
06. Omnitrix 2 (Edited)



Check out my patr*eon if you want to get a few chapters in advance.


Editor: Kyran_Ambrosius


(Gwen POV)

For some reason, Lex has been gone for a long time; it's already been 30 minutes since he went for a walk in the forest. It might be worth checking if he is alright and bringing him back, it will soon be dark.

- Grandpa, I'll go get Lex. - I told grandfather Max and went towards the forest.

- Okay, Gwen. - Grandpa answered me at last.

After walking through the forest for about 400 meters, I heard the sound of an explosion not far from here. Worried that something might have happened to Lex, I quickly ran towards the explosion.

Soon I ran to a clearing, where you could see the trail of the landing of something that left a deep crater.

Not far from the crater, I was able to see something that shocked me to the core.

There was a large crystal with legs, arms, and a pointed head. He was all turquoise, wearing a tight-fitting blue suit.

He stood and looked at the fire, where you could see the remains of some kind of robot. I screamed in surprise.

Hearing my cry, this creature turned to me while making a crystal sound.

When it looked at me, I saw its dark blue eyes and some kind of emblem, in the form of a clock, of the same color, located in the center of its chest.

Frightened, I stumbled back and caught on the root of a tree, fell on my ass.

At that moment, this creature began to walk in my direction. When I wanted to start moving back, it began to speak in a low male voice:

- Don't worry, I won't hurt you. - The thing said in a soothing tone.

Hearing him, I stopped my attempts to move. Something in this voice seemed familiar to me. Being filled with excitement, I asked:

- Who are you?

In response, this speaking crystal only grinned and said:

- Gwen, it's me. Lex.

And when I heard him, I could only open my eyes wide. After all, it really seemed to me that there was something so familiar in this crystal. I almost immediately believed him because even despite his appearance, these eyes definitely belonged to Lex.

- But what happened to you, Lex? Why do you look like some kind of humanoid crystal? - with obvious shock, I asked.

At this, the alien-Lex just shrugged his shoulders and said:

- A satellite fell from the sky, almost nailed me, and I barely had time to jump back. When I came closer, it turned out that it was some kind of capsule that opened by itself, and inside there was an alien clock.

They jumped onto my hand when I just walked up. The watch seemed to be glued to my hand, and I could not take it off, no matter how I tried. Then I decided to check what it is.

I pressed the button, twisted it a couple of times, and pressed it again, after which there was a flash of light, and I was already this creature. Immediately after that, a robot fell from the sky. Seeing me, he began to attack me, but I could quickly destroy him. When I started thinking about what to do next, I heard your cry. And here we are.

Still, in shock from his story, I got up and tried to think over his words when I heard the noise of footsteps from behind, and Grandpa Max ran into the clearing.


(Max POV)

5 minutes after Gwen left for the forest, I heard an explosion. Deciding that something terrible could happen, I quickly ran to the bus, took the laser gun from the hiding place, and headed towards the explosion.

When I ran, I saw fire and bits of a robot, and at the side of them stood Gwen and Petrosapien. Running up to them, I pointed my weapon at the alien and shouted:

- Get away from her.

But Gwen stood before me, shielding the alien with her back.

- Grandpa, don't shoot; it's Lex. - shouted Gwen.

Hearing Gwen, I stared at Petrosapien in shock and noticed the Plumbers emblem on his chest, only of a different color. And finally, I began to understand what was happening here.

At this moment, the alien, making a crystal sound, raised his hand and slapped the emblem.

After a flash of light, Lex was already standing in the clearing, with a strange watch on his right hand. Moving away from the shock, I seriously asked:

- Is that the Omnitrix?

When I asked, Lex just nodded.

- What is the Omnitrix? - Gwen asked.

- Now is not the time for questions. It looks like this robot was just a scout, and he was looking for a watch. And since I destroyed it, the owner of the robot will most likely send another and will do it in a place of congestion, deciding that there might be the one who found the clock. We need to hurry. - Lex said with a serious face.

Having considered his words, I found them logical, which means we need to hurry. So, nodding, I ran towards our mobile home, the children were behind me.


(Lex POV)

Having reached the bus, we drove towards the parking lot, where most mobile homes stood. At that moment, Gwen asked me with a worried face:

- How do we destroy the other robot? Will you turn into that diamond guy again?

- Not in someone else, but first, you need to wait for the watch to recharge. I will quickly destroy the robot while you help people. - I answered.

- What do you mean, someone else? - Gwen asked.

- It looks like the watch gives me the ability to transform into different aliens with different extraordinary abilities. I became something like a werewolf with them, only instead of a wolf, I turn into several different aliens. - I said with a smile.

- How many aliens are available to you? - Gwen asked curiously.

- Currently 13.

At that moment, our attention was attracted by Grandpa Max, who said that we had arrived at the place.

There we saw two robots, the same as last time. Five-meter with a tripod and red eyes. Now they walked through the parking lot and fired lasers without a target. People ran away from them in horror. Getting out of the bus, I said:

- Go help people evacuate, and I'll go away and turn into an alien. Better not to see this. And please be careful.

Grandpa Max and Gwen nodded gravely and went to help others at my words. And I ran to the side a few meters and hiding behind a tree, I began to choose the alien.

Determined quickly, I slapped the Omnitrix. Two seconds later, I turned into an Upgrade, in my opinion, the most optimal hero at the moment.

I looked like an ordinary Galvanic Mechamorph, only I was somehow smooth and straight shining, with a white belly with a bluish tint. And all the lines were blue with a round eye on the muzzle, and the blue Omnitrix mark was on the chest.

(A/N: Image in comments)

After running out of hiding, I went to the robots. I was lucky; just at that moment, one of them turned his back on me.

Wasted no time, I jumped to him and, spreading out in a puddle, clung to the robot's legs.

Stretching out to its full size, I took complete control of it. Immediately improving and adding more guns, I went to another robot. All this action took me 5 seconds.

Stopping near another Vilgax robot, I immediately opened fire on him. After a couple of seconds, no trace remained of this thing, and it finally disappeared in the explosion.

While all the spectators were in shock, I absorbed my robot, becoming a regular Upgrade, and ran towards the forest.

Then I can use this form whenever I want. I don't understand why Ben never did that; it happens instinctively.

Having reached the forest and hiding, I slapped the Omnitrix and, again becoming myself went to the bus.

Gwen and Grandpa Max came to a couple of minutes after me. Gwen immediately rushed to hug me and said with delight:

- Lex, that was so cool. You came and swallowed one robot, immediately destroyed another, and fled. You did everything in less than a minute.

- Gwen is right, Lex. It was quick and efficient, and nobody even had time to get hurt. You did everything right. - Max said with a smile, patting me on the shoulder.

- I'm glad you liked it. But let's return to our clearing and go to sleep. Today I am exhausted. - I answered with a tired smile.

At this, Grandpa Max nodded and sat behind the wheel and drove us back. It was clear from Gwen that she still wanted to talk, apparently about the Omnitrix and grandfather's gun, which is also unusual, but she gave in when she saw that I was tired. And I really am drained.

Having reached the clearing, I got off the bus, immediately turned into an XLR8, and went to get the remains of the first robot. They will still be helpful to me.

The robot that I absorbed is already useless because, having improved it, the Upgrade cut off all connections with the Vilgax network, and now I cannot steal all of its data. And it makes no sense to disassemble it since it is whole, and as part of the Upgrade, it is more valuable.

Having coped with four runs in just a couple of minutes, I went to bed. Today has been a long day.

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