
Chapter 8: Castle (Part 1)

You could tell that I was calm and even confident about this, I was literally taking it as a game this kind of confrontation that I was going to have. I came with all the desire to be victorious, although at the beginning I could tell that I was lacking a lot of experience in a real combat outside of my experience.

This also seemed to me more like a new training than anything else, to face again with whom I have trained more times makes me feel confident and of all the times we fought cleanly, there are few occasions in which I was able to come out victorious after our first confrontation. Although I would like to say that it was because I was smarter than Zeta or I was much stronger, no, nothing like that, Zeta simply let himself win on those occasions when he saw that I was trying too hard, always with a smile that I did well he declared his defeat, which for me... it really reminded me of my real mother.

In the few times that we got to play since we moved, even when we were all together at home, my mother before a board game or another, let me win without giving everything. Although it was true that as a child I did not like to lose, when I lost a game or a game, I no longer wanted to continue playing, my mother realized this the first games that I got to win and preferred to lose intensely to see me happy, which I was.

『Win!!! I could defeat you Zeta!!!』

Zeta could also see that emotion and happiness when it was the few times that I managed to win, that I was happy and had achieved an accomplishment because I had worked so hard, she always touched her chest as if indicating and emphasizing that she was also happy and that she felt a warm sensation in that part, I guess she was referring to her heart, I don't know if she has such an organ or a mechanical one but, if she felt so happy when she let me win, how will my mother feel when I manage to overcome something with all my strength by my own means. I want to see that expression.

I would get into a combat pose to start the fight, while Zeta, just like when she did it, the more I got it into my head that I already knew what was going to happen next. I would pass to my God Form in a normal way, which made me ask myself several questions, why now? Why not before? What was the factor or what made it impossible for me not to be able to use it? I was thinking about it and realized that I was still wearing the raincoat, it could be a problem when fighting especially since I like to use my tail too much, but against Zeta maybe it's an advantage as well as a disadvantage.

『Well, with this I feel much better (but seriously, why couldn't I get past my God Form before? Besides being afraid my decision should have been made but .... is it because I peed? is the only thing that comes to my mind)』

I put aside the raincoat so it wouldn't get damaged, besides I wouldn't want something bad to happen to it, I really like that embroidery that Zeta did. I was about to start the fight, but when I noticed that I was the only one who took off the raincoat, Zeta was still wearing it, I shouted at him to take it off but he didn't seem to pay attention to me, I just thought.

『Wait, aren't you going to say anything? Not even a peep? I'm just going to be the only one who talks all the time? Hello!!!!! Zeta!!! Come on say something!!!! A correction or a congratulations!!!! Say anything but answer me please!!!』

At my requests for me to be able to speak, it seems he couldn't react to anything, but here would come something I always do since I'm alone, either in my room or when I'm the first one to arrive in the living room, and that is....Speak and be able to express myself as I always wanted!!!!!

I started prancing and extricating myself in my own place, even with a smile I would go on to admire the surroundings of the castle, I had not noticed before, but it is my first time to be in a castle of this magnitude, it is dilapidated, it is made of stone, the chandeliers and even cobwebs.

『Eh? Spider webs?....TELEBOODS!!!!! So there are spiders hiding somewhere?????...』

I was scared to realize this fact, the truth is that I am not very fond of spiders, the thought of finding one that is even bigger than the size of a grain of rice, really scared me. In elementary school I was always scared when I saw one, I would tremble like a scared chicken, I would always ask someone to get rid of it. My sister's reaction was always "It's just a spider" My mother's "A spider, huh? you want to kill it? why?" And my father's "It's ok, I'll take care of it now". 

Now that I remember their reactions were very different, but in all of them my reaction is always the same, I just really can't stand spiders!!!!

『They have 8 legs and can be anywhere in your home....they are scary...they have many eyes...they walk too scary for me....also since I heard that story that if you sleep with your mouth open, you can get a spider in your mouth and....AHH!!!! Sister Maya why did you make fun of me when I was a kid!!!! Since that day I always sleep covered with the whole sheet!!!! eh? Wait, now that I remember a spider appeared in the bathrooms, I was with my friend and when he saw that I was scared he just crushed it with his finger...and he even said that his father kills tarantulas with just his palm.... with his hand? really? and the little hairs? the venom or the blood?....Ay!!!! I can't stand it!!!』

I don't know why I started talking about my fear of spiders and even some anecdotes that happened to me, but there are always several topics in my mind that instead of saying them only for me, when I'm alone or I feel alone I like to say them to feel free, free of what? of expression I guess but...although anyway I'm not alone, Zeta is here kindly waiting for me to be ready, yes, again I entered in tranquility but it lasted a little bit because...

