
An oasis

"What did you do?" demanded Leon, his voice conveying authority as he sat upright on the bathtub, his wrist firmly gripping the edges of the tub.

However, the person he was speaking to didn't seem to be paying attention. Her eyes were tangled on the dangling thing in between his legs that moved like a town bell, alarming her.

She looked at him with a confused expression, not completely able to tell if it was what she was thinking or not.

"Is that-" her words trailed as some sort of realization hit her and her eyes widened. As if the moment of embarrassment was passed on to her, her face flushed, and that was when she noticed the king, too, seemed to be ashamed.

Feeling even more embarrassed now that Melina knew what she had just touched, Leon shouted, "Leave. Get out of my room now!" His annoyance was so abrupt that Melina jumped at his shout.

Before he could lash out at her again, she got up from her bending position. Dropping the sponge, she ran out of the bathroom with her hands still soapy and wet as well as making sure she closed the door behind her.

Entering the room, Melina stood there confused about whether she should leave like he said or if she should stay and apologize.

She paced in the room confusingly not wanting to get on Ms Carlos' bad books again. If the head maid found out she had messed up serving not just any elite but the king, she couldn't imagine what would happen.

Leon, on the other side, stayed inside trying to calm himself. He gripped his groin that refused to go down, his face flushing now and then as he couldn't believe that he had not only gone hard for this servant girl but he had also done it in front of her and to make matters worse, she had firmly grabbed hold of his groin with such innocence.

It was too much to take in all at once, and he waited to hear her leave the room completely before coming out, but she appeared to still be inside as he could hear her footsteps pacing.

He washed himself as quickly as he could, then covered his body waist down with a towel she had brought out earlier.

"Your Highness?" He heard her timid voice call with nervousness.

He didn't answer and turned the doorknob open only to meet her standing straight with her hair ruffled and her hands behind her back with guilt written on her small face.

Immediately she sighted him; she bowed deeply, "I-I am very sorry, Your Highness. P-please forgive me, I didn't-"

"Stop." He uttered and she looked up at him in fear.

Leon tried to give her an impression that he wasn't a little bit embarrassed about what had taken place and went to sit on his chair like nothing happened.

"Get back to your work." He said in a commanding tone, and Melina, who was caught off guard, not expecting him to suddenly act dismissive, took a brief moment to recover before speedily doing as she was told.

She walked over to the dresser, picking up the towel that lay there and using it to dry Leon's hair.

From the mirror, she could see the young king subtly glaring at her and she flinched whenever she noticed it.

Did that mean that it had been his manhood she had held?

Oh my God.

She closed her eyes frustratingly, the shame of her action biting her like a deadly parasite. She had held the King's private part in such a disorderly manner. She was lucky he had not dropped her head already on a platter because of her silly act.

"When are you going to be done drying my hair?" Leon's husky voice brought her back to reality, and she realized she had zoned out a bit.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness." She bit her lip and picked the comb up after dropping the towel.

"Be quick," Leon told her sternly and she nodded obediently. However, deep down, even Leon was feeling awkward looking at her.

He remembered the confidence with which she had grabbed his groin shamelessly and he couldn't help but laugh inwardly.

Even if he tried to deny it, he was aware that he had liked it. And maybe even a little too much.

As she combed his hair, he went back to staring at her again and this time, he caught her peaking at him, her face red the whole time.

Was she blushing out of embarrassment or shyness? It made him wonder. But funnily, he was aware he had the answer to that question. She obviously couldn't be blushing because she liked it.

Melina tried to get over herself and act normal but her body kept failing her.

She took the Jasmine oil that she had collected for the king.

Pouring it on her palm, she slowly rubbed it on his scalp, massaging his hair with utmost care and meticulousness.

Telling from his expression, the way his shoulders relaxed and eased, Melina knew he was enjoying it. It encouraged her to go on and she took more of her time to ease his tension.

Somewhere in the lines, she remembered what the dragon had told her concerning him and the kingdom and her proud facade lightly faltered.

She decided to leave such matters till it was time for their commencement as she was not sure what she was going to do to save her kingdom either.

When she was done, she cleared her throat loudly to draw Leon's attention. "Y-your Highness, I'm done with your hair," she politely uttered.

Leon felt the urge to dismiss her and let her go but somewhere deep in him, his dark and silly side craved for her to massage his body like she did his hair and this time, he let his instinct win.

"Go on," he said, startling her.


Leon looked at her from the mirror. Picking the jasmine oil, he led her by hand to his king-sized bed.

Even though he was aware of how shameless what he was currently doing was, he somehow didn't care. It was almost as if he was being mind-controlled by a powerful witch and he couldn't deny that the witch in question was himself.

His desires were finally controlling him and he was letting it. For once, he was being selfish.

"I want my body rubbed as well," he told her as he passed the oil to her and carefully lay comfortably on his bed, only that this time, he laid on his chest, his back facing her because he didn't want to get caught off guard again like earlier.

With what he was thinking of now, he knew it wouldn't be too long before he went hard again.

Melina was surprised as well as scared. It was a mixed emotion as she didn't think the king would even want to speak to her again after the horrible behaviour she had in the bathroom.

Nevertheless, she agreed with a bow and poured the oil again on her hand, subtly rubbing it before using it on her smooth back.

His fair skin brightened as she took her time to massage every inch of his muscular back.

As she continued, her eyes went to his lower waist region and flashbacks of what happened earlier crashed her head again.

She moved her hand to that part of his body and gave a gentle push with her thumbs to that area repeatedly. She could hear the low moans of relief that parted his lips as he lay and somewhere, she was satisfied that she had finally managed to please an elite for once.

Suddenly, Leon turned around to face her, "You can leave. I'd do the rest myself," he told her to see her nod and clear his home a bit, draining the water in the bathtub and making sure everywhere was neat before she ran out of the room.

Even though she had been embarrassed, at least she had achieved something today.

Meanwhile, Leon had gone back to his bathroom after the redhead had left. He was slightly panting from repeated attempts to calm himself after that woman had thrown him off guard.

It was the best decision to send her out before he got out of control as it wouldn't be wise to make a rule for people to follow and then break it yourself.

By the time he was done, he went to dress up, wearing a light tunic as he had no plan to train and just wanted to wait till evening before they sent their army matching for the war.

As he lay on his bed, he found it hard to sleep like something was holding him back. It was a kind of subconscious he couldn't explain like something would go wrong, and little did he know that he was very correct.

Standing up from his bed, he went to his balcony to watch his surrounding.

He had barely stayed up to ten seconds when he noticed something and his eyes widened.

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