky that the size of the portal could only go through his hand....I'm good that I'm someone with a slight build....)』

In that Carmis explained to me how his dark portal worked with which he teleports to different places, first he must recognize and remember those areas to invoke them and vice versa, second he can shape the portal according to the size he wants, mostly he does it depending on the size and length of the objects and people, third, he can use only one portal, he is not able to invoke different portals, and fourth, while the object or person does not enter the portal completely or there is matter in between, this makes the portal does not close and remains open. At that M remembered how at the beginning Amy managed to hurt Carmis despite using the portals, what was that with.

『This is a safety measure to our portal magic, we have modified it because once an ancestor of our family ended up breaking in half by closing his portal in a hurry, but with this modification there are no more such accidents! Just to think that I can break my body too...or break my arm...my hand.... my finger...or break someone by accident....*traga salida* is too grotesque this ability...』

Now that I think about it, the portals are too dangerous, if you invoke it on a person you can easily end up with him breaking him in half...they are not only a transport skill, but even deadly. Now I understand your fear, I wouldn't want to end up being broken by a joke when crossing a portal either....

『Magic can be modified?』

『Of course it can, it's the first thing they teach you in school Master M』

『But I didn't take magic courses...』

Carmis told me that every spell can be modified according to the user, as long as you know how to do it you can even create a new spell based on another one, I guess I'll take it into account, at some point it may come in handy, although I feel like I can forget it at any moment....

『And by the way, what was that light attack earlier?』

『That? *smiles* It was all my love concentrated in one hit!!!』

Carmis was smiling at this, while I can only think that....

『Well what a chafa love no offense, he couldn't beat that thing 』

『HOW!!!???!!!! For your information Master M, what I did was collect pure energy!!! this can be of all kinds! I used my love for Medusa and that's why I was able to perform that great attack that ended up driving that beast away! So don't say that my love is chafa!!!!』

『But if your love is as great as you say, don't you think you would have defeated him with one blow...an explosion if nothing else, Kabom!!! no? I feel that your love would be capable of so much more』

『!!!! Yeah right...why didn't that happen...it should have exploded and defeated that thing...my love for Medusa was weak...no!!!! That's impossible!!! my love is too huge!!!! I just found out about it so I don't know much about the details』

But I think it was more because he was weak and afraid at that moment, if what he wanted to do was to strike a pure blow with the full intention of finishing off his enemy, he should have held on to his strength and not falter at the last moment. At that moment I was thinking about the pure power, that is something new to me, he said that there are several ways, right? Like I was very interested in the topic, I was going to talk to Carmis more about what he told me, but he was getting up from the floor to then lift me up, he proceeded to wipe my whole body of the dust that was on me, he took out his handkerchief to shake me, everything he does reminds me that he comes from the nobility. 

『Sorry for the inconvenience Master M, it's the only thing I can do for you, yep! Now you look more formal for your next match! I would have liked to chat more with you, but I don't want to keep your opponent waiting any longer, since the beginning he doesn't take his eyes off you』.

Carmis was also wiping off all the dust she had on herself while I went to look at Amy, and Carmis was right, she was staring at me and even annoyed in her look, this only made me want the smiling and calm Amy back when we were at our most casual at home.

But Amy had her own thoughts, when she went to protect Carmis from the huge fists, she could feel the strength of them, they really overpowered her easily but she was opposed to be defeated, she was doing everything possible to be able to win the fight, she was really strong. But she also remembered when M appeared, she also considered him strong and in the matter of strength, she knows that if he shows the strength of the beginning, this creature would fall without problems but....el see him get hit and leave him in a weak state, this made her angry because she can't believe that he doesn't show the strength he has, it really annoys her how someone strong can be really weak.

『(What did you do to that broad M...she won't stop looking at you with...ya I get it....) A piece of advice Master M, give your all in this fight, your friend just wants to compare all her strength with you, don't make her wait any longer』.

『Compare with me?』-『And since a while ago you call me Master M, can I call you Mr. Carmis me then?』.

『Mr. Carmis????!!!!! *grinning* Great Carmis! Mighty Carmis! Carmis-sama!!! They always called me Carmis Silly Carmis or Carmis Freak, but they never referred to me with respect, very good Mister M! Thank you for giving me a cool nickname!!!』

『It's not a nickname, I think it's the most normal thing in the world 』

Carmis was leaving the floor again leaving me alone with Amy, to this I think that thanks to the demon I think I understand now why Amy's attitude towards me, having someone strong in front of her, she wants to see for herself in what level she is, she wants to see what is her top in her attitude and whether or not she can improve the level she has now. To this I would get into a fighting pose and this time serious showed me that I will not escape this time.