!!!!!! At that moment I felt that sensation that something passed by my foot, I quickly got scared hitting a scream in the same place, I thought it would be a spider but....

『It was nothing...eh? I think I already made it too long...but ....(I'm going to avoid being near the spider webs of the place) But...the spiders...Zeta do something with them please 』

But at that moment when I asked Zeta for help, she quickly for sure not to make me wait any longer, she threw herself against me in order to give me an accurate hit, thanks to my reflexes I could avoid it by jumping backwards, that gave me to understand that I can't pay attention to anything other than the fight, but in the face of a present fear, I couldn't avoid my attention in several occasions to be brought to meet a spider.

『Ah!!! I'd better get this over with already!!!!』

I quickly threw myself against Zeta who again was preparing her fist for a counterattack, she thought she had hit me, but I could have easily dodged it. One of the things I noticed and was training until I could no longer do it, was to become faster. I was circling Zeta with my speed and trying to create an opening so I could hit him.

I saw his back was sloppy so that's where I was preparing a spinning fist, why spinning? Because that way I would gather even more power thanks to the speed!!!! Or at least that made sense to me, but of course I know that Zeta is someone experienced and besides that he already knows my strategy very well, so I quickly deflected and in the face of his counter punch attack, I managed to stop at the last and....

『I got you!!!』

I managed to grab his arm with my tail, this was what I wanted at the beginning, besides I like to perform my attack thanks to my tail, I also want to show him that the moment I squeezed it, no longer say or feel that it didn't hurt at all! 

Before having her arm trapped with my tail, I would quickly whip her to the ground repeatedly, I should not give her a chance to recover, this should cause some damage but I know that Zeta is someone resistant and being an Android does not know what fatigue is, I know from my own experience that when I could no longer, Zeta was as if nothing.

『Feel my speed that I like so much!』

I quickly ran all over the first level while at the same time when I met a wall, the first thing I did was to slam it with all my strength against the wall, I will not let it rest even in the slightest, so again before I could move, I took it with speed so it can not do anything, before a new wall that I met, I attacked it again in the same way. This should work, I liked this technique because I managed to incapacitate the opponent while receiving blows, plus I also do it for sure because of my distrust in the melee, still my techniques and skills are childish.

I looked back to see how Zeta was doing, she didn't seem to react to this and was still wearing the raincoat, I had to finish somehow so I would try to do what I tried to do when we first trained. I took a big jump to be able to go as high as possible, my goal was to crash her now with everything on the ground. 

But I jumped too much that I was going to crash into the ceiling, but this suited me better, I could propel myself with the ceiling to get more propulsion and strength. That's what I had in mind, so when I was about to propel myself to crash into the ground. Again it seems that something came in my mind, as if I had a sense for fear, I turned my head slowly in that second, and what I saw is that right next to me there was a spider web with a spider on it, I looked at it out of confusion and amazement, while the spider also stared at me with its eyes and.... y....

The spider by the event that was happening, either having me close, this would happen to want to approach me with speed, this was enough to scare me that when I least realized, had released Zeta and in a quick action, took me with his legs and with momentum I threw me hard against the ground. I was lying down and without being able to react quickly, Zeta threw himself against me from above with great speed, hitting me full in the body, and not only that, he also took the opportunity to give me a strong shock that made me feel it all over my body. 

『No!!! Everything but that!!!』

The shock was manageable, I could withstand it thanks to my familiarity with it, I managed to have resistance. I quickly grabbed its leg with my tail again to throw it away from me. I managed to get up wounded by the fight, I did not expect to meet the spider that .... My body was briefly overflowing electricity from him, this was bad news, since the discharges you receive full of Zeta also have a side effect, your body becomes paralyzed for seconds where they are exploited by Zeta, it is as if to turn off your nervous sense or interfere with your movements raised.

