
The Tutoring

Ron's POV

He chuckled as he watched her walking away, she was very beautiful but he knew she didn't like him and that was the main reason why he had asked the teacher to make her his tutor so he could get to know her and the reason why she disliked him.

"Earth to Ron", said Derek his best friend.

"You were out for a while man", he continued.

"Oh, nothing to worry about", Ron said as he sat down and noticed his three best friends Derek, Jake and Desmond staring at him.

"What?", he asked them.

"I think you like the smart-ass chick ", Jake said and they all chuckled except Ron who scoffed.

"I'm don't, besides I've got a girlfriend ", he told them.

"We'll see about that", Jake merely said before they all resumed eating and Ron wondering what he meant by that but he didn't bring it up as their conversation drifted back to the game they were having on Saturday.

Ron was the only son of his family so he got away with anything and pretty much had everything he asked for.

His father was a strict businessman who traveled a lot so he was rarely around which was why Ron was spoilt because his mom overindulged him, but college was along the corner and in a year time they would all apply for the Scholastic Aptitude Test(SAT) and his coach told him that although his sport performance was good he had to back it up with a little academic performance in order for him to get to any university of his choice.

He hated studying that was for sure but he needed to have a good score in SAT in order for him to get into Harvard university.

That was his dream school and then the teacher had told him to choose a student to tutor him and that was when he saw the perfect plan.

To get closer to Hannah and improve his studies. That's killing two birds with one stone, he thought to himself.

He felt a knock on his head "ouch", he said and looked up and saw his girlfriend Vivianne.

"What was that for", he asked her.

"You chose that smart ass bitch to be your tutor", she said.

"Bitch", that was a very powerful word he thought but dared not say it out loud or he would be in trouble for trying to defend Hannah.

"She's the best we've got in class, so get over it", he told her.

"But you could have chosen Raymond or any of the other male nerds", she still argued.

Girls are so fucking hard to please, he thought again.

"She outsmarts them all and you know it", he calmly told her.

But inside he was anything but calm, he knew Vivi well she would start threatening Hannah and he didn't like the sound of that.

"Still......", he silenced her with a kiss.

"Drop it, okay", he told her after they finished kissing.

"Besides she's not my type", he said that to reassure her and himself and he hoped he was right.

"Alright, fine", she said as she took her seat beside him.

Her friends were already seated, he knew she only dropped the matter because he kissed her, and knowing her well it'll soon come up but now he had to find Hannah to ask her when they'd be meeting.

"Excuse me guys", he said as he stood up to find Hannah.

"Where are you going to?", Vivianne asked him.

"I'll be right back vivi, just cool off and eat your lunch, okay", he said to her as she huffed and resumed eating.

He looked at his friends with pleading eyes for them not to do anything foolish and try to keep her company. Jake nodded as he walked off to find Hannah, his friends rarely spoke to his girlfriend when she was around except to flirt with her friends.

Then he saw Hannah eating her lunch in the basketball court, he climbed to the bleachers and sat below her, making her look down, the moment she saw it was him she frowned and looked around probably asking herself if lunch was over or what he was doing here.

"I was looking around for you and I saw you here", he said.

Ron's POV

He chuckled as he watched her walking away, she was very beautiful but he knew she didn't like him and that was the main reason why he had asked the teacher to make her his tutor so he could get to know her and the reason why she disliked him.

"Earth to Ron", said Derek his best friend.

"You were out for a while man", he continued.

"Oh, nothing to worry about", Ron said as he sat down and noticed his three best friends Derek, Jake and Desmond staring at him.

"What?", he asked them.

"I think you like the smart-ass chick ", Jake said and they all chuckled except Ron who scoffed.

"I'm don't, besides I've got a girlfriend ", he told them.

"We'll see about that", Jake merely said before they all resumed eating and Ron wondering what he meant by that but he didn't bring it up as their conversation drifted back to the game they were having on Saturday.

Ron was the only son of his family so he got away with anything and pretty much had everything he asked for.

His father was a strict businessman who traveled a lot so he was rarely around which was why Ron was spoilt because his mom overindulged him, but college was along the corner and in a year time they would all apply for the Scholastic Aptitude Test(SAT) and his coach told him that although his sport performance was good he had to back it up with a little academic performance in order for him to get to any university of his choice.

He hated studying that was for sure but he needed to have a good score in SAT in order for him to get into Harvard university.

That was his dream school and then the teacher had told him to choose a student to tutor him and that was when he saw the perfect plan.

To get closer to Hannah and improve his studies. That's killing two birds with one stone, he thought to himself.

He felt a knock on his head "ouch", he said and looked up and saw his girlfriend Vivianne.

"What was that for", he asked her.

"You chose that smart ass bitch to be your tutor", she said.

"Bitch", that was a very powerful word he thought but dared not say it out loud or he would be in trouble for trying to defend Hannah.

"She's the best we've got in class, so get over it", he told her.

"But you could have chosen Raymond or any of the other male nerds", she still argued.

Girls are so fucking hard to please, he thought again.

"She outsmarts them all and you know it", he calmly told her.

But inside he was anything but calm, he knew Vivi well she would start threatening Hannah and he didn't like the sound of that.

"Still......", he silenced her with a kiss.

"Drop it, okay", he told her after they finished kissing.

"Besides she's not my type", he said that to reassure her and himself and he hoped he was right.

"Alright, fine", she said as she took her seat beside him.

Her friends were already seated, he knew she only dropped the matter because he kissed her, and knowing her well it'll soon come up but now he had to find Hannah to ask her when they'd be meeting.

"Excuse me guys", he said as he stood up to find Hannah.

"Where are you going to?", Vivianne asked him.

"I'll be right back vivi, just cool off and eat your lunch, okay", he said to her as she huffed and resumed eating.

He looked at his friends with pleading eyes for them not to do anything foolish and try to keep her company. Jake nodded as he walked off to find Hannah, his friends rarely spoke to his girlfriend when she was around except to flirt with her friends.

Then he saw Hannah eating her lunch in the basketball court, he climbed to the bleachers and sat below her, making her look down, the moment she saw it was him she frowned and looked around probably asking herself if lunch was over or what he was doing here.

"I was looking around for you and I saw you here", he said.

"Oh, why were you looking for me?", she asked.

"Isn't it obvious, I wanted to ask you when we'll be meeting for my tutoring", he said as she frowned in reply.

Dear God, he thought, she was still beautiful when she frowned.

"Oh, about that we'll meet Saturday after your game", she stood up and walked out, leaving him alone.

Well she's going to be a tough nut to crack, he thought as he walked out.

Authors note

I'm so sorry for updating so late I've been very busy with school and other things but I promise to update regularly.

Any ways I do hope you enjoyed Ron's pov but the next chapter is going to be Hannah's pov.

Forever at your service!!!

Can you believe it's raining right now and I'm outside

I updated my story in the rain ️.

How ironic is that ?

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