

pretty interesting those changes huh makes me wonder what else is different ,Orochimaru huh I suppose he isn't so cold as in the original and that guy has two bloodline limits and even teaches one to Orochimaru...

so i guess bloodline limits can be learned?¿ made ?¿ whatever it's called.

i definitely have to get atleast one now .

from what I remember Hinata-chan has the same affinities as me bar the exception of having Yang while i have ying so theoretically we can develop the same elemental bloodline limits.

also since Sakumo-San is alive does that mean kakashi isn't as depressed as in the OG? perhaps he's not addicted to porn now .

"time to sleep already" neji

oh it's time to sleep already?

" good night Hinata-chan"

"um good night Sasuke-kun" Hinata

" what about me Sasuke-kun?" ino

" good night every one"

"ZZZZ" Shikamaru

" nom ñom good night ñom " choji

" aww come on let's play some more * yawn* " kiba

" that's right datteba*yawn*yo zzz" Naruto

" hey don't forget me Sasuke-kun" ino


" *sigh *good night Sasuke-kun" ino

"grr *yawn*" Bernard

"grr * yawn *"akamaru

" good night akamaru, Bernard *yawn * zzzzzzzz " kiba



"pretty energetic those kids...

except the Nara...." Uchiha jounin

"umu * nods proudly* " Nara jounin

"* munch munch nods * that's right" Akimichi jounin

" she already has a crush on the Uchiha kid...."Yamanaka jounin

" guess the Uchiha kid can act like a normal kid..." Hyuuga jounin

" hey what's that supposed to mean?! " Uchiha jounin

"he acted like an experienced womanizer when he was giving those gifts... " Nara jounin

" * munch nods munch * true" Akimichi jounin

"and he made it look natural..." Yamanaka jounin

" tsk trying to steal Hinata-oujo-sama.... tsk" Hyuuga jounin

" it was totally an innocent action of our Sasuke-otoukun ! how can you suspect such a pure child?!?" Uchiha jounin

* deadpan face* everyone else

"hmmm? what's with that look ?!?" Uchiha jounin



"Soo ..... now what..."

"how was I supposed to know that the strict and stuck up Hyuugas would organize a kids sleepover for the clan heirs to play with their heir?"

" true their clanhead is supposed to be borderline antisocial..."

"didn't you see it was the clanhead's wife that had the idea "

" yeah and what's up with that Uchiha kid he's got some smooth skills or you think it was planned? "

" not sure he acted pretty normal to me"

" if it ain't planned he's going to be one hell of a womanizer when he grows up..."

"or it could be all staged by the clans to have an excuse to help each other and amass political power"

" crap that's right!!"

" they. really catch one off guard "

" how much do these people scheme at each other? i mean their more schemes in this village aimed at the other clans other than their own than what other villages scheme at the leaf. right?"

"yeah they even gave us an escape route to run away with the girl "

"3 actually...."

" yeah a messenger from one even offered a deal to kill some Hyuugas in the process....."

" yup one also offered to buy any bodies we can get..."

" fuck compared to us who only wanted to kidnap the little girl these guys are horrible..wait why are we talking about our plan?....."

" yeah we shouldn't be talking about this at all .... crap!!!"

" it's a genjutsu dispell this shit and escape!!!"

" fuck!!!"

* shuriken sounds*

"argh my leg!!"

"crap *earth release: mole tunneling jutsu*!!!!"

*earth release: earth dragon bullets !!!× 5*

*wind release :great breakthrough× 4*

* thud*

" shit these bastards since when did they find out! if it was the previous hokage we could use this as an excuse to pressure them with a threat of war."

* vacuum sword*

* thud head falls off*

* static electricity*

" crap it's a lightning clone when did he escape!?"

" must have been since the beginning he let him teammates fall for it so he could escape!"

" bastard!"

" don't worry those crazy Uchihas have a blockade outside the village perimeters..."

"huh aren't they in charge of the inner security?"

" dude don't you know? "

" know what ?"

" those crazy Uchihas are hyped up right now since patriarch Fugaku's son Sasuke has a crush on Hinata the Hyuuga's heiress..... since that kid is really loved by his clansmen so their fuming with anger that they could have made him cry or something there batshit crazy i tell ya"

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