
Creating Soldiers


The purple haired vampire who noticed it immediately backed away from Brayden and immediately parried the sword that was shooting at him, but the force of the sword throwing was so strong that it pierced Rufus' arm.

Seeing the weapon that attacked his enemy was Major Dexter's sword, Brayden immediately stared at the black flames that were smoldering. "Major Dexter, what do you mean throw your sword?!"

"Brayden! Run now... Don't waste this opportunity! We've lost badly!" A voice from inside the fire gave him orders.

"How could I do-" He couldn't accept the defeat, and tried to find a way to beat the vampires.

"Don't argue! This is my last order... You're my only hope." Major Dexter's normally excited voice suddenly turned languid.

"M-major..." Brayden was surprised when the fire was extinguished and saw that his boss had serious burns and a sword pierced his chest.

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