
23. Petegrew got caught, End of the Year and Summer

So apparently i forgot about something Sirius Black, that guy still in Azkaban… oops

So yeah i wasn't worried because tbh the wards should tell all the teachers about animagus that enter the castle and detect ill thoughts

So either petegrew is crazy enough to believe himself as a Rat and have never had ill thoughts against the students or more probably he has something that help him hide himself from wards and like a perception filter because i never even thought about him he was just insignificant to the plot.

the only reason i remembered him was because i was thinking in plot points secrets that would let me get better like a training room or secrets of the castle etc… and that made me think of the marauders map and that made me think of Sirius Black and that made me think of the third book and when i asked myself, why did he escape? I think i broke the spell and remembered Petegrew…

So yeah i literally got creeped out and stunned a rat (then made a very convincing transfiguration that replace it in Ron's bed, put it in a transfigurated cage and spelled to be unbreakable then i went to Hedwig (which i probably should have expected from Harry but apparently he was so lonely in the summer that he transformed Hedwig into our race, well at least she does love Harry so now we have an ageless familiar) then i wrote a quick letter to Amelia Bones where i apparently was testing the animagus checking spell (which is newt level) and i got creeped out because i got a positive out of this rat, with the cage with the rat with it…

Ergo 2 weeks before getting out of classes the Newspaper had a story about Sirius Black the Godfather that never had a trial bla bla bla…

This kinda went on for a while and Sirius started writing to Harry, and asked if he could go libe with Him (to which he obviously said yes)

Then Exams again and we got out there nothing much, i can do in a school so I'm waiting and making loyal subjects that want my advice

House Black is ridiculous literally the wards are Dark enough that only putting one without resistance to corruption of Dark Magic would make you insane, and it's a shame because in the history of Blacks they were very good researchers of Dark Magic thanks to their affinity and resistance to corruption so they created a lot of it and a lot more counter to it Sirius and Regulus were probably the lucky one that weren't affected by the madness that required a cleansing ritual, or maybe regulus did the cleansing ritual because being a death Eater means that he doesn't care about the law and wanted to know why his ancestors were so positive about using them

When i found the rituals, the history of it and what happened to the house without them i showed it to Sirius, ant i was surprised because the first thing that he thought about doing is actually getting Bellatrix free and force her to go through it…

Which to be honest is either a great idea or a stupid one, but imagine what having Bellatrix Black as part of my empire with her on as a researcher of the Dark arts

He will try to put all that nonsense Pureblood bigotry to use and try to make rituals in Britain legal again, he took the books with him as well and visited his other cousin not in jail… Narcissa

Where apparently thought the same thing like if a Bellatrix that was a kid was totally different that when she was an adult because of the madness or something

At that was my summer… boring i cant wait to make meetings of the Dragon peerage in the Room of requirements next year

(Short chapter cause i was bored and I'm not sure what to do next except maybe time skip till i have mc ready to go to another verse, should i do that or more chapters of slice of life?)

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