『It was also because of this that I kept her from reaching me...now I got her Electric Fever....』

Zeta was getting herself together and to my luck and as I said, despite trying to do physical damage to her body, she didn't look tired at all. As long as she doesn't receive a strong attack or literally have parts of her body fall apart, then Zeta will always be in full fighting mood.

『You may not be the strongest of them all, but you being persistent and unaffected by fatigue is a big advantage Zeta...that's unfair....』

She also makes good use of her abilities such as electric shocks or using her body however she wants. Having a melee fight with this Electric Fever is literally fighting a fool, your body will not respond or in the worst case you will make a move that is useless. I quickly threw energy spheres to keep it at bay, quickly before my attack Zeta proceeded to dodge it through the first level of the castle. 

It was noticeable that I was being affected by the Electric Fever, there are attacks that do not even manage to reach their target, which is Zeta, that's why I prefer to launch several attacks without stopping until I pass this effect, which luckily lasts a short time, now that I think about it.

『I shouldn't have taken off my raincoat...although it would have affected me anyway....』

I was throwing my attacks like crazy where even I could feel it myself what was going to happen, one of my arms fell asleep staying static. Zeta took advantage of this and in that second when I stopped attacking, he would come towards me with the wave of energy I was throwing at him. My arm managed to recover and continued with my attacks but it was too late, I gave Zeta a chance and he didn't waste it, he turned his arm into a blade and every time he came he split my energy blasts in half.

I would retreat to continue attacking and get as far away as I could, but again the Electric Fever took effect on me and I fell hopelessly to the ground, my leg could not move for several microseconds which played against me. Zeta was not going to miss the opportunity and threw his hand propelled with energy to grab him by the neck and slam me against the wall. I was trying to free myself to get him off me, but at that moment Zeta was already in front of me and with his blade pointed at my body.

『(I can't even pass the first level? Didn't I learn anything from this?) You're still good at fighting Zeta...although this would be a good time to let me win like the other times...yes? Mother? *smiles*』

I was saying it with all the sincerity in the world, although it was actually a strategy to find out if she could also like me let her guard down with something she likes or dislikes on this occasion. It seems that it did work since I could see how Zeta reacted for a moment and even his arm that had me holding my neck loosened a little, but not enough to be able to free me. When I changed to my God Form I left my child size to adapt to that of the Light Figure.

『(Mother? Little mother? Who's a good mother? *smiles*) No...I can't say all that without really feeling it...Ay vamos!!!! This really has to happen!!! Where was my victorious moment where I would come out triumphant in all the fights!!! although the only problem is that Blaze will suffer the punishment of Carmis which, I hope he forgives me, at least I try, so I have something to defend myself with, I don't know why I feel he will be more angry when he knows that I lost in the first attempt...』

Just imagining Blaze scolding me and even angrier than normal, I feel like when we go home with my loss will be the first thing to happen. I didn't want things to end like this, but I didn't have any other way, in the trainings everything looked easier, Zeta was holding back as far as I can see, this time he did use his techniques and I don't even think he exploited them as he would know how to do. I peed myself, I played hard to get in front of Cream but in the end I will come back with nothing, I could have shut Blaze up before he gets us into this trouble, eh? Why am I blaming myself for everything? Ah yes because I'm the only one who can do something, I don't like having responsibilities....

『(What else can it get worse now...)』

I looked at my side out of the corner of my eye, and before my negative attitude, it seems that bad luck is my companion, since the same spider that wanted to approach me, ended up arriving right where I was. Again I looked at it and I was frozen with fear, it was no longer the Electric Fever, I was really having genuine fear right now for having that spider next to me.

『(It won't come near me again? I didn't do anything to you spidery....) Nah, I don't think so, 1 of 2, either it goes away, or it goes away too.... please go away...don't make me pee again....』

Afraid of what it was going to do, I was confident that it would go away, but the spider didn't take its eyes off me for a second, so I became more nervous and fearful. I tried to look at it out of the corner of my eye, taking it off and looking at it every second that passed, and as if it was a horror movie, the spider noticed it closer and closer to me. 

