
Chapter 37 - One hundred whips (part 3)

Zoemi didn't scream once out loud, but in his heart, he was wailing.

If he had to choose between this pain and the pain he felt right before his previous life ended - the one that his throat was crushed by a motorbike's tire - he would choose the crushed throat any time.

This agony was just too much.

And he was only thirty hits in...




Up until forty hits, the black-haired boy managed to keep standing up by concentrating on the shadows dancing deep within his mind.




After fifty hits, Zoemi leaned against the wooden pole with all his weight and his eyes were full of tears.

|I want to see Miriette...|

He sobbed in his mind and gritted his teeth bracing for another hit.



Each hit hurt so much that Zoemi felt like the pain would make his skull explode – the black-haired boy prayed that he could lose consciousness but the technique of the torturer didn't allow for that.



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