

"You are meeting with my immediate family tonight—We're heading out now."

" But I'm still in my pajamas."

He grabbed her wrist then the two left out of the apartment.

They arrived at the department store and once again, Kotori had to try on at least twenty different outfits.

"How long do I have to do this for?" She complained and tried to keep her posture, hiding how annoyed she it right now.

"Until I say—now try on the next one." He answered and watched her walked back into the dressing room.

"Why is this happening to me? I mean, it's more than a billion woman in the world but why I chosen. — I'm not worthy of this treatment but it's only for a short period of time, I might as well cherish it."

A dressed called out to her in the selection with a checker piece design. It's simple and work nicely with her figure.

"Come out! We're short on time." He shouted impatiently.


She walked out with the biggest smile on her face and fell in love with the dress then spoke happily and swirled around with a pose.," So, what do you think?"

"I think you don't want to know what I think otherwise it'' hurt your feelings." He answered and examined the piece one more time.

"I can't appease my parents with a woman that had no sense of fashion." He thought then handed her his next selection that was better." Change now, we're on the clock."

That when he notices the change in her demeanor." Remember—You are here because of the contract and can fantasize all you want but right now in this very moment, you listen to me."


He's right

She sat down in her undergarments and checked the price of the dress then nearly choked as her eyes widen." Fifty thousand. Only in my dreams—Well maybe when the contract is over. Right now, I'm working to pay back Kyosuke kindness."

"Come on out, Kotori!" He called.

She walked out in stilettos, and it went well with the elegant slit in her paillette dress revealing her bare shoulders. It made her feel uncomfortable that her skin was out in the open as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. The heels were painful, but she needed more practice

She barely recognized the woman in front of her with makeup on. She touched her cheek and felt like she was a completely different person. The thought of her family made everything bearable.

Kyosuke claps his hand slowly," You look absolutely shunning."

It was a little embarrassing that caused her to feel flustered," That's the first time a guy complimented me, and it feels sort of good."

He opened the car door for her.


She rehearsed in the backseat with him then when the vehicle the two got out of the car.

"Now lock your arm with him." He instructed her and stood firm giving her guidance.

He entwined her arm with his," Like this."

The two stepped forwards to the fancy and luxurious mansion. She looked around nervously as her heart raced then she took a deep breath trying to remain calm, but she was overwhelmed with emotions.


Beautiful flowers were displayed in front of the house. There was a parking lot used for guest

"Welcome back." The servants greeted the two.

The inside was even more amazing – The floors were made from porcelain, a variety of hard brittle and heat resistant like earthenware or brick.

The first floor itself had three bedrooms and a bathroom, one living room, a family room, etc. There was a lot of furniture with fancy lamps hanging on the ceiling in every room.

She noticed the stairs leading upstairs but nobody was allowed there. —Rumor has it that the second floor is even bigger and has a balcony.

"Young master has arrived with a guest." The butler informed the main family.

"A guest? – Don't he mean Amelia?" They questioned at the table in confusion.

After the long-anticipated wait, the two entered the room. The look on everyone's face was shocked that it wasn't Amelia but a much younger woman.

Kyosuke found the expression on everyone's faces humorous then he pulled her close and grabbed her waist as he spoke," This is my legal wife, Kotori Nakamura."

"I thought there was a no-touching rule. "She felt uncomfortable and looked around to the person in front of them," I guess I can allow it." She thoughted to herself and smile nicely as they practice.

The people at the table whispered indistinctively to one another in disapproval.

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