『Come Amy, and show me what you are capable of』.

Hearing this, quickly Amy with speed was rushing at me with her huge hammer, I managed to see how it got bigger as the milliseconds passed, I know I said it confidently and with confidence, but remembering again the training with her and that now if she is angry and will not hold back worse with me...My tail curled up and my face became scared all of a sudden.


『Ay mommy!!!! You almost crushed me pink brat!!! (In the end I did dodge it...I think now...)』

Amy noticing that again M dodged it, this again showed no longer annoyance, if not hatred to only dedicate it to dodge and not to face her. With speed he was heading towards me that to keep distance threw energy spheres, but this was useless, as if it were a game, with his mallet hit my energy spheres and even threw them against myself. And when I least imagined it, he was already at my side, I was going to use my speed to escape, but I see that he got tired of this and when I tried to move, he had already predicted my movement and ....


She ended up hitting me full in the face with her normal sized hammer, I went crashing against the wall, when I looked in front Amy was coming, she was not going to leave me a second of relief, I tried to dodge as much as I could, and when I wanted to get away from her she could read my movements and prepare a new blow against me. Her hammer was coming hard to hit me full in the head, I had no choice but to resist her blows with my hands, but quickly the size of the hammer shrunk, hitting me full in the face again.


My face was red and even my nose was bleeding from the blow, I was tired and that was only the beginning of the fight, but this was not it, I had already received the blow of that monster and ....

『You too Amy.... you are a monster in strength...I hope my comment didn't make you angry....』

I blurted it out just like that, and when I least realized it, Amy was coming at me from below with an upward attack with her hammer, at that moment I realized that Amy is the most feminine of them all and yes, my comment ended up bothering her even more. I tried with my arms to resist the hammer blow. POMMMMMMMM!!!! I was thrown to the ceiling where my arms were shaking, Amy was next to me and with her hammer that modified its size and length, she was hitting me in different parts of my body.

『(With the big hammer she makes a powerful blow to the whole body of her opponent...but when she makes it small, all that brute force of Amy's goes only directed to that place...my body won't be able to defend itself anymore....)』

With every blow I made I was weakening my defense, until in a moment I would end up with a downward blow with the hammer, I tried to stop it again where Amy used the same strategy of shrinking it and....POMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

There was a loud impact on the ground where debris and dust was rising. I was barely getting up where I could finally predict a move of his and stop the impact from being so deadly. 

『(That hammer is a nuisance...I must get rid of his weapon...my body won't withstand any more of his blows, dodging doesn't work either...the only thing I have is to attack directly....)』

Yes... it seems that she ended up cornering me worse than I thought, my only option now was to fight her directly, which I was looking for from the beginning. Amy was approaching me with her hammer but quickly went on to expel energy spheres madly all over my body, Amy kept herself at bay by either dodging or counterattacking, while doing this I gathered energy with the help of my 2 hands to....

『Take this!!!!!!』

Throwing energy is what I specialize in the most for being a rookie, so by doing it so many times I ended up getting used to it and collected so much energy in a short time that it was really powerful. I was hitting directly at Amy who was using her hammer to defend herself, this while she was backing away from my attack....I was happy about this, even better if I manage to defeat her with this attack but....

『Seriously...you are moving forward!!!! Why are you so strong!!!! 』

I increased the power of my attack where Amy was still advancing slowly, I was really surprised and scared at the same time, she was stronger than I thought. I was already exhausted from launching the attack and I stopped to take a slight breath, I thought I had already finished all this but....Amy quickly approached me to hit me with her mallet, I thought I had already lost but....crack.....

A cracking sound was heard and because Amy could no longer withstand all the strength she put into her attacks, her hammer finally ended up being destroyed. Blocking the huge fists of that monster must have also helped to destroy it. I could see her face of confusion at this, which by no longer having what was hurting me the most, made me feel happy, so I readied my spinning fist at that moment and POMMMMMMMM!!!!!

I hit Amy full on all over her body that she even ended up stamped against the wall. I didn't hold back with that attack, I hit her full on so it must have hurt her in many ways. She wasn't moving, she finally stopped attacking, this gave me a chance that I can win despite my state.

『Now I can do it!!!』

I was happy about this, but when I looked in front, I could hear some slight jumping, Amy was that she was doing little jumps in place while her fists were firm, I already sensed it at that time...that way of moving...now she plans to attack fist straight at me...which I thought.....

