
Chapter 247 - "Try" (part 2)

"You will come with us."

One of the knights demanded while golden light was shining through every available gap in the enchanted armors he and his companion donned revealing that both of them were already using the light enchantments on their bodies.

"Did he give me an order?"

Kierul frowned and raised her brow in discontent while turning to her masked attendant.

"That definitely sounded like an order to me, my lady."

The black-haired boy nodded in confirmation.

"The guts of some people. What, you two expect me to listen to you just because you are in King's Guard? You didn't say anything about acting according to the wishes of the royal family so the answer is no."

The red-haired girl shook her head in disbelief and scoffed at the heavily armored knights.

"That wasn't a question."

The other knight spoke up revealing themselves to be a woman and then both of them stepped forward at the same time moving in perfect sync without ever signaling anything to one another.

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