
Two Girls...Doing It?

Here is what happened last time on Chasing The Moment

I get my mom's car for my date with Lexi. My dad promises to sort out my car. I stop and buy Lexi flowers on the way to go and pick her up. I pick her up, and we go to the restaurant. We enjoy our food.

As we are leaving the restaurant and waiting for the car, Lexi ask me;

"So, are we going to the party or what?"

"I don't know. I have to finish packing before I leave tomorrow."

"It will be fun. Come on, say yes!"

I look at the enthusiasm on her face and say;


She throws her fist in the air and says;


"But only for an hour or two max. Okay?"

She nods while smiling at me as she replies;

"Okay." She starts screaming;

"Yay! It is going to be so much fun!"

The valley parks the car, and I open the door for Lexi. She gets in, and I run around and get in, and I drive off. I ask her;

"Do you know where Christian's house is?"

"Yes. I will add it to the car's GPS."

"Thanks, Lexi. I have never been to Christian's house before. They are not really the type of crowd that I normally hang out with, as you would know."

"Don't worry, Ethan, you are going to love it. Christian's parents have an entertainment room with a pool table and a huge bar. The room opens up to a large patio and a swimming pool."

"It sounds like you have been there."

"Yes. I've been to a few parties at Christian's house before."

"Then I am glad to be going with you. You can be my wing-woman for the night."

She looks at me with evil eyes while biting her lip as she replies;

"I can't figure out of you are joking or if you are being serious?"

"Oh no, I'm being serious."

"Then wing-woman it is."

As we turn into the street, all I see are cars everywhere. I drive slowly to find a parking spot. Lexi points to open space and says;

"Over there."

I pull into the parking and park the car. I look around us and ask;

"Do you think it's safe to park here?"

Lexi looks at me with one eyebrow raised, tilts her head as she says;

"Really, Ethan? This area is not a high-crime area. The car will be okay here."

We get out of the car and start walking to Christian's house. Lexi looks at me and asks;

"Dude. Are you nervous?"

"Umm, no, why?"

"Because you sure look the part to me."

"I think I lack enthusiasm as I don't know what I am doing here."

She takes my hand, looks me straight in the eye, and tells me;

"Come on, Ethan. You are with me, okay? I got you."

"Okay. Let's go!"

As we get closer to the house, I hear the beat of the music becoming louder. People are standing in the front yard, talking and laughing loudly while drinking. I watch as we walk past them and I let Lexi lead me. She looks over her shoulder to me and says;

"First things first, you need to get something to drink."


We walk into the house, and the music is really loud with people dancing around everywhere. Lexi leans in to talk close to my ear and tells me;

"I am going to get us a drink. Wait here. I will be right back."

She disappears through the crowd before I could get the words out;

"I told you not to leave me... never mind. It's not like Lexi can hear me over this music."

I look around, and couples are kissing everywhere. On the other side, people are dancing and partying on a dance floor. Benjamin sees me through the crowd. He starts smiling as he points to me. He walks up to me, hugs me, and says;

"No way. I didn't think that you would come. But here you are!"

"Yeah, I almost didn't come. Lexi insisted that we come for a few hours."

"Dude. I am happy that you are here. Come, let me show you around."

"But Lexi told me to stay here and wait for her. She went to get us some drinks."

"Don't worry, bro. We will look for her on the way."

"What? That doesn't even make sense. On the way to where and how would we find her in this crowed?"

Benjamin puts his arm around my shoulder and leads me through the house. He tries to point out stuff as we go walk along the house, But I can not hear a word that he is saying with the loud music. We stop at the patio overlooking the swimming pool. He smiles at me as my mouth falls open upon seeing girls half nude in the pool. He holds out his arms as if he is revealing this picture to me and asks;

"When last did you see so many titties in one place? I told you that you need to come. You are going away to college. Trust me when I say you will see this type of thing happen at every party."

I point to a specific girl in the pool and ask;

"Is that...?"

"Yes, dude. That is Clara in the pool! Ethan, I told you these parties get wild, bro. You have been missing out on some serious action around here. It is like you are seeing the sunshine for the first time, welcome my friend."

Lexi appears behind me with two glasses in her hands and says;

"Dude...where have you been? I have been looking everywhere for you."

"Sorry, Benjamin found me and decided to give me a tour. And I told you not to leave my side."

She laughs as she hands me a plastic glass and says;

"No worries, Ethan. Drink up."

"What is in it?"

Benjamin quickly says;

"Dude. Really? You got to stop asking questions and just drink it."

I take a sip and get goosebumps all over my body. I look in the glass and ask;

"Oh my god...what the hell is in this? Gasoline?"

My eye catches Clara as she gets out of the pool half-naked. She walks straight up to us brazenly. She looks right at me and asks;

"Ethan. Hey, it's nice to see you here." She takes the glass from my hand and takes a sip while looking me straight in the eye. She hands the glass back to me.

Benjamin smiles at my reaction and says;

"It's Chester High's very own valedictorian that decided to come and see what he has been missing out on for the last few years."

Clara rakes her hand through her wet scarlet red hair, pulling it all backward while asking;

"Oh, really? And do you see anything that you have been missing out on yet?"

I stand there, not knowing what to say to Clara. I thought some words came out of my mouth, but it's only sounds that are coming out;


Benjamin quickly jumps in to save my ass and says;

"I think what my friend over here is trying to say is...he is really enjoying the party so far! Isn't that right, Ethan?"

I can't take my eyes off Clara's stunning body or her naked boobs and the hard nipples staring me in my face. I reply to Benjamin's question;


Clara smiles at me, knowing that I feel uncomfortable with her half-naked body in front of me, and asks;

"Is that your final answer? Or would you like to call me later on?"

I look at Lexi as she turns around and starts walking off. Clara shrugs her shoulders and asks;

"Was it something I said?"

I try to stop Lexi and walk after her while yelling;

"Lexi, wait."

I run after Lexi. I grab her arm, pull her around to look at me and ask;

"What is wrong?"

"Really, Ethan?"

"Yes. If it has to do with Clara. Yes, it is hard to take my eyes of Clara, okay. She and I spent most of our year together studying, and now she is walking around half-naked. How am I supposed to react seeing something like that?"

Lexi looks to the ground and replies;

"I know. You did nothing wrong. Sorry for acting this way, Ethan. It is just that...you know what. Never mind."

"No, what is it?"

"It's not you, Ethan. It is Clara."

"Okay. What about Clara?"

"There was something between the two of us a while back, and honestly, I am not over her at all."

My mouth falls open as I hear the words coming out of her mouth. In total amazement, I ask her;

"You mean, you and her?"


"Two girls...doing it?"


"How far did it go?"

She stops herself from answering and looks away from me. Lexi says;

"You must see me differently now that you know the truth about me?"

"No. I am just blown away by what you said. Never in a million years did I think that you and Clara...naked and doing it...together to each other?"

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with it, and it is not a big deal, okay?"

"I never said that there is anything wrong with what you did. It is just the images that are running through my mind right now. The image of two girls...man that's...fucking hot! But I have one question for you, you are into guys as well?"

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