『Hey hey hey hey!!!! What are you doing!!! Get away!!! Why are you coming closer!!!! You're not going to come in my mouth?...huh? mouth??....so what my sister said is true? Back off!! or I'll call my friend and have him crush you with his finger!! no!!!! I'd better call his dad and have him crush you with his palm!!!! Come on!!! Go away!!!! Stay away from me!!!』

I was doing everything to get it away from me, but the spider that I wanted to scare seems that this time it was determined to push me aside. I couldn't help but literally panic and when I least imagined it, I fell from the little high I was, I could not understand this, but most likely because of the fear I felt, I returned to my Base Form. 

『Ah asshole, of course this didn't occur to me』.

Seeing my chance that I could break free, like a worm I slipped out of Zeta's hand, I would quickly switch back to my God Form to unleash a new burst of energy against my friend, who she seeing that I wouldn't stop attacking, I managed to push her back where we both returned to the center of the first level. I was still trying to calm down, I looked back and now that I realize how lucky I was at that moment, if the spider hadn't appeared I wouldn't have thought of that way to get free.

『Ya...I want to stop being someone afraid...the person I want to become, I wouldn't be afraid of anything (Except needles, I don't think even being someone else would change that) So, let's start again Zeta, this time I will use everything to my advantage』.

I had not become strong, rather I think that with all the training I had I got to be at the same level as my teammates, imagine a scenario where I defeat them in a simple way seems to be something very far away, if I want to defeat each of them, besides my current capabilities, I will have to be ingenious when fighting, I have my speed which is my advantage, I must use it the best I can.

The Electric Fever is gone from my body, if I suffer another shock I will be defeated, so I am forbidden to get another shock that involves my whole body, which ... I will have no choice but to be the first to knock it out using what there is, what there is? Well, there's nothing here, motherfucker! Only dilapidated decorations and spiders!!!....!!!!!

『Zeta, this will be the first time I beat you with my own effort and merit』.

It was clear to me, I even declared it so, that it will have been, but at that moment I managed to perceive in Zeta's face that, she is also willing to give her all in this fight. I would quickly use first my speed to keep me at bay from her attack, just as I thought, Zeta would use everything at her disposal that was quickly gathering a sphere of electricity in her body and as if it was an explosion, I try to make this whole area covered with electricity but ....

『You still have your raincoat on Zeta!!!』

The area behind her back was with less tension product of the raincoat managed to dissipate Zeta's attack a little, I quickly managed to place myself there but I was not empty handed, I also picked up my own raincoat and knowing that if she reacts slightly to my words, I would go on to tell her.

『Thank you very much for the gift Mother, the embroidery looked nice on you, I really appreciate it』.

And as if it was a soft and warm invisible blow, everything different from Rouge, Zeta stopped causing a strong electric tension around the area, this again I took advantage of it to be able to place myself in front of her and quickly what I did is to cover her also the front part with my raincoat. This did not take away her vision as she has other ways to detect her opponents, but what I wanted it for was.

『Come on!!!! Release your strongest shock!!!』

I grabbed it with my tail to wrap it up, trying to squeeze it with all my strength where now it was not at all as weak as the first time, where at the same time I was preparing another technique in the air. I had to take advantage of those energy blasts that I was firing in a stupid way. Quickly noticing that if Zeta was in trouble, in order to free himself, he would release a strong discharge all around him, but since that was just what I was looking for, I released it at that moment, throwing it into the air just enough. 

What Zeta found at that moment was that she was surrounded by the sphere of energy that I launched and prepared beforehand, and as if it were a non-stop bombardment, I sent her to be attacked without holding back. 

While on the ground I was still me, preparing a spinning fist with all my strength where at the same time I was running so that it grabbed even more power!!!! Zeta was falling to sleep in the middle of all my show where, in order not to be defeated, she would magnetize her surroundings so as not to be hit by the attack, she was releasing strong amounts of electricity from her body where I found myself in a predicament, I was dodging such attacks where in the center I could only see an electric sphere that was releasing attacks like crazy.

『(Come on...turn off for a second....)』

I was waiting for something to happen as I was escaping all over the first level, I was still preparing my attack but I see that there is no end to this. Zeta was trying everything to win where in the face of so much electricity release, if I get shocked again I will suffer from the consequences of the Electric Fever and I will lose.... but...for a second literally everything shut down inside her, even she herself didn't understand why she couldn't move anymore.

