
Chapter 45 - Walking around - sneakily (?) (part 1)

"...whew... well, that was unexpected..."

The black-haired attendant breathed out, releasing the shadow enchantment – not realizing that even after keeping it active for more than any other time he didn't feel as if his mana depleted in any significant amount...


Zoemi was right by the door to Miriette's room – so the same room that he was occupying while healing – and he got there just in time to see a young gold-haired woman whom he had certainly never seen before, reaching out for the doorknob.

"Pardon me, miss – are you perhaps one of the medics taking care of me?"

The black-haired boy called out and jumped towards the woman extending his hand.

"Eh...? Wha... wha... wha...?!"

The gold-haired medic turned towards the boy and instantly her eyes widened from shock and she took a step back while stuttering.

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