
Changes to the system

"What?!" the pathfinder jumped up the second I let out my shout. His movements were quick and precise. In less than a second, he was bending his knees, holding the handle of the sword on his belt, and scanning the surroundings with a focused look. 

"Ah," I muttered, slightly panicked by what I did. 

How the fuck I was supposed to explain what alerted me like that? 

"I... I'm sorry." I couldn't come up with anything on the go. Just apologizing would give me a tiny bit more time to think. "I... I just realized something bad," I added, trying to be as ambiguous as possible. 

"..." the man threw me a furious look. He then took closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As he released the air back out, his body slowly relaxed, his posture straightened. "If you are that jumpy about your memories, I can't see you lasting as a contractor for long," he commented before sitting down by the fireplace. 

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