『Enseriously!!! what do I have to do to make you give up!!!!! I can't take it anymore!!!』

I was screaming out of frustration in such a situation, it felt like Amy was going to the second phase in this game...I had no other choice, I was also annoyed that she didn't lose before losing her hammer, but...now that I think about it, why did I think in the beginning that she would win if she destroyed her hammer? That's just her weapon, a complement when fighting, what makes her fearsome is the pure strength she has. At that moment for seconds I relaxed my whole body, and with a normal face I said.

『I think that's it, what if I lose once and for all?』

I said it with complete normality because knowing the truth didn't make it so bad, but this Amy heard it as if M was once again running away from her and not facing her as she should. He has faced all of them properly, but with her he is the only one he escapes her blows...isn't he strong enough to fight her?

『I also don't want to take any more blows...the only thing that keeps me mobile is that I'm in my God Form *sigh* this is too much for me』.

Amy at this got angry at hearing M's words, like it's too much...for someone strong to be subdued by someone weak is too much for him? This was worse than a bad joke to Amy, so without warning, she quickly approached M so she could continue the fight, but at that moment M realized something.

『!!! She's really fast!!!』

As she no longer had the weight of the hammer, now Amy showed all her improved physical capabilities, from one second to another she was in front of M who wanted to receive it with a blow but...M dodged it at the last moment and by impulse he took her by the arm and threw her with force, the little boy did not want her to approach him because he felt he could not handle this nine weight, but quickly Amy again started to attack M, and...this was the first time I saw her hitting melee, that way she was an expert in this subject, both kicks and punches, the maneuvers she uses, everything was new. ...this was the first time I saw her body to body punching, that way of attacking, it was obvious that she was an expert in this matter, both kicks and punches, the maneuvers she uses, everything was new to M. The only thing that made her save M from Amy's punches, is that her reflexes helped her not to be hit.

『(She doesn't take off from me, every time I throw her she comes closer to continue with her punches, if she gives me a combo of punches I will have lost and ....)』

At that moment one thing came to my mind, how my teammates will react to this, how Amy and Blaze will think about this, they will surely be disappointed in me for not being able to give it all in this fight, Blaze will surely be upset because we didn't even get to face each other, and Amy will be upset because she couldn't measure her real strength with mine...that...that's really in my mind....

『(So what...5 months ago I didn't know anything about fighting, it's logical to be afraid of what is beyond me because that's how it used to be....but if you guys are going to be putting up these walls...) I've had enough!!!! If you want me to use all my power you will see it!!!! I'm going to shut you 2 up!!!!!』-『Pinky!!!! Purple!!! You'll see!!!』

Quickly from what she was dodging, out of sheer excitement and euphoria she went on to counterattack Amy, who she didn't expect this and even protected herself with her fists, this surprised her that when she looked ahead, she was met with a rain of fists against her. M was firstly throwing fists wildly which was easy for Amy to dodge.

『Don't forget that the fastest one is me!!!!』

I quickly disappeared from her sight and she was trying to look everywhere, but quickly. PPOOOMM!!! She felt a strong blow that hit her all over her face, and as if it was a fury and anger on M's part, he was striking with speed without letting Amy rest or even touching the ground. He took advantage of his strength and speed to make his blows more powerful, he left behind the turns of before and only found himself hitting with all his strength.

『You want me to use all my strength!!!! Okay!!!! You want to compare yourself to me!!! It's ok!!!! I will no longer be the child running away from something big!!!! Here begins my counterattack!!!!』-『If you are afraid that I will defeat you with one blow!!!! Then this is your time to do it!!!!! For I will become stronger and stronger and stronger that you will no longer even be a game to me!!!! If you want to defeat me!!! Now is the time!!!! I'm going to start growing from now on!!!!』

I got too excited, the euphoria, the adrenaline, wanting to win this once and for all, made me attack with force and speed without leaving any chance for Amy to do anything, it was a rain of blows to her person, the person I thought I would end up getting excited and wanting to overcome me I thought it would be Blaze, but in the end it ended up being Amy who now I understand how you felt. At that moment of how euphoric I was, something was being born inside of me, my fist was marked with a white glow that was shining little by little. This was my pure energy building up? I couldn't feel it at that moment, but Amy managed to wake up and was quickly preparing her final blow against me as well, so.

『Try to compare our strengths!!!! Amy!!!!』

There was a loud clash of fists on floor 3, it was even loud enough to cause a roar in the castle. It doesn't matter who wins, because I knew that perfectly well, as both you and I knew who the winner would be if we showed our full strength. PPOOOMMMM!!! I ended up hitting Amy hard in the stomach where she spat blood on the spot, there was nothing else, we both fell to the ground, me still standing and really tired, while Amy fell hard to the ground in all the rubble. To this she was smiling and cheerfully said.

