
Team SB Part 5

After several seconds without feeling anything other than a slow heartbeat, Benny gave up and reached over to the non-aged demon. Unlike previously, the instant he focused, he noticed a swirling heat from within the creature's chest and scrunched up his face in thought.

"Haiz, so the old demon's Codex has either been entirely powered down, or all its Mana was drained. Unfortunately, without one of the brothers present, I have no way of figuring out the specifics. Still, I can say without a doubt that the old-looking one is utterly devoid of any Mana particles in its body." Benny stated as he reached over to the old demon, grasped its head, twisted forcefully, and broke its neck, ruthlessly killing it. 

|You have successfully Killed a Level 20, Peak Tier-1 Virtual Begraz Demonoid.|

          |You have received 5 Obelisk Kill Points.| 

          |You have received one KCP (Kill Counter Point).|

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