
Steins; Gate related fan fiction and Thoughts

I've noticed a fatal lack of fan fiction revolving around Steins;Gate for how popular the series is, and the crossover fan fictions are even worse off. Really, any source of abundance in fan fiction that is Steins;Gate related, whether it be a really long one or a large quantity of them, would be better than what we currently have. Now, I understand that the lack of fan fiction may stem from the fact that Steins;Gate doesn't really have much to elaborate on or change in regards to what happens, and because it is already a good enough anime without that elaboration, but fan fiction, especially crossovers, do have the potential to elaborate despite it requiring more out-of-the-box style thinking. A reaction fan fiction, for example, would do wonders for the Steins;Gate fan fiction community, though I know that the movie already goes into it a little. Other than that example, however, there are so many more options than just that. It astounds me how little there is in the community, or how Steins; Gate fans will always say the series is great but never focus on it for too long. It's always a passing thought, or put on a pedestal to not be touched, and I feel as though much more can be grasped out of the series than just what the creator gave us.

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