『Win!!! I finally beat you Amy!!!! Yes that was really awesome!!! *smiles*』

The euphoria and excitement was still going on in me, with that how it feels to fight with your whole being against someone who likewise gives everything not to lose. This undoubtedly felt something pure that I would like to feel it again, at that moment I noticed that my fist glowed a little white but it disappeared at the moment, I was confused with this but I managed to hear.

『I knew it...we....yo...we're no match for you』

¿¿??? This caught my attention, Amy is no longer under the possession of Carmis? this made me enter many doubts, she was completely under his power but now that I defeated her she went back to her usual self, what could it have been, for some reason the only thing I connected it with was the white glow of my fist. Amy looked at me with a warm smile at last, yeah...it feels better than all that hate from before, but at least now I know what this whole moment felt like. 

『M, thank you so much for defeating me *smile*』.

Amy was really happy with this, as she felt content with the result, M to this she tried to walk but ended up falling on the ground, my body seems like it needs to get used to how I am also slowly unwinding.

『You came close to defeating me Amy, this fight was a lot of fun *smiles*』.

『I'm sure I won't be as close again as I was now, and by the way M』-『Don't call me monster again ....』.

『¿? *laughs* I'm sorry, it came out, but if you are a monster in strength Amy, I'm only telling the truth 』

Amy at this gave me another dirty look for my comment, as she turned her back to me, I guess she doesn't want me to see her for what I said, I guess I'm going to have to somehow remedy what I said to her. At this time Amy was starting to talk, I was wondering how many I had faced and who I was missing.

『Well, I already beat Zeta, I beat Rouge and I just beat you, the only one left is Blaze and then Carmis, wait...Blaze and Carmis then next? I feel like Blaze should be the final boss, Carmis I feel like it's going to be something simple 』

At that moment something fell on my head from the heights, it was a stone and it was rubbing my head, as I looked I saw that Carmis had opened her portal, she sure didn't like my comment. At that Amy on second thought only said.

『It's not that I have anything against you but, I hope you lose to Blaze』-『That all our strength will be enough to defeat him even once』.

With Amy's words I could understand it, she wants to see me defeated even once in her whole life, she knows the potential I have and that herself doesn't like it, although as the situation is if I see myself losing against Blaze in an easy way, fighting against the 3 of them left me tired. Now that I think about it, if I fought against the 4 at the same time, most likely I could not and I would end up winning, each one is at my same level separately and if we put them together, I would be outnumbered. I'd like to joke now and that's just what I did.

『But if I end up losing, the Kitten will end up getting the punishment, oh! now I'm coming over to tell you *smiles*』.

I approached her to tell her what was going to happen to Blaze if she ended up losing, and when I told her the truth, Amy was surprised by what the penalty was.

『Wouldn't you want to see your friend in that state?』

『Yes, it would be very humiliating for Blaze, but I still want you to lose, let her take her punishment』.

『Ehh???!!!! But aren't you two friends? Or are you one of those fake friends?

『Of course she's my friend and that's why I'm sincere, besides I've been wanting to tell her for a long time, she's too impulsive!!!! Can't she think things through a bit before!!!! From the beginning I thought we were going to get into trouble because of her! That Kitty as you call her, I really wouldn't mind if she gets her punishment if she learns to stop being so intemperate that idiot!!!』

『....*surprised*...*smiles* a la chingada...*laughs* I didn't expect this...so this is really you...but at least you already decided something for me, just to not give you the luxury and protect the Kitten, I will have no choice but to win this game』-『I will do my best to win, and everyone will be proud of how the kid they found grew up *smiles*』

Hearing M's words, Amy remembered all of M's stay with them, and now that she thinks about it, of that scared little boy who even peed his pants on this trip, that he now says this and has even shown her that he can still do more. Amy smiled at this and raised her hand with a thumbs up.

『Face your destinies at once M』-『. Good luck with your goals』

『Thanks, and by the way, from me isn't there something you have to tell me? *fear*』

『You want me to tell you what I really think? well, when it's all over I'll tell you a few things too kid』.

『(He just called me kid...) Please don't be so harsh....』


I was very happy for this, it felt like finally accepting her approval for real, with this new victory now I was heading to the fourth floor who was waiting for me the kitty who I really look forward to fight, and I am very sure it will be fun.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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