『This time I win, mother!!!』

I appeared below her who Zeta was falling unable to move her whole body, at that moment I see that the raincoats ended up being destroyed by the release of electricity and that very thing was what I wanted. The raincoats are also insulators of electricity, if I had worn it anyway I would have received the direct discharges of Zeta and being affected by the Electric Fever, besides having such material in contact with electricity for a long time can be bad, but what happens when you are literally surrounded back and front with such material? In the same way by the strength of Zeta there would have been electricity leakage and it would have continued as if nothing, but the electricity that it released little by little would have accumulated inside it and at any moment it was time that now its circuits and system would also turn off.

POMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! I managed to give my spinning punch with speed directly into the body of Zeta who received it full, I hit him without being able to measure me that I literally slammed it against the ceiling and falling without force to the ground. So far this is the first strategy I came up with on my own, leaving the basics I knew, although in the end I still stuck with my spinning fist but....

『I must improve my skills』-『You're not going to get up again are you? I can't think of any other way to defeat you Zeta (if I had released her discharges from the beginning when I had her trapped, this would have been different)』

Zeta wasn't moving at all and was even too taciturn, as I looked at her I noticed that she was giving off small slight amounts of electricity, I touched her to find out what was going on, but all I heard was as if there was empty metal.

『I think I overexerted her body...』

It looks like she's going to need time to be able to release from her body or rather from her system and circuits all the electricity she has and causes her to be completely static. The good thing is that I found a way to finally make her get tired or stay still, and the other thing is that although it wasn't bad news from....

『Win....this time I really win....Well!!!!! I WIN!!!!』

I couldn't help but feel like celebrating this victory that I had thanks to my pure ingenuity, although even I'm surprised that I came up with this. I was really happy that I returned to my Base Form so I could tell Zeta about it, although of course she's still all tieza but I wanted to share it anyway.

『Zeta I won!!!! I really beat you!!! Thank you so much for the match!!! Ohhh!!! Now I really feel like I can beat all of them!!!!』

She was really happy with her eyes shining, while Zeta from inside her system could see how M really did well to defeat her, she was really happy and would like to hug him, but for obvious reasons she can't yet. M was still partying and now that she thinks about it.

『You can't move? Perfect, then I'll take the opportunity to』.

I was heading to be able to touch her tail and now if declare myself as the real winner of the contest, but from how happy I was I would move on to grabbing her tail with full confidence, I felt movements inside my hand.

『(¿? Are these her hairs? It's wagging its tail? of what? of happiness? but...I feel like someone is running down my hand....)』

As I removed my hand I managed to see what I was actually touching and I couldn't perceive it because of my happiness. The same spider reached here and with my own hand I ended up grabbing it, it was in my palm and I could stare at it, I went from happiness to fear from one second to the next, so.

『Get away son of your -------------- I don't want -------------I don't like spiders!!! ahhh....I touched a spider with my hand....no...no...mom help me....』

I was traumatized, where I jumped with a scream that was heard all over the first level, throwing the spider was my first action, I really don't like them, but quickly to this I felt again little steps on my hand, to this I realized that....

『You go!!!!!!』

The spider did not take off from me so I tried to kill it by crushing it with my own hand, but at that moment I remembered that my mother does not like this kind of things....So as if I had to overcome my fear, the spider did not take its eyes off me, but why? why does it see me so much? why does it chase me so much? 

『Do you want to get inside me so much???? EH??!!!!』

That was the reason I believed, but the truth was that the spider fell in love or was attracted to M, the reason? Who knows, maybe our M captivated her at first sight. The thing is that the spider with all her eyes did not take her eyes off M, so he had to overcome his fear of the arachnids, and with his other hand he gently pushed her aside and threw her to the ground.

『No.... I like spiders...don't come near me....』

As if it were a total rejection, M said it clearly, but the spider understood this and withdrew, but why did all this happen? Is it that in the future a spider will also appear that wants to do things with M? At that moment our M felt a chill all over his body, he knew that his chastity would not be safe when he was no longer here.

『We'd better get this over with...a spider...I'll never end up liking them...』

The good thing is that M will end up losing his fear of spiders in the future, the way he will lose it is certainly not something he will end up liking very much.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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