
Chapter 257 - The other world (part 11)



Feeling a burning rage overwhelm him, Zoemi reached out his hand and roared – the concentrated star power erupted from his palm swallowing both the girl and the repugnant shadow.


As the glow of the star power faded, the sound of mana dissipating with a human-like sigh filled the room, leaving only the weeping girl on the floor.

"...why is he here...? I moved past what he did to me..."


Presence whimpered in a heartbroken voice as her tears were dropping on the floor while Zoemi watched her in silence.

"...is it your fault...? Is this your revenge...? You said that... Wh-wha...? NOOOOOO!"

The child raised her head and asked Zoemi in a trembling voice before her eyes widened and she screamed out again.

Just like before darkness gathered inside of her and emerged as the disgusting shadow ready to torment her.

"What the fuck is this supposed to be?! LEAVE HER ALONE, YOU FILTH!"


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