
Imperfect Product


Cao Yujin's voice echoed loudly inside the room, astounding the others, who never knew she could raise her voice to this volume. 

"You're only saying that because you don't want to force Song Yu Han." Everyone knew that Old Patriarch Song has been biased and lenient towards his grandson. Cao Yujin thought that he was only refusing their union because he didn't want to force Song Yu Han. 

Song Yichen frowned. He shook his head in dismay and said, "Miss Cao shouldn't accuse me of lying. Getting the Cao and the Song family united is also one of my greatest desires. Unfortunately, there really is no way out of it, as my grandson is already married." 

"Lies. I don't believe you! How can Han-ge be married? Why don't I know about it? Why was it not announced?" Cao Yujin still refused to believe that the man she vied for so long is no longer available for her picking. 

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